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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18761287 No.18761287 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cure a hangover in your dumbshit backwards stupid country?

>> No.18761297

Drink three to five glasses of water as quickly as possible then give my balls a few hard flicks.

>> No.18761318

Only drinking water

>> No.18761319

>pickle juice
I don’t drink, but if I did you wouldn’t have to tell me twice to drink pickle juice. I drink that shit like it’s a regular beverage.

>> No.18761323

Water alone isn't going to solve the numb tingles in your extremities. You need to replenish minerals.

>> No.18761337

The real scientific hangover cure is:

Water, can include electrolyte sachet
Eat a whole raw yellow grapefruit or drink half a litre of no added sugar grapefruit juice slowly(Not pink grapefruit)
A slice of toast with peanut butter
Wait a short while and drink a strong coffee
10mins of exercise

Theory is; Water to rehydrate, Yellow grapefruit contains lots of amino acids that your liver uses to remove alcohol from your bloodstream. Toast has slow burning energy to fuel the process and peanut butter contains lots of Iron that your liver and kidneys need to replenish for optimal function. Once your liver is loaded with amino acids, down a strong coffee to increase bloodflow, exercise to increase your heart rate to cycle the blood through your liver while the Amino acids are working.
US Military used this for a long time as the beginning of their 3day diet for people who got fat during breaks between deployment.

>> No.18761345

Hair of the dog

>> No.18761350

I'm skeptical only because grapegruit inhibits cyp enzymes so it would make alcohol and other type of detox harder for your body

>> No.18761357
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pic related
get your water and electrolytes, without the disgusting sugary syrupy corn syrup of gatorade
and doesn't taste like tears like pedialite

It's basically water and grapefruit juice

>> No.18761359

best way to cure a hangover is by preemptively not drinking alcohol the night before

>> No.18761360

Just take NAC before drinking. Everyday, even.

>> No.18761365

Wouldn't that only be true if you still had alcohol in your stomach?

>> No.18761368

More alcohol
>t. crippling alcoholic

>> No.18761369


>> No.18761373

This when waking up, then gatorade during the day

>> No.18761380

well, no

>> No.18761702

Fuck your mudda

>> No.18761709
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In grorious Nippon we just pound one of these badboys before we start drinking. I'm sure it's 99% placebo but they haven't failed me yet. Meanwhile times when I've neglected to drink one I've gotten hung over so who knows.

>> No.18761779

to me that shit is vile and I don't trust it. What's in them? i just pound pocari or aquarias

>> No.18761785


>> No.18761881

>What's in them?
Ginger and turmeric afaik.
>i just pound pocari or aquarias
I do too if I already have a hangover or if I can remember to do it just before bed. Chikaras are more of a "before drinking" type thing.

>> No.18761890

Oh that's not so bad I'll give it a try

>> No.18761894


>> No.18761898

>numb tingles in your extremities
>alcoholic neuropathy
That's nerve damage from excess drinking, you have a problem

>> No.18761903

water is not effective in the morning when you've peeh'd out all your salts and you have a weak stomach.

you need some salty and electrolytey food to restore the balance. otherwise you just piss excess water out while still becoming dehydrated

for me:
>chicken soup
>2-3 pickles or other pickled veg served in a tumbler half-filled with the brine

>> No.18761905


>> No.18761909

Just drink 2-3 cups of water before bed, literally all you need

>> No.18762021

I imagine most of the disgusting ones were just made up by housewives hundreds of years ago because they were tired of their men going out and getting drunk every night, and it stuck

>> No.18762037

For me it's the heckin' science. Trusted!

>> No.18762040

More alcohol normally, if that doesn't work then normally I'll make some ramen but with even more salt added

>> No.18762047
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>> No.18762104

Gatorade pedialyte or more alcohol

>> No.18762112

same but I pretend I don't

>> No.18762186

if i've got more alcohol, i'll do that, especially if i've got bloody mary mix or iced coffee. otherwise i keep a few cans or boxes of chicken stock.

