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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 1201x625, american onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18679888 No.18679888 [Reply] [Original]

>Watch american cooking videos
>Their oinions are literally the size of a baby head

What the fuck? The largest onions I've seen in real life are 1/3 of the size

>> No.18679904

What shithole do you live in that you don't have multiple varieties of onions to choose from? Btw, if you've never had Vidalia onions in season I legitimately feel sad for you.

>> No.18679909

small onions are such a fucking bitch to clean and cut, I'd rather have one xboxhueg onion even if the taste isn't the same
it's all getting fried anyway

>> No.18679920

>Btw, if you've never had Vidalia onions in season I legitimately feel sad for you.

>> No.18679955

Vidalia are only good for onion rings or in salads, IMO.

How? It's the exact same process as a larger one. I can understand someone with tiny hands disliking larger onions for being unwieldy to handle for them but the opposite isn't true, izzit?
I find that with most foods, the larger it is, the less likely it'd be as tasty as a smaller version. While I've not noticed this that much with onion (it's still there but not to bad), it's absolutely true with garlic. Bought some huge ass heads of garlic, practically the size of an onion and none of their cloves had any flavour at all. : (

>> No.18680019
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Damn, that's a big onyo!

>> No.18680023

>How? It's the exact same process as a larger one.
I can remove the skin on a bigger onion in one smooth motion, small onion skins get stuck under my fingernails and burn me fucking fingers because I do them one by one
also my knife isn't that sharp but I understand that onions are not to blame for this
still annoying as fuck
I'd rather put more onion to make up for the diluted taste of big ones than clean 25 garlic sized onions that are only good for eating whole

>> No.18680030

For me, it's walla walla sweets from Washington
Seattle is a shithole but fuck do I miss Paseo sandwiches

>> No.18680044
File: 131 KB, 346x484, 1670265902918339.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shithole where I don't gotta lock up my bicycle

>> No.18680046

When PROPERLY caramelized, Vidalia french onion soup is an order of magnitude better than with any other variety.

>> No.18680051

Fair enough.
I cut them in half and pull the skin off in two pieces (unless it's one of those sneaky bitch onions with a second goddamn skin under the first one; fuck those onions).
Also, if it's an even remotely decent knife, by the way, take it to a resto supply store and have them sharpen and possibly hone it for you. That's if you're concerned about trying to sharpen it yourself, that is. You needn't be, but I get it if you are. G'luck wiff yer onions, bruv.

>> No.18680068
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x1960, 20220917_164816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. After you've had Vidalia French onion soup with a good gruyure you will never consider another onion variety again.

>> No.18680069

Yeah, nah. Hard disagree. I find them less sweet and with a rather odd aftertaste I can't quite identify when caramelised, but if you like'em that way, keep at it. You do you, boo.
Made the mistake of trying to use 6lbs of them to make genovese sauce. Wound up turning it into onion jam instead, which I canned and used on roast beef or turkey sandwiches instead. Took, like, two years to work through it all.

>> No.18680087
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>I find them less sweet
Are you sure you're eating vidalias then??? they're an onion variety so sweet some people bite into them.

>> No.18680091

Sometmes a bag of smaller yellow onions is a good price per pound, but between my grocers at the moment the cheapest are a-bit-larger-than-baseball-sized. Big onions make my chopping so much fucking faster when I have to do a lot (which I usually do).

OTOH, I get misshapen oversized carrots at a steep discount, and because they're so thick it can be tougher to dice them sometimes since my knife needs sharpening badly.

>> No.18680172

Yeah, when raw, they're sweet as fuck, but when caramelised, they're not as sweet as the typical sulfurous varieties, like basic bitch yellow onion. That's why I said they're best raw.
As said, I had to add sugar to my genovese and make it into onion jam instead so that I didn't waste all dem onions.

>> No.18680186

you are over-caramelizing them then. it's easy to do with vidalias because they have so much sugar. caramel is extremely bitter, so it doesn't take much caramelization to kill the sweetness.

>> No.18680246

onions are truly the apples of vegetables

>> No.18680319

What do Americans feed their onions?

>> No.18680357

mutated genes and growth hormones. and water, endless streams of water

>> No.18680406


>> No.18680734

If it’s normal for a bike to be your main mode of transportation you live in a shithole

>> No.18680749 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 628x360, 1650666460299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not baiting niggers to steal so you can shoot them as God intended with the second amendment
Woo lad, I feel sorry and ashamed for you.

