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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18693628 No.18693628 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
Folgers perverts the will of god edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drinking anything smoky lately?

Previous Thread: >>18683120

>> No.18693637
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>> No.18693639

>VERY fast coffee brewed at incredible hihg speed

>> No.18693642

>local island roaster coffee is cheaper than Starbucks French
>Try it
>It tasted like chalk
>just got home from returning it

>> No.18693713

I have a stagg like you but the difference between us is I'm actively helpful to starter bros to whom saying 'Just buy this $150 kettle everything else is garbage' sounds ridiculous to the point it might as well not be said

>> No.18693725

I like how you're autistically hyperfocusing on 1/2 of what I said. $40.
>or just get a jap made hario buono stovetop. You should probably know what type of steel you're drinking out of. Both are 304 18/8

>> No.18693730
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best coffee for the $

>> No.18693734

Don't Aeropresses shatter glass mugs?
I heard you're supposed to use them with metal mugs.

>> No.18693922

I'm sorry I didn't read that part. To be fair though stovetop kettles have slightly different workflows than electric ones and would be extremely inconvenient somewhere like an office

>> No.18693962
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anyone else grab handfuls of the half and half from restaurants to use in their coffee at home?

>> No.18694004

no, I only drink black because I'm not a tastelet who can't do a proper pour over or a poorfag who can't afford good beans
>imagine paying $15-20 for a bag of beans and putting them through a $100-500 grinder, pouring them through a V60/Chemex only to ruin the flavor with half and half

>> No.18694028

i have contributed quite heavily to the reduction in those little sugar packets being on tables

>> No.18694057

I'd still put a 304 18/8 stovetop over a 430 on/off electric. When they say 304 has better corrosion resistance comparatively, where do you think that corrosion is happening? Don't recommend shit kettles.

>> No.18694189
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I currently use an Aeropress and Baratza Encore how disappointed would I be if I bought this shit

>> No.18694205

You could shave 90 off that by getting a kingrinder and get a flair58. Robot uses inconvenient proprietary shit.

>> No.18694212

used to drink these when I was little at breakfast places, just threw them back like shots

>> No.18694314
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still no discount on bripe

>> No.18694328

don't have a thermometer, but i use a water temp cool enough not to make the coffee taste bitter.

>> No.18694381

decided to try a 4min brew and a 1min press today... DELICIOSO

>> No.18694398

A stovetop kettle is useless if you don't have a stove handy. Give recommendations that fit instead of cramming everyone into the same narrow box.

>> No.18694408
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>look up baratza encore on google shopping
>only one on sale for 30% off
>it's a roastery from my city
>order it
>6 hours later it's at my doorstep
>they even included some packets of beans to try, and a packet of beans purely for seasoning the grinder
wow that was extremely nice of them

>> No.18694412
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caffeine addicts gotta look out for each other

>> No.18694415
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made it to bedtime after only a 20min nap before dinner. power naps strong. coffee tomorrow gonna be extra sweet.

>> No.18694464

An electric kettle is worthless anywhere there isn't a working outlet within 2.5ft. Hario buono works on induction, glasstops, halogen, coil burners, gas stoves and direct flame. Could even buy a $12 portable coil.

>> No.18694515

Sounds like a quick way to burn the house down and kill yourself

>> No.18694541
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>1min press
thats a workout for most aeropress users

>> No.18694546

If you're too dumb to use a hotplate you're too dumb to make coffee.

>> No.18694592

no. you press very gently.

>> No.18694631

Click into the reviews son, literally a picture of shoddy plastic and a flimsy wire that melted

>> No.18694672 [DELETED] 

does wandering emperor belong in azorius soldiers

>> No.18694761

not like us super buff pour over chads from... pouring in a circle for a few seconds... heh

>> No.18694781

$19 bitchboy.

>> No.18694864
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>> No.18694869

Found a variable temp bonavita for $6 at the thrift store for my gf, she left me the next day.
God I wish I were dead.

>> No.18694890

I'm glad for you sleepy anon

>> No.18694900
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that's not a vietnamese phin

>> No.18694920

What's a good automatic burr grinder?

>> No.18694925
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A few days ago I got myself a vietnamese phin metal filter like pic related.
Besides vietnamese coffee, what coffees would work the best with it?

>> No.18694932
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>> No.18694989
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>visiting someone and they offer coffee
>they pull out a k-cup

>> No.18694992

>he doesn't want k-cup breast milk
Absolutely homosexual

>> No.18695072

Anyone drink coffee just with lemon? I can't go back to dairy, unironically

>> No.18695104

Lagom mini.

>> No.18695119

looks like cat barf

>> No.18695125

>never heard of in my life grinder

>> No.18695126

I thought about it actually, but I never went ahead and tried it.

>> No.18695127

What do you want to use it for?

>> No.18695128

looks like a vegetable steamer.

>> No.18695131

moka chads keep winning.

>> No.18695141

if i dont see they have a full coffee setup in their kitchen i just say no.
a bad sign is if you walk in and dont see a framed picture of the hoff.

>> No.18695154

Knocks are fine, just a poor value. Very small shop, handmade etc. I think that feldgrind burr is the old kinu m38 italmill.

>> No.18695328

What's wrong with the robot?

>> No.18695367


Aeropress is based. Been doing a lot for 10 min brews lately.

>> No.18695396

How reliably does the color of the coffee communicate the ideal brew temperature? Asking because I have an idea for a project at uni.

>> No.18695402

Completely not reliable at all.

>> No.18695406

But the color of the bean usually indicates the roast level doesn't it?

>> No.18695409

yes but very broadly

>> No.18695415

Could you semi-reliably get within 5°C of the ideal temp? I.e. 80, 85, 90, 95, 100?

>> No.18695417

Roughly but that doesn't translate into the colour of brewed coffee really and 100% doesn't change based on brew temp. Cold brew is dark, pour-over is dark, espresso is dark.

