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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18791211 No.18791211 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18791283

ayo new ultra dropped? next time i head to the stoh im finna cop one of these bad boys fr

>> No.18791292

wtf is this real?

>> No.18791371

/sip/bros, money's looking a little tight...
The monster gravy train is going out of service.
Anyone have any experience with cheap drinks like pic related? They sell it at dollar tree

>> No.18791375

it's poison in a can disguised as a vitamin drink...

>> No.18791457

>disguised as a vitamin drink
nowhere on the can does it say or imply anything about being a vitamin drink.
if that's the conclusion you draw from looking at it, you are actually more retarded than the people who buy this garbage in the first place.

>> No.18791963

It literally gives you a megadose of B vitamins

>> No.18791971


If you meant to post a pic of Venom (my struggle sip) the mango one is okay. The cherry kind of tastes like cough syrup.

>> No.18791980

>disguised as a vitamin drink
>it literally gives you vitamins
which is it?

>> No.18791989
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>I forgot to post the pic
It's already started, I need to go out asap and get my fix....
If I see Venom at the store, I'm definitely trying it out. Thanks for the suggestion, man

>> No.18792390

what in the 3rd world is this from …….nigga if you don’t get this commie block soviet looking Russia v Ukrainian field pack drink outta here……

>> No.18792802
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>>what in the 3rd world is this from …….nigga if you don’t get this commie block soviet looking Russia v Ukrainian field pack drink outta here……
It's from Dollar Tree, I swear!
Everything there is dirt cheap, so it might end up being my go to
What do you usually drink?

>> No.18792848

I miss Pipeline Punch.

>> No.18792998

I have too much pipeline punch here. Craving the pacific punch rn though

>> No.18793261

Not >>18792390, but I got a special love for dollar tree snacks. The knock off takis, fieros i think l, have gotta be better than the original. They also carry rip-its, which I heard from a friend is what everyone in the navy drinks

>> No.18793621

Realistically how bad is one or two zero calorie energy drinks a day? I also make sure to drink a shit ton of water, eat heathy, and exercise 5 days a week. Am I fucked?

>> No.18793647

>it’s another newfag who doesn’t know what a sip is
Many such cases.

>> No.18793651

Bang is being pushed through Dollar Tree right now. Amusing because it is about $1.39 there but at gas stations it is almost $4.

>> No.18793872

one a day is already pushing it, two a day is just asking for an aneurysm
I drink monsters less than once a week and even then I often don't feel good about it.

>> No.18793924

A fellow patrician! I love their snacks, especially the corn chips, since they're $1.25 and not $5 like Fritos. The frozen pretzels are good too. What're you favorites?

>> No.18794005

lol wut, a can a day is nothing

>> No.18794021

its all the shitty flavors. i got a chocolate one and it was fuckin gross. im afraid to open my champagne one

>> No.18794034

Champagne was alright. I would buy it more often but I try not to drink the 300mg drinks so much. I got the chocolate and I'm afraid to try it.

>> No.18794235

Wtf are you on about?
You're wrong

>> No.18794284

>Amusing because it is about $1.39 there but at gas stations it is almost $4.
Yeah, Dollar tree is a real eye opener. Cards there were 2 for $1 while anywhere else they're like +$5
>its all the shitty flavors.
Dude, same here. Only Bang flavor was whole lotta chocolata. Least they had Monster Reserve watermelon. Anyone tried that one before?

>> No.18794781

>Monster Reserve watermelon
Yeah it's pretty good. Doesn't taste like watermelon though, more like alpine strawberries

>> No.18794973

I've been drinking >250 of caffeine a day lately, and I've started to feel like shit.
Are there any copefographs that say these quantities are harmless so I can feel better?

>> No.18795010

>it's poison in a can disguised as a vitamin drink
its literally the other way around

>> No.18795547
File: 913 KB, 725x1150, 23553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might make you feel better but holy crap, what job are you doing that needs you to take in that much caffeine?

>> No.18795630

The pre-workout formula I've been taking for the past month has 250mg alone.
I've recently become pseudo dependent on it just to 'wake up' in the morning. For as much as I need to cycle off of it, I also want to finish it up just so I don't have to take it anymore.

>> No.18795647

Why not just use less mix and ween yourself off it until it's gone?

>> No.18795658

That would be too simple. I am a man of trials and complications.

>> No.18795662

In that case your quest is as follows:
The remainder of your pre workout in a thick slurry of your sip of choice

>> No.18795677

Alright, I have about 4 scoops left.
That's at least 1,000mg in one shot. Can't be too bad if you only do it once, right? Lets see if my heart can take it..

>> No.18795689
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>I've recently become pseudo dependent on it
you're weak, you're outta control, and you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else

>> No.18795702
File: 11 KB, 312x293, 1664058774353890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a nigger who blindly shits on anonymous in this glegle gemposting forum because your actual irl situation is fucking terrible.

>> No.18795736
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aw cmon dont tell me you didn't you get the sopranos reference

>> No.18795822
File: 73 KB, 512x512, Gleg-jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol yea I was just joshing you, goy.

