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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.05 MB, 4000x1868, 20221224_162618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18735123 No.18735123 [Reply] [Original]

Post your christmas foods
Swede reporting in

>> No.18735236

easy on the dill there hrokafudinudsendorf.

>> No.18735281


It's an honor to post in a thread begotten by someone rich.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.18735375

Somebody sent me a fruitcake, nobody will admit to it yer

>> No.18735394

Fuck off socialist, not eveybody is rich just because you're a poor commie socialist sack of shit that needs some top down government to tell you what to do 24/7. PISS OFF!
How LAME can you be?

>> No.18735476

stick to your MacDonald's threads and /pol/. we don't want you here. this board is all about hospitality and you're not welcome. take your F tier condiments, your D tier takeaway and your B tier kitchen and fuck off.

>> No.18735505

Where’s the ham?

>> No.18735521

t. poor

>> No.18735554
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>> No.18735555
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Just made this pie again. French silk

>> No.18735559

kill yourself

>> No.18735562

I did something like that but with vigo yellow rice and a rotisserie chicken and some red wine

>> No.18735569

Wait, people cook on the 24th? Isn’t the dinner on the day of and not before?

>> No.18735578

its both, poojeet

>> No.18735622

lol no. Which day is more appropriate to cook on?

>> No.18735625

>people cook on the 24th?
Varies by culture, and personal circumstances too. (I usually do a fancy meal on the 24th but this year it's getting postponed to the 26th so our guests can have some too.)

>> No.18735626

Depends on family tradition

>> No.18735630

i prefer christmas eve, on christmas, i prefer to fast and pray, as the lord intended

>> No.18735637

that looks amazing. those meatballs lack grape jam though

fffack that meat looks so good. are those sultanas in the rice?

well done anon. never had one of those but looks good.

I'll be getting my ham ready in the next couple hours, will report back with progress

>> No.18735659
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Roast duck with a spiced citrus sauce. Vegetables are parsnips, turnips, red potatoes done in the duck fat. You did cook dinner for your parents, right?

>> No.18735668

gas yourself. resentment is all you leftist losers know.

>> No.18735678

duck looks good, how many times have u made it?

>> No.18735697

Thanks friend. This was my first time making a duck. I found the internet recipes didn't give adequate advice for getting the skin crispy. Do the scoring and basting bit, but put it on a low rack and briefly broil at the end to crisp the skin nicely. I also cooked to 150-155 in the thigh rather than 180 like most places advise. Meat was great, medium and nice and juicy

>> No.18735707

I’ve seen so many posts on people cooking today(24) and making me feel like I’m missing out. We usually cook christmas but it’s a shame it landed on a Sunday this year which means some family members have to go back in Monday which makes things weird this year

>> No.18735715

What shithole country are you from? Here if an official holiday falls on a weekend than it carries over to Monday.

>> No.18735727

>some family members have to go back in Monday which makes things weird this year
Actually a lot places have to give monday off.

>> No.18735751
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>> No.18735755

good ol usa
A lot of stores and banks open 26. Seems like government pharma and dev based companies gave the 26 i have it off

>> No.18735779
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Fuck no
It's a family dinner, it's supposed to be grand
We had lingonberry jam and gravy made from drippings

Pic unrelated

>> No.18735789
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Happy holidays co/ck/ suckers

>> No.18735793
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I fucked it all up. The only thing that turned out was cranberry sauce lol. The apple tart and two of the hens went straight from the oven to the trash. Not doing holiday cooking again.

>> No.18735815

>ägg med räkor
Misstog ni det för Midsommar eller?

>> No.18735824

How? What did you do to the birds wrong? You mean too much salt, completely over cooked or undercooked?

>> No.18735825

Sorry, anon. Try not to let it get to you too much. FWIW, although it comes with an assload of annoyance, shame, and humiliation, I've always learned more from my failures than my successes. Hard lessons are a bitch, but long lasting. Never give up, anon. Keep cooking, keep learning, keep striving.

