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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 223 KB, 871x663, 1654111897729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18806073 No.18806073 [Reply] [Original]

uh, gas bros?

>> No.18806093

They're trying to phase them out because they're giving young children respiratory issues and phasing them out when they're building new houses in the US. This is big gas trying to keep up demands in the home.

>> No.18806095

It’s dated June 2020

>> No.18806100

Electric stoves are shit, cope

>> No.18806103
File: 630 KB, 741x917, 1673520803452864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you and your "they" go shove a frozen mackerel up your ass.

>> No.18806117

>"stop shilling gas stoves!!!"
>shills for banning gas stoves (now a political agenda)
Why do leftists always project?

>> No.18806154

This is just observing that much of instagram is paid advertising. I don't use it much at all and still managed to get free press passes and random merch from a snack company once.
This is just a weird thing trying to paint normal advertising as insidious.

>> No.18806172


>> No.18806375

On Instagram? Heh, OK. Maybe they should canvass Myspace while they're at it.

>> No.18806816
File: 7 KB, 197x255, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's a list of things we, the government, and ultra rich globalists want banned.
>And If you disagree you're a SHILL!

>> No.18806847

Stop spamming this retarded right wing fear mongering garbage. Nobody is coming for your stove.

>> No.18806848

I don’t really see a problem with this. Gas stoves are a necessary part of every day living. If we need to pay some vapid whores to help us get the point across, then so be it.

>> No.18806860


>> No.18806861

Zoomer detected. Nobody cares about your Chink data miner app with 5 second spaztard videos.

>> No.18806880

Nobody on the left is even talking about this. It's a boogeyman completely made up by Fox News to continue to scare their audience and distract them from anything real. The right does absolutely nothing to benefit their constituents so they have to pump out a constant stream of bullshit for people to get scared of and mad about while they're being fleeced. Actually reposting this kind of garbage is the definition of being a useful idiot.

>> No.18806894

It's literally the only thing every subhuman who's part of the leftist hivemind has been talking about for days.

>> No.18806905

dont care, not american, over 90% of my country still cooking with gas

>> No.18806927

>they're giving young children respiratory issues
Coal makes up 30% of U.S. Electricity production. The increase in demand, and increase in coal, has far greater air quality consequences than a gas stove.
The fact globo can push this on such abserd arguments is a sobering realization that many people are just completely fucking gone. Void of any critical thought.

>> No.18806936

Don't care, keeping my coal stove.

>> No.18806951

They're not burning the coal inside your house. Don't they teach debating in school anymore? You can't rebut a point by addressing issues th aren't connected to that point.

>> No.18806962

Children aren't huffing natural gas you fucking tard

>> No.18806970

No, they're breathing the air in which the gas was burned.

>> No.18806971

This niggas literally just throw a dart at a board to find what they need to be upset at this week.
No one gave a shit about gas stoves a week ago.

>> No.18806973

Accuse your enemy of doing what you're doing

>> No.18806977
File: 2.46 MB, 640x360, modern journalism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18806989

>No one gave a shit about gas stoves a week ago.
What kind of fucked up logic is this? It's a common household item. Roughly 40% of the US uses them.
No shit people are going to get upset.

>> No.18806993

it was 1 (ONE) study from fucking Consumer Reports.
You don't make wide sweeping public policy decisions that effects a gigantic industry based on 1 report.

>> No.18806998


You'll never guess what happens to the coal that gets burned.

>> No.18807002

>You don't make wide sweeping public policy decisions that effects a gigantic industry based on 1 report.
Remember that time plastic straws got banned because some sea turtle got one stuck in it's nose?

>> No.18807010
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commiefornians aren't human and should be shot on sight

>> No.18807012

So cute that you actually believe it was the real reason. It's always about the money. Literally always.

>> No.18807017

Oh, so the reports don't matter now.
It's just the money.
Make up your damn minds.

>> No.18807021


Remember when all of Europe had to throw its doors and legs open to hordes of Africans because a Syrian boy drowned in Turkey and they played around with his corpse to get a more dramatic photo?

>> No.18807029

>This niggas literally just throw a dart at a board to find what they need to be upset at this week.
You'll notice it's a lot less random when you understand that the only thing that leftists care about is advancing totalitarian control of the populace.
Anything that makes you more dependent on the state, less able to act independently, and in general makes you less able mentally, physically, and morally able to fight back is something that leftists will push using whatever excuse they can come up with, no matter how retarded their reasoning.

