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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18794053 No.18794053 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18794055


>> No.18794062

Fuck off.

>> No.18794099

i listened to the entire hour-long podcast this morning and it turns out the answer is no, you can be healthy and overweight and fat is not inherently dangerous

>> No.18794261

And in other news, poop can taste good, water can be dry, and OP can go without swallowing gallons of semen for more than a few minutes at a time.

Oh wait...

>> No.18794723
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>> No.18794744

I'd say it ultimately boils down to yes. Body fat has a purpose but "being fat" as people understand it is not good for you.

>> No.18794751

Sure, a sumo wrestler eating large quantities of unprocessed natural produce and following a strict training regimen will be miles healthier than your average murrican butterball.

So yeah, "being fat" won't kill you, if you ignore a huge list of very likely commonalities linked with "being fat"

>> No.18794771

That conspiracy theory I heard that Globohomo is using popular Youtubers to spread their garbage is appearing more and more true every day.

>> No.18794776


>> No.18794782
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>> No.18794786

I can imagine someone like Ragusea mig even being in on the joke. Just need a hecking valid (((expert))) to come talk to him.

>> No.18794789

(You) can't be a fat person without eating like a fat person, and that's an unhealthy thing to do.

>> No.18794818

Now google the life expectancy of your average murrican butterball

>> No.18794823

Yes it is unhealthy.

>> No.18794828

About 60-65
>Jap thing !!!!

>> No.18794843
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>> No.18794848

A sumo wrestler's life expectancy is between 60- and 65-years old, 2 decades shorter than the life expectancy of a typical Japanese man.

>> No.18794849

Looks like that affirmative action for medical training is finally kicking in.

>> No.18794873

It's dropping VERY fast over there too. They eat the same chemical-laden goyslop as everywhere else now.

>> No.18794876

I guess if you want to be pedantic, it's not the fat itself that is hurting the person. It's all the organ damage that is correlated with having a lot of fat

>> No.18794885
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why would you listen to him talk about anything other than cooking?
stupid people are more likely to be obese, and being obese makes you stupid
we don't need anymore stupid fatties

>> No.18795188

>be a washed cooking tuber
>gee I wonder how I can reinforce my viewership
>should I make new series?
>should I invent my own recipes?
>I know!
>I will spout bullshit takes that my viewers could identify with

I actually wonder what is the % of overweight and obesse people that watch cooking shows. Is it higher than average?
On on hand, slobs like to watch food but on the other people that are more conscious about eating tend to search recipes and cook for themselves which usually means that they tend to be thinner since they eat less processed garbage.

>> No.18795227

Overweight is sometimes a misnomer. Someone with a low body fat percentage can be mislabeled as being overweight because stupid measurements like BMI don't account for muscles weighing more than fat.
Also, being overweight and fat is not mutually exclusive with doing a healthy amount of cardio and/or muscle training.
Essentially, "overweight" is not a well measured metric and even when measured correctly is not categorically distinct enough. Chances are that if your body fat percentage is above a certain threshold that it's unhealthy, especially if you don't exercise adequately enough. Some things are always unhealthy though, like hamplanets.

>> No.18795278

This is kind of a spurious argument since the people that are healthy overweight know that they are healthy overweight because they put actual effort into bodybuilding. So like, while yes, some people are health and overweight, it provides no real information to anyone to present them and is basically just whataboutism at its core. It's like a high schooler asking for help studying for his physics test and you tell him that Newtonian physics doesn't work the same way at the subatomic level. You're right, but why bring it up? How's it going to help him pass?

In the same vein, what the fuck is the point of pointing towards the 'healthy overweight/obese?' The people that are in that group know they are outliers and put themselves there on purpose while their presence doesn't change anything about the fatties' condition or the scale's accuracy in the cases it was designed to diagnose.

