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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18755269 No.18755269 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
New Christmas gear edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drinking anything comfy lately?

Previous Thread:>>18742672

>> No.18755280

Fever tree alert. 6.8 Fl Oz bottles (Pack of 24) for $23. Light flavor though.

>> No.18755285

I’ve been trying the bones coffee they have so much ads lately

>> No.18755309

That's a nice clean puck

>> No.18755321
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Sorry /ctg/, I'm gonna have to declare this thread a NO COFFEE ZONE. You are all forbidden from drinking coffee.

>> No.18755344

Just made my first espresso with my Christmas present to myself, a Wacaco Picopresso and a Kingrinder K4. For a first attempt from someone who doesn't know dick about espresso making, the result was actually quite nice. About as good as the average shot you'd get at a Starbucks; which I know to the aficionado might not be saying much, but for a novice like me, that was kind of the baseline of quality. Now comes the fun part, the next ten shots of espresso where I figure out the right grind setting, the right dosage amount, the right water ratio, the right extraction time, etc.

Incidentally, the K4 on Amazon US is relatively inexpensive. I don't remember if it's a clone of the 1Zpresso JX, JX-Pro, or J-Max, but it's currently sitting at $88 USD, about half the cost of a JX-Pro, and $11 cheaper than the Q2, which is the "entry level" 1Z model. I don't know if it's on sale, or if that's the new price, but it's way cheaper than the various guides and reviews online would suggest.

>> No.18755349
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This was awful.

>> No.18755350

Sounds like you're well on the way to making great espresso. You've got all the tools you need, so don't be afraid to experiment.

>> No.18755352

I had a Kirkland brand canned cold brew at a craft services table once, and it was pretty good. I don't think it was nitro, though. I've never had a pleasant experience with canned nitro.

>> No.18755353
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no u

>> No.18755367
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>> No.18755369

I bought the puck screen because it was cheap, but didn't use it for this first shot because there was simply no room. With 18g of coffee, the shower cap fit just perfectly on it, and I imagine I wouldn't have been able to get a good gasket seal with the screen on it. I was thinking of lowering the dose for the next one, so maybe with 17g I can fit the screen in there. The basket I was on the fence about buying right away, simply because I didn't know how well the coffee would turn out, and I wanted one fewer thing to return in case I royally fucked it up and got demorilazed. But now that I see how good even the first "bad" attempt is, I'm buying the upgraded basket right now.

>> No.18755400

Is there a big difference between the types of replacement IMS baskets? I've seen that video, and he recommends the Competizione, but some other channels recommend baskets by either Baristapro or a company called Hugh. The difference in price between all of them is give or take less than $10 USD, so I'm wondering if there's any real difference.

>> No.18755425
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Reposting because new thread.
I have one of these, should I be considering replacing it for my espresso? I've never used anything else to grind my beans, so I don't know if it's worth getting a kingrinder or something. If it'll significantly improve my coffee, I don't mind spending the $80-100.

>> No.18755433

Puck screens are great.
Not a clue. I use 58mm pullman and decent baskets. Apparently ims makes the hugh baskets.

>> No.18755440

Yes. A kingrinder k4 or k6 will both shit on it in different ways.

>> No.18755455

I know it'll sound like shilling, but I
just got a K4 as I mentioned, >>18755344 and immediately loved it. The results I got on the very first "test shot," which I was expecting to throw out so I can fine tune the variables, was so good that I didn't bother making a second one. The recommended setting that Kingrinder gives for espresso is 60 clicks, which was too fine, so I'd recommend doing maybe 58 or 62, whichever direction is coarser. The one gripe I do have with the K4, which isn't a dealbreaker, is that the zero point on the grinder out of the box is bullshit. There's a big 0 printed on the turning mechanism, but the actual zero point of the burrs is either plus or minus 5, depending on whether you go all the way open or all the way closed.

>> No.18755456

Shit on it, you say? Well maybe it's worth the purchase... I've been looking at bottomless portafilters anyway, might as well tack something else on while I'm ordering.
>in different ways
How so? I thought the main difference was just how fine the adjustment was.

>> No.18755543
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I've gone though over a dozen different grinders and coffee machines, and dozens of hipster specialty coffees... but always default back to 1kg bags of lavazza from walmart and my krups blade grinder in an aeropress using a scale.

Fuck specialty coffees, fuck expensive grinders, fuck coffee makers and espresso machines. I just want smooth, consistent, and strong coffee with zero acidity or bitterness that I can brew while my frying pan is heating up in the morning. It takes up minimal counter space, just a tiny corner beside my toaster and the only cleanup is dumping grounds and filter directly into the trash and a rinse.

Its just so consistent, so good at being perfectly average: it's the most boringly average cup of coffee I can make in 3 minutes directly in my cup.

>> No.18755556

Are aeropress gangbangers really like this??

>> No.18755559

>he doesn't let the grounds bloom
you have never tasted coffee before.

>> No.18755576

we dont know or acknowledge lavazza anon

>> No.18755591

what the hell happened to that puck?

>> No.18755607
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I don't even have a temperature controlled kettle. I just fill it to the minimum and boil first thing in the morning, and by the time i'm ready to brew, its cooled down to good enough.

No blooming or anything. 200g of water, stir vigorously, and although I aim for 2:30, sometimes I forget and just let it brew until i'm done making breakfast.

And to complete my heresy, i dilute with 150g of water to finish in my pink hydroflask with the shitty lid that has no cover.

>> No.18755647
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Me in the morning before coffee

>> No.18755663
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you may not like it but this is what peak coffee looks like

>> No.18755670
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r8 puck

>> No.18755753

aeropress gang confirmed gay

>> No.18755795

You fool! It will spill!

>> No.18755956
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>> No.18755991 [DELETED] 

wait when you discover nespresso

>> No.18756046

The light roast I ordered is 1 month old. Should I ask for a refund?

>> No.18756139


>> No.18756151

No. I wait at least a month to start drinking my light homeroast.

