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18721279 No.18721279 [Reply] [Original]

[keto intensifies]

>> No.18721335

Wait until the ketofags learn what the body breaks down protein into before it can be used.

>> No.18721350

>be american
>everything is fucking sugar

>> No.18721400

Forgot about root vegetables.

>> No.18721409

Lipids and proteins can be broken down into glucose via gluconeogenesis. So by this definition they are also sugar.

>> No.18721420

How many steps does that usually take in comparison.

>> No.18721423

some fruits are OK have you seen nutritional facts on strawberries?

>> No.18721428

Berries in particular tend to have less sugar overall.

>> No.18721631

You can have a really good, balanced diet with keto. I did keto for 2 years and ate raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, watermelon, kiwis, and grapefruit while still maintaining ketosis. It's about moderation.

>> No.18721644

Hey guys, I did keto for 3 years, I cut out all the literal garbage I was eating and replaced it with real, whole foods.

Must be the carbohydrates, amirite guys?

>> No.18721649

>he doesn't know you can still eat pastries and other treats with keto ingredients
ngmi. net carbs are all that matter.

>> No.18721695

I don't know. I'm not either of those guys btw.

>> No.18721731


>> No.18721763

Sugar is not all refined sugar, you cretin.

>> No.18722397

Wait until the sugarkeks find out what the body uses when said glucose gets used up

>> No.18722425

>before it can be used

>> No.18722433

genocide ketofags.

>> No.18722507

>Be American
>Buy sugar
>It's loaded with chemicals

>> No.18722531

It's how the body reacts to different carbohydrates you fucking spaz.

>> No.18722541

Good post OP. Carbqueers BTFO by facts.

>> No.18722573
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>> No.18722706
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>> No.18722991

Make your own.

>> No.18723050
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I'm glad I don't live in the US
Keto faggots will get the rope one day.
No I won't stop eating rice, nor fruits nor pasta. I will look good not doing keto and you'll keep seething.
Fasting >>> Keto baby shit.

>> No.18723056

do americans really?

>> No.18723096

A ketard discovers glucose

>> No.18723129

Considering going hardcore carnivore for a while, but I think I'd miss cheese too much. Feel like punishing the cows etc. for eating grass.
Starting to think I shouldn't eat pigs, though, because based on their eating habits, they're basically us in that they'll shovel any old shit into their gob.
Though in transcending my piggish ways, I suppose I should consume my old form regularly as a ritual as testament to the distance I've come.

>> No.18723144

the most effective way to achieve and maintain ketosis is to not eat at all, which suits me just fine

>> No.18723150

You one of them noshitters?
Very based. Based is the flock.

>> No.18723168

I make my own bread

>> No.18723170

With all the shite in modern food this is a really good choice. People dont realize fasting is as important as eating but obviously not consooming will never be promoted

>> No.18723404
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>sweet pickles have corn syrup in them
no shit, this is what the normal pickles have

>> No.18723603
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>Sodium Benzoate

>> No.18723618

Amino acids, aka not sugar.
*Can* be.

>> No.18723691

Fasting is good.
Being in Ketosis 24/7 all year is retardation. I get to eat normally, and benefit from the fast.

>> No.18723975

glucose is not lactose is not fructose is not dextrose

stop paying your proper, honestly earned money for garbage. have some self respect.

>> No.18723989

Mt. Olive are the nastiest pickles I've ever tasted. Why the fuck do they make them radioactive yellow?

>> No.18724005

>Obese, diabetic, dementia ridden, carb addicted hands type this.

>> No.18724667

k, but i have cum gutters and you don't.

i don't eat refined grains, only whole ones.

>> No.18725103

sugar how you get so fine

>> No.18725185

you are upset because you lack self-control.

>> No.18725242
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meanwhile in australia

>> No.18725387

i think part of the problem is there are 500 different variants of keto and its easy to strawman the retards gorging on cheese and bacon as representative of what keto 'is'.

I think the fundamentals are solid. Carbs are easier to overeat on than fat despite being less caloric than fats.

>> No.18725419

>asians eat rice a billion times a day
>some of the thinnest and healthiest people on the planet
Ketolards are retarded.

>> No.18725526

They ate very little sugar and are also mostly short and weak. Like other nations their diabetes and obesity rates are climbing. China is at like 40% or something crazy

>> No.18725655
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This is a bad argument, I hate ketolards too. But asians eat small amounts in comparison to white people.

If I make my own tonkatsu, the rice and meat fillet size would feed a single full grown japanese businesses for 3 days, and that's just one meal for me. 6'1 (or 6'2'', dont remember). 103kg, 6'7'' armspan. Eat what I want, including indulging on ice cream and fast food. I laugh at any dipshit following a fad diet that doesn't prioritise protein and carb loading. I'm also an alcoholic that drinks a slab every day.

I think SF6 Marisa is hot btw. sorry for the honestly lads.

>> No.18725791

Are you mentally challenged or just ignorant?