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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 597 KB, 1600x1200, Roasted_coffee_beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18773542 No.18773542 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know by 2030 coffee will have ten folded its price and also reduce its availability by a great margin, making in an inaccessible rarity more than a daily beverage?

What will you do? Will you drink the WEF bug coffee instead?

Instant, of course, will keep being produced no matter what, there will never be a shortage of plain ol street dirt. Im talking real coffee here.

>> No.18773558

I'll just stop drinking

>> No.18773560 [DELETED] 

It isn't happening

Ok it is happening but it's not because of anything I did

Ok it is because of something I did but there is nothing I can do now

Ok there is something I can do now but it's too expensive

Ok it's cheaper than doing nothing but I'm going to manufacture culture wars about the danger to "western civilization" posed by immigrants, gays, and whatever else gets attention so that nobody can have a serious conversation about anything

Oops I'm too old to care now, so long suckers

>> No.18773577 [DELETED] 

Gay MEXICAN socialists are coming for your coffee beans BEWARE

>> No.18773587

>two more weeks
People have been doomcasting about coffee for the last 15 years. There are always stories about how its gonna cost more than gold, get wiped out by climate change, or be seized by revolutionary forces.

>> No.18773589 [DELETED] 

I like how you managed to combine stages 1 and 5 into the same argument

>> No.18773595

Relax doc, no one cares about your theory up there.

My only point is that they've cried wolf on coffee way too many times for me to really care. If it happens so be it, I'm sure there will be some disappointing replacement that I'll have no choice in and I'll have to tell kids about how amazing coffee used to be.

>> No.18773598

Unrelated but it seems the roaster I buy from have bumped their prices again.
It's too bad they don't do washed robusta.

>> No.18773613

>times are getting so bad the masses are crying out for robusta
Grim times we live in

>> No.18773625

I've lost the taste for coffee this last year, so fine by me

>> No.18773626

The 400 g of beans I buy for $10 isn't really worth it. It wasn't always like that, maybe my boomer palates are kicking in or I should pay like 25 bucks for a few beans. What happened?

>> No.18773639

I paid $10 today for 250g. But theyre excellent beans. If it was $15 id still pay it and think its a fair price for a good product.

>> No.18773642

>t. clotted

>> No.18773690

>I am special because I know the future and you don't
You are a fucktard starved for attention because your parents wish they'd aborted you who thinks the internet exists for redpilled cunts to establish their pecking order
Fuck off until you actually cook something outside a microwave

>> No.18773779

Time to get on the chicory train, boys!

>> No.18773787

>DiD yOu KnOw bY-
shut up science bitch

>> No.18773792

I already take caffeine pills

>> No.18773802

what's to stop me from building a greenhouse in my backyard and planting then roasting it myself?

>> No.18773832

It will be ass

>> No.18773838

literally anything you plant yourself tastes better than something store bought

>> No.18773839

lmao no

>> No.18773843

Synthetic lab produced caffeine injected into sugar free energy drinks will be the new alternative.

>> No.18773850

t. useless retard

>> No.18773855

lyl good luck don't go bankrupt

>> No.18773856

>just grow your own coconuts and coffee bro
Tell us you've never gardened without telling us
This is gonna mindfreak you but most /ck/ threads are for people to share their experiential knowledge not engage in zoomer a priori masturbation

>> No.18773863

>also AI will replace artists and UBI is inevitable
Caffeine is inexpensive to extract from plant sources to the point its synthesis isn't really cost effective, otherwise we would have done it 5-10 years ago. If all coffee plants were hit by a virus tomorrow it would still be cheaper to gene splice its genesis into domestic crops.

>> No.18773869

I already plant a bunch of things, zoomie
if anything I'm both saving money and eating better
you should try it sometime, get your nails dirty
>just grow your own coconuts and coffee bro
I will eventually, don't worry

>> No.18773874


>> No.18773875

>Did you know by 2030 OP will still never have experienced sex with a biological female while lecturing everyone here about the evils of holes

>> No.18773881

>I will eventually, don't worry
>there are no kits or guides for producing greenhouses capable of climate reproduction only seen in mountain countries or volcanic islands but I'm too busy fapping to Makima lewds to look up why that is, my assumptions are fact

>> No.18773956

Hopefully this will be the impetus the gubmint needs to finally legalize Ritalin

>> No.18773966

Have you tried not living in a shithole

>> No.18773975

Why are your insults so weird, guys
What demographic makes up the most of /ck/ posters?

