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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18788897 No.18788897 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
Liberica edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drinking anything muddy lately?

Previous Thread:>>18772882

>> No.18788904

What other places sell/ship Liberica?

>> No.18788913

tried a new coffee from my local cafe, had them grind it because I don't have a nice grinder. Made some in the aeropress and its pretty good but I think I'm gonna have to adjust how I brew this one; coffee is funny like that. I noticed the plunger on the aeropress starting to pick up smells anyway to neutralize that?


>> No.18788962

Isn't this the place that fleeced you with some grandma blend?

>> No.18788975

Months ago I was talking about how my K-plus* had started losing its rubber sleeve grip. The shittiness of the adhesive on the grip was really my only criticism of the grinder. I have since entirely denuded the barrel. Someone suggested I wrap it in a leather tennis racquet overgrip. While this is not off the table in the future, I ended up doing something different. I wrapped the body in gaffer's tape. I used 1" Pro-Gaff™* tape. It looks very clean and the cloth has an equal-to-better grip texture than the original grip. Just thought this would be useful tip for anyone else.

*This post is an unpaid advertisement for both 1zpresso and Pro-Gaff.

>> No.18789024

Want to make it a paid advertisement?

>> No.18789034

post a pic

>> No.18789040

Does anyone have any experience with DF83? Looking for a grinder for around $650, the problem is I'm in EU so most of the recommended grinders have exorbitant shipping costs and the ones that are available are complete dogshit.

>> No.18789042

The team at Balmforth of England would love to set you up with some Fairway leather grips. Let us know how to reach you.

>> No.18789080

different anon, i work close to the place so I try before i buy

>> No.18789110


>> No.18789130
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>> No.18789375

that coffee is way too cheap i would never buy something that cheap.

>> No.18789423
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on the road again edition

>> No.18789547

Starting to drink pour over coffee has made me realise what a shitty underdeveloped palette I have because the coffee I'm making is clearly bad but I can't work out whether I need to grind courser or finer because I genuinely just don't really know what I'm tasting. I'm probably just going to trial and error through this entire bag of coffee and hope I land on the right grind size at some point

>> No.18789555

>he doesnt moka on the road
a bit cringe ngl

>> No.18789569
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>seller gave me an extra bag of coffee for free

>> No.18789591

All of my coffee tastes fine but I can't taste the differences and I can't taste any "fruit" notes in Ethiopian coffee

>> No.18789601

I can't taste any of the described notes in the Ethiopian I bought but I just put that down to this is my first bag of whole beans and I need to get everything dialed in right
But I really couldn't tell you if it tastes bitter or acidic so I don't know which direction to take my grind

>> No.18789617

You guys coulda simply gotten coffees that weren't very good.

>> No.18789626

I considered that too but Square Mile are a pretty reputable roaster so I'd blame myself before them

>> No.18789636

Moka? I'm LMFAOing at your life, kid.

>> No.18789649

>finally got my first manual grinder
>it feels WAY too satisfying
>for the past few days I'm just trying to find every excuse possible to brew myself coffee at any time of the day
Hllelp I'vve beeenm sshakjing unccontrollablyu for tggghe ppasst tthree hhouirrss

On a completely unrelated now; is it alright to reuse your aeropress filters? If so, how many times?

>> No.18789655

You drink coffee long enough you realize it has more to do with the farming and processing than the roasting. Now you can fuck up a roast, but you can't roast a middling coffee into an amazing one. We're still riding waves of weird farming issues from high fuel costs and fucked cargo shipping. Even though a reputable roasting business has generally good taste, there's a limit to what green they can buy because they need to be profitable. Just keep trying. You'll find coffee you like.

>> No.18789662

The guy who made the Aeropress says you can re-use them something like 10 times
Something like 2-3 times per filter is probably the max I'd do though. Just rinse them between uses obviously

>> No.18789663
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Is picrel a decent hand grinder for a Moka Pot?
I'm in a third world country and it comes out to around 45 USD. The C2 isn't available here and bringing it in would end up being at least 70 bucks all together

>> No.18789669

That's all true but I assume a reputable roaster such as square mile have the knowledge and the connections to source the highest quality coffee they can. I don't think they'd allow a middling coffee to make it to sale. The fact that I don't get a single one of the tasting notes they describe makes me more inclined to think it's my technique that's the issue because if I was able to get even a hint of some of those notes but still dislike the taste then that to me would suggest poor quality coffee or a coffee that's just not for me

>> No.18789671
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I reuse em til they rip.

>> No.18789677

I personally espresso on the road

>> No.18789683

I like espresso and tonic and theres nothing you can do about it

>> No.18789688

I'd taste your coffee if I could. I find it harder to believe that you're a no-taster than that it's just not a very good coffee. Keep trying different ones.

>> No.18789692

I tried it once and nearly gagged, it legitimately tasted like vomit. Way to ruin both a decent espresso and a good tonic water.
Is there any specific flavour you're looking for?

>> No.18789725

I suspect it might depend heavily on the donor coffee and tonic in question

>> No.18789819
File: 204 KB, 1080x1317, tired with fancy coffee fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'm fucking tired dealing with coffee so much, analyze cup and doing simulation every fucking day just for competition. I wish I could turn back time not knowing speciality coffee and become movie director, architect or Ultraman.
Please fucking kill me bro

>> No.18789842

i know this technique. genuine aeropresso.

>> No.18789852

look up the kingrinder k0 and k1. if not available then look at the burrs and construction of the grinders suggested and search for similar off brands. i would avoid hario grinders.

