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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 169 KB, 1720x1055, 1E53467E-CA18-4CF6-BCC7-A2B925D015AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18791288 No.18791288 [Reply] [Original]

Royal fillets of mackerel edition

>> No.18791301

Picked up some King Oscar for a special occasion, what should I use them for?

>> No.18791308
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I like mackerel with tomato.

>> No.18791332

Fuckin' love KO mackerel, bruh. I want to bathe myself in its delicioticiousness.

>> No.18791334

All hail the official reddit fish

>> No.18791369

Use it as a substitute for tuna

>> No.18791532

For me, it’s pilchards

>> No.18791557

I can only find it in olive oil, that looks like it'd be perfect for a pasta or a wrap

>> No.18791563
File: 2.18 MB, 3024x2998, ACAFA059-F4AB-4013-8EFB-1CEDE676C12D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. These guys were on clearance the other day. Very nice.

>> No.18791688

You lucky fuck. How much didja pay?

Check Lidl and Aldi. They occasionally sell their own-brand version.

>> No.18791708
File: 56 KB, 600x396, smelt fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love deenz, Ko is my go to. also like kippered snacks
This is my favorite though anyone else catch and eat smelt?

>> No.18791723

The aldi own brand is ok but not great

>> No.18791732

Not a fan. Find them bland. But then, I grew up eating fresh sardines, pilchards and anchovies so in comparison to those, they would be. How do you prepare your wild-caught smelts? I only had them floured and fried as well as in an onion-and-vinegar-based dish.

>> No.18791734

based reddit expert keeping us updated on the hottest redditfish

>> No.18791737

Surprising. I never bought the Aldi ones, but the Lidl ones were nice, IIRC. Been five years since I'd had them so I may be misremembering.

>> No.18791753

Kipper snacks are too strong for me (either too fishy or too smokey) but traditional kippers poached in water are good to me

>> No.18791765
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fry them, some lemon and salt
did you catch the fresh sardines?

>> No.18791775
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Since we are talking about weird fish treats anyone ever try these?
Great with crackers

>> No.18791779

what makes something kosher

>> No.18791787

Meh, it does the job but nothing special. Their anchovies are better there (at aldi)

>> No.18791790

I think a jewish priest says a prayer over the whole factory once a year, It's bullshit.

>> No.18791803

>did you catch the fresh sardines?
Not really? As a kid, I was in the boat with my uncle several times when he caught them but I never did so myself. Sardines are fucking everywhere in Italy, bro.

>> No.18791817

Nice, sounds like good times and good food, bro.

>> No.18791829

Bought two boxes of the Mediterranean style mackerel. Close to $2/can but God they're so good

The tomato basil sardines and mackerel are fucking godly but I can never find them

>> No.18791832

anybody who buys canned fish packed in (((sneed oils))) can leave

>> No.18791833

That's the Muzzies who do the prayer thing.

Think of the rabbi as the religious equivalent of H&S/L&I agents. They inspect the production for anything that doesn't follow the rules which govern kashrut and, if it all checks out, the declaration is made that the resulting product is kosher.
Different branches of Judaism have different standards of what is and is not kosher, so one factory may have a few different rabbis inspect. One might say production is kosher for his specific sect of Yid, but another will say that it doesn't meat her sect's kosher rules.

>> No.18791834

Olive oil isn't one of the bad ones retard

>> No.18791837

Was. Fucking miss that shit like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.18791851
File: 148 KB, 1200x1600, KosherDills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are pickles always kosher?

>> No.18791853

Just over $4 a piece. I know, still expensive but worth it for a once a week treat.

>> No.18791894

Can you grow sardines at home?

>> No.18791954

>still expensive
No it isn't. I'm jealous.

>> No.18791962

"Kosher dill" is just a style of pickled cucumber associated with kosher delicatessens in America and beyond that has nothing to do with kosher rules.

>> No.18794320

>or too smokey
this is literally never an issue

>> No.18794707

There’s just a strong bitter taste to it I guess. Maybe smokey isn’t the best word for it.
>capcha GAGYN

>> No.18794735
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The /ck/ brand jej

>> No.18794761

You see that little U symbol in the circle? That means it's kosher.

>> No.18795186

y a u?

>> No.18795214


>> No.18795253
File: 101 KB, 1080x916, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with these, I have two cans of mackerel in the pantry on recommendation but I've never eaten sardines or tinned fish in my life.

Do you heat them up? Do you really just eat them room temp out of the can? What do you eat them with? How do you eat them? Do you eat them on something? I'm trying to be fishpilled in 2023.

