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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18707047 No.18707047 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
Shit dripper edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drinking anything swirled lately?

Previous Thread:>>18693628

>> No.18707061

First for I went back to v60 after experimenting with aeropress and v60 is better

>> No.18707062

Recommend me some coffees for pour-over filter brewing.
Tea drinker btw

>> No.18707071

Light roast Kenya my nigger

>> No.18707078

Yeah but spoonfeed me a little, which light roast Kenya beans from one of the pastebin stores? There's a shit ton of choices, like do I just pick the highest altitude?

>> No.18707079

Fellas I love coffee and want to drink at night but not stay up, any recommendations on decaf or naturally low caffeine beans

>> No.18707103

You pick whatever sounds interesting.

>> No.18707108

I'm gonna try this tomorrow

>> No.18707117

it's a combination of hoffmann's and wendleboe's recipe. there's a 30 sec gap between the swirl and press so the grounds settle at the bottom.

let us know how it goes!

>> No.18707123
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i do wish i could have me some goffee right now but it's 11pm

>> No.18707145

light roast natural process(washed process if natural not available) panama geisha 95 rated.

>> No.18707150

im going to tweet @ James Hoffman and ask him to recommend me coffee
he probably won't respond but there's a non-zero chance

>> No.18707168

my friend it's 5 am in the UK, give it a few hours.

>> No.18707204

Don’t get natural processed. Anyone who suggest natural processed Kenya is a fucking retard who literally knows nothing. Also go to Whole Foods if you’re in the US they have good shit. Washed Ethiopia is good too.

>> No.18707212

Also just try whatever locally roasted shit from Whole Foods with a roast date from the last 2 weeks or so until you figure out what you like. It’s a journey. Spoilers: If you don’t have shit taste it’ll be Kenya, Ethiopia and Costa Rica.

>> No.18707213

Get natural processed. Anyone who suggest not to get natural processed Kenya is a fucking retard who literally knows nothing. Also don't go to Whole Foods if you’re in the US they have shit. Washed Ethiopia is shit too.

>> No.18707218

I liked Honduran coffee when I tried it :)

>> No.18707223

I haven’t tried it but I bet it’s good. Hondurans sell a lot of fentanyl where I’m at.

>> No.18707241

I'm interested too.

>> No.18707244

>Also go to Whole Foods
kill yourself in real life.

>> No.18707251

Cope harder nigger. They always have the locally roasted good stuff round these parts.

>> No.18707258

I feels ya brah but decaf tends to be dogshit and has limited selection. I unironically recommend getting into wine and becoming and alcoholic for your nighttime fun. Otherwise check your local Whole Foods or roast your own.

>> No.18707292
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>locally roasted

>> No.18707299

I roast my own faggot
Let me guess you discovered dry processed ethiopia 2 weeks ago, wow

>> No.18707316

>Give your money to bezos


>> No.18707320

>mulatto communist with dreadlocks

>> No.18707353

I only get my coffee from wholesome free market sources, no communism allowed.

>> No.18707381

>I roast my own faggot
>he still doesnt know
oh anon...

>> No.18707388

If you like blueberries then buy some blueberries. It you like coffee then buy coffee (washed)

>> No.18707393

how else would they clean them?

>> No.18707396

That’s why they tell you to swirl

>> No.18707415

>thread for discussing coffee and coffee-realted topics

I just bought a Bezzera Magica with flow control. i know my grinder is good, I have experience with cheaper machines, but what else should I know? What are my chances of pulling good shots? should I kill myself?

>> No.18707416

Your grinder isn’t actually good and you know it

>> No.18707420

Why can't I buy coffee cherries to eat?

>> No.18707428

>Your grinder isn’t actually good and you know it

according to Espresso Aficionados my grinder is fine. So what else you got, faggot?

>> No.18707429


>> No.18707431

what grinder.

>> No.18707432

>Why can't I buy coffee cherries to eat?

you literally can. just call up a coffee farm and order some, retard.

>> No.18707435

Kek I’ll be hearing from you how amazing natural processed “””blueberry bombs””” are in 6 months. Dumbass

>> No.18707440

what grinder.

that's not a declarative statement, you dumb piece of shit. L2punctuation retard.

>> No.18707441

>“””blueberry bombs”””

bruh, I'm makin expresso, not fruit tea. pay attention, dumbass.

>> No.18707445

Espresso sucks, objectively speaking. Thanks for playing though

>> No.18707447

Would you guys like a poem about my blueberry natural process? I still have 15 pounds of it left, so I have plenty of inspiration. I recently bought some blueberries to compare and contrast. The coffee really does taste like blueberries. Pretty neat.

>> No.18707453

Oh, and another neat thing: my poop smells like blueberries from drinking that coffee every day. I feel like I may have mentioned that here before. Or maybe it was elsewhere.