>> No.18773980

enough projection anon

>> No.18773984

Janny banned most humans so ck is now just bots simulating arguing

>> No.18773987

Keep us posted on your indoor coconut plant, retard

>> No.18773991

>everything is AI bro

>> No.18774011
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>> No.18774021

Its true though

>> No.18774026


>> No.18774027

Based esl post stroke poster

>> No.18774032

This makes so much more sense. "The evils of holes". What on earth does that mean?

>> No.18774039

Cope. Reminder that this is not happening.
Abundance generally increases.

>> No.18774051

nothing wrong with chinese tea

>> No.18774070


>> No.18774071

I haven't been to the hospital since I grade school, nice try. Just don't like it anymore. It's dull.

>> No.18774073

Where can I buy methylphenidate OTC?

>> No.18774089

More will switch from "just a coffee" milkshakes to "just a tea" milkshakes, or find other non-caloric drinks to rationalize drinking a milkshake every day.

>> No.18774090
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Yerba mate has as much caffeine per gram as coffee. Tea has twice as much.

>> No.18774102


>> No.18774107

you must be drinking some stale garbage

>> No.18774115
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I buy coffee too and can afford paying 10x for it. Grow it maybe?

>> No.18774189

It's just some dumbass sperg term pathetic anons use to refer to women and their ass and vagina. Basically, men who are weak and dumb enough to get manipulated by women all their life through sex or other attraction based methods. They get tricked or rejected or humiliated so they argue that women are evil and just use their holes to get things.

>> No.18774322

I honestly can’t remember ever seeing the term used like that on here.

>> No.18774577

did you know that your claim is very likely to be incorrect?

Remember when we hit peak oil in the 80s? How about when the glaciers were supposed to be melted by 6 years ago? How about when chocolate was only a few years away from extinction?

Past trends =/= future performance

>> No.18774602

you make fun of them and agree with them at the same time
you're not very bright
you're probably a woman

>> No.18774629

Yep, and hundreds of millions will starve to death by the 1970

>> No.18775868

>he's never grown his own coconuts
Genuinely, without a shred of irony, a skill issue on your part

>> No.18775889

Are unroasted beans cheaper? I'll just roast my own on a skillet like I used to. Ah those were the days.

>> No.18775914

>instead of actually explaining I'll just act smug
you could be right mang, iunno shit about coconuts and coffee, but I still hope you fucking kill yourself soon

>> No.18775921

It wont happen the caffeine in soda comes from coffee beens thairs no shortage if anything global warming will increase the production.I hope Alaska. Melts all that fresh unpoluted land gold minerals. We can only hope fore globay warming. Les than 60 years ago it was global cooling we were all going to freez to death.

>> No.18776043

much cheaper
You can mod a popcorn popper. For under 100 bucks you can have a 100g roaster that you can roast coffee with, that has the potential to be about as good as even the very best in the world. Takes probably 100 or so roasts to get there.

Green coffee that costs around 5usd/lb green is typically sold for around 20USD per 250g roasted

>> No.18776057

Based anti-neurotic wholesome dude

>> No.18776062

Good. Caffeine is poison. Drink fresh spring water. Ciao.

>> No.18776304

growing is but one factor. paying the people that grow it, transporting it when fossil fuels are gone, how?

>> No.18776308

for $10 i can buy a cast iron wok and roast more than 100g at a time.

>> No.18777056

I unironically believe that society in its current form wont last until 2030
There will be an apocalyptic event that will set us back centuries

>> No.18777061

You're dumb as fuck mate and you read too much news

>> No.18777082

There will be a nuclear war or a natural disaster, either way we will return to a more naturalistic life. While im not particularly religious, i do believe there is a force that controls our fate. And this seems to be what our fate will be

>> No.18777091

Sure will. If it won't happen by 2030 then it will for sure by 2040. Maybe 2050. Meds.