>> No.18807030 [DELETED] 

You're the one stuck in a hivemind, dude. You consume nothing but far right propaganda media and they wont shut up about how the left is obsessing over gas stoves. It's literally not happening, and the only one's talking about it are people on the right. It's the same shit as CRT, open boarders, eating the bugs, and tranny groomers or whatever it is this week. You get mad that these scary leftists wont stop shoving this shit down your throat, when in reality the only people talking about it are your Tuckers and Alex Jones's, or whatever meme tiktok influencer chuds are following these days.

>> No.18807037

I literally had a liberal friend bring up to me today that she owns a gas stove, but that it they said they were banned, she'd be the first to get rid of hers. She was proud of that.
I wish it was as isolated as you say it is. But it seriously isn't.

>> No.18807042

The gases get piped directly into the households of families? It's obviously a question of concentration. You're awful at arguing.

>> No.18807044

>You consume nothing but far right propaganda media
I don't even watch television.
I only know about this because subhuman leftists haven't been able to shut the fuck up about it as soon as the psyop dropped.
There is no "no u" here.
> It's the same shit as CRT, open boarders, eating the bugs, and tranny groomers or whatever it is this week.
I will not allow marxist propaganda in my schools.
I will not tolerate the illegal aliens.
I will not eat the bugs.
And I will not suffer the tranny groomers to live.
Everything you support is insanely and indefensibly evil, and the world would be a much better place if we didn't have to waste so much time cleaning up after your latest degenerate subversion of western society.

>> No.18807045


Thought you cared about the air quality, for the children?

>> No.18807056

That was my first post. Anonymous isn't a username dipshit.

>> No.18807060

>the left doesn't actually talk about or care about any of these right wing strawmen
You've drank the kool-aid, anon. I'm afraid it's too late for you. You been irrevocably mind broken and will likely live out the rest of your miserable life as a shell of a man, hiding under your bed and shouting at the sky.

>> No.18807069

I was plural for a reason.
Next time you post, maybe you should respond to the right anon. >>18806993 is the one you should be arguing with, "dipshit".

>> No.18807081

I'm not >>18806093 and don't know enough about the issue to have a firm opinion. I'm only trying to help you improve the quality of your posts, and that help ends now. You've just proven yourself completely useless, and as incapable of critical thought as you accuse others of being.

>> No.18807086
File: 259 KB, 1433x1249, five stages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These reruns are getting boring.

>> No.18807089

Oh boy can't see what the latest American culture war bullshit is next time. Who thought the retards would ever be fighting over stoves?

>> No.18807088

I did reply to the correct post dipshit

>> No.18807101

Oh shit! Is that a twitter screencap? Fuck, I guess I was wrong about everything. Can't argue with a twitter screencap.

>> No.18807103

Gaslighting isn't very effective when you're a crossdressing communist who thinks they're the opposite sex, that apparently skipped every single page of Rules for Radicals beyond "accuse your enemy of what you're guilty of".

>> No.18807108

This is a board about cooking anon

>> No.18807111

Then congratulations. You're both idiots.
This discussion is retarded.

>> No.18807112

>"accuse your enemy of what you're guilty of"
Pretty sure that's from The Art of the Deal. I've never read it, but I assume it must be chapter 1 because that's like 90% of Trump's moves, and now the right is just aping him like a bunch of retards.

>> No.18807118

I know, that’s why it should be a bannable offence to use commie propaganda to try and ragebait off-topic discussions

>> No.18807128

>"accuse your enemy of what you're guilty of".
>Pretty sure that's from The Art of the Deal.
lt's already been established that's the only page of Rules for Radicals you read, and the only tactic you know. Nobody was asking for yet another demonstration.

>> No.18807130

maybe it's because i've always had quality cookware, but i've never had issues with rentoid coils or induction stoves. Only those 2000s resistive glass tops have been problematic. It seems like a lot of people think those are induction. Gas is usually slower due to the vastly less efficient interface, and the only thing I've seen it do better is the single party trick of roasting red peppers, which are often cheaper to just buy in a jar, and easy enough to do in an oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food

>> No.18807138

It's actually a communist propaganda technique and works especially well when the lie is so obvious it makes the reader question wtf is going on while having to accept it. Weakens people mentally.

>> No.18807140

>just look away chud, it's not actually happening anyway but it'd be great if it did

>> No.18807141
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>> No.18807163


Why do you not care about the air quality for children? Are you a chud?

>> No.18807174

Plastic straws should be banned, but the turtles aren't why.