>> No.18795274

Step.1 Get bread
Step 2. Open can
Step 3. Put fish on bread
Step 4. ???
Step 5. PROFIT

>> No.18795281

You forgot to toast the bread you fucking donkey.

>> No.18795283
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I just tried these the other day and they're actually baller. Only 1.14$ for canned herring and it tastes as good as King Oscar deenz which is now overpriced bullshit; they were fine at their price point before but charging nearly 5$ for a fucking can of sardines is outrageous and I won't support it.

Just ... I don't know dude, just eat them the way you like to eat other stuff. I like rice. I eat a lot of chicken and rice. I sometimes crave fish, so instead of chicken I put a can of deenz on top of the rice with some sriracha on top. People eat them in a sandwich or wraps, or just out of the tin. Just eat 'em! You'll get ideas for meals once you understand the flavor profile of what you're going to have.

>> No.18795341

dump them on pasta

>> No.18795347

I just eat them at room temperature on crackers with a little hot sauce.

>> No.18795350
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>soybean oil

>> No.18795517

King Oscar is garbage now. Foil tops and plastic tops, total shitty cost cutting.

>> No.18795520

Beach Cliff is cheap garbage and flavored deenz are for suckers.

>> No.18795526

1. get salted crackers
2. deploy deenz's from can onto crackers
4. put hot sauce on top if you feel like the power of the 'deenz is too much
step 99.

>> No.18795756
File: 864 KB, 1600x1600, oystro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of taking zinc supplements since they chew up my gut, so I would like to try some tinned oysters for zinc content instead.
(Hopefully they don't also destroy my gut.)
I have never eaten an oyster in any form before, so not sure what to expect. I do like seafood and smoked foods in general though.

>> No.18795760
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Bros… Kippers time

>> No.18795982

Make tuna salad but sub it with the mack
>can of mack, drained of it’s oil
>flaked apart with a fork
>add mayo and yellow mustard to taste
>add 2 chopped up celery stalks
>add a chopped spring onion
>add about a tablespoon or two of pickled relish
>salt and pepper
>combine well
>serve on toasted bread

You can also add bread crumbs to the mix and make patties with it and bake at like 375F for 20-25 minutes

>> No.18796004
File: 98 KB, 800x800, 5EA5D0BB-A60B-48EF-859A-A11D1BC3A0E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get lemon and olive oil sardines
>apply sour cream to toast
>add the sardines to the toast and sour cream

>> No.18796048

I like the foil tops. Actual tin tops scare me. It's a weird phobia, but it is what it is: I'm afraid of opening pull-tab tins.

>> No.18796053

I miss canned fish so much bros...
T. Cutter

>> No.18796078
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Sure, but "kosher pickles" are a style of pickle nonetheless, regardless of kosher status.
For example, these are not "kosher pickles" despite being kosher pickles. Confusing, I know.

>> No.18796101

And these are "kosher pickles" which also happen to be kosher pickles. Each has "the little U symbol" you mentioned, but only one is kosher-style. Get it?

Each of the various sects and inspection bodies I mentioned in >>18791833 have their own symbol signifying that the product follows that particular sects understanding of kosher standards. The circled U is for the Orthodox Union, IINM.

>> No.18796105
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Derp. Forgot pic.

>> No.18796677

As someone who only recently got into deenz aswell, don't go eating them straight out of the can at first. Get used to the taste and consistency first, eat them with pasta or crackers like the other anons said.

>> No.18796700


>> No.18796710
File: 328 KB, 1280x960, EF64A751-85AC-42FE-AF7E-9F169F963523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. Nothing makes the fast food pushing jannies madder than deenz.

>> No.18796745

I love those things. Fair warning these canned oysters smell super fishy, but do not taste fishy at all. I enjoy simply on a cracker with a pinch of dried herb mix like herbs de provance. If any anons have more things to do with these I’d like to know too.

>> No.18796908

i just tried to have trader joe's canned sockeye for dinner, i know, not exactly deenz. the smell was so intense i almost hurled upon opening the can. Should i have rinsed it or something?

>> No.18796952

Stocked up on New Season deenz today since they’re on sale again (stopped by 3 Costcos for 180 cans total lol).

Anyone try Bar Harbor smoked deenz? Tried them recently and the smoke flavor was nice, and I like that they seem to be packing in their own juices instead of water or oil. Price wasn’t too bad at $3 per can.

>> No.18798253

Just got 25 cans delivered

>> No.18798382

>stopped by 3 Costcos for 180 cans total lol

>> No.18798402

Had some with rice just now. The tomato sauce is arguably better paired with pasta but I simmered it down to a thick paste in a pan before mixing it into the rice. It was pretty good.

