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18703371 No.18703371 [Reply] [Original]

/tea/ - /tsg/
tea general

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread: >>18676635

>> No.18703389
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Anyone shop at Mei Leaf and have had one of their Jade Star teas?
It's like their magnum opus, and I like aged whites, so I ordered pic and will judge their whole company based on this tea when it arrives.
$83 for a 150g cake, we'll see how it is. It's the seventh in a line of yearly endeavors, never had any earlier ones.

>> No.18703395 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18703402
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I enjoy tea.

>> No.18703414

What drew you to buying that cake? It is quite expensive for the style.

>> No.18703427

Mostly the fact that the store prides themselves on their Jade Star line. It's the only tea where they re-use the name and make a big deal about having sourced the next one.
I tried to get some a few years ago but they sold out very quickly. It makes me very curious. I figure I can afford to at least get my hands on one of them and see how good it is. I'm not a tea expert though, so I won't have a good grasp on the value of it.

>> No.18703503

>the fact that the store prides themselves on their Jade Star line.
I guess i have never paid enough attention to them to know that.

Well I look forward to hearing how it goes. I don't doubt that it will at least be good the question is if it is 55¢/gram good.

>> No.18703624

I tend to be a little sceptical about Mei Leaf because Don says a lot of bullshit and also has an "alternative medicine" business
I hope you enjoy it though

>> No.18703988
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I bought this Hario cold tea steeper pitcher.

I like it.

>> No.18703999
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I've been drinking this matcha daily for about a year, but I don't actually know shit about matcha. Is it actually good matcha or do I need to up my matcha game?

>> No.18704047

That's culinary matcha. If you like the flavor, definitely up your matcha game and order some from japan. I'm partial to marukyu koyamaen but people here like o-cha, hibiki-an, etc

>> No.18704050

looks like a basic, cheap matcha... everyday stuff that's better for cakes and such than for drinking on its own
the real good shit will be more expensive

>> No.18704078
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Some gyokuro or a savory sencha is just perfect on a wintery morning bros

>> No.18704179

let's just say that if you said to me irl that you drink matcha for a year, and then show me that, I'd punch your lights out.

>> No.18704249

Speaking of Matcha, does any Chinese tea compare to the quality and benefits of proper ceremonial grade?
Also, for Chinese tea do you need those small 80ml cups? Impossible to make amounts like I'm used to with western teas if I want to go for quality?

>> No.18704279

I've been having trouble since this last sunday with drinking my normal levels of tea. Lately when I drink tea my anxiety raises through the roof and I get anxiety attacks to the point I can't function, when that has never happened before.
Doesn't matter if its green, red, puerh, or oolong. Just get horrible anxiety. Is there anything I can take that will let me drink tea again? I love the flavors of tea too much to want to give this up, I had to for a few months earlier this year because of a cancer diagnosis and that was awful. Stuff is basically my only drug since I gave up smoking and drinking.

>> No.18704293

been very fond of hojicha in the mornings recently, going to run out of green tea soon and i probably wont buy more till spring, no idea what im gonna drink in the mornings now : (

>> No.18704306

>Speaking of Matcha, does any Chinese tea compare to the quality and benefits of proper ceremonial grade?
I've heard good things about supplementing l-theanine but that gave me it's own issues so I stopped. I won't say anything about my experience because I don't want to plant something in your head but many have a very positive experience with it
I'm so excited for shincha season bros

>> No.18704312

I don't know of any chinese ground tea that's similar in quality to good matcha. It probably exists but I'd bet its in such small batches it's not worth seeking out. Japanese are more hyperfixated on doing things a certain way than the Chinese.

>for Chinese tea do you need those small 80ml cups?
Do you mean a gaiwan or the actual drinking cup?
You can drink tea out of whatever you like, though more neutral material like porcelain or glass is better. The idea of drinking out of a small cup is to influence the mouth feel and cool it down quicker so you can drink it faster and taste more. Certain cups exist to increase aroma, some focus more on cooling faster, really if you ever get into wanting a kind of cup it'll mostly be for aesthetics. Very few people really get several kinds of cups for different occasions, some people into tasting get smelling cups. I do find myself enjoying the flavor more out of my porcelain 60 ml cups more than my antique western style 6 oz teacups, but I use the 6 oz cup more because I don't have to use a gong dao bei.
>Impossible to make amounts like I'm used to with western teas if I want to go for quality?
eh, I typically get a bit more tea liquor out of gong fu brewing overall than if I used the same amount of leaf to brew western style. But at once? Yeah you're going to get less, but brew times are faster. I guess its more an active effort to taste tea than just western style drinking. I still mostly brew red tea in western style because the quality increase in gong fu is negligible unless I'm really in the mood for trying to find different notes.
Japanese tea is the annoying one. you only get 3, maybe 4, extractions and it's a higher leaf to water ratio than chinese, so it ends up costing more money for less tea. But japanese green tea is stupidly harsh on the stomach anyways so maybe its for the best it's harder to drink a liter of it.

>> No.18704336

Not specifically asking about ground Chinese tea. Is their a Chinese tea that compares in class and taste?

I meant both Gaiwan and cups. Seems like a standard Gaiwan is 200ml, my typical cup I drink out of is 200ml. Finishing a 1 liter teapot in a sitting is pretty normal for me
Reading your post I guess it doesn't matter much. Last time I ordered Chinese tea I had it from big glass cups. Hopefully I extracted it properly since among the things I ordered were the nice white teas
Those tea balls that turn into flowers were nice to drink from big glass teapot

>> No.18704346

you could stock up on GABA teas, those are nice and relaxing

>> No.18704358

it's hard to assess quality between two very different types of tea, but yeah, there is a lot of great, very high quality chinese green tea out there. most of it is processed differently to Japanese tea though so it rarely tastes all that similar. Long Jing and Bi Luo Chun are two classics, just make sure you're getting the high quality stuff and not some cheap knock off
and most Chinese don't actually gong fu their green tea, they either make it in bigger glass teapots or just drink it grandpa style

>> No.18704370

i only use 100ml gaiwans and 120ml for some teas, 200ml is huge imo. i then i drink from a 50ml cup and generally i drink around 1.5L per gongfu session and using 5-7g of tea, its still a bit more than 3-4g of tea for the same amount western brewed but i think its worth it, i usually grandpa brew instead of western brewing if i want a lot of tea though.
>Is their a Chinese tea that compares in class and taste?
Taste no, generally Japanese teas are more savoury while Chinese teas are sweeter, even Chinese green teas taste very different as Japanese greens are processed with steaming while Chinese greens are roasted in a pan.