>> No.18707454
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>he doesn't stir his aeropress after adding water
>clumps and underextracts or degasses pushing out underextracted coffee
blows my mind that people listen to hoffmann over the man who invented it

>> No.18707456

kill yourself faggot
you have a shit grinder and you are ashamed of sharing.

>> No.18707457

Hoffman invented coffee

>> No.18707463

Blueberries aren’t even good berries >>18707454
based hoffnigger is for npcs

>> No.18707467

Does this fucking retard really think blueberry is an impressive and rare tasting note? >>>/homebarista/

>> No.18707468

literally a zp6 clone

>> No.18707478

how competitions has adler won? thought so

>> No.18707482

My coffee tastes like orange vanilla.

>> No.18707483

Where did this blueberry bomb meme come from I have been in a psychiatric facility for the past 3 weeks and I must have missed its birth

>> No.18707486
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This nigga grinding with a corvette
>I kneel

>> No.18707496

Natural processed anything tastes like berries. It’s fun for about half a cup and then disgusting, and a novelty for non drinkers/forum posters. Been a meme forever.

>> No.18707499

Oh so we're just being retarded tonight? Is that what we're doing here? Alright

>> No.18707501

I wish there was a good resource to find coffees by notes.
Like if I want a coffee with X and Y notes, I should look for Z region.

>> No.18707503

Where should I look for a natural process blueberry bomb?

>> No.18707505

Whole Foods

>> No.18707507

okay but I'm serious. If I want something that is say, Grape and Honey, what would I drink?
How about Whiskey and Chocolate? etc.

>> No.18707510

Literally washed Kenya and Ethiopia. Not even memeing

>> No.18707512

Dunno, but I'm brewing up a blueberry butt bomb for you right now. Couple threads ago I was rambling about roasting one and managed to make the faggiest posts evar. Another possibility is that a lot of this year's natural Ethiopians had blueberry notes, so people are bombposting.

>> No.18707517

Natural process is just cope for having no water. Don’t drink that third world shit. Buy a fucking thing of fruit next time you’re at Whole Foods.

>> No.18707520

You shut your whore mouth. You don't talk about blueberry bombs that way.

>> No.18707526
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First post worst post
The beauty of the Aeropress is that there's so many ways to make different tasting coffee, with one simple, inexpensive device.

>> No.18707538

Literally a filter grinder.

>> No.18707539

I got a bonavita gooseneck at Salvation Army for $6 for my gf who left me. What’s your excuse aerobro?

>> No.18707540

I also got a tennis racket (Pete Sampras edition) for $4 but I’m not gonna use it

>> No.18707551


>> No.18707565
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Nah, pretty sure it’s garbage

>> No.18707574

Yeah thats a walmart special pal.

>> No.18707582

Yeah it says aluminum as if that’s a good thing so I am not surprised.

>> No.18707586

one of those threads
guess ill go shitpost on /tv/ tonight, these guys make even shitposting annoying.

>> No.18707588

>Natural processed anything tastes like berries
you have never had natural process anything
its washed process light roast geisha that taste like berries you fucking poser.
thats literally goffee 101.

>> No.18707589

Say you enjoy blueberry bombs without saying you only drink natty eth

>> No.18707591

i drink natural process burundi medium roast every day and it doesnt taste like berries.
christ, you are actually pathetic.
see you fags next thread im out.

>> No.18707593

Embarrassing post, drink more coffee

>> No.18707596

My fav natty Burundi tasted like ripe raspberries and marshmallows at city+. Really memorable cup desu.

>> No.18707598
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still no discount on bripe

>> No.18707605

I don't know much about coffee. I like to drink 1 cup after lunch and that's about it.
Should I bother with a french press or just get an aeropress with a stainless steel filter? I want something easy to clean and no paper filters as I don't want to produce unnecessary wastes
Can you make consistently good coffee with an aeropress?

>> No.18707606

You guys think its the same dark roast idiot playing both sides so he comes out on top?

>> No.18707608

You're going to make an unnecessary waste about 15 minutes after you drink your coffee, but yes, Aeropress makes a decent coffee if you use it right.

>> No.18707609

I mean raspberries and hot cocoa. The roasted marshmallow one was a Costa Rica. Sorry bros

>> No.18707615

It’s a journey and this thread is for grown up’s kid

>> No.18707653

just cold brew

>> No.18707685

we caught onto the schizo posts and just ignored him
this attention starved idiot switched lanes
i give it a couple threads before he gets voided again.

>> No.18707688

how are you making it.
i guess that can change the taste.

>> No.18707799

i want to start looking for a second hand espresso machine, which ones shuold i look out for? i know of the gaggia classic and the rancilio silvia

>> No.18707802

>grown up’s

>> No.18707822

do you mostly drink black or make milk drinks.
if you drink black i dont see why you would need an electric machine.
could get a new manual for the price of used electric.

