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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18794552 No.18794552 [Reply] [Original]

There it goes, a start of new era. First they cry about the lack of workers, then they axe your silly ass.
>The fast-food giant said the job cuts aren’t a cost-cutting measure but are instead intended to help the company innovate faster and work more efficiently.

>> No.18794627

>intended to help the company innovate faster and work more efficiently

>> No.18794908

If you actually care, stop voting for republicans.

>> No.18794913

oh sweetie

>> No.18794917

>t. bootlicker

>> No.18794931

>use state violence to enforce my absurdly misinformed economics views or you're a "bootlicker"
you guys are something else

>> No.18794978
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>> No.18795004

wagies on suicide watch

>> No.18795083

Here come the robots. Guaranteed.

>> No.18795235

The advantage of being a liberal is that reality is somebody else's problem.

>> No.18795272

McDonald's is doing massive layoffs while planning on opening a bunch of new locations and you see this as a good thing? Your idea of "reality" is pretty fucking warped.

>> No.18795287

The wealthy already pay significantly more in taxes than you ever will. I'm not surprised that the financially-illiterate wagecuck doesn't understand this.

>> No.18795296
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>imagine being impacted by a round of McDonald's layoffs
Fucking OOF

>> No.18795301

>boot licking intensifies

>> No.18795305

If you actually care, start Minecrafting oligarchs

>> No.18795334

I always find it hilarious when people throw around "wagecuck" or "wagie" like it's some kind of own. Nobody believes that you're posting on fucking /ck/ from your corner office in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon. You're posting from your mom's basement. It's like when people here us "millennial" as an insult. Like, if you aren't a millennial what the fuck are you? Either you're well into your 40's and way too old to be posting here, or you're a fucking zoomer.

>> No.18795439

This kind of shit has been happening across the board for the past couple of years, and has nothing specifically to do with fast food or restaurants in general. It's the same thing that was happening with the rail worker strike last month, and the supreme court is literally taking up a case right now that's most likely going to make it effectively impossible for workers to strike. High unemployment is actually bad for business, and this is all about disciplining labor. Next time you say that voting doesn't matter remember that this is the dystopian future you chose when you thought it would be funny to vote for Trump.

>> No.18795491

1) I never said any of that.
2) every policy that you think hurts the big ol meanie millionaires actually hurts the poor
3) taxation is theft, faggot

>> No.18795501
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>i never said any of that
>here's two more points that 100% confirm that every assumption you made about me is correct

>> No.18795505

Who gives two shits? Do you work for mcd or know anyone that does, so they can fuck off. I dont care about these shit companies.

>> No.18795531

>dude man I need to stand in line to be seen at starbucks

>> No.18795533

>taxation is theft
lol, are libertarians really still a thing? I thought that was a passing meme, like incels or smash burgers.

>> No.18795534

the vanilla coffees taste like shit only thing on earth tim hortons does better

>> No.18795539

Apparently there still running there cults and having there way with little girls

>> No.18795548

It seems to be a san diego thing, real core california shit with the vans and sketechers

>> No.18795551

>there still
>there cults
>there way
Congratulations, anon. I don't even know what you were trying to say, but you managed to make me mad nonetheless.

>> No.18795558

good, wake up from the cali bullshit and come back to life

>> No.18795574
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>with the vans and sketechers
Why do you keep posting this? It doesn't make any sense. It's never made any sense. Vans are what skater kids in middle school wore 20 years ago and Sketchers are worn by 30 something wine nurses. What does this mean? Why do you keep posting this? I do not understand. I am familiar with both of these shoe brands, and the west coast, and the juxtaposition makes zero sense to me.

>> No.18795597

Because you cali fags need to be shown for the fags that you are, duh

>> No.18795603

Why do you need to keep posting little bitch baseball cap pictures? You dont like getting called out on your own bullshit do you?

>> No.18795605

>posting little bitch baseball cap pictures
I know it's already been 2 years, anon, but MAGA caps are red.

>> No.18795657

What does maga have to you getting called out for putting pics of little girls? You prevrty

>> No.18795665

you're prety too anon >//<

>> No.18796049

>First they cry about the lack of workers, then they axe your silly ass
That was just theater; all the stores were understaffed because workers were sick of being treated like shit and never making enough money to actually affect any positive change in their lives so they simply stopped working there and found other jobs.
McD's peddled the narrative that they couldn't find any workers to try and pave the way for more immigration but that isn't going over well at all (look at all the fuss happening in Arizona/Texas right now).
So now, after all that stalled in the midst of inflation, they're going into damage control in order to ensure that the higher-ups keep getting their fat bonuses.