>> No.18795286

bodybuilding is not healthy. cardio is healthy. bodybuilders constantly drop dead from heart attacks because theyre unhealthy as fuck and all they do is build muscles while their arteries harden from pre-workout and shitty eating habits

>> No.18795312

The point is that the healthy overweight existing changes nothing about the fact that in almost all cases, BMI is a far more useful measure than the alternative, in large part because people are actually willing to use it. Discussing fringe cases in a blatant attempt to discredit the scale is a flagrant attempt to normalize fatties or give them more excuses and basically just enable them.

>> No.18795315

Being maybe ten-ish pounds overweight is not ideal, but not necessarily the worst thing in the world healthwise if you're otherwise healthy.

>> No.18795319

If you were otherwise healthy, you probably wouldn't be ten pounds overweight. You're likely still eating garbage or not nearly active enough.

>> No.18795337

I unsubscribed a few minutes ago when i realized i was still subscribed. I then went on ck to see where the fuck ragusea threads are. fuck ragusea. I dont trust someone who tells other people to practice unsafe knife techniques and shills a $80 knife with chink steel and brags about it. I can go on aliexpress and buy a better knife for $13. In fact, I own a better knife that I paid $13 for. That was by far the last straw for me, and he never apoligized about it. He still stands by it and im sure if you brought it up he could just give you a 10 paragraph drunken off topic rant

>> No.18795381

You almost have a point. The problem is that the arguments of health come from data collection, analysis, and subsequent conclusions. When your data is not properly controlled due to the points that I mentioned, the analysis is flawed and the conclusion is often misleading and/or mistaken.
It's how you get people correctly sourcing their claims that being overweight isn't necessarily unhealthy--because their sources fucked up.
I think you're underestimating how easy it is to be classified as overweight while healthy. Your post would make more sense if I was only talking about the obese classification (or greater).

>> No.18795413

Fat itself isn't inherently dangerous. In fact, fat makes up things that are quite important: boobs, butts, etc. Not having any fat is a bad thing. However, having too much fat is also a bad thing. It is pretty much like everything else: you need some, but not so much you are drowning in it. The health problems are super clear from not having any and having too much.

Now, the whole BMI/category stuff is kinda a rough approximation, it's not exactly the best and that is why body fat percentage calculations have replaced it, both for better measurement of the sexes, as well as for better accounting for height/mass. As long as you can remain active, fat is not going to hurt you and will be good insurance/protection.

But is very clear that when you reach lard-ass obesity points, you start having very real health problems, and the bigger you go the more quality of life issues you encounter. Just watch any video of a land whale and you immediately see they can't do jack shit in life and fix it by eating blocks of fucking cheese as a cope. These fucks are allergic to even walking. Even the bitches that push fat acceptance died super early.

>> No.18795448

Actually, it is a bit strange BMI still hangs around, there is a far better measurement system in existence that measures actual fat percentage. But that probably gets chalked up to medical habits and the harder difficulty the newer measurements have. I guess it is easier to measure height and weight than to break out calipers and do measurements or do float tests, so everyone sticks to the old broke ways.

Anyway, BMI is a bit broke in it's categorization, mostly due to height issues and also not taking into account the sex differences for fat needs. The only really useful categories are obese and malnourished, the rest are kinda normal when actual fat percentage is measured. And that doesn't get into the dozens of various non-standard cards that convert BMI into categories.

I would suspect bodybuilders fit into the no-fat category of danger. Since they want to look great, that means <1% body fat, and that steers you into danger territory. Fat stores minerals and shit you need, so having none can be a big problem if something happens to you. This is why body fat measurements are more useful than BMI, it tells your fat levels without muscles fucking with the measurement.

>> No.18795490
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>> No.18795495

BMI is perfectly fine for the large majority of the population. It's not perfect but it shouldn't be completely disregarded because the top and bottom 5% are out of wack.

>> No.18795621

He said he's 173cm and 90kg
I don't care what he says, that is incredibly fucking fat
He needs to lose at least 15kg
All this "big boned" and "muscle weight" shit Americans tell themselves is pathetic cope, you are just fat, you look fat, your body knows its fat. Lose some fucking weight.