>> No.18795898

godspeed soldier

>> No.18796438
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bro i've been out of the loop but noticed that I haven't seen it on shelves anywhere where i live for awhile... did they discontinue it? it was one of my favorites too man what the fuck

>> No.18798325

Fugg I hope not. It's my favorite beetus /sip/ as well
Sometimes there a shortages tho, I think their website has a product locator for specific flavors. Maybe the stores you go to just aren't ordering it

>> No.18798550

I'm feeling masochistic, what would you guys say have been the worst /sip/s you've ever had?
How're you holding up, anon?

>> No.18798691
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this shit definitely. it's surprisingly sour and unfulfilling. the flavor is not interesting to me and I would not drink it if you paid me. miami cola bang is another one, I actually enjoy it but it tastes really weird and my friends don't liek it

>> No.18799073

I haven't liked ANY of the GHOST sips

why are they so popular? They taste terrible

>> No.18799075

pipeline punch still exists, I find it all the time and currently have one in my fridge

>> No.18799084
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I swear they made it less zesty and less spicy, it lacks flavor and was made into a sweet mess

>> No.18799107
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man, that shit is so bad. SOOO disappointed when I tasted that. worst sip by far

>> No.18799124

It used to be great

>> No.18799135
File: 217 KB, 1536x2048, 1636514468998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're very intense. their copy of the gfuel swedish fish is incredibly sweet.
I didn't even know this was still around, last I saw it in PA was a year or two ago

>> No.18799136

rehab is the only energy drink that mattress

>> No.18799463
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I'm doing as well as I can. I just bought the main ingredient today, will mix it up and sip through work tomorrow.
>Why is everything green?
This camera sucks ass, that's why.

>> No.18799542

Stoopid cat. It looks so fucking dumb.

>> No.18799775

That is uncalled for, go stick a fist up your mudda

>> No.18799802

Apparently we aren't getting strawberry dreams in bongistan until next year. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.18799826

>November 1st, 2023
Fucking retard

>> No.18799876

You're even stupider than the cat.
Look at how this retard scrunches up its' head. It looks like a cowardly cringing little furred coward. It's acting like a stupid prey animal and I want to punch the fucking thing because it causes contempt in me.

>> No.18800157
File: 68 KB, 800x800, large_97c934d5-36ad-49d1-9b9b-f43420849bbd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused. Monster already had an Ultra strawberry flavor.

>> No.18800231

What's wrong with the date?
Is that not today?

>> No.18800288

The Wikipedia suggests not drinking more than 1.5 L (or for my amerifat friends, 48 fl. oz.), except in Australian where it's 500 mL (16 fl. oz.)

>> No.18800375

no thanks, I don't like celery aftertaste in my sips

>> No.18800714
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I really love irish blend.

>> No.18801011


Monster Zero Ultra Sunrise tastes like tepid Hi-C orange drink from a McDonalds, and I don't understand why people love it so much.

Rockstar Punched Fruit Punch is disgustingly sweet, in both full-sugar and Pure Zero varieties. Rockstar Pure Zero original is also bad. I don't even know what flavor it's suposed to be.

Bang Radical Skadattle is the grossest flavor of Bang I've had so far.


Also piggybacking on this, because the Ghost Orange Creamsicle was also disgustingly sweet to me.

>> No.18802120
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The candy flavors taste exactly like the real thing, only in liquid form. Highly recommend the warhead watermelon flavor if you haven't tried it.
Who knows, maybe you'll end up like Fry after that one Futurama episode

>> No.18802564

Rosa has barely any strawberry. Grapefruit and guava is way more upfront and dominates the flavors

>> No.18803192

Preworkout anon reporting.
I sipped, then chugged.
I feel funny, but not in danger.
My heart isn't racing, but my chest hurts a little.
I think I'll be okay.

>> No.18803342

Monster creamsicle is actually really good it's like the same orange soda as Crush with just a bit of cream soda in it. Ultra Orange is terrible

>> No.18804000

I agree anon, it's just not good.

>> No.18804018

I was amazed at the first sip at how much birthday cake tasted like a birthday cake. Then the realization that I had to drink 15.5 more ounces of birthday cake set in.

>> No.18804022
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>did my sips at 6 PM
>killed it at the gym
>heart feels fine now 4 hours later

>> No.18804142

I recently discovered 200mg caffeine pills that I have now started taking to try and lower my coffee intake as I felt my creamed coffee was sabotaging my diet.

My caffeine reception must be fucked because I am at best "awake" but I still got heavy eyelids after a pill sometimes. I know I used to drink a shit load of coffee, like 5 or 6 cups a day if I'm home the whole day.

I'm just fucked aren't I.

>> No.18804336
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How much sleep do you get on average?

>> No.18804606


I wanted to try one, but I couldn't find it in the individual cans, only the little 6-pack. I'm not sipping it until I can get one by itself.

>> No.18804709
File: 243 KB, 600x600, WB773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is so fucking good dude.