>> No.18789875

honestly getting into coffee is the most worthwhile thing i have ever done.
its not much but before this i literally had zero skills or knowledge that was worth anything to anyone.

>> No.18789973

your beans aren't fresh roasted, that there's your problem

>> No.18789984

They were roasted less than a week ago

>> No.18790070

So I made another cup and ground a lot finer, a little too fine since the bed was kind of a sludge at the end and the drawdown took a while
All bitterness is gone and there is very subtle flavour, I get a slight hint of the chocolate note they describe on the back end of the flavour. I'm now more leaning towards this coffee might just not be for me

>> No.18790176

had this pos then upgraded to k6 gang
best decision of my life

>> No.18790182

I buy from a reputable local roaster and my beans were roasted like a week ago at most. Next time I go in I'm going to ask him to make me a cup of coffee just so I can compare between his technique and water vs mine and see if it's an issue with my palate or an issue with my set-up.

>> No.18790192

Got the flair. No one told they just didn't fucking work. No matter how course I go thr lever produces no liquid at all and won't push. I'm on fucking 50 clicks on the k6 and the things still won't flow through. It works with normal water. What the hell am I doing wrong?

>> No.18790194

>how course I go

>> No.18790196

>trying to brew espresso with a course grind

>> No.18790208

OK I phrased that wrong, that's on me. I started at 25 clicks and it clogged so I went to 27 and it clogged. I tried 20 and it clogged. I tried 30 and it clogged. I tried 35 and it clogged. Now I wanted to see how course I'd have to go to get any kind d of flow at all.

>> No.18790234

Please help I want my goffee

>> No.18790266

I tried 12g at 30 clicks and clogged. Fuck this piece of shit machine

>> No.18790271

How much pressure are you generating? Do you have a pressure gauge on it?

>> No.18790274

No but I out it on a scale like they suggest and I'm going way over the 70 pounds they say not to go over. I'm not a weakling this shit just doesn't actually work

>> No.18790275

Time to buy a new plunger tip. You could try cafiza or soap and water too.

>> No.18790281

I live near a proud mary. Had a bag of this and it was pretty damn good

>> No.18790283

try not going over 70lbs

>> No.18790291

what flair? there are a few of them.
this video uses the flair 58 and the k4
i cant understand anything but it seems like 20g at 40clicks works for them
sorry this is about as helpful as i can be. hope you fix your problems.

>> No.18790324
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IMO beans matter most, then burrs/grinder and water, then recipe. Also the tasting notes are generally impressions of what the taster was reminded of vs what they directly tasted.

Assuming good beans, water that doesnt suck, and good burrs grinder, you'll have to fix your grind size, and/or water temp and/or pouring technique.

I've been using Hoffmann's 1 Cup v60 method with 50GH/15KH water with the following tweaks for my burrs depending on beans and getting tasting notes very similar to what the roasters listed:

Too acidic / weak = grind finer, increase temp

Too bitter / flavors muddled & undiscernible = grind coarser, agitate less (no swirl / stir / pour closer to coffee bed), lower temp

>> No.18790340

I thought the correlation between bitterness/acidity and fine/course grind was the opposite
The bitter taste in my coffee completely disappeared when I went much finer than I was doing previously. I'm also following Hoffman's method
Maybe I'll go a couple clicks coarser and not swirl my next cup because the flavours are defnitely not discernible and my grind was too fine for sure with my last cup

>> No.18790347

Finally got it to work lads. I just had to almost go pour over style but the shit took 30 seconds and tastes good so fuck it. I can't believe how course I had to go.

>> No.18790350

bitterness can come from grinding too fine OR from too much agitation. totally possible to do an uneven extraction - I have made underextracted cups that have a gross aftertaste like I left a pill in my mouth too long from too much agitation.

>> No.18790354
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You are based, don't ever forget it.

>> No.18790358

and I should clarify, "too acidic" to me would mean it just tastes sour. some beans are just acidic in general.

also extremely important. you wont taste any notes at all when your coffee is really hot. wait until it's like 130 - 140 F or even less and you'll get so much more flavor

>> No.18790359

I don't think I was over agitating my brews, I barely swirled them and they still had that bitter taste, the only thing that removed it was going much finer. Maybe I'm a palette-let and I'm mistaking some other unpleasent flavours for bitterness

>> No.18790371

>the only thing that removed it was going much finer
i've had some beans where this happens, but then not with other beans, so i chalked it up to the beans. I do find that swirling can be the worst kind of agitation for bringing out that gross pharmaceutical bitterness taste though

>> No.18790433

Remember last thread when you asked for guides, I sent several, and linked comments discussing grind size for different width baskets? Yeah. You've got a tall, 46mm basket. Not a wide, shallow 58mm basket. You will be SIGNIFICANTLY coarser than what your grinder reccomends for(58mm basket) espresso.

>> No.18790448

I just didn't realize just HOW much coarser. Anyways this is already better than coffee shop espresso

>> No.18790458

What grinder are you using?

>> No.18790459

post more details next time.
at least you named the grinder.

>> No.18790470

Got the k6. You know I keep that thing on me.

>> No.18790471

what're the odds that the fellow opus sucks dongs

>> No.18790492

Ok just wanted to make sure before I called you a fucking moron. So you didn't realize how much coarser to go, so you went twice as fine?
>On a K4, they suggest 60
>Got the k6. You know I keep that thing on me.
>I tried 12g at 30 clicks and clogged. Fuck this piece of shit machine

>> No.18790504

I am not a smart man anon. I don't claim to be

>> No.18790510

And thr k6 says 30 for esspresso so that where I started. Then after I tried a bunch of different setting both coarser and finer before I tried to lower the dose.