>> No.18762351


>> No.18762385
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>> No.18762415
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Spicy food in Mexico City. Any spicy soup/broth dish works but the classic is chilaquiles: fried tortilla chips in soupy salsa with cheese and onion, sometimes an egg.

>> No.18762423

drinking more alcohol works too. i wouldnt drink coffee for a hangover.

>> No.18762439
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>> No.18762454

Just don't stop

>> No.18763765

Sure, but it also makes your drinking night boring since it feels like you never get truly drunk.

>> No.18763773
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One of these

>> No.18763787

i almost never get a hangover but when i do i drink 2 glasses of wine and it's fixed instantly. then i switch to water so i don't fool my body completely. just partially

>> No.18763791


Either hair of the dog or a dioralyte sachet in water and an Alka seltzer

>> No.18763792

Geil Underberg

>> No.18764015

Brit here. The general idea is to just ease grease. A badly made full English fits the bill nicely. Not only is it a pile of grease when made badly, but everyone loves the idea of a big cooked breakfast.

>> No.18764026

I'm not sure about anyone else but when I'm hungover plain water is the most disgusting thing to me I'd rather drink piss.

>> No.18764062

>cure a hangover
Stay drunk, duhhhh.....
12 years and running for me.

>> No.18764068

Get some help m8. It's going to end in grueling physical and mental pain and you know it

>> No.18764112
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pocari sweat literally has corn syrup in it.

>> No.18764186

Big Pickle has really gotten to you huh

>> No.18764190 [DELETED] 
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>Oh sweet it's monday lunch (a weekday) and the Ching Chang Chong buffet is only 7 dollars. Will only have to use the vomitorium once if even at all.
>get bill
>it's almost 11 dollars
>it's sunday price even though it's not a holiday
>pay bill
>not done yet I guess to try to make up for it
>eat two heaping plates of mostly meat
>spend double the amount of time picking out shrimp and pulling off the raw meat from the sushi
>vomit once more
>make soft serve ice cream for myself

It's NOT a holiday. I shouldn't have had to do that.

>> No.18764193

>2 litres of water
>Bacon and egg sandwich

>> No.18764199 [DELETED] 

You drink all the bacon grease right? I usually do a 16oz bacon and drink the grease and freeze half of it.

You can also use bread to soak it all up and fry that for child sex.

>> No.18764208

why not drink electrolytes before going to sleep?

>> No.18764236 [DELETED] 

Don't want to mess with electricity while I am drunk.

>> No.18764264


>> No.18764297

I just throw up lol, 100% hangover prevention

>> No.18764314

bone broth

>> No.18764318

>Yellow grapefruit contains lots of amino acids that your liver uses to remove alcohol from your bloodstream
I thought it did the opposite, keeping it around longer in the body. Isn't that why you're not supposed to eat grapefruit while taking medication?

>> No.18764391

The sugar helps to offset the flavor of the corn syrup.

>> No.18764410
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>> No.18764416

I cure a hangover by continuing to drink
but this makes me want pickle juice

>> No.18764425

Just add a couple spoonfuls of salt to water. Its literally that simple.

>> No.18764426

raw egg and lemon juice

>> No.18764457

>water right before bed
>milk in the middle of night
>coffee in the morning

>> No.18764468
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you dont "cure" hangover, if you wake up with that, you already fucked up. you are supposed to PREVENT it, and that only works by drinking shitloads of water while drinking the night before

t. pro acloholic, ive been drinking a 1L bottle of vodka/whiskey every per night 3-4 times a week for the past few years. also, ALWAYS get a day of rest between drinking

and drink slow, I usually start my 1L bottle around 7-8pm and drink until 4-5am, dont rush it

>> No.18764493

pickle juice is the only thing that actually fucking work

>> No.18764570

Pickle juice or soup and protein of your choice.
Make this before you drink because you wont want to cook when hungover.
Dice onion and garlic. dice potatoes into small chunks add chicken broth, dried herbs (i prefer sage, thyme, and a bay leaf) salt and pepper to taste, boil for about 15 mins and finish with a squeeze of lemon.
Eat a bowl of that and then make some eggs or something after. works for me. It's basically just czech garlic soup without the croutons or marjoram.