>> No.18795629

Damn he is short

>> No.18795646

>we made your food and everything around you poisonous but it's ok we'll get some gynoid bearded pussy face to tell you it's all ok

>> No.18795687

no. excessive fat is bad. a little fat is healthy. your body stores it for a reason. the problem is most people just keep adding fat on top of their fat instead of using it and that strains your body in many ways.
for some reason nutrition literacy is not trendy despite dieting being extremely trendy.

here's another topic tangentially related that i think is more relevant to 4chan users: being at your typical BMI range doesn't mean you're healthy. If you're 5'10 160lbs but 25% bodyfat you could be fatter than someone who weighs significantly more than you. i know many of you are losers who sit on your computer for 8 hours a day, yet think you're healthy because you weigh a normal amount. you're not. go exercise you skinnyfat piece of shit

>> No.18795742

Well, technically no because there's variations in how different people respond to being overweight (e.g. East Asian people suffer from fat-related health problems at a lower BMI compared to non-asians) but generally it's not great for you.

>> No.18795912


I knew a girl in college who was somewhat "thicc" but was very athletic. I'm sure she was more healthy than the typical dyel skellington stacy.

Obesity acceptance needs to stop.

>> No.18795941

>subject is the dangers of obesity
>thread is full of lardasses complaining about BMI

>> No.18796006

Yes, being fat is unhealthy, not watching that video. Practice some self control and stop eating too much.

You won't be healthy if you don't eat good clean food, drink clean water, breath clean air, get enough sleep at night, move enough in a day (doesn't really have to be that much if you don't over eat), and keep a healthy mind. It also helps to give glory to God, statistically speaking, in that atheists and people who identified as pagans had higher overweight and obesity rates than christians, muslims, catholics, and jews in a study a while ago. I believe another study found they suffer from higher rates of mental health illness and yet another couple separate studies showed that most hospital visits are due to stress, that the core cause of the reason of the visit to the hospital was stress (the first study was over 90%, second was between 80 and 90, don't remember exact numbers).

>> No.18796025

>christcuck schizo spouting nonsense
lol ok

>> No.18796032

>no argument
I accept your concession. :^)

>> No.18796046

Literally me

>> No.18796066

>It also helps to give glory to God,
stopped reading there. Have you seen the american south?

>> No.18796346

no the subject is "is it actually unhealthy to be overweight"
nobody said anything about obesity except for you

>> No.18796359

>in that atheists and people who identified as pagans had higher overweight and obesity rates than christians, muslims, catholics, and jews in a study a while ago
now restrict this study to first world countries only and watch the results flip flop. it's easy to be underweight when you're a third worlder. undeveloped countries are overwhelmingly religious, whereas atheists tend to concentrate in developed countries with abundant access to food. of course atheists are going to weigh more on average than religious people, atheists live in more luxurious conditions on average.

>> No.18796373

instead of watching this fag who has all manner of political bias, watch someone who's not retarded discuss the subject competently:


>> No.18796417

or instead of letting any given faggot on youtube "educate" you, you could just read the books that they got the information from to begin with straight from the horse's mouth. it's hilarious to me that in the year 2023 with an infinite amount of information available at your fingertips and in your pocket wherever you go, people still would prefer to have some random fuck on YouTube water down the science for their little peabrains so they can half-assedly repeat it to win their online arguments because they can't be fucked to dedicate more than 10 to 20 minutes of their time to learning something that will make your life 100x better.
if you want to learn something for real, don't go to YouTube. go to libgen. nobody goes to university and just watches YouTube, your professor will have a list of books that you have to read or else you're not allowed to even participate in the class.
you don't have to be a scientist or even have an education to learn about how the world works. you don't need youtubers or "scientists" paid by third parties to make youtube videos to tell you how your body works. there's a million different books written by experts dedicated to any given subject just for the sole purpose of teaching it to other people. you don't need a third, forth and fifth parties, many of whom have ulterior motives, to water it down for you.

>> No.18796425

Have you read the King James Bible?

