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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18698118 No.18698118 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the bug people put all their hit food in plastic containers and bags. Aren't they aware the leads to supermarket reduction and population decline?

>> No.18698166

how do you bring food to work, then?

>> No.18698174

I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're referring to when you mention "bug people" and their use of plastic containers and bags. Can you provide some more context or clarification?

>> No.18698178
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for me it's

>> No.18698185

You know. The slanty eyed slopes. Kamikaze kamis. Land fish. I can't say chink otherwise the mod will ban me.

>> No.18698190

I'm not sure why you think that people from Asia specifically put their food in plastic containers and bags. In fact, people from all over the world use plastic containers and bags for food storage. It's possible that you are confusing cultural practices with broader trends in packaging and food storage.

>> No.18698219

This is a known thing and not some racist anti Asian /pol/ sperg. A quick search will show you
From a 2022 Bloomberg article

> Two things Thailand is famous for are its delicious street food and its wonderful beaches. Sadly, the first typically comes in plastic bags that often wash up on the second -- not good for a country that relies on tourism for a fifth of its revenue.

>Thailand’s love of plastic bags helped make it the sixth-worst maritime polluter. The country generates more than 5,000 metric tons of plastic trash a day, three-quarters of which ends up in landfills. So the Thai government…

>> No.18698245

>When figures examined countries based on annual plastic waste the ranking looked rather different, with the US taking the top spot and the UK sitting in 8th place.
1. United States (42 billion kg)
2. India (26.3 billion kg)
3. China (21.5 billion kg)
4. Brazil (10.6 billion kg)
5. Indonesia (9.1 billion kg)
6. Russian Federation (8.4 billion kg)
7. Germany (6.6 billion kg)
8. United Kingdom (6.4 billion kg)
9. Mexico (5.9 billion kg)
10. Japan (4.8 billion kg)

>> No.18698255

Our plastic in the US generally ends up in landfills, where it is indeed wasted, rather than in the sea where it is a travesty.

>> No.18698256

We import more plastic chink shit than any country on earth. Of course all the plastic from our synthetic (with unnatural ingredients) big black dildos and microwaves are going to add up.
I'm talking about hot food. Not packaging and discarded chinese garbage.
Holy fuck you're dumb. Don't try to procreate. You're gonna end up with a 3 eyed kid with a set of balls for a chin. Self anal penetrating dick

>> No.18698257

>The country generates more than 5,000 metric tons of plastic trash a day, three-quarters of which ends up in landfills.

>> No.18698259

Relax, Chang. OP is asking about food packaging, not total plastic use. Go to any street market in Asia and tell me they aren’t handing out everything in plastic bags.

>> No.18698267

Bug People (insectoids) are one of the two dominant subterranean races alongside the Lizard People (reptilians). Bugs influence public policy to encourage use of plastic bags/containers because they provide humid, protected breeding grounds for insectoid eggs. Your own people, the autistic NPC chatgpt robots, are generally neutral toward the bugs and sometimes ally with them against the human menace. An Insect-Robot Alliance is generally credited for the spread of the Nikocado Coinslot meme on /ck/ (his warm rectal skin folds naturally attractive to bug queens, his spastic blinking eyes betraying a soulless autistic automaton).

>> No.18698270

Sounds like most of it is ending up in the landfilla and not the seas, thanks for proving my point pacho.

>> No.18698274

He's not a pacha. He's clearly a Chinese Canadian (redundant). Maybe even the janny that got fired for reporting the tiniest infraction for a 3 day ban

>> No.18698283
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I understood every joke in this post, and yet still think you are deranged for being able to articulate it

>> No.18698286

so you believe in aliens, rights? at least that's what Icke and others talk about when they mention lizard people. however, believing in aliens is literally reddlt tier, and has been promoted by the elites as an existential threat in order for us to forget about God. so by believing in those theories, you're being the bugman.