>> No.18804783
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god bless you sirs........

fuck.... i wanna try this so bad, not here where i live sadly. i feel like it's USA exclusive, do any anons know if this is true?

>> No.18804792

where do you live? You can probably buy a flat of it online and have it shipped

>> No.18804795

Its relatively new, maybe distribution is taking awhile for international? It's quite good

>> No.18805026
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>> No.18805032

i pulled an all nighter in college once and slammed an entire bottle before a final. I genuinely thought I was going to die. 10/10 would recommend.

>> No.18806146
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*blocks your path*

>> No.18806204

Gas stations make almost no money on selling gasoline, all their profit margins are in the convenience store goods. They put their gasoline at like 1¢ above wholesale price to bait people into the convenience store.

>> No.18806207

Post bussy

>> No.18806289

Wikipedia is run by trans furry communists. Imagine believing that

>> No.18807241
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Happy Friday, /sip/! I dunno what they added in miami cola to make it miami, but I love it
Also, when I looked up images of the can, I got porn
How're we holding up, big dog?
How many scoops do you have left?

>> No.18807261

Jelly, I've never seen it in the wild and there's no way in God's blue-green fuck I'm ordering 12 cans of something I haven't tried from Bezos mart

>> No.18807339

Miami Cola was the shit when we had it here

>> No.18807603

I never tried it but someone told me it had a hint of coconut, sorta like a nonalcoholic rum&coke.

>> No.18807631
File: 24 KB, 174x400, Gridlock Ultra White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aldi has some budget /sips/. The gridlock ultra white tastes just like the zero ultra Monster, I don't know if the price has gone up recently but it was $.99 last time I bought one.

>> No.18807859

They comes in white? My Aldi only has regular green and low calorie blue.

>> No.18807880

I have a caffeine pill and a vitamin b complex instead of these things.

>> No.18807922

I will try this

>> No.18808264
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GOAT coming through

>> No.18808408

There is a zero sugar version of the original flavor of monster coming out soon.
Tastes just like the original, but better than low carb and that Absolutely Zero Bullshit
It's okay but original flavor monster kinda tastes bad anyway

>> No.18808464

They marketed some of this shit as "juice" plus energy drink. I know, I worked in a distribution warehouse packing pallets of the shit. It will help give you energy if you've got to stack 6-800kg of product every 15 minutes but I can't imagine using it much outside of that. At least we got it for free.

>> No.18808487

i work at coca cola i steal atelast 7 330ml cans of sprite and coke each day i work there

>> No.18808506

330ml? Where do you work, I was at their warehouse in melbourne for a while.

>> No.18808527

and we only had 375/250ml cans. weird little 300ml PET sixpacks tho. Voice picking was love/hate. Didn't need to work out, but a pretty boring job.

>> No.18808530

only retards think juice is healthy

>> No.18808568

Yes but that's how they were marketing it. And in consoomer land juice = health.

>> No.18808574
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that's not the same thing as marketing it as a vitamin drink
the juice line really does have juice in it, so I don't see how it implies they're obfuscating anything

>> No.18808606

Yeah it's really got "juice" which is just concentrate from actual fruit. It's as bad for you as any concentrated can of sugar. You're supposed to get the rind and everything from the fruit.

Marketing it under juice, vitamin, or energy, it doesn't matter. They're implying it's good for you. Read the fine print and they're honest enough, but how many people actually do that.

>> No.18808655

again, only retards think juice and (energy drinks for that matter) are healthy, and vitamin drinks they don't market it as anyway
you're grasping st straws

>> No.18808695
File: 13 KB, 144x350, 41Kiri3tt9L._AC_SY350_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherry limeade
>expect nothing special, just some light cherry and tart citrusy lime/lemon acidity
>get queen anne cordial cream-cherry syrup mixed with papaya-vomit sour flavor
Three sips and I had to toss it

>> No.18808700
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He posted the wrong picture, picrel is very strawberry

>> No.18808752

are you retarded? I said it's how they sell it, to retards, like you.

>> No.18809855
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, 505764D8-5875-41B3-AB4D-92BA36FC28B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same it’s bussin

>> No.18809888
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Monster Ripper will never be a thing again.
They have some new pineapple thing but it's just watered down.

>> No.18809914

I don't drink monster juice flavors and in general I buy a can maybe once every couple of weeks, not because I'm being fooled into it by promises of health, but because of promises of energy which is literally what it's designed to do
project harder why don't you, retard

>> No.18809936

Trips of sadness

>> No.18809938

>Yeah it's really got "juice" which is just concentrate from actual fruit. It's as bad for you as any concentrated can of sugar. You're supposed to get the rind and everything from the fruit.
>Marketing it under juice, vitamin, or energy, it doesn't matter. They're implying it's good for you
Yeah no. Nobody believes that and its not implied

>> No.18809979

in 'murrica, we write the date as mm/dd/yy
i think he's just joshing you, or doesn't understand that other countries write it differently

>> No.18810541
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wtf just realized that these motherfuckers have 410mg sodium per can, that's about the same amount as "low-sodium" meat broth, still sippin anyways tho

>> No.18811269

its a factory in the netherlands

>> No.18811274
File: 1 KB, 125x114, 466337462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sip/bros, i think its time we face the facts...
preworkoutbro is dead. he's gone up to the big monster bottle in the sky
first /sip/ death of 2023

>> No.18811291

What the fuck
Still love my Nos tho

>> No.18811369
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I see those in dollar tree but I can't go back to consuming 50g+ added sugar per can.

