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18702914 No.18702914 [Reply] [Original]

You now live on a jewish-run prison planet. What is the food like?

>> No.18702919

...just as it is now?

>> No.18702921

no, cuz christian conservatives are in control now so the food is more of a racist denny's vibe

>> No.18702926

Forced meme

>> No.18702931

>unleavened bread
>blackberry brandy

>> No.18702939
File: 143 KB, 500x343, schmaltz_large-3013300909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every shitty cheap ghetto ingredient will end with an exclamation point, because that's how they express their ironic self-hatred

>> No.18702941

i wish i had a tub of schmaltz in my fridge

>> No.18702947

The idea of a Jeweish-run prison planet is so unbelievably unrealistic I can't even begin to fathom what a funny or ironic answer to that question would be. Jews aren't running prisons or oppressing people (except in Israel, but that's kind of an anomaly).

>> No.18702949

Modern Christianity...the bones of it that are left, anyway...are Israel's biggest financial supporters in the world. Western Christians, ESPECIALLY American/Canadian Christians are the dogs of the Jews.

I wish this reality was a meme, anon. It's crazy to know metaphysical evil directs our government and trajectory as a species.

>> No.18702954

ok but regardless, christian conservatives control the west, not jews
its not about israel, they are socially conservative and oppress women and other minority groups

>> No.18702957

matzoh balls for every meal

>> No.18702972

Oh, you're just shitposting. Alright, then.

>> No.18702973

Such a dystopia would feature almost mandatory goyslop advertised towards children to get them addicted t...

Oh ya

>> No.18702978

If genuine followers of Christ controlled the west the world would be a literal paradise for everyone

>> No.18702980

that's bullshit, they already do
you can't pass a law christian conservatives don't endorse

>> No.18702985

They do not follow Christ they're just the same as anyone else. Presidents are not genuinely Christian. World leaders are not genuinely Christian. You aren't something just because you say you are.

>> No.18702988

If we look at Israelis, we can just imagine that every cuisine will have its history erased, and will be considered israeli.

For instance,
Israeli Hummus
Israeli Shawarma
Israeli Lettuce
Israeli Golan Heights
Israeli Shakshuka

>> No.18702992

>no true scotsman
regardless, the laws reflect the will of a religious, socially conservative majority

>> No.18702995

I have one of those books on the middle shelf with the crown, it's part of the Talmud. There's like a hundred of them per volume set.

Don't have any idea where the other 99 went off to when my university gave all their library books to the general public during the pandemic to save money but I don't know how to feel about breaking the set to this day.

>> No.18702999


>> No.18703011
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>fallacy fallacy
I doubt you're even familiar with Jesus' teaching to understand what I'm saying. Anyone can claim to be anything but Jesus very explicitly stated that the narrow path has nothing to do with one's proclaimed religion.
>laws reflect the will of a religious socially conservative majority
No they don't. Nor do publications, media, school curriculums, academia, the military, or every single Senator, congressman or cabinet member. What we have in the West is a zionist government that is dead-set on destroying as many people's lives as it can. Their own citizens. Such people are not followers of Christ and they do not know God or decency.

>> No.18703017

Yeah imagine if jews controlled the banks, media, academia, government, and made it illegal to question just one historical event.

>> No.18703041

weekly delivered quantities of shiksa meat to happily consume for the new ethnostate

>> No.18703042

jesus was not a real person
you are regurgitating old propaganda rather than using your own brain to think

>> No.18703044

>imagine if jews controlled the banks, media, academia, government
I hate to break it to you, anon, but there are lots of Jews in all of those fields already and it doesn't really change anything, because Jews don't have some guiding ideology that they all follow and want to push on everyone else. They just fall into those kinds of professions because of cultural reasons, and just tend to be more intelligent on average.

>> No.18703058
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I'm using what I see happening in the world to form accurate conclusions.
Jews are less intelligent than other people. They're simple more focused on acquisitiveness and have fewer moral scruples.