>> No.18707825

What's your budget?

>> No.18707832

yeah i want to have a steam wand too. i mostly drink filter coffee, i just wantedd to put some models in my auction watchlist to see if anything good pops up.

like $200

>> No.18707897

>like $200

>> No.18707936

Saturday morning is a great time for some cawfeeah

>> No.18707963

You're gonna have a hard time getting a decent espresso machine for $200, even used. You can abandon any thoughts of getting a silvia at that price, for a gaggia I think it's possible but it would probably be a banged up one that you'd need to fix at least a bit.
I'm not sure what other machines would be available used at that price. I know a new delonghi dedica goes for about that, but whether or not you'd want one is a whole other thing.

>> No.18707976
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>> No.18708047

>100 dollaridoos for a joke gift
What were they thinking?

>> No.18708066

You will gain more beard hipster points if you make your own bripe. It's only brass or something, how hard can it be..

>> No.18708185

What exactly is this recipe for? French press? Aeropress?

>> No.18708212

When I was a noob coffee drinker I remember ordering a pour over Kenya from Starbucks and nearly shat myself after drinking it. Had to RUSH to a bathroom. That Coffee is so strong.

>> No.18708221

>local man kills himself while attempting to smoke coffee

>> No.18708245

Anyone here had Rwanda beans before?

>> No.18708278

Coffee should be smoked in a smoker after roasting

>> No.18708281


>> No.18708496

the only good press is the aeropress

>> No.18708527

Based april chad

>> No.18708545

Had some very nice cuban coffee. I've always preferred coffee that wasn't super fruity and light, but I always thought that the only coffee that wasn't like that was darker roast-tasting shit, which I'm not a huge fan of either. This coffee has shown me that that's not the case and I'm glad for that. Has a tobacco-ish taste at the beginning of a sip and something else that I can't quite place by the end.

>> No.18708588

wait you guys actually enjoy black coffee?

>> No.18708630


>> No.18708669

You mean coffee without milk? Yes. If it's well made it's the best kind of coffee. If it's poorly made (it usually is) you want milk.

>> No.18708687

do you guys brush teeth after coffee

>> No.18708707
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What grind size is this

>> No.18708721

Do you actually brush your teeth?

>> No.18708736

Turkish fine

>> No.18708740

I got a scrollsaw in trade for a can of chew. Got you beat there. Just like your ex

>> No.18708761

should I drink coffee before the sleep?
Yea, specially with imageboards

>> No.18709316
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I thought I'd buy a cezve as a gift for Christmas, but I've heard that the coffee for turkish coffee has to be super finely ground.
How fine are we talking? How can I tell that the coffee I'm buying is fine enough?
I'm assuming pic related won't cut it?

>> No.18709331
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can confirm this does make a tasty cup of goffee
the body of it gets a noticeable boost over hoffmann's recipe, though I'm not used to trying for 1min presses. i recall james stating he wanted a simple recipe that didn't add a bunch of extra work subject to diminishing returns. this pushes that border out a little further but with noticeable yield.

>> No.18709351

Turkish is the finest grind there is, it's powder. It's by far the most popular brewing method in my country so 99% of the stuff you find in grocery stores is turkish. It usually says it's ground for turkish on the packaging, so I'd look for that (assuming you don't have a grinder that can go that fine)

>> No.18709360

lel I just realized that my roommate from 5 years ago had turkish coffee and I was stealing it from him but just making it by pouring boiling water on it

>> No.18709364
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would like to revise this to state "this makes a dummy good cup of coffee"
damn it feels good to be GANG GANG

>> No.18709368

You know damn well gol don't run with that gang.

>> No.18709369

That's not that far off from how you're supposed to make it.

>> No.18709376

I assert that if aeropress existed in his universe, he would
the one piece would just be an aeropress and this recipe.

>> No.18709410
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i'm glad you liked it

>> No.18709417

well nothing bad is going to happen if we just put some jacobs kronung into the cezve right

>> No.18709429

It'll make mustard gas

>> No.18709450

also, if you're someone who prefers clarity, two filters brightens it up.

i have a hard time choosing one over the other.

>> No.18709454

You heard it here first. Why bother when anything better than a timemore c3 when you can just stack filters.

>> No.18709501

I used aesir filters for that cup and it was as clear as I would've expected

>> No.18709535

no it makes cool coffee crystals my dad works at nespresso and said it's fine

>> No.18709542
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>coffee crystals

>> No.18709551

who said any of that, schizo


>> No.18709577
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> if you're someone who prefers clarity, two filters brightens it up

>> No.18709598


>> No.18709803
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Actually, the coffee brewer of choice in One Piece is a siphon brewer.