>> No.18695418

Wait are you talking about brew temp or roast temp.

>> No.18695428

I'm talking about the ideal temp for brewing based on the color of the beans.
Light brown beans -> light roast -> high temp
Dark breans -> dark roast -> low temp (relatively)

>> No.18695439

I mean ya, roughly looking at the colour of beans and knowing you can go a little higher/lower with brew temp is common knowledge. I'm failing to see how this can lead to an enlightening uni project

>> No.18695457

It's not really anything terribly practical, we basically just need to make something to keep us busy and make us use what we learned about embedded systems.
My idea was to use a light sensor to detect the color of the beans and then turn on a kettle and boil it to the best temp for that roast level, using just a regular electric kettle (or maybe even just a hotplate) and a temp sensor in the kettle. Pouring would need to be manual, I'd have the thing pour by itself if I had a good idea for how to do that, using the method that cheap home brewers usually use isn't really an option since I want to precisely control the temperature, so I'd need a pump or something which I'm not sure I could get, and also a motor or something like that to move the spout in circles.

>> No.18695459

no dude no one has ever thought about adjusting their brew water tempt before this needs to be studied

>> No.18695465

its not bad its just that there are better manual espresso makers.

>> No.18695467

You basically described a refractometer.

You'd also not want to do pour-over since technique affects extraction. French press + temp controlled kettle is all you need.

This is a super simple thing, no need to overcomplicate with pumps and stuff. That's just more variables that's gunna fuck up your ability to come to any type of conclusion.

>> No.18695470
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>Dark breans -> dark roast
this is only true for washed beans
a medium roast natural process will look like a dark roast more than a medium roast washed process.

>> No.18695472

Oh yeah immersion might be simpler. Still don't have a good idea for how to automatically transfer water from the boiler to the french press though.

>> No.18695492

You get a kettle with temp control for $20

>> No.18695493

Oh, I see. I've been thinking about going manual someday, would you mind listing out some of the better ones off the top of your head? What makes it not as good as those?

>> No.18695500

The point isn't being practical

>> No.18695504

Oh and no, you can't.

>> No.18695517

It isn't about being practical. It's about being simple. The more convoluted you make an experiment the less likely your results are going to be accurate. Bringing a kettle to a certain temp and pouring directly from it leaves a lot less variables to disrupt the results compared to using a boiler, a pump, hoses, and whatever the hell your thinking.

Also, this whole idea is pretty stupid to begin with tbqh.

>> No.18695524

This is 4th grade science fair tier. Not college tier

>> No.18695539

Why do Americans buy these things if they're only a worse automated pourover?

>> No.18695546

It's not really an experiment
The bare minimum of a project that we have to make is a weather station, so anything more complex than that is good to go. And by weather station I mean displaying the temp and maybe like moisture of a room. The actual challenge is supposed to be programming the software for it, this isn't a robotics class or anything. And it's also just for one class, we have 4 (in my case 6) other exams that we need to study for at the same time that we're making this, it fundamentally can't be too complex because it would eat up too much time.

>> No.18695551

This is good advice.

>> No.18695560

Rather than faff about with a pump or any of that, just have something that physically tilts the kettle so it dumps water into your press.

>> No.18695565

>And by weather station I mean displaying the temp and maybe like moisture of a room.
College is an adult daycare and yet the people who pay for the privilege of attending it think they are superior.

>> No.18695572

Look at him melt

>> No.18695583

well its always best to see what hoffmann says
he likes the espresso it makes but does this workflow look appealing to you?
thats what is all about, and with manual anything with coffee the workflow and the feel of the process is really important.
also 1 problem with the robot is the non standard "portafilter" with other machines as long as you get the size right you can buy whatever 3rd party portafilter you want.
you will probably be recommended a flair 58 which is really good. you can get an electric version for preheating or a non electric if you want to not be reliant on power and in that case you will need to preheat manually.
this video compares the 2
also another flair video from hoffmann

but its not really about oh this one is shit and this one is great its like i said all about the feel and the workflow.

>> No.18695595

I want a stovetop steamer like that too. It's no shame if you like to drink coffee with milk and sugar

>> No.18695596

An important note is that hoffmann says that you don't need to pre-heat the robot, but I think some people that did a temp graph showed that you do lose temperature to the piston

>> No.18695629

Thanks for the detailed reply! I'll give it more of a look, starting with the videos you linked.

Losses are to be expected basically everywhere, but what was the magnitude? There's a difference between "losing temperature to the piston" and "losing enough temperature to the piston that it's worth a preheat".

>> No.18695748

The Robot sucks, Flair Pro is cheaper and easier to use. Otherwise, decent poorfag setup.
t. poorfag

>> No.18695836

based poor chad.

>> No.18695912
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>what was the magnitude?
Pretty significant difference.

>> No.18695931

no, because i live in a normal country where we only put milk in coffee

>> No.18695980

thats pretty huge.

>> No.18696057

Very interesting. Did they comment on the difference in flavor from preheating the piston? I'd guess the rest of the tests came out relatively close to each other, but that ~15 degrees at the end probably changes things significantly.
I wonder if they've done similar testing at cafelat. Hoffman did say the coffee was coming out good, so I'm wondering if the initial temperature matters more than final?

>> No.18696119

There's a lot of discussion around it's can't be bothered to parse through the whole thread. If you're interested the chart is from this post

>> No.18696222

They're falling out of favor. The boomer generation loved them as they supplanted percolators. Most of the people these appealed to are moving to pod coffee machines, which are even worse than auto drip machines.

>> No.18696268
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>> No.18696325
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no only Khlav Kalash!

