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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18676923 No.18676923 [Reply] [Original]

Delicious foie gras in the making

>> No.18676942

Looks delicious, I should like to try it sometime

>> No.18676947

What’s that?

>> No.18676952

Why don’t they make foie gras from other animals too, like chickens, cows, pigs, etc?

>> No.18676961


>> No.18676968

A goose is force fed to make its liver fatty, then a patie is made out of the liver.
I believe it used to happen. Based suggestion. I want more food in my food.

>> No.18677066

this is the foie gras you eat at burger king

>> No.18677088

Yep, that's how it's made. Best single ingredient on the planet.

>> No.18677092

Its inhumane.

>> No.18677097

No it isn't, and ducks/geese aren't even human.

>> No.18677268

The reason why it works specifically for geese and ducks is because they have no gag reflex

>> No.18677315

the gall of these gauls

>> No.18678056

As is all factory farming. Go vegan if you actually care hypocrite

>> No.18678061

Life is suffering

>> No.18678078 [DELETED] 
File: 606 KB, 1024x756, image_2022-12-10_121747672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paris is like 80% arab and black
>the french torture their ducks for food
>they were once so embarrassed by how they devoured baby birds they would put a towel over their head as an act to ''hide it from god''
>they also eat fucking snails and amphibians like frogs
Frenchies are subhuman. What a fucking shithole that country is. Thanks for gifting the world GSP, though.

>> No.18678082

GSP is from Quebec, not France

>> No.18678099

Look at that poor toutured duck, PETA has been notified expect contact on Monday morning.

>> No.18678107 [DELETED] 

I mean, Canadians are also subhuman but he barely fucking speaks English. He's a Frenchie not just ethnically, but also culturally.

>> No.18678116

That's like saying Americans are Brits. Quebec's been separated from France since before the American declaration of Independence

>> No.18678133
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Its ingoosane.

>> No.18678143
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i'm not pro-vegan or anything, but this response is so intellectually lazy, idiotic, and myopically self-serving that it is making me comment on the internet. i have always had a greater antipathy for people who refuse to think than people who i disagree with, even vehemently. i hate stupidity more than maliciousness. use your fucking brain, Anon. please.

>> No.18678149

That doesn't explain why he speaks french, is french, and hardly understands english.

>> No.18678168
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So delicious, some good wine, bread, good company

>> No.18678171

Quebec is the French speaking part of Canada. The one that wants to separate on account of claiming to be culturally different, among other things. Canucks claim they're racist and anti-muslim French rednecks or something.

Point is, it's just a French speaking place outside of France, It's like France's version of Australia I guess.

>> No.18678201
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Delicious veal in the making

>> No.18678336 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 1023x683, JF-CARON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although quebec does speak french
there is a big genetic mixity between the english/irish/french/natives.

just as in eatern canada a lot of the "whites" have native canadian genes

>> No.18678364


>> No.18678372

The geese like it.

>> No.18678382
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>> No.18678384
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I like it

>> No.18678396

You know what's fucking disgusting? Human birth

>> No.18678398

They should make foie gras out of you’re mum
Just kidding, she already has fatty liver

>> No.18678423

Don't the geese basically orgasm when they get that thing shoved down their throats? If they can make people work McDonald's for barely livable wages, why should we care about ducks that have it slightly worse?

>> No.18679006

geese are fucking assholes so i don't feel bad

>> No.18679025


>> No.18679030

>You veal live in the pod.

>> No.18679276
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Fuck that goose, a goose bit me and chased me around while hissing when I was a child. Now that I’ve grown up I just grab em’ by the neck and swing the bastards around until they stop kicking, while I let the rest of the flock watch to establish dominance. The French had the right idea to stuff them alive and eat them. Right fuckin’ pricks them Geese are.

>> No.18679350

forcing geese to be americans
what fucking french bird rancher was like, he metabolic syndrome would spruce up my goose liver
etheeeel? get the corn!