>> No.18798486

>. Price wasn’t too bad at $3 per can.
That's a horrendous price.

In the UK they are about 50 - 80 pence. 50 pence is about 0.60 US Dollars.

>> No.18798527

You can find cheaper brands for about $1 a can, but most of the nicer ones are more expensive since they mostly come from Europe and Morocco so they have to get shipped a long distance to the US.

>> No.18799044
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, 1673303144096317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made two cans of Mediterranean style mackerel into patties by mixing them with a cup of panko and an egg and frying them. They were pretty plain by themselves.

>> No.18799097

garlic, onion powder, paprika, black pepper, cayenne, dijon mustard, lime juice, powdered parmesan
salt to taste

>> No.18799128

gonna make a special trip to the grocers to get some of these and some beer because im an alcoholic

>> No.18799164

Based kipper enjoyer. I've been on Polar, gonna need to try the KO.

>> No.18799301

what is the spread on the cracker?

>> No.18799310

Looks like pâté. Basically finely ground liver of some sort often sold in small cans.

>> No.18799409

i love mackarel and deenz.

piggybacking off your thread op. anyone have any good canned crab meat recipes?

>> No.18799415

i haven't popped my deenz cherry yet...how does one deenz?

>> No.18799440

On bread, maybe with stuff. I like some toasted sourdough with fresh tomato, onion, and cucumber. Just keep in mind that brisling are different from non-brisling and every brand is a little different. The consensus in my office is that Seasons makes the best non-brisling. I've only tried Crown Prince brisling and really enjoyed them. I have some KO on deck.

>> No.18799617

I mix it with softened cream cheese, chives and a little "crab salt" (idk wtf it's made of, but it's good af) as a sandwich spread. It's also nice as a filling for cannelloni or large pasta shells, especially if you swap the cream cheese for ricotta. If made this way, I like a chunky tomato sauce, for it. Just garlic, olive oil, hand-crushed tomatoes, tomato juice and more sweet parsley than you think you'd need. Arrange the cooked-and-stuffed cannelloni in a baking dish, top with the freshly made sauce and bake to heat through.

There's also the obvious options of crabcakes, crab salad and crab chowder.

I've only used the gigantic tins that are sold in the refrigerated seafood section of most supermarkets for any of these dishes so if you're using shelf stable tinned crab, YMMV.

>> No.18799621

Low effort deenz:
>saltine crackers
>hot sauce
(Relatively) high effort deenz:
>toasted sourdough with cream cheese
>pickled peppers and/or pickled red onion

>> No.18799642
File: 267 KB, 1500x916, 71UEMpfZzvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried this. I had it once and the store dropped it after. It was really good.

>> No.18800034

aldi has the cheapest wild caught non asian sardines

>> No.18800436

As a snack tonight I had some nice hearty toasted homemade bread with white bean hummus (is it hummus if it's not chickpeas?) that had lemon juice, rosemary, olive oil, salt, and pepper topped with chopped anchovies. I love 'chovies so it's nice to find new ways to incorporate the into snacking. Also good is a crispy flatbread cracker with soft cheese, tomato, and anchovies.

>> No.18800441
File: 30 KB, 439x245, 51O2Ylf1tRL._AC_SY580_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's polar

>> No.18800873

Mackerel and herring are the King Fish. Salmon is inferior when it comes to fat content and canned tuna is too lean to be consumed by actual human beings (fresh tuna is a different question, but it's far too costly).

>> No.18800880

Also, never get any kind of fish in """olive oil""" which is actually obesogenic oilslop adulterated with seed and """vegetable""" oils. Same goes for tomato sauce which is sugar-laden goyslop. Always get your fish in water or brine, preferably with the bones and skin still in.

>> No.18800886

bean hummus is nicer sounding than bean paste with anchovies. I probably would've added thinly chopped scallions and used sweet peppers to scoop.

>> No.18800891
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Unironically NGMI.

>> No.18801522

I am gonna try mackerel sandwiches with onion and spinach wish me luck bros

>> No.18801617

What is the goomba looking at?

>> No.18801768

Something that makes it wish it had a cawk, if it has any class or taste at all.

>> No.18802149

i buy with skin and bones and swallow the whole thing

>> No.18802173
File: 54 KB, 930x485, 9b18ec1eaebdab1b9afe52e902b8c079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that fresh mackerel or smoked? Hot smoked mackerel sandwhiches with butter are absolutely divine.

>> No.18802181

Just wanted to jump in and say the smokey flavor is what keeps pulling me back to kippers. Give them a try boys.

