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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18806004 No.18806004 [Reply] [Original]

Why is sugar so dangerously addictive? It's more addictive than cocaine. It seems like that is something the corporations could exploit against the consumers.

>> No.18806007

Because it tastes good. People like it.

>> No.18806012

>cats on the counter
Why are toxofags like this?

>> No.18806017

lot of immediate energy supply, it's really great when you hunt mammoths all day so we are wired to like it

>> No.18806050

Because your brain consumes something like 5.6 mg of glucose per 100 g human brain tissue per minute. Its a greedy organ and 20% of what you eat goes to keeping it happy. So it always wants more.

>> No.18806062

what a fuckin waste

>> No.18806063

average male brain weights 1336 grams
that's 75 mg of glucose per minute
that's 108 grams of glucose per day

>> No.18806075
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>when your brain decides he needs more glucose he just gets it
>you cannot stop him because there is no (You)

>> No.18806083
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Eat up slave.

>> No.18806183

You don't need to consume exogenous sugar to feed your brain. Any sugar the brain needs is produced by the body. The dietary requirement for sugar in the human diet is precisely zero.

>> No.18806189

>average male brain
What if they dont identify as male? Does it use less?

>> No.18806200

>It seems like that is something the corporations could exploit against the consumers.
Gee, thank goodness they havent done anything like that yet.

>> No.18806210

>Why is sugar so dangerously addictive?


>> No.18806216

>It's more addictive than cocaine.
No. No it isn't.

>> No.18806221
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Only a tiny fraction of humans ever really "hunted mammoths all day" thoughever.

>> No.18806229

this shit me bruh XD

>> No.18806232

Yes it is. it is the one substance that a person can consume and you will not have a revulsion response to it. that is why people can drink 4 to 6 litres of sugar drinks a day.

try eating anything in massive quantities and your brain will tell you it doesn't want any more after a certain amount.

sugar does not invoke that response.

>> No.18806247

They should call it Roundtine

>> No.18806249
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It's as close as you can get to pure energy for your body. It's like mana for an elf. Once you've had it, nothing else satisfies. A billion years of evolution, never before have we had too much, so our mechanisms for handling constant excess are rudimentary and easily breakdown.

>> No.18806252

What in the absolute fuck are you talking about? You don't know anything about anything.

>> No.18806256

>What if they dont identify as male? Does it use less?
Yes, it kills itself

>> No.18806292

I replaced a meal with sugar cubes once as a child and I sure as hell felt like shit once I came crashing down

>> No.18806484

Yes, but producing your own glucose or ketones comes at a biological cost. So it's pretty obvious why an efficiency-seeking body would be programmed to crave a shortcut there.

>> No.18806510

Sugar does when you eat it as it is found naturally, paired with fiber and water.
Sugar, fructose in particular, in and of itself provides no satiation signals. That's pretty much a known fact. A glass of whole milk might have more calories than a glass of coke, but it will also make you not want to keep drinking. A glass of alcohol might be comparable but it gets you drunk if you drink too much which eventually shuts you off. Fructose doesn't do either of those.

It's part of why diseases that used to be stuff we saw only among old alcoholics (fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, type 2 diabetes) are now increasingly common among young people. The body handles fructose pretty similarly to how it handles alcohol. Cells can't burn it directly like they can with glucose, so it sends it all to the liver. The liver can't deal with too much at once so whatever it can't process into energy gets converted to visceral fat.

Sugar consumption has actually been in decline for the past few decades though. Really the issue is frankenfoods in general, the ungodly mixes of sugar, seed oils, grains and artificial colors and flavors designed to get people to eat too much while also providing no real nutrition, just cheap energy.

>> No.18806550

Because it fuels basically all metabolic function in our bodies.

>> No.18806583

anal parasites, not joking
if you eat too much sugar they will survive while others die then when you stop they signal your brain for you to keep feeding them

>> No.18806597

>Sugar, fructose in particular...
Thank you, I could not have said it better.
exactly what research shows.

>> No.18806615

>at a biological cost
At an energy cost since the process of gluconeogenesis is not efficient, which is good, because you want your BMR to go up, not down. There is no "cost" in terms of health problems or longevity. In fact, by avoiding the consumption of exogenous sugar, you avoid the problem of glycation which is a huge health concern.

>> No.18806679

>biological cost
like what?

>> No.18806719

Awful thread

>> No.18806749

Not him, but:

>Background: High-protein diets have been shown to increase energy expenditure (EE).

>Objective: The objective was to study whether a high-protein, carbohydrate-free diet (H diet) increases gluconeogenesis and whether this can explain the increase in EE.

>Design: Ten healthy men with a mean (+/-SEM) body mass index (in kg/m(2)) of 23.0 +/- 0.8 and age of 23 +/- 1 y received an isoenergetic H diet (H condition; 30%, 0%, and 70% of energy from protein, carbohydrate, and fat, respectively)

>or a normal-protein diet (N condition; 12%, 55%, and 33% of energy from protein, carbohydrate, and fat, respectively)

>EE (resting metabolic rate) was greater in the H condition than in the N condition

>The increase in EE was a function of the increase in gluconeogenesis

>Conclusions: Forty-two percent of the increase in energy expenditure after the H diet was explained by the increase in gluconeogenesis.

>The cost of gluconeogenesis was 33% of the energy content of the produced glucose.

Basically: you need shitloads of energy to produce glucose from other substrates. And that's a good thing.