>> No.18807178

The burner pays the toll

>> No.18807304

>just look away chud, it's not actually happening
Name 1 (one) time something the right was losing their minds over for 2 weeks actually happened. Did they come to take your guns after bump stocks were banned? Can you legally marry your cat now that gay marriage is legal? Are they teaching graduate level law theory to 4th graders? Are children being molested at the library? No. None of that is happening. They want to keep you afraid because it makes you complacent and willing to give up what little you have.

>> No.18807344
File: 227 KB, 1435x918, every single time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you just mentioned here:
And when it turns out the average person thinks you're a fucking retard for all thr retarded shit you marxists push, you blame "le faux news chudcels" for making up everything you tried to force on everyone.

>> No.18807353
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>> No.18807355

>they're giving young children respiratory issues
no they're not. why would they suddenly be giving children respiratory issues.
>This is big gas trying to keep up demands in the home.
everyone who's serious about cooking wants a gas stove.

>> No.18807364

its not isolated at all. Go watch Omegle stream of streamers where they talk to like 100+ random people in 3 hours and everyone gives the same responses and answers. there is a propaganda war going on.

>> No.18807379

>no they're not. why would they suddenly be giving children respiratory issues.
Because they're just throwing shit at the wall to blame anything other than the clotshot for children dying of "died suddenly".

>> No.18807386

They aren't banning anything retards

>> No.18807390 [DELETED] 

Literally none of that actually happened, but I guess nothing I say matters when you have twitter screencaps from literal who's. I think I know exactly where that children's hospital quote is from, and that's not the actual quote. Nobody is castrating little kids or chopping their tits off. They provide counseling to children who think they might be trans, and that goes on for years before they get put on puberty blockers, and it's even later that they actually do any surgery. This is the exact same nonsense as republicans saying that doctors are killing babies after they're born if the mother decides she want's an abortion. I know that sounds completely absurd, but the republicans literally just introduced a house bill to outlaw killing babies after they are born. THAT IS NOT A THING THAT HAPPENS. THERE IS ALREADY A LAW AGAINST THAT. IT'S CALLED MURDER. But you'll believe any fake outrage theater your team churns out because you belong to a cult.

>> No.18807439
File: 3.61 MB, 425x425, 1659388111918181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally none of that actually happened, but I guess nothing I say matters when you have twitter screencaps from literal who's. I think I know exactly where that children's hospital quote is from, and that's not the actual quote. Nobody is castrating little kids or chopping their tits off. They provide counseling to children who think they might be trans, and that goes on for years before they get put on puberty blockers, and it's even later that they actually do any surgery. This is the exact same nonsense as republicans saying that doctors are killing babies after they're born if the mother decides she want's an abortion. I know that sounds completely absurd, but the republicans literally just introduced a house bill to outlaw killing babies after they are born. THAT IS NOT A THING THAT HAPPENS. THERE IS ALREADY A LAW AGAINST THAT. IT'S CALLED MURDER. But you'll believe any fake outrage theater your team churns out because you belong to a cult.

>> No.18807442

>you don't make wide sweeping public policy decisions based on 1 report
You do if you or the people paying you paid for that report

>> No.18807469

>everybody who disagrees with me is a tranny!
I'm starting to see why you're so upset about all this nonsense. Last I checked fags made up about 10% of the population, but according to your head cannon it's more like 60-70%. That would be concerning, just simply based on there being enough people to sustain our infrastructure in the coming generations. I guess we could always let in more migrant workers.

>> No.18807477

>because they're giving young children respiratory issues and phasin
And ice cream is giving people skin cancer. Fake news is fake.

>> No.18807486
File: 82 KB, 570x572, 1608561773861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody who disagrees with me is a tranny!
>I'm starting to see why you're so upset about all this nonsense. Last I checked fags made up about 10% of the population, but according to your head cannon it's more like 60-70%. That would be concerning, just simply based on there being enough people to sustain our infrastructure in the coming generations. I guess we could always let in more migrant workers

>> No.18807510

>but I guess nothing I say matters
Correct, see

>> No.18807557

California and NYC have long since banned gas stoves, heat, and boilers in new constructions. And I know this because I live in NYC, and when the price of new construction and annoying new regulations makes people less interested in building, the retarded residence of this city will complain about the rent.
Granted, it was well before this fake study and just out of retardation, but still.

>> No.18807583
File: 47 KB, 940x300, starving-communists-comic1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are communists even doing on the food board anyway?

>> No.18807593

That's unfortunate about NYC. I'd like a big ass gas main to blow up there

>> No.18807612

Be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.18807643

>kids huffing gas fumes
Just open the window lol.