>> No.18696367

Okay but, really, what's stopping a company from making a high quality automated pourover?
>quality electric grinder to automatically grind your beans, optimization settings/grind profiles for you to choose from
>preheats the brewing chamber with a heating element/and or steam
>pours the correct weight of ground beans into a compartment with a quality filter, maybe has a loading mechanism where you place a stack of paper filters in and it draws from them (and pre-soaks them before dropping the beans in)
>pours out a bloom, agitates the slurry properly to ensure optimal off-gassing
>precisely pours out a 5 part pour to the exact quantity of water necessary
>times the entire process and gives you data so you can adjust settings
>everything about the process is automated, all you have to do is add beans+water and add more filters once a month

>> No.18696405

Doubt many people would pay that much for a pourover machine.

>> No.18696462

yeh no thanks.

>> No.18696599
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Today I had my coffee mixed with some homemade pumpkin spice egg cream

>> No.18696606

Just preorder an xbloom and fuck off.

>> No.18696690

Oh god xbloom me daddy

>> No.18696699
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Tea bag chads... we won

>> No.18696711
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Worth checking out if you're actually considering a robot. That kapton tape heater is pretty cool. Its an idea I was kicking around when I had a flair signature, then the 58 came out and solved every issue I had. 24v Y splitter to a lagom mini power brick is fucking based. Walnut trim is just gravy.

>> No.18696715

what a beautiful mess it leaves behind

>> No.18696752

A compostable cup of grounds? You could probably pasteurize the entire cup afterward and grow mushrooms on it, then make insulation out of it.

>> No.18696807

Thanks for the link. After reading through that thread and several others linked inside, it seems like the preheat is mostly relevant for lighter roasts that would tend to come out a little funky with the robot. Darker roasts seem to not be affected much.
Preheat doesn't seem too complicated, either, you can pull a hot water shot (or two) using a pressurized filter and just the weight of the arms. No biggie, as far as I'm concerned, though something more "technologically advanced" may be faster.

That heater is pretty cool, and I love the wood accents and pressure gauge relocation on that walnut robot. I'll have to keep those in mind for if (when...) I end up getting one.
I'm going to set the condition that we have to reduce the coffee-related equipment in the house before that, though... We already have two brikis, a phin filter, a French press we've never used, and a Breville espresso machine and grinder. Too many things!
I may want to replace our kettle, too, if I have to use it for precision pouring... There's no denying that a Le Creuset kettle is built like a tank, but it's got kind of a turbulent pour.

>> No.18696812

Why is folgers so good lads? Baristas can simply tongue my anus

>> No.18696820

Because it reminds you of that year you were your sister's Christmas present.

>> No.18696825

fuck off brian.

>> No.18696845

I roasted some yirgacheffe today, did two batches. The roast wasn't very even, but its my first roast. I tried to roast the first batch to medium (in the middle of first crack) and the second might have gotten to second crack. First crack's pops werent very rolling as I heard some pops here and there, but the lid might have dampened the sounds. The second batch might have some burned beans in it, I accidentally cranked the roaster to 240c at some point. I think i heard a difference between the sound of 1c and 2c.
I had to make a small sample cup from the first batch, using my trusty shitty electric grinder and I must say that... Im disappointed. If the taste amplifies from there, even for a bit, I think I cant drink store bought coffee anymore. So thank you all for ruining coffee for me.

>> No.18696899

My text is a pain to read. Sorry for that

>> No.18696902

Good roaster coffee still mogs you though

>> No.18696916

Bet it does. This is still an upgrade from before, where all coffee tasted the same more or less

>> No.18696920

Sounds like the second batch won't be very good, but you'll have to taste that. Did you say you had a better grinder coming? Not all coffees look and sound the same when they roast. The timing will be different. There are differences in cultivar, size, shape, sugar content, and moisture content that make each one a new puzzle. I'm not sure if you're saying that your first attempt blows pre-roasted coffee away, or if you're exasperated by coffee in general. That was a good analogy to compare it to brewing; it will take some trial and error. Don't be discouraged. Remember that you're also dealing with not knowing what coffees you actually like, and how to find the really good green coffees of coffee types you like.

>> No.18696947

Hey that's pretty neat. Could you set something like that up at home? I love coffee and I love mushrooms.

>> No.18696953

Also want to point out that some coffees do not roast uniformly in color no matter what you do. There will be some lighter and darker colored beans up until a dark roast where everything evens out. This is a uniformity issue that is one of the scoring criteria of specialty coffees. It does not affect taste. Occasional light-colored, almost styrofoamy density beans that stick out like a sore thumb are defective beans called quakers. They don't pop. Pick those out after roasting.

There is also a difference between lack of uniformity in bean size and shape resulting in slight color variations and a splotchy color pattern on each bean. Lighter roasted wet process coffee beans have a mottled, splotchy color. This is normal.

When the short ends of the beans are all darker than the middle of the beans, this is called scorching, or scorched tips. This is a roasting flaw when your heat was to high.

>> No.18696963

Pretty sure quakers are from unripe cherries in which the sugar content was not high enough for caramelization of the sugar.

>> No.18696986

If you had enough space to set up a clean tent then yeah its easy. I managed to keep a block of lion's mane spawning by packing it in sterilized coffee grounds. I wanted to get a full pasteurization to see if I couldn't do it with recycled amazon boxes instead of straw. Quickly pulled this from Stamets' book.
>Using paper products as a substrate base is particularly attractive to those wishing to grow mushrooms where sawdust supplies are limited, such as on islands and in desert communities. Paper products are made of lignin-cellulose fibers from pulped wood, and therefore support most of the wood-decomposing mushrooms described in this book. In recent years, most printing companies have switched to soybean-based inks, reducing or almost eliminating toxic residues.
>Mushrooms demonstrating commercial yield efficiencies on banana and coffee pulp are warm-weather strains of Oyster mushrooms, particularly Pleurotus citrinopileatus, Pleurotus cystidiosus, Pleurotus djamor, Pleurotus ostreatus, and Pleurotus pulmonarius. Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) grow well, and I suspect many other Polypores would also. For more information on the cultivation of Oyster mushrooms on coffee waste, please refer to Martinez-Carrera (1985, 1987, 1988) and Thielke (1989).

