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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 198 KB, 800x600, GJ-511723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18753580 No.18753580 [Reply] [Original]

Best frozen pizza

>> No.18753796

Personally, I think H-E-B's Midtown brand frozen pizza is the best pizza. No two pizzas are exactly alike so it's a fun experience every time I have one!

>> No.18753811

>scam foundation pizza
Sorry I dont contribute to scams if I can help it

>> No.18753814

Walmart has a chicken bacon ranch stuffed crust pizza (with alfredo sauce, I think) that I've been digging on recently.

>> No.18753821
File: 154 KB, 1000x1000, Tombstone_pizza-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tombstone blows anything away from that boring hollywood homosexual

>> No.18753830

That's really for california faggotry, not real people

>> No.18753838

Why is it a scam? Enlighten me.

>> No.18753844

I prefer the hill country fare pizzas. The rectangle ones are good too. I like the taste of the sauce and the crispy crust. I usually cut up some of my own veggies and toss them on top.

>> No.18753846

Isn't that faggot newman dead? His creepy family is still living off of his stuff, pathetic cunts that cant do anything for themselves.

>> No.18753860

Some stupid bullshit movie where he ate some eggs, real bullshit level boring crap. If that newman shit wasn't so scripted it would go nowhere.

>> No.18753877

I don't care personally, but Newman's is a fucking scam. "100% profits go to charity", except every board member takes home a $250k salary.

>> No.18753884

Did you just learn how nonprofits work, anon?

>> No.18754055

Tastes good, ok. Scam charity, who cares

>> No.18754103
File: 266 KB, 1500x983, 81mR3iIJzcL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some of this after someone on /ck/ said is it was decent and it turned out to be fucking garbage.

>> No.18754113

rao's is bussin
arrabiata fire no cap frfr

>> No.18754122

that's pretty meager for executives at a national food brand desu

>> No.18754220

there's nothing bussing about newmans or raos, it's hollywood bullshit meant for soccer moms with too much money to spend

>> No.18754248

The nitrates in celery powder are still nitrates and still bad for you.
don't eat celery or use it as seasoning either.

>> No.18754256

I'm convinced that everyone living in perpetual fear of bad foods will die violently. I've never heard of someone living to the age of 100 eating only healthy, carefully considered foods. Literally has never happened. There's no such thing as making it through life alive. You WILL fucking die. Chances are your diet will have nothing to do with it. You're going to live your life afraid of fucking celery only to get run over by a drunk in a semi.

>> No.18754276

companies don't give a shit about you. they will put all sorts of crap in things. The opiate epidemic is a perfect example of this. You got to be careful about what you put in your mouth.

>> No.18754278

Celery is bad for you, what?

>> No.18754279

Newman's Own is always top quality.

I hate literally every jarred sauce I've ever tried, and I've tried most. The only ones that are decent are the really expensive gourmet shit you get from specialty places, and imported stuff, which is like 3x as much as the Walmart goyslop. With the cheapest sauces, I can't even make them good by adding my own stuff, the foundation is rotten.

>> No.18754293

>Celery is bad for you, what?
it is bad for you. listen. Plants don't want to be eaten. They produce toxins. Some plants are safe to eat, others are not. I think celery tastes good because of the toxins it produces, so that is why it still has them. Obviously, if celery powder is a source of nitrates, and nitrates are bad for you, then celery is probably not good for you. You should find an alternative to celery products.

>> No.18754299

Those are awful, Amy's is the only palatable frozen pizza.

>> No.18754329

Dumbest shit I ever read.

>> No.18754330

I'm literally eating celery right now

>> No.18754337

it's true? im not even that anon either

>> No.18754396

Can confirm the anon that was eating the celery is dead now

>> No.18754419

alright so based on some reading I've done, it looks like, when you add nitrates to meat, and you eat the meat, the nitrates combine with the meat to form nitrosamines, which are the cancer causing compound.
so if you just eat celery without protein, then you should be safe, however, who does that? There is protein in everything, so the nitrates in celery will combine with protein it can find in your stomach and intestine, and make Nitrosamines

>> No.18754457

You believe in energy pyramids and free radicals don't you?

>> No.18754467

For me, it's Dr. Oetker.

