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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18706525 No.18706525 [Reply] [Original]

>For 23 of the bars, eating just an ounce a day would put an adult over a level that public health authorities and CR’s experts say may be harmful for at least one of those heavy metals. Five of the bars were above those levels for both cadmium and lead.
>Unfortunately, cocoa solids are also where the heavy metals, especially cadmium, lurk. That makes it tricky to balance dark chocolate’s risks and benefits.
>Some of the same concerns may extend to products made with cocoa powder—which is essentially pure cocoa solids—such as hot cocoa, and brownie and cake mixes, though they have varying amounts of cacao and possibly heavy metals.
>tony's chocolonely 34% more lead than legal limit
>lindt excellence 66% more lead than legal limit
>trader joe's 92% more lead than legal limit
it's the chocofuckingpocalypse

>> No.18706530

maybe that's why I'm fucking retarded now

>> No.18706537

what i've gathered from this is that trader joe's has the best chocolate

>> No.18706539
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Lead isn't bad for you dumbass

>> No.18706542

This perfectly explains why women are insane

>> No.18706545

>literally read that dark chocolate promoted neurogenesis
>ate it to make myself smarter
>probably got more retarded from it

>> No.18706546

Oh fuck me, I love dark chocolate.

>> No.18706549
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I'm pissed
really liked chocolove's dark chocolate. with how it's getting into chocolate, we need wide testing immediately.
>cadmium requires breeding cacao beans to absorb less cadmium
>lead requires overhauling harvesting and production

>> No.18706550

how about lindt 70%? that's what I get.

>> No.18706553
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>Lindt 70%
it's safe to assume that it's in fucking all of them since they determined how lead and cadmium were getting into chocolates, they could only test so many.

>> No.18706554

If it's the same as the Moser Roth at Aldi, it unironically is.

>> No.18706561
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allow me to prove you wrong

>> No.18706563
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Holy fuck shit Hersheys.
Y'all got any more of that lead cocoa

>> No.18706575

how the fuck are they just now discovering this?

>> No.18706578

>Solving for cadmium is trickier, though it is possible, DiBartolomeis says. Carefully breeding or genetically engineering plants to take up less of the heavy metal could help, though that could take several years.
Ah shit, GMO-free-tards are probably going to make it hard to get that off the ground.

>> No.18706581

who would've tested for this? manufacturers have no interest in testing for things that aren't legally mandated. I wonder what gave them the idea to test for it in the first place

>> No.18706588

Well, I guess don't forget to sign the petition:

>> No.18706597

yeah, most petitions are pointless but one coming out from consumer reports might scare them into addressing the problem. they're not a small name to have attached to something like this

>> No.18706604
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fuck I love moser roth

>> No.18706612

>The MADL for reproductive toxins refers to the level at which a chemical would have no observable effect even if exposure occurred at 1000 times that level.

>> No.18706626

lead is absorbed into your bones and tissue, it sticks around for a long, long time. cumulative effects are worth thinking about, especially if it's even present in cocoa powder/things that use cocoa powder.

>> No.18706642

>lead is absorbed into your bones
So you’re saying eating chocolate will turn me into Wolverine? Bad fucking ass.

>> No.18706644

the question is how much ends up in your skeleton or your brain. lead elsewhere in the body is eliminated with a relatively short halflife of 1-2 months. I also find it interesting how these regulations (from 1989) use a factor of 1000 for all toxins they look at regardless of their tendency to accumulate which could be wildly different for different things.

>> No.18706680

psyllium husk has much more lead in it than dark chocolate btw, I stopped taking it for that reason. it's like 6x the allowed level instead of 2x.

>> No.18706754
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>literally just bought two bars of Green & Black's because it tastes better than other dark chocolate bars
>tfw just found out it tastes better because of all the lead and cadmium

>> No.18706814

Good thing I've built up an immunity from my extensive use of the cadmium and lead Garfield mugs.

>> No.18706823

In the paragraph you quote, it seems to confuse California's MADL with "a level that ... may be harmful". Let's look at California's definition for MADL for heavy metals such as lead in this context:
>The MADL for reproductive toxins refers to the level at which a chemical would have no observable effect even if exposure occurred at 1000 times that level.
So to answer questions like >>18706575 , it's because these are all well within the legal limits everywhere in the world, but California just had to have some extra weird and rather irresponsible requirements with Prop 65, of which you are seeing a consequence of one of many, many that occur pretty much monthly. (Did you know molasses cause cancer? Because of CA, every jar of blackstrap molasses has labeled that it may cause cancer due to dietary iron.)

>> No.18706837

>1000 times
Heavy metals bioaccumulate, so reaching 1000 times the MADL level isn't as high a bar as it sounds.
If you ate 1oz of Hershey's Special dark every day, you'd reach that threshold in just over a year.

>> No.18706851

just take iodine and vitamin c niggas
dsma and calcium disodium EDTA

>> No.18706854

I just want to say how noble it is, and how impressed I am, t to what Great lengths intellectuals will go to to make reason four and two up and buy a group of people who lack both self-control and any consideration for their own health. It's impressive.

>> No.18706870

Huh, I thought GPT was more coherent than that.

>> No.18706913

>Heavy metals bioaccumulate, ... If you ate 1oz of Hershey's Special dark every day, you'd reach that threshold in just over a year.
That's ... not what bioaccumulation is. It's the rate of accumulation minus the rate of excretion. Heavy metals, like just about everything humans take in, are excreted, slowly.
Sometimes a healthy policy might set a guideline on maximum lifetime (or occupational) accumulated dose, which is common for workers exposed to radiation or certain chronic hazards, though again I've really only seen that as an occupational guideline and not an everyday human medicine thing.