>now restrict this study to
No, lose weight and eat healthy whole food that you cook at home. If you like butter and fried foods, fine, just make it at home and start with good ingredients.

>> No.18796426


>> No.18796428

I mean make the fried foods, butter is fine to buy at the stores if you get good butter. Burgers are fine too, but fast food burgers are full of crap that nobody should ever eat, so get your own ground beef and make your own patties and get some good buns maybe from a bakery if you have one nearby since their bread should be better than the supermarkets.

>> No.18796433
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psalms 14:1

>> No.18796434

the whole "le post ironic religiousfag who ignores all logic" bit ran its course years ago. the internet is blasé at this point. get another gimmick lil bro nobody finds it quirky anymore

>> No.18796441

You brought up an irrelevant topic about the American south because you stopped reading at my mention of God. You are a coward and a fool, but you count yourself for wise.

>> No.18796445

here's another thing, not every user on 4chan is the same person. hope this helps

>> No.18796578

I am so unbelievably tired of this faggot. Can he die? Can he fucking die please?

>> No.18796580

>being smug about death just because it's 4chan

you are not a good person. remember that next time you think you are.

>> No.18796660

You know you can just call him a faggot instead of being a sanctimonious worm, right?

>> No.18796773

do you have a source to back that up, faggot?

>> No.18796801

"<1% body fat" lol. For top level competitions bodybuilders are at like 5%. But yea its an unhealthy sport.

>> No.18796893

sir, this is 4channel, not your undergrad. it's hilarious to me that you've been cucked so hard by school that you make up phantom professors in your brain who will not allow you to participate in class.

do you also go to restaurants and yell at the patrons that they could cook for themselves?

>> No.18798643
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To be overweight should mean to be over the threshold of what weight one should be. If that weight is determined by metrics with errors, or one is deemed healthy at a weight that those metrics consider "overweight," then they technically should not be considered overweight. It's a technicality, maybe, but if term isn't ironclad, they just open it to people picking at it and criticizing the usage. Obesity is the real issue and there is a classification difference between overweight and obese, so what the fuck does it matter?

>> No.18799606
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Is welfare to blame for obesity?

>> No.18800042

no you fucking dumbass

>> No.18800103

>because stupid measurements like BMI don't account for muscles weighing more than fat.
Yeah because I bet you actually look like Arnold Schwarzenigger IRL

>> No.18802042

pear shaped body
if you have love handles wider than you're shoulder, you are fucked

>> No.18802051

potentially a psyop, adam ragusea has always fucking ticked me off, something about his cadence and mannerisms sets off a warning light in my brain. Like, 'ten years from now we find out he's a child molester' kind of stuff. Bad vibes.

>> No.18802053

Over 40% of American adults are obese

Over 60% are either obese, or overweight

How do we fix this dilemma? Taxing sugary foods? Subsidizing marketing for healthier alternatives? Education?

>> No.18802068

Nothing’s going to change as long as the FDA is in the pocket of food lobbyists and the average citizen is borderline retarded

>> No.18802071

no, stress is the biggest contributing factor to obesity. Two people who eat the same amount and get the same amount of exercise will have dramatically different outcomes if one has a high-stress job and one has a regular one. That being said, being on benefits and being stressed out have a huge amount of correlation.

>> No.18802091

>seed oils aren't bad for you
>being fat isn't unhealthy
Any other retarded takes from this fag?

>> No.18802099

Nah. Because if that were the case obesity would only really be a thing for poor people but it’s across the board

The real contributors are
1. The rise of the service industry and fewer physically taxing jobs overall (to be fair, there are also health risks with regularly working physically demanding jobs too)
2. Food industry pouring a shitton of money into mass marketing for unhealthy foods, foods that aren’t really healthy being advertised as healthy (see: most fruit juices)
3. Fewer and fewer Americans are cooking their own meals. Instead they eat out or order meals already prepared, whether out of convenience or taste, when you do that you have no control over the ingredients being used
4. Adding onto the above, portion sizes for food in restaurants have increased
5. Poor education surrounding nutrition, nobody reads or understands nutrition labels, most can’t be bothered to track calories