>> No.18735830

nice good for u, i never learn. each day i get cockier and realize how much better i am than everyone.

>> No.18735850

...There had better be some herring in there that I'm just not seeing, you son of a bitch.

>> No.18735857
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Very nice! That kitchen looks sweet proper. I want something like that one day.

I tried to go all vegan this christmas.
>inb4 cuck or w/e you cretins say
Made vegan janssons frestelse with pickled eggplant instead of anchovies that actually was alright but the "meatballs" needed a bit more allspice. It was a nice either way.

>> No.18735864
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Picture of plate

>> No.18735877

looks very nice anon

>> No.18735887

Lol is that just plain, cold, american cheese on toast? Wtf

>> No.18735901

My mom thought the birds maybe smelled weird or might have been thawed too long before cooking, and I was in a great enough mood by that point that I told her to just trash them. She eventually decided that they were probably okay, but didn't want to eat one. They were cooked well enough, just bland despite being stuffed with fresh herbs and lemon, rubbed under the skin with spices, and browned on the stove before roasting. I fed quite a bit to a lucky cat that was outside.
It makes my mom sound kinda bitchy, but that's not really the case, so don't get that idea.

Thanks. I've had several of these lessons lately and did not really need this one.

>> No.18735931
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Merry Christmas everyone

>> No.18735939
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i decorate sugar cookies with my mom each year, bonus points if any /a/ crossposters can tell what characters i made

>> No.18735947

You folk go for the Chinese food delivery / take out too, good times.

>> No.18735960

Any day, piss off with your religious shit telling what day to cook on and what to cook, as if that'll get you closer to god you insufferable fucking cunt.

>> No.18735973

Very nice

>> No.18735985

Not /a/ crossposter but based that you do stuff like that with your mom. I wish you both a very happy Christmas.

>> No.18735987

Bro this looks terrible, why even bother going vegan for the whole thing. Awful spread, not enough food.

>> No.18735993

Any place that’s open on the 26th gave their staff Friday off. And vice versa

>> No.18735996

Cleary because it needs an agenda to push, like any vegan does, if they weren't pushing agenda then they wouldn't have any reason to live.

>> No.18736003

Cute kot

>> No.18736005
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birria tacos. they were p tasty.

apparently using my $300 knife on my $12 ikea bamboo board is bad, sorry. someone rec me better cutting boards

>> No.18736011

Freaking Aussie is reporting in there?

>> No.18736018

Those things on the left of the picture look like pickled punks and you should be arrested immediatey.

>> No.18736026
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thank you, i hope you have a merry christmas as well. i don't even eat the cookies because i avoid food dyes, but it's nice to help out
turned out better than this one, at least

>> No.18736033
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>> No.18736039

Is that a tiny plate or a huge cutting board? Cutting board looks good to me.

Tacos look a little wet with that white shit but otherwise very appetizing.

>> No.18736044
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german american reporting in

>> No.18736048

That's horrible looking and at least I have a big bag of clementines for Christmas and they do go well with iced cream.

>> No.18736052

the cutting board is massive. white shit is oaxaca cheese, i did overdo it a bit

>> No.18736067
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‘Murican reporting in

>> No.18736145

How do you clean that cutting board and the one underneath it after getting raw meat juice all over it?

>> No.18736159

i don’t cut meat on the bamboo, it’s just for veggies. i have a plastic one for meat that goes in the dishwasher.

>> No.18736178

It's obviously a family dinner being hosted by OP's parents or relatives, retard.

>> No.18736198
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I cut mæt on bamboo almost daily. keeps your immune system in top tick anon. get some white blood cells.

>> No.18736240

have you ever tried seasoning your food?

>> No.18736289

I did up a roast for me and the missus... carrots done under the roast in the braising liquid, mashed potatoes, sprouts and gravy. Tiramisu for dessert.