>> No.18790523
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Started making Turkish style coffee instead of my usual Colombian beans with French press. Its good, i was getting sick of acidity and it has none. Dont think ive gotten the brewing technique exactly perfect though.

>> No.18790531
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>k6 says 30 for esspresso
So you heard "coarser than a typical 58mm espresso grind" and decided to go into extra fine? Just try not to hurt yourself anon. Glad you're having fun.

>> No.18790533

Get a turkish grinder and start making specialty turkish. It's a whole new ballgame.

>> No.18790540

The instruction booklet didn't call 30 extra fine, just fine, so I thought it'd be a good place to start. I thought it was standard so I guessed I'd have to go a few clicks coarser, not 20.

>> No.18790567

where can I go about buying a 50lbs burlap sac of beans? everywhere I look the "wholesalers" are just branding and rebranding arabica with some fancy packaging and charging a fuck load of money and you can still only buy at biggest a bunch of 1lbs bags

>> No.18790573

Contact a roaster, and prove you're serious and they might roast a big batch for you. These are local small businesses so maybe they'll do something special for the right money.

>> No.18790578

I am physically incapable of defacating without coffee.

>> No.18790585

well the name sucks so i would say pretty high.

>> No.18790586

good idea. my household drinks 1lbs of coffee per week, I need to figure something out or stop drinking coffee and thats not happening while working

>> No.18790589

start home roasting and contact the farmers directly.

>> No.18790591

Sounds like it's time to take the roaster pill. Fresh roast sr500 and a box from royal.


>> No.18790606

it looks good and fellow is making some bold claims... I doubt they'd put out jank

>> No.18790639

on a first glance seems like people have DIY rigs for roasting. could be a good first project of the year. I wonder if I can even smoke the beans for flavor? ill have to try it

>> No.18790640

What did everyone make this morning?
Beans: Costa Rica Salazar from Cool Beans Roasters
Grind: 50g in Baratza Encore at setting 14
Brew: 0.7L at 90-99C in Chemex

>> No.18790678

Yep. I should be working on modding up v2 unit now, but I'm lazy.
>I wonder if I can even smoke the beans for flavor
I wouldn't rec it, but you can do whatever the fuck you want with your coffee. Experiment on cheaper beans.

>> No.18790769

also the name implies that its the best they can achieve.
so is this the last fellow grinder ever?
you cant release something named opus and then release something even better.

>> No.18790771

Rate my conlangs phonoaesthetics. I will post a few sentences
>kanarase xima ngaxi ta pure xa sami ngima po
>kana ta ngaxi tu songexa xa seda
>rana no sona ngoti ta kaxu xa seda so
Its supposed to be spoken by kobolds. Does it sound ugly? The x is an h sound in the back of your throat.

>> No.18790772

opus doesn't have to mean magnum opus anon
an opus is just a piece of art

>> No.18790776
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>> No.18790781

Shit I meant to post this to a /tg/ thread. I've had too much caffeine, I'm feeling loopy.

>> No.18790796

neat sensor, for grilling I use a bluetooth sensor/alarm, but that would make things way easier I could just make it ping my phone from computer but truthfully i would probably be starring at it roast anyway, could save lots of headache still

>> No.18790813

Anon this is the gayest thing I've ever read. And I hang out in /tea/.

>> No.18790814

they could, and hear me out, release the opus

>> No.18790824

I know it's cringe, it wasn't meant for you. It was meant for the other autistics in the world building thread.

>> No.18790837

Fuente already has the trademark on Opus X so looks like we're only getting 9 Fellow conicals. Whats actually going to happen is they'll get absorbed by Breville group by 2025 and quality will plummet.

>> No.18790893

backup peru beans in my aeropresso. cherries, vanilla, and chocolate come through

>> No.18790897

did you swirl

>> No.18790921

Link to beans?
Kind of? I give it a wobble while the top is full of water to make the ground fall back towards the center. I use a plain kettle, so the grounds get pushed around easily. I don't really want a 2nd kettle just for pour-over.

>> No.18790931

Anon I thought the same thing then I borrowed my friends gooseneck and it really is worth it.

>> No.18790939

do you use the chopstick

>> No.18790956


>> No.18791122

I've been setting my grinder finer and finer but my pourover still feels too quick. Am I supposed to go coarser instead?

>> No.18791129

How does it taste? If it tastes fine there's no reason to chase some abstract time

>> No.18791137

It's okayish. Today was a strong flavor but not necessarily a GOOD flavor. But that might have been my water since my kettle needs to be descaled.

>> No.18791141

Any acidity or bitterness? Those are good determinors of where your grind should be

>> No.18791148

Not bitter, and not really acidic beyond what it should be. Just this sort of hard to describe flavor, I guess it was a bit of an acidic flavor but not the sour underextracted acid that I've tasted before where it's clearly fucked. Might just have been today's beans (blended)

>> No.18791161
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bros...HOW do I make a brown sugar shaken espresso with oatmilk like at starbucks. these things taste like heaven but I can not spend $5 every single day. I know nothing about making anything other than drip coffee so please help my retard ass out.

>> No.18791162

Flavours being hard to pick out or describe could mean you need a coarser grind but if you're saying they're already fast that might not be a good idea. How long are your brews taking on average?