>> No.18754474

never heard of energy pyramids but yeah free radicals are a thing.

>> No.18754479
File: 44 KB, 1080x1059, pepeback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hungry and I have no idea what to eat and I dont wanna go out, Im gonna relapse and heat some frozen pizza from whatever brand

>> No.18754650

The "profit" aspect can be sketchy.

>> No.18754658
File: 120 KB, 600x800, tombstone_deep_dish_pizza_vending_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had one of these at my high school

>> No.18754683

Did it heat the pizza too? Or did you have to do that in a separate microwave?

>> No.18754691

Heated ready to eat pizza from a vending machine

>> No.18754732
File: 182 KB, 1008x756, suprememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, actually OP inspired me to bake one of my newman's own supreme za's

>> No.18754767

last thing you'll ever see

>> No.18754777

so glad i'm not a gen x'er or zoom zoom

>> No.18754867
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>> No.18754973

Next time put your faggot buzzwords at the start of the post so I don't waste time reading the whole thing. Thanks in advance.

>> No.18754986

Vending machines having more than just snack food was most popular pre WWII

>> No.18754989

X - doubt

>> No.18755012
File: 49 KB, 550x550, realgood-pepperoni-chicken-crust-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs every other frozen pizza on the shelf
Nothin' personnel kid.

>> No.18755145

I've had that it's actually just ranch sauce. Fucking good too.

>> No.18755172
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I miss it bros

>> No.18755180

They sell the same one at safeway under their house brand.

>> No.18755182

Digornio pizzeria idk what the new brand is called
Red Baron

Others always have a fatal flaw
Screamin Sicilians crust is horrid for example

>> No.18755199

this is the only shit at my store worth buying. Otherwise I'm paying fresh-baked pizza-place prices for a frozen pizza. And you can always add actual decent cheese to it easy enough. Fuckin hate the packaging though.

>> No.18755219
File: 83 KB, 283x256, R(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't @ me

>> No.18755233

whatevers in the cheap case at Aldi

>> No.18755237

How often did you fight your fellow students and faculty to the death

>> No.18755242

i made on earlier

>> No.18755307

Texan here and ok but what the fuck is pepperoni-salami
y'all are fucked, chum

>> No.18755606
File: 29 KB, 304x304, BA3BACFF-52E7-4660-A850-991BDEF7C45E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the sausage and peppers thin crust and it was one of the best frozen pizzas I ever had

>> No.18755640
File: 214 KB, 576x687, Big Brain Barrios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Industrial Strength

>> No.18755967

Good when I'm in the mood for cheap snack pizza

>> No.18756001

>Frozen pizza that costs as much as freshly made

I feel like fancy frozen pizza is missing the point

>> No.18756041

I could live on McCain family pizzas

>> No.18756065

Yeah with the packaging, it seems like the cheese and toppings always fly all over the place like they're they're to avoid getting cooked

>> No.18756068
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Thanks Claudia

>> No.18756069
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who has tried it? i've got one in my freezer. what do i think about it?

>> No.18756077

I heard they’re changing the recipe

>> No.18756082
File: 428 KB, 2048x1148, crushed-red-pepper-1-__19261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but slather it with pic related before you toss it in the oven.

>> No.18756088

downright homosexuality you closet fag

>> No.18756099


>> No.18756106

That's a sad way to go.
Imagine the tombstone
>"Choked on a celery stalk on New Year's eve"

>> No.18757880
File: 171 KB, 540x540, 81517dbe-92ad-4016-b38f-4d8adcacdc80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are so nice, shame they don't do large varieties like with their stuffed crust.

>> No.18758368

I didn’t like it. It was like a 5/10

>> No.18758384
File: 287 KB, 785x847, 1667528195295371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be real

>> No.18758472

>Food vending machine, Japan: :^|
>Food vending machine, High School: B^)

>> No.18759059

I will always be on the hunt for decent frozen pizza. So far, the closest I've found is Screamin Sicilian

>> No.18759106

in terms of ingredients, the best is Amy's. The only knock against it is they use olive oil mainly, but one of the last ingredients is canola. You can find others that just use olive oil, but they typically will not be organic or will have GMO cheese. of course, none of this matters for "which is the most tasty"

>> No.18759181
File: 254 KB, 1500x1500, 00071921951290_a1c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This delicious motherfucker was about $4 a couple of years ago, now it's pushing $8

Fuck '20s life

>> No.18759189

This. Look into 501(c)3 "nonprofit" associations where the executive director makes $500,000 or more per year. All such basic "expenses" must be paid before the revenue is considered "profit".