>> No.18696998

some new coffee came in at my wagie store, my boss used some of it on the bunn machine to try it. he pour his cup halfway, filled the other half with milk, then took a bag of granulated sugar and dumped it in like a waterfall. then he took a humble sip and went "damn that 's a really good roast" with a straight face

>> No.18697013

>second batch won't be very good
Yeah, i believe so too. I think I'll drink it all even if tastes burnt.
> Did you say you had a better grinder coming?
I do have a kingrinder k6 coming, hopefully next week
>I'm not sure if you're saying that your first attempt blows pre-roasted coffee away, or if you're exasperated by coffee in general.
I do like coffee, but preground/preroasted coffee i've tasted have kind of the same taste with no considerable differences, which is why i've gravitated towards darker roasts. The storebought has kind of only the base aroma of coffee + variable acidity and bitterness.
These mediocre lightly roasted fresh beans have distinct smell and taste, which blows my mind. Im trying to sleep but all I can think now is how the coffee will taste tomorrow.
>Don't be discouraged
The good part in coffee, compared to homebrewing, is that the process is considerably less time consuming and you get to see the results in minutes (or days after resting the beans) instead of waiting weeks or even months for the beer to finish.
Thank you again for guiding me through the start of this journey

>> No.18697017

I will keep that in mind.

>> No.18697033

Yeah you're going to be real happy. Once you've got it use expensive roasters once in a while as a barometer to where you should be aiming.
>distinct smell and taste
They say coffee has like 3x more aromatic & flavor compounds than wine or some shit. Welcome to the rabbithole. If you don't like what you're drinking, theres 1000s of other choices available at any given time. I just finished some 2019 crop columbian purple caturra and unfroze out some 2022 costa rican geisha I roasted and rested a couple weeks ago.

>> No.18697052

I'll have to start searching for local roasters
>3x more aromatic & flavor compounds
Huh, didn't know that, nice.
>Welcome to the rabbithole

>> No.18697055

I also think he should reserve roast judgement until the better grinder arrives. It'll be very difficult to assess roast with a muddy grind.

>> No.18697079

Flairsisters not like this…

>> No.18697091

Im eagerly waiting to compare the electric grinder to k6

>> No.18697121

>bros I can't read
sad bro

>> No.18697156

>local roasters
Your local roasters could be dogshit. Don't limit yourself. Its worth getting shit shipped in occasionally if you're going to learn from it.

>> No.18697218

So I brought my french press with me to work about a week ago and have been using it to brew some coffee for myself and to share with my friends who have desks next to me.
Today one of them told me he actually looks forward to me getting a pot going now.
Feels good man.
Prior to this, they've all been getting coffee from the drip machine in the break room or the glorified pod machine in the lounge.

>> No.18697610

good work anon, always feels good to spread the love

>> No.18697683

I fuckin love coffee bros

>> No.18697695
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I love coffee bros too

>> No.18697724

Is 1Zpresso J-Max grinder good for espresso or is there anything better at $200

>> No.18697760
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J-max is 1zpresso's top of the line espresso grinder.

>> No.18697864

espresso grinder in the $1000 range. Drinks medium roasts with the occasional light. Which one would you get?

>> No.18697869

The Kinu K47 Phoenix is looking better rather have something made in Germany

>> No.18697918

I've got one. Its great. You'll love it.
Probably a df83 now that ssp is working on lab sweet clones.

>> No.18697931

hmm I thought bigger burrs was just asking for more alignment problems. also the SSP buurs will be pricer in the 83 format.

>> No.18697996
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>> No.18698038

Since I've stopped drinking I've noticed my coffee consumption has gone way up. Anybody else in the same boat?

>> No.18698231

yep. i miss beer so fucking much.

>> No.18698439

>asking for more alignment problems
How do you think alignment works? You spend 30 minutes when you get the grinder and it stays that way until you feel like fucking with it more.

>> No.18698533

because its dirt cheap and its automatic
i press a button and get coffee

>> No.18698574
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Had for coffees today
got a high but when it all wore off I got really tired

>> No.18698585

same. same.

>> No.18698636

how many servings can your french press do?

>> No.18698803
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we are all gonna make it coffeebros.

>> No.18698875

How long does Onyx take to ship their coffee?
Did I just get lucky in all my purchases with other roasters prior to now or is this a holiday season thing? Most roasters shipped out pretty fast prior to my last two orders

>> No.18698985


>> No.18698989
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>> No.18699074

You can reduce or eliminate the crash by waiting about 90 minutes between getting up and having your first sip of coffee. If you take in caffeine before your body clears the sleepy hormones, they'll just be floating around until the caffeine wears off. And when it does, they'll hit you hard, especially if your body is starting to produce them again because it's afternoon.

>> No.18699124

take some l-theanine after your coffee bro

>> No.18699221

There's no reason a good bripe session should cost more than 300mg of l-theanine.

>> No.18699511

It's a one liter french press, so three to four servings depending how big of a cup we're pouring.
Works out well since there's four of us right next to each other, and one only sometimes drinks coffee.

>> No.18699707

i know nothing about coffee, want to buy my partner a nice coffee making thing for christmas. I've been looking at the french press. Could you people help me answer the following questions:
>are they cheap?
>are there any particular good brands that make french presses (preferably also cheap)
>does the coffee made with them taste better/different compared to making coffee with just a standard hardware store coffee machine?
>difference between it an an aeropress?
>is using cold water with it how people make "cold pressed" coffee? Or can you do that with any coffee machine?
For the record we buy our coffee beans at a nice local store and grind them ourselves.