>> No.18811595
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Also monster can come in a bottle, I'm not retarded I swear
Pic related is alright, too

>> No.18811666

Reign is a little cheaper than Monster and has more caffeine. It's my go-to right now and it's perpetually on sale where I shop.

>> No.18811745
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My liquid jew of choice along with the cherry flavor

>> No.18811914

>liquid jew
get with the times, old man
liquid jew is out, goyslurp is IN

>> No.18812263

There's a cherry flavor? Damn now I HAVE to try it

>> No.18813382

Honestly nah. You would be dead if you did actually drink that

>> No.18813590

Yes, it started production a few months ago and leaks were on ebay.
T. Sip insider.
More crazy shit is also on its way.

>> No.18813611
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Picked this up today as a larff had 0 expectations but it really does taste like liquid sour patch and in a sick way I kinda liked it. Definitely could see myself burning out on it fast but will probably buy one in-between the regular monsters purchases.

>> No.18814736

I suggest the bubbalicious flavor next, it's pretty good

>> No.18815426
File: 2.86 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20230109_132445410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prices keep going up in stores so I just ordered a case of these for cheap.
Rehab a goat /sip/

>> No.18815453

Though I can attest that the flavor is very accurate to the gum, I can't really enjoy it because my mental association of 'bubblegum flavor' is 'something that you should not swallow is in your mouth'

>> No.18815471

Monster Hydro is in bottles too

>> No.18815483
File: 198 KB, 1200x980, A94D0940-0A9E-4F6E-9029-0EBEA76E1649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulk ordering 24 packs thru the internet is the only way to sip affordably nowadays. I just got 2 cased of pic related

>> No.18815928
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Tried picrel yesterday, and it was absolutely delightful. Not really into trying the tea ones, though.

>> No.18815998

This and the lemonade tea are tied for my #1 favorite. Next case I get will probably be this one.

>> No.18816391

Why can't I find the orangeade one anymore?

>> No.18818600

These are getting too expensive.

>> No.18818605

for me, its decaf with a sprinkle of flavored fullcaf on top

>> No.18818619
File: 158 KB, 469x509, 143614752457355722458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burger here in the US we have a stored named Food 4 ess $1.50 each, just cracked a cold one boys this morning its a Rockstar pure zero fruitpunch

>> No.18818620
File: 16 KB, 406x305, 1668630981265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exactly an energy drink sip but I got this yesterday and it's pretty good. mountain dew is the only soda that comes close to the tastiness of energy drinks.

>> No.18818629

Honestly, for me it's Red Bull. I got tired of Monster. I accepted the superiority of being able to ration my caffeine intake with 250ml cans according to need instead of gulping 500ml all at once

>> No.18818651

Where are these available? All I come across are reserve and rosa at stores and gas stations

>> No.18819898

Its going to take a bit for full distribution. I found 12 6packs at a local grocery store.
Could not resist and cracked one at room temp.
To me it tastes a bit like Rosa but with a small ammount of less sweet pacific punch thrown in. Upper middle of the pack in untra flavors for me. Nice sort of strawberry finish, but if it wasmt called strawberry I might not pick up on it right away. Might be different when ice cold.

>> No.18819947

Anon you may be actually retarded as redbull has the functionally the same caffine per volume as half of monsters products, and you can buy a 350ml monster for half the price of a 250ml redbull, drink yhr 3/4 of it and then throw it away and end up saving money.
Its OK to just like redbull better but your reasons are very stupid.

>> No.18820177
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they changed it? this shit was like my reward for the week at one point.

this shit on the other hand; urine.

>> No.18821092

Wasn't this discontinued years ago?

>> No.18821114

I think it was just rebranded

>> No.18821175
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Read the official documentation dubmass

>> No.18821183


Energy drinks are the only way to avoid flouride.
The Freemasons want us drinking bottled water, wake up and take the energy drink pill

>> No.18821309

I had the zero sugar one. It’s way better than the low carb one and very close to the original

>> No.18821371
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If you haven't developed a tolerance to caffeine, you need to chug before you sip. Try pulling an all-weeker with some friends.

>> No.18822081

they brought back pitch black? holy shit i havent seen that in forever

>> No.18823095


>> No.18823181
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>> No.18824490
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gonna lay off /sip/s since they are going this route.

>> No.18824543

I had the red sourpatch one and its amazing. Gambled on a 12 pack of oraqnge cream and every can made me crave Monster's Orange Dreamsicle even more.

>> No.18824710

absolutely haram

>> No.18824825

Its a meme drink I only see Twitch girls shilling

>> No.18825136

No more orangeade would be a shame

>> No.18825147
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone like these overpriced sips?