>> No.18756181

Should I shell out an extra 4-5 bucks for the glass jug V60 (still with plastic pourer)? Or is the full plastic one better.

>> No.18756193
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>coffee makes me feel like death
>decaf hurts my tummy and makes me feel like a different death
It didn't use to be like this
I'm literally walking around for hours looking at coffee makers despite the fact that the substance ruins my life

Please god let the doctors fix me so i can have a morning cuppa and big poo like i used to do

>> No.18756199

Why do you need the jug at all? You're making a single cup of coffee, why not just brew directly into your drinking mug?

Incidentally, why is the V60 seemingly the most commonly recommended or owned pour over dripper? What advantage does it have over literally any other ceramic dripper?

>> No.18756205

>Why do you need the jug at all? You're making a single cup of coffee, why not just brew directly into your drinking mug?
I sometimes brew 2-3 cups for my family.

>> No.18756214

The V60 only does one cup at a time, though. Why not get a bigger pour over system that can do up to a litre at a time when you need it, but is still able to do a single cup when it's just for you, like this Bodum?

>> No.18756218

happy new year /ctg/!

>> No.18756219

Sorry, I might just be really dumb a this hour, but it sure looks like you're pulling my leg anon.

>> No.18756220

A v60 can do two cups comfortably, and even 3 if you really want to

>> No.18756221

looks weird

>> No.18756222

I need to turn in my man card. Added sugar to my expresso today

>> No.18756225

Turn in your coffee card as well

>> No.18756226

Can I at least keep my goffee card?

>> No.18756229
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And your other goffee card

>> No.18756236

did you make a cubano papi?

>> No.18756245

I'm dumb. I forget that a "cup" is a unit of measurement, and not just the receptacle you use to drink coffee. So when I hear "cup," I assume about 500ml, because that's the amount of coffee I drink in one sitting out of my mug.

I'm still curious, though, as to what makes the V60 so special? Why is it basically synonymous with pour over brewing on various coffee forums? Why is it better than any other pour over funnel?

>> No.18756248

Coño, carajo!

>> No.18756253

I should whip the sugar with a bit of coffee next time. That's a good idea

>> No.18756279

Does anyone have a recommendation for a coffee siphon? I'm on the fence about whether I should buy one, or give myself a project and make my own. The downside of making my own is that I'm worried that by buying boiling flasks and glass tubing at a lab shop, I'll end up on some kind of watch list because they'll assume I'm cooking meth.

>> No.18756322

lavazza is $14 per can here i might as well order fresh roasted for that price

>> No.18756341

bigger hole for faster flow rate and spiral thingies on the sides prevent airlock that can happen with a chemex style pourover

>> No.18756350

Basically because people know it works well and it's well made.

>> No.18756754
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man card? no, your life card

>> No.18756764

It's not better, it's just cheap and available worldwide. Easy baseline to recommend.

>> No.18756788
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>when I hear "cup," I assume about 500ml

>> No.18756806
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They got rid of features that make other similar brewing methods retarded. Like a chemex that was designed to look cool on a shelf but is pain in the ass to use compared to a v60.

IMO V60 is way too much work, it's a good way to check if you even like filter coffee for cheap and then buy an automated machine that does the same.
One that has temp and time control that is, not a $20 Mr coffee.

>> No.18756821

>shows an automated machine with a heating plate

>> No.18756825
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>Temp control

>> No.18756952
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Got around to fixing my sette grinder that suddenly shredded its gearbox. Still not sure what caused it. Pebble in coffee? gearbox mount getting loose over years causing dislocation?
Want to upgrade to a better quality flat burr. Haven't done my research yet but would appreciate some spoonfeeding: would I still have to worry about shredding gearboxes if I throw money at a better quality machine?

>> No.18756962

Opinions on the p64?
My concern is Lagom is a literal who company and not sure what part/service/warranty will be like or even how the grinder itself will perform with a company that hasn't been around

>> No.18756971

Option O has been around for years pal. They were helor before.

>> No.18756984

ah, I see. What do you think about it? Anything that rivals it at that pricepoint?

>> No.18757011

I likely would have got one if they were in stock at the time. Potentially the best way to spin 64mm if you don't need/want grind by weight. Check out the acaia orbit for an alternative. They just sold the first run a few weeks ago. Weber design so it's basically a 64mm EG-1 with acaia firmware and integration. Zerno Z1 is another option but that's an actual who company.

>> No.18757033

thank you, that gives me somewhere to start

>> No.18757034

Only their hand grinder division was helor iirc.

>> No.18757052
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Helor was an Australian grinder manufacturer. They had an 83mm mazzer hand grinder like the Weber Hg1 but they also sold a conversion for it. Called the Helor Stance Motor, or HSM. Option O is an Australian design firm they partnered with and we're eventually bought by, but it's the same people running it. I think the guys name is Hayden.

>> No.18757067
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First and last coffee of 2022.
4oz espresso
2oz foamed 2% milk
2oz Rumchata

It is rather delightful.

>> No.18757072

Australian grinder designer having their shit made close by in China.* Probably should have mentioned that. High QC because they can easily get to their manufacturing lines.

>> No.18757132

how did it taste?

>> No.18757146
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Made my own WDT. I don't drink wine, so I didn't have any corks handy, but what I did have was a box full of wire.

>> No.18757187

your coffee is gong to taste like copper

>> No.18757190

Can't decide on whether this is genius or incredibly dumb.

>> No.18757192

you say that like its a badthing

>> No.18757241

That's fine. I have seasonal allergies/sinus issues and frequent nosebleeds, so things often times taste like copper anyway. I've learned to tune it out, like tinnitus.
Oh, it's incredibly dumb, of that I have little doubt. That's like 8 gauge stranded wire, and each strand is like 14g, which is too thick. But I can't use thinner wire because it gets too bendy.