>> No.18699755

its just different, more liquid, less intense. im not an expert but thats my take away
i have not heard the term cold pressed coffee before but i do know of cold brew coffee which i suppose you could use a french press for but any large mason jar and some kind of filter would work better, cold brew works better in larger quantities but i dont see why it wouldn't work at all with a french press.
also for french press and cold brew you have to grind them differently then drip coffee or whatever else.
here are some videos you can watch to know more.

>> No.18699832

>my partner
Is he cute?

>> No.18699844

Still the GOAT jingle

>> No.18699848

hes adorable
as in, french press is a bit less intense? aeropress seems interesting but maybe a bit more inconvenient from what I've read on here, but he does like stronger coffee
does the coffee have to be grind more coarse?

>> No.18699866

also i was probably just thinking of cold brewed and am retarded, cold press refers to olive oil lol

>> No.18699875

sorry i dont make french press myself this is just what i have picked up from others.
it seems i was wrong, its immersion brewing so just let it sit longer if you want a stronger coffee.
french press and cold brew will make a lot of strong coffee(not espresso strong, its idk different) with essentially zero effort.
we dont know what grinder you have so its hard to say if you will have to buy a new one.
for aeropress just watch these videos. essentially for anything coffee just watch james hoffmann.

>> No.18699890

NTA but I don't really find aeropress coffee more intense, the main difference between it and a french press is filtration (aeropress has a finer paper filter, with the french press you're just relying on the plunger) and the amount you can make in one go. The second one is important because making coffee for even just two people in an aeropress is a pain, it's mostly intended for one.
And yes, you grind coarser for french press because you want the coffee to be more easily filtered by the plunger.

>> No.18699918

you can grind coffee more coarse by just not grinding it as long right? If so he should be good
and when it is coarser, that affects flavor?

>> No.18700013

my roommate gave me some natural process geisha beans. had a nice almost strawberry flavor to them, a very nice sip for this morning.

>> No.18700095

are you using a blade grinder? if so thats not going to work for anything other than cold brew.

>> No.18700112

I like Folgers, I like my cheap drip coffee maker, and I don't care what anyone else says. I will say that I do NOT like Folgers' ugly plastic cans. Metal cans are much more aesthetically pleasing so I have not been buying much Folgers lately.

>> No.18700117

do you have a sister?

>> No.18700120

yea I think so, there just some blades that he throws them in
I'd be willing to get a new grinder for him to alongside the french press if both are cheap enough, the grinder he currently has is just some shit we found at a canadian tire
anyone have anything to reccomend?

>> No.18700135

Yeah, but she lives on the opposite side of the country. She prefers brewing her own tea instead of drinking coffee.

>> No.18700147

well id say a pretty safe bet for your use case would be the baratza encore.
you can go cheaper but that requires you to hand grind and if that is no problem then just take a look at this handy guide

well. time for bed, im sure someone else here can answer any more questions.

>> No.18700183

If you want to actually control coarseness you need a burr grinder. The gap between the burrs determines how coarse the coffee is. The thing is that grinders are often the most expensive part of your coffee kit, unless you're doing espresso or something like that. Like $100 or more kind of territory. There are some cheaper grinders that are arguably alright, but anons itt might have an aneurysm if you buy them. Blade grinders are the bottom of the barrel, they're more blenders than grinders.

>> No.18700202

keep in mind that I am a leaf so everything is so much more expensive, but I can definitely do 100-150 for a grinder, the one >>18700147 recommended is 209 on amazon which might be a bit much for me, depending on how much a good entry-level french press costs.

>> No.18700210

get a k6

>> No.18700220
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>> No.18700236
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The baratza encore is an electric grinder, which are always going to be more expensive on account of having to add the price of the motor on top of the price for the build quality and burrs and whatnot. So if you want to go cheap you want to go with a hand grinder. The 1zpresso q2 is a popular beginner pick. Will do fine with most things that aren't espresso. If you can't find it cheap locally maybe check for it on aliexpress, although their shipping times are killer. Also they sell them with two different burr sets, make sure you get one with heptagonal burrs, pic related (heptagonal burrs on the left, pentagonal ones on the right).

>> No.18700245

the fuck is that?

>> No.18700257
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my country is fucking stupid god I hate it here
I think I'll just get theor the baratza or the k6, I don't think he will mind manual grinding so if the k6 is strictly better otherwise I can get that. Are all french presses the same or is there one you guys would reccomend?

>> No.18700259
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No, dumb fuck
I'm stronger than your whole family tree

>> No.18700278

Your amazon is fucking insane for some reason, and also that's a newer even more expensive version. Here's a listing for it on the official 1zpresso site, not sure how much shipping will be
And here's some leaf listings for it I found by searching "1zpresso q2 canada"
Again I don't know what the total price including shipping is, but don't feel limited just to megastores like amazon or ali, for more niche stuff look up specialized online stores.

>> No.18700299

Oh and as for french presses, I don't think there's any huge difference between them. Just get something that seems well built and looks nice.

>> No.18700313

do I even bother getting into coffee if I would rather have decaf

>> No.18700316

Decaf is coffee

>> No.18700331


>> No.18700334

It's literally just coffee that's been processed to have less caffeine in it.

>> No.18700336

my friend had an aeropress and it broke his favorite mug so he threw it in the trash (the aeropress)

>> No.18700344

thanks a bunch I forgot about niche stores like this. Looking at that first one, I see they have the barzata on here for the same price. Is it same quality as the q2 but electric and just somehow really cheap here, or is it much morse in build quality to make up for it having a motor?

>> No.18700347

Caffeine is the defining factor of coffee. If it doesn't have caffeine it's no longer coffee, it's just bean water.
>is tea coffee, then?
It's closer to being coffee than decaf, yes.

>> No.18700348

Based aeropress introducing natural selection to mugs. Also you're not supposed to press super hard on an aeropress.