>> No.18806758


>> No.18806814

Yes I understand that, but I am just saying, this is why we think carbs taste good. Because in a scarcity situation, carbs are good, they are a shortcut to get energy more efficiently. Which becomes a problem when food is not scarce.

>> No.18806827

I can't read "EE", "H diet" "+/-SEM" garbage. Nor am I willing to. Express yourself properly or kindly shut the fuck up.

>> No.18807023

EE = energy expenditure

H diet - keto with 30% protein and 70% fat and 0% carbs macro distribution by calories.

The important part: on keto gluconeogenesis produces glucose at an energy cost of 33% from all of the energy supplied by the produced glucose. This in turn drives your body's total energy expenditure up and increases your basal metabolic rate.

>> No.18807065

it provides instantly what our cells need the most

>> No.18807072

kill yourself
this, our reward mechanisms are still adapted to a hunter/gatherer life

>> No.18807080

the toxo makes them dislike hygiene

>> No.18807083


>> No.18807090 [DELETED] 

That's why I buy Brawndo.

>> No.18807097

just eat bananas and dates, fatties

>> No.18807227


>> No.18807306
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Yeah fuck brains, I had mine surgically removed that greedy bastard

>> No.18807331

I don't even crave sugar wtf is wrong with you coping fats
Imagine being a sweetcel and not a savorymaxxing flavorchad

>> No.18807338

Now you understand why americans pump sugar into everything.

>> No.18807345

Talk normal

>> No.18807350

>sugar is more addictive than cocaine
I call complete bullshit on this and if that's the case then coke addicts were actually fucking hopeless anyway.

>> No.18807381

Not to go offtopic but if sugar to us is like mana to elves, can elves get elven-diabetes? The idea of people eating too much mana like sugar is just really funny to me.

>> No.18807638

just like you sucked a diick (once).

>> No.18807689

>Source: I pulled it out of my ass

>> No.18807705

are people really this fucking retarded? sugar is not as addictive as cocaine. Hell, sugar isn't even bad for you unless you have diabetes. It's literally fucking carbs.

>> No.18807722

the only drawback to cocaine is it makes you want more cocaine

>> No.18807770
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>our brains are invasive parasitic organisms that came from outer space and took over all sentient life on earth forcing us to be their eternal transportation slaves

>> No.18807796

There's been plenty of scientific studies done on the subject. It lights up the same brain paths and the brain sends out the same signals compelling you for more.

>> No.18807803

Only if they take injections into their lower mouth.

>> No.18808371

Sorry but I no longer trust the science anymore.

>> No.18808694
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very interesting concept haha

>> No.18808769

based braintruther.

>> No.18808811

I will go salt over sugar any day idg the sugar meme... Been loke this my whole life.

>> No.18808930

I dunno I can eat a cookie on sunday and not let it define my personality for the rest of the week maybe you can try that?

>> No.18809391
File: 314 KB, 350x350, 1605518339740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should eat 2

>> No.18809393

The nazis don't want you to know it's a good for you

>> No.18809423

>It lights up the same brain paths and the brain sends out the same signals compelling you for more
it's pretty reductive to put it in that manner as they share a effect but cocaine also does whole lot more and to a different degree

>> No.18809439

pufa -> endocannabinoids -> munchies, just like cannabis

>> No.18809472
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1281, 1673698621524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, your brain only exists in the vacuum of space. It has spontaneously formed in the void, complete with the memories of your life, of reading this post, of existing in the universe, because in the scale of the universe there was a non-zero chance of this happening. It only formed for a fraction of a millisecond, but to you it feels like a lifetime, because it contained the memory of your lifetime.
That's all there ever was and that's all three ever will be.

>> No.18809684

>Why is sugar so dangerously addictive?
it's not.
you just never grew up.

>> No.18809686

it doesn't use any.

>> No.18809689

>sugar does not invoke that response
anon, i get that response after 1 bite of cake.
sugar is just gross after a little bit.
i'm sorry you never grew up.

and all you fucking idiots itt thinking that sugar is "pure energy", no.
protein is because burning carbs cost more than you get from them.
it's why sugar is empty calories.

>> No.18809719
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>/an/ dogfags still seething in 2023
The gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.18809727
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Based Boltzmann poster.

>> No.18809969

108g of glucose equals a whole cup of table sugar

>> No.18809988

It's the main input to fueling our bodies, all our food is either to provide materials for gluconogenesis or other minerals and nutrients, therfore naturally occuring glucose, nectar and honey, are the most efficient food sources in nature, only thing better would be a bioavalible ATP solution, imagine how fucking good that would taste

>> No.18810001

look at that cheeky brat grin. fuckin spot on ai-chan

>> No.18811762

I really love this concept, it really fucks with my brain (see what I did here?) and perception of reality

>> No.18812110

this. those energy gels you see in sports stores are just the simplest of sugars, meant to be digested as quickly as possible. if you're distance racing, summiting or any other activity that requires lots of energy and where you have to carry everything on you, sugar packets or gummy bears work just as well and are cheaper.

>> No.18812488

>Why is sugar so dangerously addictive

Because it is so relatively rarely found in nature and is a huge calorie store so we evolved to love that shit, only problem is that we won the genetic lottery and discover fire and managed to leap frog our evolutionary advancement by like a million years. Fast forward to us min/maxing sugar shit and speedrunning that shit to where it fucks us up when the body metabolism we're using is like 5 versions behind where we currently should be at lmao

>> No.18812746

if any other foodstuff were half as dangerous as sugar, it would be banned