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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18679635 No.18679635 [Reply] [Original]

>Americans are scared of this
There are hundreds of videos on YouTube of Amercians trying Mettbrötchen (raw pork on bread) for the first time and they're literally shaking and struggling for minutes before they dare to take a bite. Very entertaining.

>> No.18679687

raw pork sounds like an incredibly high risk method of possibly getting some horrific parasitic infections. Take your demoralization thread and throw it in the trash. This thread is also disrespectful to Jewish people and Islamic people.

>> No.18679696

I don't eat anything a Jew wouldn't eat, good way to avoid goyslop

>> No.18679715

Because it’s disgusting you sub human negroid swine

>> No.18679722

I'm kind of open to raw beef, but you can get parasites from pork.

>> No.18679742

only if you're american, first world countries have food standards

you can get parasitic infections from any meat, food or soil

>> No.18679784

Normally you're right, but they have way higher standards for pork and beef in Europe so you don't get sick from eating it.

>> No.18679791

If the standard on rearing and butchering pork are different there then I’d try it. I wouldn’t trust American pork a lick under well done

>> No.18679829

The trich rates are ten times higher across europe. It's safe to assume the only difference is raw pork consumption.

>> No.18679861

Mett Brüder , wir können einfach nicht aufhören zu gewinnen

>> No.18679867

Dumb esl poster

>> No.18679922

Raw pork is only really eaten in Germany. What are the rates there?

>> No.18680054
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mfw a europoor talked about the quality of his pork

>> No.18680392

Official number is zero from farm animals in 50+ years. In this time frame there have been two instances where butchers used wild boar which had not been inspected by a veterinarian, both times about 30-40 (IIRC) people got infected. Boar meat is considered a delicacy and sold at a higher price so it's easy to stay away from that.

>> No.18680418
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>muh europe
>actually balkan
Lmao, americans.

>> No.18680419

they don't sell rancid mett in germany.

>> No.18680488

Balkan countries are literally European though...

>> No.18680491

Do Yuropoors really eat rotting meat raw?

>> No.18680511

>Americans are afraid of eating raw meat
Well yeah, we can afford gas here, Hans. So we can actually cook our food lol

>> No.18680553

> parasites are... LE BAD
Grow some proper immune system

>> No.18680794

This can only come from an american. Next you're telling me Egypt is made up of noggers because it's africa.

>> No.18680804

Imagine being so cucked by the Ottomans so hard that even over a hundred years after they were (not even fully) kicked out you still don't consider the Balkans European.

>> No.18680814

lots of the many Jewish people in Germany pre-1933 ate pork

>> No.18680828

every cadaver gets visually inspected for parasites. They screen every organ for visual ques
is this a thing in muttland?

>> No.18680836

Hell yeah Mettbrotchen. I love this shit.

>> No.18680865

It is what it is, it's simply retarded to pick those countries as examples when speaking about eating raw fucking pork which is mostly a german thing.

>> No.18680873

>you VILL eat ze raw hog

kys mehemet, im not eating that uncooked filth

>> No.18680984

If it’s served at a nice restaurant I will eat it. If it’s at your filthy hovel, I will not.

>> No.18682543

doesn't even taste good. raw pork tastes metallic. fuck germans for liking this

>> No.18682565


>> No.18683043

> The plagues of Mad Cow Disease never happened in Europe.

>> No.18683188

You can get parasites from beef too

>> No.18683199

I did
But the vax delet it all away

>> No.18683219

I would probably give it a try if I could be assured it was safe. But I guess the bigger question for me is why? Cooking meat tends to improve its taste; that's why we do it in the first place.

>> No.18683224

>Cooking meat tends to improve its taste
>*lightly sears the outside of the steak and leaves it completely raw inside*

>> No.18683245

I get a pretty good crust on the outside of my steak, but yeah I like it pretty rare in the middle, what of it?

>> No.18683257

Does 16 + 1600 + 4108 + 2110 = 56912?

>> No.18683344

>this improves flavor 100x

>> No.18683371

it's surprisingly good but you need decent ingredients. the bun can't be the cheapest brötchen from lidl. butter like kerrygold and FRESH high quality pepper (that means not 1 year old peppercorns) make a big difference

>> No.18683529

You dumb fuck, the chart was cropped and doesn't include Germany numbers because the included countries (listed alphabetically) do not add up to Europe's total. You can find the source by googling global trichinosis rates.