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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 402 KB, 1600x1071, dirty-dishes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18690003 No.18690003 [Reply] [Original]

You're not going to go to bed right, anon?

>> No.18690021

Imagine not having a dishwasher

>> No.18690039

I can understand being lazy and putting off washing the dishes, but why leave the chunks of old food on?
Just scrape it off into the garbage and rinse the plate and it can sit until you get around to it.

>> No.18690059
File: 50 KB, 657x527, 1668657838978351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got done wagecuckin for 8 hours

I dun want to

>> No.18690289

Nobody says this, seek help

>> No.18690315

Not my problem

>> No.18691015

Not right now, no. It's only 5 in the evening.

>> No.18691079

theres a dishwasher in the image.. obviously not being utilized. so that's right out the window.

>> No.18691619

>You're not going to go to bed right, anon?
they will still be there later. I have a dishwasher.

>> No.18691624

>I have a dishwasher
Her name is Sarah

>> No.18691652

It would probably take 2-3 loads to wash all that in a dishwasher, so 3+ hours. Be a fraction of the time and only slightly more work to just wash by hand.

>> No.18691691

There's a dishwasher right there anon
But even when I didn't own one it was easy to wash all the dishes

>> No.18691694

what the fuck are you talking about you fat retard

>> No.18691704
File: 108 KB, 1200x1200, 1DB92D7B-C10D-48B3-B6A5-98E6651F7C35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I use disposable plates, bowls, utensils, and cups. The only things I have to wash are pots and pans.

>> No.18691707

Wait untill you realize you can just eat out of the pot.

>> No.18691716

Dishwashers use very little water compared to hand washing. They're vastly more efficient.

>> No.18691725

Lol except when it's hot food retard. You're eating microplastics

>> No.18691745

>I can understand being lazy and putting off washing the dishes, but why leave the chunks of old food on?
then I guess you don't understand being lazy. These motherfuckers are useless.

>> No.18691774

This anon is what happens when you are extremely online. Just a reminder to go outside, frens

>> No.18691798

I used to have roomates that never did dishes.
What the fuck is wrong with some people?
Nothing wrong with leaving them for a day or two if you're busy or working or whatever. But come the fuck on.

>> No.18692196
File: 354 KB, 864x770, 1670131748565216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't the smell ever bother you or your room mates. I don't even want to think about the insects roaming through

>> No.18692208
File: 3.64 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20221210_153701387_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys help

>> No.18692213

I used to live in a flat that was like that. I kept all my food in my room and managed to make room for one element on the stove top. We had a life-time NEET homeless crackhead who would never clean.

>> No.18692420
File: 114 KB, 312x269, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand people who have a lot of dishes to wash. I never take a clean plate out of the cabinet if I have a dirty one somewhere I can wash up. It only takes around a minute and I never have unsightly piles of dirty dishes lying around.

>inb4 someone posts cope about dinner parties they never throw or the family they don't actually have

>> No.18692529

maybe if you're a retard who just leaves the water running the whole time. you can also do dishes by hand with cold water which destroys any efficiency dishwashers pretend to have since an overwhelming majority of the of the energy used is heating the water.

>> No.18692552

I feel lile Sisyphus, except instead of the boulder I am washing dishes for eternity. its like the moment i finish the dishes and turn to put them on the drying rack, i turn back around and theres more in the sink.

>> No.18692600

How much do you eat? Just get a wife.

>> No.18692693

kek, i have 2 roommates, we stack dishes in the sink like jenga and the person who makes it fall has to wash it, same goes for the trash and laundry
thats what air freshener and bug spray is for

>> No.18692733

Once had stuff stacked in the sink that noone would wash. Didn't have to worry about the smell; the bugs ate all the food off the plates. Eventually there were spiderwebs & spiders who ate all the bugs.
Never did get the dishes washed. Just moved out in a few years.