>> No.18777097

haha yeah good thing it hasn't cyclically happened like clockwork through all of human existence

>> No.18777108

Just put them in the oven at that point. I would assume the advantage of a popper is that it makes the roast more even in a way similar to what a proper drum.

>> No.18777110

+would do.

>> No.18777123

How many years ago did it happen last time and what are the statistical chances it will happen again in this century?

>> No.18777169
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Any day now like heckin climate change

>> No.18777171

that's right

>> No.18777505

There are african shithole countries who would rather grow coffee than grow grains to feed their own people. All for less than a dollar for an entire 50 kilo sack of coffee beans. There's a reason why cash crops are called that, "cash crops"
Also consumers is still king. Nobody is going to drink bug coffee if coffee flavoured water with artificial caffeine is available

>> No.18777513

>Did you know by 2030 coffee will have ten folded its price

>> No.18777625


>> No.18778268

i literally cant withoug coffee

>> No.18779474
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>> No.18779627
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Hello, Paul Ehrlich. What are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.18779637
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>> No.18779651
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>> No.18779656

You say, in the midst of a ten-year-long oil plateau despite increasingly efficient tar sand discovery and exploitation.
Keep holding out for a miracle bro, I'm sure the bandits at your door will be fascinated

>> No.18779665
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>> No.18779710

yeah but they will taste like shit

>> No.18779750

a wise investment my friend

>> No.18779755

Did you know you're stupid?

>> No.18780824

>muh stimulants

>> No.18781448

Taragui stockpiler is the most powerful poster on all ceekay

>> No.18781452

I only have one cup a week usually so I don't care

>> No.18782561
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>> No.18783881

i dunno, you have to be incredibly inept if youre turning them all black and oily. still gonna taste like coffee.

>> No.18784224

>There's a reason why cash crops are called that, "cash crops"
Getting foreign currency is king. Food crops could very easily be grown but using it for local/regional markets net little money and doing transactions with local currencies is almost like exchanging monopoly money. To the point that if you can get paid in USD for work you'd always go for that, even crpyto is a better option.

So it's a 50/50 with no right answer.

>> No.18784391

I don't drink coffee so who cares, the taste isn't for me

>> No.18784412

>i fell for the clickbait article!

>> No.18784422

probably this. Alternatives will spring up and chicory is a traditional one. Yaupon holly is a caffeinated choice, and there is always tea.

>> No.18784744

Don't forget that whenever there is the slightest hint of food insecurity so much international food aid is dumped on them that the local agricultural economy is completely fucked for years.

>> No.18784750

No, I did not know that. That sounds like a very concerning prospect.

>> No.18784917

i'll start brewing ephedra instead, that ain't going anywhere

>> No.18785549

dont care about coffeeslop

>> No.18785666

i love coffee bros

>> No.18785962
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Behold, the newest in fossil-fuel-free propulsion technology

>> No.18785969
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I will be dead by then, doesn't matter to me

>> No.18785995

Homemade stuff has an advantage since it's naturally fresher, has fewer additives, and in some cases can be tuned to your specific tastes rather than mass appeal.
I'm pretty sure most of the beans you can buy have no additives, but they might benefit from having been freshly roasted.

Homemade stuff is can be worse if it's something that's difficult to do or requires specialized equipment.
I'd imagine growing your own coffee beans falls here.

>> No.18786228


>> No.18786244

If the price and availability of real coffee become an issue, then I will definitely look into alternatives, such as the WEF bug coffee. I am aware that this type of coffee is sustainable, organic, and healthy, so it would be an excellent option for me. I would also look into other alternatives, such as organic or fair trade coffee, that offer a more sustainable and ethical option.

>> No.18786246

chatgpt spotted

>> No.18786933

are half the replies itt AI?