>> No.18681537
File: 67 KB, 500x667, huge-strawberry-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based USA GMOs are hardly regulated. probably never had a strawberry as big as apple either

>> No.18681554

Yurobros, w-we got too cocky!!

>> No.18681556

Vidalia and Walla Walla onions are the best
sweet and delicious

>> No.18681560

>Btw, if you've never had Vidalia onions in season I legitimately feel sad for you.
>When PROPERLY caramelized, Vidalia french onion soup is an order of magnitude better than with any other variety.
>This. After you've had Vidalia French onion soup with a good gruyure you will never consider another onion variety again.
NOOOOOOO, it's impossible that some onion from a specific geographic area is better than other onions, terroir is fake and you can grow that literally anywhere

>> No.18681583

Europeans are STILL butthurt about the judgement of Paris

>> No.18681588

Nooooooo it's impossible that a cheese in a cave is the best ever and can't be reproduced anywhere!

>> No.18681587 [DELETED] 
File: 2.71 MB, 1280x920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a shithole
I know it sucks that you'll either be killed by an f250 or have your bike stolen big niggers but don't lie.

>> No.18681594

To be honest, my post was more than anything an acknowledge that the US also have great produce and agricultural products. I'm happy you are proud of it. Sad it's not more widely available.

>> No.18681620

Large onions are trash anyways. They have no flavour and their only advantage is that it's more convenient to cut up one big onion instead of 4 small ones.

>> No.18681945

>winkel van sinkel

do the dutch really?

>> No.18682691

OP you live in a tourist trap or smth? No fucking wonder you cant find good food anywhere, its already been cooked and will only be sold at a 1000% markup. since you're deffo wealthy enough, you probably order from online supermarkets which is why all your food is so shit after all its insanely hard to find a good online food delivery service.

>> No.18682744

I remember following a recipe from an Indian website and ended up with more onion than the main ingredient because it said to use a whole onion.

>> No.18682762

Because everything in the U.S. is designed for quantity, not quality. Amerilards want more of something, even if it's garbage.

>> No.18683751

big hands do not work well with tiny things
t. wanted to work on circuitry and electronics but my fingers are too big to be useful

>> No.18683752

can you swim in that? if you can't, it's a shithole.

>> No.18683760

You can get both in the US. You do realize the amount of choice for products in the US trumps EU by several orders of magnitude, right?

>> No.18683765

>be killed by an f250
It's the only way to die with a modicum of dignity

>> No.18683768

>Mfw the recipe calls for one medium onion

>> No.18683789

>onion look big so it taste bad
You can't argue with that flawless logic.

>> No.18683844


>> No.18683910

Well not circuitry, no, but we're talkin' onions, amigo. I have fairly average hands for a 1m85 guy and I have no problem peeling shallots, for example, but doing fine work similar to circuitry, I've gotta use pincers/tweezers (is there a difference?).

>> No.18684476

well good job proving anons point lol

>> No.18684790

if you leave yourbike locked at ouwegracht it will get stolen

>> No.18684891
File: 29 KB, 401x510, 1ff191cff40abb50f79af8a1f5958dc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need a lot of food in order to shit in their pants in wall-mart. It's their mating ritual, they are strange creatures

>> No.18684898

That's clearly not shit, it's sweat. Very clammy.

>> No.18684910 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 600x715, sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brown sweat

>> No.18684932

Why do you have these images saved?
Is this your fetish?

>> No.18684946

There's a thing called search engine

>> No.18684971

Why are the images saved to his device though?
Must be his fetish.

>> No.18685005

Don't you save picture of animals doing funny retarded thing?

>> No.18685016

If you like fat poopy Americans then im your guy bro

>> No.18685481

post pic so I can laugh with my eurofrens

>> No.18685531

Idk about these store bought shits, but I grow my own white and red onions and they're regularly about the size as Ops pic if you have good spacing and good nutrients.

>> No.18685619

Those taste like shit

>> No.18685761

vidalias are good for everything

>> No.18685827

Why do people hate this guy?

>> No.18685901

Because he's french. Yuck. I would never eat something touched by a Frenchman

>> No.18685925
File: 79 KB, 595x589, JustinWilsonProducts_MainPic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable. I only eat food touched by coonasses.

>> No.18685942

Yeah but you use, what, 1 or 2 shallots? Meanwhile if you're making french onion soup you need to peel and slice a couple of pounds of onion and that's way easier if it's 6 large onions than if it's 24 small onions.