>> No.18703059


>> No.18703063

christians are definitely not known for raping kids and covering it up
morality is just a justification for straight men to abuse and victimize everyone else around them, including women and children

>> No.18703065

Jews saved the Western world.
I bet it will be nice am comfy if we would be ruled by jews.

>> No.18703070

Just look around, man. We're already here. Small pockets of human culture still remain, but they're growing fewer and farther between.

>> No.18703075
File: 66 KB, 736x350, ef6126c38d8eba49bce9b61bb4da4e68--paul-vi-luxury-boats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matthew 18:6 King James Version (KJV)
>But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Those you're referring to are not followers of Chrirst. Nor is the pope. Nor the Vatican. Nor the world leaders who foment disaster for their people on purpose. Morality is morality, it can't be used as a justification for evil because that's not moral.

>> No.18703076

>using what I see happening in the world to form accurate conclusions
Holy shit. That's so far from what you're doing it's almost absurd.

>> No.18703095

How do you figure? Schools are teaching kids that they should take hormones to transition their gender and the president of the United States just said that accusing such doctors (those performing trans affirming surgeries on literal children, he uses the term "medical care for children") of malpractice is antisemitic.

That's not Christian it's Satanic and evil.

>> No.18703100

in 7 states teaching kids positively about homosexuality is banned
those laws would not exist if conservative christians were not in control

>> No.18703107

Nothing you said is happening, so whatever conclusions you're forming are obviously not accurate.
>That's not Christian it's Satanic and evil.
Wait, so you believe in Christ and Satan? And that's your standard? What the fuck dude? You're not paying attention to anything that's happening. You're just using stupid fairy tale shit just like you're criticizing.

>> No.18703127

He may have existed as a religious prophet and spawned a cult following into a religion on accident

>> No.18703129
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>nothing you said is happening
What specifically do you not think is happening? HRT is prescribed to children and SRS such as double mastectomies are being performed on underage girls. This is all being encouraged by major publishing companies, early educators, universities, all media and social media outlets, and the president and US government to name just some.
>wait, so you believe in Christ and Satan
Yes. I also believe in demons and angels influencing literally everyone literally all the time.
>and that's your standard
It's one of them.
I have nothing against gay people but the way it's taught and promoted is disgusting and evil. Gay doesn't have to be synonymous with utterly depraved, which is what you get with every single pride event.

>> No.18703139

promoting homosexuality is a good thing
you already see gay people as predatory monsters, they might as well dress up to make fun of you for it

>> No.18703147

Personally I think they should concentrate on the countries where being gay is an actual capital offence and they literally kill you for it.

>> No.18703150
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I don't see gay people in general as predatory monsters at all.

>> No.18703152

What's next are you going to claim tomatos, potatos, gourds, and peppers?

>> No.18703153

why can't men and women pee together in the same room?

>> No.18703159

Doesn't sound like a problem to me particularly. What did Jesus say on that?

>> No.18703160

Mens penis will get hard when he sees the woman peeing and then the man can’t pee through the hardness.

>> No.18703164
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Nvm this guy got it to make sense to me
God was right again

>> No.18703166

They're really not, I used to live by a bunch and some gay bars in Manhattan and while I'm a hot dude they might try to touch me from time to time, I'd just tell them to screw off. It's a compliment in a weird, heck I'm just having a smoke and some homo dudes from a building try to grab or touch me, it's more funny than anything else.

>> No.18703167

are you against abolishing sex segregation?

>> No.18703168
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>they might as well molest children to own the conservatives

>> No.18703171

Sex segregation in what sense? You mean like change rooms at the gym or bathrooms? Yes I'm against that. I think nearly all women would prefer it be segregated too.

>> No.18703176

Yes okay, what's your point? Gay people are fine but forcefully promoting transing kids is not fine. It's evil. And encouraging anyone go down that road of self-destruction is evil, whatever their age.

>> No.18703192

How come they can get away with that but if i want to grab some cute chicks boobies or grab her butt it's a federal offense? If some fucking homo does that to me then it's ok, let it off?
That's not right and is hypocracy.

