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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18781865 No.18781865 [Reply] [Original]

>ask roommate for suggestions for dinner since I'm in the mood to cook
>"hahaha idk, anon. anything you like"
>decide to make ratatouille since I like ratatouille
>go all out, even grate some cheese on top for her tastes
>"oh, anon I'm not in the mood for salads. I'll just order a pizza, thanks!"

God, I hate my roommate so so so much. Its not even worth cooking extra for her, even if I get to have the leftovers later (I don't like heating up stuff) At least show some appreciation and have a bite, cunt.

>> No.18781867
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why do you care for your roommate anon

>> No.18781871

I'm just a "nice" person
I wish I wasn't but I am. I like when people eat my food

>> No.18781872

They didn't ask you to cook, nor did they ask for a bite. You are the cunt.

>> No.18781875

She could've said she was going to order a pizza then...

>> No.18781881

Is she your fucking mother? Is she not entitled to eat what she pleases without running it by you?

>> No.18781884

Did you ask her,"Hey I am making ratatouille, would you be interested in having some?"

+ Women don't even know what they want to eat most of the time. It's basically all on you.

>> No.18781895

>ask her if she wants anything for dinner
>"no thanks, anon. I'm ordering a pizza tonight"
That's what a normal human with basic decency and courtesy would've done.

I wasn't sure until the last minute either. How's it my fault..

>> No.18781910

You wanted ratatouille, you got ratatouille. Your roommate wanted pizza, your roommate got pizza. You're literally having an internet fight because you feel entitled to be recognized for something you weren't asked to do. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.18781922

This thread is fucking retarded I can only hope shit like this is bait
But why even take the time to type this out as bait? It's just as retarded
Either way OP is retarded and gay

>> No.18781924

Bros, why are women?

>> No.18781927

I honestly think you should show her this thread you made, sobbing, telling her how heartbroken you are.

>> No.18781931

>I wasn't sure until the last minute either. How's it my fault..
So you didn't even ask your roommate how would they feel about having some ratatouille, did you?
>I'm just a "nice" person
I don't think you are a nice person if you expect appreciation or gratitude for doing something for someone else without even asking how they would feel about it.

>> No.18781957

He wanted pussy

>> No.18781961

That, or OP is a woman.
They didn't even know what they wanted until last minute.

>> No.18781964

OP made this thread to act like a sussy baka and get berated for it because that's how he gets off. Pretty gross.

>> No.18781971

She said she'll have anything I'd like. And I like ratatouille. I made ratatouille and she didn't eat it. How's it fair? I went out of my way to make another portion for her, which she didn't eat.

I don't want pussy.

I'm just fuming at her antics.

>> No.18781983

>She said she'll have anything I'd like. And I like ratatouille.
So you didn't ask your roommate how she would feel about having some ratatouille?

>> No.18781987

That would make too much sense for a fucking autist

>> No.18781993

I once made a stew for both my flatmates because I figured it would be nice to have a communal dinner together, and I told them that I was making it and they just said "oh okay!"

Then when it was almost done I heard rustling in the hallway and apparently they were leaving to go have dinner at a friend's house, without telling me. Made me so upset I threw it all in the trash after they left.

>> No.18781997

She said she didn't mind what I am making for her! Why would I ask her after she said that?
Also, she referred to the ratatouille as "salad" which it clearly isn't. It's as if she was mocking me. She's just not a good person, anon.

>> No.18782002

No, she didn't. She said she doesn't care what you make because she intended to get pizza. You made assumptions and are now trying to change the story for sympathy.

>> No.18782023

Women don't appreciate nice guys. Next time make nothing and eat half her food without asking. She will fall in love with you and give you the sex you deserve.

>> No.18782028

based op can relate, i hate when that happens

>> No.18782034

>Why would I ask her after she said that?
So you know your roommates preferences 100%? Or you knew what she was in the mood for at that moment?

Maybe she called it a salad because she doesn't know about food? Does she even cook? I am guessing since she ordered food instead of making at home, she doesn't cook.

>> No.18782037

She didn't use the word "care". She used the word "know". She's implying that she wants to eat what I cook but is undecided on what she wants me to make.

I don't want sex from her. I don't want her to fall in love with me either. I just want her to be clear when she doesn't need me to cook for her.

>> No.18782056

She's not going to have sex with you, anon.

>> No.18782067

>I just want her to be clear when she doesn't need me to cook for her.
then be clear with her too. It's that simple.

>> No.18782092

>"hahaha idk, anon. anything you like"
what if she was asking you. "anything you like?"

>> No.18782101

No, she doesn't cook at all. Most I have seen her make is toast.

I don't want have sex with a girl.

Yes, exactly.

>what if she was asking you. "anything you like?"
I would make ratatouille, without the cheese.