>> No.18802102

you have to get rid of take out culture, eating out and re-program them to not demand a feast 3x a day.
Just imagine, a huge part of the world eats cold for dinner and breakfast. Cheap, no time wasted preparing

>> No.18802107

>Two people who eat the same amount and get the same amount of exercise will have dramatically different outcomes if one has a high-stress job and one has a regular one.
I find that hard to believe. The stressed one will likely die earlier, but same amount of calories cannot give two different outcomes on two similarly gender and size persons.

>> No.18802112

>but same amount of calories cannot give two different outcomes on two similarly gender and size persons.
Of course it can. The rate at which a person burns calories (aka metabolism) varies widely from person to person and is based on a number of different factors, both genetic and environmental.

>> No.18802119

>because stupid measurements like BMI
about 99% of people with obese BMIs are fatasses and not powerlifters. The tiny percentage of dudes who have a lot of relative muscle mass do not skew this statistic. You are outing yourself as a retard for arguing BMI isn't a reliable metric for fatness

and fuck this thread in general for youtuber circlejerking

>> No.18802177

Why would you listen to him talk about anything other than journalism?

>> No.18802242

I'd say walkable cities is a big one, lots of americans stuff themselves in places like Italy and actually lose weight from walking so much.
better nutrition education, and higher standards for factory farming/meats, which would make processed foods more expensive, so buying your
Also restaurants must pay all of their workers at least minimum wage. This would make eating out more expensive, so people would more likely eat at home.

That said, it will never happen. Michelle Obama wanted to make school lunches healthy and certain people and a certain news channel acted like it was forceful castration.

Too many Americans want highly processed salty and sugary garbage, want 24 hour access to it, don't want to eat vegetables, and are ready to take up arms if anyone tries to change it. And many are just too lazy and/or dumb to eat better.

It'll never change.

>> No.18802274

retard nitpicker. are you a grammar nazi too?

>> No.18802284

It's a relevant distinction. Either you don't know what obesity is, or your mind is too prone to focus on extremes

>> No.18802288

their arteries aren't hardening from preworkout, retard, they're hardening from heavily abusing steroids and completely destroying their hormonal profile. There's a reason why some natties like to call them roidtrannies.

>> No.18802368

depends on how overweight you are. it's better to be a little overweight than be underweight btw.

>> No.18802403

I liked this guy more when all his channel was was a recipe for a chocolate chip cookie, he's become arrogant and must be taken down

>> No.18802615

massive doses of caffeine harden your arteries and pre-workout is known for legendary caffeine content and people thinking they're bad asses for doing 2 scoops of 300 mg each which is like 5 energy drinks at once

>> No.18802639

Ramp up the gluttony in society so all the far fucks who are weak minded will get fatter faster and die off, leaving the sensible people who do not partake in this gluttony to flourish in this new fat free society. Basically survival of the fittest but let's speed up the process

>> No.18802679

it could be they made a mistake and meant to say overweight. sure theyre not the same but being obese is also being overweight, and theyre extremely similar as a category and unsuprisingly very commonly grouped together/very rarely talked about individually

go fuck yourself nitpicking faggot

>> No.18802691

Does this mean my penis can get hard aswel?

>> No.18802715

>Michelle Obama wanted to make school lunches healthy and certain people and a certain news channel acted like it was forceful castration.

>let's take school lunches out of the control of local school districts that are directly answerable to parents, and give it all to the feds
>Thinking Michelle Obama wasn't just a face hiding the corporate interests for the initiative
You're a very simple person and deserve all of your misgivings. I hope your life is full of suffering and bewilderment.