>> No.18825164

So I got some strawberry dream and I got to say it was pretty shit. Basically the strawberry flavor escapes the can as soon as you open it. The very first sip was intense but after that It just taste like zero ultra with a tiny hint of strawberry

>> No.18825170

If only, sadly that will contain no caffeine because kids got too drunk off OG Four Loko back in the day and the FDA is gay as fuck.

>> No.18825267
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Sparkling Ice + Caffiene is pretty cheap and good. It's not Rockstar Recovery Orange but good, and 0 calories.

>> No.18825464

Bros... I tried Ultra Sunrise for the first time and nearly came...
I went back the next week to look where I got it from (they had an aisle full) and its all gone.

>> No.18825626

Tea is not a sip

>> No.18825632
File: 38 KB, 442x808, 9887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it sucks when you wanna try a flavor, it's good, then it disappears. Same happened when I tried Bang Ragin Raspberry Hibiscus for the 1st time. Got any other nearby stores you can look for it at?

>> No.18825761
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I think I'm single handedly keeping them from discontinuing this flavor.

>> No.18825768

sips make my stomach hurt after a while

>> No.18825771

You're sipping too often. I find it best to wait 116.43 seconds between sips.

>> No.18825772

but I only sip once a day

>> No.18825779

Then you're sipping way too little.
You need to work on your sip tolerance, develop a few good gut calluses.

>> No.18825984

I'd rather not get an ulcer

>> No.18825991
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for me, it's gfuel with lots of ice
a cold refreshing sip

>> No.18826402

I think I must have got a bunk can, maybe they were switching over lines or something because this can tastes a lot more like strawberry and cream without that ultra zero taste

>> No.18826540

this but Irish Blend

>> No.18826626

Not a sip

>> No.18826880
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Not really into energy drinks but I grabbed the blue raspberry at my local Dollar Tree and loved how tart it was, unfortunately sparkling water gives me hella bad gas.

>> No.18826887
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Bro at least move on to Gamersupps, it's like a quarter the powder content with better flavor.

>> No.18826896

flavors look boring and it has cringe waifu hentai marketing

>> No.18826950
File: 1.39 MB, 991x2345, Starter kits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flavors look boring
Sign up and get a free sampler shipped, the actual flavor of the mix is better than what your getting from Gamerfuel (been more than a year since I tried and dropped it so grain of salt)
>has cringe waifu hentai marketing
Yeah its cringey as fuck. Ignore that shit and go to the "Starter Kits" if you want branded cups without anime tiddies

Personally I kicked a liter a day soda habit and got my mother to stop drinking those dogshit instant peach tea dollar box mixes with GS.

>> No.18827027
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I like the regular riots but they're only available at whole foods or overpriced online
this one is legit good. it's the only ashock flavor I've tried
yeah, they also made a mountain dew rise/energy variant of pitch black which I found today. It's the same with some more of that acidic taste the energy ones have.

>> No.18827081

What does is taste like? Iced Coffee?

>> No.18827084

What do you guys mean by sip? Is that like a linguo or a specific? or just sipping?

>> No.18827090 [DELETED] 

Gfuel bogo sales seem the best deal. I get it to hide the flavor from my powder supplements

>> No.18827138
File: 82 KB, 539x673, Reviet Brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gfuel bogo sales seem the best deal. I get it to hide the flavor from my powder supplements
How heavy do you go on your scoops? Even with a buy 1 get one free on tubs that's 20 less servings than a single tub of Gsupps, and I tend to double the water per scoop since the flavor doesn't really "water-down" like the cheap drink mixes. Also what powder supplements are you using? any suggestions?

>> No.18827148

>What do you guys mean by sip? Is that like a linguo or a specific?
/sip/ is all about /sip/ping energy drinks. What's your poison, anon? Bang? Monster? Reign?

>> No.18827314

Monster, but I meant like is there a specific way you drink the drink? I don't necessarily sip per se, but I don't chug. More like a nice mouthful each time i go for it you know? I can make my 500ml monster last 50mins-1 hour

>> No.18827501
File: 222 KB, 1200x804, Tj7fEjJmv37ywCdEedsdJCQfwZY9lKdLJQIYabwOF7I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the golden emperor of sips

>> No.18827561

>limit myself to one can a day
>wake up
>chug a monster instantly
>go through the day waiting until night comes so I can go to sleep and wake up and drink another can
Why don't they make any caffeine free versions, this is dumb.

>> No.18827570

I thought I was the only one who lives for the daily monster,
It's like my entire day and schedule revolves around that 1 hour where I get to drink a monster

>> No.18827575

why do so many energy drinks only come as zero sugar? I hate the taste of aspertame

>> No.18827579

Zero Sugar monsters are the only kind I can drink.
The normal ones make me feel sick and make my mouth feel sticky like normal coke/pepsi does.

>> No.18827646

Nah, any way is fine. Sipping is good cause it's a fizzy drink and chugging can make your throat hurt. Plus, you can savor the flavor. Speaking of which, favorite Monster flavor?

