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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18694183 No.18694183 [Reply] [Original]

why did humans start cooking meat if it only creates carcinogens, destroys the nutrients, and makes it harder to digest?

>> No.18694184

because Ogg say "fire good"

>> No.18694185

Because fuck you. That's why

>> No.18694187

Holy shit you just cracked the code op. I'll never cook meat again.

>> No.18694188

>destroys nutrients (implying cooked meat is devoid of nutrients) and makes it harder to digest
shit bait thread, bye

>> No.18694253

only the cooked part is destroyed but most steak is pretty raw on the inside so no you're retarded

>> No.18694283

Please kill yourself as soon as you figure out how knives work.

>> No.18694472

because ooga boog uuoo aah aah zug

>> No.18694475

taste good yum

>> No.18694500
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Does cooking at 7 hours at 215 * F denature my cow ? I will experiment with a raw diet soon when I stop being a Pussy.

>> No.18694539

1. Tastes better
2. Kills bacteria, making it healthier
3. The first type of cooking was probably boiling, which actually helped extract the nutrients into broth and make the food more abundant.
4. Probably realized that certain types of cooking such as smoking allows the food to be stored longer.

These are the four I thought of off the top of my head.

>> No.18694805

>The first type of cooking was probably boiling
Nigga you retarded

>> No.18694809

>cavemen did le sous vide
kek we got a genius over here

>> No.18694817

warm food makes you feel fuller

>> No.18694827

because its better than food poisoning

>> No.18694829

>and makes it harder to digest
tell me your retarded without telling me your retard

>> No.18694834

he's on the sv3rige diet

>> No.18694836

Boiling came much, much later than cooking meat with fire. Boiling was unlocked with clay pottery, which is most likely 15,000-20,000 years ago. What boiling did was make it possible to eat wild varieties of indigestible plants. Agriculture soon followed. Then civilization. Then hell on earth. That's where we are now, btw.

>> No.18694924

It was (((their))) idea.

>> No.18694949

Have you fucking tried it? It's delicious!

>> No.18694970
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Practicable reasons: Cooking opens up lots of ways to preserve food. It also kills off parasites and can make low quality, scavenged meat palpatable and safe(r). Another factor is that cooking ipens up new sources of nutrients, like making broth and using every bit of fat of an animal. Cooking might have also started with other foodstuffs than meat. Some post monkeys might have discovered cooking by eating roasted nuts after forest fires or used fire for an entirely different purpose first. In addition to all of that, cooking allows us to externalize calorie usage to a fuel source such as wood. The energy the cooking uses to break down foodstuffs is energy our bodies do not need to come up with. Wood was plentiful, calories fit for human consumption not so much.

Emotional reasons: Warm food is a pleasure to eat in cold weather. Cooked meat is easier to chew and the cooking process changes the flavor and texture of many foods to be more pleasant for us. People like to experiment and experience new stuff. Without super markets you would have experienced all the food you would ever eat in your life in your teens. Which leaves you with 40 ish years to experiment.
And Grugette that fucking chimp roasted Chad a bird last week and he GROOMED her for it! So you better think of something to do with the water rat and those berries before he picks all the lice from that sluuut.

>> No.18695894

to follow the FDA recommendations about food safety

>> No.18695979

cooking is a form of food preservation. you cook the meat so you can carry it around or leave it in your cave for a few days without it sending you on a spirit journey.

>> No.18696438


Alex Bezzerides is a professor of biology and author of "Evolution Gone Wrong: The Curious Reasons Why Our Bodies Work (or Don’t)" writes that the process of evolution also played a part in cooking meat. “The brain accounts for about 2 percent of human body mass but uses up to 20 percent of our caloric intake,” Bezzerides writes. “By unlocking the true nutritive potential in meat via roasting, early hominins were able to feed their growing brains.”

>> No.18696506

>Wood was plentiful

Not always. Cavemen often burned bones because wood was scarce.

>> No.18696591

You should start now, the gene pool needs to be cleansed.

>> No.18697027

>food poisoning
has nothing to do if its cooked or not
>tell me your retarded without telling me your retard
tiktok word salad kill yourself kid, also you're*
so is raw meat
you can't die from eating raw meat from a healthy animal, faggot

>> No.18697073

None of those things are correct.

>> No.18697409

Ever tried chewing raw meat? You can feed cooked meat to children and elderly, which gives an advantage.
Also cooking kills the parasites which would leech off you and possibly kill

>> No.18697417

We evolved from apes that mostly ate foliage, and it was a way to sterilize and pre-digest food while we evolved to become omnivores.

>> No.18697427

>wow can you believe it? i didn't get worms eating this meat!

>> No.18697453

>The first type of cooking was probably boiling

>> No.18697634
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>The first type of cooking was probably boiling
>Cavemen often burned bones because wood was scarce.

>> No.18697642
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the answer is bioavailability
now go to sleep timmy

>> No.18697643

We subconsciously know that we must be exterminated

>> No.18697646

Meat is easily digestible raw. The true greatness of the fire was from making otherwise unedible crops like many starches, legumes and grains edible. It's a very ingrained myth some people believe that human it was a bout making meat easier to digest. But tartar has been considered health food for sick people just because it's so easy to digest. The raw meat contains natural enzymes that helps digestion and this outweights the denaturation of the protein from cooking. It's more nutrient too. Actually cooked meat is harder to digest than raw.

>> No.18697650
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you really identified the low hanging fruit

>> No.18697654

cooked meat and a varied diet is what lead to our brains developing and getting larger
and then there's you, dumber than a caveman