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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18718545 No.18718545 [Reply] [Original]

>day 1 of Hanukkah
Post latkes

>> No.18718551
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>> No.18718968

>no apple mousse

>> No.18719037

Try adding some lavender

>> No.18719091
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>> No.18719096
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The recipe comes (read: stolen) from Germany where they are called "Kartoffelpuffer". They are traditionally served with apple sauce.

>> No.18719100

Merry Christmas to you too btw

>> No.18719106

That's a Reibekuchen

>> No.18719114

So kann man sie auch nennen, je nachdem wo man herkommt.

>> No.18719123

i can't believe /ck/ is antisemetic too

>> No.18719415
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we had meat and cheese, eaten together and prepared in the same kitchen with the same utensils. If you were wondering, yes the meat is pork

>> No.18719418

I'm gonna try white sweet potato latkes this year, I'll keep you posted.

>> No.18719554

I always find it hilarious how whenever there's a thread about Jewish food people always post shit like bacon and pork chops as though that's going to be triggering. Finding a Jew that's actually kosher is like finding a Christian who practices self-flagellation.

>> No.18719729

It was outside the frame because I didn’t have a matching cup

I’m not even Jewish, I just like latkes :(

>> No.18719773
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>> No.18719895

I cooked latkes in bacon fat as an edgy teenager, it was actually really good and is now my preferred way of cooking them.

>> No.18719901

How do i get a big booby jew gf

>> No.18719903

what oil you use to fry in?
vegetable oil, tallow, or schmaltz?

>> No.18719950
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>> No.18719955

That jew belongs in an oven.

>> No.18719957

>the idea that you can steal recipes
You're as bad as the 4th generation Asian Americans who throw a fit because some white dude used soy sauce

>> No.18719960
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I'm glad /ck/ filled up with /pol/cels

>> No.18720023

how to make matzo ball soup??

>> No.18720028
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>How do i get a big booby jew gf
party party party

>> No.18720034
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chag sameach btw

>> No.18720038
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I've heard that askenazi jews can't cook and feed only on goy's misery. This is what a jewish friend of my fiancé told her.

>> No.18720059

Thats simply false though. My wife is Jewish and cooks great. So do her friends that are Jewish

>> No.18720068

You seethe about "/pol/cels" in every thread. Please try to control your delusions.

>> No.18720083
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But is she askenazi or the other sort ( can't recollect the other ones name )? Supposedly the other kind has a good food and is less prone to evil.

>> No.18720087 [DELETED] 

All kikes go in the oven save for one with big Khazar milkers. She will be raped before going into the oven.

>> No.18720117

My neighborhood got taken over by hasids, they're fucking everywhere

>> No.18720129

underrated post. rip kaufman

>> No.18720131

She's definitely Ashkenazi

>> No.18720148 [DELETED] 

She definitely belongs in an oven. No wooden doors this time.

>> No.18720172

Funny you should mention that. I have several Israeli made firearms to prevent that exact situation. Big Khazar milkers are worth protecting

>> No.18720183 [DELETED] 

Into the oven with you. Take your kike toy guide s with you

>> No.18720221

>all this seething

It seems superiority breeds discontent among one's lessers

>> No.18720233

haha yes good one ol' chap. You think you have power? Say that shit in public, watch what happens.


>> No.18720251 [DELETED] 

Just this morning a called a Jewish family a bunch of cheese eating kikes. They all shit up this rest stop on i87 near Newburgh. Filthy fucking smell jews.

>> No.18720253 [DELETED] 

Man I had this bakery around me, and they had the best challah bread ever. I hate kikes but their food rules. Same with niggers, I guess. They know how to eat that’s why they’re all fat.

>> No.18720258

virulent antisemite here, blintzes are pretty cool

>> No.18720274



Try that in Crown Heights

>> No.18720279

you are pathetic

>> No.18720287
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>> No.18720292 [DELETED] 

Wherever I am I bring outrageous anti semitism. I am Hitler incarnate. I am a one man walking swastika. Jews kvetch when I look in their general direction. I design and make industrial ovens in my free time. I circulate anti Semitic literature in my sleep. The adl has an entire website dedicated to me

>> No.18720304

Ah so this is what lead to the death of American inner cities.

>> No.18720324

Oh I get it now. You're an actual schizo. You should probably take your meds now, my guess is you're past due on them

>> No.18720330


>> No.18720344 [DELETED] 

Your time will come jew. Your time will come for the sins and atrocities you've committed on the human race. Your people will be purged from the annals of history with great prejudice and bathed in pigs blood

>> No.18720368

sure any idea when that will happen? My schedule is pretty busy making a lot of money and fucking my big titty wife, so I want to be ready. Would you say two weeks or so, give or take?

>> No.18720395 [DELETED] 

Make jokes all you want. You'll be jerking off into a potted plant to night. Filthy fucking degenerate jew

>> No.18720424
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Then I can't believe a word you say. Sorry.

>> No.18720445

you're projecting. Nazis are more likely to be incels. So wrapped up in jews they forget to get laid

>> No.18720454 [DELETED] 
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This is you. Deformed dick and

>> No.18720466

then what make jewish folks seethe.?

>> No.18720474
File: 114 KB, 465x513, WTF-Harvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harvey? Who the fuck names their kid Harvey?

>> No.18720475


>> No.18720483 [DELETED] 

Jewish deception. Jews always hide their ethnicity from their holy country.