>> No.18802898

I like deenz and anchovies. For a long time I would not go near canned tuna as I had only had bad things other people prepared for me with it. I bought expensive Ortiz tins of various types of tuna, and they were nice but not spectacular. What am I supposed to do with canned tuna, and how can I make the most of cheaper brands?

>> No.18803156

Tuna salad

>> No.18803161
File: 2.43 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20230112_160249854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bowl of rice with Beach Cliff deenz for dinner. Delicious.

And? It doesn't matter if women have soybean products, faggot.

Imagine unironically thinking food with flavor is for "suckers" and thinking only expensive food = good. You're such a bland, shitty fucking person that it even seeps through your posts.

>> No.18803176

>It doesn't matter if women have soybean products, faggot.

>It doesn't matter if women have obesogenic, inflammatory, endocrine disrupting seed oils, faggot.

>> No.18803182

Based schizo

>> No.18803217

>seed oil

It's bean oil dumbdumb, now go take your meds.

>> No.18803226

>Although used interchangeably, the terms “legumes,” “pulses,” and “beans” have distinct meanings. A legume refers to any plant from the Fabaceae family that would include its leaves, stems, and pods. A pulse is the edible seed from a legume plant. Pulses include beans, lentils, and peas.
Beans are seeds.

>> No.18803363

Here's some literature if your PUFA riddled woman brain can handle it.



>Unsaturated fats cause aging, clotting, inflammation, cancer, and weight gain.

>Avoid foods which contain the polyunsaturated oils, such as corn, soy, safflower, flax, cottonseed, canola, peanut, and sesame oil.

>Mayonnaise, pastries, even candies may contain these oils; check the labels for ingredients.

>Pork is now fed corn and soy beans, so lard is usually as toxic as those oils; use only lean pork.

>Fish oils are usually highly unsaturated; "dry" types of fish, and shellfish, used once or twice a week, are good. Avoid cod liver oil.

>Use vitamin E.

>Use coconut oil, butter, and olive oil.

>Unsaturated fats intensify estrogen's harmful effects.

>> No.18803385

Wait that's the opposite of true, saturated fats are the problem while unsaturated fats like Omega 3 promote health

>> No.18803392

you never sprouted a bean in school?

>> No.18803403

Aww, that's cute. You think the studies funded by mega-corporations are done for altruistic purposes, and not just to push a narrative that will increase their profits. Get reading, you have much to learn.

>> No.18803411

I am a scientist I know how to read and interpret studies
Blue zone diets are all high in unsaturated fats too

>> No.18803458

>muh pigs
>pufas quickens fatting pigs
just stop, stop
No one wants fat on pigs, period.
Pigs get weighted in the slaugtherhouse, and if they are above a certain weight threshold the farm who sold gets a price cut.
For the last half century industry demands lean meat, but how is that possible if we feed them corn crob mix and soy?
Oh right, that whole narrative is BS and the soy especially is the left over husk from human food production

>> No.18803467

I'm just fucking with you guys. I only cook with coconut oil and butter, and rarely eat the deenz in soybean oil. I know it's not the greatest for you, but it costs a dollar and it genuinely tastes good. Isn't most of the harm from seed oils caused by being cooked at a high temperature, anyway?

>> No.18803478

Are you all /fit/ards, NEETs, or is it just you cunts genuinely enjoy this shit

>> No.18803489

canned food is the great filter

>> No.18803600

>who could enjoy sardines, a staple food for a huge array of people across cultures and time
go make another mcchicken thread

>> No.18803649
File: 146 KB, 1218x1061, CD77C36F-F81D-48F6-B6C4-3110A0E99162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bunch of kipper snacks

Wat do

>> No.18804050
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, FlowerDeenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These deenz are my favorite for the price. I was able to buy them directly from the distributor in San Francisco for what comes out to $1.60 per can (product + shipping). You have to buy 50 at a time.
Contact them here: http://www.sunhingfoods.com/contact.php?email
They usually get back quickly. I love these deenz. So aromatic and nice spicy flavor. There are some peppercorns, cloves, and bay leaf. I remove them and place the fish over warm rice. Needless to say I bought about $200 woth of these deenz. I'll be alright for some time.

>> No.18804059

>bunch of kippers
snack, duh

>> No.18804066
File: 377 KB, 613x407, Brunswick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a cheap brand that is herring these are delicious. Just a little heat from the cheap jalapenos. In some olive oil and its own juices. Quick breakfast that tides me over till dinner. Sometimes I have one of these and s can of kipper snacks and I'm all set. God I love canned fish.