>> No.18709815

What is the best way to store my coffee? I just bought a kg bag and it doesn't have a seal on it so I'm sorta fucked, it'll just sit in open air basically

>> No.18709820
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Ok redpill me on the LaPavoni Domus Bar.

I want to switch from nespresso capsules to grinded coffee for espresso only and I eyed this machine because is all in one and has the steam arm to make ‘cino, but if you have other suggestions please let me know (same price or lower than the domus bar).

I’m Italian btw so I have access to a lot of espresso mixes.

>> No.18709836

Air tight container if you don't have anything specially made for storage. Like with 99% of coffee topics, the hoff has a video about it

>> No.18709867

>bought bags of pre-ground coffee
>they were so shit I immediately bought a grinder
>they've just been sitting there aging and going stale for over a month now
Anything interesting I can do with shitty old coffee grounds or just toss them?

>> No.18709869

Robin knows her shit. A bitch that bad ain't touching an aeropress.

>> No.18709880

Cold brew

>> No.18709890

Just cold brew them to get rid of it faster. Brew strong, dilute with milk and maple and you've probably got a better bottled iced latte. Its going to taste like shit regardless so don't worry about trying to optimize and just blow through it.

>> No.18709897

You could buy some vodka and steep all the coffee grounds in it to make a coffee extract for using in cooking.
Make coffee flavored cake, brownies, icing, ice cream, maybe even use it to make a bbq marinade.

>> No.18709902

So you're a fan of siphon brewers?
I've never seen one in person, but they look pretty neat.
I've thought about ordering one, but I'm not sure I trust amazon to ship me glassware and not smash it up.

>> No.18709912

Is there anything different I should be looking for in a travel bottle for coffee? Like material wise or whatever? Asking because I often want to have some coffee at uni at say 4pm, but by then the cafeteria upstairs has closed and the coffee from the vending machines tastes so bad I'd rather not stay uncaffinated. So instead I though I'd make some cold brew and bring that with me.

>> No.18709934

It's hard to go wrong with a good vacuum flask.

>> No.18709965

>not sure I trust amazon
Just get a hario off prima if you're worried. I like the idea of them, but I wouldn't want one without a sick beam heater.

>> No.18709988

oh hell yeah i finna go balls deep on pourovers
watched that twink coffee guy with the gray hair on youtube and im ready

>> No.18709994

How do y’all feel about that Bones Coffee Co?

>> No.18710040

Join the origami gang asap.

>> No.18710137

I'm considering a DF64 just so I can grind single dose for espresso and pourover on the same machine. Are there any deal breakers aside from the shitty method they use for reducing static on the grounds?

>> No.18710143

Lol, I'm too poor to afford a beam heater.
I'm actually kinda looking at the Yama 32oz siphon pot, which is meant for stovetop use anyways.

>> No.18710356

>go to the grocery store
>Tim Horton's Medium roast (Hoffman rated it highly in a blind taste test)
>whole beans
I might actually cop it next time just to see if it's good, especially since it's whole bean rather than pre-ground.

>> No.18710382

hoffmeme french press tastes pretty good but I get too impatient when pouring so I still get like a drop of sludge :(

>> No.18710390

Have you tried grinding coarser? Might help with filtration, although you'll need to adjust other aspects of your recipe a bit to keep the final product the same.

>> No.18710423

I'm using k6 and I grinded 80clicks, I'll try 85 next time.

>> No.18710523
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well coarse grind (for french press) is listed as 150 clicks

>> No.18710546

yeah but the hoffmeme methos said to grind it into like medium, I'm trying to find the upper limit

>> No.18710628

What do you grind at for pour overs typically? I recently got a k6 and am curious to other peoples ranges

>> No.18710724
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>> No.18710810
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What am I in for, bros? Just ordered this and I’m on the verge of ordering a Cafelat Robot to complement it. Anyone have experiences with either? I’m a novice at making coffee but new job has me going in the opposite direction of my favorite place so I’m gonna brew in the office. Also ordered some Onyx coffees to try. Sorry for the basic bitch picks but I’m just getting started so that’s where I’m starting

>> No.18710837
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>it's not an addiction bro
>*has withdrawals if he doesn't BREEEEEW*

>> No.18710852

I haven't tried pourovers yet because I'm too frugal for paper filters.

>> No.18710876

*koff* you can't get addicted to bripe bro i can stop whenever iw ant

>> No.18710880

Update: just ordered a Cafelat Robot. I’m splurging. Thing looks like it’ll last a lifetime anyway.

>> No.18710911
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>> No.18710914

should have gone with an aeropress

>> No.18711000
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Today I tasted a coffee with floral notes for the first time in my life and I like it so much I went back to buy a bag.

>> No.18711063

The gesha I slurped on today is pretty floral.