>> No.18736307
File: 63 KB, 601x585, EE2981CC-1E6B-44BF-BEA4-B391145C9F5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm making soup
>get home from store around 3 pm with soup stuff and a new mop head so i can finish cleaning the floors
>bf has called three times from work
>call him back
>find piglet on fourth try at filipino seafood market
>drive to his sister's slum manor in niggerston and stash piglet under the stoop, ring doorbell and leave
>arrive home at 6 PM, start soup and mop floors

>> No.18736548

This looks like fucking dog shit with cum on it. What the fuck that’s literal greasy mexican slop. Can’t believe you’re proud of that disgusting shit

>> No.18736559

get a load of this fucking edgelord

>> No.18736565

sorry juan but your food is disgusting

Whatever was on that plate is the most revolting thing ever posted on this board

>> No.18736626
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change of plans brose. I didn't end up cooking my fish last night so I had to cook it today so it wouldn't go bad. The marmalade ham has now been bumped to Boxing Day as I'm eating the fish instead.

Terrible photo and the fish really fell apart but some pan seared whiting with lemon pepper served over a rich and savoury tomato and bean stew. Looks like a dog's breakfast but tastes delishes

>> No.18736638

What kind of Godless third worlder eats tacos for Christmas dinner

>> No.18736671

Around here, we celebrate Chanukah and eat only the finest kosher foods reserved for us chosen ones. I’m sorry to say you’re not invited! Sad.

>> No.18736674
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Peanut butter and banana sandwich for dinner

>> No.18736706

sorry massa i will prepare a christmas ham with unseasoned potatoes at once massa

>> No.18736711

>slow cooked beef
>melted cheese
>fried tortilla
>dipped in broth
if you genuinely think those tacos were anything but delicious you’re smoking crack

>> No.18736712
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>> No.18736714

Damn I wish I knew people who celebrated Christmas. I’ve been jacking my meat all day and haven’t consumed anything besides for cigarettes. People around me either don’t believe in the shit or are too poor to celebrate it.

>> No.18736726

Have some beers, chill, enjoy the holiday spirit

>> No.18736729

Birria is too rich for my tastes but looks good.

>> No.18736734

That looks like it didn't work out too well, maybe save that for some stray cats

>> No.18736743
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it was good

>> No.18736826

I see you also watched Chef John's duchess potatoes recipe.

>> No.18736904
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Christmas eve chinky

>> No.18736943

what did you drench it with, satay soss?

>> No.18736953

How are the braps? Must feel good. 4am. Night chinky

>> No.18737123

Looks suspiciously a lot like my older brother's kitchen in Bromma....

>> No.18737129

Most likely not. I think most Swedes would rather not eat a whole day than have a slice of american cheese.

It's likely pre sliced Grevé or Gräddost or, most likely, julost.

>> No.18737144

Vegan food always looks so dry and fake
> t. Was vegan for 6 years abd it crippled me
At least eat eggs and dairy you faggot.

>> No.18737205

That looks good, where are you from? What are the pink noodly things?

>> No.18737207

not him but I'll guess those are piggled red onions

>> No.18737212
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>> No.18737215

That's rough but a wise decision in the end and just take it as a learning point. She knows you tried and care which is the most important part.

My mom is coming in today and was up till past midnight last night prepping things. Here's hoping we don't fuck up the turkey for her, she loves turkey for some reason bit will never cook it for herself.

>> No.18737216

merry fucking christmas

>> No.18737220

Catching up with family on boxing day but I cooked this today. Potato rosti, fried button and enoki mushrooms, scrambled tofu, bacon, beans.

>> No.18737227

Men fan, varför kom du inte på besök?

>> No.18737301

It's incredible how poor we are compared to you

>> No.18737308

What does Swedish sound like?

>> No.18737314
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>> No.18737332
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>99.5% of the world's population will never taste Pinnekjøtt with Kålrabistappe and potatoes.

God this must suck for you guys.

