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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18735152 No.18735152 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you get your cheese from?

>> No.18735159

The store

>> No.18735170

My foreskin

>> No.18735205
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New England, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and occasionally England and Ireland.

Flyover country cheese is for Pizza Hut. Sure they might award themselves "best cheese in the world" awards because they think "the world" is anywhere within a single tank of gas's drive from the hospital they were born in, but they are rightly ignored by the actual world other than on the internet where any moron can spout off about how wonderful his farts smell

>> No.18735208

Cheddar with beers

>> No.18735228

Yet you buy into it you hypocrite sack of shit, just shut the fuck up if your jealously is capable.
What the fuck is your fucking jealous ass EU or other nations doing right now?
That's a question that no scumbucket like you will ever answer. Fucking bitch hypocrite.

>> No.18735242

When was the last time you wore black robes and been some weird ass saudi secret police types?
Raping and pillaging seems to be your type.

>> No.18735243
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In my hometown, there was (hopefully still is) a small shop named Farmhouse Artisan Cheeses; sold all kinds of charcuterie boards, jellies and jams, chutneys, cutlery, crackers along with a solid selection of cheeses from everywhere. I went in to get some for a Christmas dinner I was hosting, and buddy there was super jacked about explaining everything about their cheeses to me, dishing out samples, recommending pairings...hope to go back eventually, always worth it to go to the small shops.

Pic related, also Snowdonia Black Bomber

>> No.18735256

Belgium. They have as many different varieties of cheese as France, and more than The Netherlands and Switzerland combined. At far better prices and better quality.

>> No.18735264

Burnett County gang

>> No.18735292

Why do Burgerclaps have such rediculously shit taste in food - especially cheese?

>> No.18735294

Look how mad they're getting over their Pizza Hut bulk industrial-grade cheese. Embarrassing.

>> No.18735300

>New England
Seething non-white coastie detected

>> No.18735316
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We have some pretty alright cheeses but you won't hear much about them because we don't subsidize small producers the way european countries do, so it's more expensive, so the kinds of jingoistic poors who try to represent the USA USA#1 WE SAVED UR ASS IN WW2 on the internet have never heard of them, also strong odors and flavors are upsetting to them.

By and large our cheese industry is more a byproduct of the industrial/foreign policy/petro cartel industries, we use it to threaten smaller countries into complying with our demands. How good it tastes is secondary. Almost all the good cheese here is produced for coastal urban markets: Boston, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. Can it compete with the best of Europe? Of course it can, but we're confident enough in our country that we're not interested in fighting over cheese. And it's produced within about 300 miles of each of those places so it's not talked about in the rest of the world.

Anyway, you should only eat cheese from Vermont, NH, Mass, NY, Washington, Oregon, andn California. Anything produced deeper inland is strictly McDonands grade trash.

>> No.18735324

>yuros on 4chan Christmas Eve evening

>> No.18735329

Sorry you're a brown mutt coastie lad

>> No.18735330
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>> No.18735335

Am I supposed to be doing something in particular on Christmas eve evening?

>> No.18735336

Sorry you can't enjoy vegetables, seafood, good cheese, meat with bones or skin or any other signs it came from something that was once alive, or literally anything that didn't come out of a cardboard box, without making loud gagging noises and demanding a Happy Meal instead

>> No.18735340

You visit with family in the evening mentally ill bro

>> No.18735342

>Seething this hard
lmfao yup it's a brown non-human mutt

>> No.18735347

Sounds like some American shit. I have a meal with my Dad, but there's no reason to linger around his house late into the evening.

>> No.18735351

>He's from a broken family

>> No.18735358

>it's american to enjoy spending time around your family rather than doing the bare minimum solely out of obligation
No wonder you euros always seem so miserable.

>> No.18735390

My mother is working. I will see her tomorrow.

Why would I be at my father's house at 10pm? He's probably asleep.

>> No.18735433


>> No.18735448

Midwest creameries. Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Michigan usually. I was just at a winery and had the best blue cheese of my life. Perfect amount of funk and it melted in your mouth. Beautiful. No clue who produced it I got too drunk and forgot to ask

>> No.18735451

For me it's Brennan's. Getting some cheese from there and a Norske Nook pie on the way home is a must when visiting Wisconsin.

>> No.18735456
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>> No.18735480
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for me, its the Juustoleipa

>> No.18735656

>Almost all the good cheese here is produced for coastal urban markets: Boston, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. Can it compete with the best of Europe? Of course it can, but we're confident enough in our country that we're not interested in fighting over cheese. And it's produced within about 300 miles of each of those places so it's not talked about in the rest of the world.
I've had cheese from New York that was described as "excellent" to me by a Yank friend. It was OK I guess, but needed a much longer maturation time to get anywhere close to many European cheeses. Six months is simply not long enough to produce a top rank cheddar; you need more like thirty-six months in your temperature-controlled storage (traditionally a cave but you don't need that; keeping the temp and humidity right is all that matters).
Can't really compare soft cheeses. I just don't care for 'em whoever makes 'em, unless they're deep fried.

