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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18797198 No.18797198 [Reply] [Original]

Best combos for food or drink? I’ll start: milk with gin.

>> No.18797522

Does almond or oat milk count? Also mixed or do you drink the milk as a chaser

>> No.18797551

dude it's a retarded fucking trash thread just post whatever

>> No.18797573

beer and pussy
Who can complain with that?

>> No.18797575

soylent and nigger cum from my girlfriends 18yo bull

>> No.18797577

Ewww, it's a little too early in the morning for that imagry

>> No.18797612

>two court cases later...

>> No.18797844

Anyone else get way more aggressive with pounding after some beers? I noticed it makes women shiver with excitement

>> No.18797863

egg mayo sandwiches with cheese and onion crisps

>> No.18797865

with a cup of tea. (I forgot the drink)

>> No.18798131

Chocolate chip cookies and ketchup.

Try it niggers

>> No.18798137

Tomato soup, pickle, grilled cheese, and a glass of milk.

>> No.18798183

food + food: salt + anything
drink + drink: spirits + mixer
food + drink: see above.

>> No.18799758

what could go wrong?

>> No.18799777

fuck you

>> No.18799778

>Lose their inhibitions
>Know several million are right around the corner if you don't satisfy them
I would shiver with excitement as well.

>> No.18801734

bread bun+milk

>> No.18801744
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any food eaten with my gf

>> No.18802004

lasagna or enchiladas, anything really heavy and saucy, with jagermeister. That acrid herbaceous alcohol taste slices right through the greasy, heavy food while actually adding to the flavor.

>> No.18802011
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(i'm single)

>> No.18802094

hope 2023 is your year my friend