>> No.18757244

I made my first good espresso today :3

>> No.18757261

A cup(informal) has gotta be somewhere around 250ml/8oz, most of the standard off-the-shelf mugs you see at lil shops don't go up to 500 ml. Conveniently matches up with the formal description well too. I brew 500ml for the office, around 250ml for home

>> No.18757264

congrats anon

>> No.18757281

dis ngl drinkin 1L cofe and call it a cuppa

>> No.18757284

>Morgan Makes Coffee pops up on YT recs
>androgynous zoomer girl with the haircut of an 80s college comedy villain
>still want to seggs
The fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.18757287

>8 gauge
Kek. Anyone not paying attention, you want like 29ga+. <.35mm, not 4+mm.

>> No.18757289

>500mL = 1L

>> No.18757294


>> No.18757299
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You like handsome lil twinks. Just accept it.

>> No.18757300
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>christmas wishlist explicitly had a specialty roaster listed, including roughly when to purchase
>get pic rel instead
>costs more
>"fun" advent calendar part is irrelevant because it's post-christmas
>medium roast is a dark roast
>regions irrelevant because they're all burnt roast
Do I tell the truth when they ask how the coffee was or do I be polite, smile, and say oh yeah it was great?

>> No.18757304

You definitely do not want 29 gauge copper wire. The reason I used the 8ga stranded is because I first tried making one with 18ga, and it was far too bendy to be useful. 29 gauge copper wire is going to be completely floppy and useless.

>> No.18757305
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er. that's not what it looked like when i copied the img

>> No.18757307

Dis ngl drinkin half liter sayin double shot namsayin?

>> No.18757309

>get pic rel instead

>> No.18757314

The masculinity makes it better. Like salted caramel.

>> No.18757318

her pronouns are even she/they

the things i would do..

>> No.18757322
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>> No.18757330

Who the fuck tells people "explicitly" what they want people to give them? You're not a child asking Santa or a wedding registry. You may as well just ask for the cash so you can buy it yourself.

>> No.18757333

she's got grippable hips, a pleasing amount of cake, and I bet she's got cute moans. you could do way worse

>> No.18757343

Well we're adults who don't want to get shit we don't want wasting away in our homes, so we use a wishlist website for our gifts which also lets us mark shit as purchased so there's no double purchases.

>> No.18757355

wat is cake

>> No.18757359
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>> No.18757365

>ass man
i wish to unsubscribe from this blog feed

>> No.18757383

I'm not even an ass man but you'd have to be blind to not recognize it as a strong point for her.

>> No.18757386
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Acupuncture needles dipshit. No one else is trying to use scrap wire.

>> No.18757388

post pic because I've never actually seen her rear

>> No.18757395

>christmas wishlist
sorry but you are too young to be here, please leave.

>> No.18757400
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best i've got, i'm sure someone else has the direct pic i can't find
i bet her coffee is delicious bros.

>> No.18757407

I can easily get accupuncture needles, because I live in a very Chinese part of town. The issue is the handle. I don't drink wine or champagne and don''t know anyone else who does, and you can't exactly go to a shop or go online and buy a single cork. I could have a handle 3D printed, or buy that 3D printed kit that the Youtube channels like to plug, but at that point, I feel like I may as well just buy a cheap chinkshit WDT off Amazon or AliExpress, since they're going to cost basically the same.

>> No.18757413

Look for hobby craft shops or something like that

>> No.18757431
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We're talking $8 shipped with .35mm needles, printed by the dad of the guy who designed it. Quit being a cheap fuck and throw away that romex abomination.

>> No.18757476

>Morgan Eckroth is a barista at Keeper Coffee in Portland, Oregon
I'll be in Portland later this year visiting friends. Time to creep the fuck out of a Youtuber. I'll do to her what /lit/ did with that book reviewer, except it'll be even more horrifying because I'll be there in person.

>> No.18757478
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please do not.

>> No.18757482

At least try to get her in bed first before you go for the supercreep strat

>> No.18757483

I mean she's married.

>> No.18757486

Probably an open marriage

>> No.18757489

Guy looks open to being cucked desu.

>> No.18757496

"she" is a man

>> No.18757502

Lemme know how that holiday blend is. Sounds tantalizing.

>> No.18757508

If men in your region look like that tell me where you live

>> No.18757510

It's nice of you to assume that me hitting on her or trying to get her into bed isn't what would creep her the fuck out. In fact, I think most women would be less freaked out if I did go for the supercreep strat, because I imagine they would assume I was doing a bit.

>> No.18757511


>> No.18757545

Creeps me out, it's like watching a 11 year old boy in makeup.

>> No.18757563

If Morgan somehow ends up reading this thread, I need her to know: I want to aerate her vagina and make it frothy. I want to use my penis to pump nine bars of pressure in there. I want to drink a cappuccino made using her breast milk.

>> No.18757580

I looked her up (incidentally, it's "Morgan Drinks Coffee," not makes), and her first video was only from two years ago, but in that time it looks like she's aged like ten. I wonder if it's specifically a coffee Youtuber thing, because Lance Hedrick also looks like shit. He was never a looker, but now he's fucking disgusting.

>> No.18757590

all he did was let his hair grow out and stopped shaving every day

>> No.18757606

No, he's definitely about 50lbs heavier.

>> No.18757611

Have you seen the difference between a 120 and 170 lb woman..?

>> No.18757629
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>mfw I just did the ultimate moka pot technique

>> No.18757713

>The conclusion was that long-term consumption of caffeine could inhibit hippocampus-dependent learning and memory partially through inhibition of hippocampal neurogenesis.

goffee bros
its over...

>> No.18757718

what beans

>> No.18757751

Guys, I've got a question. I make pour over coffee, and usually fill up my mug just under halfway with black coffee before adding milk and sugar. But I've noticed the caffeine is a little too much at this amount. I still really prefer the amount and taste at this ratio though, what can I do to make lessen the caffeine? Should I get decaffeinated coffee and mix it in?

>> No.18757765

this is bait.

>> No.18757786

I'm not joking, I'm just retarded at making coffee. Could somebody just entertain my question?

>> No.18757817

Are you retarded in other ways too?