>> No.18807674

there's no living with leftists anymore
they absolutely will try to tax and regulate meat out of existence in the next few decades

>> No.18807693
File: 72 KB, 640x721, FirQubIXoAswSEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying just meat

>> No.18807758

Ever heard of this simple little contraption called a hood that ventilates all those excess fumes outwards? Of course you’re likely being a typical disingenuous little twat for the sake of pushing an agenda which seeks to control every aspect of our lives including what type of stove we choose to cook with. All under the guise of “public safety” of course..just like oh I don’t know, two weeks to flatten the curve?

>> No.18807986
File: 513 KB, 2000x1333, Farmer-Inspecting-Crops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have returned to harvest my YOU'S
It's been an honest day's work anons...Cheers!

>> No.18807996
File: 238 KB, 1284x1565, teux0o5x7n4a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed until the last sentence that just made you look like a schizophrenic.

>> No.18807998

inb4 le Bezerkley; it has to start somewhere first
we need to phsyical remove all leftists and browns

>> No.18808077

That's bullshit, I've seen articles posted here for years talking about trying to kill gas stoves. Various politicians have been doing it for a while and it's harder and harder to find a home with one already in it.

>> No.18808096
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You are too wise for this board king. We don't deserve you.

>> No.18808115

>Gas is usually slower
wtf are you talking about? Gas is instantaneous heat vs waiting for a coil to slowly heat up.

>> No.18808134

Now that's what I call Ironic. But then again communists weren't really ever known for their principals.

>> No.18808139

it's slower at heating things. most of the heat bypasses the heating vessel instead of transferring into it. i rarely use a stove for anything but heating a pressure cooker because i'm not an grease guzzling normie with a normie physique

>> No.18808148

You should start a tv show where you go around showing professional chefs why they are dummies for using gas. I bet you could make a lot of money.

>> No.18808156

>gas stoves giving young children respiratory issues
the major causes of indoor pollution are dust and pollutants from cheap paint and wall materials.

>> No.18808158

one of my friends had a gas stove and that shit was so much more versatile than a shitty ass electric stovetop

>> No.18808168
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>complaining about the 'leftist hivemind' in a world-renowned MAGA-autist echo chamber

ok retard

>> No.18808201

>Echo chamber
Hey buddy. I don't know how to break this to you.
But if your idea of an echo chamber is "we don't ban everyone who disagrees with us on sight", then you might actually be evil.
Of course you get upset at the one place you can't force people to agree with you.

>> No.18808547

>its the gas stove that never gets used because both mommy and daddy work and the children are at schools all day
>its not the 3 years of mask wearing
>or all the plastics in your environment
>of the experimental boosters
>its.... the stove thats on for 5 minutes a day!

fuck off.

>> No.18808559

>You don't make wide sweeping public policy decisions that effects a gigantic industry based on 1 report.

they do it all the time.


then they pay the media to make up stories and reverse justification about it after the fact.

>> No.18808656

>((COMPANY)) is paying (((influencers))) to promote [PRODUCT]

No way, the useless faggots who make a living off shilling products are being paid to promote products? How will I ever continue to not pay attention to them?

>> No.18809473
File: 113 KB, 1024x788, Mr Baaght'ak taagh's neighborhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Isreali unit 7200 during Cyber Polygon shuts your local electronic/power infrastructure off blaming solar flares or Trump supporters, the only people with the ability to cook food and extend available food viability and purify water without purifiers will be those with gas.

Even one house or apartment building with just a few good samaritans can save hundreds of lives in an area by volunteering their gas stove for these purposes to help a community.

And that seems to be an undesirable outcome to those who want us dead.

>> No.18809482

They aren't. The US wants to ditch them because they can't keep NG prices at a reasonable level and want to switch so Americans can't complain about it. Same shit with heat pumps which is an even more retarded plan for at least 1/2 if not more of the country.

>> No.18809483
File: 109 KB, 1500x1000, range-cooking-3ef2d9f2419f4ae1b901dc35338f26a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Electric stoves are shit, cope
Get into the 21st century already!

>> No.18809511

Chefs are slowly switching to induction because it heats up the kitchen a lot less than massive gas stoves and is more energy efficient (which saves a lot of money when your stoves are on all day). The transition for professionals is a lot slower because restaurant-grade equipment is more expensive and last a long time, they're not going to replace working equipment.

>> No.18809882

lmao, you'll never see a real kitchen use that shit. I don't care what applebees reheats their sysco food with. A real chef would never taint their food with an inferior heating source.

>> No.18809893

so is the slop you make, cope

>> No.18809904
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Fucking kek.