>> No.18764746
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a bowl of pho
maybe a viet coffee later
trust me
>viets drink gallons the worst beer
>eat pho the next day
>do it again that night

>> No.18764764

This man is SALINATED.

>> No.18764769

I drink salted, strong coffee all the time when I have a hangover and it doesn't help shit, so I know the Italians and the French are wrong.

>> No.18764773

>/thread’s himsef
>is wrong
Every time

Electrolyte solution will always be better than normal water

>> No.18764778
File: 58 KB, 800x611, dale-cooper-cure-for-hangover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You take a glass of nearly frozen, unstrained tomato juice.
>You plop a couple of oysters in there, you drink it down.
>Breathe deep
>Next, you take a mound, and I mean a mound, of sweetbreads.
>Saute them with some chestnuts and some Canadian bacon.
>Finally, biscuits. Big biscuits, smothered in gravy.
>Now, here’s where it gets tricky, you’re gonna need some anchovies...

>> No.18764784
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who comes up with this crap?

>> No.18764849
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the prairie oyster is indeed a classic hangover cure and tastes bretty gud. their recipe needs some work, though:
>egg yolk
>2 dashes each salt, pepper, tabasco, worcestershire sauce
>pinch of horseradish
it's been around since the 1800s.

this is a cocktail called the suffering bastard and was invented in WWII for hungover troops by a bartender at a famous hotel in egypt.

it's objectively true that a proper electrolyte powder dissolved in water is probably the best thing you can drink to help get over a hangover.

i'm surprised you found these unacceptable but didn't mind the cow stomach-vegetable soup-cream-vinegar option

>> No.18765040

Hmmm. Depends on how severe the hangover is. Sometimes I will say f it and just keep drinking the next day....although it doesnt cure it it just helps you kinda forget, it does ease the pain sometimes.
Ideally....water, some advil, and a little bit of caffeine. Then when that settles in some food.
The best would be any soup made with chicken or beef bone broth, chicken noddle,, yadda yadda. Maybe a little bit of bread or crackers.

btw i think bone broth is key. If you can just drink bowls of that straight up i would suggest that.

>> No.18765054

Damn this hangover sucks I better fucking butcher a cow for it's stomach to fix it

>> No.18765070

>one slice of breda
>green/oolong tea
>either go back to sleep, drink more alcohol or smoke the funny weeds
In that order.

>> No.18765108
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Sausage, egg, and cheese all fried together and a glass of milk

>> No.18765137
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>All this talk of pickle juice

I just finished mashing up some cabbage for saurkraut and have to wait at least 2 weeks before I can sip the brine.

>> No.18765145

I just assumed all the regional things were incorrect as they usually are with infographs like this

>> No.18765162

I’m fact I always try to drink a Gatorade or two during the night and it always works

>> No.18765282

you can't cure a hangover
your body can only process 1 oz of alcohol an hour, and you will always drink more than that during a nights out/party, unless you're a pussy.
There are ways to feel better though

>> No.18765337

This worked for me during the holiday break. Drank nearly every night. Didn't get a hangover every morning but...
>tall glass of ice water
>immediately followed by half a glass of almond milk
>my wife buys chocolate almond milk so that's what I happened to use
>something in my mind thinking "I need 'nutrients.'"
>followed up with another glass of water
Uncanny how that somehow saved me after drinking pretty hard multiple times.
>if all else fails
>Excedrin migraine

>> No.18765384

i take a b-vitamin and an effervescent electrolyte tablet before bed.
the next day for breakfast i have a b-vitamin, effervescent electrolyte tablet, scrambled eggs on toast, an irish coffee and a cigarette.
works every time.