>> No.18757822

just half the amount of everything you fucking moron.
half the coffee half the sugar half the milk
fucking hell

>> No.18757859

All of my coffee beans taste the same, what gives?

>> No.18757862

I dunno I got an advent cally from my local roaster and it was pretty decent.

>> No.18757874

You add hot water to make an "Americano" like everyone else.
Fill your cup halfway, or fill it one quarter if the milk+sugar is taking up half the cup. Then add hot water half/one quarter hot water to your cup to dilute the coffee. You're already adding milk+sugar so it's not like you're actually concerned about tasting the coffee.

>> No.18757885

name them
give details

>> No.18757887

Okay, explain James Hoffman then? He looks better than he did 10 years ago.

>> No.18757891

The Hoff sucks up the youth of the others.

>> No.18757893

Every time someone calls him Hoffmeme he de-ages a year.

>> No.18757896

He's just that based. It defies all logic.

>> No.18757918

Forgot to mention no roasted dates, just best by. Coffee was clearly old.

>> No.18757921

Do they taste bitter? Sour? Are you doing pour overs, french press, espresso?

>> No.18758031

Thanks for giving a sincere answer I guess.

>> No.18758044

He's so fuckin hot

>> No.18758051

tom scott phenotype

>> No.18758087
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Unfortunately, it's even less certain than that for coffee specifically
The "cup" as defined by major producers (Nescafe-level producers) and oddly, researchers, is 6oz

>> No.18758101

Ridiculous. These people are not working in our interests

>> No.18758113

>not shot

espresso (purest coffee) is measured in shots so i don't know why you fags are arguing about cup sizes

>> No.18758171

I believe my Hario carafe defines a one cup serving of filter coffee as 200ml.

>> No.18758221
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Just fucking tare your mugs, fill them to the brim, see what they weigh, and go from there.

>> No.18758226

mmm greasy cogee beans straight from the civvet's asshole

>> No.18758240

redpill me on low fines espresso grinders. I'm willing to spend up to $3000 USD, but I need the following features:

>motorized, because I am not autistic enough to hand-grind
>fines are less than 15% of the total mass after grinding
>decent design including easy to clean/replace burrs
>some accounting for static/cleanliness

does this exist, or do I need to wait for the tech to get cheaper?

>> No.18758253

just get a wug2

>> No.18758261

>explain James Hoffman then? He looks better than he did 10 years ago.

He's making better money now. So he can afford a stylist, makeup, and better lighting. He probably also got botox or a chemical peel. Simple.

>> No.18758264

>get a wug2

it's sold out, and I can't find a particle size distribution chart for it. if they can't prove <15% fines, then I'm not buying it.

>> No.18758266

Unironically yeah. Or pray for a cheap used ek43 or eg-1 v1. Also Weber "Ultra" Low fine is actually just blind SSP 80 High Uniformity. You have to email ssp and ask for blind ULF if you're actually interested. I'm waiting for people smarter than me to tell me what other burr set to buy. Gagne has 3 different sets of ditting lab sweets and they're all fucking different apparently so I'm just glad I like the coffee off mine for now.

>> No.18758288
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There will be a new batch here in a few weeks. Or just message them on facebook.
>I can't find a particle size distribution chart for it
Why would there be a particle size distribution? They don't make burrs. They make a variable rpm hyper aligned swapable burr grinder that spins several sizes.

>> No.18758302
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Fuck haters
Based and simple life pilled. Though I do support my local garage operation roaster

>> No.18758308

why is everyone ignoring the fact that Bialetti's are the primo way to make coffee?
Why reinvent the wheel?

>> No.18758322
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, goffeedevil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sippin some gamigang backyard ethiopian. Happy new year ya filthy animal.

>> No.18758339

bialetti is italian and thus a moron.
he got lucky in making the moka pot.
his filter sucks
his classification system for moka pots is retarded
his instructions for how to use a moka is objectively wrong

>> No.18758344

We call him the Italian Adler.

>> No.18758431

cut your coffee grounds with 1/2 decaf then you don't have to change anything in the recipe

>> No.18758500
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Based Gami user! I love Ethiopan beans. Happy new year.

>> No.18758562

For a while I thought they might be the same person

>> No.18758568

out of beans soon, can't get more til one or two days after jan 3rd cos my roaster was closed during gooch week. have enough to run out tomorrow. decided to stretch it by making a hellblend of dribs and drabs from almost empty bags. ended up with an 18g shot with 40% filter coffee roasted Dec 11, 30% of my current espresso bean, 30% some leftovers roasted Nov 14. what was i in for?

>> No.18758613

not your blog amigo
anyway happy big friday

>> No.18758784

i guess I expected to see PSD charts for the grinder with various common burr sets involved. After all, PSD is going to be the product of burr precision + alignment + precession inherent to the machine

Speaking of which, does anyone have actual PSD charts for some of the so-called "endgame" grinders? My current setup is allegedly making about 33% fines. I am curious to know how much money do I have to spend to reduce that number to 15% or better.

>> No.18758789

what is that meter and what does it measure? It looks like it's measuring precession of that rotating shaft?

>> No.18758903

I don't know, a local roaster
They were very floaral.

>> No.18758929

you just said gimme some beans and got a blank bag and then ground em and brewed em?