>> No.18802732

>I hope your life is full of suffering and bewilderment.
it's not, sorry bro

>> No.18802753

was only half listening but iir he was referring more individually and one person's likeliness to just drop dead from gaining 100lbs in a few months or wtv than the effects rampant obesity can have on society and health systems etc which is what most people are worried about though I think he might have alluded to the latter at some point

>> No.18802848

>increases gluttony in society
>people become fat that wouldnt be if you hadnt encouraged people gaining weight
good plan

>> No.18802851
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Le American

>> No.18802872

They weren't going to make it anyways

>> No.18802978

wtf, how is he 90kg at 173cm, he doesn't look that fat, so he has to have some muscle
i am 190cm and barely 90kg, not particularly strong though

>> No.18802996

>he doesn't look that fat
its what separates shirt size M from L

>> No.18803025

he's sucking it in lol

>> No.18803065
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>> No.18803073

>program works by giving school districts more money and then ensuring healthy meals are provided
>most school districts hired local chefs with local employees to make the food

Some places took the extra money and still make chicken nuggets and fries and stuff, and some places brought on real chefs who make amazing food. This is exactly the kind of control you wanted. But no, muh dems. Seethe and dilate, you faggot 2016 tranny tourist.

>> No.18803074

kek, have a reddit gold sir

>> No.18803120

New Ragusea just dropped

>> No.18803171

As a formerly obese person, I will fight the people trying to promote "body positivity"

>> No.18803178
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you mean "as a future obese person"?

>> No.18803180

Wtf? Was he eating 4k calories a day?

>> No.18803216
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>only 4k
Maybe if you're a manlet.

>> No.18803235

trust me man you dont want peyronies disease

>> No.18803379

It's because the sport is tough on them, not that they're fat

>> No.18803390

Bunch of people here behaving like retards
I did not listen to the hour long podcast because it is just him reading from an essay he prepared as answers to questions, and he looks fucking stupid and robotic when he does it

but being "overweight", as defined by BMI, is not inherently dangerous
Your body uses fat for backup energy. You do not die from packing on some fat or whatever
The problem is when you are obese and the question is how much fat actually starts to become dangerous.

>> No.18803391

You just know this guy sits on his ass and posts all day about how the NHS shouldn't cover trans healthcare

>> No.18803455

Well he's right about that.

>> No.18803461

It will be

>> No.18804671

Medfag here. So, fat will inherently increase the risk to clog your arterias which will likely result in a stroke or infarct. This alone is unhealthy as fuck. It doesn't matter when you're trained. Being fat will clog your arterias. It also increases weight on your joints so youre in risk of arthrosis way earlier than thin people. The list goes on but this should be enough

>> No.18804684

Ultra turbo wrong. Its because they fucking use all kinds of "enhancers" in a shitty quality, manner and even if done right it will fuck them up

>> No.18804892


My weight fluctuated between 85kg and 125kg (187-275 freedom kee's).

I can tell you up to 95kg working out, running, fitting normal clothes are all fine. Up to 105kg you have to start accomodating for extra fat (buy larger sizes), you feel your legs bumping into your stomach when cycling. From 115kg and on, it starts to get hard to even run, because your breathing isn't under control, and your knees/ankles start to hurt and suffer.

So I would say, being 110% of your weight at a 12-15% fat percentage wouldn't give you that many problems, and your actual nutrition would impact you more. Anything above 130% of your healthy weight starts impacting your life significantly.

>> No.18805056

As a recovering lard lad: Yes. And I hate fatties with a burning passion.

>> No.18805433

>fat will inherently increase the risk to clog your arterias which will likely result in a stroke or infarct
False, damage to lipoproteins does that. That the foods which cause damage to them also lead to obesity is coincidental, not causal. Take your qualification and shove it up your ass.

>> No.18805445

kek, this fucking guy

>> No.18805453

There are lots of different things floating around in your blood, yet it's always the contents of lipoproteins that wind up in arterial blockages, minus the lipoprotein itself. And you think something isn't happening to the lipoprotein? There's a reason medical malpractice is one of the biggest killers in the west, and it's not because medical professionals are intelligent people.

>> No.18805460

kek, this fucking guy

>> No.18805476

I unsubbed from his channel due to this video.

Absolute enormous faggot.