>> No.18765433
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Blörö. Smoke, vodka and coffee.

>> No.18765436

If you follow the "science" cure then you're a dumbshit who deserves to get clotted and die.

>> No.18765468

you cant cure a hangover
you can numb it with food water and or drugs
toprevent a hangover you must hydrate before you go to sleep for the night

>> No.18765789

Sounds like quitter beta language. Don't bother replying if you aren't willing to live hard and die hard for what you love.

>> No.18765802 [DELETED] 

I am a MAP and I agree.

>> No.18765811

Ibuprofen while drinking to prevent brain membrane inflammation. It works, no headache in the morning.
>inb4 "uhm sir, that's not ideal for your liver"
Like I give a fuck.

>> No.18765845

You piss out excess vitamins theres literally no point to talking multiple or excessively strong amounts

>> No.18766917

you wouldn't need a cure if you were being responsible the night before

>> No.18766961

Here's what I do
>wake up
>stick head under tap and get some water
>jack off
>smope some weef
>smoke a cigarette
>grab whatever meal sounds good from local fast food
>another cigarette
>another jackoff sesh
>add an hour nap at the end
It's either this, or you drink a big glass of milk before you go to bed after a long night of drinking

>> No.18766968

Well, I'm still living... I drank a bunch of these in Vietnamland

>> No.18766982

Sometimes I get so hungover that I can't even keep water down. It's miserable.
I guess my stomach or something is fucked up.
I don't even puke while drinking but the next day is vomit galore

>> No.18766989

Das Abführmittel schlechthin, aber anstatt zu kacken muss man kotzen

>> No.18766990

dutch here,
>oral rehydration salt the night before with 2 glasses of water
>paracetamol and water the next morning
>laying on the couch for the rest of the day
>eat fruit/ soup in the evening

>> No.18767021


>> No.18767028

Bread butter and bacon

>> No.18767134

We have proper beer, we don't get hangovers.

>> No.18767175

wake up drink 2 cups of water with electrolytes
if stomach allows have a burger if not smoke a joint first and then eat the burger
15 mins later 2 small lines of speed and another joint
literally works every time

>> No.18767189

You only get a hangover if you stop drinking

>> No.18767192

I Don't Drink.

>> No.18767194

It's not neuropathy, it's a withdrawal symptom. Alcohol dampens nerve signals, the nerves become more sensitive to maintain homeostasis, then the alcohol goes and the nerves are now too sensitive. Eventually they go back to normal. If it was neuropathy it would be all the time, not just a few hours during a hangover.

>> No.18768190

Theyre not, we do this in iceland

>> No.18768208

why do people keep telling me to flick my balls

>> No.18768237
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I usually eat like 10 grams of kratom and smoke weed as well as drink a couple of beers.
How the fuck is the 'science' answer to just drink water? Dehydration is just one part of a hangover and besides caffeine dilates the blood vessels in your brain to help soothe the headache.

>> No.18768817

Op says water plus some electrolyte thing I don't really know anything about. As a seasoned alcoholic that has also worked seriously labor intensive jobs in the past I can tell you water alone is a retarded solution and simply does next to nothing if anything at all. The issue with alcohol dehydration is that you're not just pissing or sweating or whatever water. Doesn't happen never has your body is getting rid of nutrients and salts. Far as dehydration salts are important for your body to stay hydrated.
In my experience pickle juice can work, but really it's best to just eat a fuck load of food b4 bed. Preferably something salty af. But it's 2 steps. The first step b4 that actually is to also have a gallon of water. It's a dollar from the grocery store do it I promise you. So eat that big meal, bed, wake up you're gonna want water like nothing else at 200 pounds 6 foot I drink about 1/3 of the gallon immediately upon waking. Then take a few guzzles about 5 to 10 minutes apart until you start pissing. By now, life doesn't feel like hell at all. However if you really want it gone, the only way I've found is get moving start working hard as fuck sweat like hell. It'll feel like hell at first but eventually you'll forget you were even fucked up that morning in my experience by like 10 or 3 hours after waking.