>> No.18759214

25g’s of protein is crazy

>> No.18759222

charities and npos are huge scams

>> No.18759503
File: 37 KB, 500x500, stouffers french bread pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18759538

The best frozen pizza always takes the shape of something else. It's like a rule or something. Bagel bites are dope, for instance.

>> No.18759554

I think the problem with those is that they take a real oven and that means heating it up and stuff so takes a long time. I can bring a slice or two of tombstone up to room temp in a microwave in like 30 seconds then finish it off on a skillet or pan. It takes all of a few minutes in total.

>> No.18759558

The last time I tried bagel bites I followed the directions then went to take a piss, came back a minute later and the place was smoked up. Mid winter and cold out but had to open up a door and window and the place out to prevent a smoke alarm from going off, nobody wants that at like 3-4am in the morning.

>> No.18759563

So your story is that you're a retard? Did I get that right?

>> No.18759574
File: 27 KB, 892x480, mom puts extra cheese on them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18759577

That's stupid, I wrote that I followed the directions, left in an oven for just one minute and they smoked up. That doesn't make me the retard.

>> No.18759579

So leaving an oven unattended doesn't make you a retard?

>> No.18759582

For one minute to take a piss? No that doesn't make me a retard, it's not like I left the house or something.

>> No.18759583

I've cooked bagel bites hundreds of times without any problem.

>> No.18759586

You know what? I apologize. I'm sorry if I upset you. The pizza burned and it wasn't your fault.

>> No.18759588

>bagel bites
>hundreds of times
That's pretty sad all on its own

>> No.18759589

That's not a pizza, it's bagel bites.
What's your major malfunction?

>> No.18759590

It's 1000x better than takeout, but I understand your point of view.

>> No.18759592

The bagel bites burned and it wasn't your fault.

>> No.18759606
File: 264 KB, 1200x1200, 002110427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, you need an IQ above room temperature to cook them safely.

>> No.18759609

based thread reader

>> No.18759657
File: 51 KB, 480x480, MAT_808706_PCE_LV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from when still was eating them

>> No.18759660

Looking at that, you must be completely baked to buy into it

>> No.18759730

I liked it because it was the only pizza which after baking resembled something made from scratch. It was floppy not cardboardish. The reason for this most probably was that in order to make it, it had to be made from rolled out dough not a pre-made base. The cheese part is extra. Cheeses on it/in it were quite okay.

>> No.18759779

>Buying pizza
You can toss together lovely fresh ones just from supermarket stuff on supermarket bases, I'm never buying a pizza again

>> No.18759782
File: 268 KB, 380x379, 7027_Ristorante_Speciale_UK_001_VS_2D (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steps in the your path

>> No.18759802

I think they've changed ingredients recently, cheese smells cheap and nasty now.

>> No.18760015

Home Run Inn

>> No.18760437

It blows my mind how likeable Portnoy is until you learn a single fact about his life. After which, it is physically impossible to tolerate the douche.

>> No.18760445

>buying premade crust
you’re getting the exact same slop just with more effort… are you using canned sauce as well?

>> No.18760543
File: 159 KB, 600x600, Tomato5Cheese_12in_Frt_Edited-600x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best frozen pizza I've had in years. Haven't had them in a while though so might suck now if >>18756077 is true. Possibly beaten by pic related before they sold out and changed their recipe.

>> No.18760553

>100% profits to charity

>> No.18760624

Are there any American brands that taste like Chicago Town? A friend might be visiting someday, and I would like to stock up on meals as close to the delicacies of their home country so they won't be homesick.

>> No.18760654

Red Baron mufugga

>> No.18760655

Try sambal next time, it's the same thing but a sauce

>> No.18760695
File: 30 KB, 496x496, lidl italiamo pizza 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The italian style pizzas from Lidl

>> No.18760732

Nah, the ones I pull out of the oven now are way nicer than even the best frozen ones I've ever had. There's no contest.

