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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18682817 No.18682817 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that EVO oil is the most important ingredient that completely changes the flavor of your dishes.

>> No.18682821

>extra virgin olive oil
I call it incel oil

>> No.18682827

You need to check for urinary track infection.

>> No.18682830

>fuck huge jug trapping air ruining the flavor
>died green (could even be food dye for how green it is, sicilians will throw extra leaves into the press to achieve a similar effect, but nothing this fucking neon lmao it looks like kool aid)
unless you trust the person who made the olive oil and you go to their farm to buy it (and can taste it first) or can at least taste different oils at a store to determine which are fresh, you're likely buying trash, likely too much of it at a time like OP's oxygenated shit, and you likely don't know any better because you're american.

>> No.18682878

>because you're american.
lmao I'm Italian and that's an olive oil from a trusted agricultural cooperative between Latium and Tuscany. 18€/liter
Yeah, the only disappointing part is the transparent glass and not dark bottle

>> No.18682916

Wopbros… what does real evoo taste like?… we only get rancid oil that’s like 95% sneed oil…

>> No.18682940

depends on the varietal. coratina is extremely peppery compared to arbequina for example. good arbequina is smooth, but the spanish mostly grow it and wait til it's practically falling off the tree to harvest to produce as much oil as possible, making it super fucking bland. if you can go somewhere to taste it first, do that, and if it's grassy and has a spice to the finish (esp. if it makes you want to cough a little) then it's still fresh. that's the one to buy. if there's no spice whatsoever, it means it's old (at least 1.5 years after pressing) and you no longer want it. i think if you're in the US, your best bet is ordering mission oil from california. mission olives make a great, robust olive oil with a strong kick. outside of that, if you're unwilling to make that much of a commitment/investment, then honestly just buy the cheap amazon EVOO and hope for the best (meaning hope you're not getting some other vegetable oil blended with a miniscule amount of EVOO, if any is present at all, obviously EVOO is expensive and nobody actually knows shit about it so it's easy for groups to unload EVOO shipped from italy, swap with garbage, rebottle and dump it in your local store).

>> No.18682970

Ha Ha Ha Ha
She uses that shit!!
Because MumsNet tells her to!

Avocado oil is the one and only Man's oil.
Higher flash point, better taste, doesn't taint the food in the same way as EVOO or what ever the fuck she calls it.

>> No.18683031

>just taste every oil at the store bro
Do euros actually stick their licked finger in every bottle at the store?
First we saved you from the Germans; now we have to introduce health codes?

>> No.18683045

no, numbnuts, the idea would be you'd visit a smaller boutique that would have bottles opened specifically for sampling, and no, you uncultured pig, an olive oil tasting is not the grubby little picture you imagine of shoving your greasy little fingers inside the bottle like a fucking child. jesus, you're so depraved. olives are fruits. olive oil is a fruit juice. you pour a small amount into a little saucer/cup and then you drink it straight. you're looking to see if you like the flavor and whether it still has a spiciness to it, meaning the polyphenol chemistry is still intact (they'll break down after about 1.5 years). now that you've actually gained a semblance of culture, possibly for the first time in your life, maybe you'll stop having lurid daydreams of smelly foreigners licking their fingers, and sharing them on the internet.

>> No.18683324
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I buy 3L of high quality olive oil each year but using it for cooking would be a complete waste and it's too expensive for that (22€/1L) so we use that with ciabatta, pizza and for salads. using cheap 8-9€ olive oil is enough for fish sticks, chicken nuggets etc. anything that doesn't need high heat but it's still worth trying out different olive oils. the difference in quality is surprisingly big

>> No.18683330

>he drinks cups of oil

>> No.18683417

It's funny how stupid europoors are, your olive oil is all cut by the mafia who makes billions doing it.

>> No.18683430

some of it but not all of it. you'll have to buy it online from trustworthy sources and avoid italian olive oil altogether. mine is greek and you can easily taste the difference between oil that tastes like olive oil and oil that tastes like it wants to be olive oil. it's a completely different thing when compared to stuff from the supermarket

>> No.18683433

I will just continue to avoid europoor trash oil all together. Obsessed europoors bringing up America in an olive oil thread is just hilarious because your whole continent gobbles down trash oil like cucks while paying the mafia to fuck you more.

>> No.18683456

it's the same shit in the US, you fucking mongoloid

>> No.18683465

Prove the mafia is tampering with California olive oil then you stupid bitch. It's already well known what goes on over in your corrupt europoor shithole.