>> No.18704377

Chinese tea culture is hyper casual so there's not really anything nearly as classy as a 4 hour long tea ceremony. Puerh is probably more or less the fancy stuff with the teapots designed around it and the culture of gifting it to your boss and such. But you still drink it with the same technique as anything else. I wouldn't put it even near the same category of flavors that matcha presents though, its just a completely different flavor profile and honestly its not very beginner friendly.
Chinese green teas have a different flavor overall from Japanese green teas, and that comes mostly from 2 factors; different cultivars and different processing. You can get into soil conditions as well but the other two are a bigger influence. Japanese have different tea tree cultivars that they'd bread for the qualities they want, chinese have their tea trees for the qualities they want. Japanese process via steaming and mostly do machine processing which cuts up the leaf more and increases surface area, Chinese process via dry heat and more by hand (due to cheap labor) so the leaf is more whole and has a different flavor profile. If you took a high quality Shincha and good Longjing, not even the most novice tea drinker could confuse them despite being both the most coveted highest quality greens in their respective countries. One is grassier with seaweed notes, one is tastes like roasted nuts.
Chinese and Japanese tea tastes don't overlap very much, and you can see that by what they drink. 90% of Japanese tea is green tea, Chinese is varied with Oolong probably having a slight edge.
Speaking of Oolong, it's probably going to be the best in class and taste without having to break into Puerh (though it's not the same flavor either). Oolong is somewhat fancy, given as gifts and growers have some pride in it, takes some technical skill to manufacture consistently. It can get rather pricey as well, but the mid shelf stuff at like $0.20 to $0.50 a gram is really good

>> No.18704389

I think oolong is great for beginners in general.
great variety of flavors, sometimes very vivid floral, fruity or sweet creamy. you can use boiling water and it's often pretty forgiving to brew and doesn't get too bitter. and you don't have to worry about drinking it ASAP like with some green teas

>> No.18704424

Oh I think I had both. I definitely had Dragon Well. It was long ago but I remember liking it

>> No.18704469

So I posted last thread with the same questions but the thread was already dead so I’d thought I’d post it again here. I’ve started to get into London Fogs recently, I had my first one last weekend and ever since I’ve been trying to recreate my own at home. I bought a cheap milk frother off of Amazon for like $10. While I’ve been waiting I’ve tried to make my own at home and it always turned out flat and nowhere the taste of what I had in the coffee shop. For any of you that like them as well, do you have any tips for creating my own London fog at home without any fancy expensive equipment? What temperature (medium medium low etc) on the stovetop and for how long should I steam it? Also, will Yunnan Sourcing ever get a fall 2022 harvest of their Yunnan Black Gold Bi Luo Chun? I’ve read that the fall harvest is sweeter and more robust which is what I like, and I’ve never tried their spring harvest of it. Should I continue to wait or should I just order the spring 2022 harvest as there might not be a fall harvest?

>> No.18704474

Use high quality full fat milk and a stovestop steamer

>> No.18704482

>Not specifically asking about ground Chinese tea. Is their a Chinese tea that compares in class and taste?
China makes some of the best teas in the world.
Their stylea of processing is different (they fry or otherwise cook green teas instead of steaming them like japan does) so you won't get the same flavor profiles but Chinese green teas are fantastic. Try a nice dragonswell style tea, they are fantastic.
China has a massive number of teas that aren't made anywhere else. Roasted dancong or wuyi oolongs are probably the best teas in the world at least in my opinion. Good raw puers are amazing, china is basically without competition when it comes to postfermeted teas fu cha, liu bao, tian jian, ripe puer all fantastic.

>> No.18704499


>> No.18704508
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>Also, will Yunnan Sourcing ever get a fall 2022 harvest of their Yunnan Black Gold Bi Luo Chun?
You should probably email them and ask.
>london fog
The other anon might be right that a stove top wand style steamer will help but first you can experiment some more.
You want to heat the milk about as hot as you can before it curdles or forms a skin. Just below simmering basically, then froth.
If the tea taste isint strong enough use more tea.

>> No.18704687

just grow your own mint, it's a weed so don't put it in the ground

>> No.18704822

I'd start by drinking some chamomile and seeing how you feel, then drinking some tea. Then I'd try taking some L-Theanine. Those are kind of the minimum effort chemical interventions I'd try. If neither of those work, then go to >>18704346 but do some research first.

>> No.18704873

These are both good advice,
but if you want to know more you should go to /ctg/. I don't think many people here steam milk, and the ones that do post in the coffee thread as well. I also personally would not make a London Fog with anything other than Earl Grey, I feel like it needs the bergamot. Also, if you had a london fog in a shop, it was most likely sweetened, you could make some simple syrup and flavor that. Add vanilla, maybe nutmeg, maybe some citrus. Personally, I would add in a very thin simple syrup (I don't like sweet things) with vanilla, make it with a nice Earl Grey, add a twist of orange with the white rind fully removed, and grate a small amount of nutmeg over it. The milk is going to kill quite a lot of the flavor of the tea, so personally I believe it needs more help.
Unclear when YS will get their harvests in, personally I would probably just order the tea right now if you want it, but you could send them an email.

>> No.18705086

What is the most intense species/cultivar of mint?

>> No.18705381

The first result in the Lowest-to-highest sorted Amazon search for "1lb mint"

>> No.18705418

The mint teas you buy usually cheat by adding a touch of peppermint oil.
Anyeay peppermint is probably the strongest varietal.
Lemon balm is also really strong and makes good tea

>> No.18705493

How much fucking magnesium is in yerba mate? If i had to guess it a whole fucking lot. I found a few stuides but they were all pay walled.

>> No.18705522

>100 grams (about 4 ozs.) of Yerba Mate brewed with one liter of water have approximately the following:
>Potassium: 681.85 mg
>Magnesium: 167.60 mg
>Phosphorus: 93.00 mg
>Vitamin C: 2.55 mg
>Niacin: 12.98 mg

84mg per 50g yerba used. Definitely a noticeable amount. But not significant to reach the recommended 400mg DV as say toss n washing epsom salt

>> No.18705533

is yerba mate a meme?

>> No.18705542
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buy the dip

>> No.18705549

Thanks for digging that up
Pretty significant amount in there.

>> No.18705553

I like it but there is no way i could drink it regularly if i didn't work from home. Your coworkers would strangle you if you kept slurping on this stuff in an office.

>> No.18705561
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>> No.18705580

Are you the subhuman prick who lives on the third floor?

>> No.18705594

Enjoy your good deals during this economic downturn

>> No.18705607

Do you live on the third fucking floor? Answer the question.

>> No.18705625

Sipping on a older years production of this today.
It is a very nice dianhong for what I paid. I bought a 200g cake back when LP was selling them for $24 a piece a couple Black Fridays ago. I think the age may have mellowed out the rough spots a bit. Hopefully LP can get cakes made again at a reasonable price if he buys in bulk.

>> No.18705664
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forgot pic of cake
Apparently they were sold for $30 but I think I got it for less on sale.

Did anyone get their LP beginner packs yet? I ordered too late in the day so I think I am near the end of the line. Still kind of hope it gets here before Christmas.