>> No.18761236
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>> No.18761402
File: 53 KB, 640x468, banquet-four-meat-frozen-pizzas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat 2 pizzas at once

>> No.18761457
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>430 calories per slice

>> No.18761515
File: 110 KB, 750x782, 1599665911349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Newman-O's pizzer because it's the only brand who has a thin-crust supreme in any of the grocery stores I wander into

>> No.18761839

peak goyslop. You should be ashamed.

>> No.18763689


Any benefit to sprucing the red pepper flakes before putting it in the oven? I always top them afterwards.

>> No.18763988

ristorante has become so cheap lately imo. the amount of cheese is so fucking low, its embarrassing. it's barely enjoyable nowadays.. even when you adjust your expectations it's still shit

>> No.18764016
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"No added nitrates except for the nitrates we added"

>> No.18764034
File: 624 KB, 598x746, 1663125013656324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All frozen pizza brands skimp hard on the cheese, as it's the most expensive ingredient by far.
I keep a bag of shredded mozzarella and some parmesean on hand and add it to my frozen pizza. Turns the goyslop into some premium sloppa.

>> No.18764045

And the award for biggest tits on a middle school kid goes to...
Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer my underage hotties with a b-cup at best.

>> No.18764144

I agree, it makes it so much better, I mostly have parmigiano reggiano at hand which i can grate over the pizza but i like mozzarella better for pizza's. sometimes i get the balls of mozzarella but they are had to grate when not frozen, i guess the shredded one is the best for pizza. although i don't like the addition of cornstarch to the shredded ones. (at least they add it here in The Netherlands).

Ingredients: milk, corn starch, salt, vegetarian rennet, starter culture.


>> No.18764181

Draws out a bit of the oil still left in the flakes.

>> No.18764213
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>Doesn't know the difference between revenue and profit.
Employee salaries are an operating cost and are counted as expenditure, any money earned that exceeds yearly operating costs is profit you absolute fucking dunce.

>> No.18765111

I still see this at my Target

>> No.18765267
File: 742 KB, 624x607, LotzzaMotzza_SausagePepperoni_f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my Lotzza Motzza bros at?

>> No.18765617


I'm here with you on that. Super good with some hot sauce.

>> No.18765688
File: 280 KB, 389x390, 3d-Margherita_0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Italy this is probably the best frozen pizza you can get.

>> No.18765693

the king fedora of the frozen pizza world

>> No.18765718
File: 75 KB, 488x488, GUEST_b032129f-e8d1-4564-bc48-db56fbd8cd36[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overpriced for how small it is, but I like it

>> No.18767430


Absolutely kino nothing comes close

>> No.18767738

Any recommendations for Canadians?

>> No.18767937

I tried screamin during a bogo sale, and was shocked at how shit the crust and sauce were. It's jack's tier for 11 burgers a pop. I wasn't expecting amy's or rao's, but fuck me.

>> No.18767954

>I tried screamin during a bogo sale

Did people get out of your way?

>> No.18767958

Shit, I had one of these last week. I thought it could have been better if they stuffed it with ricotta instead of mozzarella.

>> No.18768101
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fellow texas bro

>> No.18768114

i wish the PMT guys would leave barstool

>> No.18768141

How fat are you?

>> No.18768439
File: 3.15 MB, 1137x1185, 90ee221f-932f-45c6-88c7-5c1c1fdf0824.65470cd30646c37c1858192ac439163c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a while ago i bought a bunch of pic related on sale
they were going out of business a while ago
honestly i feel so much less bloated after cramming one

>> No.18769390

he's right
odd innit

>> No.18770190


>> No.18770198


>370 calories per 1/6th pizza
hamplanet status i'm sure

>> No.18770860

I like the digiorno pizzeria pizzas

>> No.18771402

its because they understand that the shittiest part about a frozen pizza is the crust and theirs is as thin as possible

>> No.18771840
File: 637 KB, 1500x1500, 08779bc4-9e95-42b5-96dc-d50530feba6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about Red Baron that hits the spot for me. I'm a big guy so my only complaint is the size of the pizza compared to others but taste wise they are awesome. The crust always comes out nice and crispy. Plus it just reminds me of my childhood. My vote is for Red Baron for sure.