>> No.18735670

Cabot's Vermont cheddar is quite nice. Never understood the hype about Wisconsin and cheese.

>> No.18735805

You actually have to visit to try anything good. Euros widely distribute good cheese, the US widely distributed shit cheese. Locally though we're on par with anything I've had from any other country

>> No.18736023

Is that one of the lazy and greedy coal miners based Thatcher put out of work?

>> No.18736063

the best farm in China

>> No.18736114

you are stupid, ignorant, retarded, derivative, unpleasant, and frankly just plain disappointing

>> No.18736122
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Grandpa’s cheesebarn

>> No.18736442


>> No.18736454

Why does Wisconsin make so much cheese

>> No.18736480

This guys dick

>> No.18736501

serious question what kind of cheesecloth do you use for smegma. I started out with fine moslin seeing as smegma has the consistency of freshly separated butter. HOWEVER the result was overly pungent and cloying. so I changed to a coarser fabric for the next batch but this time it must've squeezed out all of the good stuff because the outcome was waaay to brittle and kinda flavorless (tasted like taint, I ate some in pastas etc but ended up throwing it away halfway through cuz it wasn't worth it).
I'm thinking of going with a t-shirt next time seeing as it's a bit of an in between but I'm curious if you have any ideas or suggestions

>> No.18736515

Parmigianno, romano, provolone - Italy
Feta- Greece or Bulgaria
Cheddar - England and Ireland
Blue - England and France
Mozzarella - Italy and Wisconson, USA
Ricotta - Italy and New Jersey, USA
Muenster - NY, USA
Swiss and American - NY, USA

There are no other cheeses worth mentioning.

>> No.18736531

what NJ ricotta

>> No.18736545

This man knows Oregon produces some of of the best foods from Meats to dairy cheese and wine some of the politicians are basically communists but we have very good food organic farm raised free range everything

>> No.18736549

don't start
but yeah oregon food good

>> No.18736732


I think the dollar store sells 6 month cheddar now.

If you wanted aged cheddar, then you should have got that? Even my local chain has like 4 year aged just laying around.

When will Europeans realize we have a better version of everything they have with 100x the availability.

>this 6 month cheap cheddar doesn’t taste like 5 year cave stores cheddar

>> No.18737028

This. Even in the cities. Even though Portland is a total shithole there is some great food, completely shits on Seattle.

>> No.18737719

How long does cheese like this last? Can you just keep it in the cupboard? Airtight container?

>> No.18737771

I had some st andre, delice, and comte last night. with some crusty baguette ofc, and it was fantastic

>> No.18737786

Tilamook is borderline kraft tier garbage though. Thinking it's gourmet food is about on brand though for someone who thinks anyone to the right of mussolini is "communist"

>> No.18737789

*left of

>> No.18737847

>*insert rightoid groveling

>> No.18737864
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local cheese manufacturers in SE Wisconsin

>> No.18737870
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I make my own.

>> No.18737907
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i dunno, i mean i do but i dont if ya get me

>> No.18737985

Tillamook, Oregon. Fuck Wisconsin and fuck Vermont.

>> No.18738008

I've had better cheese, and yogurt, and chocolate milk, from local farms in NY than in VT.

>> No.18738020

Tillamook cheese is very good although was better before they went nationwide

>> No.18738022


>> No.18738075

>anything made inland
>shit talking wisconsin dairy
>the literal cheese and beer state
>anon is from Vermont
no fucking wonder your such a massive faggot holyshit

>> No.18738079

anon that chain doesnt exist anymore...

>> No.18738376

t. marfan

>> No.18738415
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that got store in Madison

>> No.18738457

Cheese aisle at Woodman's, simple as

>> No.18738715
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French cheese for desserts
Italian cheese on hot meals
Dutch cheese on bread
Everything else is just pretending cheddary

>> No.18738764 [DELETED] 

Ur mom's pussy

>> No.18739841

the cheese store in my village

>> No.18739862
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Oaxaca, Mexico -from a quesería/cremería like you are supposed to.

>> No.18739868
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not that anon but I always liked cheese chalet when I had time to stop in. Loved that aged cheddar.

>> No.18739964

>tfw minnesotan
>source my own venison
>catch my own walleye/trout
>veg garden in the summer
>grow oyster mushrooms in basement yearround cuz it's easy
>make coasties seethe all the while
Feels good to be a midwestern chad. Ain't even gonna shit talk VM cuz i like it there too but it's always hilarious to see people get this mad over the fact that most states in the US have some kind of good food culture but no muh mom n pop cheese shop is the only place you should ever go, everything else is literal shit

>> No.18739968

>this pic of my bagged cum will surely convince you of VM superiority

>> No.18739974

I go to my local jewish deli for havarti and garlic cheddar. That place is the best

>> No.18740007

I'm French, so mainly France, then Italy (parmesan, mozzarella), Greece (feta), UK (cheddar, shropshire blue), Spain (manchego), Switzerland (gruyère)