>> No.18703197

My sisters best friend is gay and he's constantly groping me. I am not 5'4 and weaker than him by multiple deviations, is part of it. Men grope women all the time though. It's a double standard but whatever, it's sort of the least of my concerns. I'm more concerned with kids being exposed to so much propaganda while any other viewpoint is more or less criminalized in the so-called Christian ruled (((United States.)))

>> No.18703203

Nice deflection to kids you euro-freak, I guess you never grew up in a city. As kids we used to do some pretty funny stuff to each other in NYC, it wasn't sexual, it was more like fucking with each other and having some fun. There wasn't anything better to do.

>> No.18703208

transing kids wouldnt happen if christians stopped harassing to gays
its a reaction to that

>> No.18703210

If some guy was groping my sister and she didn't want it then friends and I would make sure he never came around again.
t. New Yorker

>> No.18703219

I have no idea what you're talking about lol
>nice deflection to kids
Targeting them is the most obvious evil so it's my go-to example. Note how when I pointed out that doctors are absolutely okay with transing kids my detractors just stopped talking about it. Doctors are also okay with:
>infant circumcision
>over prescribing add meds to young boys for made up disorders
>over prescribing cocktails of psych meds to everyone who asks for them, regardless of age or need
>insisting on forcibly vaccinating everyone against a made up pandemic
Etc. This isn't Christian because these medical practices are designed to destroy people. So is allowing all the goyslop to be directly advertised towards children, and even allowing the degree kf goyslop to saturate the market in the first place. So is ethnic replacement. So is a divorce rate of over 50% resulting in most children growing up in single parent households. So are worthless regime change wars that benefit only Israel. Yadda yadda yadda the problems have myriad causes but Jews and ZOG are certainly one of them and they're the ones who are illegal or extremely difficult to name.

>> No.18703225

im against circumcision, christianity, and transing kids
being gay should be promoted so gay kids feel accepted and welcome
straight kids cannot be "turned gay" by any means

>> No.18703226

I said he was groping me.
No it isn't. It's an attempt to chemically destroy people individually whole humiliating the entire society and pushing further the bar for absolute degeneracy that the public are willing to not just tolerate but accept. Even if what you're saying were true it wouldn't excuse the practice. Everyone who participated will experience consequences in this life or the next.

>> No.18703231

its an attempt to chemically destroy gay people
christians want to destroy gay people
you are only against it because it potentially allows gay people a way to opt out of being harassed for being gay by christians
to be clear, I am against transition, but you are also against gay people

>> No.18703233

>I'm against transing kids
Then by societies standards you are a hateful bigot.
I don't. This is your own assumption based on what I "must" apparently believe. I don't advocate bullying gay kids.
>against Christianity
How come? Do you believe in God at all?

>> No.18703238

Follow the money with the so called doctors my anon. Always follow the money with so called witch doctors, also have some Spanish paella.

>> No.18703239

>I also believe in demons and angels influencing literally everyone literally all the time.
you're supposed to stop believing in paranormal shit at like age 7

>> No.18703244

you advocate pushing ideas like that being gay is learned, or that being gay is a mental illness and can be cured
christian evangelicals generally believe that gays should be shunned and socially excluded and kept out of positions of leadership
>How come? Do you believe in God at all?
because religion is a way to justify straight men abusing everyone else
you are responsible for your own behavior

>> No.18703247

You people have forgotten the underlying reason for this, that's socialism and destruction of anything we've known as freedom.\

>> No.18703248

The trans social contagion isn't targeted towards gay people and those with autogynephilia are straight as well. But at any rate there is absolutely no way you can reason your way to "the government and universities and schools and media are all promoting transing kids because of Christianity." It's the exact opposite of that.