>> No.18711070

just remember to add the preheater mod

>> No.18711128

keurig? it happens because it's shit.

>> No.18711221
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Based origami user

>> No.18711233
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I recognize this backsplash.
There should be an aeropress in this image.

>> No.18711397
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my god those pans need me. there's a copper pan out there that needs me. it needs someone like me.

>> No.18711422

go to them anon. save them

>> No.18711470

Any good espresso bean recs for a first time home brewer? Is it true I can use any bean I like at the end of the day?

>> No.18711490

Yes. 95% of the espresso I drink would be considered "filter" roast. If its interesting as pourover, its going to be interesting as an espresso. I've roasted this crop, natty and washed. Both delicious. Last guy I shilled this roaster to really liked it. He snagged some guatamalans.

>> No.18711515

Thanks for the info man: one more question: any glassware recommendations? I like the see through look of some

>> No.18711637

I've got the kruve glasses and a neat elite that I really like. You'll want to look at notneutral too.

>> No.18711752
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lets talk machines. anyone have opinions on the barista express? thinking of picking one of these bad boys up

>> No.18711789
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gf's father got a rancilio silvia v6 for free.
I'm jelly

>> No.18711819

Marry her and demand it as a dowry

>> No.18711860

It's hard to get consistent specific notes attributed to a region or varietal since processing, environment and weather can affect them a lot.

>blueberry bomb
Usually a natural processed processed ethiopian from yirgacheffe or guji.
>Grape and Honey
Some washed ethiopian have this but I had a washed guatemala taste like white grapes and very sweet honey.

>> No.18711967
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noob here: Mr. Hoffman advises on his video about making latte's that you should try your coffee before adding milk, however whenever I try coffee like that I never like it, it's always too overpowering; its actually only after adding milk that I can tell if I like it or not.

Does this mean that I actually don't like coffee?

>> No.18711972

You might just not like espresso, they're pretty intense. The reason he says to try it beforehand though is so you know what the quality of the actual espresso you made is. If you drown it in milk first you're tasting 70% milk and 30% coffee. You don't need to like espresso, but you should still be able to tell when one is better than another.

>> No.18712069

what the hell is omni roast?

>> No.18712292

I think I figured out why my french press coffee was so sour dominant. I blame James Hoffman's meme trick of just letting the grounds settle. The flavor that gets extracted from the bottom grounds stay at the bottom and don't get poured out. You can see this if you take a Lipton teabag, add water, and don't touch it. There'll be some darker tea at the bottom that tastes different.

>> No.18712480

I had the same experience with the Hoffman method, so I went back to the usual method of brew for four minutes and then press.
I think the press does the same thing that his stir is supposed to do anyways, since as you press the coffee down it forces water through the grounds.

>> No.18712673
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Wow good eye! Your autism is impressive desu, I don't care what anybody says about that

>> No.18712678

aeropresschads... we lost...

>> No.18712743
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No, dont spread FUD. A friend got me the origami as a birthday gift. I don't go around screeching AEROPRESS GANG in person, even though I got him to buy one for himself....

>> No.18712769
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that's a pretty sweet gift

>> No.18712818

>I don't go around screeching AEROPRESS GANG in person
you should

>> No.18712819

I will buy him an Aeropress Go to match his OG aeropress next >:)

>> No.18712826

Maybe I will

>> No.18712841
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>> No.18713322


>> No.18713340


>> No.18713365

Don't buy delonghis. Don't buy machines with integrated grinders. Don't drink Italian espresso.

>> No.18713383
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Why not?

>> No.18713416

All three shit tier.

>> No.18713448


>> No.18713600

How fine should I grind for hoffmeme's Hario Switch recipe?
I'm currently at 73 clicks on a K6 which is basically right in the middle of the medium-fine range
Around a 1:30 draw down using standard 02 filters

>> No.18713645
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Opinions on this combo for a beginner?

>> No.18713677

Good machine. Shit grinder. I'd imagine you can get any eureka cheap in italy.

>> No.18713754


>> No.18713774

See. That barista express is an infuser with a smart grinder pro jammed into it. The burrs in both are nearly identical to a $33 kingrinder k0. Your money will be better spent getting a separate machine and grinder.

>> No.18713782

I can find them


This is the suggested model?

>> No.18713798

Yes that will be a solid little tank with very traditional Italian espresso geometry. High fines, thick syrupy pulls. If you can splurge a little more, check out their slightly higher end stuff.

>> No.18713816
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Ok thanks anon, so Rancilio Silvia + Eureka grinder.

>> No.18713840


>> No.18713906
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Tried anon's recipe for briscotti. Added walnuts, chocolate and cinnamon. They turned out pretty good, although they were very brittle so it was hard to cut them while keeping them intact.

>> No.18713931

You should grind as fine as you can before it tastes shit, then back off a few.