>> No.18705706

>Did anyone get their LP beginner packs yet?
No shipping notification yet for me
Those assamica danhongs usually fo nicely with a few years of age. I had one xiaguan made a while ago and it was pretty nice.

>> No.18705716

Is the ghost babe in the background going to chop his head off if he makes a mistake?

>> No.18705727

You must be really jealous or envious of the USA for what reason only your feeble mind might know, being that way is no way to go through life.

>> No.18705763


>> No.18705773

Just curious. Has anyone who ordered during Yee on Tea sale back in October gotten their tea yet? I'm still waiting on mine, west coast US.
Jackie Chan is my favorite actor too. Good bake, OP

>> No.18705812

>Has anyone who ordered during Yee on Tea sale back in October gotten their tea yet?
yeah, I got mine a long time ago, though I think they upgraded my shipping to express for free because it got here unexpectedly fast. I paid for the slow shipping and was not counting on getting it before 2023.

>I'm still waiting on mine
That sucks, perhaps you just got unlucky. Shipping is unpredictable these days. Did you pay for "ground" shipping or air? When was you last shipping update?

>> No.18705821
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The gods of shipping were not kind to you.
Mine showed up around a week after I ordered.

>> No.18705893

Feels bad. I should have paid extra for fast shipping but felt cheap that day. Last update I got was when it was handed over to carrier, also in October.
My supplies are dwindling. Situation bleak. Leaves being stretched further than should be possible. Trying to decide if I should buy more now with fast shipping or wait it out

>> No.18706557

Green, Black, White or Oolong?

>> No.18706560

I didn't no Jackie Chan made tea.

>> No.18706584

I ordered Surface and waited 6 months.

>> No.18706838

>brew up some Classic Laoshan Green from YS
>legitimately indescribable taste

>> No.18706852


>> No.18706881

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
It should arrive soon but who knows with Christmas, might not hurt to buy some daily drinker tea from a shop in your country

>> No.18706896

Whipped tea actually originated in China but unfortunately the culture was wiped out during the Mongolian invasion and leaf culture was dominant by the time of the Ming Dynasty. Whipped tea only survived in Japan.
In Chinese tea ceremony, which is not of course as highly formalized, any high grade tea will do, usually high priced oolong like da hong pao. In Yunan it is customary to serve guests puer.

>> No.18706903

It's this very thick, "pungent" as they describe it tea. It tastes almost bitter without actually being what I would perceive as bitter; it has a very strong vegetable flavor but I'm not sure what. I would be tempted to say something like Okra but I have literally never tasted Okra in my entire life so I have no clue what that tastes like.

>> No.18707146

I think that sounds good, im not sure though

>> No.18707254

Is GABA a meme

>> No.18707290

I don't think you'll feel anything from the amounts present in GABA tea, but the process does affect the flavor

>> No.18707795

I really do feel a calming effect from one of my GABA teas. not so much from the other though
they both definitely have a characteristic flavour to them. no bitterness at all, sweet fruity and acidic, sort of like custard mixed with jello and some baked apple or pear? unlike any other tea I've had

>> No.18708256

It doesn't cross the blood brain barrier, but it doesn't hurt anything either

>> No.18708612
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This and the wood fired cups i ordered should be here soon.
Im pretty excited for this tea, its a special batch from my favorite factory. Hopefully it lives up to the hype its nearly 40¢ per gram

>> No.18708824

Woke up today wanting to dig into W2T's November tea club. Came with some of the Canton Canon - it's fucking delicious.

Strong roast on the nose (just like it looks), but the floral notes are doing their best to break through the smoky topcoat. It ends up settling into a balance between the two. I should probably get some more.


>> No.18708881
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does Upton not want my business anymore? I guess it's time to go full chink vendors only...

>> No.18708938

Page works for me. Probably a hosting issue

>> No.18708991

turn off your vpn

>> No.18709229

I don't have a VPN though...

>> No.18709238
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>a handmade 180ml yunomi will arrive on monday
what do I drink first, teasisters?

>> No.18709252


>> No.18709268

Grandpa brew some liubao

>> No.18709308

That would damage the cup

>> No.18709534

Looks delicious. I just had some three spot guanyin a couple days ago.

>> No.18709558

Sencha or puerh
180ml is a pretty versatile size, good call

>> No.18709606

looks nice, where did you buy it?

>> No.18709618
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nah that's just a random photo from the net, here is what mine looks like, it's from a local place called nami studio.
I'm out of sencha currently, but I'll go with gyokuro

>> No.18709646

Tasting notes:
2014 Jinggu Raw Puerh from LP (got in beginner pack)
probably the same thing as this but not barrel stored

11g/100ml water @ 212F gongfu style with short steeps

Appearance: whole reddish brown leaves, medium size, moderate/dry storage, orange Liquor.

Savory, grilled squash
Some smokiness
Herbaceous, old straw and hay
Tart, crab apple
Slight mineral aftertaste
Moderate bitterness and astringency, robust but not over powering.

Reminds me a bit of a more refined higher quality semi aged XG toucha. It has got a similar robust smoky energy to it but the higher quality non-cut leaves (compared to cheap XG productions) means it is less likely to over brew into an acrid mess. If this were still for sale I would have recommend it as a good example of robust semi aged sheng.

as a side not LP just dropped some cheap semi-aged cakes if anyone is looking.

not semi-aged but the cake of this I bought last year was really good

>> No.18709854

>Almost joking around by selling these!
What did he mean by this?

>> No.18709870

Drink a beer with your tea

Does tea actually give people physical reactions genuinely? I can drink like 9 cups of green tea and still go to sleep

>> No.18709950

I'm guessing he means that he is selling them very close to cost and is not making much on them. I.E. not taking his business seriously. Would be nice if he gave a proper description but I can't complain too much at the price. It is a wet stored standard XG production so I have a pretty good idea what it likely tastes like.

For reference KTM sells the same cake (but different storage) for $11 more before shipping.
grandnesstea sells a (presumably dry stored) version for $39
The cake probably sells for cheaper on taobao but after using a forwarding agent and paying for shipping you probably won't save much if anything.

Lp's cheaper cakes tend to be good deals if you live in the US and factor in shipping. That is a big part of the reason I mention them. Plus they won't take two months to get to you. The downside is that his selection is small and always changing so he does not always have cheap cakes in stock (they tend to sell out the fastest).

>> No.18709970

I got one of these years ago with dry Kunming storage from yunnan sourcing and hated it. Weird because i like the tuos from the same series, they were pretty classic smokey sweet xiaguan fare. The cake i just remember being overwhelmingly bland with no smoke at all. Your millage may vary.

>> No.18710142

are kettles useless? why not just microwave the water to heat it up?

>> No.18710213

how good is chai tea and is adding creamer with it fine if its very small amount?