>> No.18737336

Skipping Christmas this year. Very lovable Uncle just died and it is hitting all of my immediate family hard. Flying home not to celebrate the holidays but to go to a funeral.

>> No.18737340

>Jada Pink, krabbypatties and potatoes
We have these things.

>> No.18737343
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Last years Christmas dinner. This years dinner will be much the same, however I am having steamed broccoli instead of green peas.

>> No.18737346

Is it as dry as it looks?

>> No.18737370
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Cheers from the Norf of England lads

>> No.18737374
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Nope. You would think so. It's heavily salted lamb meat, so you have to soak it in water for 24-36 hours and then you steam it for 3-5 hours until it's fork tender. You either put some wooden sticks or almond potatoes in the bottom of the pan for the steaming. It renders out an amazing fatty stock which you can use for sauce and if you do the potato version they will still be firm even though they have been boiled for 3-5 hours due to the salt and fat.

At the end you put them in the oven for 10 mins just to get a bit of color. The Rutabaga and carrot mash is sweet and creamy, balancing out the fatty, salty meat. On the side you have a shot of akevit to help against the fat.

>> No.18737383

yup that's a 10/10 from me. super jelly and a Merry Christmas to you and yours anon :]

>> No.18737384

It's cured lamb - no dryer than aged steak if you do it right. Me ma likes her mashed turnip a little dry, but we just refill her akvavit while she's not looking, and by dinnertime we could get away with swapping it for carrots, and she'd still be all "Fantastisk! So good! Even better than mine!"

>> No.18737388

Why do you assume he didnt? Bc of the peas and carrots on the side?

>> No.18737397

>reconstituted bits of salt pork
>turnip and potato mashed up
The rest of the world is happy not to have to.

>> No.18737398

the lack of visible pepper

>> No.18737402

The turnip's usually mashed with carrot if anything; the lamb looking stuff is lamb; and do you not have sausage stuffing, mashed turnip, and mashed taters with your turkey dinner?

>> No.18737432 [DELETED] 

Red is SUSS

>> No.18737434 [DELETED] 

ASUKA in her pressure gear?

>> No.18737436

Lamb is much better than pork.at least. We have stuffing made in the turkey but I'll he putting some bacon in it, carrots and potatoes will be roasted. I think the turnip triggered me a little, literally the only vegetable I don't care for. Like taking a parsnip and sucking all the flavor out to replace it with bitter water.

>> No.18737437

no way you ate all that, fat fucking britbong

>> No.18737449 [DELETED] 

>because i avoid food dyes,
took me years to figure out it was Tartrazine(Yellow #5) combined with coffee that gave me -\\|SPLITTING ASS HEADACHES|// every time.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas, anon.

>> No.18737455
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Christmas pudding in brandy sauce for afters

>> No.18737460
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>you have to eat all the eggs

>> No.18737461
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And a cheeky bit of toffee roulade

>> No.18737466

Salmon, eggs, shrimp, potatoes. So predictable yet still so good. Merry Christmas brah

>> No.18737486

Lol, salt, butter and garlic... or brown sugar if that's more your style. But yeah, it always felt more like a punishment when I was a kid - an atonement for all the rotten shit I'd done that year.

I was moreso just making a point that reconstituted (salt) pork and turnip are kind of ubiquitous - definitely not just a Norweg/Svensq thing.

>> No.18737515

It's probably because they're so cold tolerant, but in general I don't know why anyone would waste land growing turnips over almost any other crop. Ahh well! Hope you enjoyed!

>> No.18737524

Is there not a Church in your town?

>> No.18737562

Pretty sure he means real Christmas, not the bullshit religious festival it's now supposedly based on.

>> No.18737592

Pickled herring in mustard sauce

>> No.18737670

why are you assuming it's a "he"? Check your privilege. Second, apart from the unseasoned carrots and peas, the sauce looks like it has no flavour, the schnitzel-looking thing at left looks soggy and not crispy, burnt in some places and undercooked in others, indicating poor mastery of cooking.