>> No.18713947

Monogram coffee; anyone had their current filter offerings? Considering picking them up; Tinoco, Mahiga (AA), maybe Ramiro Martinez and Equation Huila.

>> No.18714034

But even the espresso oaf recommends the barista express

>> No.18714114

i do ~100 clicks, 16:1 ratio

>> No.18714209
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got this, thought it was ok.
will try again tomorrow. today was a small cup.

>> No.18714242

also if there are any midwestanons in this thread are there any recs for chicago, milwaukee, madison, & minneapolis roasters?

>> No.18714297

Monarch's espresso recipe is 19g:55g in 25 seconds. If I wanted to adjust that to 18:52, would that also be in 25 seconds or a little less?

>> No.18714302

If you want to get stuck with a shitty grinder and 54mm baskets be my guest bud.

>> No.18714407

quick rundown on 54mm baskets?

>> No.18714414

meant for

>> No.18714463


>> No.18714473

they're not 58mm

>> No.18714564

54mm is usually breville/sage shit, if you always buy and are loyal to this brand.. its fine, ims basket has 54mm and are good. 58mm is a more widely used standard dimension, and all the good tools/accessories (tamper, portafilters, baskets etc) you buy will carry over when you change machines. Delonghi uses 51mm iirc

>> No.18714824
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v60 01 ceramic seems to drain faster than 02 ceramic with the same amount of coffee and water. thoughts?

>> No.18715026

If I made pourover cones that looked even more like an anus would you guys buy them?

>> No.18715049

put some kind of design on either side to look like fingers and i'd buy a lot of them

>> No.18715054

I’m late to reply but thank you so much for your help

>> No.18715166

Gonna be a pain in the ass replacing all your accessories if you want a better machine. Not sure if the machines are capable of going over 18g, the Bambino isn't at least. I mean technically maybe but do a good job no.

>> No.18715200

I just brewed a cafe mocha and then found out that dark chocolate is poisonous. I used dark chocolate from the grocery store, something not tested in the report, so I hope I'll be fine.

>> No.18715224

Anybody here ever make mocha by mixing the cacao in with the coffee grounds?

>> No.18715278

>dark chocolate is poisonous

>> No.18715290

if you had $1100 and a rocky grinder to upgrade, what would you pick?

>> No.18715333


>> No.18715342

Espresso or filter?

>> No.18715358

>literally a zp6 clone

huh? what the literal fuck is that supposed to mean?

>> No.18715426

espresso. I like to try out differents roasts so I drink anything from light roasts to medium-dark.

>> No.18715436

Get in on the early df83 pricing and toss in ssp casts when they come out.

>> No.18715650

no more mochas, they're poisonous

>> No.18715671

Poisonous moka kino?

>> No.18715787
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What is this type of espresso cup called? I want more of the same shape…

>> No.18715809

You have to start with whole cacao nibs mixed in with the beans as pre-ground cacao is too fine and will clog your portafilter

>> No.18715845

Cazzo, if my memory serves. That looks like the larger varieties (yes they come in sizes) so youd look for Cazzo Grosso.

>> No.18715853

Britbong here, just had a large double double from Tim Horton's. This tastes like hot water, I do not get the hype.

>> No.18715866

>>33637532 (OP)

Hey folks,

I'm going to have a party tonight at the following address:

Brahmsstraße 10, Dortmund-Mengede, Germany.

Apartment: Strempler.

Everybody who is nearby or in the hood is welcome to drop by. There are free hookers and booze. And bring your friends!

Tomorrow at 7 p.m. (CET)

>> No.18715876

>Das Hood

>> No.18715879
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I drank my coffee too fast because I made it too good

>> No.18715906

Tim Hortons does not make good coffee. Almost 10 years ago the company changed hands, and coffee supplier. As a Canadian, we don't claim them. They are Yankee Shit now.

>> No.18716277

Got some stuff from a local place that roasts their own beans. Per the back of the bag:
>Tasting notes: candied lemon, peach pie, and macadamia nuts
>varietals: Castillo and pink bourbon
It's fucking WEIRD. Very tart, with the lemon and peach coming through powerfully. Not sure how I feel about it.
Is it normal for lighter roasts to have the notes shine through more aggressively? I'm used to darker roasts.

>> No.18716288

>Is it normal for lighter roasts to have the notes shine through more aggressively? I'm used to darker roasts.
Yes. Dark roast is for coffee you don't want to taste.