>> No.18768832
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>> No.18768836

>why not water from the spigget
No I'm not too good for public water you can refill your gallon it's just having that quantity in a single jug that matters. Try drinking half a gallon of water with a normal cup. You'll be there for ages. Better to just have the jug there especially if it can be kept cool as that'll help get your body moving/wake you up
I don't drink coffee for a hangover, but I shit for a hangover if I can helps biggly and coffee can help that along as well so though I rarely do, coffee can help, but it's not the caffeine

>> No.18768863

if i'm not mistaken bro gatorade is sweetened with sugar and dextrose

>> No.18768867

I’m a recovered alcoholic who is slipping a bit and I find being an alcoholic soooo hard.

>> No.18768896

It killed my wife. I don't drink because of the pain I saw her go through for so many years. It was so hard for her. The last few years were the worst, her life was hell. I will pray that God free you from that miserable burden....I hate alcohol so much.

>> No.18768897

I eat two flintstone chewables before I binge and two flintstone chewables when my wife wakes me up from my first blackout to make me go to bed.

>> No.18768904

i always crack open one more tallboy than i can actually drink, that way there'll still be most of a can left on my nightstand when i wake up. that way i can just immediately chug it and roll back over, the shakes and nausea will be 80% better within 10 minutes

>> No.18768911


>> No.18768929

Yeah but it has way more sugar and it leaves an after taste and makes my saliva all syrupy.
I'll take Japan thing :o over thing :l

>> No.18768954
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mineral water, an energy drink and a super B complex or multivitamine, if you're prone to headaches, menstrual relief pills (midol) are a trade secret and will take care of pretty much all physical symptoms of hangover. i usually hold off on eating anything until i'm not just senselessly hungry. best to wait a bit so those vitamines and liquids B line to your small intestine for optimal absorption. after a neon yellow piss, cook up some eggs or soup.

>> No.18768962
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Fuck curing a hangover, whats everyones tips for staying on the longest bender possible. How do i stay drunk without, getting sick or getting tired while staying sloshed. I usually make it like 6 hours then im either not drunk, blackout, or vomit

>> No.18769012

It takes time. Keep at it and your body will eventually need alcohol to functpgm0aion or you die.

>> No.18769015


>> No.18769051

>I’m a recovered alcoholic
Guy you're replying to here. No you're not or you wouldn't think those thoughts. No such thing as recovered for this bs. Don't go back, I promise you the grass is Hella brown and dead. Nothing feels like anything except that next rush. You'll be better off if you get back on track. Maybe you're slipping grab something is all I can say. I wasn't strong enough to stay in aa but they're 100% right. You might hate it, but they're right. I know I hate it. You're not fucked, just get back on the horse and try again. New years gotta imagine did it to ya. Probably felt like fun
And it was, not gaslighting. But that's not every day for almost anyone. You can do it. Stay full, stay awake, don't let this shit take you like I am. Not proud of what I am. And you wouldn't be either. Stay the course. Talk to a sponsor or anyone that knows you man. This shits no joke

>> No.18769060

Just chuck a sickie and go back to sleep

>> No.18769061

Longest bender possible is eat. Eat b4 eat during eat after. If you have the fucked up gene I'm told I have, it's all about pace though. Each drink is a hit of speed. I've been up plowing snow for 3 days straight b4. Took beer mostly and getting out of the truck now and again to shove snow down my back.

>> No.18769094

do saline IV drips actually work or is that fake news

>> No.18769670

can't tell if based or cringe

>> No.18769677

Personally for me I eat a light soup with bread or noodles and drink coconut water
>you dont "cure" hangover, if you wake up with that, you already fucked up
>t. pro acloholic, ive been drinking a 1L bottle of vodka/whiskey every per night 3-4 times a week for the past few years.