>> No.18771917
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I almost opted out for this nonsense when I went home from work today(was home 23:40).

Instead I chose to make something.
Made this pasta-sauce with shallots, mushroom, garlic, spinach, bacon, heavy cream, white wine and broth.
And pasta.
Best goddamn thing I've made and tasted in a long time.

Would prolly piss of Ramsay, but I was so proud I visited /ck/ for the first time to mention it.

>> No.18771933
File: 866 KB, 1680x1933, IMG_20220402_071457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is delicious, one of my favorite frozen foods ever. The version with jalapenos is an entirely different formula for some reason and is a significant downgrade.

>> No.18771937

$4.99 in Leafland (Toronto). Which is like, 3 cents for you amerilards

>> No.18771985
File: 134 KB, 612x612, tcpcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still sell this at my Target thankfully. I also like pic related.

>> No.18771990

>I'm a big guy
For you

>> No.18772149

i usually get these, i know they're pricey but they're decent enough. plus i don't shit my brains out the next morning

>> No.18772184
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not frozen but refrigerated

>> No.18772228
File: 56 KB, 474x474, th-3968196098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Jacks Cheesy Pizza Dippers

>> No.18772260

Ever try Mid's True Sicilian Pasta sauce? I'm not memeing the zoomie language, it's actually called Mid's.

>> No.18772326
File: 768 KB, 2400x2400, 002799031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best frozen deep dish I've ever tried

>> No.18772340

>My kid will eat!

>> No.18772416
File: 1.00 MB, 1200x1200, Linked_Hearth&Fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iv been a huge fan of tonys,tombstone and digiorno but hearth and fire has become my new favorate

>> No.18772439

Never seen these before. oll try if I see it at the store

>> No.18772495

>digornos is nearly $10 at shartmart now
>Jack's shit is no longer $1.99 but nearly $4
Theyre out of their minds with these prices.

>> No.18772780

In my top favorite frozen pizzas desu

>> No.18772787
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 45C93CB1-72AE-4239-8BE6-D2D563E3D613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here.

>> No.18772793

based pizza speciale enjoyer

>> No.18772811

I definitely wouldn't say this brand, but Digiorno and Jack's are top tier

>> No.18772870
File: 640 KB, 720x491, digiorno pan pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was DIGiorno's Pan Pizza, I don't see them anymore.
Would always buy these and a pack of pepperoni and cover the pizza with the pepperoni. It was really good with Tabasco.

>> No.18773198
File: 752 KB, 650x715, wild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on all your shitty cardboard discs
nothing personnel

>> No.18773277
File: 481 KB, 512x512, pizzamogs you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

objectively the best frozen pizza in kangaroo land

>> No.18773301
File: 127 KB, 800x800, R (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the Double Pepperoni or Supreme though senpai. Ngl I first saw it on reddit but shit bussin tr no cap and you can find it easy at Walmart (though cheaper at Costco). Some people complain about tray delaminating but it's been fine for me so far. And there's not really any weird Detroit meme "sauce on top" nonsense, just a quality frozen pie with a thick buttery crust with crispity edges, plus a lot of pepperoni if you get the double-pep variety.

>> No.18773494

A classic steel wool™ pizza enjoyer. Almost forgiving them, because we don't have competition in frozen fastfoods.

>> No.18774031

home run inn

>> No.18774059

>tfw no mikes at any grocery store around me
come back mike :(

>> No.18774068
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 216A70FC-2F99-4405-AFD1-9F9B68FFA7A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don’t eat celery

Ah yes, I almost forgot about the millions of Americans that have died from excessive celery consumption.

>> No.18774075

Peak ‘Merica right here

>> No.18774096

Celery is full of fibre and fibre is horrible for your thyroid gland. Overweight/diabetic people often have thyroid problems as well. Luckily nobody cares.

>> No.18774170

>meanwhile in Japan

>> No.18774180
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 043308-600x600-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Publix be on point with these fr no cap bussin

>> No.18774195
File: 39 KB, 450x450, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're about $7 though.

>> No.18774196