>> No.18700355

Based. Mug 2 weak for the GANG

>> No.18700361

As a general rule, if they're the same price the hand grinder is going to be better. Because again, with an electric grinder you're also paying for the motor. But a lot of people get them anyway for the convenience of just tossing coffee in and pressing a button. Decide for yourself if you think the extra space it takes up and the slightly lower quality is a worthwhile tradeoff for automatic grinding. For me personally I prefer hand grinding anyway because I find it enjoyable, but a lot of people would disagree. Especially if you're grinding lighter roasts since they're very hard.

>> No.18700366

he usually likes dark roast anyways and needs the arm workout
I'll grab the q2 and some french press from amazon, thank you all for the help

>> No.18700378
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>> No.18700380

Ur welcum

>> No.18700381

okay maybe ive misunderstood since I assumed dark roast = stronger coffee
all I know is he likes it strong idk shit about coffee

>> No.18700389

Oh actually one other thing. I see some french presses on amazon that are also travel mugs. You can brew it on the go and drink it. He travels a lot for work so I think thats cool. Are these a scam or do they work alright?

>> No.18700400

>he travels a lot for work
Get him an Aeropress he can put the Q2 grinder inside of it when traveling.

>> No.18700431

Get him light roast then...
And get him the aeropress go. I travel for work 85% of the year. It's what I use

>> No.18700434

Most people know fuck all about coffee.
Darker roast = more generic and bitter flavor. You also generally want to brew them at lower temperatures.
Most coffees you can buy in grocery stores are darker roasts since they source their coffee from god knows where and they want to mask the usually meh and mixed flavor.
Lighter roasts have more of the original flavor of the beans. You'd probably need to buy from specialty roasters, doubt you'll get them in regular stores.
As for coffee strength, if we're talking about caffeine content that's gonna mostly depend on the beans before roasting, although hoffmann has done a video extensively talking about it recently. But I think most people just equate bitterness with strength.
Not sure, never tried them. But like the other anon said for traveling the aeropress is king.

>> No.18700502

I'd advise against light roasts. Those tend to taste more fruity and don't have as much of the "traditional coffee" flavor. I'd recommend a medium dark blend. The strength can be increased or decreased with the brewing recipe or method. Drip coffee with paper filters will take out more of the body whereas a french press would leave all the oils in the cup. I haven't tried an aeropress but from what I've read that would make a strong (i.e. flavorful) drink.

>> No.18700586

thank you anons
the aeropress just doesnt look as comfy as a nice looking french press does but I will abide by your suggestions and get him one. We also have this local coffee place that we buy tea leaves from, I'll be sure to get him a few lighter and some medium roasts for him to try out. In the future for a birthday or something I'll buy him some other coffee brewer we can use to brew larger amounts than the aeropress
you are all very helpful

>> No.18700633
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Based and good friend pilled

>> No.18700646

>that's a newer even more expensive version
This is why I think they're using the zp6 to phase out their remaining handle and lid stock.

>> No.18700743
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my fellow coffmericans, it has been two weeks since my beloved aeropress has been taken from me due to hand surgery
as i sit here sipping upon some coffee that never had a chance to realize its full potential, i think of how blessed i am to have known what good coffee could even be, and how blessed we all are for knowing the same
every day i grow closer to reunion with my beloved 'press
in the name of thy son, our lord and savior james hoffman, amen

>> No.18700753

Just put a heavy book on top of it to push the plunger. Or a brick.

>> No.18700769

the bigger issue is using my handgrinder and cleaning up the whole arrangement
I should be good to use it all again in a week or so, and my preground stuff should hold up at least that long. it's looking like I'll need the same surgery on my right hand too so Mr Coffee is gonna stick around for awhile
but believe me I understand the urge to move heaven and earth to Get Back to Pressin' (tm)

>> No.18700781

Should have gotten a drill compatible grinder. Good luck with your surgeries.

>> No.18700787

Poor genes and/or skill issue.

>> No.18700792

Anyone been to Alita in NY? Thinking about checking it out. Friend says theyre good. I like 9th street espresso in the chelsea mall place but I dont live nearby either so I dont get to go much

>> No.18700800
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really just regret not going buy-once-cry-once and snatching up a nice electric grinder, but maybe circumstances will permit me to do so in the future. i really underestimated how into coffee i'd get after the initial purchases. thanks for your well wishes.
i am simply incompatible with life

>> No.18700865

what steel filter should I buy for an aeropress? Able? Does the brand matter at all?

>> No.18700877

>the fuck is that?
you banned from all search engines or something?

>> No.18700916


>> No.18700925


>> No.18700955

do you like fines? if you want more of the oils then get a cloth filter.

>> No.18700972

I feel you pal. My wrists are fucking shot from 25 years of tennis. What exactly did you do to fuck them up? Its just very odd to me that you're unable to grind for a steep and release apress. Its not like you're trying to do blooming espresso on a unifilter or other billet basket.

>> No.18700996

got carpal tunnel from my job. can't really make a fist without pain post-surgery, but that'll go away in time. it takes a bit of squeezing with each hand to manipulate a hand grinder. currently one hand is pretty unusable and the other just sucks to use because of carpal tunnel symptoms.

>> No.18701010
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Have you tried doing it like how the inventor does it?

>was about to do typical baratza encore recommendation
>it's $170 now
Inflation's fucking everything. I got mine from crate and barrel five years ago for $90.

>> No.18701022

take some serrapeptase, nattokinase, and bromelain buddy (on an empty stomach)

>> No.18701050

The cheap jms-270 roaster was a mistake. Now I crave for convection

>> No.18701079

>can't really make a fist without pain post-surgery, but that'll go away in time
Gotcha. Mine is about the opposite. Shredded through my tfcc and some other goop back in 2012. Chronic pain. Left hand resting position is curled about 40% to a full fist. The right one rests flat but just has a bunch of repeated shocks(probably carpal tunnel) from taking all the impact my left should have on backhands. Took about a decade for my serve to start resembling what it used to. I guess scar tissue starts to grow over the tear and anchor all my bits. Most misdiagnosed injury in sports I guess. My college's trainers were taping my elbow while I was explaining I felt a tear and now 80% of the time I can't hit a ball without my wrist rattling and sending it out of the court.
>The TFCC is responsible for keeping the radius and ulna stable as the hand grasps an object or the forearm rotates
Turns out that 5mm of bio grown elastic is pretty fucking essential for tennis. You'd think people who studied sports medicine would have been able to figure that out. Instead I randomly came across a brace that worked a couple years later.