>> No.18737690
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christmas part two, made ramen with leftover birria broth

>> No.18737696

Maybe this is a British thing, what's the deal with that skeletor looking thing on the lower side of the plate with its finger up the ham's buttholio?
And what's stuff on the upper right, it kind of looks like popcorn, but then it could be some bizzaroworld cauliflower?

>> No.18737699

He explained that a few posts under the pic - the pervy mushrooms are enokis, and the white stuff is a tofu scramble... I don't really get the point of tofu and back bacon, but, yeah.

>> No.18737728
File: 2.76 MB, 1817x1243, Elvis-Peanut_Butter-n-Banana_Sandwiches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this anon >>18736674 trying to be Elvis for Christmas.

>> No.18737776
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>> No.18737790
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Looks like vegan slop with the vegan "meat" and a threatening knife to defend his position and right in front of two keyboards and worst of all a pepsi.
Proper Americans drink Cokes, that heathen is going straight to hell.

>> No.18737796

NTA but damn you're either retarded or a really lazy (You) farmer.

>> No.18737803

Can't it be both?

>> No.18737805

I wish sometimes I was a farmer, I'd go for chile peppers just because I like them.

>> No.18737807

where do you see meat. that is black bread

>> No.18737816

Lower left and it looked like some kind of weird vegan meat, it's been a while since I've seen good black bread. My mom used to buy that and eat it with cottage cheese and anchovies.

>> No.18737840

pepsi max obvious bait but the setup looks nice and comfy overall

>> No.18737842

comfy for a homosexual vegan

>> No.18737868
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Merry crimbo lad

>> No.18737880

Looks lovely mate

>> No.18737889

when a really badass looking post turns out to be mentally retarded
a rare sight I thank you for your post anonymous user

>> No.18737898

>if you don't stuff yourself with kilos of fatty meat each meal you are A VEGAN!!!

keto diet rly makes you mentally ill

>> No.18737949

It doesn't help, but it's more of a symptom than a cause. Weak-willed people, with a propensity for paranoia, really shouldn't be high on the internet all day.

>> No.18737983

Thanks. I was born in the us but my family is Dominican . The other anon is correct, those are pickled red onions.

>> No.18737988
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Fuck anon, condolences. I lost a few uncles in the last 2 years myself. Shit is rough.

>> No.18738017

I gotta agree with him on the Pepsi and the split keyboard and the mouse cord tunnel, that's the kind of person to buy a camo tactical knife to cut cheese with

>> No.18738038

"diet" like from some weird shit defined some hollywood freak job, like richard simmons?
It's like everyone and their stray cat has some diet that or a religious cult in south california, san diego, they all seem to congregate there.

>> No.18738061

Line cook that got to take home some of the expired business class cheese plates with a edgy knife. Noice.

>> No.18738073
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Pickled onions, Pork pies, beef and mustard sandwiches, turkey and cranberry, sausage rolls, crisps, happy days.

Officially stuffed now

>> No.18738102

The duck looks top tier anon. Internet recipes are more often than not complete shit, I only take cooking advice and recipes from chefs and Grandmothers.

>> No.18738125

the seasoning is in the egg that I used for breading the schnitzel

>> No.18738127

The heat from the egg seasons the schnitzel

>> No.18738269

What's with the retarded keyboard

>> No.18738287

>bowl of crackers
>roe in chip dip
>random hunks of cheese
>fancy knife, scratched on the sides - where he's been honing/sharpening instead of the blade.
Aspie hunts attention with a rapidly blunting cheeseknife.

>> No.18738294

Why not make it into pozole instead ?

>> No.18738336

Didn't have any eggs.

>> No.18738365

And therefore was consumed cold. The heat from the eggs was not present to cook the tofu and bacon.