>> No.18706939

>The biologic half-life of cadmium in the kidney is estimated to be between 6 to 38 years; the half life of cadmium in the liver is between 4 and 19 years
Yes, it's possible to reach 1000xMADL in a year.

>> No.18707008

Lol just wait for the big reveal on the toxic vitamin industry dude. Oh wait, that’s already happened, like a dozen times. All before Amazon/China took over. Lol. LMAO. Dumbass.

>> No.18707088

When you go more granular like this your analysis quickly becomes more naive. From the source you just linked:
>normal individuals absorb only about 6% of ingested cadmium
Or you can look in practice. Exposure to cadmium by food has been a major problem before, and the thresholds and susceptibilities are pretty well documented. You can look through any of the connecting literature on the history here:
To take a step back so we stop moving these goal posts every which way, it's not saying that at 1000x there's a risk. Compare say the federal guidelines for cadmium, which go into lifetime exposure risk:
>ATSDR: Chronic durational oral minimal risk level (MRL) of 0.1 µg/kg/day of cadmium based on its renal effects. This MRL standard states how much cadmium can be taken in orally chronically without risk of adverse health effects (ATSDR 1999).
>EPA: Food – Reference dose is 1 x 10-3mg/kg/day (ATSDR 1999). Reference dose (Rfd) is an estimate of a daily exposure to the general population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime (IRIS 2006).
Note that the FDA's safety factor on these quantities, depending on the studies they are based on, is likely either 100-fold or 1000-fold (https://www.fda.gov/media/153239/download).).

Tldr, this CR article is not anticipating a news story in which thousands of Americans are hospitalized with itai-itai because they eat Lindt chocolates daily. You're not going to be calculating your own exposure risk from your bedroom tonight -- that's done in consultation with a doctor. Normally CR has decent reports, but I don't know what the fuck this shit is.

>> No.18707118

opened this thread at the same time I'm eating a chocolate covered ice cream bar

>> No.18707120

>normal individuals absorb only about 6% of ingested cadmium
Is that relevant? I assume that this factor is already accounted for in the MADL exposure limits.

>ATSDR: Chronic durational oral minimal risk level (MRL) of 0.1 µg/kg/day of cadmium
If you weight 130lbs, then your MRL is 5.9µg/day. That's only 1.8µg/day greater than the 4.1µg/day under MADL.

>100-fold or 1000-fold
Uh, that's not how 'fold' works.
100-fold means 2^100, which is 1.3e30.

>You're not going to be calculating your own exposure risk from your bedroom tonight
Go be a condescending faggot somewhere else.

>> No.18707131

god i wish that was me

>> No.18707177

>Uh, that's not how 'fold' works.
I'll assume you're an ESL, non-STEM, and/or that "n-fold" isn't in your dialect.
Your first thing is dumb because the whole point you were talking about is accumulation, which would be based on what is absorbed, whereas you were saying you could get to 1000x MADL by eating the cadmium MADL 1000 times. This shouldn't be difficult.
The second thing is missing the point that the federal guideline says you can take have that much exposure continuously over your lifetime with no significant risk. That's as opposed to your extrapolation of how the MADL works, per that 1000x over 1000 days thing.

>> No.18707178

I fucking new those Theo bars had something wrong about them. They also seem to use sewer water or some shit because it smells terrible.
Never buying that chocolate brand ever again

>> No.18707189

god dammit. i began eating dark chocolate for the exact same reason

>> No.18707198

>I'll assume you're an ESL, non-STEM, and/or that "n-fold" isn't in your dialect.
And I'll assume you're retarded.
The dictionary is wrong, plain and simple.
10-fold means roughly a thousand times. 2^10 = 1024.
It's not that hard. Take a piece of paper and fold in in half: you have two layers.
Take that paper and fold it in half again: you have four layers.
Fold it a 3rd time and you have 8 layers. Etc.
That's the origin of the expression, it's not my fault it's so widely misused that dictionary recorded the wrong definition.

>federal guideline says you can take have that much exposure continuously over your lifetime with no significant risk.
Which you will notice that eating a single oz of chocolate a day can already put you 2.6x over that threshold, never mind any other exposure to heavy metals you may experience.
This shouldn't be difficult to understand.

>> No.18707331

Lead bones would fucking suck bro.

>> No.18707335

They're comfortably the best dark chocolate I can get at any of the eight different grocery stores here, while being the cheapest by a mile.

>> No.18707350

yeah, my family fuckin hated them too.

>> No.18707387

great disease name tbqh

>> No.18707397
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Welp, now we know what the other 15% is. Turns out cadmium is fucking delicious.

>> No.18707423
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You should've kneeled while you had the chance.

>> No.18707470

>american food safety

>> No.18707601

It's chocolate all over the globe, eurotard. the lead is from the cacao beans which are fed to the global chocolate supply, not from the american manufacturers

>> No.18707815
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i have eaten an entire bar of 100% baker's chocolate every day for the past 6 months

>> No.18707831

I knew there was something wrong with this shit. If it's good chocolate, I will eat it all, but I have to force myself to eat chocolate these days. One of the befits of being hypersensitive.

Btw, you can't get good chocolate anymore. It just isn't sold to plebs.

>> No.18707834

I'm eating a Cadmium Creme Egg.

>> No.18707849
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>maybe that's why I'm fucking retarded now
Nah you've got to be in the first place to want dark chocolate, it at best amplified it

>> No.18708077

this is complete bullshit. I've eaten dark chocolate for years and I'm fine (though I don't regularly consume it because I'm not a fatass)

>> No.18708094

What was the last book you read?