>> No.18701106

that sounds awful bro. can't imagine playing tennis with that sort of pain. glad you found a brace that helps.

>> No.18701142

i also have tennis wrist
not as bas as a rolled ankle
going to cut back on tennis

>> No.18701215

Yeah now it just gets super tight every couple of days and I have to shove it down at a right angle until it pops and it sounds like a gunshot. The resting curl is about the perfect angle for my kinu lol. I should probably sell that quickly, preorder a bose tamper and just eliminate wrist strain completely.

>> No.18701222

How do I stop coffee grounds from being left over on the walls of my v60? In other words, how do I into swirling?

>> No.18701229

I hate that new folding handle. It's stupid. Nobody likes it. It is going to be the thing that breaks far before any other part of the grinder. I will not buy a grinder with a stupid folding handle.

>> No.18701250

I heard that’s where the Sey rejects that don’t wear shoegaze band t-shirts end up.

>> No.18702404


>> No.18702475

They're quick and easy to use. I give them an A+

>> No.18702479

Also, I can put the water and grounds in the machine the night before and then turn it on as soon as I get up

>> No.18702530

i might give it a go tomorrow
amusingly enough i was just in your situation regarding recommending an encore to someone, holy fuck man.

>> No.18702535

What's a good grounds/water ratio for an Aeropress? I like having as much liquid as possible, and I like light roasts.

>> No.18702550

You can find a Baratza Encore for less than 150 on ebay.

>> No.18702565


>> No.18702644 [DELETED] 

>Caffeine is the defining factor of coffee
actually unironically genuinely kill yourself right now you worthless nigger.

>> No.18702657

>he doesnt swirl
>his pour over doesnt have vertical striations with 2.3 mm wave frequencies

>> No.18702661

my natural process burundi 25.3g slow brewed moka this morning tasted very good.
more goffee later today
going to buy some more goffee tonight.

>> No.18702666

Look at him swirl

>> No.18702693

he's fuckin swirlin, god bless 'im

>> No.18702697
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i didnt make it bros
i forgot to pick up coffee at the market today

>> No.18702706

there's always tomorrow broseph

>> No.18702737

I'll swirl up some late night geisha for you pal.

>> No.18702740
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im gettng some when i get breakfast
which means i can get illy now
actually an improvement overall

>> No.18702750

>discover new thing
>must pay $100+ dollars to enjoy the thing
every single time, I hate this

>> No.18702756

I recently got a very entry level espresso machine, the delonghi stilosa, and was wondering what are some good coffees to use with it aside from the typical cafe bustelo.

>> No.18702766

what's wrong with that?

>> No.18702772


>> No.18702787
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need recommendations for my next bag of beans
i like coffee that tastes smooth but isn't too fruity or overpowering
i prefer med roasts but am open to dark roasts if they aren't too harsh
this was my last bag and it was bretty good but not amazing enough to where i'm gonna stop searching for something better

>> No.18702794
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Is this creamer any good?

>> No.18702802


>> No.18702805

Counter Culture's Big Trouble is one of my favorite coffees.

>> No.18702825

natural process burundi Kibingo

>> No.18702836

had it once, was not impressed.

>> No.18702839

only for instant coffee

>> No.18702846

flavored creamer is for keurig/mr coffee dark roast

>> No.18703006
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I got a light roast blend and it's filtering me, I can't get it out of my head that the acidity of the shot taste like barf. back to medium roast I guess

>> No.18703037

how are you brewing?
always get single origin.

>> No.18703061

train yourself young one

>> No.18703087
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Based and judgement pilled

>> No.18703187

it's a blend from a reputable local roaster but nothing I've gotten from them have been really good. tried out this one because the notes and name sounded kinda neat
double shots out of a silvia.

>> No.18703241

Fellas I love coffee and want to drink at night but not stay up, any recommendations on decaf or naturally low caffeine beans

>> No.18703256

>reputable local roaster
by normies or by specialty coffee standards?

>> No.18703265

I would assume both because this is coffee hipster land and I just don't want to assume people are wrong. I've learned my lesson

>> No.18703286

tf why are you getting a light roast blend, didn’t even realize this garbage existed

>> No.18703334


>> No.18703373

How about we fuck until we both pass out?

>> No.18703378

Unironically, I want a bripe so badly but I refuse to pay a hundred dollarydoos for it.

>> No.18703394
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>Italian espresso

>> No.18703403

Wait... Wait a fucking moment here!
You telling me Folgers comes in a teabag?!

>> No.18703405

bin it

>> No.18703409

Fair enough, I personally get baited by tin cans with a nice sticker some roasters use

>> No.18703412

I actually tried it just to remember how shit it taste. Didn't disappoint

>> No.18703419

how was the texture.

>> No.18703797
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>> No.18703799

how often do you guys clean your kettles? I mean, besides just wiping it after there's no more water in it

>> No.18703823

Why would I need to clean something that is filled with boiling water every single day

>> No.18703827

Whenever my reflection starts getting cloudy.

>> No.18703851


>> No.18703857

I'll boil some white vinegar/water mix every other month. My city's water is pretty soft though and I only use filtered water so weird buildup isn't much if a concern

>> No.18703868

about once a month, water around here is rather hard but a sponge with a little bit of dish soap and vinegar is enough to make it sparkle again

>> No.18703908

i'm paranoid with electric kettles because i once had one which somehow tried to dry boil despite safety features, so I always keep a small amount of water inside. I clean the lid if too much dust or hair. Water I might empty, rinse and wipe only if its been a while since last use.