>> No.18703252

it literally is
trans people are 10-20 times more likely to be gay than straight
gay people are 2% of the population
autogynephiles are well less than 98% of the trans population
its a way for gays to flagellate themselves to appease the christian majority that regards gays as hypersexual predators so they can maintain social status over them

>> No.18703257

>you advocate pushing ideas like that being gay is learned, or that being gay is a mental illness and can be cured
I do not advocate any of that.
>christian evangelicals generally believe that gays should be shunned and socially excluded and kept out of positions of leadership
Christian evangelicals also overwhelmingly support Israel and the jewnited states participation in Israeli wars. They also circumcise their children.
>because religion is a way to justify straight men abusing everyone else
Believing in God and religious organizations are different things.
Why wouldn't there be anything at all that exists beyond our senses?

>> No.18703258

That's where it is the opposite.
Socialists trying to get to argue against each other instead of them and commie bastards such as russians and chinese who love to see the USA go down. It's fun to see them trying this shit and trying to see them steal our salted tech.

>> No.18703261

All the trans people I'm personally familiar with are still straight in the sense that they're attracted to the sex opposite their birth sex. And by now it's quite a few. When I was in high school there were, as you say, about 2% of the srudent body clearly gay, but there were no trans students. Trans was not yet a constructed and packaged identity that would he sold to hundreds of thousands of vulnerable young internet addicts with the intention of destroying their lives. I don't agree with your conclusions.

>> No.18703263

We do salt our tech and see where it goes.
It's a very old thing and they fall for it most every time. The real creepy foreingers come out mostly at night, mostly.

>> No.18703266

And the underlying cause of Marxism in all of its forms is JEWISH

>> No.18703267
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well over 2% of trans women are only into men
transgenderism targets gays disproportionately regardless of your anecdotal evidence
castrating gays and pretending they are homophobic is a reaction to christian conservatism that preachers that homosexuality is sinful

>> No.18703269

And you cant think for yourself so all you can do is spout someone elses failed lame doctrine?
Get the fuck out of Dodge you pathetic wimp!

>> No.18703270

The government shouldn't allow payoffs between pharmaceuticals and medical doctors or for any of this to be happening. There are laws that should be applied tomorrow that could drastically improve societies well-being but which never will be because those who rule us are evil.

>> No.18703274
File: 156 KB, 527x665, 1669908983147070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even trying to argue here? Marx wasn't Jewish? The bolsheviks weren't overwhelmingly Jewish? The Frankfurt school of philosophy that's responsible for the cultural relativist/gender relativist/moral relativist academic norms wasn't overwhelmingly Jewish? That trans medicine isn't overwhelmingly Jewish?

There's a lot of bad stuff out there that's overwhelmingly Jewish but you can't teach it anywhere. That's a problem.

>> No.18703277
File: 167 KB, 977x977, 1669940048658249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, that's your opinion. I won't pretend to understand how you think Christianity is the driving force behind transing kids, but I'm very glad you oppose it and hope you continue to do so.

>> No.18703280

I'm not more then anyone or less, but the "The Frankfurt school of philosophy" is bunch of fags that have never worked a day in their lives yet want to push their socialism shit on others. They've failed and will always fail, it's not natural.

>> No.18703282
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They've succeeded in ruining countless lives.

>> No.18703284

It's not about that and you fucks have lost the plot.
It's about doing what's right, and not being not being an asshole in life.
There's an underlying morality that most people have that makes you know "this is right, this is wrong."

>> No.18703287

There was a time a long time ago when faggots like that controlled language and went and buttfucked eachother drunk all day and night and if you didn't listen to them you'd get burned at the stake, not so anymore.

>> No.18703288

>There's an underlying morality that most people have that makes you know "this is right, this is wrong."
Yes there is. That's how I know transing kids is wrong while the rest of society has been brainwashed into thinking it's good and progressive.

>> No.18703291

I don't think either, that perhaps is your mistake.
Why do you care any way what other's think.
Do what you think is right and be done with it.

>> No.18703292

>if you didn't listen to religious leaders about doctrine you'd be burned at the stake
And what do you imagine Jesus would say about that? If you recall the Sanhedrin were constantly advocating for his death and even trying to stone him before they eventually arranged for his execution for being a blasphemous preacher in their eyes.

>> No.18703294
File: 38 KB, 539x487, DTCb-8FW4AEGdGk (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you're not making sense. You don't think either what?