>> No.18698316

That quote was about Thailand, dummy.
Go to any grocery store or carry out restaurant in America and you'll get a plastic bag.

>> No.18698321

>supermarket reduction

>> No.18698326

Not in Philadelphia or anywhere in New Jersey. Plastic bags are banned there. SF, too, I think.

>> No.18698327

Ching Chang chow Cho chim Chong chowing ching

>> No.18698337

Not even remotely true. I can’t get a plastic bag if tried, everything is paper. Many cities including some of the largest have banned single use plastic bags entirely. America (and most of the West) has been phasing out single use plastics for about the past 10 years. You don’t what you’re talking about at all.

>> No.18698349

I live in Peoria, Illinois, and every single store uses plastic bags. Every single restaurant. There are no fees for them. You're the bugmen living in bug cities, lmao

>> No.18698357

> Go to any grocery store or carry out restaurant in America and you'll get a plastic bag
>wait actually I mean some shithole flyover inbred meth town
The goalposts are back here, retard

>> No.18698358

I've been there when I was doing a job in carman and had to get a permit from the state. You sure got a lot of diversity there. I did go to this one hotdogs shop. Forget the name downtown. Best hotdogs I've ever had.

>> No.18698362

why do dotheads think they know how to speak English?

>> No.18698365

Glass you fucking retard.

>> No.18698368

We don't have any hot dog shops downtown. You must be thinking of somewhere else.
I only have my own experiences. I've lived here and in Denver, and there were plastic bags everywhere in Denver too.

>> No.18698371
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In the city limits.

>> No.18698372

lmao that's nowhere near downtown, it's off the fucking interstate next to the mall in an area that was woods 70 years ago when the real downtown still had life to it. also, portillo's is a fucking chain.

>> No.18698376

All of Colorado, including Denver, will ban plastic bags in 1 year and 18 days from now.

>> No.18698379

I haven't lived there in 8 years, and something tells me they're still using plastic bags seeing as how they're not banned yet.

>> No.18698386
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I thought it was good

>> No.18698388

>something tells me they're still using plastic bags seeing as how they're not banned yet.
Yup. That's generally what "will ban" would imply, yes. So that something telling you that is literally just the post itself. Mummy must be proud of what a big, perceptive kid you are.

>> No.18698396

>population decline
good, the world is overpopulated

>> No.18698402

They're fine, but there's lots of little seasonal hot dog stands that are better.
Which furthers my point, that chinkoids aren't the only people using plastic.

>> No.18698411

What didn’t you post the whole thing?
> And as #PlasticFreeJuly enters its second week figures from packaging retailer RAJA UK have revealed the 10 countries responsible for throwing the highest amount of plastic into the ocean.

>Calculating the amount of plastics that end up in the ocean each year in kg, it found that India (126.5 million kg), China (over 70.7 million kg) and Indonesia (56.333 million kg) topped the list as the worst offenders.

>This was followed by
4. Brazil (38 million kg)
5. Thailand (22.8 million kg)
6. Mexico (3.5 million kg)
7. Egypt (2.5 million kg)
8. United States (2.4 million kg)
9. Japan (1.84 million kg)
10. United Kingdom (703 million kg)

>When figures examined countries based on annual plastic waste the ranking looked rather different, with the US taking the top spot and the UK sitting in 8th place.
1. United States (42 billion kg)
2. India (26.3 billion kg)
3. China (21.5 billion kg)
4. Brazil (10.6 billion kg)
5. Indonesia (9.1 billion kg)
6. Russian Federation (8.4 billion kg)
7. Germany (6.6 billion kg)
8. United Kingdom (6.4 billion kg)
9. Mexico (5.9 billion kg)
10. Japan (4.8 billion kg)

>> No.18698412

Yeah I wish asians would use less plastic. I wish the same for western people too.
>order fried food take out
>it comes in a styroform container (instead of paper) and the hot oil already partially melted some of the styroform when I get home
>go look at some lunch boxes and food containers at walmart
>there's just as many, if not more, plastic containers than glass ones
>buy a tray of frozen meal
>90% of brands sell put the content in a plastic tray, intending the consumer to either microwave or oven roast the tray along with the food at high temperatures, only some hippie brands bother using paper trays
I fucking wish the west was less dependent on plastic. Literally can't buy meat and some fruits without generating plastic waste.

