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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18763892 No.18763892 [Reply] [Original]

I fixed your moka pot anons, no more burned coffee.
You will never see this as a product on the market because everyone just keeps copy/pasting the Italian poorfag cope pot from the period they used to eat cats.
>inb4 you can autistically watch the pot and not burn your coffee

>> No.18763940

Imagine brewing coffee, an acidic beverage, in an aluminum contraption. It's like you want to ensure you have dementia by the age of 50.

>> No.18763958

I think aluminum freakout is mostly schizoposting, but it does suck as a material for coffee brewers.

>> No.18764028

at the hospital you can order tea or coffee every day

>> No.18764033

>it's another episode of "anon puts his grounds in the wrong section"
Very sad, very stupid

>> No.18764065

Iirc there's really no solid evidence either way. Anons just like to latch on to any huge corporate plots and conspiracies like these and scream incoherently about them every chance they get.
To be fair, there's also really not much reason to NOT go with a stainless one.

>> No.18764107

>I think aluminum freakout is mostly schizoposting
It's not, you're just retarded.

>> No.18764163

Anon, that's not the case, it's matter of fact that moka pots are fiddly as fuck and unintuitive. They also take a lot of patience to make a decent cup of copepresso.
And I'm saying that with clearly visible manual espresso machine in the back, that thing only requires about 45s of my attention before I have a nice drink in my hands.

Moka pot:
>fill bottom with water
>start preheating the bottom
> fill the filter with coffee
>oh fuck it's a funnel, find some way to hold it upright
>great the bottom is close to boil time to screw the thing together
>bottom is now hot, gotta hold it with a rag
>finally screw it together and back on the heat
>stare at it until it starts boiling
>immediately take of heat
>wait for it to stop boiling
>immediately cool down under faucet

Moka pots are halfassed, always have been and will probably remain as such because muh tradition.
The only reason this pisses me off is because I like moka pot coffee when it's done right, and it would be so easy and cheap to improve the brewers.

>> No.18764225

Are you actually mentally handicapped? I don't want to make fun of a disabled person, sorry about the insult earlier. I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that this is the process for using a moka, but it definitely sounds like you're right and you should stick with a low interaction espresso machine

>> No.18764227

That's not how you use them though, you've messed up.

>> No.18764234

I had a Moka pot when I started trying to do more with my coffee than a drip coffee machine. I quickly got rid of it after using a french press.

>> No.18764288
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No need for any of that, you just need to prepare it the proper italian way

>> No.18764313

>solid evidence either way.
lol enjoy your leached aluminum bro

>> No.18764315
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>To be fair, there's also really not much reason to NOT go with a stainless one.
It heats noticeably slower on gas stove tops, but more importantly it doesn't look nearly as good as the original aluminum one. I'd even go so far to say the venus is ugly, where the original aluminum moka pot is iconic and charming.

>> No.18764319

I prefer the look of the venus desu.

>> No.18764526

holy fuck I hate humans

>> No.18764554

stainless looks better, is easier to clean, is more expensive for a reason. it's simply better. aluminium was yesteryear.

>> No.18764656

i wonder why they don't make cast iron moka pots

>> No.18764668

boil water separately.
use a bottle or small jar to hold the funnel
screw on the tip quick enough after filling it so the bottom isn't too hot
use low heat so it doesn't build up pressure to fast and keep it flowing at a slow pace

>> No.18764737

Just pre-boil the water instead.

>> No.18764841

>gaggia Classic pro

Should I buy it as a beginner? It costs 399€ here in Italy.

>> No.18764851
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I'm not saying stainless steel isn't a better material. I'm saying the moka express, which they only offer in aluminum, is infinitely better looking than the venus.

>> No.18764856

If you feel comfortable dumping that much on an espresso machine then sure, it's a good one. You'll need a capable grinder to go along with it though. Not sure how the market for electric espresso-capable grinders is, but for manual ones it's like another 100 bucks minimum for a kingrinder K4 or something similar.

>> No.18764868

i disagree

>> No.18764871

Shut the fuck up spaceman, if I want to make sugar-tar I bloody well will, and you can just deal with trying to stick your probe up three feet of diabetic asscheek.