>> No.18791182

fill a tub with fat and sugar then dunk your head in

>> No.18791187

Hoffmeme V60, about 16g of ground bean to 260ml~ of water (I was a bit lazy with my ratio today)
50s bloom, total time about 2:30. The water just drained right through my very fine grind. The only thing I can think of is that it channeled but watching the last bit of water drain it looked normal with a relatively even bed. I can probably try pouring with even less agitation but I'm not going overly aggressive with it and I'm only swirling the bloom.

>> No.18791190

Step 1: Spend 100 hours and $1000 learning to make really good espresso

>> No.18791195

>get an aeropress (budget espresso, not quite the same but it shouldn't matter for your purposes)
>dump a stupid amount of brown sugar and oatmilk in it until you can barely taste the coffee

>> No.18791203

How fine is very fine? He does mention in the video that the method calls for a finer grind than most would use for pourover. Personally I use this method too and have had consistent 3:00~ times and when I took it too fine the bed ended up looking more like a slurry so if you haven't taken it that far there's probably more room to take your grind finer without it screwing anything up. But again taste is the most important metric and you should let that guide you more

>> No.18791204

Just buy some coffee extract instead

>> No.18791220

I do not. Does it change the outcome significantly?

>> No.18791231

is aeropress or moka pot better for fake espresso

>> No.18791234

NTA but while I think the aeropress is better overall, a moka pot is closer to espresso. Neither is that close though.

>> No.18791237

3:00 is just a guideline. I prefer hoffmeme v60 to finish around 2:30 for my taste with the grinder (ZP6) and filters (cafec abaca) that I'm using.

>> No.18791390
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K4+flair or picopresso.

>> No.18791527

Fuck your guide. Pussy

>> No.18791599

>brown sugar shaken espresso with oatmilk
>like at starbucks
this is a coffee board, please leave

>> No.18791614


>> No.18791700

nta, but why use a hand grinder over motorized?

>> No.18791736

When comparing a manual and electric grinder of the same cost the manual is going to come out on top in terms of quality until you reach like the $400 range. A motorized grinder has the added cost of the motor which siphons money away from other areas like burr and build quality.

>> No.18792017
File: 158 KB, 1080x1440, 4BB8954B-082D-4AD5-A2CF-65EDE3F5F240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not my problem

>> No.18792032

Fockin'ell, lad

>> No.18792130

my first hand grinder finally came in bros

>> No.18792138

which one

>> No.18792178

It's a Kinu Phoenix!

>> No.18792241

reporting in

>> No.18792243

rate the blend

>> No.18792263


They have a "Made on" date which, iirc, is listed separately on the package from the "Best by" date that stores require or whatever. Received it two weeks from "Made on". As far as quality, I did get a few "empty" beans and some that were cracked/chipped. Still makes a good cup ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If anyone has any suggestions that are in the same price/quantity range please post! Would like to have more options between the more expensive orders.

>> No.18792555
File: 126 KB, 749x1000, seasoned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder to season your brand new stainless steel moka pot by making over9000 cups of coffee and discarding them.

pic related. a properly seasoned moka pot

your coffee might taste like steel while my coffee tastes like coffee

>> No.18792585


>> No.18792615
File: 351 KB, 1000x1333, baked on, baked off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm considering cleaning it but my theory seems solid. i don't want my coffee to taste like steel.

>> No.18792624

>i don't want my coffee to taste like steel
Should've joined the AEROPRESS GANG then

>> No.18792629

i don't like the taste of plastic either

>> No.18792632

Glass V60

>> No.18792633

i like my moka pot, thanx.

>> No.18792685

>that coffee is way too cheap i would never buy something that cheap.

That's a weird way of living, but whatever floats your boat

>> No.18792698

To anyone with a portafilter holder, does it sit completely flat on its fins? I have yet to find one that fits my custom portafilter..

>> No.18792722

how do you use your holder?

my grinder has it's own portafilter holder. as long as the puck has a flat and level top after you tamp it then you should be ok

>> No.18792735

I find when I tap it down (pre-tamp, post-WDT) it's always heavily favoring one area, I'm not positive the tamp can evenly distribute it in that scenario? I could just be worrying about the wrong thing, but I feel like my shots are not as consistent as I would like

>> No.18792744

i move the portafilter around on the holder to direct the flow of the grinds coming out of the grinder to ensure they are evenly distributed before i bounce and tamp.

>> No.18792752

Oh I just have a hand grinder I have to dump into the portafilter basket then wdt tamp pull. Come to think of it I should try a quick WDT on that catch cup to see if I can dump it out more evenly..

>> No.18793034

damn that looks pretty nice for a first hand grinder.
is it your first grinder or just first hand grinder?

>> No.18793040

This is where cheap dosing collars/funnels shine.

>> No.18793044

why would it taste like steel?
do you not understand how food safe metal works?
do you not cook with metal pans or eat with metal cutlery
or drink water that was sent through fucking metal pipes
or boil water in a metal kettle

>> No.18793129

>be me
>goto local roaster on Saturday
>they just roasted some Costa Rica peaberry
>medium roast

what should I expect when I start dialing in espresso shots? should I let it rest any longer than 3 days before I start grinding? give me your best espresso recipes for this shit.

>> No.18793196

>Light roasts: 14+ days post-roast
>Medium-light to medium roasts: 10-14 days post-roast
>Medium-dark to dark roasts: 7-10 days post-roast
Go for a 3:1 sub20 second yeet. Let that bitch flow.