>> No.18769716

Of course they work

>> No.18769723
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>> No.18769796
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This stuff really helps.

>> No.18769854

they're entire purpose is to keep you hydrated wtf is wrong with you of course they work

>> No.18769997

>fill large bottle with water
>go to sauna
>sit in sauna and keep drinking water
hangover cured in 2 hours

>> No.18770011

When I was like 20 I would drink like 6 shots, be drunk as fuck, wake up the morning take 6 more shots and be fuckin fine. Now I’d have to take like 25 shots to get drunk, then Im unable to function for 2 days

>> No.18770013

>powerade before bed
>powerade when you wake up
A good trick is to puke before you go to bed to remove any excess booze, I've found that it shortens the duration of the hangover a fair bit.
You can also drink more in the morning but the moment you finish your first or second drink you're on the crash clock and probably don't have more than an hour or two.

The hard truth though is if you're REALLY hungover (10 pints or a bottle of vodka etc) then you're fucked no matter what. You're either too hungover for what you want to do or you're not and there's not a lot you can do in the morning about that.

>> No.18770027

When I was 18 I'd drink half a bottle of vodka and that was enough, then in my early/mid twenties I'd take a bottle of vodka and a six pack of beers to a party to carry me, now I'm 29 I'm back to about 2/3rds a bottle of vodka at a party plus some beer.

>> No.18770410

Alcohol is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase. not cyps

>> No.18770434

It's literally the best thing you can possibly do it's just hard to get a saline bag and needle, then safely inject yourself.

One time I was so dehydrated i would throw up literally anything I drank, water, gatorade, soup etc. Went to the school health center, got an IV and was better in hours.

>A good trick is to puke before you go to bed to remove any excess booze, I've found that it shortens the duration of the hangover a fair bit.
This definitely helps a lot and if you need to puke you should definitely puke, but having stomach acid go through your throat like that is not good for you and it's not something you should plan on doing.
One of my buddies from high school did it too much. I don't remember the details but he had to have throat surgery and now it's either dangerous for him to vomit or he's unable to vomit.

>> No.18770527


>> No.18770576

>having stomach acid go through your throat like that is not good for you and it's not something you should plan on doing
Completely agree with this one, bad for your stomach, throat and teeth. Sure it might help you avoid a hangover in the short term but in the long term it's an awful idea.

>> No.18770633

Wow. I have never seen a more homosexual image in all my life.

Personally I tried hair of the dog but that's just asking for alcoholism. It doesn't actually work.

A classic technique is just taking some headache pills before you start getting a headache (when you feel your head tightening a bit, now is the time). Then drinking water as you go, maybe have a slice of toast before bed, all these together helps prevent a bad hangover in the first place.
If you're drinking heavily, avoid any strong painkillers, it's a bad combo and can leave you struggling to breathe. Best to just skip it in this case. Wake up and force a good breakfast in you, something with lots of carbs works well.
It may feel like shit but nothing is worse than lying in bed with a hangover and just suffering.
I avoid dairy the morning after because my stomach does not thank me after lots of drinking. Stay hydrated, eat something salty and filling before bed and you're practically good to go.
t. Literally drinking baltic porter right now and feeling the lovely effects of dimming my senses from the fake and gay world around me.

>> No.18770637

having sex with a shota or loli

>> No.18770642

Half a rotisserie chicken and a tube of salty pringles

>> No.18770667
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I know you're shitposting but I bet this actually works along with >>18768817 alcoholic anon's advice. And who doesn't love some pringles?