>> No.18679697

its extremely normal to make animals eat more food to fatten them up just prior to slaughter. It's called 'finishing'. The only difference with geese is you can really make them eat more than usual since they cant vomit. Some fags got jelly at rich people eatting goose liver so they made a big deal about doing it to geese because people generally dont know how their food is made and you can make anything sound insanely cruel if you present it the propper way.

its just cultural marxist subversion + critical theory in play. Complain about things until people get upset, then use their rage to force through your own agenda.

Nobody gives a shit about geese, nor should they.

>> No.18679760

Funnily enough, invented by Jews as a by product of raising super fat geese because they couldn't use pork lard for cooking.

>> No.18680361
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The French hate Geese, the French hate Americans, what better way to express that the than to turn that Goose American & eat it. They are a poetic people, those roads.

>> No.18680377

tastes so great.

>> No.18680383

Is it bad I picture it making noises like Donald as it struggles?

>> No.18680677

Funny you mention that, I'm Australian. What's your issue bro? I already thanked you for GSP.
grim, I won't stop eating beef though. Veal is an outlier, it doesn't even taste better than real beef.

>> No.18680861


>> No.18680910

Don't birds literally throw up into the baby bird's mouth to feed them?

>> No.18680960

Not ducks or geese. not chickens either for that matter. The hatchlings are capable of eating solid foods from day one.

>> No.18681048

Good. The more the animal suffers, the tastier the meat, as conclusively proven by the nation of China.

>> No.18681051

reminder that ducks gorge themselves naturally in the wild.
you can get free-range foie gras if you look for it.

>> No.18682656

the ducks actually enjoy it

>> No.18683429

He is right. Life is an illness with only death as the cure.

>> No.18683831

liver is fucking gross. geese are assholes though so this is their punishment. Foie gras is JUSTICE.

>> No.18683873


Ducks rape all the time, ALL the time, and we're supposed to let them get away with it? Nope, let's punish them

Same with crabs, all cannibals and you expect me to feel bad for boiling it? If anything we should be torturing crabs on sight

Fuck animals

>> No.18683890

i feel the same about insects like you

>> No.18683892


sorry but my blood is tainted for a meal, I wish I could help a retard like you but that's too much effort

>> No.18683897

it's okay just watching you bleed out into a big coagulated puddle is enough for me you don't have to put any effort in at all except stop breathing and gushing blood from your neck hole

>> No.18683898
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We found one boys, fatten him up real good

>> No.18683902

you're the type to get raped by a duck and still have an orgasm and ovulate

>> No.18683906



>> No.18683908

that's a goose dingleberry

>> No.18683915



>> No.18683917


>> No.18683927
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>> No.18683931

wow diminished into utter speechlessness. booooring

>> No.18684373

I've noticed a lot of French food is ch*nk-tier, why are they like this? Totally subhuman.

>> No.18684454

Thank you for being a friend.

>> No.18684484

Ohh alright, now I feel like an idiot.

>> No.18684503

Mmmm schnitzel

>> No.18684520

Geese and ducks keep eating infinitely. You don't even need to force them.

>> No.18684570

>anon! don't you feel bad about this duck?
not in the slightest and never will

>> No.18684577

you sound like a vegan

>> No.18684915
File: 169 KB, 661x900, 5A16CBCE-36FA-46A5-997B-9CDE1283708F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tone fair that makes decks sound pretty based I wish I could

>> No.18684925

did you have a stroke, itoddler?

>> No.18686583

My dog will eat food until he throws up.
Why don't they just give the geese a bowl of some really carby food and let them eat as much as they want?

>> No.18686593

never heard of it

>> No.18686601

Animals don't have human rights

>> No.18686605
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>> No.18686622

>Its inhumane.
Yeah, it's not a human.

>> No.18686656

Inhumane is that you pedophile troons are allowed to rape children

>> No.18687535
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>> No.18687657

Sounds like a halal butchery

>> No.18687689

>all of these subhuman replies.
Man some of you mother fuckers need to stop acting like Internet hardmen lol