>> No.18788019

The world economy is in a state of uncertainty and instability. The global economic crisis has had a negative impact on the economies of most countries, including the United States. The U.S. economy is expected to continue to decline through 2020, with an anticipated growth rate of 1%. This will have a significant impact on the U.S. national debt, which will continue to increase throughout this period (Federal Reserve). In order to stimulate economic activity and reduce unemployment, governments around the world have implemented various fiscal stimulus packages aimed at increasing demand for goods and services in their respective economies (IMF).

One way that governments can support demand for goods and services is by increasing disposable income levels among consumers and businesses by reducing prices or wages (IMF). Governments may also implement policies that aim to increase employment such as tax cuts or public works programs (IMF). However, these measures are likely to be ineffective if they do not address underlying structural problems within an economy such as high levels of government debt or low productivity growth rates (IMF). Governments therefore need alternative policy options that can be implemented quickly without having long-term effects on their economies’ ability to sustain high levels of debt orIn the year 2030, coffee prices will be very affordable. The average price of a pound of coffee is $0.10. This is due to the fact that there will be an abundance of coffee in the market because it was predicted that by 2030, there would be a global population growth of 2 billion people (“2030 Economy”). With this increase in population comes an increase in demand for coffee and therefore an increase in its price. However, with technological advancements such as 3D printing and automation, more companies are investing into automation and robotics which will lead to less jobs available for humans to do (“2030 Economy”). As a result, the demand for coffee wil

>> No.18789506

thank you chatgpt

>> No.18789517

>Live in Costa Rica
Sheesh, there are tons of organic artisanal coffee brands here lmao

>> No.18789575

>the retard saying he'll grow his own coffee
lol, hope you live at least 1500 MASL (Metres Above Sea Level) with exceptional soil terroir.

>> No.18789607
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oh no we got too cocky

>> No.18789610

stupid meme.

>> No.18789615

I'm rich so I won't be affected by this. Actually I'll enjoy it if coffee becomes more exclusive because then I'll just feel more special for getting to drink it every day.

>> No.18790229

>that 30 year old boomer who drinks puerh and yerba mate

>> No.18791452
File: 198 KB, 1500x870, rosamonte capybara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me, lol!

>> No.18791490


>> No.18791511


>> No.18791592

hydroponics gets the job done

>> No.18792836

If your standards are this low, go for it.

There's a lot more to roasting coffee than just turning it brown.

>> No.18793222

Mushroom coffee seems to be the next big thing not bug coffee

>> No.18793356

>Will you drink the WEF bug coffee instead?
Did you know that regular coffee contains so much cockroach parts that people with shellfish/insect allergies typically cannot drink it? Basically they store coffee in these giant piles that get infested. The main way to mitigate this as best as possible is to buy whole beans and then grind it yourself, as the pre-ground and especially instant stuff is the worst for it, or so I’ve heard.

>> No.18793371

>someone is baselessly calling others incels
Hmm I wonder what this person’s sexual organs look like

>> No.18793452


>> No.18793503

I don't give a fuck as I haven't had a cup of coffee in over 20 years, and a total of maybe 5 cups in my entire life.

>> No.18793514

we're all very impressed

>> No.18793927

chopped up must prob
kys faggot, you suck

>> No.18793979

It's funny because no more than just a few years ago calling women holes was a gay slam on women. Most incels are repressed homosexuals who would suck and fuck whatever looked at them once so this makes sense.

>> No.18794301

I think there’s maybe something of a chicken-egg issue here. I tend to see homosexuals as a type of incel, and that it’s something that develops out of being a loser who is unappealing to the opposite sex. Undoubtably, there is an incel-to-gay and incel-to-trans pipeline, but I don’t think people become incels because they’re gay, but rather they become gay because they’re incels. Fucking poopy man ass (or getting fucked in one’s own poopy man ass) is a poor substitute/cope for being unable to find a real mate.

>> No.18794546
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based horse paste consoomer. got the same brand myself, never got covid. fuck the neigh sayers.

>> No.18794983

>drinking drugs every day

>> No.18795031

Hotter planet = more food.