>> No.18770707

welcome to scotland anon

>> No.18770749

Yeah that's where I'm at now. I miss being newly 21 when the hangovers were rare and I could have a super fun night just drinking a 6-pack of light beer and playing vidya. Now my hangovers murder me and I need at least 4 beers to even start a buzz unless I'm on a totally empty stomach. The lockdowns gave me a lot of time off and I started drinking really regularly and I just kinda kept doing it even after stuff went back to normal.

Now, I'm taking a couple months off to try to reset. I don't wanna stop drinking forever but I'd like to go back to the point where I could just share a bottle of wine with my wife, get a buzz, and be satisfied. Idk, maybe I'll just slip back into drinking too much but then I'll know that I'll have to just quit for life.

>> No.18770754

Beer mixed with sprite or fanta 50/50 is quite good

>> No.18770828

Well the deal is afaik, once it starts, you are not going to stop it but otherwise salty things and hydration.

>> No.18770842

Anyway I'm gonna sip this peppermint tea see if I can get my mind off feeling like death today.

>> No.18771746
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never had the nip one, but the korean one works, not placebo

not sure exactly how it functions, it's fruit/herb extracts

>> No.18771783

Best cure is prevention.
And I don't mean to cop out with
>herpderp dont drink alcohol

Slow pace and avoid harder stuff near the end of the night.
Drink water before you go to bed.

I try to drink like a liter of water before bed.
I wake up to piss like twice.
But waking up, hangover so much more manageable. Cuts off all the 'sharpest edges' of the hangover.

>> No.18771826

The trick is being an alcoholic. Also knowing your limit. I don't remember the last time I had a hangover even if I drink a fuck ton. I chase whatever liqour I'm drinking with water and make sure to eat a good meal at some point before bed. Maybe add a couple tums also. I do the same thing when I wake up...
Water, tums and a good meal. Sometimes I'll have a few beers or shots as well if I'm feeling hungover at all.

>> No.18771849

>How do you cure a hangover in your dumbshit backwards stupid country?
Drink 1 glass of water with like 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
Take 1 Tylenol 8-hour pill.
Smoke some weed.

Guess which dumbshit backwards stupid country I live in

>> No.18772020

I'm going to rape you up the ass you faggot kike

>> No.18772033

i chug a probiotic yogurt shot
and drink a lot of water
if i have the calories i'll bingeeat
seems to work

>> No.18772034

Literally this. DAE this? Came here to say this. Thanks for the upvote, kind stranger. This guy gets it.
No but seriously, a large bowl of pho and a condensed-milk sweetend iced coffee and a quick nap (bonus points if you dudeweedlmao first).

>> No.18772043

Don't take advil on an empty stomach/without food desu, it's really bad for your stomach.

>> No.18772050

this except switch tea (which is for faggots and brits) to coffee (which is for chads and patriot americans)

>> No.18772086

for me, an ice cold ginger ale always hits the spot when I'm hungover.
It just werks.

>> No.18772557

I've found a couple of ibuprofen when I go to bed helps as well, my theory is it helps mitigate inflammation of the stomach which would further irritation through the night. Obviously it's nice to have less of a headache as well.
all before bed:
>electrolytes+sugar eg. sports drink
>plain water

Also make sure you're snacking the entire night, the better the food the better you'll pull up. Think a bunch of old Russians or Greeks or something sitting around the table getting absolutely smashed but constantly eating little dips or breads or cheeses etc. Food will save you.

>> No.18773487
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Continue drinking water while bathing at a lower temperature

>> No.18773684

What are these?

>> No.18773695

Mostly just crush a liquid IV before bed and waking up. if it’s really bad tho and I don’t have anything to do I’ll just make a Bloody Mary and lean into drinking through it. For some reason when I do this I never have a hangover on the 3rd day

>> No.18773702

there is no cure only suffering through it and then shamefully ordering takeout

>> No.18774635

Why take it before when you can just take it after?

>> No.18774715

Its bugman shit so probably rhinoceros scrotum and panda urine.