>> No.18764881

I can shed another 300 something € for an Eureka Mignon silenzio, can’t go manual because I need to make 3 coffees in a row 2 times per day at least

>> No.18764891
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Spaghetti anon, it's a very nice basic machine, made without any planned obsolescence and with available and affordable replacement parts.
I paid $400 for it and paired it with picrel.
The only issue really is that out of the box it comes set up for pre ground coffee. You will probably want to swap out the pressure regulator spring to a 9bar or whatever pressure you like, but it's a cheap part and takes you maybe 15-20min to do the swap.
>inb4 no PID
You don't need it, nor do you need use scales and timers to make a good espresso, you just get used to timing and dosing it right.

>> No.18764925

Try my method and say the coffee didn't come out great.
Regarding pre boiling and pouring into the bottom, that's safer to do as far as not burning yourself, but I'm to lazy to get a separate boiling vessel.
Anon, I think the original just ingrained itself in our culture so much it feels comfy.
It's what my grandma made my first cup of coffee in and you can't replace that with anything. I just like it and will always have one to make a coffee for the feels.

>> No.18764941

Thanks anon.
I knew about the 9 bar opv mod and I’ll do it if I decide to buy the Gaggia.
I just need to understand if it’s worth to use the single basket for multiple 7 gr shots (here in Italy 1 espresso = 7 gr of coffee roughly) or if I should learn to use the double basket and use it instead.

>> No.18764973

I don't see why not, takes you a few seconds to ready the next shot. It comes with a double and single basket so you can experiment.
Personally I pull double shots at 15g in a 18g basket, that way I don't need to use a dosing funnel, slightly oversized basket means it doesn't spill.

>> No.18764980

Only thing that could bother you is if you need to switch between steamer and brewing, since it's single boiler, it takes some time for temp to adjust.
Other than that I have no issue serving everyone with coffee when I have guest over, just pull all the shots first and then steam up a pitcher of milk for those who want a cappuccino.

>> No.18764992

>nor do you need use scales
kill yourself

>> No.18765002
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We just drink coffees at the end of the lunch/dinner and 1 cappuccino for breakfast, steaming milk is not a priority.
Should I have guests over, if needed I always have a Nespresso Aeroccino foamer which works well (pic related).
Thanks again.

>> No.18765005

let me guess, 5g is giving people cancer?
were you one of those morons back in the day that thought simply having a cell phone on your body was enough to give you cancer?

>> No.18765007

What for do I need it?
Grinder always poops out same amount.
I remember about how full the cup needs to be and can turn it off in time.
Only time o ever pull the scale/timer out is if I change the coffee and it's all fucked up, as in doesn't just need a minor adjustment. I also started without a scale and just started with 15 out of 30 on the grinder and until it filled the basket 3/4 of the way up. Adjusted from there and after about 3-4 shots it started tasting good.

>> No.18765012

>start preheating the bottom
you already failed.
boiling water in the base.
coffee grounds in the basket
screw on
max heat until coffee starts to flow then turn to min
turn heat off as soon as it reaches half way to the bottom on the spout
once the coffee has reached the bottom of the spout take moka off stove and cool base with cold tap water
the process is extremely simple and easy once you actually learn how to do it.

>> No.18765017

>i am far too retarded for anything more complicated than a tub of hot water and coffee grounds with a filter.

>> No.18765023
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>What for do I need it?
>Sugar spoon always scoops out same amount.
>I remember about how full the cup needs to be and can turn off the oven in time.
>Only time o ever pull the scale/timer out is if I change the flour and it's all fucked up, as in doesn't just need a minor adjustment.
using a scale is the most basic fucking thing you can do in coffe, and in the kitchen in general
pop some cyanide in your next espresso you fucking failure, no need to measure

>> No.18765025

no need.

>> No.18765038
File: 70 KB, 819x1200, Siphon-Coffee-Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you essentially just drew a coffee siphon.

>> No.18765039

I'm formerly your eastern neighbour.
My burger family likes breakfast cappuccino but they find after dinner coffee weird.
I keep drinking espressos basically since morning to after dinner.
My Greek friend and his family like an after dinner cappuccino, which weirds me out.

>> No.18765053
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>> No.18765057

But I didn't. I drew a extendo moka pot.
Siphon is improvement on the percolator.

>> No.18765068

>using a scale is the most basic fucking thing you can do in coffe
Cope and seethe, I have a 0.1g scale and never use it because I can make a good espresso without it.

>> No.18765072
File: 1.91 MB, 3874x3024, CE2CA7EE-2BB7-4790-BD13-5F5265BF878B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For us cappuccino is only for breakfast (there’s a rule here that says “never order cappuccino after 11 AM”) as an alternative to espresso and it’s always served with a cornetto (croissant) because that’s how we eat our breakfast, that’s it.
For the rest of the day and at the end of the meals it’s always nice to drink an espresso.

