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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18685867 No.18685867 [Reply] [Original]

Seems to be a new European cultural food trend

>> No.18685892

Maybe stop fighting a proxy war with Russia over some corrupt shithole.

>> No.18685895

why do leftists always have to pretend people in west europe or america are living in poverty, when by every single metric their life quality is amazing, when in countries like india or any african shithole kids literally die from lack of nutrition?

>> No.18685899

No way that buying several candles that last for one meal twice a day is cheaper than using a stove for 10 minutes

>> No.18685905

The nation of Ukraine was founded in 2014 by Barack Obama

>> No.18685906


>> No.18685908

My dog's food is more expensive than what I eat. $70+ for a 6lb bag of kibble.

>> No.18685913

People give their pets the fucking liver and eat the beta cuts themselves

>> No.18685914

Indians and Africans deserve it. The people who founded civilization as it is understood today deserve better.

>> No.18685931
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I'm growing to hate pet owners more and more lately. At least the animal keeps the mail man off your lawn right?

>> No.18685944

Because leftists aren't retards who settle for "not as terrible as India" when it's obvious that things could be even better

>> No.18685967

It's a quotation. Source needed on quote, and source needed on whether people are *actually* doing that (or if some idiot politico is just saying that).

>> No.18685979
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>> No.18686008

u jelly?

>> No.18686020

Are there any reasons for me to be?

>> No.18686038

There shouldn't be, but here we are

>> No.18686061
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Weird. I just got an Amazon order and these were the things they recommended. I don't have a dog, but it sure doesn't seem very cheap.

>> No.18686073

Look up how much Royal Canin food for medium dogs costs (^:

>> No.18686099
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>implying it's the war and not the great reset

>> No.18686253

Pro tip: they aren't. This is fake.

>> No.18686272

>pet food
sausages, steak, bacon etc can literally be described as pet food
>hearing meals with candles
for a tiktok video no doubt or someone on twitter lied and said they did it for likes

i despise journalists

>> No.18686277

Weren't people from /fit/ doing that unironically not too long ago? One guy was eating sticks of fuckin whatever that are meant to feed captive gorillas

>> No.18686278

So what are they then?

>> No.18686289

ya sure about dat?

>> No.18686326

Take that Putin

>> No.18686339

>journalists protecting pedophile elites
This is fine
>journalists exaggerating real struggles of the lower class
I despise journalists.

>> No.18686345
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Ok but where do the struggling lower class pedophiles fit into this narrative and how are the free masons involved?

>> No.18686445

both the elite and lower class are scum

>> No.18687613

Yes. Notice the use of the same quotes across all headlines. This means they are citing from the same source which, without even looking, i know will come from a "report" published by some charity or lobby group. Said group can manufacture the circumstance for the report and the headline is still technically accurate.

>> No.18687615
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I was wrong. There wasn't even the pretence of research. The source is this "man".

>> No.18687619

This "cost of living crisis" seems like complete bullshit to me. I earn next to nothing because I don't even work full time yet still manage to pay for rent bills and groceries. I think these people just can't imagine living without their luxuries.

>> No.18687628

>Because leftists aren't retards
Oh I get it, today is opposite day

>> No.18687631

>Piss off your gas supplier
>Wonder why you have no Energy

Fucking kek Euros really are morons

>> No.18687633
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>Forced to eat pet food
this is the face of the 2023 European man and it's beautiful

>> No.18687634

Trump warned them and they laughed. Now Im laughing

>> No.18687641
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Yeah, the gorilla guy because its cheap and works for bulking, but thats just /fit/ being /fit/ and returning to monke.

>> No.18687643
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Fucking checked and red-pilled

>> No.18687770

But you posted an Asian boy?

>> No.18687783
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Even I fell for it. For anyone wondering, it tastes like any other pet food, but it's shaped like circus peanuts. Also, it's not "hard to chew" like the og gorilla chow poster claimed, but that may vary lot to lot.

>> No.18687792

>waah the elite are scum waah
Scum rises to the top. I certainly hope you enjoy eating our detritus. That's all there will ever be for you.

>> No.18687797

Fuck jounalists. They are nothing but scum sucking garbage human beings.

>> No.18687831

That's UK. Not Europe.

>> No.18687852

this is what happens when you refuse to abolish the monarchy for a millenia

>> No.18687870

Pet food is more expensive than people food

>> No.18687878

Pay for the pipeline you broke

>> No.18687883
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Lol @ the lying kike owned media.