>> No.18774747

Traditionally: A fuckin' sausage'n'egg english muffin sandwich combo with a hashbrown and a fuckin' extra laarge double-double there bwaud.

How I do it: water with pedialyte/hydralyte (electrolytes - they're what plants crave), coffee with sugar to treat the brain pain, more water, greasy, spicy breakfast to boost the poops, more water, maybe a shot of creamy beige in a second coffee, and maybe a tiny joint for analgesic purposes. Usually feeling slow, but otherwise good enough to face the day by 10am... problem is I've usually been at it for 3 or 4 hours at that point.

>> No.18774752

My weeb's a little rusty... but... fatty sweat?

>> No.18774780

>Electrolyte solution will always be better than normal water
They don't know. I take mine just before going to bed.

>> No.18774786

I just cut my liquor with water and basically never have one. 90 percent of hangovers are simple dehydration.

>> No.18774796

This is ideal... but foresight is the difference between prevention and cure.

>> No.18776029
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>In regard to the name POCARI SWEAT, the word "sweat" was used in order to make the concept unmistakable, and "pocari" is a catchy word that conveys the image of a refreshing blue sky in Japanese. POCARI SWEAT was created based on the concept of a rehydration drink to be consumed after sweating.

I prefer to think of it as pocket sweat though

>> No.18776072

I'd drink pocket sweat. Everyone would drink Pocket Sweat!

>> No.18776981
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POCARI SWEAT is not well-liked in Japan today
Because it is too sweet and its price is higher than similar products.
In fact, people often choose Aquarius, which is cheaper and less sweet.

>> No.18776987

Science and Pickle juice are the correct answer and they're basically the sme thing.

>> No.18777112

The moms/kg thing... do I get more moms per kilogram of liquid, or is this to do with mass per mom? I'll take some fat Japanese mommies with my rehydration!... Oh, mOsm... right... Carry on!

>> No.18777144
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Either drink plenty of water while drinking so I don't get a hangover or I tactical vomit. If I am hungover, either drink some gherkin juice or this.

>> No.18778100

90 percent of my nuts are in your mouth you flaming homo

>> No.18778129

miso soup

>> No.18778142
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I always thought what the longshoremen from the wire did was based. They called it an Irish breakfast. Crack an egg into a beer. Shot of whiskey then down the beer/egg

>> No.18778166
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the ironic part here is that gatorade is the one major drink in the US that doesn't contain corn syrup

>> No.18778240

>How do you cure a hangover in your dumbshit backwards stupid country?
well don't drink booze that has been distilled less than 3 times 5 or more is better.

>> No.18778271

Hef aldrei heyrt nokkurn mann gera þetta

>> No.18778279
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I prefer Pocari but Aquarius is fine, and indeed cheaper. There's also this, which is good too.

>> No.18778295

is there any merit to steak/red meat helping with a hangover
I figure it absorbs the alcohol in the gut or something instead of letting it pass into the bloodstream

>> No.18778308
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Is that beef jerky?

>> No.18778412

nice try coca-cola shill

>> No.18778657

Hangover cures are a myth.

>> No.18778665

Beer works according to science as well but it's a little to alcoholic for me. So water (before going to sleep) and if possible fucking to get the juices flowing.

>> No.18779082

Cures? Yes. Treatments? You can absolutely treat the symptoms of a hangover.

>> No.18779090

If you can't or don't do this (say, you wake up alone with one pant leg off in a hotel room) - rehydrate, have a cold bath, rub one out, caffeinate, rehydrate again, and eat when you can. Get some salt and glutamates/inosinates into you.

>> No.18779380

Not 100%, but it looks like Japanese coffee. They got em in vending machines everywhere here

>> No.18779631

Don't they ice the beer?

>> No.18779636

For me, the cure is prevention: drinking a glass of water between each beer.

I don't drink liquor.

>> No.18779666

This is perfect for terrible hangover. That and perriers

>> No.18779669

prevention ≠ cure ≠ treatment