>> No.18759025
File: 149 KB, 1300x900, Shurikone_8022fa90cf462d52ae89ac495af28662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> PSD charts for the grinder with various common burr sets involved
I don't think you understand what that would entail. When you see a particle distribution graph, its from a single coffee at a single burr gap at a single roast level at a single rpm at a random humidity, with an unknown alignment. Do you want the same coffee pulled at every single tickmark at every single rpm from 400-700 on every burr that fits on coffees of different roast levels of different origin, density, and processing method?
>anyone have actual PSD charts for some of the so-called "endgame" grinders
If you ask Denis from Kafatek about this he bans you from buying his grinders. Denis started machining his own burrs because of the random changes and inconsistencies from the burrs he was purchasing from ssp and mazzer.
>current setup is allegedly making about 33% fines
We're not doing this again. Buy a df64 and a random set off ssp and fuck off.
Its measuring the radial runout("wobble") of the shaft that rotates the burr. If your rotating burr carrier is wobbling in and out, its going to produce a different distribution than one that's not wobbling. One of the big criticisms of the Weber key is the long shaft thats more prone to wobble than the short one of on the wug. Hard to keep that wobble consistent from grinder to grinder when a random chinese factory is pumping out thousands of units for Breville or Oxo. That wobble is entirely separate from how parallel my burrs are aligned, or how consistent the burrs are to the set the graph you want was made off of. That's the video they sent of my actual unit. Looks to me like 0.012mm of wobble. Its literally 3 engineers in hong kong making the highest quality shit they can. I'm pretty sure kafatek is the same way, <5 guys in seattle cranking out units in small batches. I'd like to get my hands on some of their burrs but you have to have proof of ownership of a grinder to buy them.

>> No.18759100
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I'll just tack these on. You can't taste a graph. It took trying a "high texture" bimodal conical(kinu) next to a "higher clarity" big set of flats(80mm lab sweet) to understand what people actually mean when they say clarity. I've still got nearly all the texture(syrupy, silky, smooth, slick shots), but its like someone cleaned the window I was looking out a bit. There's just way more focus on those blueberry bombs you're obsessed with. When you've got the adjustment to tweak your cup and really start cleaning up/isolating and chasing down that berry bomb note a little bit its amazing what other flavor notes are playing off of it. A shitty but relatable analogy would be how its hard to hear every musician on stage when you're standing right next to the speaker with your ears ringing. I can imagine what I'd "gain" by sacrificing more clarity

>> No.18759111

The Oxo 8 cup brewer makes 40 ounces of coffee, meaning a cup is 5 oz(150 ml). Similar with the Breville precision brewer, 12 "cups" is 60 oz. The Wilfa Svart Performance, a 4 oz cup. The Ratio Six, back up to a 5 oz cup. The Behmor Brazen Plus, 5 oz a cup. Last but by far the most insane, the Moccamaster. The majority of the Moccamaster lineup defines a cup as 4 oz, unless you get the Moccamaster One Cup, which defines it at 10 oz!!

President Xi, our people yearn for freedom

>> No.18759229

iced coffee with aeropress:
18g coffee
inverted press at just above #2
add hot water, stir 10 times.
while it brews prepare glass with ice
press into glass
top with milk - sweeten if desired.

>> No.18759317

you don't seem to understand backing up claims with evidence. If Kafatek or anyone else is claiming to make high-precision grinders, then they should be able to show evidence that proves their grinders are indeed high-precision. If a PSD chart isn't their preferred metric, then what is, and how does that correlate to performance?

For me, setting their grinder to a typical setting for espresso and grinding some medium roast beans seems like an easy way to show typical PSD performance. It's really not that hard for a reputable company to do.

>> No.18759386

what kind of mad man specifies the grams of coffee but not the grams of water

>> No.18759405

moka pot gigachads

>> No.18759408

Boyish looking girls are high test. Soft, grippable skin with a defined chin and hair long enough to grab, but short enough to avoid irritating you when they are hunched over your face while riding. My past 3 girlfriends and a lions share of my hookups had shoulder length hair or shorter, and you cannot beat a feeling better than seeing their completely exposed neck as they bend their head back.

>> No.18759417

Gigachad move desu. Expand your comfort zone, just go in blind, and if you like it, just ask them what it was. If they don't know, just repeat til you figure it out.

>> No.18759434

I don't think you know what a
>Typical espresso grind is
People have different tastes. Their typical preferred espresso will wildly vary. These guys aren't struggling to sell grinders. Go ahead and email hansung at ssp and ask for his latest PSDs for the burr sets he tunes via his subjective taste.

>> No.18759483

Anon with a new Wacaco Picopresso, and new to home espresso making in general, here. I'm trying to dial in my variables, but I'm having trouble figuring out what's wrong with the last shot I pulled. It tasted sour, which apparently means my grind was too coarse, but while pumping the machine, I had liquid squirt out from a gasket somewhere, which means far too much pressure (or perhaps an improperly screwed together piece) which probably means I was too fine. And I don't know if the state of the puck afterwards is any help in diagnosing, but it was mostly dry, except it broke apart when I dumped it out; the top part looked exactly like what a used puck should look like, but the bottom bit, maybe an 1/8th of the remainder, was caked and matted to the basket. It was really jammed in there, and I had to basically scrape it off with the WDT, which also tells me I was way too fine.

The obvious answer as to what to do is to just keep making more shots until I get it right, but I'm wasting 17g-18g with every screw up, and coffee doesn't exactly grow on trees, so I'd like to know which direction I should try to course correct, do I go finer or coarser?

>> No.18759532

Go ahead and print this out and leave it by your coffee stuff.
>wasting 17g-18g with every screw up, and coffee doesn't exactly grow on trees
Yep. Finish every shot you pull(push?). Good and bad. You're training your palate.

>> No.18759550

How long have you had to wait for backordered coffee?

>> No.18759567

>Yep. Finish every shot you pull(push?). Good and bad. You're training your palate.
Looks like I made the right call with buying a whole bean bag of Starbucks coffee. I'd be shitting myself if I wasted an entire pound, or god forbid a whole kilo, of good beans. Granted, with the amount of coffee I'll be drinking as I fine tune my dialing in, I'm probably going to be shitting myself regardless.

>> No.18759576

>whole bean bag of Starbucks coffee
Hold all your judgements until you get rid of that shit. Its not representative of what you could(and should) be drinking.

>> No.18759596

>I don't think you know what a
>Typical espresso grind is

ah, i see. you're a fucking retard that doesn't understand the technical aspects of making espresso. thanks for nothing, dipshit. kys.

>> No.18759615

never had anything backordered.