>> No.18793217
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First grinder and first hand. Some kind anon(s) here gave me some advice around Christmas because I wanted to get into coffee

>> No.18793231

Glad to help pal. Here's some motivation towards buying that flair next. An absolute bozo figured out how to make "cafe quality" espresso within an hour of fiddling.

>> No.18793288

What do you guys think about the recent lead and cadmium shit being found in dark chocolate?
Do you think coffee beans have them too? And in such dangerous amounts?

>> No.18793311

Anything that is affected by the "terroir" is probably going to be pulling heavy metals from soil. Coffee, teas, wine, grains and hops for beers etc. You should also probably throw away any cheap glazed mugs you have as well.

>> No.18793334

but this seems like the plants were planted in land that was used as a dumping ground for old batteries and whatever stuff releases lead

>> No.18793344

Yep. Imagine where your bottom of the barrel commodity grade cash crop coffees they use for grocery store pregrounds and instants are coming from. Probably way less to worry about if you're buying single estates that have owned their land for a couple generations. Don't shit where you eat etc etc.

>> No.18793348

combine your drip coffee with oat milk and golden syrup and shake it, i suppose.

>> No.18793350

>Don't shit where you eat etc etc.
That saying will always be relevant

>> No.18793369

So basically, people here are fucked if they don't know the exact location of the land their coffee beans were harvested from

>> No.18793383

too much goffee...

>> No.18793391

Basically the more you know about where you're getting your X(meat, produce, drugs), the better off you'll be. Cast aside brand loyalty, don't be a mindless cons00mer, and look a little deeper into what you're cramming down that gullet.

>> No.18793602

Kek lead and cadmium from the soil aren’t going to be what kills you prematurely anon

>> No.18793934

I want to upgrade my Rancilio Silvia machine any recs? Would the Lelit Bianca be a good endgame upgrade?

>> No.18794146

Please do not call me a bozo it makes my mirror smooth brain make bad feelings

>> No.18794158


>> No.18794160

man this new bag of specialty is way too fucking dark and now i gotta drink 300g of this shit

>> No.18794188

nice. its my first anaerobic so im looking forward to it.

>> No.18794218

>DF83 sold out
>DF64 and Niche Zero have dogshit prices
It's FUCKING impossible to buy a good grinder in Europe, holy shit.

>> No.18794240

You don't. You could throw it away or give yourself coffee enemas.

>> No.18794386

Is the huckleberry Ethiopia aramo any good?

>> No.18794437

So I got a Sage Bambino Plus a few months ago and I'm looking for decent espresso grinder to go with it. I don't wanna have to drop like 500 euro on an electric one, so would a hand grinder with nice burrs be a fine starting point?

Most youtube reviews seem to put crazy importance on convenience of electric, which is super weird to me because I can't imagine the effort of manual grinding to be THAT big an issue. Especially when the alternative to that is trying to get an electric grinder in the same price range and having to compromise on basically everything else in the process.

The 1zpresso J-Max seems like a good option for 200-250, what's the general consensus here? Am I missing something obvious?

>> No.18794449

Thr kingrinder k6 is still just 99 on Amazon rn. It's what I got. I'm new to the espresso game but I'm already pulling better shots than most barely trained baristas I've run into.

>> No.18794651


>> No.18794832

Alright lads, flair idiot here. I'm using the k6. My espresso is too bitter. One click coarser and it's sour. What to do?

>> No.18794854


>> No.18794915
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I just got the Fellow Ode.Changed the burrs to v2 and I'm kinda happy with it except 1 thing - with no beans inside, most of the times, it starts with a kick like it's gonna fly of the table. Is this normal?

>> No.18795012

So if I normally drink a cup of 15g to 250ml that would have more caffeine than an espresso made with 12g because the dose is lower right? Or does the espresso process extract more caffeine than a pourover?

>> No.18795230


>> No.18795273

Should have known THE HOFF already answered my question

>> No.18795293

Nvm, it must be because there's no gears/transmission do it probably overcompansates to gt things moving and gains a ton of momentum in a split second when the burrs get loose

>> No.18795431

Welcome to PID motor control. Overshoots the torque target, regulates back down.

>> No.18795541

Did anyone try ordering from this shady as fuck website: https://df64coffee.com/
Looks like a scam but I've seen some comments saying it's legit.

>> No.18795683
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Advice on using fine preground coffee I got as a gift in a French press? Should I just get a pourover?

>> No.18795694

Had my first homemade pourover. It was... kinda flat and bitter at the end. Grind might have been too fine.

>> No.18795707

It's already too late.

>> No.18795724
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Nooo... :(

>> No.18795837
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Got 650gr X 7 beans after helping cup of excellence here, man I'm in heaven now.

>> No.18795853

>those walls
>bag of filters
you doing ok?

>> No.18795868
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>> No.18795995

>do a turbo shot
>let that bitch flow

nah, I'm good. I'm gonna stick to dialing in at 3:1 in 30 seconds with static pressure, and then I'll start playing with pressure/flow profiling. Flow profiles are deadass so cash.

>> No.18796166

>weird gundam blueprint

>> No.18796520

when immersion brewing, do I start the timer when the water touches the grounds or after all the grounds have been soaked?

>> No.18796670

Just put it into the french press, it's not going to poison you or anything.

>> No.18796789

do both, and see which one tastes better.

>> No.18796865

No thanks I'm straight.

