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File: 1.20 MB, 2992x4000, acorn mush quarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18731023 No.18731023 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making acorn bread.

>> No.18731024
File: 585 KB, 2686x3210, Scorns-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup yup

>> No.18731031

Sounds interesting. You going to leach the tannins in some water?

>> No.18731038

Isnt acorn bread something people have traditionally only resorted to eating if they faced starvation?

>> No.18731047
File: 1.80 MB, 3000x1706, squirrellfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already did, about 13 times, these are white oak though so it shouldn't have needed that many washes. The water is still changing color but the acorns don't taste bitter so whatever.
All I know is that native americans ate it.

>> No.18731053

I took a huge acorn bread this morning.

>> No.18731055

will the coin be included in your dough?

>> No.18731062

What do they taste like? I once heard someone say acorns taste like maple syrup

>> No.18731080

How does one make acorns non poisonous? We have two trees in the garden.

>> No.18731097


>> No.18731107

ragusea has a good video on this

>> No.18731120

Okay adam

>> No.18731121

can i interest you in some cereal ?

>> No.18731123

Technically, you constantly face starvation; for if you don't eat, you die.

>> No.18731137

thanks. This guy is unbearable but the video your recommended is informative.

>> No.18731138
File: 749 KB, 2992x4000, ball of corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. Ha.
No, I'm already taking zinc supplements.
earthy from what I've had. Not very mapley to me.
You grind them up and and leach out the tannic acid by soaking them in water.
ice cream
no thanks, Kellog.

>> No.18731143

Nice thanks. Its always good to know how to turn the plants around into food. Do you like the taste or is it just for experiments sake?

>> No.18731147
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>> No.18731192

just an experiment. I doubt it'll taste like much but last time I added too much vanilla extract and tried to use yeast Incultivated from raisins. This time I'll just use baking soda. I would like to spend years of my life grafting oak trees to get nuttier, sweeter, bigger, and less poisonous acorn though.

>> No.18731195

why is that quarter so small

>> No.18731269

he used a shrink ray on it

>> No.18731288

Thanks for sharing your experiment. Gave me some ideas.
Yeast from raisins? Why not homemade sourdough?

>> No.18731316

How many, only one?

>> No.18731953
File: 1.03 MB, 3000x3728, acorn bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's done, it exploded too. I add too much water and had to add more flour
Yeah most plants and fruits have dormant yeast on them, there's even yeast in the air right now, You just have to wake them up with sugar water.
I don't know how to make sourdough and it didn't cross my mind at the time.
one big pan worth.

>> No.18731958
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>> No.18731972 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 720x576, 1670813259624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me eating some of op's delicious acorn bread

>> No.18731983
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>> No.18731992

cool thread OP. are we gonna get a review?

>> No.18731993

you trooned your bread out I see

>> No.18731996

why? your making them from red oaks. the tannins will kill the flavors.

>> No.18732002

read the thread you tardy tard

>> No.18732007

is it good?

>> No.18732075
File: 1.51 MB, 3000x2289, mmm bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't tell if he's laughing or disgusted.
that's poopie, how rude >:(
someone else said the crater looks like a slug
bread don't have genitals though
>red oaks
proof? 99% sure they're white oak.
It has a nutty and slightly sweet taste. despite adding baking soda the bottom is denser while the top half tastes more like acorns, especially the crust. it also has this nutty aftertaste kinda like honey nut cheerios. I'd love to make it fluffier next time but dunno how, I'll also try to use only acorn flour and no wheat flour next time.

>> No.18732083

That's "helicopters", and I never found like they did either.

>> No.18732089


>> No.18732099

Huh this was honestly a well thought out food experiment, in regards to fluffiness cut your baking soda with bicarbonate 2/1 feed the yeast Extra and maybe add in a whisked egg for aeration, honestly homemade breads of this sort tend to be dense due to the added ingredients gg anon

>> No.18732126
File: 396 KB, 720x954, Screenshot_20221223-183439~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's a regional thing to call them that. "field maple seeds"

>> No.18732140

Cool thread OP. Refreshing to see content here every once in a while.