>> No.18710232

Its annoying to microwave 1.5 liters of water at onece. Electric kettles are the way to go. Much less hassle then stovetop

>> No.18710239
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Its pretty good. Creamer is fine i guess, its just sweetened milk like liquid. If you want to splurge just buy one of those jugs of chai concentrate from the supermarket.

>> No.18710268

chai almost feels incomplete without some milk or creamer in it

>> No.18710857

Well my Chen Sheng Hao sampler is now on a plane. We will see how long it takes to get here. Also it sounds like LP is down to making his his last 100 or so (out of 500) puerh beginner packages so if yours has not shipped yet it should soon. Hope he did not run out of the fancier aged stuff (including wisteria tea house sheng!) that I saw some people getting.

>> No.18710875

>Well my Chen Sheng Hao sampler is now on a plane
Mine too, still haven't gotten a ship notification from LP but i gues that will come soonish. Im just going to assume i won't get anything exciting and be happy if i do.

>> No.18711412

I am not a huge liu bao guy but I am interested in hearing how it is. I still need to try some higher end aged stuff.

>> No.18711426

Kind of want to try chai tea

Can I just get an instant one to start? Any recs?

>> No.18711612

vahdam is good for Indian teas, cheaper off their website but they also sell on amazon

>> No.18711694

Took your advice and bought some longjing from the ol brick and mortar. It tastes absolutely lovely.
Happiness is attainable for us tea appreciators, bros. Life is good.

>> No.18711759 [DELETED] 

creamer is disgusting, use whole milk instead.

>> No.18711793
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I ordered this
I hope it turns out great

>> No.18712089

MeiLeaf has some good teas, never had the Jade Star though, I'm looking forward to your impressions.

>> No.18712113

I do get a reaction when I drink a lot of tea. For me it's not just the caffeine rush, tea also makes my stomach churn which then produces a nervous feeling in my stomach. I think this is one of the factors that leads to the "tea drunk" effect. I try not to drink on an empty stomach and not too much for that reason.

>> No.18712373

almost bought it with my last order, damn

>> No.18712467

Nice, let us know how it tastes and what ways you try brewing it

>> No.18712773

Drinking some roast tgy grampa style. Very nice, quite sweet. Not quite that nearly burned hk atyle roast that anon got from W2T but its a solid medium-full roast and well processed.

>> No.18712807

You would die without it, so it isn't a meme.

>> No.18712964

argentina just won the world cup what does this mean for the price of yerba mate

>> No.18712969
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>> No.18713055

Its over

>> No.18713069

What am I looking at here?

>> No.18713138

from what i remember of chemistry esters are fruity in flavour, terpenes and terpenoid are more bitter

tl;dr more leaf vs water = less bitter & astringent

>> No.18713186

superior gongfu ceremony > inferior roundeye brewing

>> No.18714345

>Drinking some roast tgy
where from?

>> No.18714421

Purple cloud, its the type A 2022 tgy

>> No.18714478

Just made a cup of English breakfast after drinking coffee for the past two weeks. I'm back, b*tches.

>> No.18714491
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>yerba mate

>> No.18714666


>> No.18714679
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Dirty cup, clean puer
I will finally be getting a teaboat whenever it decides to show up in the mail, can't wait, i keep making a mess of my coffee table

>> No.18715541

I'm sipping 2021 autumn jingmai gooeyshooey production from farmer leaf and it hits the spot like a motherfucker. very substantial tea and it goes and goes like it's some older treas or something;). nice peachy orange soup with pinkish hue on the rim. touch sweet, touch good bitter, lip smacking stuff. so I checked the website and they're selling this years too for the same price. with a note that is their best one yet (sure). I know you fuckers buy only xiaguan under $30/a cake but this autumn gushu is a grumpy protip.

>> No.18715573

Is mint tea from fresh leafs alloved? Or am i too pleb?

>> No.18715583

Thanks for the heads up anon

>> No.18715586

Why would that be bad? Sounds good to me

>> No.18715627

Epic review. I skipped over it because it says autumn. That's not a big deal if it's not from spring tho?

>> No.18715634

seems like something I pissed out after a bad hangover

>> No.18715661

lol it does have that color to it eh?

>> No.18715675

what, you still read 'tasting notes'?
what did you get when you skipped over this cake?
I'd say that autumn flushes are little less punchy and upfront than spring, but it can differ wildly due to the style of processing used. sometimes I think I can differentiate spring from autumn tea, but that may be placebo/confirmation bias call it what you want. if its blend of vastly different gardens you're lost. tasting blind I'm lost and it's a guesswork. I know a good tea when I'm drinking it, all that matters to me.
>the guys on the internet said autumn bad, so I never tried anything autumn
put it this way, I don't think that spring is worth the price asked these days and autumn serves as a good indication of the quality of the material from that particular garden/s. if you fall in love you shell for the spring one too. sounds reasonable?

>> No.18716104

>drink beer
interacts badly with my cancer meds.
I said in the post I gave up drinking

>> No.18716372
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Ni hao fellow tea boys
Is my biang biang and osmanthus oolong enough to enter this thread?

>> No.18716568

Ive never been a big fan of flavored teas but i have a soft spot for osmanthus oolong. Really tasty stuff. Pretty much the perfect scented tea

>> No.18717333

Will Argentinas World Cup win make Yerba prices skyrocket?

>> No.18717543


>> No.18717619
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make moroccan mint tea

>> No.18717627

invest invest invest

>> No.18717885
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Had to crack open a fresh humidipack in my pumidor, it was getting kinda dry in there
I will probably have to buy another one to open in February or so. I get those big 320 gram ones. 58% humidity

>> No.18718093

Is the fullchea aliexpress store kill? It shows no products for a few days now.

>> No.18718207

Its only up during certain times of day because of aliexpress shit (they aren't supposed to be selling tea on there)
I just checked and it does seem to be down completely, i would give it a few days and then maybe email them.

>> No.18718478
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All right, last month I received Gorreana encosta de bruma green tea, plain and jasmine versions. Too lazy to photograph it so random pic off image search.

It's not green tea. It looks almost exactly like 1st flush Darjeeling. By comparison it's a bit weaker but very similar flavor. I like plain more than jasmine. The downside is the packaging is a joke, thin plastic like a grocery bag.

>> No.18718583

Interesting, is it Sweet? Savory? Floral?
Looks like it brews up a pretty light color, i can't tell if the liquid looks greenish or if its just the lighting.
Would you consider buying more?

>> No.18718754
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It's yellow. Also the leaves are visibly somewhat oxidized. Maybe I'll take a photo tomorrow.
A box is $5 so it's tempting as an affordable daily pseudo-Darjeeling. I might get more but not the jasmine. Despite being bud+1st leaf it's kind of watery, maybe because of low elevation. That's not necessarily bad.

>> No.18719135
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Been drinking this Fu Zhuan from Purple Cloud.

Mycotoxin bros, how am I doing?