>> No.18708104
File: 336 KB, 1200x1208, 26a62-timothy-dester-first-in-east-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically, Pickle for the Knowing Ones by Lord Timothy Dexter, Informer of Deer.

>> No.18708118
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>bought a bar of Tony Chocolonely for the first time last week
>wanted to feel good about not getting slave labor chocolate
>it tasted like shit, dry and waxy with very little flavor and almost no melt
>threw the whole bar away after trying two chunks of it
>find out Tony Chocolonely actually uses slave labor and lost their certification
>find out chocolate, in general, is full of fucking lead

Why is everything so fake and gay?

>> No.18708138

>boring ass old shit
Yeah you've got brain damage.

>> No.18708139

How much tactile defensiveness would you say you display?

>> No.18708143

it's a retard's schizo ramblings. not boring at all.
he's illiterate so the book included no punctuation and is chock-full of mispellings. After being criticized for it, he published a second edition. He did not change anything, except added a few pages of just punctuation for readers to "pepper throughout according to their tastes"

>> No.18708149

maybe it does both so it cancels out

>> No.18708155

Food studies are almost all 100% fake bullshit. They're all based on self-reported surveys that ask nonsense like "how many chocolate have you had this year?" There's no evidence to back up any of the claims, ever, because actually figuring out what chemical in the food interacts with what thing in the body to do other thing is difficult.

>> No.18708164

There's a good Gunsmoke where a guy gets his head pushed into a vat of molten lead, that's not a good way to go. That's pretty grim.

>> No.18708166

oh don't spoil the fun with your logic

>> No.18708168

>/ck/ makes fun of me for eating hershey's vomit chocolate for years
>turns out the "good" chocolate has lead in it


>> No.18708178
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You all shall kneel before the Andes!

>> No.18708180

No, because this is an issue endemic with chocolate solids themselves, and not specific brands of chocolate bar. ALL chocolate flavored ANYTHING is now off the table because it's lead contaminated. Fuck me, maybe this is why civilization is collapsing? This is our "Romans drinking water from lead lined aqueducts" scenario. The industrial revolution spread CHOCOLATE everywhere and now we're fucked.

>> No.18708189

>avatarposting tranime
We get it you are retarded gj

>> No.18708192

Yeah right d00d, space aliens have travelled trillions of miles and with that technology want to poison people through chocolate which you had to cap. Are you retarded or selling books or what?

>> No.18708193

Except that this isnt about self reported surveys, like "what did you eat yesterday" shit to gauge if someone got cancer from eating marmalade.
But I would always give more respect to these .org webpages if they actually linked their published reports properly instead of going "trust me bro" like they did in OP's link

That said, heavy metal testings should be done often for all food products, so long as they publish the actual report/article that details their methodology and complete findings so that other people can verify its validity.

>> No.18708206
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>space aliens
Disingenuous faggot trying to poison the discussion with bullshit that nobody said.

>> No.18708211

everything should be done for everything but in reality it has to be paid for somehow, this isn't star trek shit

>> No.18708217

That's just what a space alien trying to poison our food and water would say

>> No.18708223

It's not, but a good rule of thumb is to severely limit the consumption of foods grown in third-world countries. Most of it is contaminated with some form of heavy metal like lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Most of it is farmed and processed using inhuman slave labor in unhygenic conditions. Everybody would be far better off if that industry was limited, everybody would have to return to eating foods "locally" grown which is healthier for them and healthier for the environment.

>> No.18708252

>Dark Chocolate is a natural anti-depressant and good for your heart (in moderation)

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.18708254

>Normally CR has decent reports, but I don't know what the fuck this shit is.
Someone in the industry is mad about dark chocolate sales and is trying to run a smear campaign.

>> No.18708258

>just an ounce a day
>of chocolate
Americans will defend this

>> No.18708263

Based on who's metric? Fucking retarded Cali cuck.

>> No.18708305

Anti-depressants aren't real. The chemical imbalance theory of depression is a complete falsehood designed to sell you drugs.

>> No.18708342

Depression is definitely caused by hormone imbalance. You don't need pharmaceuticals to fix it, though, just eat real food and avoid all highly processed foods, refined sugars, and seed oils. I literally cured my depression with this strategy.

>> No.18708379
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I think it's closer to GAPS than it is "hormone imbalance", and I do agree with you that much of it boils down to eating healthy foods and avoiding goyslop. The imbalance is in your gut flora, which indirectly influences your brain by producing various chemicals like hormones. There's a very convincing argument that people who are schizophrenic have gut bacteria that are essentially constantly producing mind altering drugs.

What I take offence to is the theory that these people are just naturally born that way and there's nothing anybody can do about it except pump them with whatever the latest pill product is and keep them coming back for more doses for the rest of their life. One does not just have "hormone imbalance", that's not a thing that can be treated, that's a symptom and not the root cause.

>> No.18708381 [DELETED] 

anime site

>> No.18708385 [DELETED] 

Milk chocolate is shit

>> No.18708387

she's not even from an anime; she's a vtuber

>> No.18708392

>What I take offence to is the theory that these people are just naturally born that way and there's nothing anybody can do about it except pump them with whatever the latest pill product is and keep them coming back for more doses for the rest of their life.
Oh, yeah, I see what you mean and I also think that shit is insidious. You're not just born with a broken brain, something broke it and it can be fixed. Most often it comes down to good diet and physical activity.

>> No.18708418

>lead and cadmium
aren't those like fucking hard to get? like, you have to invade countries and make people dig for them so you can make alectric car batteries and shit? why would they put them for free on chocolate?