>> No.18759628

Oh, I'm aware of that. I bought that bag specifically as the test bag, A) because it's comparatively cheap, and I knew I'd be screwing up a lot at first and didn't want to waste a higher quality bean, and B) I used to work at Starbucks and am quite familiar with that coffee, so at the very least, I know what it "should" taste like as an espresso.

>> No.18759655

>in that time it looks like she's aged like ten
You saw the wall occur in real time. Not unusual. She expired, that's all. As all women do.

>> No.18759665
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>mfw on my espresso making journey it only took me about a week before I was pulling better espresso than any cafe including hoity-toity karl marx-tier hangouts I've ever had
>and i know i'm still doing a shit job of doing it *absolutely* right
Really makes you realize how few people actually do something right/are good at their jobs.

>> No.18759755

I've got years of realtime pressure and flow data. You've been 9bar pulling dark roast beans at 2:1 on a smart grinder pro for two weeks. Let me know what hansung tells you.

>> No.18759761

I remember when I worked at Starbucks, this was like ten years ago, I tried to get a job at a specialty/"boutique" coffee shop, but didn't get the job because apparently those types of coffee shops specifically didn't hire Starbucks employees. I always assumed they were being elitist and snobby because of the ubiquity and popularity of Starbucks. Now that I'm making it at home, it made me realize how little a Starbucks employee actually knows about espresso. It's actually worse than knowing literally nothing, because you're essentially being trained "wrong," since you're trained specifically for a machine called a Mastrena, an entirely automated machine that only Starbucks uses and you can't and won't find anywhere else.

>> No.18759788
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This will finally be the years I get a gf anons

>> No.18759796

goffee is all you need

>> No.18759819

You won't. And that has fuck all to do with this thread, faggot.

>> No.18759820

How will that cat stop me

>> No.18759965

Year of the flat white.

>> No.18759978
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I learned how to make high quality espresso at home for the soul(sic) purpose of making white girl lattes

>> No.18760020

I hope I do too. What's the love potion of coffee?

>> No.18760026

Espresso tonic. But only if the espresso was ground and prepared

>> No.18760085

>ground coarser
>cup tastes less sour and more chocolaty
explain this. I didn't make a typo, I grounded COARSER

>> No.18760093

If you say that any louder Hoffmeme will hear you and you will be punished

>> No.18760116

Coarser grind, water flows through easier, more even extraction.

>> No.18760148

your previous finer ground was causing overextraction which masked the subtler chocolatey note

>> No.18760230

prismo adds a great mouth feel, if you know what i mean. but that's about it as far as taste. at least, for this bag i fugged up. not having to go inverted makes the workflow less of a hassle when you're dialing in - big thumbs up

>> No.18760271

There was nothing wrong with the Aeropress in the first place. YOU were what's wrong.

>> No.18760310

What's a good starting point for buying decent coffee? I don't really have any dedicated roasters nearby, and the whole process is new to me regardless. I just want to stop buying my beans from the grocery shops, having no idea about roast dates.
I live in western Europe.

>> No.18760337

Do you live in a city? Because if so you probably have roasters somewhere relatively near you and you just don't know it. The OP pasta has links to some european online coffee shops, you could also search for something like "specialty coffee [region you're in]" to see if you can find something closer.

>> No.18760341

I managed to find only one roaster but it apparently sells in bulk to coffee shops only. No pricing on their website or anything of the sort.

>> No.18760348

The aeropress is the ultimate brewing tool, prove me wrong.

>> No.18760392
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not like this coffeebros....

>> No.18760398
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>> No.18760400


>> No.18760403

>he lives at home
....Yeah, I'm willing to bet he does. So do I. Wouldn't she? Is she saying she's homeless? Am I not getting the joke?

>> No.18760417 [DELETED] 

>coffee shop
just say starbucks since a black coffee wouldn't be looked down on in a proper coffee shop

>> No.18760420

>You've been 9bar pulling dark roast beans at 2:1 on a smart grinder pro for two weeks.

and that's where you're wrong. my shots are pressure profiled to dial in the extraction. get off your high horse and fucking kill yourself.

the only reason I'm looking at buying a new grinder is to reduce the proportion of fines in my grind. Unless I see proof that a new grinder does in fact reduce fines, I will not buy one. Show me the data, or shut the fuck up. Period.

>> No.18760427

Modern women are being reprogrammed to dislike alphas. We need to reverse this course and there’s only one way - rape

>> No.18760428

apparently she was joking...

>> No.18760440

>who lives at home
...doesn't everybody live at home?

>> No.18760458

looking for a shy, sensitive homeless man who is secure enough in his masculinity to order a no whip single shot grande sugarccino

>> No.18760461

because of the implication

>> No.18760463

Finally, I have discovered a horrible, rather brutal method that I recommend only to men of excessive vigor, men with thick black hair and skin covered with liver spots, men with big square hands and with legs shaped like bowling pins. It is a question of using finely pulverized, dense coffee, cold and anhydrous (a chemical term meaning without water), consumed on an empty stomach. This coffee falls into your stomach, which, as you know from Brillat-Savarin, is a sack whose velvety interior is lined with tapestries of suckers and papillae. The coffee finds nothing else in the sack, and so it attacks these delicate and voluptuous linings; it acts like a food and demands digestive juices; it wrings and twists the stomach for these juices, appealing as a pythoness appeals to her god; it brutalizes these beautiful stomach linings as a wagon master abuses ponies; the plexus becomes inflamed; sparks shoot all the way up to the brain. From that moment on, everything becomes agitated. Ideas quick march into motion like battalions of a grand army to its legendary fighting ground, and the battle rages.

>> No.18760469

who the fuck let /lit/ in here

>> No.18760478

It's short for with parents. Which is odd now that you mention it.

>> No.18760573

Trying a new coffee roaster shop that opened up nearby for the new year.

Wish me luck bros!

>> No.18760614

Bitches do love vagrant itinerants.

>> No.18760619

good luck!