>> No.18719353

I haven't tried any of the fucha from moJun but fu brick is a pretty solid choice. Im starting to think that most other post fermented heicha is better than ripe puer.
Does it have any smoke in it? Can you take a stab at describing how it tastes?

>> No.18719735
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It's a comfy day for some rock oolong.

>> No.18720278

Can someone recommend me a good puer cake to pair with greasy food? I want the full Chinese boomer lifestyle.

>> No.18720288

ripe puer works best with greasy food. yunnansourcing's cozy is very good

>> No.18720430

HK or Guangdong stored cheap factory tea is the peak greasy food + puerh experience
This is pretty good, not too interesting, but mild, and it has that kind of big leaf taste that's typical of factory tea of this kind. I'm a big fan of the storage too, if you don't want to drop a bajillion smackaroonies on something special, this is the kind of thing you'd get with cheap dim sum in Hong Kong.

>> No.18720502

Nice teaware anon, i like the drip glaze on that cup.
Also its always a good day for rock oolong

>> No.18720507

If you are in the US grab this hk storage xiaguan, should hit the spot

>> No.18720621

Is Mariage Frères a good quality/price ratio brand? I want to buy fancy tea for Christmas to my parents.

>> No.18720659

They're pretty overpriced
They are really high quality though, at least their scented teas are top notch. If you want amazing earl grey, that's your mark
No idea how their plain teas are though.

>> No.18720878

They are the go to brand for fancy scented tea gifts. I wouldn't call them an amazing value but they are about as good as ut gets when it comes to scented tea. Their marco polo blend is their signature tea if you are having a hard time deciding what to get

>> No.18720883

I only drink Red Rose Original Tea Bags, anything else is hipster bullshit.

>> No.18720923

At least drink Indian tea instead of the african stuff

>> No.18721482
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Gorreana encosta de Bruma "green tea"

>> No.18721493
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>> No.18721533
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Bonus: Mighty Leaf organic breakfast
The greatest English breakfast I have drank in my entire life.

>> No.18721829
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recommend me some cardamom tea

>> No.18721836

VAHDAM, Cardamom Chai Tea
You can get it on their website or Amazon in looseleaf or teabags

>> No.18722173

Interesting, it is on the darker side of green tea

>> No.18722217

>domestic violence

>> No.18722298
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>implying i need to get tea drunk to beat my wife
>implying puerh isn't the best tea to go with magical penis wine

>> No.18722304

Its all true

>> No.18722855

Not much of any smokiness. Taste is like dried jujubes or monkfruit.

>> No.18723116

Anyone wants to watch artisanal puerh processing with me this early afternoon?

>> No.18723197
File: 302 KB, 1000x1000, 100g-Shu-Puer-Stalin-and-Mao-ze-dong-Soviet-Chinese-treaty-of-1950-Chinese-tea-Yunnan.jpg_Q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn aliexpress, making me buy shit tea but with a propaganda wrapper.

>> No.18723426
File: 71 KB, 721x960, 1667497506460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not a good tea with a propaganda box?
just kidding, bought it when it was $52, now it's too expensive. still very good liubao

w2t order just came, took them almost a month, got the fucking beanie lmao.
ripped straight into five pile laochatou. yep, it's jet fuel, both in terms of taste and colour. I can't get enough of ripe nuggers, somebody stop me. smells like cacao powder, premium dark chocolate and maritime brine. I fished out few different looking chunks and topped up with loose leaf that they're swimming in. tastes like LCT should, unsweetened hot chocolate mixed with coca cola and fernet branca. luv me some nuggerz on a long winter afternoon.
it's my second tea today, so it's to be expected but I'm a bit woozy after three cups. arms are heavy, moms mafaldine, light headed, this type of thing. I'll take a break and resume later. I expect no less than 2 liters out of this gaiwan. very good stuff and the price is right. go get it.

>> No.18723440

Damn he is hand rolling it
Don't see that very often

>> No.18723447

yeah, it's just a bit of a showcase for the film. rest of the leaves went straight into rolling machine, I'm sure.

>> No.18723455

That shop is good. It's probably at least drinkable tea, he usually seems to do a decent job with curation. Though he does get gimmick teas occasionally that aren't there just for flavor.
His website is http://tea-expert.net/

>> No.18723469
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>workers stadium cans on chawang are now $92
Fuck me

>> No.18723479
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>Damn aliexpress, making me buy shit tea but with a propaganda wrapper.
Hilariously he says that tea was a special order because he had 500g cakes of it that were extremely popular ostensibly because they actually tasted good and not because Russians love to buy old Soviet propaganda. Pic related

>> No.18723605
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crazy Czech at chawang has all sorts of weird prices

>> No.18723752
File: 1.30 MB, 1477x724, tea?????.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked a while ago about black tea in the soviet union for my mother and the one she remembered was russian caravan tea!
Thanks a lot to the anon that helped me!

She now also mentioned there was an indian tea in the soviet union that she drank at her grandma. Any idea which this one could have been? Unfortunately she also couldn't describe this one either. Image unrelated.

>> No.18723767
File: 160 KB, 650x650, 1671644761049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the line of teas by Tzar Alexander
They have several different tea blends and scented teas that are based on old popular blends so they probably make things that are close to what she remembers.

>> No.18723787

>tfw fell for the ripe puer as a beginner tea meme
I tried the haiwan 9978 again and I'm starting to think this tea just isn't for me.

>> No.18723793

>haiwan 9978
How are you brewing it? Are you giving it a good rinse before brewing.
I strongly suggest also trying grampa style, throw 5 grams in a mug, add boiling water, when it's cool enough to drink flip out the floating stems with a fork and drink, when you get halfway down add more boiling water, repeat as desired.
Ripe tastes pretty different grampa style vs gongfu, you might really like one more than the other

>> No.18723807

Uh, puersisters? Why are they drinking that?

>> No.18723818

>w2t order just came, took them almost a month
Nice, I think mine is still suck in customs or something. The plane "took off" quite a while ago.

>crazy Czech at chawang
Wait the owner is Czech? How do you know?

>I tried the haiwan 9978 again and I'm starting to think this tea just isn't for me.
That is fine, ripe is not for everyone. Probably would have been better if I had found that out sooner. I have got a few kg of shou and liubao sitting around that I barely touch.

>> No.18723835

on the topic of Haiwan 9978, just saw some Russian guy selling it at a local auction site for 34 Euro. does that sound like a decent deal considering no shipping fees, no VAT or duty and extra fast shipping?
I think it sounds pretty good

>> No.18723897

Depends on what your shipping and tax fees would have been. It will be a lot faster though. What year are they selling?

Here are some reference prices.

>> No.18723915

I'm using a 100ml gaiwan, boiling water. Started with a quick rinse then a ~20s first infusion, increased time with further infusions but wasn't tracking the time very precisely. First time I did 7 infusions and the second time I stopped at 3.
I'm terrible at at describing taste but I feel it kind of reminded me of the aftertaste of chocolate milk, and it was very smooth, which isn't what I usually expect out of tea.