>> No.18703914

I do swirl, I just don't know how to do it well.

>> No.18703920

you could just leave it unplugged

>> No.18704007

never with britta filtered water.

>> No.18704033
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>brewed a great cup of coffee
>know I'm not gonna be able to reliably replicate it

>> No.18704215

Speak english there bud

>> No.18704324

So i just got gifted a Keurig as an early present, what are some good K cup brands to try out?

>> No.18704333
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>> No.18704366


>> No.18704488

i do nowadays with current kettle since new location can easily access the plug, but I still keep water in the kettle for a different reason. I use bottled water so I just leave what remains in the kettle after a brew because I don't want to pour it out and waste it. So kettle just always have some water in it between use.

>> No.18704507

just make your own bro https://www.thecommonscafe.com/how-to-make-your-own-coffee-pods-for-keurig/#:~:text=To%20make%20a%20K%2Dcup,your%20fresh%20cup%20of%20coffee!

>> No.18704554
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i could live in here.

>> No.18704585

moka pot + la colombe canned triple iced lattes

>> No.18704594

But it smells and if you cut a hole for a chimney it'll get filled with water when it rains.

>> No.18704599
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>finally got my biscotti to come out super crunchy
This has been an enjoyable coffee time

>> No.18704610

Just made an "eggnog grog" ground coffee I bought at WinCo. Tasted like shit, like pure fucking water. No amount of pumpkin spice creamer or sugar could fix that shit fucking coffee it made. Didn't taste at all like eggnig, sad

>> No.18704616

hook me up with the recipe brother

>> No.18704627

That's really cool, anon, I love a good biscotti. How tough was it to make?

Very disappointing. I feel like most flavored coffees don't come out that great.
Maybe you could make some eggnog of your own and distill it or something. Or just use it in place of cream.

>> No.18704637
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This tastes like week-old cigarette butts.

>> No.18704680

all yours (from how to cook everything)
>How tough was it to make?
Not so bad, I hardly even followed the instructions (didn't mix ingredients in order, eyeballed volumes, didn't use mixer just used hands because I'm poor and don't have one) and they still came out great. They do take a while to bake though and this was my second try, the most important part is to actually bake the full 20 minutes after the initial 30 min bake and flip them in the middle so they dry out and become crunchy. Takes about 1-1.5 hours but the cookies stay good for a long time apparently as long as they're stored correctly

>> No.18704686

now imagine millions of "people" drinking this every day and saying they enjoy coffee...

>> No.18704690

this is the perfect description

>> No.18704737

gave this a go but couldn't use my left hand for stability without pain and it didn't feel secure without it. so it goes. at least I have something to look forward to when I'm well again. thanks for trying anyways.

>> No.18705224

I fucking love coffee

>> No.18705492
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me too
it's so fun to experiment with and the results are often tasty

>> No.18705516
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Bummer. I wonder if there's a manual juice press that's big enough to fit an aeropress into.

>> No.18705523
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I'll be up to speed in a couple of weeks, but I appreciate sparing some brain wrinkles on my behalf. really, drinking subpar coffee (that isn't all that awful, actually) from a Mr coffee for awhile has given me a greater appreciation for this hobby as a whole, so it's not all bad.

>> No.18706108
File: 1.87 MB, 640x1136, barista.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather tongue a barista's anus

>> No.18706119
File: 299 KB, 694x755, 46n091q2dv5a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18706279
File: 703 KB, 1434x1284, 1658463322091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right i mean uhhh meow meow

>> No.18706740

Ah shit. Any studies been done on coffee?

>> No.18706745

Pretty sure my aeropress filters out lead and cadmium so idc

>> No.18706873

Is Coffee good for you?

>> No.18706880

Sure you can, you just have to refer to your brewing notes. Weight of the beans, grinder, grind size, total weight of grounds (accounting for lost coffee), method of brewing, temperature+time, total water volume, etc.
Then just repeat the variables and you'll have a similar cup of coffee.

>> No.18706927

200ml @ 96c
agitate for 5ish seconds
place cap and flip
swirl and 1min press

that's it. delicious goffee

>> No.18706944

Sorry how do I press in a V60?

>> No.18706970

only if you drink ultralight panama geisha natural process v60 black.

>> No.18706973

>he doesnt press his v60

>> No.18706974

>only if you drink ultralight panama geisha natural process v60 black.
okay but what if I do this unironically

>> No.18707048


>> No.18707107 [DELETED] 

200ml @ 96c
agitate for 5ish seconds
place cap and flip
swirl and 1min press

that's it. delicious goffee

>> No.18707792

I track all of these but still can't replicate recipes because I can't keep my technique consistent

>> No.18708308

how do i prevent the liquid from dripping down the filter before press? not interested in inverted method

>> No.18708322

Hello found an issue in the pastebin:
>Water is extremely important as it's composition directly
should be (its) rather than it's

>> No.18708441

Two options, one is you get a fellow prismo. They market it as a way to make espresso-like coffee but it's bullshit, the real benefit of it is letting you essentially do the inverted method without inverting, since the coffee won't drip until pressure is applied.
The simpler option is just to put the plunger in. Don't press on it, just gently put it in so that it creates a seal at the top. A bit of coffee will drip through, but it will stop quickly if you did it right. It's like how you can hold liquid in a straw by blocking one end with your tongue.

>> No.18708454

how can you put the plunger in and pour water at the same time? or just during brewing?

also i think my problem was a very coarse grind rather than fine. thanks for the reply

>> No.18708530

You pour in you water and then quickly put the plunger in. James didn't explicitly mention it in his aeropress recipe video, but this video does
Around 20 seconds in, if you need a visual example.
And also yes, you should probably grind a bit finer if you're losing water very quickly.