>> No.18738368

if you look at the other elvis recipes you'd have to be like no fucking way was this dude not on drugs

>> No.18738394

i made a chuck roast in adobo sauce 8hrs in the slow cooker then added black beans the next day. its that crossroad of tasty spicy without being blown out. pour over fresh hot fries with a side of sliced cado and cilantro sprigs. no pics because i dont take pics of my food

>> No.18738427
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>> No.18738431

im interested

>> No.18738436
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>> No.18738445

this is sad, very sad. like office potluck tier

>> No.18738446

Nice I love grocery store cuisine!

>> No.18738448

There is no better meal. Genuinely sad that most people will brush this amazing meal off.

>> No.18738456
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>huge spreads
>well lit rooms
>lots of people

God damn it's bizarre to look at pics like this. Celebrating Christmas with my parents is like celebrating in a hospice ward.
>no alcohol anywhere
>only food is plain rice, microwave broccoli, pre-seasoned frozen salmon baked 10 minutes too long, left to sit for 15 minutes before anyone eats
>eating at the kitchen table, won't even set the dining room
>Offer to take care of any of the above, mom insists no because she doesn't want to make a big deal out of it

>> No.18738461


>> No.18738609

Next year, make the meal yourself. If your mom says she doesn't want to make a big deal of it, say that you do.

>> No.18738652

That thing should be on sticks like one of those lemons

>> No.18738669

The motherpig is free-range, unlike her citrusy children.

>> No.18738940
File: 3.39 MB, 4032x3024, 3B917102-C7A1-4C1C-8D2C-9DADE373E7BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steamed potatoes, then roasted. 16 ounce steak with pan sauce red wine reduction and steamed broccoli.

>> No.18738956

Nice sheen there, is that airplane food?
It looks like it's been sitting under a heat lamp for a long time, a way too long time.

>> No.18739110

the way that cat is looking at me is giving me feelings...bad ones

>> No.18739244

>deviled eggs
can i PLEASE come over
you fed this to your FAMILY? you're a fucking monster
i can imagine how miserable it must be to be German just based on this image

>> No.18739648
File: 938 KB, 1584x2816, IMG-20221224-WA0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolladen, potatoes and Rotkohl. It doesn't get more classic german than that

>> No.18739742
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>> No.18739752

most of your swede spread doesn't make me want to vomit in this image. Thats a high achievement for your awful food culture so consider it high praise.

>> No.18739753

if they where bland you pinched the salt retard. use more next time.

>> No.18739768

First of all it's Rouladen du hurensohn, also isn't duck or goose more traditional?

>> No.18739803

needed red cabbage

>> No.18739853

I'll let you in on a little secret anon. Noone actually believes in all that shit. It's just a culturally acceptable excuse to pig out a little and have a few days off.

>> No.18740087

Why is there a pinecone in one of the bowls? Pinecones are not food.

>> No.18740108
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>> No.18740111


>> No.18740119
File: 1.11 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20221225_221502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made prime rib for the first time. Could've been better but was still good.

>> No.18740127

Oh and the sides are sauteed brussel sprouts, sauteed white/purple/orange carrots, mashed potatoes, cheese and onion focaccia bread, and the gravy I used the drippings from the prime rib to make.

>> No.18740131

I don't ahve any pics of the meal, but i made a ham gaze with

>Orange juice
>Pinapple juice
>Brown sugar
>Ground cloves

>> No.18740134

that looks awesome anon. well done, def wish I was eating that rn

>> No.18740142

You cannot fuck the cat cookie, no matter how lusty its looks.

>> No.18740154

I made almost this exact thing (a little more brown on the sprouts, yellow potatoes, a little less brown on the carrots, and yorkshire pudding instead of what I have to assume is turkey, but looks like a cheese bun) on almost this exact plate for the woman creature. We both have covid, so it was a solid excuse to avoid three awkward family gatherings.

>> No.18740160

With everything else going on in that glaze, you could have subbed out the fireball for cinnamon... or gotten fantzy, mixed the fireball with some whiskey or overproof rum, and lit the house on fire one plate or shot at a time.