>> No.18796872

It literally doesn't matter as long as you're consistent about it and even then it's not really a big change in the total time.

>> No.18797035

yeah I guess that makes sense
I'm just confused since I use the hoffmeme method but don't know when he starts the timer

>> No.18797071
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Why does half and half exist? It seems to be solely for people to add to coffee. Which is dumb. I justnuse heavy whipping cream and it's like afaggoto in my cup.

>> No.18797079

>analyze cup and doing simulation every fucking day just for competition
wtf are you talking about? just do a simple pour over and let the grounds bloom before brewing. it's not complicated.

>> No.18797088

Did you know...?
Eating 11 coffee beans nets the equivalent caffeine of two cups of coffee because of the way your digestive system is able to make use of the caffeine that would otherwise be sent, quite literally, down the drain. Unless you drink your urine after drinking coffee, you are not really getting the caffeine you would from just eating beans.
When times are tough and coffee supply is low, remember that it's either eat the beans or drink the pee. There is no other option. Which will you choose,m

>> No.18797126

Your mom has already made her choice and let me tell you, your beans are safe

>> No.18797200

>I justnuse heavy whipping cream
there needs to be a world wide genocide against every "human" like you.
use full cream cow milk either normal or lactose free or use nothing.
anything else is just literally a crime against humanity and needs to be purged.

>> No.18797205

This thread has been reeking of Brits and Italians for months now. What with the Brits all being like "coffee is meant to be a tea made from the beans" and the Italians all being one big cult towards a very specific way of making coffee

>> No.18797230

what does the coffee cherry taste like anyway?

>> No.18797277

Would you guys recommend Bezzera BZ10?

>> No.18797295

Salty milk and coins

>> No.18797579

Anything I can do with stale pre-ground aside from tossing it in the trash?

>> No.18797582

>What with the Brits all being like "coffee is meant to be a tea made from the beans"
It's called a French Press, you obsessed yank.

>> No.18797586

bags of sand

>> No.18797893

Cold brew

>> No.18797973

can I really extended the life of green coffee beans if I vacuum seal and store it in the freezer?

>> No.18798062

Does Kratom Coffee count?

>> No.18798067

Think I could use those for Kratom?

>> No.18798147

Thinking of selling my EG-1. Costed me $3k + $800 solid tungsten carbide burrs. Would sell here for $2k 4chan special price, gonna try for more if I havo to deal with listing it somewhere else.

>> No.18798464

How should I look after a hand grinder? The manual says not to wash the burr grinder but won't coffee get stuck in there

>> No.18798518

Take it apart whenever you switch bags(or get bored), brush out any retention with a toothbrush. If you wipe the burrs down, don't leave any sitting water. 1zpresso says grind oats but that seems like a fucking stupid mess to me.

>> No.18798618

You do you pal

>> No.18798647

roomate took the scale

>> No.18798668

same, he uses it to measure baking powder. coffee's usually lit afterwards though

>> No.18798748

Brush the retained grounds off the outside of the burrs after every use then blow the chaff dust out of the barrel either with your lungs or a air puffer bulb thinger. Fine dust and coffee oils accumulate after several months. You do not need to do this often, but this is when you break it down and clean it with dry paper towels and cotton swabs. Don't use water. Take as little apart as you need to to get in the nooks and crannies. Some grinders are easy to partly or fully reassemble. Other ones are a pain in the ass to put back together because they require resetting the burr sets. Never detach the cone burr from the shaft. Never remove the burr ring from its retainer. There are videos of people breaking down every grinder.

>> No.18798766

In theory. I have never done this, but I keep my green coffee in moderately well-sealed plastic bags in a cool, dark, dry place and the flavor starts to fade at the 1-year mark. If you do this you may get another year. Try it and report back in two years.

>> No.18798778
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>Never detach the cone burr from the shaft
How in the world will I ever reassemble this? Its just an insurmountable task.

>> No.18798781

Some grinders don't have registration tabs.

>> No.18798796

Sounds like the chinese factories need to start knocking that off too.

>> No.18798871
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new lance just dropped

>> No.18798876
File: 724 KB, 1915x241, irrepairabledamage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe he had to throw all these grinders away after making a video. No chance those are usable.

>> No.18798895

It's sad, but it was worth it. Unless you bought one of the shittier ones. Then it just makes you feel extra sad. In the trash they go.

>> No.18798931

My mom puts coffee in the fridge
Not liquid coffee, literally bags of grounds, stored in the fridge. She claims it stays fresher that way, but she drinks coffee every single day so there's no reason it would ever get that stale. How insane is this? I don't drink coffee but I've never seen anyone else do this so I'm guessing it's insane

>> No.18799016

>Both upper mentioned processes, aroma diffusion and oxidation are dictated by the temperature. The temperature causes molecules to move, and the hotter it is the faster they move. When they move fast it gets increasingly likely that aroma escapes the beans and that oxygen causes damage to the bean. Theoretically, if we would cool coffee to absolute zero temperature, we would keep it fresh indefinitely.

>> No.18799021

Not sure about putting it in the fridge, but freezing coffee does definitely preserve it's freshness.
>she drinks coffee every single day so there's no reason it would ever get that stale
I mean depends on how often she buys it. There's a difference between drinking it from 200g bags that you use up pretty quick vs buying a 1kg bag that's gonna last you a while and be more stale by the end of it. Also if she's using preground coffee that goes stale pretty quick.

>> No.18799037
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Kinda weird that he grades the AI and his own answers himself.