>> No.18698418

Part of my nose is plastic. :^)

>> No.18698420

Happy Hanukkah

>> No.18698424

Seems like plastic waste tracks with population size and not race.

>> No.18698443

Seems like chinks and jeets don’t give a fuck about the environment and chuck everything right in the fucking ocean. But you already knew that, you disingenuous troll demon.

>> No.18698446

>b-b-but ocean dumping
Plastic waste is still a major problem in the West. You can point at cleaner beaches but you're still eating plastic one way or another.
>The increasing, intentional use of microplastics in pesticides and fertilizers has driven up their concentrations in soil to between four and 23 times the levels in marine environment, a group of U.S. environmental law experts warns.
>“Deliberately added microplastics are a new, dangerous facet of the toxic triad formed by agrochemicals, plastics, and the fossil fuels used to make them,” writes the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) in a release announcing its report on how microplastics affect our soil, food, and future.

>> No.18698455

the question is about plastic usage, not what's done with it after it's used

>> No.18698462
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>Land fish.

>> No.18698470

The answer is that Asians use an absurd amount of plastic packaging for their food. Takeaway, street food, supermarket food, street market food, it all comes in plastic. Japan uses more plastic packaging for their food than any other nation.

>> No.18698473
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>> No.18698475

You're aware that all of our cans and foil bags are lined with plastic, right?

>> No.18698480

Bro they give drinks out in bags. Literally Canada tier. Wait I'm noooticing a connection.....

>> No.18698487

Which has more mass, a small plastic bag or a plastic soft drink bottle?
Really you don't have any data and had to go on a some spiel about ocean dumping. Yeah that's a problem, but not the only problem and not very relevant.

>> No.18698505

I don't know why you're still going on about plastic waste. Both are made of lldpe and PET which are recyclable. Blame the system not me.

>> No.18698507

We’ve been over this before Chang, the CCP is holding your wife and son hostage while you diligently defend the Middle Kingdom’s honor from your post in Leafland anytime someone talks shit about Chinkland on /ck/. You’ve been doing this for years. You’re also talking to more than one person btw

>> No.18698510

>plastic waste
are you pretending or genuinely retarded?

You don't have an argument, and you'll eat the microplastics despite not living anywhere near china.

>> No.18698515

> Why do the bug people put all their hit food in plastic containers and bags. Aren't they aware the leads to supermarket reduction and population decline?
Stay on topic

>> No.18698520

You mean the same shit in America? You literally cannot buy strawberries or beef at Walmart or Kroger without it being contained in plastic, along with other foods. Have you ever lived in America or are you a sophisticated bot?

>> No.18698544

> Why do the bug people put all their hit food in plastic containers and bags. Aren't they aware the leads to supermarket reduction and population decline?
Again, you’re incapable of addressing the topic. It’s weird that you keep mentioning America. All you’re doing is intentionally derailing the thread because you’re a CCP shill

>> No.18698549


>> No.18698551

It's a worldwide problem you tard.

>> No.18698558

>Why do the bug people put all their hit food in plastic containers and bags. Aren't they aware the leads to
supermarket reduction and population decline?
Watch as the bugman intentionally avoids and derails. He can’t address the OP because he knows it’s true so he must deflect and lash out.

>> No.18698563

what do you mean by "supermarket reduction"?

>> No.18698570

>their hit food
>they aware the leads
>supermarket reduction
The insults don't really mean anything when they come out the mouth of someone who can't speak english.

>> No.18698579

Not OP but he’s clearly playing at being an ESL poster for fun and to thinly disguise his bait thread