>> No.18732146
File: 18 KB, 300x300, img-thing_out_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this looks really nice. good work OP. back when I still lived in New England I thought about harvesting acorns but never really took the initiative. I'm glad to see how this worked outt.

>> No.18732371

are they edible?

>> No.18732393

based thread. I'm surrounded by oak trees and have always thought about using some of the acorns. every year I have to sweep a few yard trashcans full of them off my driveway... I don't even bother with the shit in the yard. Easily several hundred pounds worth of acorns go to waste

>> No.18732423

Along the lines of acorns. Technically yes if you were starving to death, but you'd have to eat so many to get any real calories and they are horrible. Extremely astringent, with maybe a very slight maple flavor.

>> No.18732468

thanks for the tips
thanks bros
that's a lot of acorns,bmost of the ones down here are red oaks that are the size of a dime. Luckily I found bigger ones in the area but the first time I did it I used those really tiny acorns that were absolutely packed with tannins.
I think I've seen those before, maybe I'll watch a video on them. I've been identifying plants in my neighbor to see what else I can cook.

>> No.18732975

did you enjoy it or no

>> No.18732995

That looks exactly like what I throw in the trash after making tea from dry kava root.

>> No.18733048

white oaks produce acorns in the spring. im not sure of a white oak species that produce nuts in fall.

>> No.18734038

it's alright, but I made a lot more than I wanted so I'll have to find something to do with it all.
you can make tea from acorns too.
oh so these are red oak then, that sucks. I'd love to find some white oak some day.

>> No.18734288 [DELETED] 

so why did you post actual dogshit

>> No.18734293 [DELETED] 

fucking retard you leech the tannins out of the corns.

>> No.18734334

read the thread dicksuck

>> No.18734429

Based thread, thanks for posting. Will have to keep this in mind.

>> No.18735784


>> No.18735822

Cool, now throw it in the garbage because I don't want any food that's been contaminated by dirty currency that's probably passed through 200 people's hands.

>> No.18735873

>implying the coin went into the dough

>> No.18735890
File: 3.04 MB, 600x626, 76E2610B-AA4A-40E9-98BA-897EBD1A58DF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18736332


>> No.18736991

Very cool, OP. Would you post your recipe?

>> No.18737471

I eyeballed everything and measured nothing.
The flour should have been 1:1 with the acorn flour but I added too much water so it was more like 3:1
1 egg
cap full of vanilla extract
some water
pinch of salt
a cup and a half of sugar
2 spoonfuls of baking soda
350° F for 30-40 minutes

>> No.18738005

thanks bro merry christmas

>> No.18738552

>mmm bread.jpg
It certainly is, OP

>> No.18739363

The dough is sitting on cheesecloth. So is the coin. That food is contaminated.
Enjoy your bacteria-ridden bread, though.

>> No.18739377

They're called maple keys, properly, but call them helicopters and most everyone knows what you're talking about.

>> No.18739420

That describs most of my favorite foods.

>> No.18740116

I remember eating acorns back in the day. In hindsight, I'm surprised I never got sick. The ones I ate were bitter and nutty and I humored doing something like this. Good job on the bread.

>> No.18740122

are you sure you are making acorn bread and not a documentary about germans favourite past time?

>> No.18741329


>> No.18743128

lol why'd you eat them raw?
bacteria can't move that far that fast and it's not cheescloth. even if it were contaminated, which it isn't, the heat from the oven would kill any bad shit. Nice bait though.

>> No.18743270

My cousins and I used to gather these and throw them off of the balcony of our grandparent's house. When they're still green, you can squeeze the pod and make liquid squirt out.

>> No.18743282

so ...that's not a turd in toilet?

>> No.18743292

Make sure to beat your dough before baking so it doesn't try to escape during the baking process