It can take a while for me to learn to enjoy things, so I haven't entirely given up on it. I'll give it another gongfu attempt before trying grampa. If everything fails I'll try again in half a year when it's winter in the southern hemisphere.

>> No.18723936

Sounds like you are brewing it the way i would, your description of the taste sounds about right.
I guese you can try using more tea and or pushing the steeps longer and see if you enjoy it with a more concentrated brew.
Also the grampa style i suggested. It will really hit its stride and give the most favor on the first refil so try and make it that far.
You can also try simmering it. 6.5 grams in 1.25 litres of water, low simmer for 15-20 minutes. That will also give you a very different flavor profile.
You also just might not like ripe, that's fine its not for everyone. Keep the cake around and try it again after 6 months or a year and see if your opinion changes at all.

>> No.18723977
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Would you drink DHgate tea?

>> No.18723987

though with some careful shopping you can get decent results for some of the ebqy stores that are just using some dropshipping service to fulfill their orders. But you have to know enough to spot the obvious fakes and questionable products

>> No.18724051

Sure if I had a good coupon. Though I would be careful about what I got. The cheap mystery ripe puerh is probably not worth it for example. Do they really give you $34 for singing up?

If I were to get something I would probably go for one of the cheap white or black tea cakes. like this:
root url plus
stupid filter.

>> No.18724242

I think it would come out similar with VAT and possible duty. and a week in delivery is much better than two months of course
he didn't write what year it is, I guess I might ask. the photo he added says "batch 141" so it'd be from a few years back, but it looks more like he got it online. maybe I'll ask for a photo too to make sure it's not some weird scam

>> No.18724251

>3 weeks later my order still isn't here
International shipping is shit. This is why I buy from Amazon.

>> No.18724261

>he thinks 3 weeks is long by the standards of cheap shipping from China
lol, lmao even

>> No.18724320

Sounds like a fair price then so long as there is nothing wrong with the tea. I doubt anyone would fake a 2014 haiwan 9978 because they are such cheap cakes in the first place.

>> No.18724383

back at my parents house for the winter break, sucks that my parents like to blast the tv so cant have a comfy gongfu session for myself till the end of next month :/

>> No.18724390

>he thinks 3 weeks is long by the standards of cheap shipping from China
Ems used to take less than 2 weeks
Even surface used to only take a month

>> No.18724394

Buy some earplugs

>> No.18724512
File: 536 KB, 757x832, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ones out of these cheap teas would be interesting to try as a beginner? I'm going to buy the 250g black but might as well also buy some green and oolong, maybe the lapsang souchong that I hear so much about too.

>> No.18724541

Does anyone know if there is any way to get this in the UK? Seems it doesnt deliver here.

>> No.18724650

looks like he has brought in an interesting Burmese shou cake
The price for it seems fair as well. I have seen some vendors try and sell border tea at premium yunnan tea prices and I suspect they are up selling it by a lot. On the other hand perhaps those prices are fair because a lot of the really good border tea gets passed of as Yunnan puerh anyways.

>> No.18724677
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>It's real

Are we being targeted Womanbros?

>> No.18724701


>> No.18724706

I bought that jin xuan. didn't arrive yet, but I would reccomend jin xuan for a beginner in general, easy to brew and that natural milky buttery taste has a big wow factor to it

>> No.18724718

Buy from his website (use google translate) he ships internationally
Or find his ebay store and message him on there

>> No.18724727

That's cool, i think that's the first house labeled tea ive seen him do.
The border teas ive had have been fantastic, im sure most of it gets sold as puer these days

>> No.18724733

>Lesbian tea
Isn't that implied? Why do they need to make it explicit?

>> No.18724898

>The border teas ive had have been fantastic
Some day when I finally get my tea bookmarks organized I will link dump all shops that I have found that sell border tea.

>> No.18724907

I've been to London for my vacation and I have to say, mei leaf was a letdown. Just pay premium and get something from postcard teas.

>> No.18724931

thanks for looking out tourist anon.
if you have 5 minutes on the headphones try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbsOAnFOyE0

what tea do you drink usually?

>> No.18724941

Nice, i have a fucking .txt with copy pasted urls, its a mess

>> No.18725016

>Check out the line of teas by Tzar Alexander
I'd buy these but it seems to be sold in USA mainly? I'm in Europe and would prefer not to import from the USA and pay exorbitant shipping costs.

>> No.18725044

my breville tea maker died after 10 years, replaced it immediately with the same model but apparently they're called sage now. the 5 days i had to go back to brewing old school style were a FUCKING CHORE

>> No.18725092

Oh, i thought it was made in russia, maybe its not available in Europe right now because of the war.
I don't know specifically what indian tea was consumed in the soviet union back then but
Kalami Assam or Barooti Assam from Ahmad Tea is a sort of inexpensive indian tea so it might give a similar vibe. Should be available in europe
The two nost popular indian teas are assam and Darjeeling, the former is rich and malty, the later is lighter and almost fruity. Maybe you could get a better idea of what kind of tea it was.

>> No.18725095

Cleaning that seems like it would be a hassle.

>> No.18725215

I just checked and my tea bookmark dump folder has over 3000 links...
Many of them are redundant/duplicates or just links to items or forum posts that interested me at the moment but can now be deleted. I still got to have nearly every western tea vendor in there somewhere as well as a lot of more obscure tea links. When I have a bit more time I need to try and get in the habit of sorting some every week as well as properly organizing any new bookmarks.

>> No.18725231

*pine needle tea*

>> No.18725276

Im getting flashbacks to my tab hoarding days

>> No.18725312
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drink more liu bao

>> No.18725356

a nice gongfu session always gets me sweating

>> No.18725625

I think your tea was laced with something.

>> No.18725799
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Black or green?

>> No.18725819

Popped a mahuang I'm sweatin

>> No.18726282

i ran out of space in my pumi but i have another cake coming soon : (

>> No.18726336

just take the grandpapill. it's probably less hassle than any teamaker

>> No.18726386
File: 234 KB, 1198x838, 320985172_1420629098679310_7000840929435469540_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my CS-Puerh sample set just came. big thanks to the anon who posted that deal here, 5$ with free shipping was a steal

>> No.18726391
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>> No.18726425
File: 533 KB, 900x1618, 321137562_1377427796397442_4935112855254716603_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came with a nice tote bag as well

>> No.18726784

>my CS-Puerh sample set just came.
Nice, mine made it to the states but at this point wont be here before Christmas.

>big thanks to the anon who posted that deal here
You are welcome, always glad to be helpful.

>> No.18726793
File: 29 KB, 650x650, matcha whisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a matcha whisk but it didn't come with any instructions or anything. I'm not sure how to use it. Anyone have any tips?