>> No.18708429

People here called me a plebian for not enjoying bitter dark chocolate, but now it looks like I won in the end.

>> No.18708495

>falling for the "ChOcLeT iS BaD 4 U" propaganda.

>> No.18708504

it depends on where the beans come from, and where the water for the beans come from
If it comes from a third world shithole with no regulations, then the cacao plantations could be located within spitting distance of a factory that spits out untreated wastewater into the local environment with no fucks given

>> No.18708533

so glad I eat Japanese brand food. Don't have to worry about any of this poison shit.

>> No.18708583

>dies of mercury poisoning

>> No.18708587
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>"I'll have you know, the traces of lead and cadmium metals in my dark chocolate makes it taste excellent!"
>"They strengthen the flavor!"
>"My Oompa Loompas enjoy the heavy metal flavoring, though, they have gone down a plenty IQ points over the years of sampling my dark chocolate."
>"Better to lose your intelligence than to become a blueberry."

>> No.18708832

>Lead is getting sprayed on the cacao beans as they dry via dust in the air
>Cadmium is being leeched into the beans through the soil as they grow
Literally what the fuck is going on at these plantations? Are they planting the trees literally in the backyard of a chemical factory?

>> No.18708836


>> No.18708850

we use lots of cocoa where I work, and thankfully we have a global contaminants testing program. Before we agree to buy any cocoa, we have to qualify it. And as part of qualification, we test for all the bad things on multiple lots. Thereafter, random audit testing is conducted and any failures will penalize the supplier and make them pay for any product destructs.

>> No.18708875

Fecal transplants have been a thing for a long time, I’m sure if that theory had any support it would be tested.

>> No.18708893
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Is this only dark chocolate or is white and milk chocolate still fine?

>> No.18708895

With how expensive chocolate is, the industry better start testing and reforming their production practices quickly. No excuses for this.


>> No.18708907

Fucking kek.

>> No.18708924
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Tranime weebshite boomer.

>> No.18709250

Do you know which ep? That's pretty hardcore for Gunsmoke.

>> No.18709274

>he doesn't have images of anime girls saved
lol fag

>Milk chocolate is shit

>> No.18709283

wtf I eat so much dark chocolate.

>> No.18709461

are you fucking serious
I fucking love dark chocolate
there was a time when I ate a couple squares of 90%+ every day
im eating cacao nibs right now, are they fucked too

>> No.18709475

this is just another step in getting us to eat patented, trademarked, lab-designed slop.

>> No.18709784

you would starve without "lab designed slop".

>> No.18709904

no i wouldn't, moshe.

>> No.18710243

yes, ,you would. I guarantee there's not a day that goes by that you didn't eat something produced in a big factory after being designed by evil food scientists.

Or are you going to tell me how you only eat food your grow/hunt yourself?

>> No.18710510

everything is a scam anon
from shampoo to optometry

>> No.18710514

that's like 1 square bro
I can eat half a bar of 85% without thinking

>> No.18710517

The name of the episode is "buffalo hunter" I think it's the OTR one but it might be a TV one also, the OTR one is more explicit.

>> No.18710519

when's that ragusea cuck going to make a video about this to show it's not really that bad so I can enjoy chocolate ever again

>> No.18710528

Here ya go
You can listen to it or download from there

>> No.18710614

>Normally CR has decent reports, but I don't know what the fuck this shit is
I'm honestly inclined to believe >>18706539, days like these.

>> No.18710712

It's almost 30g, a square of lindt dark is half that. Even if you're a two square chad chocolate is not an everyday food it's a once or twice a week food at most.

>> No.18710750

Uma delicioso

>> No.18710815

It's a joke do not eat lead.

Small amounts don't matter just like mercury but the more you can keep it out of your system the better.

>> No.18710861

I like to use those to top mint brownies with.

>> No.18711004
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Imagine for even a second believing the blatant marketing scheme that dark chocolate is "good" for you. I thought /ck/ was smarter than this but anons in this thread making me doubt it
>wtf i thought candy was good for my brain!

>> No.18711224

I hate this feeling.

>> No.18711400

I'd just like to point out this anon is still the stupidest motherfucker ITT

>> No.18711410

I really like chocolate but there's lots of other sweet treats and desserts without any cocoa to enjoy, and I want to remove unnecessary and preventable risks if it's ultimately a small sacrifice. goodbye chocolate...

>> No.18711964

>tfw I've been eating 30g of pure cacao powder every day for years

>> No.18711969

>t. obese person who exclusively eats frozen chicken tenders and soda

>> No.18711985

Aerosol spraying is really screwing with our food supply. It’s been a problem for a long time as all sorts of nasty chemicals are ending up in the soil via heavy metal nanoparticulates sprayed from above. I’m inclined to believe this problem extends to other commodities as well. There was a French study done several years ago that highlights all the unnatural substances that have been found in the soil but sadly I don’t have the link on hand atm. Either way, it’s very disturbing stuff.

>> No.18711996

That settles it: you are not human. I am sorry to be the one to break it to you.

>> No.18712070

nice strawman brah

>> No.18712098

WRONG, ROBOT. Humans don't eat cadmium and lead. You however do seem to.

>> No.18712155

I've eaten almost an ounce a day with coffee for years now.....Fuck.

>> No.18712482

Stay bitter that you lost the argument, faggot

>> No.18712488

The Romans literally used lead pipes. Stop being such a baby millennial

>> No.18712524

And I don't see any more romans around, what does that tell you?

