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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 251 KB, 1926x580, choc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18683137 No.18683137 [Reply] [Original]

You know this to be true

>> No.18683141

who in their right mind would eat that many calories

>> No.18683152

all of these just make me sick and want something to counter the sweetness.
this is coming from someone who just scuffed down 2 tubes of anchovy paste that expired months ago with old bread and had absolutely zero issues

>> No.18683155

It's weird cause here milky ways have no carmel like that musketeer thing and instead we got mars bars which have the carmel

>> No.18683157

it's bulk season friend
where do you think you are, /fit/ is here for the winter

>> No.18683166

You fools, you don't just eat it in a sitting. You put it in my freezer and cut off a piece once day or so.

>> No.18683168

Why is the Milky Way bar called a "3 Musketeers", and the Mars bar a "Milky Way"? And why is the Milky Way wrapper not blue?
Who made this picture, a fucking retard?

>> No.18683171

Who in their right mind actually cares about calories?
I'm serious. Calorie counting is harmful to your mental health.

>> No.18683181

pretty sure that shit's under 400 calories bruh or ill have to start buying some

>> No.18683187

The cute girls with flat bellies, outtie belly buttons, whose old bras are too big so they just stop wearing them altogether. They CICO by eating minor amounts of indulgence food like french fries.

>> No.18683190

counting calories is very important or i could be slowly losing my gains and not even know it

>> No.18683194

I can't afford them anyway
That thing cost as much as a single meal

>> No.18683195

It’s only 230 calories I think

>> No.18683198

Oh, you're one of those faggots.

>> No.18683215

generally speaking the higher calories you eat in a day the bigger you are, the lower calories you eat in a day the smaller you are.
calorie counting is a learning experience of how much energy your body actually needs so you can meet those needs in the future through something called eyeballing
it's not rocket surgery

>> No.18683221

Well I'll tell you right now I eat it
And I know that you won't believe it
when I say it's just a fact
I'm not fat I'm not fat I'm not fat

>> No.18683227

But what's the next step?

>> No.18683231
File: 471 KB, 2560x1407, t5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adding pretzels

>> No.18683249

the Snickers I have in my hand says it's 400 (200x2)
that's like 1/5 of the daily intake and it's from useless sugars
I'd rather eat some soup

>> No.18683310
File: 27 KB, 454x408, snickers calories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400 (200x2)
That's not how it works, you retard. You can't say a Snickers bar has a total of 400 calories when you literally have two of them, with 200 calories each.
A full sized Snickers bar has 250 calories.

>> No.18683327

/fit/ seems like a bunch of together people though lol

>> No.18683329

>You can't say a Snickers bar has a total of 400 calories when you literally have two of them, with 200 calories each.
you fucking retard, I am talking about Snickers super which has 2 small bars

>> No.18683332
File: 85 KB, 720x890, 1666983021603391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just came from /fit/

>> No.18683353


>> No.18683356

Why does your milk way look like a mars bar?

>> No.18683401

Yeah, that's what I said. That's not a normal Snickers. A normal, average Snickers bar is 250 calories. A Snickers Super, which isn't a normal Snickers bar, has two smaller, 200 calorie bars. One Snickers Super bar is 200 calories, not 400.

>> No.18683481

completely irrelevant
if you're only eating half a snickers super you might as well eat half the normal bar and call it a day
we're talking about the entire package

>> No.18683487

What does that have to do with your aversion to sweets?

>> No.18683494

>buy a six-pack of Snickers
>eat all of them at once
WTF why does a single Snickers have 1500 calories??????

>> No.18683500

Because it satisfies.

>> No.18683572

silly billy i'm saying that normally i have a very strong stomach but these shred me. you're so silly.

>> No.18683640

>buy a halloween pack of snickers
>wtf bros it only has 50 kcal per bar, why would you lie about snickers being bad for you?
this is what you sound like, retard

>> No.18683706

you like snickers because it's the closest thing to actual food. you could eat food instead. if you have a real blender, not one of those imitation blenders dads buy, you can make all kinds of stuff with fruit and cocoa that can also satisfy most of your nutritional targets for the day.

>> No.18683723

>nutritional targets
Nutrition is a pseudoscience. There's literally no proof for any of it.
>there's little tiny particles of nutrition in food
Yeah, as if. Fuck off with your bullshit. A banana is comprised only of banana, not of carbohydrates or potassium or what ever.

>> No.18683738

if I'm not mistaken it's been decades since we had mars bars in the states, I thought they had almonds in them
I could be wrong on both though
I usually pick a milkyway or 3 musketeer over snickers, I like all candy bars though. I just don't eat them anymore since I stopped toking reefers, or sweet snacks or cereal

>> No.18683743

ketolards and carnitards really are just fat fucks, it seems

>> No.18683806

I only have 3 reasons for ever buying cheap chocolate
1. Using it in a recipe
2. Buying it for retards with shit taste buds or children
3. Terry's Chocolate Orange

>> No.18683809


>> No.18683816

Have sone self control faggot

>> No.18683825

How fat are you?

>> No.18683826

I'm slightly underweight.

>> No.18683834

>t. Amerilard

>> No.18683886

I don't know where you got that idea but you're wrong.

>> No.18683889

But in the process you removed the nougat and worsened the product.

>> No.18684110


This isn't entirely wrong. Individual nutrients and extracts often behave differently outside the contexts of foods they're in.

>> No.18684482
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>> No.18684485
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>> No.18685262

I don't know about this...it seems icy

>> No.18685301

Seriously though, this fat american mindset of
>high calorie = unhealthy
>low calorie = healthy
enrages me.

>> No.18685459

Yeah, bro, it's waaaaaaaaay icy!

>> No.18685463

Same, it's a big part of the reason I'm anti-CICO. People focus so much on calories they forget that food is actually more complex than a simple math problem and their stomach isn't a food-burning furnace.

>> No.18685515

Euro detected

>> No.18685524
File: 1015 KB, 1280x550, 1668362763312685.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American website.

>> No.18685533

I lost 70 lbs in 4 months on keto. It really works if you do it right, and no counting calories. Low carb is not great long term though.

>> No.18685645
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, DC662801-9216-4C7A-A5E7-4B64F9DCB084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.18685648

This image makes my teeth hurt.

>> No.18685650

Why did you save that webm?

>> No.18685654

I like it.

>> No.18685729

Maybe the American ones did but nah mars bars in the rest of the world are caramel and nougat

>> No.18685744
File: 2.26 MB, 640x360, 1656992083123.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18685865
File: 934 KB, 400x300, dear lord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was not prepared for that.

>> No.18685890
File: 130 KB, 500x375, 1668913855321324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would overweight people be interested in counting calories?
Y'all don't even try anymore, hey? Even if it's a total non sequitur.

>> No.18685932

Are you burning a lot of calories? Eat the carbs. Are you not burning a lot of calories and getting fat? Cut back on the calorically rich food. It's not completely 1:1 - disorders, enzymes, whether you chew your food or swallow it whole, etc. - but if you scale it out (like if your diet largely consists of wheat, potato and cane sugar, and you have a tendency to binge), cutting back or nearly cutting out those carbs will help you lose or maintain weight in most cases, and a lot of that is just fewer calories in.

>> No.18685945

I want a Snickers bar without the nasty ass chocolate.

>> No.18685953

do you think they drizzle the chocolate to look like a veiny penis on purpose

>> No.18686035

Yes. It triggers an Oedipal nostalgia

>> No.18686048

What do veiny penises have to do with fucking your mother and killing your father?

>> No.18686402

Elektral then, Mr. Papalopolous.