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File: 186 KB, 716x955, PXL_20221228_225452893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18747154 No.18747154 [Reply] [Original]

Eh, disappointing. Not a very remarkable sandwich in either direction.

>> No.18747639

Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches use dill pickles
Also you put crunchy peanut butter thinly on both pieces of bread or you get soggy pickle bread.
You just ate a pineapple and hamburger pizza and declared pizza to be underrated.

>> No.18747833

peanut butter and mayo was also underwhelming

>> No.18747984

Note taken, I'll try your suggestions.

>> No.18747992

reminder that Elvis was white, and thus had defective taste budz

>> No.18748310
File: 23 KB, 600x358, braunschweiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those bread and butter style pickle chips really pair well with pic related on some rye bread, bit of mustard. fuck that peanut butter meme shit.

>> No.18748314

>pic related
He is trying to make a sandwich, not gas himself out of his house.

>> No.18748322

you realize dill pickles come in chips as well
Elvis ate peanut butter and banana you retard

>> No.18748333

I didnt say add the horseradish, carmel onion spread and the stank cheese.

>> No.18749211

Better with liver pate.

>> No.18749290

agreed with liver pate.
>t. swedish chef

>> No.18749302

instead of the pickles or instead of the peanut butter

>> No.18749851
File: 217 KB, 800x600, 620543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of the peanut butter.
It's common here in the north, and a good danish rye bread as the base is perfection.

>> No.18749964
File: 136 KB, 608x860, Mills_Smaksmajones_Chili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works well with a light sprinkling of garlic pepper or this.
>t. norwegian

>> No.18750158

Try peanut butter and mayonnaise

>> No.18751006

>> you realize dill pickles come in chips as well
You think you are being clever, but you are just showing your total failure at observation.
Dills are not jarred with whole yellow mustard seed. Those are some form of sweet pickle, most likely bread & butter or sweet & spicy.

>> No.18751261

try with jalapenos

>> No.18753140

>seeded bread
are you a fucking birb?

>> No.18753252

shit is fuckin tasty IMO, use crunchy peanut butter but even more importantly, use dill pickles.
It's the tart acidity of the dill pickle that cuts perfectly with the peanut butter.

>> No.18753473


>> No.18753483
File: 28 KB, 340x311, 1671644550579703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't sound half bad actually.

>> No.18753775
File: 948 KB, 1200x800, al1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a Dane

>> No.18753824

What's brown weiner?

>> No.18753831

Not enough pašteta. 3/10.

>> No.18753861

Only pregnant women like these

>> No.18753868

I am a slav and can confirm, it's unironically pretty great.
Especially with garlic bread.
I also like savoury pancakes so I eat pancakes with pate when caviar isn't an option

>> No.18753871

(pls dont bully me I browse 9 different boards at a time)

>> No.18755163

Do people really, that's just two different kinds of flavoured fat in a sandwich.

>> No.18755255

yeah no shit making a regular savory sandwich is better than a mildly interesting novelty food item