I got the whisk instead of an electric frother because I want to set aside some time for myself each morning to do a little ritual just for myself. I just want to make myself a drink and give myself time to think and just be, before I get into the hustle and bustle of the day. Preparing matcha the traditional way sounded like a good way to do that.

Any tips would be appreciated.

>> No.18726813

I just use my egg whisk desu

>> No.18726825

It's all in the wrist

>> No.18726849

Just move it from side to side as fast as you can until the tea foams

>> No.18726863

drinking the "Random ripe Puerh tea sample" right now. it's only two grams and in teabag form
it's honestly surprised me a little, because it tastes a lot like the one Liu Bao I've tried so far - earthy beetroot / potato + woody notes with much less sweetness than most ripe pu-erh I've had. it's not bad
I wonder if it's actually some kind of hei cha. they don't write what it actually is anywhere on the packaging, at least not in English. seems to defeat the purpose of a sample somewhat

>> No.18726864

Sorry, I don't have much time to dig up guides right now but I would check out some of the bigger Japanese tea vendors websites as they typically have some sort of instructions.

>> No.18726874

It is probably shou because they make that and not Liu Bao. Perhaps it may be lighter fermented. Despite a lot of ripes being similar there is still variation.

>> No.18726939

I guess it must be a shou then. I wonder which one it is

>> No.18726961

my guess would be one of their Zodiac series ripes because that is there cheapest. Have any good pictures of the wrapper?

>> No.18727059
File: 1.75 MB, 4000x1844, 20221222_173009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back of the wrapper

>> No.18727066
File: 1.27 MB, 1504x1672, 20221222_172916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and front. I doubt there's anything useful on the front, seems to say the same shit as the random sheng sample

>> No.18727169

Chen Shenghao
Chen Shenghao
Chen Shenghao, Big Tree Tea Taste...
Pu'er tea (cooked tea)
Net content: 2g

The back just states it is ripe puerh from Menghai, has company contact info, and lists the food standard certifications. Would post the whole translation but 4chan thinks it is spam.

Still not exactly clear to me what production it is. It may just be its own thing. Perhaps they sell these teabags at their store in China,

>> No.18727395

Mine should be here soon as well.
Im excited
Yeah thanks for the heads up anon, im excited to try some CSH tea.

>> No.18727537

lots of youtube videos on it
search for 抹茶の点て方 for OG nipponese tips

>> No.18727641 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18727683
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Three gold coins liubao, still haven't decided how i feel about this one.

>> No.18727763

hello tea-heads, I am a bitch but I want to try all sorts of teas, I remember hating black tea and green tea, and I only know one flavour I love for sure, forest fruits like pic related

that and chamomille tea are the only 2 teas I know I like

any recommendations to try? no special brewing please I just want to buy some tea-bags before I invest in fucking tea hardware

thanks and happy holidays

>> No.18727779
File: 115 KB, 353x220, teekanne-ceai-de-fructe-de-padure-20x2-5g-471-9120[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.18727816

>fucking tea hardware
nigga all u need is a 100ml gaiwan for 10 bucks

>> No.18727835

don't be discouraged from black tea and green tea. it's likely that you've only had stale, trash-tier stuff, especially likely with green tea. good tea can be vary flavorful and even fruity, the difference between cheap supermarket tea and the good stuff is like between drinking store brand vodka vs champagne
get some nice oolong. jin xuan or si ji chun or dancong or tie guan yin or something.
get it loose and just brew straight in the mug, look up "grandpa style" brewing. or just buy a basic mesh infuser basket for like 2$, it's not really a sizable investment

and try rooibos and hibiscus too if you like fruit teas

>> No.18727872

I got you bro
Japanese green tea bags
Indian black tea bags (can also buy from vahdam.com)
Vahdam black tea variety sampler

>> No.18727884

If you like these teas they are all available in looseleaf versions, also they offer more premium loose leaf teas. But you can just buy a reusable tea brewing basket on amazon for $8 and then brew your loose tea in a mug without much hassle.
Also if you like some of these you sould also try Chinese black and green teas, i just don't have any good teabags to recommend.

>> No.18727929

whats something good to snack on while I drank tea over the day?
maybe something not too sugary
I hear the brits eat "crumpets" and "biscuits" but i assume that's just for breakfast

>> No.18727956

Biscuits is just the english word for cookies, which i think works pretty well.
Some kinda toasted bread with some jam on it.
Those vanilla wafer cookies, anything with some crunch. I usually just eat some shit like goldfish.

>> No.18727984

I like grissini with my yerba mate. it's a good fit for some reason

>> No.18728316

Try something like crackers or toast or English muffins. If it's dry it will sponge away the tannin-contaminated saliva in your pretty mouth.

>> No.18729039


>> No.18729209 [DELETED] 
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>>Lesbian tea
raw puerh?

>> No.18729211
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>>Lesbian tea
ripe puerh?

>> No.18729281

I tried all of my samples from W2T and none of them were really any good. Probably my fault for going for the white teas exclusively and brewing them western style but I got very little from any of them. Their cheapo cake had the most flavor but also something pretty odd. Came with a 50g black tea sample that was about alright too. I suppose I'll save the rest for when I get a gaiwan for jesusmas

>> No.18729605

Try grampa brewing some white 4-5 grams in a mug, directions in the pastebin.
I had some w2t puer years ago and haven't gotten around to ordering more so i can't comment on their teas but we have a few posters here that seem to really like them

>> No.18730143
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what's the best way to remove limescale from an electric kettle I'm gonna be using for tea?

>> No.18730190

a decent way is to put 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid into a full kettle, the boil it and let it sit for a bit like 30 minutes. if theres still buildup after rinsing you can repeat it.
you can also use white vinegar with basically the same method, 50/50 water/vinegar

>> No.18730223
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I bring a massive thermos of tea to work and drink that throughout the day. I usually have something like wheat thins (plain) or triscuts (plain), maybe something like twix around 11am.

>inb4 british
no, I just like tea

>> No.18730449

White wine vinegar or baking soda, had to use both recently for a flask with stubborn limescale but it's like brand new now, make sure to add baking after white wine vinegar like 30-60 mins for best results

>> No.18730612

oh shit i think i got addicted to earl grey

me thinks it also messes up my gut because it's been feeling not right recently
not even drinking 4 liters a day, just like 1

>> No.18730631

tasted the w2t 2022 snoozefest just now, it reminds me a lot of farmer leaf's 2021 Ao Ne Me but not as strong and lacking the early bitterness, maybe its from around the same area but not at the same altitude. Got a relatively weak huigan but not the cane sugar sweetness that the ao ne me had, it arrived a few days ago though so im gonna leave it in my pumidor for 2 weeks and try it again.

>> No.18730655

wording the citric acid

>> No.18730857

Brew itr for a shorter period of time. Its the high tannin content in black tea with that style of precessing. If you only brew for 3 minutes you will get 90% of the flavor and caffine and 1/2 the tannins, it will be much more easy on your stomach

>> No.18730975

Any teas with no caffeine?