>> No.18740189

V*gans are not human.
> t. half my family are vegan/vegetarian

>> No.18740208

Would eat

>> No.18740213
File: 818 KB, 2320x1736, IMG_20221224_162457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18740215


>> No.18740273

The photo is bad but the food looks good. Big ham in back.

>> No.18740277

Looking good. Let's see the main course

>> No.18740282

>you could have subbed out the fireball for cinnamon
Fireball is cinnamon whiskey...did you not know that?

>> No.18740297

It's why I suggested using the spice, as Fireball is also quite a bit more expensive than a similar dose of powdered cinnamon. The whiskey is doing almost nothing in this glaze. Once it's cooked on, you're just wasting liqueur to add cinnamon and more sugar.

>> No.18740300

I was also suggesting using it to flambé. Fireball is not strong enough to be flammable, but mixed 50/50 with an overproof rum, or 1/3 fireball with a 100proof-ish whisk(e)y, it will light.

>> No.18740314

That sounds like quitter talk to me.

>> No.18740322

You're going to get coarse sugar and sprinkles in your urethra. Cannibal Corpse will write songs about you.

>> No.18740375
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Made some gooselegs

>> No.18740388
File: 110 KB, 531x486, 4f6ab5539beba8dbbdfe53b586cb0855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody really wants to eat other christmas foods

>> No.18740508

A worthy sacrifice.

>cannibal corpse
Eh, technically. I suppose.

>> No.18740512

George Fischer will write free-form prose about you? It's going to be a layer of goresoaked insult atop sweet, sticky injury!

>> No.18740523

this is the absolute worst board on the site, and that's saying something since /pol/, /b/, and /v/ exist

>> No.18740526

Where do you think the bullshit comes from?

>> No.18740611
File: 97 KB, 847x564, rockyourrutabaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not turnip, it's rutabaga. Quite different flavor profile. Don't see it much outside Germanic countries but it's quite nice against fatty food as it is somewhat sweet.

>> No.18740731

They're called the same thing (turnip) in most Canada and the US... which is kind of funny when you have a few different varieties of each, some jnewly minted, poly-brassica back-cross hybrid thing, and kohlrabi all in a row.

>> No.18740743

>this is the absolute worst board on the site
Haha, you are like small babby.
t. /co/

>> No.18740753

Is this a joke?

>> No.18740767

literally middle class setup in soviet swedish caliphate, what are you croaking about?

>> No.18740793

I'm having a new year's party and I was gonna provide materials for lemon pig crafting. Any suggestions for materials besides cloves, coins, toothpicks, and aluminum foil?

>> No.18740807

lemons, pigs.

>> No.18740917

>shrinking actual pigs to lemonpig size, head hunter style
Bold. Daring. I like it!

>> No.18740943

You should only supply the basics and tell people to bring something unique for their pig themselves.

>> No.18741042

Is there another way?

>> No.18741083

Polish fagg here, me and my family cooked pretty much the usual you see in Poland:
>Croquettes (2 types, one with sauerkraut and mushrooms, the other with eggs)
>Pierogies (sauerkraut with mushrooms and russian ones with potatoes and cottage cheese)
>Beetroot soup with "uszka" (these are basically mini pierogies with mushroom and sauerkraut filing that are boiled)
>Some kind of fish (don't remember which one it was, in the past it used to be carp because my grandfather really liked it)
>"Paszteciki", sauerkraut filled dough balls, baked in the oven with some nigella seeds on top. I have no clue why my mom calls them like this since they don't include any meat, but not gonna complain since they taste great
>leftover sauerkraut as a side
>bunch of spiced fries made from leftover potatoes
>Couple of cakes and cookies, most of them based around poppy seeds (most of them were too sweet for me, so I gave it a pass)

We also made bunch of food for us after Christmas Eve to eat with leftovers (some pork belly, ribs, chuck, salads, etc.). I really wanted to make some mulled wine or eggnog, but we didn't find much time, plus considering all the gifts and shit we kinda run out of budget. Overall had a great time.