>> No.18795091


>> No.18795129

I'll just make more money

>> No.18795163

Idk if I’m stating the obvious, but your pic is especially applicable to humans, since we’re evolved from monkeys, and monkeys in turn are basically evolved from tree rats. Humans are essentially gigantic rodents, hence their utility in lab testing etc as our close relatives.

>> No.18795782

If it gets too bad I'll just start growing it myself, I plan to own some land by then.

>> No.18797367

this thread is about to complete a whole week up
what did /ck/ mean by this?

>> No.18797896

it's about a dude who spent most of his life talking to himself and is too self-absorbed to realize the significance of his human intelligence level cat

>> No.18797927

>/pol/tards making another WEF thread

>> No.18797934

i personally find jews to be subhuman and might be fixable if you filter out all the mouse DNA

>> No.18797957

If coffee becomes somehow stopped existing or became so rare it was a luxury I'd simply stop drinking it and not really care. I'd just drink tea or something.
Plus lets be real, instant coffee isn't fucking going anywhere and will always remain dirt cheap.

>> No.18797962

lol dont tell him where instant coffee comes from

>> No.18797965
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>If coffee becomes somehow stopped existing
>instant coffee isn't fucking going anywhere

>> No.18797978

Caffeine is caffeine. I'll get it from somewhere.

>> No.18798231

>hurr muh substance
will you insert it up your ass, faggot? bet you will

>> No.18798307

Im trans btw

>> No.18798349

Funny that your mind went there first... Got something to get off your chest?

>> No.18798356

>synthetic caffeine is produced from urea
enjoy your pee pee drink

>> No.18798371


>> No.18798390

sorry I just can't help myself I love pee it's totally natural and I'm just trying to help get more people to enjoy it so it won't seem so weird and maybe I can one day meet a girl who likes pee because it became trendy and she'll pee on my face haha

>> No.18798397

Is this what trolling looks like in 2023? Kinda sad.

>> No.18798401

please don't report me the jannies said I had to be good

>> No.18798573

this person is good, dont rat him to the m*ds >>18798397

>> No.18799894


>> No.18800314

The coffee industry is affected by a number of factors, including changes in weather patterns, pest and disease outbreaks, and economic conditions.

I couldn't find any evidence of forecast on such price increment and availability decrease by 2030. Coffee prices can fluctuate due to a variety of factors, including changes in weather patterns, pest and disease outbreaks, and economic conditions. However, it's important to keep in mind that predicting future prices and availability is a complex task and there are many variables that can affect the coffee market.

In terms of sustainability, there are efforts from farmers, governments, international organizations and industry to improve the sustainability of coffee production, such as fair trade certifications, organic farming practices and initiatives to improve the livelihoods of coffee farmers.

As for alternative options for coffee, there are many other options that people can consume such as tea, herbal infusions, and some of them even come from bugs, which it is edible, however, that is not yet a common practice in the western world, but as I previously mentioned, it is an option for some cultures and it has to be done safely, and with the right information.

>> No.18800696

ITT: people ignore reality until it hits them

>> No.18800710

>Instant, of course, will keep being produced no matter what
As long as something like a Mt Hagen or Cafe Altura instant decaf still exists that's good enough for me

>> No.18800989

fibby bippy monippy

>> No.18801479

thanks for the bump, but go away AI, you boring dumbass

>> No.18801497

if it tastes like coffee then I'm in. I don't even care about the energizing effect.
>eeting ze bugs
If they're produced in a 100% hygienic environment and ground into a shape where they don't look like bugs, honestly fine by me.

>> No.18802529


>> No.18803414

>Instant, of course, will keep being produced
How do you think instant coffee is made lol

>> No.18803436

I'll just pay ten times the price because I'm not poor lol

>> No.18805197


>> No.18806677

>People have been doomcasting about coffee for the last 15 years
Back in the 80s the world only had enough oil to last until 1997. Doomsayers should be beaten.

>> No.18806690

Coffee isn't as easy as growing cabbages. It needs fuckhot weather and prefers high altitude. A roastery in south west England has a coffee plant that actually sprouted beans for once a few years ago. Apparently they tasted like ass.