>> No.18712545

Consumer reports is a third party watchdog

>> No.18712561
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>Well, I guess don't forget to sign the petition:
Well I signed it, hope others will also. What really scares me is if the heavy metal accumulation is being deposited into the cocoa solids of the chocolate then I'm extremely afraid of what cocoa powders (100% solids) would look like in testing that's the basis for all my baked goods and of course hot cocoa/choccy milk.

>> No.18712715

The fact that you can identify a vtuber makes you the absolute bottom-barrel tier person on this site

>> No.18712725

>jews using third world slave children to slowly poison first world enemies who pay them for it
you gotta hand it to them this is total depravity

>> No.18712813
File: 42 KB, 445x243, effecty of eating choco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat chocolate once
>instantly turn into a softened boned diseased Japanese peasant

>> No.18712838

In some parts of the world leaded gas is still a thing, desu. If those parts of the world also grow the food you eat...

>> No.18712849

Africans wouldn't be eating without it

>> No.18713849

High Fructose Corn Syrup and Granulated Cane sugar are also both contaminated with mercury at industrial levels. Fun fact: mercury poisoning turns male flamingos homosexual

>> No.18713874

>tony's chocolonely 34% more lead than legal limit
I knew buying Dutch would bite me I just didn't think it would be this soon

>> No.18713877

>Dark chocolate elitists getting the heavy metal poisoning they fucking deserved
based based based

>> No.18713879

Hershey's shouldn't even be classified as food to begin with

>> No.18713880

I may have osteoperosis but you are still a bitch

>> No.18713915

>He did not change anything, except added a few pages of just punctuation for readers to "pepper throughout according to their tastes"

>> No.18715057
File: 393 KB, 1638x2048, v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fukken nice, anon comes through.

>> No.18715089

the contamination is coming from the source. Not from the manufacturer. This is literally the effect of globohomo.
>heh we'll just pay retards to plant this and say its environment friendly fair trade.
>turns out the mooks are using 3rd world policies to plant and harvest
>there is no grading standard for the fair trade source itself because that would be racist
most of these fair trade farms would be shut down if they were met with standards. But nah fuck that its all about the ecogreen goyslop future. Just consume don't think and consume some more. Your helping rwanda and jaquandis get through school so they can get smugged into the EU in 10 years

>> No.18715094

You knew all along, anon? You didn't warn us?
>Itai-Itai disease
Creepy. That literally translates to "it hurts-it hurts" in Japanese. Thanks, anime.
>leaded gas is still a thing
Technically it shouldn't be anymore, it was supposed to have been globally phased out last year or so.
But that was the most shocking part of the article to me. It's just so nonchalant about foodstuffs being widely contaminated by "lead dust" in the wind. What the fuck? Particulate smoke and viruses were one thing, but now the gentle outdoor breezes are filling my lungs with lead, too? It's getting hard to tell which route our species will kill itself first with.

>> No.18715150

drop the recipe?

>> No.18715309

If any of the chocolate tested were Fair Trade it would have a giant Fair Trade logo stamped on it. A company won't pay a markup and tell consumers to pay an even higher markup unless they're advertising, big, that it's Fair Trade, Organic, whatever certified. Fair Trade has been analyzed in dozens of studies as to whether it significantly, or at all, improves outcomes for farmers and communities compared to noncertified peers, or in comparison to areas in which free and open trade policies are pushed instead of Fair Trade or similar certification. Maybe you'd want to do a bit more background research on what exact globohomo is happening where and how before you keep saying stupid shit.

>> No.18715338

Ughh get some taste my dude

>> No.18715418

Based milka enjoyer

>> No.18715421

Just take some st john's wort

>> No.18715425

I mean doesn't this mean that all chocolate is filled with lead? Why focus on dark chocolate only? Like yeah milk chocolate will have less cocoa in it, but not 100 times less or anything.

>> No.18715437

>But that was the most shocking part of the article to me. It's just so nonchalant about foodstuffs being widely contaminated by "lead dust" in the wind.
Agree with this, basically shouldn’t it mean that everything from those parts of the world are potentially lead contaminated? Don’t coffee beans have a similar way of being processed and grow in essentially the same areas as cacao beans?

>> No.18715441

Cocoa grows in slightly hotter climates than coffee iirc.

>> No.18715633
File: 23 KB, 267x326, Are+you+okay+here+have+some+chicken+maybe+youre+just+_df4c6a9dcbd8b59144e7e9485e6ba675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((they))) will not force me to stop eating my Lindt 99% chocolate

>> No.18715645

Im reading this now but it seems to just be the ramblings of an insane man.
The Introductory Preface

>> No.18715660

>Just brought Lindt and Ghirardelli bars for my dad as a gift


>> No.18715806

I don't buy these brands, so I don't care

>> No.18715814

What in the fucks going on that they get lead in there.

>> No.18715912

So basically, we should just stop buying any kind of food that has been produced in third world conditions? This shit has the potential to turn me paranoid, makes me feel like unless I visit the fucking farm myself and see the conditions under which the animal I'm about to eat lived I won't be sure I'm safe from eating poison.

>> No.18716012

he was born a pauper but gained his riches by buying the least profitable shit.
like he bought all the whale bones in Boston and New York and coincidentally whale bone corsets went in style right after.
He bought a bunch of wool mittens and sent them to the Caribbean and some Portuguese sailors who were about to go to the arctic stopped the ship en route and bought up all the mittens.
he's like a Luck 10 intelligence 1 build.

>> No.18716135

the biography said he got an endowment when he married his wife as well. if you have money its easy to make money

>> No.18716155

who the fuck is feeding flamingos lead to see how gay it makes them

>> No.18716215

I used to work in a factory dealing with heavy metal dust, including cadmium, and I had to get my piss tested regularly to check my blood metal levels. I also ate dark chocolate while working there My tests never showed any appreciable change over the whole period.