>> No.18804082

What is this site and how would I know it's reputable? I haven't opened it yet and don't intend to if it doesn't cite sources. Does it?

Likely not, no. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still utterly terrified of opening pull-tab tins.

When I found out goombas are supposed to be chestnuts and not mushrooms, I was ultra confused cuz 'gomba' means 'mushroom' in Hungarian and they look like mushrooms.

>> No.18804083
File: 64 KB, 840x525, WildWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the exact product you speak of. What is the deal with that aluminum foil seal? It is not even a complete can. How long is the shelf life I wonder.
I regret now buying a trainload of the Wild Planet White Anchovies in olive oil. Truly a tasty fish. They were selling them for cheap. Still have some left over, I treat them like gold.

>> No.18804095

Quite good. The only thing bad about them is they are packed in ink sauce based with sunflower oil. I don't know if sunflower oil is the worst of the sneed oils but I try to avoid them as much as possible. They were on discount and I'll just go through the ones I have now and be more careful next time.

>> No.18804103
File: 42 KB, 500x281, Polar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I occasionally find picrel at Walmart for cheap. Great peppery flavor in its own juices. Large amount for one can as well. Polar makes a great can of fish.

>> No.18804411

Dr. Raymond Peat was a biologist who specialized in hormones and how both environment and diet played a role in their effects on the body. He passed away last November at 86. The page I linked has 37 references listed at the bottom.

>> No.18804439
File: 458 KB, 750x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fans of boquerones? It's basically fresh anchovy ceviche

>> No.18804457


Me. They are very common in Spain, served in tapas.

>> No.18804528

If you haven't tried herring fillets in paprika sauce your life is incomplete.

>> No.18804640

Why the fuck do some sardine cans have no bones? You can barely tell they exist and they're super healthy for you.

>> No.18805740

>I am a scientist
You're not, you're retarded goycattle.

>muh bluezones though
Yep. Literal goycattle.


>> No.18805858

bones scare some people as doea the skin so they make cans of filets
it's a bit of a retard trap though because you want the skin and the regular ones split down the middle easily if you want to pull the bones

>> No.18806479
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>just realized my favorite cheapo deenz are fished from Morocco
>I've been eating them for years
it's fucking over

>> No.18807094

someone is another thread recommended toast + cream cheese + chopped green onions or dill or whatever + deenz.
i can report it's preddy gud, and easy.

>> No.18807271


>> No.18807280

mackerel > deenz. i was an instant convert when i tried mackky for the first time.

>> No.18807291

not a real deenz thread yet.

>> No.18807298

i had to stop speaking to my mom and grandmother because they got filtered.

>> No.18807795

for me it's mediterranean style, the best king oscar

>> No.18807832
File: 75 KB, 828x856, 0D094E19-5A43-4340-B2C9-C00C8CF869F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is canned fish?

>> No.18808508

Based fat enjoyers.

>> No.18809001

they;re good

>> No.18809006

salty crackers, toasted buttered bread, but something salty and sometimes citrusy will help like lemon juice

>> No.18809008

can also do with canned salmon and deenz. I like to add some hot sauce and some garlic powder but your recipe is great.
I pair with sharp cheddar on toast, and sometimes I mash them up with my fork into a pate before adding to cracker or bread. Needs some salt typically, citrus can help a lot like the fish salad.

>> No.18809009

you're right, you know

>> No.18809174

I usually fry 2 hashbrown patties, spread on some mayo, add a couple filets of deens or kippers to each and then top with fried eggs and dab on some hot sauce. sometimes I'll use guacamole instead of mayo.

>> No.18809497
File: 99 KB, 683x1024, German_Herring_Salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the main ingredient for German-style Herring Salad:
Let it drip off, then add:
Red beets, apples, sliced onions and creme fraiche. Mix it with these.

>> No.18809507

ok nignog

>> No.18809566

deenz are a little 2fishy4me bros, what's a good fishcan substitute? how's sabacan?

>> No.18809677

What's wrong with Morocco?

>> No.18809687
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>goombas are supposed to be chestnuts and not mushrooms
Fuckin wut
No way

>> No.18811342
File: 3.71 MB, 4032x3024, 8EA42D04-0266-48D7-8DEB-2E0CECA9C79D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the leap bros. Downed some Viro deenz or whatever the brand is. Was pretty good. Definitely not used to the salt yet. Any recommendations for a new swimmer

>> No.18811420

Why are the boneless King Oscar deenz cheaper? They have slightly more content too.

>> No.18811520

Finally broke down and picked up some king oscars. ~3.50 usd for mackerel and sardines decent? What ls Mediterranean style?