>> No.18799041

thanks ill get started soon. ill put some in a bag in the pantry too and do a comparison

>> No.18799214
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Today I had my coffee with twp pieces of dark chocolate and a mini candy cane mixed in

>> No.18799235

mio mama pls...

>> No.18799552

What video?

>> No.18799592


>> No.18800207
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>> No.18800213


>> No.18800244

I just run some of those grinder cleaner tablets from Urnex through the grinder. Though you'll have to sacrifice some beans to flush out the remaining dust and I suppose season the burrs again

>> No.18800331

iced coffee
like its going to be drowned in cream and sugar and milk anyway so probably a waste to use good coffee on something like that.

>> No.18800341

some other anon here does that.

>> No.18800344


>> No.18800351

shes retarded.
but so are most coffee drinkers.
dont worry my mum used to do the same when she still drank coffee.

>> No.18800368

rubber dildo torture

>> No.18800385


>> No.18800421

Thank you very kindly
Fuck you.

>> No.18800473
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>trying to get into coffee
>score an open box unit with a deep discount instead of buying a boxing day special
>amazon loses their own package

Is this a sign I should give up? Amazon's already given me a refund, but maybe it will still show up?

>> No.18800488

Just got the simplest 5 cup Mr. Coffee drip machine for 20 bucks, gonna be my first time actually using a coffee machine. Before all I had was a french press but it was a bitch to clean and sometimes left too much grit in the coffee. Is Mr. Coffee an upgrade?

>> No.18800498
File: 82 KB, 636x658, 1649548743622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like lance, i really do. but the redditors who encouraged him to sing in his videos deserve to be spat on
yes dude, we know, you have a good singing voice. i feel like you're doing the james corden thing where you want to surprise people with it and have them go "oh my gosh ur singing is so good!" and it sours the whole thing.
maybe not every video dude. c'mon.

>> No.18800548

Both are garbage.
Just watched 2 mins of a video from him, before stopping. It's hard to watch fat people.

>> No.18800589

What's coffee supposed to taste like even? Tea and coffee are supposed to be bitter right? I really can't comprehend all the nuances of coffee flavor. Is there a good and accessible benchmark for coffee? Is starbucks a good representation for coffee flavor?

>> No.18800602

>Tea and coffee are supposed to be bitter right

>> No.18800605

Just get a Kingrinder K6
Cheaper on sale ($99) and it'll BTFO of any mass-produced grinder and even a lot of non-mass produced ones

>> No.18800606

>Is starbucks a good representation for coffee flavor?
starbucks and honestly most cafes on earth create coffee on technicality only.
also reminder that italians dont know how to make good coffee and have held good coffee from the masses for like a hundred years.

>> No.18800607

Ok and what's your recommendation Mr. Critic?

>> No.18800610

Get an Aeropress
It's retardproof

>> No.18800669

What flavor is it supposed to be then? I can only taste bitterness and acid most of the time.

>> No.18800692

Thinking of getting a sage/breville bambino? Anyone use it here?

>> No.18801056

Coffee flavor depend on so many factors, and that’s the beauty of it. It can taste like many things, but commercial flavor is roasty, hints of chocolate and caramel, and bitter ashy because it’s roasted too dark to homogenize taste. You drink from a cheap drip machine? It’s usually either/or, rarely both sour and bitter. Sound like a brewing error form overextraction or channeling. My current coffee taste like prune, and the other taste like a fermenty wine. Supermarket and stale coffee taste more or less the same, you should try some fresh single origins

>> No.18801153

because you and 99% of all humans on earth have only consumed bad coffee.
its like if 99% of all steaks made by humans were burnt to a crisp. no thats not how its supposed to taste like.

>> No.18801216

He's ok when it comes to technical stuff, but I can't stand his personality.

>> No.18801352

Am I supposed to actually enjoy coarser grinds? I feel like even my fruity medium roasts on Chemex taste better at a finer setting, like same I'd use for Aeropress.

>> No.18801367

Coarseness affects extraction, but it's not like it's the only variable.

>> No.18801380

how come there's a v60 kit going for 18€ on Amazon when the other listings are at 27-30€?
reviews say it's legit but this sounds too good to be true

>> No.18801382

What confuses me the most is the fact that I'm settling for the same level for both my Aeropress and pour overs. I normally use the same water temps too.

>> No.18801393

without knowing the details of each pack we cant tell you.
but honestly sometimes its just a name brand mark up.
but a v60 is just a shape. so the cheapest one will probably be plastic and cheap filters while a more expensive one might be using better materials/better filters.

>> No.18801398

I do the same. Maybe a different coffee would require more adjustment, but if it works it works, don't worry about it.

>> No.18801422

No, someone in these threads "kept spilling" so bought a prismo for theirs. Now that's fuckin retarded.

>> No.18801441

it just looks exactly like the glass kit that goes for 29€. review photos kinda confirm it too...

>> No.18801512


>> No.18801520

The more cups of coffee I make with these beans the more I'm convinced they're either just bad or a flavour that's not for me
I've taken them from fairly coarse where they tasted just bitter, through to so fine the coffee bed was more of a sludge and then back it off one click at a time for every cup and not once did I get a hint of any flavour, taking it super fine removed the bitterness but still had no flavour and now that I've gone 4-5 clicks coarser the bitterness has returned and there's been no flavour to be found
Guess I just got unlucky with my first bag of whole bean coffee. I'll try something completely different for my next bag

>> No.18801625

what beans dick head.