>> No.18730992


>> No.18730997

rooibos, mint, chamomile, lemon balm.
Half the teabags made by celestial seasonings

>> No.18731032

Good list, lemon balm sounds interesting

>> No.18731039

Its great, would recommend, also anise hyssop which is another plant in the mint family, very sweet

>> No.18731064

Was curious if tea lesbians are just a /tea/ meme like some anons have said before and I found an academic paper from 2015. This is the very beginning
> In Go Fish, Rose Troche and Guinevere Turner's seminal lesbian film from 1994, one of the protagonists complains that the woman who her friends want to set her up with has cupboards of herbal tea and no sex appeal. In the course of the film, the women end up together, but the joke/not-joke about lesbians and their fondness for herbal tea remains. What can we make of this conjunction? What does the linkage of tea and lesbianism connote and how does tea function within representational economies of lesbianism? On the one hand, tea functions as prelude to eroticism and codes for the opacity of lesbian sex. On the other hand, it also works to consolidate stereotypes about lesbianism. In this essay, the author explores the factors that make this almost joke possible – the gendering of tea as feminine, stereotypes about lesbian feminism – and examine ways in which it has been deployed as a form of lesbian shorthand

>> No.18731075

it's puerh lesbians

>> No.18731114

I'm talking about the intestines

>> No.18731342

us niggas dump fucking spirit vinegar into the kettle and boil that shit for half an hour.

citric acid is the only answer to limescale, i'm tired of repeating that.

>> No.18731542

boils over like fuck, keep the kettle no more than 1/3 full

>> No.18731575

decaf coffee

>> No.18731686

Anyone drink clove "tea"? Heard its used as a sedative for fish. Wondering if it would help sleep? I like the taste and smell anyways.

>> No.18731701

The 2021 is sipping very nicely.

>> No.18731760

You wont find teas that have particularly strong sedative effects that aren't bordering on drugs. That said if it tastes good and helps you relax then drink it.
Exercise and good sleep hygiene will help more than anything else to improve sleep.

>> No.18731915

Ya not really expecting it to knock me out or anything. My sleep hygiene is so shit though.

>> No.18731945

r ya dringken yer argentinian yard clippings

>> No.18732887

>but I got very little from any of them.
what do you mean by this?

Citric acid works well and is the active ingredient of many commercial lime scale removers. you can typically buy it next to the home canning jars at most grocery stores or online.

>> No.18732935

I've had that at a hookah place once when I was out with coworkers. Was fucking awesome tea, never really been able to recreate it. Gotten close though, usually have to blend a good black tea with dried Moroccan mint and it gets pretty close. There is probably some minor detail I am missing that makes the difference.

>> No.18732938

Mighty Leaf does have good satchet tea, but you can get slightly better with loose leaf.

>> No.18732945

how was Ahmeds cock?

try it.

>> No.18733142

Green tea bags tell me I'm not supposed to steep it for longer than 3 minutes. What secret powers will I unlock if I keep it in there for longer than 3 minutes? What are they hiding?

>> No.18733209

4 minutes is optimized
3 minutes is for pussy niggas

>> No.18733241

thanks for the recs and happy holidays

>> No.18733588

I've noticed that people who drink coffee look like living hell and people who drink tea look 20 years younger than they are.

>> No.18733652

I think it's more about lifestyle than the health properties of tea vs coffee. most people who drink a lot of coffee are in a constant hurry, while tea people tend to be chill

>> No.18733759

ok so brewing wise im retarded so just a teaspoon of the stuff in hot but not boiling water for 5 minutes
It genuinely tastes wonderful, it is literally waves of flavor. It starts of very much like green tea, honestly pretty savory, but with a twist kind of like pine/fir needles (the smell of a christmas tree). Then it turns into the jungle juice kind of feeling of maté, without the tannic bitterness, and it extends further with fruity notes and a sweet aftertaste. The length of it in your mouth is pretty remarkable, it just keeps on giving. As I said its really waves of flavor. I have to try it more to wrap my head around it better.
Needless to say I am very satisfied with my purchase

>> No.18733760

Also the caffeine high is super clean

>> No.18733769

Anyone here actually tried Russian Gulag tea (Chifir)? How is it?

>> No.18733907

Coffee is proven to be good for you whereas tea is contaminated with pesticides, lead, and mycotoxins.

>> No.18733922

>he doesnt mycomaxx

>> No.18734020

can I reuse my gong fu'd leaves the next day or will the tea taste like shit?

>> No.18734216

yes, though it does not always taste quite the same. I typically will stick my gaiwan and leaves in the fridge is instead of leaving them out overnight if I am going to do that.

>> No.18734253

Nice, thanks for sharing anon

>> No.18734379

come on /tea/ i know you asked your mom to get you some tea for Christmas. What are you waiting on?

>> No.18734393

I've never noticed a drop in quality from doing that, in fact all my gongfu "sessions" nowadays span two days, with all the other stuff I drink on a given day. Waiting much past 24 hours is asking for trouble though.

>> No.18734441
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I got a small order from thetea.pl. exepensive, as you would expect from a EU store, but they seem to have some interesting stuff

>> No.18734470

>What are you waiting on?

>> No.18734812

Looks like they try to charge VAT to US customers (unless they drop it in the final checkout step). I hate EU shops that try to do that. They probably keep the extra "taxes" as profit. My sales tax is due to my state not them, and much of the US has no (or very little) sales tax on food (including tea).

>> No.18734973
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Some YS Lao Cha Tou. I wanna say 08 but I don't see that on their site anymore and my tea spreadsheet was lost in transferring e-mails. Tastes a little thinner than I remember it but my ripe storage is currently sitting at around 55% RH and my nose is stuffed up cause I have covid, so I'll just push the steeps extra hard and see where it gets me.

>> No.18734984
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>> No.18735174

Nice teapot, is that a recent pickup?

>> No.18735195

Thanks. Picked it up in June of 2020 from Kong Mountain Tea. Zini clay and a very slow pourer so I use it solely for ripes.

>> No.18735483

i was going to give my mom tea for christmas instead but it didnt arrive in time :/

>> No.18735527

I sent some to my parents house in case it didn't come on time and then they opened it early after i told them it was coming and not to open it

>> No.18735590
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taragui is the yerba of christmas cuz it tastes like fruitcake

>> No.18735601

like if the baker dropped an entire ash tray into the dough and decided to bake it

>> No.18735812
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i gongfu'd the $10 1lb earl grey it's gud

>> No.18735832

Anon doesn't afraid of drinking little leaf specks

>> No.18735852

i use a basket infuser as a filter so my mugs are pretty clear aside from some dust
i poured 10 earl grey infusions from gaiwan to mug to thermos which decanted some of the dust

>> No.18736059
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>> No.18736064
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>> No.18736077