Then again I don't eat big brands like Lindt and I have no idea what Tony's is.

>> No.18716299

hershey probably has low cadmium since it's all artificial slop

>> No.18716577

>feeding flamingos lead
Looks like someone's been eating their dark chocolate!
>ate dark chocolate
What, like an ounce every day like they say in the article? The amount isn't that high in the chocolate, it's more that the heavy metals accumulate, so consistent intake will cause it to become an issue. Occasional chocolate would be fine.

>> No.18716642


>> No.18717628

lotta words defending the chocolate mafia
post hand, you sicilian cur

>> No.18717643

It's a pretty typical brownie recipe but no solid chocolate inside and like 1/4tsp peppermint extract added, then topped with a 1:1 ganache using the andes for chocolate.

>> No.18717652

>pepe stabbed to death.jpg
that's not pepe

>> No.18717703

>be american
>get shot at
>celebrate with chocolate
>get lead in you anyways

>> No.18717712

Lead bones would fucking bend as you walk on them

>> No.18717723

The chocolate bar on the right is seriously one of my favorite chocolate bars. I just bought one yesterday.

>> No.18717733

>da jooz

>> No.18717869

>prop 65 warnings on every single product in California saying it may cause cancer.
>CR report says all chocolate tested is even more likely to may cause cancer than previously evaluated in prop 65.
Having lived in CA, I don't care and laugh at the saturation effect of prop65 warning labels causing everyone in the state to ignore government health risks (see for example Amber Alerts, crime control theater, and everybody asking for ways to block them on their phone -- news ref because nobody's gonna read the paper: https://news4sanantonio.com/news/trouble-shooters/are-amber-alerts-effective-or-crime-control-theater)) (on prop 65 labels being counterproductive to cancer awareness & prevention: https://www.cancer.org/healthy/cancer-causes/general-info/cancer-warning-labels-based-on-californias-proposition-65.html))
No longer living in CA today, I also don't care and laugh that my government at least has marginally more sensible standards, in that they follow the federal government and don't try to make whatever unstandardized shit up they want on their own..

>> No.18718103

Thank you for posting something actually delicious to /ck/. That sounds so damn good.

>> No.18718439

>Country next to China is protected from contaminated air, water and soil by magic weeb forcefield.

English teacher logic.

>> No.18718548
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cadmium makes you strong.

>> No.18718559

Dark chocolate fucking sucks

>> No.18718566

t. hersheys milk chocolate cuck

>> No.18718654

>10-fold means roughly a thousand times. 2^10 = 1024.
How do people not know this

>> No.18718667

How much should I be eating if I wanted to die?

>> No.18718811

move to canada

>> No.18718813


>> No.18718920

i've been eating at least three (3) packed tablespoons of cocoa powder a day, often more. am i doomed?

>> No.18718928

one square a day of 70%+ dark choocolate can be slightly beneficial. much more and the cocoa oil will have net negative effects

you could be making stuff with cocoa powder instead

i have leg pain if i sit too much and go several days without

>> No.18719556

Imagine being this much of a braindead tryhard. Milk chocolate is objectively better. But by all means, keep deluding yourself if it makes you feel better. Gotta make sure the internet knows how much of a gwown-up you are, right?

>> No.18719609

If you prefer sweet things that's fine. Other people prefer other flavors like sour and bitter. I prefer dark chocolate because believe it or not, I enjoy bitter flavors.

>> No.18720018

Egyptians also dried after a bath with asbestos rags
Not inclined to believe that didn't cause problems

>> No.18720035

just get a job cleaning up hazardous waste

>> No.18720091

How were you consuming it? Man, that's a lot of cocoa. Anyway, just don't have any chocolate for a year so your body can start to filter it out. Or get a blood test now or something so you can see if it's even an issue.

>> No.18720200

Nooooo dump all that lead and cadmium on white chocolate since only retards like them so theyre already a lost cause.

>> No.18720201

>white chocolate enjoyers are retards
>t. lead and cadmium ingester

>> No.18720290

Eh, there's less lead in chocolate than there is in beef or chicken so I'm not super worried.

>> No.18720382

>it's in every chocolate
>they still won't stop selling products that contain chocolate
I shiggyddt. It's another nothingburger for ages. I eat 90% lindt, beed having it for ages and blood tests show normal levels in everything

>> No.18720400

And that's why you should buy everything you eat locally.

>> No.18720408

cocoa beans and powder have been consumed for hundreds of years and no one died from poisoning. the common breakfast of poor families in England during the 1800s always had a mug of cocoa powder in hot water because it gave energy and warmth while being cheap

>> No.18720418

I live next to a lead and cadmium dust factory. They say they're following regulations, but...

>> No.18720444

And that's why you should live only in first world countries.

>> No.18720496

>just eat real food and avoid all highly processed foods, refined sugars, and seed oils
I've been doing so for years, tried exercising, meditation and everything in-between and still depressed. I think it's shit like OPs post that depresses me. Sometimes I wish I was an NPC that has an empty head and gets happy by the most mundane things.

>> No.18720515

imagine being such a pussy that you give a shit about micro traces of things in your food. on a small enough scale everything has traces of something undesirable. that doesn't mean it matters. For example, over 90% of all test 100 dollars bills had a detectable amount of cocain in them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contaminated_currency#:~:text=Results%20demonstrated%20that%20%2292%25%20of,0.01%2D922.72%20%CE%BCg%20per%20bill.

everyone who has every exercised either has died or will die. don't exercise and be the first person to live forever.