>> No.18693067

my kitchen would never get anywhere near this point to begin with
i find it more convenient to hand-wash

>> No.18693082
File: 68 KB, 564x786, 1652024760151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw officewagie but wfh two days a week and actually get to catch up on household chores with my downtime during the energetic part of the day rather than just staring at my phone in a box

I washed so many fkn plates today

>> No.18693099

We must imagine that Dishyphus is happy

>> No.18694391

This would take less than 30 minutes to clean up even if you were washing the dishes by hand

>> No.18695076

I kill my roommate, because clearly I didn't leave the kitchen in this messy of a condition.

>> No.18695083

>homeless crackhead
not homeless anymore if he lived with you.

>> No.18695296


>> No.18695317

I consider cleaning up part of the cooking process. Most of the stuff is cleaned before I start eating. I clean plates etc. right after eating, and the pans as soon as their temperature has dropped sufficiently. Any other modus operandi is inferior and you should KYS.

>> No.18695327
File: 538 KB, 912x503, 1636082280034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 12 for 5 days in a row
I hate the christ
I hate the christ.
>anon we've got you surrounded come out and ship our gifts!

>> No.18695331

>inb4 someone claims they have responsabilities which I cannot even imagine
youre the dog in that image aren't you.

>> No.18695348

When I'm done eating I'll scrape leftovers and run the tap over it for 2-5 seconds. After doing that I can leave dishes for a week if I want to and I've never had strong smells or insects.

>> No.18695383

Bad breakups and/or wildly untreated ADHD account for the times I've been like that, personally. Nowadays I wash up every day because it's just so much easier than leaving it all...plus these flatmates of mine are even worse than me and somebody's got to fucking have a grip on their balls here.

>> No.18695424

Thats what a wife is for doofus. Is this a joke?

>> No.18695466

what if hes gay?

>> No.18695475

Then he deserves to live in filth and die young from AIDS? Idk i really don't think fags have moral rights

>> No.18695483

Anon stop lying.
How the hell can "people" let it get this bad? I mean, I'm not the cleanest person on the planet, but God damn, people.

>> No.18695491

lol half your shit

>> No.18695495

fuck you, we have antiretroviral therapy now, we can live long, normal lives even with hiv
>i really don't think fags have moral rights
kill yourself

>> No.18695499
File: 79 KB, 292x282, 1670167252709591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18695554

I almost always do the dishes in the morning. I like to wash my hands with warm water when I get out of bed so I do that in the kitchen and then do the dishes since I already got the hot water running.
People who "let it soak" for days must be genocided.

>> No.18695581

Men cook, women clean. That’s a pretty good deal to me

>> No.18695691

>le dumbfuck making things up
why are you the way that you are? take the (you) and kys

>> No.18695725 [DELETED] 

> parents went away overseas for 4 weeks
> bought paper cups, plates, and bowls
> only had to wash the cutlery and pans

>> No.18695728

>dinner party
Wooow. One big load of dishes a few times per year tops. I guess that justifies having a giant pile even when you're not throwing one
Children can do the dishes just fine after a certain age, stop coddling them you soi.

>> No.18695732

disposable cups seems a step too far.

>> No.18695859
File: 668 KB, 705x1000, 1616643927009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm going to bed left.

>> No.18695864

Cups are the worst thing to wash, I can't fit my hand inside to wash it.

>> No.18695866


>> No.18695869

Get a scrub brush with a handle.

>> No.18695882

Seems like a lot of work. Besides, I can get enough disposable cups to last me for a year for under $20. I'd probably be spending more on the scrub brush, soap, and water.

>> No.18695914

I have exactly 1 pot and 1 pan, 2 spoons, forks and plates, 1 butter knife and 1 chefs knife and 2 cups. Dishes are easy for me

>> No.18695928

I know you're allergic to the slightest effort, Anon, but I just thought I'd point out that it's a solved problem.

>> No.18695932

What if you have people over? Do they bring their own?

>> No.18695996

>not cleaning or putting dishes in the dishwasher as you cook
Why would you do that to yourself.

>> No.18696064

Don't speak to me until you had tuna straight from the can

>> No.18696557

I am the children retard, I do them for my crippled parent. Imagine driving over 3 times a week to your dads house to do his dishes by hand.