>> No.18741932

>Curry on top of Beef in Black Bean and Chow Mein
I understand why people mix foods but doing this with Chinese just seems wasteful. There's already so many complex flavors in each dish, you're definitely going to be missing out on something if you just mash them all together like that

>> No.18742131

privileged cunt. thats more food on one table then I'd ever seen irl

>> No.18742176


>> No.18742262

We get it, you're black

>> No.18742285
File: 186 KB, 740x1110, Christmas diner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and some stuffing and rabbit and a pheasant with pudding

>> No.18742340

Is she still around? I want to know about Kona Kalani who apparently vanished without reason. I don't have direct interest in her case but it's just interesting becuase when there's one there are others, always

>> No.18742342

Xmas dinner at Auschwitz

>> No.18742344

It's called Christmas you pathetic heathen faggot, now go straight to hell

>> No.18742370

I haven't heard of dieting at Christmas before

>> No.18742931

You must be a fat fuck. You can always help yourself to another plate anyway

>> No.18743849

why does 'CHRISTMAS' look extremely unsettling in that font?

>> No.18744393
File: 3.08 MB, 2080x4624, 58904b71-c631-46b0-8846-1a5c62c940e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18744459

Look for an end grain maple cutting board. Clean it with hot water and a clean sponge.
The big difference you will notice is the end grain dulls your knife edge less than bamboo. And has a noticable feel when sliced into unlike Teflon.
Rumor/olde wives tale is that the tannins in the wood prevent bad bacteria from growing.

>> No.18744746

>curry sauce on gookslop
Do brits actually?

>> No.18744841
File: 142 KB, 1017x520, 20221228_165722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nippon food desu

>> No.18745929

Those egg things are so delicious. Gonna ask ma to make em again for new years

>> No.18746247

as a foreigner living in norway, no picture can express how delicious it is. what even is the process? its only lamb right?

>> No.18747454

Salt and sometimes smoke cured. I've had it with some caraway hidden somewhere as well, which was good.

>> No.18747493

i'll season my balls in your mouth you filthy commie

>> No.18748325

Puerco asado, arroz con gandules and ensalada de patata. Yeah you are Puerto Rican.

>> No.18749453

because maybe he doesn't want to eat dead animals, its not that hard to understand

>> No.18749459

if he didnt wrote it was vegan no one would say anything about the pic. why does meateaters have to be so angry? eat your pigs if u want but dont force your thing into others

>> No.18749462
File: 3.79 MB, 2940x3920, 1645232417531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went very basic for Christmas this year.

A tenderloin roast and a few sides, that's it.

>> No.18749475
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>> No.18749640

1) seethe
2) exactly my point. vegans are literal braindead retards, and you're just proving my point

>> No.18750644

go find peace in your soul :)

>> No.18751408

i had mainly turkey and ham and some side dishes

>> No.18751761

Schnitzel looks delicious, bet it went down good with that coke too.

>> No.18752884

Looks nasty to me, but what do I know

>> No.18752894

Dont forget the worst one of them all /lgbt/.

>> No.18752934
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>> No.18753435

ham looks dry

>> No.18753452
File: 443 KB, 770x560, naturalpeppermintcandycanes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody itt has posted the definitive christmas food

>> No.18753475

that aint food

>> No.18753499

I don't much care for seafood, but your kitchen is quite nice

>> No.18753545
File: 194 KB, 768x1024, C56313A1-3172-4CCD-87ED-86466EA35776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those pieces were. But most of it was so good. We got from a local farm. Raised, butchered and smoked on site. From westhampton Massachusetts.

>> No.18754079

>that soulless julstake in the window
>black bowls for the salads
>all the sauces in their jars
>pre-toasted bread
This is the most soulless thing I've seen this season. I bet you live in Stockholm and love sucking your bipolar gf's clit.