>> No.18809912
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>I hope something happens that justifies them banning gas
fucking retard

>> No.18809937 [DELETED] 

people don't see the plan is to ban gas so there's jack shit after the power goes out. then eventually the power will come back on and they'll charge 5x more for it and your gas stove is still dead so you gotta start a fire outside or go bankrupt
electric stoves work when you're not paying $100 a month to keep the lights and a computer on

>> No.18809950
File: 148 KB, 1022x1233, 452e9e4068376a4896dc0a73955b15c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me teh puppy made it out okay.

>> No.18809964

A recent, single, solitary study suggested gas stoves maybe might possibly cause respiratory issues. But the study puts more blame on lack of adequate ventilation.

Lefties want to ban gas, they're just using this as an excuse

>> No.18809971

>Lefties want to ban gas
But why? It's a cheaper, cleaner and more available resource than most other forms of energy. It never made any sense unless the goal is to make people more dependent.

>> No.18809975 [DELETED] 

it died and went to hell where it will be tortured for eternity

>> No.18809981
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Influencers are being paid to endorse certain products?

>> No.18809984

So what do you think would have happened if that had been an electric stove?

>> No.18809990

>Should be fight against the further expansion of CONSOOM culture
>Should we fight against growing income inequity
>Should we fight against the corporate use of immigrants to suppress the value of native labor?
>Should we fight against the issue that fucking no one can afford to buy a God damn house due to artificial scarcity of housing?

>No, we need more trannies, nigger worship, and HRT for kids

>> No.18810005
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If it had been induction, absolutely nothing.

>> No.18810027

I had a feeling somebody would say that.
Should only induction be legal?
What about ovens? Should those be legal?

>> No.18810033

>Muh carbon
>Muh greenhouse gases
>Muh fossil fuels

Have a conversation with any of them. LNG went from some miracle energy source to literally choking your kids in less than a decade.

>Make people more dependent
From the people in charge, I'm sure. They're pushing more electric products and EVs, while doing absolutely fuck all to update our failing infrastructure or add more production past retardedly inefficient solar and wind farms. For your average lefty, they don't care, whatever the media says must be true and they lack any critical thought.

>> No.18810057 [DELETED] 

would have taken 10 times as long to catch on fire
next question?

>> No.18810078

high setting: probably 10-20 times as long to catch on fire
medium: more like 100-200 times
low: never
next question?

>> No.18810107

Don't worry anon. Soon you will own nothing, and have no privacy, and you'll be happy!

>> No.18810185

Akshually it's ~5%. If you go above that, it includes the rest of the letters in whatever the alphabet soup is this week. They keep adding more and more nonsense to it, to bolster their numbers and make it seem like thinking you're a transracial bipolar truck-kin is perfectly normal while still keeping the minority oppression points.

>> No.18810296

There's gonna be some PISSED OFF Asian Americans.

>> No.18810302

wtf I love electric stoves now

>> No.18810314

Gas stoves still work during a blackout.

>> No.18810349

Do you think the gas pumps are unpowered? Maybe gas fairies are carrying the gas to your stove?

>> No.18810356

Its not about the environment or public health. Never has been. Just like with the covid hysteria, its about control

>> No.18810358


>> No.18810380

I have family in Texas and they had gas while their power was out during that storm, so I guess there are gas fairies

>> No.18810391

>You can't do X in a debate
My high school history teacher made us do a debate and all I learned was you win by talking louder than the other guy.

>> No.18810416
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Of course they're real.

>> No.18810472

>Can't argue with a twitter screencap.
If you could have, you would have.

>> No.18810535

It's pretty clear these actions are done in part to radicalize people and provoke them into acting out to give them (the deep state) the excuse to curtail civil liberties and suppress opposition.

>> No.18810693
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>> No.18810701
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Gash for gas

>> No.18811139
File: 173 KB, 1436x761, stoves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody on the left is even talking about this. It's a boogeyman completely made up by Fox News to continue to scare their audience and distract them from anything real. The right does absolutely nothing to benefit their constituents so they have to pump out a constant stream of bullshit for people to get scared of and mad about while they're being fleeced. Actually reposting this kind of garbage is the definition of being a useful idiot.

>> No.18811162

can someone tell me how there is such an insane amount of obviously bullshit "studies" reporting shit thats barely 5% true or not at all true and so many people still gobble it up?

>> No.18811421

Leftists are obsessed with credentialism over actual results, in no small part because they've subverted most credentialing institutions.

>> No.18811448

It’s incredibly well understood how this works anon
>study: results indicate A may correlate with B under C and D conditions assuming E is true

>> No.18811504

So do people unironically believe in political tribes?