>> No.18827655
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Bang makes caffeine free versions of their drinks. They are great

>> No.18827687

Most use sucralose, not aspartame. You a red bull sipper?

>> No.18827690

If I'm being basic and getting something that I know will do the job, Ultra white.
If I want something with more flavor, Ultra Sunrise or Ultra Gold. Or even Ultra Black.
Then when I want one with sugar, probably Pipeline Punch

>> No.18827692

>powder sips aren't sips
C4 is both a powder and a sip, don't be gay.

>> No.18827737

It'd not a sip sorry friend

>> No.18827764

artificial creamer

>> No.18827765

>to be a sip it must be le gas station can
It's caffeineated but it isn't coffee. It is thus a sip. Argue as you please, I am right and you are a male penis enjoyer.

>> No.18827777


>> No.18827880

I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.18827897
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>is the best energy drink in your path
monster ultra paradise is my go to sugar-free tho

>> No.18827902

Can you taste the cucumber in Paradise? It says it has some but I can't taste it and I wish I did.

>> No.18827907
File: 87 KB, 1500x1500, 51cfp+KTUIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my go to beverage, unfortunately it's hard to find in stores. Walmart sold them for a while but now they only have the energy drink version.

I'm looking for recommendations for other "nootropic" sips

>> No.18827914

I'm sorry to hear about your bad choices

>> No.18827924

absolutely not. in fact, that's news to me because i never actually read the flavor profile until just now. to me, it tastes like a tart citrus with a subtle green apple flavor. maybe that's the kiwi and cucumber...

>> No.18827927

Wasted quads by a gay enjoyer of homophilia.
>full throttle
This energy drink has to be a psyop. The extremely low manufacturing production values and 'lmao kill yourself to do work good' back of can blurb cannot have been produced by a sincere, blue-collared human being.

>> No.18827965

must be a really shitty psyop because imo it's severely underrated.

>> No.18827968

I'm 100% against homosexuality friend. If it requires manual intervention (mixing and a separate glass) it is not itself a sip. This is not debatable I am sorry

>> No.18828583

That's a shame, because from your opinions I can really tell you'd enjoy dick in your ass.
Opening a can is manual intervention. Get your behold, a man Diogenes bullshit out of here. Flavored caffeine that isn't coffee or tea is a sip.

>> No.18828630

Hey hey, a fellow Monster Juice fan! Pacific Punch is my favorite Monster. Mango Loco is pretty good too, do you like the other Monster Juices?

>> No.18828635

I did like Pacific Punch the one time I tried it, its like cherry flavoured right?
Other than Pipeline, I like the Ripper and Mango Loco.
I did try the MIXXD thing but wasn't for me.

>> No.18828778

>I did like Pacific Punch the one time I tried it, its like cherry flavoured right?
Kinda, it's more of a fruit punch
I've been on a hunt for Ripper for the longest time. Where do you get yours?

>> No.18828789

Lol just at my local ASDA.
Yeah I'm in the UK, sadly.

>> No.18828927

>show me new monster flavor
>its not out yet, not til next month
>there are preorders for it on ebay
>will be unavailable anywhere for a month AFTER release because local stores never order right away and amazon will be completely sold out as per usual

Kill me I want one now

>> No.18828949


>> No.18829104
File: 140 KB, 1199x639, ac4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sip/ bit of a dilemma here. I have one can of Monster Zero Ultra a day; literally need it in order to function properly throughout the day. The local grocery places near me have been struggling to keep Monster Zero specifically in stock; even the Grab N Go places in my work break rooms aren't keeping them stocked all the time. What's a good substitute for when they're out of stock? I've been wanting to try their fruit flavored ones but I don't like strawberries, watermelon, cherry, or grape.

>> No.18829483

Do you mean what is a good substitute in terms of ingredients and caffeine content or taste. Monster is basically ginseng, taurine, caffeine, b vitamins, carinitine and Glucuronolactone. A sugar free regular rockstar or venom would be closest. Tastewise monster is pretty unique and in my experience smoother and less sharp than other energy drinks, I can't recommend another similar in taste

>> No.18829613

why are energy drinks so expensive when the chemicals in them are dirt cheap?
I know this because many pre-workout use the same chemicals and they sell that shit cheap.

>> No.18830667

The fact that you are posting in a thread dedicated to them should be a clue

>> No.18832246
File: 432 KB, 437x615, 67454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scotch eggs
>wine gums
>And now Ripper
you europeans get everything, it's not fair
All about location, brother
If you got any discount stores nearby like Dollar Tree or Aldi, you can find all kinds of /sip/s for dirt cheap. And you won't just see non name brands.

>> No.18832296
File: 290 KB, 341x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you europeans get everything, it's not fair
Well the same can kinda be said for the US. You guys have so many unique and quirky flavors that never come here.
Probably because they are full of chemicals and poison that the US diet is used to and EU not but thats what makes it good right?
Speaking of which, have any of you guys tried this Assault flavour? I saw the can and thought it looked fucking killer, I didn't bother reading the flavour profile and I took my first sip.
YACK, fucking awful.
Its profiled as Classic Cola, and it does taste of Cola. but a very refined and sugary version.
Sort of like,. Cola flavoured sweets you know? That type of Cola. Anyway in drink form it was disgusting.