>> No.18782120

Ah it all makes sense now, you're a simple faggot

>> No.18782124
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She didn't ask you to cook, she doesn't owe you having to eat it. Simple as. Read the screwtape letters at some point. Stop thinking your seeking of approval is a kind, charitable act. Holding the door open for someone just because you want them to thank you for doing it isn't actually kind.

>> No.18782135
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Why the fuck do you cook for those you live with if they aren't your wife or family, I wouldn't want my housemates to serve me food if I had already planned my dinner

>> No.18782172

>don't make her food
>"hey anon, Where's mine?"
>make her food
>"sorry, I'm ordering pizza!"
The off chance my roommate does eat it, it makes me happy since I like it when people eat the stuff I make.

A simple "no" would've sufficed for me to not make another portion for her. Its simply not my fault.


>> No.18782307

>tfw when no mentally ill autistic girl to make me ratatouille with cheese when I didnt ask for it
how do i cope bros?

>> No.18782321

>Old roommate and I used to make big dinners and eat them out on our picnic table every friday

>> No.18782352

It would get annoying, I assure you.

>> No.18783440

cute you should ask her out.
unless by roommate you mean mom.
then you should just fuck her.

>> No.18783443

If an animal hasn't died it's not a meal. You lied when you said you were cooking an actual dinner.

>> No.18783454

Reminds me when i made gumbo for my dnd group and everyone loved it but half way through cooking I had a mild anxiety attack and barely ate any of it myself in the end.

>> No.18783464

anon you have to clarify things like this you autistic bastard. it really isnt difficult

>> No.18783466

Who the fuck makes gumbo for a dnd session? You deserved the anxiety attack. Fucking weirdo.

>> No.18783471

OP show gf vegin with bubs

>> No.18783488

That's what you get for making wisdom your dump stat.

>> No.18785060

>Made me so upset I threw it all in the trash after they left
that's pretty fucking gay

>> No.18785120

I figured it out. She didn’t expect you to make something as gross as ratatouille.

>> No.18785154

Tranime poster is retarded..wow! More news at 9..

>> No.18785204


Honestly, you're not wrong. Ratatouille is tasty but it sure as fuck isn't a meal on its own. It could definitely serve as a side dish or a course though.

Anyway, I think the OP and the roommate are both wrong here. They both suck ass at basic communication. All the OP had to do was simply ask if their roommate would be interested in sharing dinner together. Announcing that you're cooking X does not imply an invitation. Conversely, your roommate should have taken a little bit more initiative and just told you that they planned on ordering food later, even if they didn't know precisely what they were going to have.

The lesson to learn here is don't assume anything. Don't assume that the rest of the world will always want to accept whatever you are trying to give. People of every right to say no or not be interested.

Besides college, this is why I've never had a roommate in my adult life. No way and fuck what I want to put up with that bullshit.

>> No.18785216

Post BMI

>> No.18785250
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>> No.18785264

I don't like anime, you are gay and should leave, your opinion is MOOT

>> No.18785320

This thread is still alive, huh.
I don't know the number but I'm underweight.

>> No.18785473

You reek of being a fucking goober. I bet you cry yourself to sleep whenever She brings a man home you fucking loser.

>> No.18785485

anon, just dont cook for them anymore
learn your lesson
simple as

>> No.18785490

>male with a female roommate
did you at least have lesbian sex after dinner?

>> No.18785518

OP ignore all the sad trolls ITT.
If someone makes you dinner, you eat it. That’s basic courtesy, anyone who disagrees was not raised properly and probably talks with food in their mouth and acts like a pig at the dining table.

I’m sure you aren’t reporting what she said verbatim, but regardless she accepted your offer to cook and then let you go to all the effort before saying anything. That’s just ungrateful.

You are also probably autistic but she’s lacking in the etiquette department.

>> No.18785522

>reddit spacing
go back

>> No.18785551

>Autistic roommate says they're making ratatouille
>Say "ok"
>This now means I'm obligated to eat ratatouille
No. At no point was it implied that op is making food for the roommate nor does the roommate agree to eat what they're cooking. DOUBLY so when it's just roommates. If it was his wife, then yes, it would be implied he's cooking for both. But unless it's agreed beforehand simply announcing what you're making isn't the same as agreeing to share a meal.

>> No.18785582

She so far have brought zero men over. It's not something I'm bothered with anyway.

See first reply >>18782172

I'm a biological female though. I thought that was made clear.

>I’m sure you aren’t reporting what she said verbatim
It's all verbatim. I wrote it the exact way she said then.

