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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18718992 No.18718992 [Reply] [Original]

I'm terribly depressed and 80% of my diet is made up of cereal or other quick fixes, i avoid ramen because it's too much effort and i've been procrastinating about finding a solution for years. How can I feed myself better without it being too much work? i've been thinkkng maybe bulk hamburger helper meal prep but looking for other easy ideas. I like rice

>> No.18719009
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get a slow cooker
like 5min of cutting up veggies and meat, toss it in, turn it on, forget about it.
go get stoned/drunk for 8 hours.
then whenever you're ready you have a hot healthy meal ready to go, just serve it up with some rice or pasta.
box up the other 5 portions, freeze then reheat later in the week when you're feeling lazy.

in the meantime, drink water and take multivitamins.
get your shit together anon, the ""depression"" is 90% caused by you just being a lazy fuck
t.was recently ""depressed"".

bonus tip: go camping innawoods, usually when someone's depressed they're just some cityfag that hasnt seen nature in a few years.

>> No.18719014

Depression? Isn't that just a fancy word for feeling "bummed out"?

>> No.18719021

>i avoid ramen because it's too much effort
>wants to make burgers
You are a retard.

>> No.18719040

They make frozen and shelf stable rice that’s already cooked and you just have to warm it in the microwave. Honestly if you’re fine to go to Trader Joe’s a 3 serving pack of rice should be about $3, and just add some precooked meat and maybe snag some other microwaveable food.

I hope things get better for you fren.

>> No.18719051


>> No.18719066

sop eating nothing but carbs.

>> No.18719069


>> No.18719071


>> No.18719098

vienna sausage
deviled ham
canned chicken
pork chili verde
canned pie filling

Almost all canned foods are fully cooked, the hard part is getting used to eating hot foods cold

>> No.18719116

yogurt, granola, fruits, vegetables, dips.
simple stuff that's easy to eat on its own without cooking or prep usually carries me through my major depression spirals.

>> No.18719151
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>> No.18719212

Do what this man says.

>> No.18719252

Your pic related is depressed because Chad predictably left and now she has to settle for a beta bitch boy lmfao

>> No.18719288

That's what a really bummed out person would say.

>> No.18720912

Get a big bag of carrots, or whatever vegetable you like raw. If you ever feel overwhelmed thinking about making food, just start eating a carrot. it won't fill you up completely, but it will get something in your stomach. It might make cooking/thinking about what to make next easier. The fiber is good too, and helps with digestion.

>> No.18721333

Try to keep some sort of seeded bread, butter, deli meat and cheese, and fruit around, like apples and oranges. You can grab a couple things straight away when you finally remember you need sustenance and eat them with zero prep, and it's a step towards a working diet. Vitamin D tablets wouldn't hurt.

>> No.18723654

It depends. There are people who are genetically depressed, others that started being chronically bummed for different reasons and then you get to some sort of depression

In the second case it's a vicious circle, being bummed makes you unable to do stuff which accumulate and you become more bummer
Some men loose hairs, dick and health in general (stomach, intestine, cognitive capacity), and when it's chronicized the effect are irreversible and you become more bummed

The effect of those depends hugely on personal basis but on average everyone respond the same

So excluding the first case, your kinda right. Still it's something more serious than it sounds actually

>> No.18723663
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She clearly needs a lobster bib

>> No.18723934

Bleach is breddy good

>> No.18724007

People think differently, to OP boiling water may feel like more effort than throwing a burger on a pan. Its weird but accepting that helps you understand people better

>> No.18724535

Got some meatballs, green peppers, and an onion. Am I doing this right?>>18719212

>> No.18725084


>> No.18725089

thanks, they were really taster

>> No.18725105

sounds good anon
i'm about to do a week's worth of Butter Chicken Curry in mine tomorrow.

>> No.18725110

couldn't relate, cooking is the only thing that somewhat cheers me up

>> No.18725139

gimme the steps you take to make this happen please. I'm a rookie. When I hear "butter" chicken I think of chicken that has a bunch of butter on it.

>> No.18725145


Listen to this man. I recently got over a 3 year long episode of major depression and a lot of it boils down to how well you take care of yourself. If you feel like you need more than that, then seek help from a psychiatrist. Don't expect drugs to be the sole reason to motivate yourself though.

>> No.18725177

>and now she has to settle

>> No.18726097

Stove top popcorn. Quick,warm,filling,fun. Get a glass top pot to watch the show. Don’t really need to clean up, just wipe with paper towel.

>> No.18726101

>too depressed to cook but not to make 4chin posts
Get your shit together

>> No.18726115

If ramen is too much effort just buy every variety of trail mix along with some fresh veggies and dip. Zero effort, decent variety and should cover most nutrients you need.

>> No.18726560

rice is cool. hamburger helper is cool. do what you love baby. you got free will. so long as you got it, you can do anything.

>> No.18726724

Oh boy it's one of those threads where the solution is for OP to stop being a little bitch while he (male) vehemently defends his right to be a useless piece of shit.

>just go fucking cook a meal retard

>> No.18726726

during one of my worst depression episodes I ate nothing but whole greek yogurt, peanut butter, bananas and maybe bagels for about two months. I had vitamin supplements too but I'd often forget to take them. I don't think it was good for me but at least it wasn't too bad. it kept me skinny and with good bowel movements. that helps once you've found the wherewithal to crawl out of the hole

>> No.18726729

forgot to add I didn't have a kitchen back then so that's why those are all ready to eat foods

>> No.18727038
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>eat garbage
>wonder why you feel like garbage
the world would be a better place if you depressionfags all just offed yourselves en masse