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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 201 KB, 540x1368, SANDwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18802749 No.18802749 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you've all had your daily dose of nutritional sand today

>> No.18802766

imagine the callouses on her asshole.

>> No.18802788

I'm thinking about the consistency of her shits. Heavily grogged. You could probably use them as bricks. I wonder if she eats clay, too. We could fire them in a kiln. A lady who shits bricks.

>> No.18802800

This is either a strange, instinctual compulsion born from malnourishment, undiagnosed Pica or simply a mental disorder.

>> No.18802809

maybe its like birds having small rocks they swallow to grind up food in their stomach. maybe she uses it like internal sand paper.

>> No.18802810

P.S.: I'm betting on Pica, Geophagia variation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geophagia

>> No.18802822

>However, cooked, baked, and processed dirt and clay are sold in health food stores and rural flea markets in the American South.

Can anyone confirm this?

>> No.18802832

>this 57 year old drinks three bottles of Pepsi every day and feels perfectly healthy

>> No.18802834

You know those funny numbers after sentences lead to the source? https://web.archive.org/web/20120930063152/http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news%2Fhealth&id=3497523

>> No.18802843
File: 266 KB, 680x763, 1664821385439926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Intestinal parasites HATE HER.

>> No.18802885

>this grandmothers FREE diet HACK has dieticians seething!!!

>> No.18803119

this woman doesn't just like sand she LOVES IT

>> No.18803220

2kg a day is a lot though.

>> No.18803237

Remember, never trust any news coming out of India or China

>> No.18803247
File: 66 KB, 1200x624, skade1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her mental condition is named after my favourite bird.

>> No.18803261

That's a pretty cool looking bird, anon. I like it.

>> No.18803738

Yeah I probably don't even eat 2kg of food a day.

>> No.18803830

I used to date a girl from Kazakhstan who regularly ate chalk. She said she just loved the taste, even though she knew it wasn't good for her. She would harvest "mountain chalk" (her favourite kind) any time we went into the mountains.

>> No.18805094

Here's a short documentary about it.

>> No.18805115

Well, she looks really awful for 78. My alcoholic grandfather died at 81 and his corpse looked less dead than her living body does. I have a 94 year old grandmother who looks younger.

>> No.18805142

audibly kekked
But seriously, if it's true (which I doubt), then she'd have to shit at least 2kg a day, given that the sand isn't digested. And these sand logs would be rather scathing. Her asshole must be just pure callouses

>> No.18805145

well the brownness is just from being Indian anon

>> No.18805149

hahaha you immediately gravitated towards skin color that's so funny because it's pointlessly racist which means it's edgy and daring like a 5 year old who learns his first swear word and says it to his mother 4chan is so cool

>> No.18805153


>> No.18805164

She hasnt needed to go to a dentist either, she lost all her teeth at 20

>> No.18805171

Or maybe, us Indians are on to something you westerners with your modularized pseudo science could never figure out

>> No.18805184

>eating sand and washing it down with ayurvedic solutions containing lead, mercury, arsenic, silver, and cadmium is the secret to long life
She says as she shits into the street

>> No.18805192

I bet the sand helps break down the nasty garbage diarrhea food she eats which she can't chew properly. Probably absorbs all the nasty garbage diarrhea toxins in the nasty garbage diarrhea food she can't chew properly, so it doesn't end up clogging her liver and kidneys.

>> No.18805212

Chalk is edible. It's calcium carbonate which is used in various foods as a calcium supplement.
Although I wouldn't trust it.

>> No.18805225

I think you were dating a Eurasian kestrel, anon.

>> No.18805246

You westerners try and understand everything with your incomplete science it is hubris. The human body is miracle and can do anything if you will it we know this in India. You laugh at us and call our practise strange but we live longer than you and are not all fat obese pigs and work harder and are smarter than you.

>> No.18805273

I honestly can't tell if this is a troll because it seems so genuine. This is exactly how an Indian peasant who found his way onto 4chan would talk

>> No.18805279
File: 630 KB, 741x917, 1673520803452864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Rahnjeet, how much sand do you consume?

>> No.18805302

I would laugh at you but when I imagine what the diet of an average USA Citizen consists of, I feel you are the one getting the last laugh. I think it is easier on the body to learn how to eat sand than to live on corn syrup and slaughterhouse waste products for decades. Keep up the good work India.

>> No.18805357

Haitian dirt cookies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3337cj4sJQ

>> No.18805364

Itd be more hygienic to just milk the men of cum and all eat that

>> No.18805365

Haiti had a little bit of an earthquake
Everyone calm down we dont every live there
Oh my god its an earthquake, check your butt for butthole aids.

>> No.18805367

Being a thirdie working fields under the sun without sunblock for sixty years does that to your skin
Yourgrandfathers life on a couch isnt really comparable

>> No.18805373

You WILL eat ze sand
And you will be happy

>> No.18805378

I'll fairly assume she's been working in the fields for 70 years now.

>> No.18805387

Its a good thing these people dont have indoor plumbing

>> No.18805394

>Yourgrandfathers life on a couch isnt really comparable
True, he still has teeth

>> No.18805403

> we live longer than you
According to the average life expectancy in India, you don't.

>> No.18805652

Brahmin are the true Indians nobody else matters.

>> No.18806859

good morning sir