>> No.18796058

>you're a fucking zoomer
Wow rude, I'll have you know I've got a college degree and am a big boy.

>> No.18796062
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You realize the result will be the same whether you participate or not, right? Basically, you're working for free.

>> No.18796071

>boot licking
No one has any problem with ending speculative asset inflation, which is where the wealthy actually get their money you fucking retard. "Raise the taxes on the rich" is the most retarded thing ever because the government keeps printing more money to spend, which makes the rich richer (Bill gates' owns a ranch the size of rhode island and the land value goes up as inflation goes up) by basically 'printing' money into their pockets. They shouldn't be taxed more, the way to solve rich people owning everything is to stop printing so much and driving inflation to infinity while destroying the value of the salaries of workers to purchase things.

I legitimately don't understand how people can even pretend to care about the working class or their relatively increasing poverty over the past 50 years and spout off tired platitudes from the 1950s like "tax the factory owners" when it's the speculative asset hedge fund managers who are the new elites playing with money that isn't even really 'theirs'.

No one agrees with you because your arguments are fucking outdated.

>> No.18796182

>Raise the taxes on the rich" is the most retarded thing ever because the government keeps printing more money
no, it's because they'll just hide their money, like they did during - I think it was the Wilson administration - when high income tax rate was like 70%. government tax revenues actually went down because rich people were like "yeah, fuck that lol" and just moved most of their money into places that weren't taxable, because of course they did. you would do the same thing.

>> No.18796247

What a bunch of nonsense. It's like you're regurgitating something you heard explained to you once but never really understood.

>> No.18796284

How can I change the world if not by voting?

>> No.18796290


>> No.18796305

The result will be the same if I, personally, don't vote, because elections never come down to a single vote. But telling people their vote doesn't matter because more than just one individual person is going to hear that and take it to heart. I honestly don't understand how anyone could possibly think that voting doesn't make a difference after the last 6 years.

>> No.18796336

Anyone here works at the actual large chain fast foods? Line cook, manager, office, whatever.

>> No.18796355

Are they getting rid of frontline workers, or are they just fucking off an unnecessary middle management tier?

>> No.18796358

What do you mean there is massive amounts of vote fraud that make your vote even more meaningless than otherwise wtf kind of gullible reality do you live in

>> No.18796442

Trump lost.

>> No.18796468

clinton lost

>> No.18796481

>clinton lost
Nobody denies that, retard.

>> No.18796485

You can say that about any prosocial behavior: recycling, charity, etc. What makes voting special?

>> No.18796505

It's true for all of those things, so I don't really understand your argument. If anything, voting is special because there's a clear winner and a clear loser, whereas you personally recycling is only going to make the tiny amount of quantitative difference it was always going to make.

>> No.18796537

Doesn't that make it less important? If I recycle or donate my blood or whatever then the impact is a function of how much waste I saved or how much suffering I prevented. If I vote the outcome is binary so it only matters if it was an absurdly close race, but even in that case it wouldn't matter because if the race is that close the courts will decide or whatever

>> No.18796656

What the hell are you talking about? Big tech that’s developing all this automation shit is mega democrat

>> No.18797188

abrams lost

>> No.18797754

I think you're conflating specific individuals in the tech industry leaning left with automation technology somehow being reflective of democratic policy, and you're still making assumptions about who is and isn't a democrat. Do you think Elon Musk is a democrat, or believes in anything remotely in line with democratic values? Of course not.

>> No.18797790

>leaning left
these niggas think fucking karl marx was "left leaning" and elon musk is "far right"
>Do you think Elon Musk is a democrat, or believes in anything remotely in line with democratic values?
yeah, I do because I'm not a deranged communist gaslighting victim.

>> No.18797793

gore lost

>> No.18797805

>these niggas think fucking karl marx was "left leaning" and elon musk is "far right"
Who are you quoting? Also, you're fucking retarded if you think Musk isn't the poster child for basically everything the republican party believes in.

>> No.18797942

>you're fucking retarded if you think Musk isn't the poster child for basically everything the republican party believes in.
like what?

>> No.18797970

After some beanee weenies I had some explosive farts, heck I took out a room or three

>> No.18797976

Worship of extreme wealth, unbridled capitalism, the belief that people with money don't need to play by the rules? That's like the entire republican platform and all they care about.

>> No.18797981

Compared to what, democrat socalists?
All in all your a sucker for being in any political rah rah rah party

>> No.18797999

Dumb esl poster

>> No.18798262
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weird, I don't see "worship of extreme wealth" in the republican party platform. Are you sure you're not mentally retarded?

>> No.18798278

>mmmmm yes big daddy government fuck me in the ass and steal my money to pad your pocketbooks with
Tax corpos, not people.