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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 640x368, Egg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18774844 No.18774844 [Reply] [Original]

Do you use an egg cracker?

>> No.18774850
File: 2.75 MB, 854x480, 1672958558586527.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology versus nature. On which side in this war do you stand?

>> No.18774851

i can do it with one hand
i use a vice to open my wine bottles though like JFS

>> No.18774872

Real question is are you a flat surface chad or edge of the bowl virgin?

>> No.18774911

Unless you have a medical profile there's literally no reason to be using this

>> No.18774921

lmao use the fucking yolk separator, doing it 12 times that way would take forever

>> No.18774926

Why not?

>> No.18775019

>video of Jack not fucking up

>> No.18775177

Only with my greased up, nondominant hand.

>> No.18775307

Do I use an egg for what? And don't call me cracker.

>> No.18775324

What happened to jacks ring? He used to crack eggs with it

>> No.18775504

so many years of thinking and "cracker" is the insult they chose for wyte pipo? embarrassing honestly

>> No.18776056

>t. cracker
The unsalted ones too, because I know how your kind loses your shit over any kind of salt and seasoning

>> No.18776071

I would use that for the egg separator (if it actually works well) otherwise I just smack it on a flat surface.

>> No.18776087

Of course I use an egg. In fact I used 2 of them just last night. But please don't call me that :[

>> No.18776090

ah shit bæt me to it. didn't see this cracka's post before I replied

>> No.18776104

this is almost as bad as the soybot

>> No.18776350

And here I was thinking rice cookers were the most retarded appliance you could buy.

>> No.18776882

Only with powdered cryogenic hardened super-steel parts. Beware of cheap substitutes.

>> No.18776900

anon you are either wyte or ayysian, get help

>> No.18776915

I do not use unitaskers. This also looks slower than hand cracking an egg.

>> No.18776926

Congrats you are as retarded as jack

>> No.18776956

no but maybe ill get one for my grandma

>> No.18776964

Reminder that most of the tools are for people with arthritis and other mobility/dexterity issues.

>> No.18777055

they have plenty of words for whites and those aren't lackng in creative either, chalk demon

>> No.18777106

he's such a fucking idiot

>> No.18777128

how did the lip smackers find out about chalk?

>> No.18777135

Only on my testiculars

>> No.18777137

Yes I do nigger

>> No.18777167

gentlemen please stop with the casual racism we are on a serious board with a reputation to uphold

>> No.18777287

imagine thinking whites are the evil ones.

>> No.18777573




>> No.18777777

major ja/ck/ & anime victory

>> No.18777791

It's not faster at all. And it's only cleaner if you don't know how to crack open an egg on a counter.

The egg cracker Gizmo is the height of Western decadence. You might as well just hand over all your money to the corporate oligarchs.

>> No.18777806
File: 23 KB, 252x249, 1603817369458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a get

>> No.18777813

I really do wonder how you can be Jack's age and just give up on ever using one of your arms again. Does he just want to eat himself to death or something? How do you end up like that?

>> No.18777815

no, i'm not retarded and haven't had a stroke.

>> No.18777852

Digits damn>>18777777

>> No.18778294

are eggs good for you?

>> No.18778424

I kneel

>> No.18778500
File: 29 KB, 494x621, ev3zq8xv27061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a weak ass redditor that needs an egg cracker or a soy bottle opener.

>> No.18778508

wtf its fucking plastic? use your fucking teeth. more fool those retards for giving money to the company

>> No.18778557

Waste of a get

>> No.18778924

Jackbros...we fucking won

>> No.18779271
File: 66 KB, 710x571, 1650743692422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18779283

flat. using an edge just pushes shell fragments into the egg

>> No.18780726

This seems nice

>> No.18780784

Ironically he doesn't use it now after he lost one hand. Probably forgot he even has it.

>> No.18780829

>he doesnt use the bottle method

>> No.18780888
File: 52 KB, 1200x630, d91cf006_edit_img_facebook_post_image_file_39374638_1449866830_alton-fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18780955

But that's retarded, too. I just crack the eggs into a bowl and use my fingers to fish the yolks out. I'll never understand people who do the stupid eggshell method (tedious and stupid) or the bottle method (cuz I sure do love unnecessary dishwashing!) instead of using the implements the Lord our God gave us already. Just wash your hands before (which you should have done, anyway) and after. It's fucking simple.

>> No.18780963

Its easier to throw away the bottle that was lying around anyway, and i dont touch food with my hands when not necessary.

>> No.18780982

>using old, dirty bottles to prepare food rather than nice, clean fingers
Oh, you poor dear.

>> No.18781104

Remind me to never eat anything you've cooked.

>> No.18781130

Because it costs money, needs to be stored somewhere, isn't faster, and isn't cleaner.

t. actually cracks eggs

>> No.18781144

no only people with weak grip do that.

>> No.18781626

fat fuxck