>> No.18760745

>he can't greentext

fuck off back to plebbit and take your chewy coffee with you

>> No.18760788

way ahead of you buddy

>> No.18760792

>vagrant itinerants.
you just said the same thing twice.

>> No.18760821

I've got some Malabar Monsooned beans and 2bh they're just kinda bland and boring. I miss the acidity compared to Ethiopians and such lol.

Anyway, given that I'm doing pour over, is there anything special to do to get the best of these beans? They're medium-dark maybe. Should I grind finer? Coarser? Hotter or cooler water? Agitate or not?
How do I extract their secrets?

>> No.18760857

that guy dodged a bullet

>> No.18760875

Do people even blog anymore? How do people even talk about their lives online anymore?

>> No.18760897

Got a Timemore C3 for Christmas. First hand grinder I've owned, what can I expect?

>> No.18760899

they just lie and cherry pick the good things and post them on social media.

posting here can be blog like to a certain extent.
i feel like vlogging really took over written blogs, its much easier to just turn on a camera for 2 minutes and say what you did that day or what you are thinking and then post it to youtube then to actually set up a blog and write out what you did.

>> No.18760902

you know what's a lot easier than organizing and expressing your thoughts in a livejournal? turning on your iFaggot camera and rambling into it and hitting upload to jewtube.

>> No.18760907

What if you're ugly tho? Don't even get how you'd find all these vlogs.

>> No.18760908

Whatever you have to tell yourself. Never upgrade that grinder. You've reached the pinnacle.

>> No.18760915

>how you'd find all these vlogs.
you dont. they sit in the depths of youtube with zero views forever, just like most blogs that have ever been made and updated.

>> No.18760929

It's alright, you could have done much worse, assuming the person that gave it to you doesn't know much about coffee.

>> No.18760936

they like you but they don't love you, they could do without you

>> No.18760958

>Never upgrade that grinder. You've reached the pinnacle.

why are you such a gatekeeping faggot? I literally came here asking for advice on what grinder to buy. I have a specific set of features I want my next grinder to have, and I'm currently willing to spend up to $3000 USD on it. The only caveat is I need to see actual proof of performance BEFORE I make the purchase. This is something that literally every other industry can provide, but apparently the world of espresso grinders gets offended if anyone dares to question their subjective tasting notes and instead asks for data.

If I buy a car, I can look up torque specs, horsepower, 0-60 times, fuel efficiency, and a host of other data collected under typical conditions. Meanwhile, apparently Kafatek screeches autistically if you ask them to prove how precise their grinders are by...grinding coffee. And the df64 makes a bunch of claims about performance but does not offer returns or refunds. So if I buy their shit and it doesn't perform as expected, then I'm stuck with another shitty grinder.

So why does the industry work so hard to avoid transparency? Why not just show the PSD charts under a common, standardized set of conditions? Plenty of other industries have ASTM methods to prove performance, so why not coffee grinders?

>> No.18761033


>> No.18761124

So its a good stepping stone. I'm curious if I'll be able to see a difference from my shitty electric grinder.

>> No.18761139

Bladed? Absolutely. In some ways, the grinder is more important than the bean. Which is something I kept seeing on coffee discussion forums/boards, and I thought sounded fucking stupid. I thought it was like saying that a car's speed depends more on the road than the engine. But it's completely true.

>> No.18761141
File: 139 KB, 480x429, Blade-Grinder_480x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a blade grinder? So similar to pic related?

>> No.18761181

It was a Cusinart Burr Mill grinder. I got it on sale a year ago.

>> No.18761208

Save your money. Keep waiting for A2M standards. Again, why the fuck would a random Chinese industrial appliance maker have PSDs? They don't fucking make burrs. You have zero clue how to research what you want and ended up with a smart grinder pro as a result. Just be happy with what you've got. It's the best out of 3 other grinders they found with Amazon kickback links.

>> No.18761342

It doesn't work that way. They're alpha because they are desirable to women and therefore it would not be rape. Your projection is showing and is a clear demonstration of why women should trust their instincts. Drink bitter, stay incel.

>> No.18761449
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Looks like pic related is down to $120 on amazon right now. So only $20 over pre inflation compared to the $70 usually.

>> No.18761463

I wasn't paying attention to my tabs and I saw this post and thought I was still in the short hair girls thread on /tv/. I almost posted something heinous

>> No.18761493

Thread theme

>> No.18761495

I googled enough sites and found one that told me this is the best grinder available. I think I'll pick it up.

>> No.18761572

Grind coarser use 85C water. Agitate as usual.

>> No.18761723

can i mod it to be significantly slower?

>> No.18761916

8h and Noone can come up with anything. Based

>> No.18761983

Why the fuck can't I buy a decent grinder for under $50? Why does the grinder have to be more than double the price of my entire setup combined? Yes I am aeropress gang

>> No.18762027

Kingrinder k0/1/2 for $33/$44/$55.

>> No.18762034

why is the aeropress gang comprise of poorfags?

>> No.18762054
File: 226 KB, 384x490, Colombia&#039;s_Shame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I explicitly put a fellow prismo on my christmas list and got aldi's breakfast blend instead

>> No.18762073

people asking about budget grinders are likely testing the waters

>> No.18762089

I have more money in knives, and guns, separately, than you have in coffee gear. Promise. Post your setup

>> No.18762092

Still something of an espresso novice but I've bought pretty solid entry level equipment and accessories, and I'm still unsure how AliExpress sells allegedly name brand coffee products for such a discount; is it counterfeit, will it never be delivered, is it a bait and switch?

>> No.18762101

I bet you grind coffee more often than you shoot. Stop being a cheap fuck.

>> No.18762107

No doubt. I grind coffee everyday.

>> No.18762140

>knives, and guns
you are a faggot masquerading as a man
kill yourself now and save your family any more embarrassment.

>> No.18762172
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Coffee cake

>> No.18762194

are you having goffee with that goffee gake

>> No.18762200

Yes, but both were earlier today.

>> No.18762224
File: 81 KB, 750x925, 1655834306254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 10pm, should i goffee?