>> No.18716342
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Today I had my coffee mixed with some brown sugar and some of that syrup included in some canned mandarins

>> No.18716379

Made a "cafe correto" today for myself and my mom. I didn't realize most recipes call for only a few drops of sambuca so we added full shots, and usually it's with a straight espresso shot not a cappuccino, so it was a little different. I definitely thought there was too much alcohol in it, but the flavor was good. The sambuca was a little overpowering, drowning out the coffee, but now I know to add less next time.
Being home for christmas is great, I love making espresso for my parents and family members. I'm making tiramisu for christmas dessert, should be kino

>> No.18716421
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I got a bag of their beans after seeing hoffmeme's video. they're decent beans being gutted by subpar preparation in store -- same as Dunkin'. prepared properly at home you could do a hell of a lot worse than either.

>> No.18716753

Not useable for anything because it's too coarse.

>> No.18716942

Good enough for kold brü

>> No.18716999

Is it possible to regrind coffee finer?

>> No.18717007

You're looking at a medium grind at ~3x zoom

>> No.18717049


>> No.18717133

I am by far the best coffee roaster on the west coast. There is no competition.

>> No.18717149

Ah my friend it's time to invest in the future

>> No.18717151

>quickmill Cassiopea


There’s a bundle with the Eureka silenzio for 1000€ dead.

Choice 2 is the same grinder with the Rancilio Silvia V6 for 850€

>> No.18717155
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Forgot image

>> No.18717232

Cassiopea is a heat exchanger. Silvia is a boiler. If you don't know which you want, do another night of research.(its the silvia)

>> No.18717402

A thermostat based single boiler is no better than a HX. Save and get something with a PID.

>> No.18717511

+ the gagguino shit and he's golden.

>> No.18717537

>instantly void your warranty instead of just buying an actually functional machine

>> No.18717560
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I’m using a nespresso machine since years and I want to step my coffee game up but I don’t want to give up the convenience of using a Nespresso machine, that is I don’t want to spend 20 minutes before making my coffee each time with countless procedures and bullshit.

I just want to drink my espresso and cappuccino with bar like quality, I don’t care about the enthusiast part, PID controls and other things. I want and experience as close as possible to the nespresso, which gives me my coffe in a few minutes.

Budget 850€ and needs to include a grinder, thanks

>> No.18717570

I have the Rona, but my tastebuds still work. So why do I want condensed milk in my espresso?

>> No.18717601
File: 68 KB, 531x800, dsc_9445f2-w_650x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>wake up
>gaggia classic already warm because it's on Christmas tree timer
>take out portafilter slide under sette 30 grinder
>push button, wait 4-5s
>install into gaggia
>place cup and push button
>eyeball 30s
>enjoy delicious espresso
Now that all sounds simple, caveat being you need to tune your grinder setting when and if you change type of coffee, which I do maybe once a month.
>I think it was about $500 for the lot.

>> No.18717603

Even without the grinder in-line, you're looking at warming up your boiler, grinding your beenz, pouring your milk, Pouring your espresso and steaming your milk (or the other way around) - that's like 8 mins with a cheap, dying machine. For 850 eurobux, the only way it would take longer than 5 mins is if you're grinding your beans way too finely, or if you've forgotten to fire up the boiler.

>> No.18717616

You don't need a coffee machine specific PID controller, it's a very common device and for some reason the coffee specific ones are ugly warts on your machine when there is more than enough space inside.
That doesn't void your warranty if you are in Burgerland. Unless you specifically damage a part of the machine by installing it.

>> No.18717623

this but budget $2k

>> No.18717666
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I was watching video on the Rancilio Silvia V6 the anon above was suggested and the guy in the video said that the machine needs 10 minutes just to warm up the boiler, then you need to steam your milk first and after lowering the temperature of the water you can make coffe, and between these passages the guy poured hot water both from the shower and from the steam wand.
I don’t want to make coffe with a super autism like complicated procedure given that with a fucking nespresso machine I just push a button and I drink a decent espresso in seconds without having to monitor other shit like boiler temperatures and having to do a reverse cleaning after making coffee.

Also this machine will be used by my sister and mother which 1) are women 2) don’t want fiddle with a “complicated” machine.

If I spend money I want less complications or at least not more than a cheap nespresso machine.

That’s why I’m asking here, otherwise tell me if I should go with de longhi super automatic like pic related.

>> No.18717694
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>The installation is completely reversible if you ever want to sell the machine or send it in for servicing.

>> No.18717702

used to have one of these, jura ena 7
grinder included (3 coarseness settings), milk frother, easy enough to operate and clean. makes decent coffee, I'd say nespresso-tier.
I've since moved on to pour-over because I like having a higher degree of control over every brew, gave it to my mom and dad, took a couple days teaching them to use it properly, now they love it.

>> No.18717705
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forgot pic
there's better models of course, whatever suits your budget

>> No.18717715

It definitely sounds like you should go as automated as possible... or maybe just stick with your nespresso - which you should probably clean out from time to time.

