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18742804 No.18742804 [Reply] [Original]

where do you draw the line on fries?

>> No.18742809

Between 4 and 5, but they need to be Crinkle Cut Master Race.

>> No.18742822

Anything beyond 5 is inedible.

>> No.18742835

Crinkle cut is most certainly not master race. You're a fucking toddler if you think increasing surface area on a french fry means anything.

>> No.18742836


>> No.18742845

A mix of soft and crispy is where it's at

>> No.18742852

Anything past 3 tastes burnt. Fries can taste burnt with a surprisingly light color compared to other types of potato foods like hash browns.

>> No.18742866


>> No.18742878


>> No.18742880


>> No.18742897
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>> No.18742907

2/3, up to 5 is permissible if they are fresh

>> No.18742914

5-7 with a bit of sog is kino.

>> No.18742919

>Fries can taste burnt with a surprisingly light color compared to other types of potato foods like hash browns.

that happens because of reused oil, usually when one of the previous batches was left on too long. if that same oil is used then even fries cooked and taken out on time will have the same burned taste.

>> No.18742922

eating them off the floor is a hard no for me

>> No.18742926

I wouldn't make anything beyond 5, but 6 & 7 probably wouldn't be a problem and I might see how 8 is.

>> No.18742933

Thanks, I didn't know that.

>> No.18742936

If they were skin-on or raw potato like five guys I'd say 6 or 7. If it's par fried and straight from the freezer like most fast food places, then anything past 4 is no good.

>> No.18742943


>> No.18742954

Based. I don't draw on my food.

>> No.18742961

Between 2 and 4 although 4 already has some burned ones. Any further and it's disgusting

>> No.18742969

4, though I'd eat 5 if they came out of an airfryer. Regular fried 5 is just too much though

>> No.18743234

Generally the peak is around 4 or 5 but if you want the average fry to be good some will inevitably end up at 9. I call it a "burnt offering".

>> No.18743363

Between 5 and 7 depending on what sides or sauces are available at the time.

>> No.18743373

Between five and six.

Any fry before that, needs more time, while anything after should warrant a fire extinguisher

>> No.18743378

How the fuck were these cooked? splotchier then a muhfucker, properly cooked should be between 7-8 but less shit

>> No.18743425

7 is the absolute limit. Beyond that it's just burnt desu

>> No.18743436

3 is ideal, 1-5 is edible

>> No.18743788
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6 is a good cutoff point

>> No.18743858

fries are overrated

>> No.18744125


>> No.18744148

not that guy, but crinkle cut are the worst. They are almost always soggy and limp. And when they're not, they're 14000 degrees inside, so you burn your mouth the entire time eating them, or you're eating cold fries, which both suck.

>> No.18744169

When I fry them at home, I aim for 4 but typically wind up with 5 because I forget about carry-over.

>> No.18744302
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>> No.18744389

Fries from an airplane is pretty much crossing the line into shit territory

>> No.18746008

I'd go somewhere around 6.5 on that scale, 7 seems a bit too overcooked for me

>> No.18746026

I have had soggy and crispy fries the color of 7-8 and crispy fries the color of 0-4 so this chart isnt very good. The fries should be crispy.

>> No.18746218

Why the fuck are they in the parking lot?
And the answer is 5 or 6
1-3 looks kinda raw
4 is a russian roulette between good and gummy
7 - 9 look the same to me, but I would go for them If I'll run out of 5 and 6
I would use 10 as charcoal and have a BBQ. Oil is a great fuel source

>> No.18746226

Feeding the fries to the homeless :)

>> No.18746262

Between 4 and 5

>> No.18746271

3-4 is ideal. i hate soggy fries.
also this

>> No.18746281 [DELETED] 

about three fitty

>> No.18746469

I prefer mashed potatos, sorry

>> No.18746521

Is this a joke?

>> No.18746531

6 is ideal, but 4-8 is ok

>> No.18746538
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>peel potat
>pressure cook whole for 5 minutes less time for smaller potat
>slam through fry cutter
>directly in to 350 degree peanut oil
>fry till they float
fries are so underrated when they have that crusty exterior crunch filled with soft almost mashed potat like interior, God damn it you faggots got me craving some fries rn, but I'm too lazy to make that mess, fuck you all!

>> No.18746580

3-4, 5 is acceptable but pushing it.

>> No.18746624


>> No.18746642

1.5 is ideal. 1 - 2 is acceptable. 0 - 3 is where I draw the line.

>> No.18746718

For me ,its a 6 or 7 in a greasy double paper bag from a side of the road food truck.

>> No.18746740

4-7 is godly tier, maybe even uo to

>> No.18747254

they need to be a little crispy on the outside, but still nice soft potato on the inside

>> No.18747269

0 to 4 are all the same, garbage image

>> No.18747295

>Between 4 and 5
>but they need to be Crinkle Cut Master Race
sudoku immediately please

>> No.18747297

4 or 5, good fries are like shitty steak, well done.

>> No.18748193

Anything past 3.5 and your a fucking savage who should be shot in the street, same with anyone who prefers crinkle to steak cut

>> No.18748787

This. ^^^^

>> No.18748788

5 but I've had good 6 before.

>> No.18748791

Between 3 and 4, probably closer to 3. Any other answer is objectively wrong.
>t. Belgian

>> No.18748799

i don't eat white potatoes at all. they're not nutritionally worthwhile because they cause kidney disease. only sweet potatoes for me, preferably not the shitty soft orange ones

>> No.18748801
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I am at my most happy and optimistic about life when my frypack reflects the following proportia

>> No.18748847

You're missing the best type, the legendary ever-so-slightly translucent 3++ or golden clear.

>> No.18749775

0-4 is fast-food frozen trash
5-7 is what you mostly get from homemade ones
8 is borderline
9-10 is charcoal

>> No.18749819

>Crinkle Cut Master Race.
>dares to even imply
Fuck off crinkfaggot. Crinkle cut fries are NEVER crispy, don't even try and argue otherwise. Worse than that, they still have that raw, mushy, potato taste. You're a retard and a child for thinking crinkle cut is any good. I bet you're the kind of smoothbrain to like bendy straws, even though they're objectively shit and break down at a stiff sip.

>> No.18750046

seethe harder crinklehater

>> No.18750096

How does it feel when every single other type of fry is superior to crinkle cut?

>> No.18751118

Uh guys... ? Those are bananas right? Why is everyone pretending they are french fries?

>> No.18751140

Looks more like 0 to 11

>> No.18751251


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