>> No.18762233

What are you into? Barbies?

>> No.18762237

what kind of coff
i pushed some of my trash anaerobic brazilian off on my sister. and im going to open a new bag of costa rican or honduras something idk later, honestly im fucking blasted so i might need to take a nap. only 3pm.
i feel like if i make moka now ill leave the stove on and burn the house down.

>> No.18762241

>this faggots mind is so rotted he only knows guns, knives and barbies.
im sorry but this faggatory is terminal, might as well just end it know.

>> No.18762255

its always time for goffee anon
but are you ready for goffee, thats the real question.

>> No.18762276

10:22pm reporting in for coffee.

>> No.18762281

Just figured I'd suggest what my daughter is into. Post your coffee setup.

>> No.18762283

I have over 300 Star Wars action figures

>> No.18762301

I believe it. Post coffee setup

>> No.18762334
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>> No.18762336
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I've literally been at this for 2 weeks and have already mastered it. the bar for making good coffee is VERY low.

>> No.18762349

im drinking the goffee

>> No.18762361

My aeropress still beats it

>> No.18762392

Keep telling yourself that ytboi.

>> No.18762421


>> No.18762536


>> No.18762597

>the bar for making good coffee is VERY low.
i keep hearing it needs to be 9 bars

>> No.18762599

If Aeropress isn't the best method, then why is it so heckin' cute and valid?

>> No.18762689

How do I meet women that look like Morgan

>> No.18762690

Relax your definition of woman.

>> No.18762703

just look like her boyfriend.
a fat slob loser.
should be easy for you.

>> No.18762708

Done. What's the next step?

>> No.18762717

fat useless slobs are like honey to driven successful tomboys.

>> No.18762735

I'm 37. I've been waiting for like twenty years. How much do I have left to wait?

>> No.18762758

I feel like Morgan awakened something in me. Something I'm not entirely comfortable with yet.

>> No.18762761

well are you a verified poster in the fat boy general on /trash/?

>> No.18762817

Anons my family likes incredibly weak coffee with loads of flavored creamer in it. If I had to guess I think it's about 4 tablespoons of grounds for a 12 cup pot that they use. It taste like hot water and cream. When I make a regular cup of coffee in my aeropress they think its super strong and I have to tell them this is what normal coffee taste like.

>> No.18762818


>> No.18762862

aeropress users really are something

>> No.18763008

The chart definitely helped. This last shot was a definite improvement over the one before. Still had a pressure issue, though, which is an issue I can't really diagnose with a chart, since I'm pretty sure it's a problem to my machine, the Pico. I felt far more resistance than I was with, and coffee sprayed out of the basket, making a mess, and I ended up with only 28g yield instead of the 32g I was aiming for.

For anyone else who might have a Wacaco Pico, is too much pressure a result of too fine a grind, too coarse a grind, or maybe something else, like an improper dose? Wacaco recommends 18g, but I did 16g, would that fuck with the pressure?

>> No.18763012

That's like a $100 machine bro I'm surprised it makes anything drinkable at all. Not shitting on it because I'm certainly not a gear snob but you have to realize you are most certainly at the technical limitations of your device at this point.

>> No.18763013

Typed too fast and left out words. Instead of
>it's a problem to my machine
I meant, "It's a problem exclusive to my machine," and instead of
>I felt far more resistance than I was with
I meant "than I was comfortable with."

>> No.18763017

This last shot, there wasn't a problem with the end resulting coffee, per se. It was a decent shot. Not good enough to drink neat, but fine for a milk beverage. Better than a Starbucks shot. I ended up just drinking as an undertow (also sometimes perplexingly called a "John Wayne" for some indeterminate reason). I don't think there's an inherent mechanical problem with the machine either, because the videos I've seen from otherwise snobby coffee Youtube videos seem to have no issue keeping up a constant pumping pressure. But I assume there's some amount of universality when it comes to the physics of pressure in an espresso machine, so I'm wondering what variable (too much/too little water, too little coffee, too coarse/too fine) could cause a spike in pressure like that.

>> No.18763048

>The chart definitely helped.
Good shit. You're either packing too much coffee in, grinding too fine, or both. If you're trying to use someone's suggestion for clicks on a k4, they're talking about a 58mm basket, not a 51mm. Drop your dose, coarsen up and get comfortable with the idea of slow preinfusion. You're not trying to slam to 9 bar. Once you get those drips, just maintain a steady little pump to try for consistent flow.
Picopressos are based, he just needs to tweak a bit and get rid of the starbucks beans.

>> No.18763163
File: 865 KB, 498x342, SouthParkNice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw getting the new beans dialed in


>> No.18763172

How can you really say it's a good espresso if it doesn't come from a $13,000 machine imported from Italy?

>> No.18763263

Mmmm I'll have another bike pump presso please!

>> No.18763274

I use 16.5-17g doses on both my home machine and my Picopresso. Out of the Picopresso I typically aim for 2:1, I get that over the course of about a minute and if I remember right about thirty pumps. How fast are you pumping it? You don't need to be slamming it fast, you can use 1-2 seconds per stroke and keep a steady rhythm with good results - I don't know how you're using it but I'm trying to think of a variable other than how fine you're grinding that might cause it to go that way.

What kind of grinder, what kind of roast level?

>> No.18763642
File: 242 KB, 775x845, 1654516333006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know it

>> No.18764180

not your blog.
is there a question in there or something?( :) )

>> No.18764184

something smelly

>> No.18764329

Starbucks coffee on a k4. He's just jamming his basket full of dark roast and fighting through a rock solid puck.

>> No.18764368

Sex with Lain

>> No.18764403

It's kind of the benchmark budget (at the current price, not $170) electric grinder for non espresso tasks. The adjustments are too coarse for espresso. The 1zpresso hand grinders will give a better grind quality but then you're dealing with the hassle of hand grinding. Also the encore is quite noisy. So much so in fact that I actually wear earmuffs when I use it.

Not that I know of.

>> No.18764558