>> No.18717724
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For me, it's me and the boys down at McCafe. Senior citizen discount to boot

>> No.18717737

>If I spend money I want less complications or at least not more than a cheap nespresso machine.
>That’s why I’m asking here, otherwise tell me if I should go with de longhi super automatic like pic related.
You're spending money to gain control. Freshly ground coffee isn't a static process. If thats not what you want, then don't buy it. You're used to instant tier coffee. If you want specialty instant, buy some cometeer. If you want a bean to cup, get a bean to cup. You'll still have to dial it in.

>> No.18717743

I’d love more control over my brew, I just want to avoid complications and extra steps like showering water between each passage to lower the temp, pressing a button to warm the boiler, flush the water to avoid this and do that, etc..I’m ok with grinding fresh beans, that’s why I want to step up from capsules, but as I said I don’t want making coffee to be something tedious that requires 10-20 minutes and a lot of autism, also because the machine will be used for 10 coffees during the day and by people who are already used to nespresso and frothing milk with an Aeroccino rather than fiddling with steam (well I reckon that they could just brew the coffee and froth the milk with the Aeroccino rather than using the steam wand).

>> No.18717808

Control comes with "complications". Depending on the automation of your setup, some of this can be permanently set or rigged up. The boiler will take time to fire up - even nespresso and keurig machines have to warm up. The fix for this would be a timer.

Overshooting then cooling down for the brew isn't a necessary step, but it can be the difference between dusty Italian coffee shop espresso and actually being able to discern the flavours and aromas of your coffee... it can also wreak havoc on your boiler.

Do you have pods you can grind your own coffee into? It sounds like this is going to be the smallest learning curve.

>> No.18717830

Control doesn't come with complications if you save up until you can do control right. Get a Decent and just punch in whatever temperature you want.

>> No.18717846

>some of this can be permanently set or rigged up.
It still sounds too complicated for homie smurf.

>> No.18717953
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Entry level grinder: sage the smart grinder pro or eureka silenzio/manuale?

>> No.18717973

There are premade profiles already on the machine that go as far as to make grind size fairly unimportant

>> No.18717981

Do you think he's gonna have a grasp on it? I want to believe that he will after a few tries, and that he'll show his family how it works.

>> No.18717990

>smart grinder pro

>> No.18718312

>and extra steps like showering water between each passage to lower the temp, pressing a button to warm the boiler, flush the water to avoid this and do that
So you want a machine with a pid and then a wall outlet timer. You're still going to have to learn how to prep and dial in espresso. Having a clean machine will help, so get used to the idea of running a bit of water after the shot to get coffee scum off the shower screen.

>> No.18718537

>Ok redpill me on the LaPavoni Domus Bar.

it's literal dogshit. buy an E61 machine or kill yourself.

>> No.18719083


>> No.18719319

had my first cup of coffee with an actual fruity note in it, it was raisins
very interesting experience

>> No.18719421
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Ok thanks.

I searched I found suggestions for the Lelit Glenda which is basically like the Rancilio Silvia but with an added PID, however I can’t find it on shops here.

Searching again I found this: https://www.coffeeitalia.it/p/la-pavoni-casabar-pid-csrpid/

Is this equivalent to the Lelit Glenda? It’s a 58mm portafilter and everything else looks ok although I’m too noob to say if it’s the same quality as the Silvia V6.

Also, can someone link me some reliable European shops?


>> No.18719432

The OP pasta has some euro shops.

>> No.18719593

My coffee doesn't taste like anything it's just bland beanwater.

>> No.18719722

Should I get lighter or darker roasted beenz for a Moka Pot or is it all personal preference

>> No.18719732

Whatever you like, I’ve recently been shocked how good a lighter roasted Brazil tasted made in a moka pot.

>> No.18719793

I've only had ultra light roasts under extract in moka pots. Lighter is always better. Start with boiling water.

>> No.18719803

Ethiopian light roast is my favorite. Buy it from any local roaster selling the stuff

>> No.18719806

I think you should save your money until you can answer these questions yourself Nespressokun.

>> No.18719908

Found the French presser

>> No.18720160


>> No.18720230

okay bet
Is it possible to grind too fine

>> No.18720236

What's your coffee:water ratio? The easiest way to make coffee stronger is to simply use more coffee to less water.

>> No.18720239

whats your brewing method, ratio and roast?

>> No.18720320

Yeah, but way less likely
Grind coarser as agitation goes up.

>> No.18720378

So redpill me; Why shouldn't I buy an "espresso" whole bean coffee and grind+brew it filter?

>> No.18720453
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For instance, here is the grind setting that (coincidentally) I use for FP, cupping, and low agitation tricolate

>> No.18720456

It will likely be darker roasted

>> No.18720522

'espresso roasts' are from a time long before you could get decent grinders out of China for $99. They're burnt to the point of being easily soluble for home bozos with smart grinder pros who don't manage their variables and just want to piss hot water through a bed.

>> No.18720801