>> No.18720882

Potato pancakes have been a thing basically as soon as europeans started eating potatoes, no one country can really claim they did it first because multiple countries had cookbooks around the same times that had the recipe in it. Latkes are simply the yiddish word for it and as I heard from Tasting History today, the word didn't even first show up in a cookbook, jews previously just called it whatever was the word for potato pancakes was in the language of the country they lived in.

>> No.18720897 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 976x549, smiling Harv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope Big Bad Harv is freed in my lifetime.
those crooked courts and the cowardly jury did him dirty

>> No.18720899

I can't, we ate them all before I thought to do so. Turned out good though.

>> No.18720968

>4th generation Asian Americans who throw a fit because some white dude used soy sauce
these people are fags but most of us don't give a shit.
as a third generation asian american (jap and taiwanese), my second gen parents always made fusion cuisine.

And my grandpa, an immigrant from Taiwan would exclusively make fusion food as well when he moved to California

>> No.18720982

potatoes are from the new world you mongoloid
i swear you wouldn't know so much of western civilization came from europe because modern europoors are fighting over who made the pancakes first

>> No.18721552
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>I’m not even Jewish, I just like latkes :(
Rest, latkes are not actually Jewish either.

>> No.18721564

loans being forgiven

>> No.18721581
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happy hanukkah /ck/

>> No.18721583 [DELETED] 

bro idfk what genes or phenotype I'm rocking, I'm 0% ashkenazi, mainly french and czech, with a little polish. But good lordy when I go on dating apps almost 50% of my matches are with big mommy milkers, abby shapiro, jewess types.
It's unreal. My city's demographics are not high in jewish population. Yet every other match is a fucking milk truck.

The ironic part, I like small boobs.

>> No.18721615
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Imagine promoting a holiday that tries to compete with the birth of Christ. The holiday is about “God” protecting your temple. The same temple you killed Christ for saying would be destroyed. It gets destroyed just like he says. You’re still celebrating this humiliating holiday to this very day as if God loves you. Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.18721622

the lamp tho, the oil lasted for 6 gorillian days

>> No.18721635

I'll trade ya. I got these big toothed thick frame Karen's but they're wild cards. They look deadass like the neon hair she phenotype but the very original products.
They're nasty freaks and all but I'll trade you for the Abby's.

>> No.18721654


Such a lame fable even during the short time the thing was still up.

>> No.18721768

>zeese men cannot be conquered
the russians paid tribute to mongols for like 500 years

>> No.18721787

>(((((((le pol face)))))))

Not a meme, keep trying to astroturf though schlomo

>> No.18721830

its not about the lamp
its about the reconquest of judea from the seleucids

>> No.18721853

Most Jews are liberal, even the rich ones.

>> No.18721858

That sounds like a bad trade, partner.

>> No.18721898

Almost all jewish recipes are appropriated from their host cultures.

>> No.18721904

are you complaining about cultural appropriation? sounds like wokeness run amok. you fucking retard.

>> No.18721933
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And this happens all the time, and these examples wouldn't be annoying, except for this weird Jewish focus in America.
>be immigrant from Eastern Europe
>go to vast, impressive American supermarket
>i hear they even have pre-made borscht, made in soulless factory instead of comfy home kitchen by loving wife!
>what a country!
>Approach fat store slave with nametag, "Jenny"...
>Excuse me, Madam Yenny, please to be telling me where to find borscht?
>"Oh, check the kosher aisle!"
>check the kosher aisle

>> No.18721945

I only match with fatties with huge tits shame their all vaxxed now

>> No.18721950

>not immediately swiping left
what are you doing bro

>> No.18721951

and this bothers you in any way because?

>> No.18721956

I think assimilation, easy travel, and broadcast media funnels generally immigrants toward a lowest-common denominator "American" diet... unless families make a special effort to retain traditional recipes. Jews are more likely to retain those, due to inherited food neuroses, and (sorry) /pol/ would also say that their views are amplified through Hollywood media influence (whether you see that as good, bad, or neutral is up to you). Thus we ended up in this weird situation where Midwesterners of German/Scandi descent think that smoked salmon on rye bread is a "New York Jewish" dish instead of literally what their grandfathers ate, and where Jews got it from. But people just need a little international/historical education to correct this. American food culture has a lot of other weird aspects too.

>> No.18721965 [DELETED] 

I'm not into wokeness at all. I'm just pointing out a hard fact. Seething about it, though ironic, isn't my problem.

>> No.18721969
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>what are you doing bro

>> No.18721975

I wasn't seething, I was agreeing with you. Like, for example, it's bizarre that >>18719895 would ever have thought that cooking potato pancakes in bacon fat was "edgy" instead of completely normal.

>> No.18721979


>> No.18721994
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>I'm not into wokeness at all

>> No.18721998
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>> No.18722008


>> No.18722009
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>posts a latke
>shitstorm ensues
Fantastic. Do a Kwanzaa food thread next, 10-to-1 the first reply will be the letter "N".

>> No.18722018
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>> No.18722019 [DELETED] 
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I wunna lick umami soap off her chocolate

>> No.18722033 [DELETED] 

Architect Theory aside, I really enjoy seeing Pierce out killin' it, smilin' ear-to-ear with his loving wife. Married 21 years, and he only remarried after his first wife had died ten years earlier. Based RARE vow-keeper actor chad.

>> No.18722039

chad king among men, desu to the upmost respect

>> No.18722042
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Even that thing would scare off Jaws

>> No.18722097

>Even that thing would scare off Jaws
She would eat jaws

>> No.18722451

What has /ck/ become? I remember when people genuinely shared recipes and asked for advice, now it's just antisemitism and feeder porn.

>> No.18722464 [DELETED] 

rat jew fingers typed this