>> No.18765115

Find the right grind and ratio. Tamp the basket. Put water in the base. Drop the thing on full heat. That's it.
I normally load a half basket in a 3 cup moka. Water to the valve.

>> No.18765248

>Tamp the basket

>> No.18765899

Heat the moka at minimum heat and don't let it do the vulcano
Wala, you didn't burn the coffee.
Btw the moka doesn't work as a siphone, the eat betwee then chamber and the water push down the water that goes up through the cilinder

To the alluminuim retards: the amount of acidity and time it stays in the moka is absolutely safe if you don't let the coffe sit for hours in the moka

It's the same old American habit of not understanding context

>> No.18765913

That depends of you are Italian or not.
If you order cappuccino after 11 and you are not Italian they assume you are some kind of retard.
Often time I order cappuccino and brioche at 3 PM and since I'm Italian they assume I had great fun the night before

>> No.18766225
File: 833 KB, 800x800, moka heatsink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some chinks built a heatsinked moka pot.

>> No.18766226
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Not my problem

>> No.18766287

Looks similar to the 9barista

>> No.18766292

It's not the 9barista though, it's still just a moka pot. Actually it has a valve like the brikka but that won't help it make actual espresso.
At least it isn't $500 or whatever the 9barista is.

>> No.18766305

Yeah I know, I was mainly talking about the handles. And the 9barista is 360€ iirc.

>> No.18766388

Holy fucking shit

>> No.18766579
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>cappuccino and brioche at 3 PM
That does sound wonderful after a bender.
Interesting, I'll buy one if they are cheap, it's probably trash because chinks have no soul. It's also named cigo.
It goes in all fields anon.

>> No.18766583

It's $40 and built better than bialetti stuff. At least that's what the people who bought one said.
You probably can't buy it though it's only sold in china.

>> No.18766603

Never disparage moka pots on /ck/
/ck/ is easily the poorest board on 4chan and they refuse to accept any criticism of their $20 poverty device, and even go so far as to pretend they are espresso substitutes when recommending coffee makers despite producing wholly different flavor profiles (because in their mind no one outside the upper class could possibly afford a gagia classic)

They are have the most annoying method of all common coffee makers, which of course adds cred to the whole thing. By even posting that one of these tards will instantly read that as me saying my brain is too small for moka, because they're bad at reading too.

>> No.18766662

If that's what you think people think, you need some reading lessons yourself.

>> No.18766663

>that's what the people who bought one said
>only sold in china
Anon I think most people here are college kids.
At least judging by myself, only time I would've considered a manual grinder was before age 25 before a minute of my time became more expensive than a cup of coffee.

>> No.18766683
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>> No.18766741

Don't forget the filter basket in this thing is still made of aluminum

>> No.18766791

Nobody's saying it causes cancer, but it's been heavily linked to dementia. Nice job poisoning the well though.

>> No.18766796

Mine's steel but it's a chink copy

>> No.18766798

Does it actually say it's steel? It being Chink copy is worrisome. The one bootleg I got has pouring issues, it spills hotter-than-boiling cawfee right on your hand that holds it

>> No.18766804

It just feels like steel. The packaging is very minimal and really says nothing about the product.
It's $7 and has worked well since, bit hard to clean though.

>> No.18766829

>boiling water in the base
>cool base with cold tap water
For what purpose, water boils on its own just fine in the base and once its done boiling there's no need to cool the base it's not like the coffee you made is down there, it's just air.

>> No.18766853

just watch this and shut up.

>> No.18766855
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do NOT push this button!!! worst mistake of my life.

>> No.18766915

I think it used to be but it's steel in the current model.
I have a stainless one don't worry anon I'm safe.
I use mine on a camping gas stove and I really haven't noticed any meaningful difference between the two.

>> No.18766937

>drew a literal penis cumming in the diagram
Moka pot users confirmed for homosexuals

>> No.18767155
File: 163 KB, 680x671, aa0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't want to double roast my coffee grounds
>don't want to drink steamy farts in tails of the brew, seriously spoon taste that last bit, it tastes like ass
> heavily linked
they linked dickall, it's all journalists and redditors latching on to "study suggests"

>> No.18767288

If it brings out the shills, it's worth paying attention to.

>> No.18767838

moka me horny hehe

>> No.18768675
File: 256 KB, 942x811, Screenshot_20230103-214823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's he holding?

>> No.18769178

Anon I could've gone my entire life without noticing that.