According to them, I would be freezing in my house right now but I have 21.5 comfy degrees all day long (in the evening 22.4), I have food and I have everything I had before this (((war))). Everything costs a bit more, however people are dying in the streets like they write.

I’m Italian btw.

>pic related life is good

>> No.18687905

What the fuck? Pet food is more expensive than human food, and heating with candles is more expensive than normal heating, even now. I call bullshit

>> No.18687909

same i literally live in Russia and sanctions didn't obliterate prices into Venezuela its whatever

>> No.18687918

>Walk by school
>School porter always leaves cat food around
Thanks for the snack lol

>> No.18687934

it's just the old tactic of making others look bad to distract people from how bad things are around them

>> No.18687937

based gorilla anons. Keep up the good fight

>> No.18688118
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>> No.18688273

>even now
Compared to wood you'd be paying like 14x if you used paraffin for heating

>> No.18688280

>journalistsg exaggerating
>I despise journalists.
There are three people at fault here: the person who didn't see that there was a quotation in OP's headline, the person who doesn't know that journalists don't write headlines, and the person who didn't bother to look up the article in the first place.

All of which are you. You seem to blame the media for the fact that you are an ignorant moronic fucking faggot.

And fuck OP and fuck everyone else in this thread for not demanding and posting the source immediately. It's the internet -- you all should know better, you fucking monkeys.

>> No.18688791

just made a purchase...

>> No.18688810

Pet food isn't exactly cheap

>> No.18688819

Wasn’t there once unproven stories about decrepit yank boomers having to eat cat food during the last financial crash in ‘08.
This reminds me of the same thing

>> No.18688821

Correct. That too has shot up in price. It’s not like that student staple of ramen noodles hasn’t itself gone up either

>> No.18688826
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Man I'm a poorfag and yet I can afford food just fine including regular, cheeky take-outs and my heating's been on nonstop. Are people just bad with their finances, or is being a single male with no dependents and no real financial obligations other than rent+food just easy mode?

>> No.18688847

It's also common in the US for poors to eat pet food when shit gets bad and has been for quite some time. That said, using candles to heat food seems a bit odd.

>> No.18688863

>The people who founded civilization as it is understood today

>> No.18688870

>hurf durf Europe
>it's Bongland

>> No.18688873
File: 49 KB, 626x626, How-To-Make-A-Candle-Heater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>euros are literally using this to stay warm this winter

>> No.18688875


>> No.18688878
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>this is what standing up for western values looks like

>> No.18688885

based anger issues user

>> No.18688893

thats clearly a 50/50 italian and eskimo

>> No.18688919

It varies very very much based on where you live and whatnot

>> No.18689393

Business owners and extreme poorfags are probably ones getting fucked

>> No.18689404

why don't they just use an oil lamp from cooking oil.

>> No.18689465

Let's see who has less outages this winter, shartboy . I'm pretty sure we usually win.

>> No.18689551

>things could be even better

I agree with that sentiment, but that's not the narrative you're defending. The image being passed is that people are eating animal food like it's WW2 levels of poverty and thats not true.

>> No.18689571

these people would still have food to eat if so many resources werent wasted on producing dog food

>> No.18689649

You lost me at the first sentence

>> No.18689655

Lol no?

>> No.18689680

>Because leftists aren't retards
now hold on

>> No.18689689


>> No.18689712

haHAHA how can you own nothing and be happy if you still own things? enjoy your manufactured famine. the WEF is going for the genocide world record any% speedrun.

>> No.18689887

retarded post. You're not as clever as you think you are

>> No.18689894

You're paying 70 dollars for fucking kibble? Stop

>> No.18690111

I have to up the quality on my cat's food to higher than mine too, since she's on a prescription diet and has recently had bouts of refusing to eat anything except wet food treats that's basically junk food (I want to destroy Purina as a company so much -- they must put cocaine in their food or something, but basically pets don't want to eat anything else, so it takes weeks to get them to switch to decent food). Also as an effort to get her to eat, the vet had me order freeze-dried raw meat to crumble into her food, which is also a pretty nuts unit price.

She's earned her keep over the years though as she's killed a bunch of rats in various apartments for me. She even lets me get first choice whether I want to eat them for myself -- it's breakfast in bed.

>> No.18690280

euthanize your 10 dollar cat and get a new one that isnt retarded

>> No.18690506

Is pet food actually cheaper than human food in Western Europe?

>> No.18690734
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>da joos
>when an Aussie owns 97% of all news media

>> No.18690745

kys you pathetic Russkie. You are losing the war fucking faggot.

>> No.18690750
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Based reddit tranny brigade member