>> No.18801824

Square Mile Bookkisa

>> No.18801893

>natural ethiopia
yeh naturals usually have a pretty heavy or weird flavor.
not a good first choice.

>> No.18801993

Do you think I should try a washed Ethiopian next or go in a completely different direction and try a Kenyan or Indonesian or something?

>> No.18802007

looks exactly like the hario kit and has matching model numbers. its shipped/sold by amazon. i think you're good.

also amazon us has it for $22 usd

>> No.18802021

The v60 is plastic, probably why the price is lower.

>> No.18802205
File: 255 KB, 2251x1418, Pilot Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in mid-sized city
>the biggest specialty coffee shop in the county (lol 9 locations) applied for permits to open a new shop here
>it's going to be right across the street from the busiest Starbucks in the city

This whole area has been gentrificationmaxxed in the past decade, and I can only imagine how much more rent is going to go up when coffee shops like this move in. They do shit like $35 Gesha single origin espresso rum cocktails at night.

>> No.18802318

had this and it sucked, it produces a fuckload of fines, if c2 is not available then there is not much options for you I guess, you can try living with that

>> No.18802329

Guji today. Draw down 3:30
Solid flavor.
I think I have identified the problem and solution - too much coffee rising up the side of my V60's filter and leaving the bed too thin. Gently pouring water onto the grounds stuck to the side to flush them down into the bed created a proper bed thickness and fixed my extraction, so that's the technique I was lacking.

>> No.18802665

I think you should try a nonyoutuber roaster.

>> No.18802682

I had some natural process from Bookkisa last year. It was a great coffee. Strawberry jam and molasses. My favorite coffee of 2022. Wonder how good yours is for this year.

>> No.18802688

It's entirely possible my grind size/brew method is the issue but I've gone through so many grind size adjustments I'm starting to lean towards it being the beans

>> No.18802693

You know all that shit about swirling being the devil was a joke, right? It's okay to swirl a little if it mean all the grounds are wetted. I always swirl a little after the second pour.

>> No.18802738

Nah, swirling wouldn't fix that. The grounds are getting swept up and sticking to the side of the filter, I need to carefully "scrape" them off and back into the bed with water. If anything swirling is contributing to the issue.

>> No.18802785

>The grounds are getting swept up and sticking to the side of the filter
What kind of hogshit kettle are you using?

>> No.18802791

It does sound like a lot of splashing going on. I mean, I like to Long Pour on the bloom, but I always keep it under control.

>> No.18802814

Guy is trying to make coffee under a bathtub faucet.

>> No.18802899

are automatics machines a major hinderance to good coffee it seems like every "best" version of each type of coffee does manual pour over or a separate machine for each type of coffee.

>> No.18803002
File: 13 KB, 177x270, shopping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with my Chemex. I used to brew 50g/500g in around 4:30min which yielded a cap and a refill but i need to limit my coffee intake. I wanted to brew 18g for 1 cup but should I grind finer to maintain the same brewing time? Or is it ok to just let it drip for less than 3 min?

>> No.18803004

I meant 30g/500g

>> No.18803055

currently drinking this ecuadorian acawa honey process. i think it's ok.

>> No.18803068

What kind of "automatic machine" are you talking about?

>> No.18803236
File: 118 KB, 1349x1349, 6171RYCvBSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything you can buy better than this? I think not

>> No.18803263
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blocks your path

>> No.18803266

not from a supermarket, really
counter culture is ok too

>> No.18803270

I use a technovorm for cappuccino with a seperate milk frother and a baratza encore for grinding, id like to up my game but there are so many automatics it seems like the safest bet is to just go manual pour over and use a scale but seems like a hassle

>> No.18803280

Oh, you mean a filter coffee machine like that. I thought you might have been talking about an espresso machine.
Yeah generally "manual" methods will be better than using something like that, but if you want something that's relatively hassle-free have you considered an aeropress or a french press? You just pour water in, leave it for a while and press/pour. It's simpler and harder to fuck up.

>> No.18803297

I guess thats about the same amount of time waiting for it to soak anyway, ill look into it

>> No.18803299
File: 156 KB, 1080x1080, World-Aeropress-Champion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tired of one of the best home brewers on the market? Try an estropress.
>use a technovorm for cappuccino

>> No.18803727
File: 51 KB, 1280x718, pokemon-anime-distressed-rowlet-1162483-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My pourovers have more caffeine than my
espresso shots

>> No.18804102

yeah but its cause there is more coffee right? wouldn't 6oz of espresso have more than 6oz of pourover. I didn't want to watch 20min of some redcoat gab

>> No.18804174

nah he mentions during the vid that he measured out the same mass of coffee beans for each prep type

>> No.18804183

its actually to do with the current moon position and its effect on the gravity pull of the water pour.

>> No.18804236

this is a lie, but if you cant humour a conversation by at least skipping through the video, then i think its fair to treat you like a dumby.

>> No.18804239
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Nothing better than a late night gesha. Schizos do your thing so I can make a new thread tonight.

>> No.18804367

did somebody say AEROPRESS GANG GANG

>> No.18804374

sorry i have pancreatitis so i wont be drinking coffee for a while which means no schizo posting :(

>> No.18804499

can you adjust water temp?

>> No.18804557

>makes lame joke
>no one responds
>samefags out of anxiety

>> No.18804601

Thx schizoid.

>> No.18805366


>> No.18805562
File: 1.92 MB, 3468x4624, 20230113_075426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Friday the 13th, cocksuckas