>> No.18720549

don't forget the most famous one, bananas being radioactive

>> No.18720598

nothing wrong with a little cocaine

>> No.18720671

This is incredibly disappointing. Looks like chocolate is off the menu for me now.

>> No.18720692
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it's nothing, as usual, otherwise everything would be off the shelves by now
they did the same with plastic food containers. said it's bad because of BPAs, keep selling them plus BPA free ones
prenty of products also contain stupid ammounts of mercury and are still sold
captcha thinks it's the vax

>> No.18720701

>winter time
>have been enjoying a cuppa hot milk with a tsp of coco almost every day

>> No.18720714
File: 233 KB, 277x445, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll be fine
if you don't believe me, read a few books about the Victorian era. I think I read it in pic related

>> No.18721611

a better site with easier to understand results based on MADL

>> No.18721683

so, it's a leaf only thing...
nothing to see folks

>> No.18721719

I already mix my wine with lead like the romans.

>> No.18722053

>results based on MADL
Wtf is with the table color coding? The MADL is in microg/day, but the tests measure microg/serving (obviously, since they were testing the concentration in a fixed sample, and not, say, doing a survey of how much chocolate the average Californian eats per day). Yet the color coding is apparently based on whether the microg/serving exceeds the microg/day, in a ridiculous grade-school level of dimension mismatch. If the settlement in the lawsuit against the companies was just some vague commitment to a study and a plan to maybe do something about it in the future, and that's where you're leaving it, then what's the point of even having a red vs. green listing? If the thesis in the beginning is that no level of lead is safe for children, then what's the point of having a red vs. green listing for any of the chocolates since they all have a measurable ppm?

Maybe, just maybe, the public outreach sites for a lot of these advocacy groups are just as idiotic as those for any other organization that puts heavy emphasis on PR over substance.

>> No.18722078
File: 59 KB, 676x930, 123535231258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing seeing retards like this pop up these days. You all think "X can't be that bad!" because you live decades removed from when X was a prevalent danger. The reason why it's no longer a danger is because people before us worked hard to make it so.
You're complacent in your blanket of safety, ignorant that it exists in the first place, and want to shove your hand in the fire. It's like people who try to get friendly with wild animals because they've lived in a sheltered city all their life, then act surprised when nature bites back.

>> No.18722104
File: 70 KB, 328x272, 12531246247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a box of pic related
>eat a bar a day for a month
>die of lead poisoning
>family sues hershey's

>> No.18722114

>pregnant people

>> No.18722709

pretty sure Tony's and Theo's are Fair Trade

>> No.18722759

You think this means chocolate will go on sale?

>> No.18722779
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, 344CB4D4-50CD-49B9-A152-F7C9CE756CC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindt sisters I don’t feel so good..

>> No.18722875
File: 2.33 MB, 4624x3468, 20221221_111853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not backing down.

>> No.18722998

I'm considering growing my own cocoa, seems like a decent investment.

>> No.18723036

based lindt hoarder. I do the same, bring 2 every time I go shopping because I got a discount that way.
all this is is just leaves making noise about nothing. if it was that bad they'd get things off the shelves everywhere, but it's only Canada that's getting a sticker warning. people have been consuming cocoa for centuries every day and never died from poisoning

>> No.18723037

I just had a bout of gastritis, that image is very relevant to my existence.

>> No.18723042

Right but with how fat the average person is I doubt much excretion of heavy metals is even happening.

>> No.18723047

>how fat the average person is
in NA*

>> No.18723341

oh no no no fatfuckbros how will we ever recover

>> No.18723360

>he thinks everyone who eats chocolate is fat
that only applies to americans

>> No.18723372

>humans develop taste to determine if foods are good or bad for us
>taste dark chocolate
>don't like it
>"eat it anon, youre just being childish"
Don't mind me, I'll just be eating the version of chocolate that isn't a Lobotomy Bar

>> No.18723389

but I like it... I think milk chocolate tastes like soap for the most part and if I eat more than a few squares I feel my stomach burning

>> No.18723396
File: 199 KB, 1481x1600, white chocolate toblerone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't talking about milk chocolate

>> No.18723401

Never backing down.

>> No.18723414

me neither, coping retard
all in all, all chocolate is fine and this is only a stupid leaf thing

>> No.18723419

>talk about milk chocolate
>get mad and say you weren't talking about milk chocolate
I have confounded and embarassed you. It's time to stop posting.

>> No.18723425

no, you're the one that mentioned milk chocolate, you fucking retard

>> No.18723566

they simply should stop using contaminated fertilizer like we did in the eu

>> No.18723586

kek, were the molds for the bars made from car batteries

>> No.18723604

Me too, in fact I'm eating one right now and feel just fi

>> No.18723661

bout to have some food and then a square of 100% cocoa chocolate. fuck the soyence

>> No.18723670

>implying this is my problem

>> No.18723672

its a crisis that cannot be solved at the moment because no one will accept responsibility for the negligence .
Wait until they do this same report on coffee and find high iron/cadium/arsenic and lead in like almost every single one.

>> No.18723677

>its a crisis
>coffee and find high iron/cadium/arsenic and lead
it's nothing. cocoa was consumed during the 1800s every day by poor families and no one dies from it
people in countries like Portugal and Spain dring at least 2 expresso per day, have done it for decades and no one died from it

>> No.18723693
File: 18 KB, 643x680, s2af3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sucks man. it's one of the worst negative about the internet, maybe even the worst. these double digit IQ mentally ill subhumans have become so subsumed by the internet and all its polarizing content that they actively start searching out things that they can get upset over. they start denying reality and think that all long-established truths are wrong because...because they are. they're addicted to contrarianism. and because of the internet, they can seek out other mentally ill faggots to validate their delusions. you see it every day here. i remember seeing a thread on /o/ not too long ago actually arguing that leaded fuel wasn't bad and it was some jewish conspiracy blah blah blah.

it really sucks. i honestly think these regressive thought patterns are going to be society's undoing.