>> No.18785697

>She said she didn't mind what I am making for her! Why would I ask her after she said that?
Are you autistic? Did you really assume that her answer meant 'Yes, I will eat anything at all that you make tonight'? So if you'd made camels dicks in aspic, for example, you'd have been on here making a baww thread about how your selfish roomie wouldn't eat camel dicks?
Once you'd reached a firm decision as to what you were going to make, it would have been sensible to run that specific proposition past her before going ahead and making her a portion because although there are lots of things she might like in principle, she might not feel in the mood for them tonight. You surely don't expect her to itemise that list of things in full in response to a casual enquiry?

>> No.18785722

>be me
>roomoid wants some pasta
>make enough for us both
>he ends up leaving
>I eat his portion
You snooze you lose. Simple as.

>> No.18785726

Fat fuck.

>> No.18785742

>You snooze you lose
So you raped him while sleeping?

>> No.18785746

>biological female
>absolutely fucking retarded
>feels slighted over literally nothing
checks out. tits or gtfo, whore

>> No.18785750

Sounds like my sister. Why are w*men like that?

>> No.18785763

She doesn't respect you. Who gives a fuck what you think or feel? While you're out there considering other people, making food for them like a bitch, their opinion of you is just getting lower and lower.

>> No.18785768

they probably already ate ratatouille few times before and op wanted to make it kind of a surprise dinner once she said she is okay with anything, op didn't cook anything crazy why do you talk in such extremes

>> No.18785776

I can only imagine it getting annoying if you're a picky eater, which I'm not, so I don't see the downside.

>> No.18785790

I don't care about their opinion of me. But it's common courtesy to eat at least a little bit when someone makes food for you, especially when she gives me the OK to make her a portion. She is unironically a sow with zero manners.

My ratatouille is perfect. I make it for my mom whenever I'm at her place. She says it's the best ratatouille she has ever had.


>> No.18785801

the wrong thing is to make a thread on 4chan, you single-mother raised sissy.

>> No.18785805

That's something you say to tripfags, retard. You can't filter someone's posts if they don't have a trip lmao. It should be illegal to have sex with women, because I don't think you "people" have enough cognitive ability to actually consent.

>> No.18785808

Are you a woman OP or is your roommate just a girl?

Either way, do you fuck?

>> No.18786082

i would like to be your roommate i would eat your ratatouille then cook for you the following day sorry your roomy is a loser

>> No.18786129

You are based and generous OP, and I would like to try your ratatouille.

>> No.18786144

>I don't think you are a nice person if you expect appreciation or gratitude
OP is a nice person, OP is just mad the roommate is inconsiderate NPC retard who literally waited to see what OP cooked for them both before ordering pizza, as if they weren't raised by good parents.

Don't cook for anybody OP.

>> No.18786193

>OP revealed that OP is a woman
>replies are suddenly much nicer
What causes this?

>> No.18786359

Maybe make an actual meal next time. Your roommate is right, Ratatouille is a glorified salad.

>> No.18786443

Ratatouille is not a normal dish people eat so of course they would be off put. Just ask specifically next time. If you want people to eat something weird, it cant be the main course, so cook some nice chicken or beef or something to go with it.

>> No.18786515

>Women don't even know what they want to eat most of the time
That's all normies

>> No.18786518
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>Ratatouille is not a normal dish people eat so of course they would be off put.

>> No.18786524

Are you serious? Most people never heard of ratatouille until the fucking movie came out.

>> No.18786669

lmaoing at ratatouillets

>> No.18786676

why do you have a female roomate?

>> No.18786686

>man LARPing as a woman about cooking


>> No.18786699

If a cute girl cooked for me I would breed her btw

>> No.18787186


>> No.18787208

shut ur mouf. ur time is up. once civilzation collapse...ooooo ahhhhh

>> No.18787237

You would but you cannot.

>> No.18787544

imagine not just asking "if i cook X will you eat it"

>> No.18787575

This is the gayest worst board. Kys OP

>> No.18787672

You sound nice OP and your roommate was an inconsiderate cunt. But now you know, so next time ask her on clear terms if she'll eat what you're making. If she says yes and still blows you off stop cooking for her.

>> No.18787680
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>> No.18787733

Yeah Im a schizoid just how it goes

>> No.18787739

>board dedicated to cooking shouldn't have females
I thought cooking was the woman's job?

>> No.18787759

If you let a woman cook how do you know it's going to be done right? I'm a better cook than any women I've ever dated.

>> No.18787929

Why do you live with a woman you aren't fucking?

>> No.18788006
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You sound like a cunt you AEW tranny.

>> No.18788089

kaguya nakadashi

>> No.18788151

You're not a nice person, you have an internalizing personality and emotional immaturity derived from poorly mature parents and subpar upbringing
To achieve being nice you must mature

>> No.18788265

I'm just tired of being thrown around like this. She takes me for granted, I swear. I just hate how she choose to behave. It's almost like a small child.