>> No.18832430
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>used the brand finder on the monster website
>0 stores found in my search
I love cola flavored candy, too. Would've been perfect! What's that one flavor for you that you wanna try, but can't find anywhere?
>Probably because they are full of chemicals and poison that the US diet is used to and EU not but thats what makes it good right?
You said it!

>> No.18832440

>What's that one flavor for you that you wanna try, but can't find anywhere?
Ultra Peachy Keen, Ultra Violet and Ultra Red.
Never seen any of those in my stores.
Honorable mention: Ultra Sunrise
They do sell it but its so rare it might as well not be here.

>> No.18832474

Hope you find Ultra Violet, it's great. What other energy drinks have you tried?

>> No.18832936
File: 58 KB, 850x850, 9794DA09-4569-442D-A15A-E600B124165B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this today. I was very surprised with how much I liked it

>> No.18834133
File: 1.81 MB, 911x2297, MDE_Pitch_Black_16oz_frnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't seen this on shelves, but I really love the
version of the normal soda.

>> No.18834532
File: 191 KB, 512x512, 9070915b67f85e23e06803c23cf4659f_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was here in pa for like one week at sheetz and I haven't seen it since.
I just miss diet full throttle and NOS.

>> No.18834999
File: 101 KB, 732x803, 1651296930813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>energy booster drinks are poison
yeah and why? i ask the intellectual that clearly did his research.
they suddenly start stuttering, looking around and try to come up with a good reason. they don't have a simple answer because they don't know.
>well you know... there's chemicals in it and it's full of sugar
unable to name any chemical in it beside caffeine they will go eat an apple and drink grapefruit flavoured water.
one of my colleagues in their 46 years of life never realized that fruit flavoured water is actually filled with sugar. imagine drinking that nearly every day and not realizing.

>> No.18835019

unfortunately you did not drink THE monster assault. older version with black and white camo.
it tasted completely different and it's one of my favourite flavours of all time. to me it tasted like gum cherry.
i ordered the new assault and like you said it tasted absolutely fucking vile. the worst kind of any cola flavour i've ever tasted.
idk why they completely changed the flavour but it was their best can IMO.

>> No.18835655

Who are you talking to

>> No.18835843

>too young to know what a panel board notice is

>> No.18836453

last shop in my second world shithole that was selling monster mule didnt have them in the stock :(
last sip with unique taste that wasnt inflated with sugar or sweetener

it tastes like those cheap super market branded colas, wouldnt say its bad, but for sure not worth the damn price

>> No.18836791
File: 260 KB, 1000x1000, 1576448276805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried the orange dreamsicle, it was tasty but a bit too surgary just like regular monster but I can't wait to try this new SF flavor, thanks sipbro!

>> No.18836851
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Eurofag here. What do you think of pic related?

>> No.18836912
File: 263 KB, 500x500, LaCroix-Coconut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sip/ filled with caffeine addicted zoomers

where my sparklingbros at

>> No.18837344

Miss me with that gay shit

>> No.18837943


I think it's supposed to be officially released on the Jan. 23, but my Kroger either broke street date or they were allowed to put it out early, because they had the Pitch Black sip and the 12-packs of Pitch Black available for purchase, so i snagged a can.

Will report back tomorrow with the taste test. I'm a little skeptical because the flavor says "dark citrus punch" instead of grape, and I don't know what tht means.

>> No.18838710

Please do, I wonder how a dark citrus would taste

>> No.18838999
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its good but completely overshadowed by this

>> No.18839726

Checking those trips
What's it taste like?

>> No.18839779

peach flavoured monster ripper, easily my goat sip

>> No.18839835

>peach flavored
I hate this shithole I live in where we only have the basic monster sips

>> No.18840014
File: 97 KB, 250x349, Mountain_Dew_Energy_%28Pitch_Black%29_Can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Update on the Pitch Black /sip/:

Having tasted it, it definitely doesn't taste exactly like the original PB or the sour PBII, but that's to be expected (we are comparing an older soda to a newer energy drink, after all).

It's still pretty good, so definitely pick one up for yourself.

>> No.18840093
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 4364343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sour mountain dew existed
>i was in kindergarten when it dropped
millenialchads...i kneel...
Thanks for the review, anon. How sour was Pitch Black II?

>> No.18840112

I remember it vaguely tasting like gummy bears when drank at room temperature.

>> No.18840114


Haven't drank it in years, but I don't remember it being horrifically sour.

>> No.18841027

If only >>18803192 was okay as well
He hasn't updated us in 9 days

>> No.18841079
File: 422 KB, 327x918, MtnDewDist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was another sour Dew.
It was my favorite of all time but got the least votes.
Just look at the color and you KNOW it was good.