>> No.18723734

are you just going to ignore the living proof that our grandfathers, great grandfathers, great great grandfathers, etc consumed cocoa and lived a long life?

>> No.18723801

>You all think "X can't be that bad!" because you live decades removed from when X was a prevalent danger.
I forget who I was listening to, but they were saying how this century could be a very dangerous one regarding nuclear weapons because everyone who remembers living during the Cold War and when countries regularly tested nuclear weapons will all be dead. We'll have lost the collective consciousness of how apocalyptic they really are and someone could be tempted to use them. I don't know how much I buy it, but it was definitely thought-provoking

>> No.18723918

is it that we notice these people more easily as we age or is it that the internet has become more populated by retards that get boners from being contrarains? although i remember some contrarians on some forums i used to visit however they just got told to shut up usually.

>> No.18723984

>is it that we notice these people more easily as we age or is it that the internet has become more populated by retards that get boners from being contrarains
definitely the latter. 4chan practically enables it. there's 0 accountability when you're "anonymous", the banning policy is a fucking joke that can be bypassed in 5 minutes, and the moderation is outright non-existent on many boards.

>> No.18724089

>measurable ppm
Probably you just can't obtain things that have no detectable amounts of lead, same with cadmium, it's just something always present in the environment at varying levels. All you can do is minimize exposure.
>dimension mismatch
I agree that it's stupid, but I guess it's made for people that just need the information boiled down as much as possible. The green effectively means "if you eat one serving of this chocolate per day, you're staying below the MADL cut-off. Otherwise, you'll have to determine a safe serving proportion, but ideally switch to a better brand".
4chan is an example of a short-exchange communication format, relative to things like essays or long forum posts. It's also very cyclical, with effectively the same threads on the same topics showing up over and over and over, so the same discussions happen ad nauseum.
In such a context, people become more contrarian and the dialogue less worthwhile. How much effort are you going to put in to defend point X when each new thread has someone taking up position Y? Eventually you're going to get lazy to cite sources and address every little point of your opponent, and things will devolve to name-calling very fast. Since the threads are ephemeral, you can't easily point to an earlier one and say "this was discussed at length last week", it's always starting from zero.
4chan isn't the only site that works this way, obviously, but it's just not a good match for detailed discussion on controversial topics.
>no one died from it
>lived a long life
You don't understand how chronic poisoning works. You are exactly like the people saying "how can smoking be bad? My grandfather smoked cigarettes until he was 90. Case closed".

>> No.18724203

>You don't understand how chronic poisoning works. You are exactly like the people saying "how can smoking be bad? My grandfather smoked cigarettes until he was 90. Case closed".
it's funny because that guy most likely didn't get vaxxed either

>> No.18724278

This would only be relevant if we knew for certain they were eating contaminated chocolate. If you had actually read the article you'd know that at least the lead is believed to be from the dust being blown onto it while it dries in the sun. Cadmium may be from the soil. Who knows if these contaminants were around even 50 years ago, much less over a hundred. The cocoa probably wasn't even from the same places we get it now.

When lead and other contaminants were found in Flint's drinking water several years back did you say the same thing?

>> No.18724342

enjoy heavy metal poisoning retard

>> No.18724374

It's so funny how much this board freaks out about poison from processed food, and then when it actually happens, the line becomes well, heavy metals aren't that bad for the human body you know, they should be allowed to put this in our food

>> No.18724416

correct. haven't gotten sick in more than a decade and vaxxies are sick every year
>all these excuses
that shit is in the beans and has been forever, stop being a pussy and believing everything you read from soyence articles

>> No.18724432

>using basic logic is excuses

>> No.18724446

>women love chocolate
>chocolate has lead in it
>lead makes you retarded

>> No.18724514

i can only imagine what it's like inside your peabrain

>> No.18724521

just keep boosting bro

>> No.18724547

>no argument against my answer
as always, vaxxies are NEVER right

>> No.18724553

Why isn't it just as likely that (((they))) are the ones contaminating it as this being "soyence?"

>> No.18724557

Your response to me wasn't worth a thoughtful reply, it's clear to anyone that you're either an idiot or trolling.

>> No.18724600

because cocoa beans have been growing in the same place for hundreds if not thousands of years, so they always had that thing, no one died and it's only the faggotty canadians that are going stupid about his, just like they do with other products everyone else keeps consuming and no one died

>> No.18724942

Don't worry bro
I have been inhaling lead all my life haha

>> No.18725546
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>> No.18725920

>When lead and other contaminants were found in Flint's drinking water several years back did you say the same thing?
Yes, because they weren't in Flint's drinking water prior to that, because Flint was paying to correctly mineralize its water so that lead and other material from the pipes could not leech. Thus in all the thousands (tens? hundreds of thousands?) of times that Flint's water had been tested prior to the crisis the water was fine, despite using the same piping and infrastructure.

What I do instead of saying this or that is I look up what is actually happening when these kinds of stories break out -- you know, crisis stories that have to do with nice specific engineering or policy thresholds -- because then you will usually see that the issue is much more technically complicated that a simple press release could ever have you believe (or could ever reasonably convey in 800 words or less, for that matter).