I am a nice person. Me choosing to cook for her proves it.

You must have at least a few braincells left right? Use them to figure it out.

>> No.18788275

You should only be nice to people who return it. Should of learned that in pre-k desu. Anyway I'm too horny right now. The idea of a cute frumpy girl making a meal wanting nothing in return is too lewd. I'd rape your ass hth

>> No.18788286

>I am a nice person. Me choosing to cook for her proves it.
Nice people don't think like this.

>> No.18788287

>Me choosing to cook for her proves it.
Again, immature, internalizing personality. This doesn't make you a good person

>> No.18788334

What would a "nice person" think then? What would they make out of this?

>> No.18788357

there's no issue here, there's more food for you. dont you like your own food enough that if you didnt have to share you didnt feel too bad about it? let other people eat what they want, but you can go ahead and eat what you want

>> No.18788361

A nice person would think that you wasted your time cooking for someone who doesn't appreciate it. Nice doesn't mean doing favors for anyone with a vagina. Nor does it mean being a pushover faggot who doesn't call her out on her shit right then and there.

>inb4 i would have totally done it for a guy too I just wanna be a cute anime house husband spread my cheeks daddy

>> No.18788362

A nice person would chalk it up to a misunderstanding and choose to look on the bright side rather than getting upset with their roommate: they now have a second portion of a meal that they enjoy to throw in the fridge and consume at their convenience.

>> No.18788407

I don't like heating up leftovers.

I would've been happier if it was a guy. I'm sure this hypothetical guy would've appreciated the effort of me making another portion for him while spending money out of my own pocket for the ingredients.
>Nice doesn't mean doing favors for anyone
I didn't do her a "favor". I was just being corteous. Besides, If I didn't she would've just ended up asking for her share. She has done it before. She could've easily said "no, I don't want to eat the dinner you make since I'll be ordering pizza". Yet she didn't.
Anyhow, it's getting late and I'm getting tired of repeating myself.

>> No.18788413

You've been taken in by a vampire. She's getting way more out of that relationship than you. Gotta keep a tally and sideline her if she's not paying back. Also if you did that to a guy he'd think you were asking to be rutted

>> No.18788422

holy shit I have never seen such reddit replies. op is a faggot but there’s a fucking simp in here that should just kill himself defending some bitch online. I couldn’t make it through half of the thread

>> No.18788658

She saw you cum in the ratatouille

>> No.18788881

Your twisted brain seeing something that isn't there. From beginning to end the thread is 80% meanness, 15% tomfoolery, and 5% trying to give real advice about something that never happened.

>> No.18788979

He wants to wet his dick thats why.

>> No.18788990

>is wrong
>repeats himself being wrong
>gets tired of it
Many such cases

>> No.18789112

>"oh, anon I'm not in the mood for salads. I'll just order a pizza, thanks!"
>"alright, more for me"
thats it man

>> No.18789133

You're just not a good cook, all my roommates have loved anything I made

>> No.18789270

Are you the lawyer that avatarfags with Kaguya on /int/

>> No.18789297

Well here's the thing about surprises. Sometimes the recipient doesn't want them.

>My ratatouille is perfect. I make it for my mom whenever I'm at her place. She says it's the best ratatouille she has ever had.
What does that have to do with anything I wrote? I didn't say your ratatiouille was shit, it could be the best in the world and it still doesn't mean somebody will be in the mood for it on any given day. Still getting strong 'tism energy here.

>> No.18789334

I was not wrong. If anything she's the one that's wrong.


>What does that have to do with anything I wrote?
Because you compared my ratatouille to camel dicks. My ratatouille is good, if not perfect.
>it still doesn't mean somebody will be in the mood for it on any given day
She could've said so before I cooked for her.

>> No.18789371

I dont think you were wrong, food used to mean something, courtesy used to mean something.
We used to see it as a moment to be human, in older days you would try you hardest to make a weary traveler or a guest feel at home, now with crime lower than it's ever been in human history we seem ruder.
No one understands what it means to be human anymore to enjoy food with company.
Yours totally a MASSIVE KEK!!!!! Because you were thoughtful, because you wanted to show grace.
But also dont get too beat up about what happened, its not a big deal, not as big of a deal of the constant repetition, and spirit of such interactions with our fellow man.
Tis is but the nature of the spirit of our age.

>> No.18789467

This is child logic anon.

>> No.18789606

What you're describing is a woman moment. Get used to it because they never grow out of thinking this way.

>> No.18790273

Yet you can't refute it.

Not all women are like that, I assure you.

>> No.18790295

Gumbo is a perfect food for groups. That's what it's made for.
>bio female
That would explain things.
You know the rules, tits or gtfo

>> No.18790307
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op you're in the right she is a meanie

>> No.18790336

it's woman logic