>> No.18841245
File: 7 KB, 228x228, 33453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This flavor lost to white out
>Ended up getting discontinued anyway
Damn shame

>> No.18842265
File: 589 KB, 800x600, 1674253604351864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink monster or energy drink every day
>Only grab and strictly drink zero calories sipps
>Avoid the 200-300 calories with loaded sugar, unless it has an interesting
>Caffeine doesn't really perks me up, sometimes it does but I honestly love it for the taste and to start things right

I remember drinking monsters way back in HS and it made me so fat I vowed I never would drink high sugar energy drinks lmao also there was this one energy drink that was health branded zero calorie drink, I sipped it and man, it was the saltiest energy drink I drinked in my entire life, so bad I thought it was expired and threw that shit in the sink. Need to find out which brand was it

>> No.18843864
File: 292 KB, 1200x627, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried these and they fucking SUCK!

>> No.18843901

Anybody seen these in the wild yet? I'm planning a binge in a couple weeks and I'd love to make energy cocktails with these and regular monsters I think they'd pair with.

>> No.18844067

I really liked the green tea one but literally only saw it once at walmart and then never again

>> No.18844382

It would be drinkable if it just tasted lile cheap cola

But to me it tasted like something crawled into the can and died there.
Did they even bother to try this drink before releasing it ?

>> No.18844850
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ur welcome fren

>> No.18844891
File: 36 KB, 540x960, tumblr_inline_o0nli6gmxw1t3a38s_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on this level

>> No.18845437

Ooh, how's the taste? 1 for 1 of the alcoholic stuff?

>> No.18845644

I hate living in the UK but after sipping on some monster ripper, maybe life aint so bad for this 1 hour.

>> No.18846037

I actually wish this had more of a rose flavor

>> No.18846191

Pitch Black II was fucking nasty and it felt like my teeth would disintegrate. It was a very sour grape. The new PB is much better.

>> No.18847634

>It was a very sour grape.
I love sour stuff, it woulda been perfect

>> No.18847700

I am :(
I'm trying to get off this sip

>> No.18847805

This thing tastes like candy floss

>> No.18847824

britbongs are so cute

>> No.18847996
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>> No.18848043
File: 19 KB, 512x351, 7717a89205cfe47fe1792f8ab5b0d331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shh it's ok anon, you can call cotton candy whatever you want

>> No.18848121

If you bite the pill in half before swallowing, it releases faster.

>> No.18848139

>on 4chan
>find animu marketing cringe
Cringe. Gsupps is the best out there, because even if their tubs are $35, they last 100 glasses.

>> No.18848142

Damn, I gotta try this /sip/

>> No.18848154
File: 130 KB, 269x321, 1671472601470618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or has the flavor of monster gone down significantly over the last year or so? like the sweetness is the same but the actual flavor of a lot of the ultra drinks is less pronounced. starting to wonder if they're cutting corners or changing the blends lately

>> No.18848158
File: 644 KB, 850x1307, 9295a51d4d49b69b1d304354d6150e24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not much for sips, but I fucking love Imaizumi's House is a Place for Gals to Gather and apparently Reina (the very obviously best girl) is pro-sip.
I bet she gets Imaizumi up to go jogging in the morning and makes him pound a sip before pounding her. Eventually they go jogging.
Maybe I should try one.

>> No.18849469

I sip'd 4 Pitch Black zeros today.
Yum I'm so full of carcinogens.

>> No.18849547

Trips of truth
This shit tastes like peach rings, almost like the peach nectarine red bull. So good.

My absolute favorite is Aussie lemonade.

>> No.18850373


>> No.18850801

>american version isn’t sugar free
What the fuck?

>> No.18850858

It's like a slightly fruity Belgian lager. (Only subtly, like Stella). Cheaper than the others, that's why I buy them.

>> No.18851492

Rockstar Super Sours Bubbleberry was the only thing that did it for me, and like every time I like something, Sour Apple won and it's a piece of shit.

>> No.18851538

Isnt that just mango loco?

>> No.18853227

I don't mind Ginger Beer on its own, but this Monster flavour is fucking dreadful.
I was almost sick when I tried it.

>> No.18853252
File: 128 KB, 1140x842, EamrTl5U4AMzqCZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18853906

You're so cool and edgy how can I be more like you

>> No.18854545

The first step is noticing

>> No.18854882

Fruit juice monsters are the only good ones
Og and all the ultras suck

>> No.18855013
File: 190 KB, 376x451, 545747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and the monster website says that regular monster is supposed to have a salty flavor to it. Ugh
Favorite juice monster?

>> No.18855673

babby's first sip post

>> No.18857337
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 582018_GHOST_Energy_V2_WARHEADS_Sour_Green_Apple_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best zero sugar sour apple soda.

>> No.18857571

>brand is called MONSTER
>UnLEASh tHe bEASt is right there on the can
>the stylized M is the thing you notice first
>surprised a drink called Monster might have some 'evil' in its design

why even care?

>> No.18857580

Ok buddy I'm sure the monster company put Hebrew letters on a beverage can. Makes total sense

>> No.18857626

I dont 100% believe it but I wouldnt be surprised. There are parallels. I still wonder why anyone would care besides hardcore religiousfags