>> No.18683479

I'm a different guy who never even mentioned america. had to look up what you're talking about. so much for being obsessed lol

>> No.18683485

>had to look up what you're talking about. so much for being obsessed lol
It's a good thing to know europoor oil is all tampered with since you import it here. You can swallow shit all you want and enjoy it, I won't judge you.

>> No.18683495

you have no idea how funny your angry posts are. it may be unintentional but I'm still laughing

>> No.18683501

All olive oil tastes literally the same. There's no difference between the cheapest possible variety and the best-of-the-best top-shelf stuff. It's all just olive oil.
If you'd actually care about flavor or quality, you'd use butter or lard. Fuck oil.

>> No.18683502

How delightful that a europoor is in good humor today, maybe you will only think about america 50 times each minute instead of 100 times. Enjoy your shit eating.

>> No.18683521

have you ever even tried more than one olive oil at the same time? I'm guessing you're referring to best-of-the-best top-shelf stuff from walmart or similar

>> No.18683522

Oef poor American :(

>> No.18683523

>NOOOO you've not had REAL olive oil!!! You must have had only BAD olive oil to think that!!!
You sound like a communist.

>> No.18683527

I'm not American. I'm thankfully from Butter Europe.

>> No.18683530

what was the most expensive olive oil you ever tried? bertolli?

>> No.18683538

Based butterchad.

>> No.18683542

that guy completely missed the point. everyone with half a brain uses butter, lard and olive oil for different dishes. only a retard would completely ignore olive oil

>> No.18683547

Zeta. Didn't make any difference. The food still tasted the same. I'm not drinking shots of EVOO so the only thing that actually matters is the final product.

>> No.18683552

Name one dish that suffers if you use butter instead of olive oil. You literally cannot, because there isn't such a dish.

>> No.18683553

>The food still tasted the same
what was it?

>> No.18683561

spaghetti aglio e olio or most other italian dishes like pizza

>> No.18683562

Aglio e olio, I think. It was a few years back.

>> No.18683566

Aglio e olio is literally a hundred times better if you substitute the oil for butter, you fucking retard. Seriously, it's like no one on this board has ever even been near a kitchen.

>> No.18683621

damn, imagine being such a tastelet.
cheap extra virgin olive oil either tastes like nothing or has unpleasant notes.
Quality EVOO can really boost the flavor of many plain dishes

>> No.18683649

olive oil and butter have different tastes, one is not necessarily better than the other. You don't particularly like the taste of olive oil, that's fine, but don't pretend like it's an objective and universal truth. why do people have to be so manichean about everything...
do your season your salads with melted butter?

>> No.18683741

>do your season your salads with melted butter?
No, of course not. I don't put oil in salad either, because why the fuck would I?

>> No.18683778

EVO is shit. Use lard and butter like a real white person.

>> No.18683784

sarr why you type this

>> No.18683852

>completely changes the flavor of your dishes
why would I want to do that? I like the flavor of the food I make

>> No.18683895

Because it does it in better.

>> No.18683901

you'r wrong

>> No.18684268

so you eat unseasoned salad leaves like a sheep? Or do you drench it in dressing (which is usually oil-based)?

>> No.18684285

this is hilarious because coratina vs mission vs pendolino vs arbequina are as different as merlot vs pinot noir vs pinot gricio vs champagne. why are americans so anti-intellectual? it's not even really anti-intellectualism, they just double down on the stupidest fucking take based on absolutely nothing, incredible.

>> No.18684907

>your olive oil is all cut by the mafia who makes billions doing it.
They do that principally for exported evoo you retard

>> No.18684937

Yeah, it makes everything taste like burnt olives.

>> No.18684980
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>do your season your salads with melted butter
Sometimes, i cook with animal fat and i definitely dont waste it. Toss meat cooked in butter over a salad and tell me its not delicious.

>> No.18684996

10/10 bait

>> No.18685017
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Tbh I dont know if this is a good brand or not. I just prefer to buy bigger bottles and this is the only big bottle sold in supermarkets here.

>> No.18685191

>extra virgin
Ill stick to regular olive oil that you can actually cook with

>> No.18685534

retard alert

>> No.18685555

there should be an acidity level percentage printed somewhere in the bottle
0.3 is good, the lower the better
0.5 and up is crap