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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18661435 No.18661435 [Reply] [Original]

what did we think of his latest video, bros? https://youtu.be/Ixr5umAhq_Q

mods, if you're deleting this thread you need to delete >>18660831 too

>> No.18661455

>crockpot with wifi

>> No.18662258


>> No.18662266

I already have a crockpot I hate

>> No.18662272

so you cantell it to stop while youre out and from your mobile

>> No.18662319

This fuck is the DSP of /ck/ I swear to god
>audience of hatewatchers
>known for being bad at his hobby

>> No.18662320

I see his arm hasn’t improved

>> No.18662328

wasn't he trying to sell his channel for like 400k not too long ago?

>> No.18662339

Oh and I forgot the health issues as well
>DSP has his Gout and bad back, post-nasal drip
>Ja/ck/ has stroke arm

>> No.18662373

also Jack was the second guest on The Sons of Kojima podcast, dude. What a coincidence *SNORT*

>> No.18662509

Jack is a redneck from Tennessee

>> No.18662749

Sorry anon but Ragusea actually pays to shill on here. That's why the jannies allow his threads

>> No.18662832

Excuse me? Who's bad at his hobby?

>> No.18663355

Bump from the last page following the advice from Ragusea.

>> No.18663574

Mother fucker do you really think i know who dsp is

>> No.18664540

Why did he get so angry over a crockpot?

>> No.18664643

It doesn't work. They should have made the wifi connectivity work before putting it out for sale. You can't say it has a feature if the feature doesn't work.

>> No.18664660

Hardly. He's a nincompoop from CA who relocated to TN.

>> No.18664721

Or maybe Jack was too retarded to figure it out like always

>> No.18664728

what the fuck why is one arm so much smaller then the other one? coomer much?!

>> No.18664747

You could say he's been strokin'.

>> No.18664872

oh... now i feel kinda bad :/

>> No.18664891

Does anyone have the webm of him cooking on a nasty park grill, and others? I have only a few

>> No.18664904

he had two strokes

>> No.18664905
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>> No.18664949

Thought so

>> No.18664975

So the corporations can sucker dumb boomers and zoomers into giving up their data

>> No.18665006

Take your meds

>> No.18665219

data about how often do you use crockpot?

>> No.18665239

they are going to sell the data to Big Crockpot

>> No.18666130

New ja/ck/ just dropped bros

>> No.18666144
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i like Tammy's new haircut

>> No.18666163

You control it with an app on your phone. They use those apps to take your data from your phone and sell it. You're paying for another bit of spyware on a device already loaded with it. You're paying to be the product.

>> No.18666179

more like WHYfi, amirite?
But yeah, like the other guy said; because retards will pay for it

>> No.18666183

Has anyone here had jack pray for them?

>> No.18666187

Someone should ask him to pray for their Uncle Moe Lester.

>> No.18666192

I once sent him a comical tweet asking for him to pray for my Uncle... man goes my the name Moe Lester.
Jack did it too. Took the bait hook line and sinker. Sometimes it's good to be based.

>> No.18666193
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We lost.

>> No.18666208

why was he so needlessly aggressive

>> No.18666217

To be fair to jack, his lolcowary has made him recieve a lot of negative attention and im sure he does not understand why

>> No.18666233

Weird vibes between Jack and Robert, are they gaying each other?

>> No.18666247

>his lolcowary has made him recieve a lot of negative attention
yeah, i'm sure it isn't innate
>are they gaying each other?
Pray the gay away for our guy, Ja/ck/, Anon.

>> No.18667070

ragusea style bump

>> No.18667084

holy shit he has a linktree and the background is of him cutting into a raw steak. he has to be in on the meme.
No onlyfans on the linktree tho

>> No.18667095
File: 25 KB, 888x312, dishwasherisbettercook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need this video

>> No.18667210

>boomers and zoomers

What comes in-between?

>> No.18667214

Jaded Xers and noughters.

>> No.18667313

no way he could get that much, he does have a lot of subscribers but gets next to no views these days. where did he say it?

>> No.18667385

hes so much more retarded than dsp

>> No.18667398

why...does this one armed motherfucker need 4 snags of cream cheese?

>> No.18667442

It wasn't the channel it was the sauce company. I think someone on kiwifarms emailed him about and he said he'd sell the company and recipes for 20k

>> No.18668467
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Has anyone actually bought or tried this?

>> No.18669079

I once heard some guy was pinging somebody's rice cooker to run osrs bots lmfao

>> No.18669427

Got an ingredient list?

>> No.18669438

>did we think
We don't. Ever.

>> No.18669440

Based technological illiteracy

>> No.18669479

No, and I can't find a list of them online anywhere either. It just says it pairs well with all proteins, eggs, and fish.

>> No.18669720

It's okay, you shouldn't feel bad. He deserves it.

>> No.18670844

Should I series on youtube reviewed all his stuff

>> No.18670937

Boomer trait

>> No.18671131

Because all the trolls have finally gotten to him

>> No.18671543

New Ja/ck/ on the go just dropped https://youtu.be/QZDgvwWR4Hs

>> No.18671555

That's such a boring video

>> No.18671582

b roll while waiting for another class act on the main channel

>> No.18671674

>go to a shitskin restaurant
>turn your nose at everything
>can't recognize corn because its "ethnic"
>look aghast when a sauce is spicy

fuck i hate boomers so much its unreal

>> No.18671692

He sure eats like one of you tards

>> No.18672217


>> No.18672218


>> No.18672311

would you expect anything else other than retardation from jack?

>> No.18672329

so you have to buy a new one when it stops working in a year

>> No.18672898

Digging the new music.

>> No.18672904

>this is WiFi

>> No.18672941

How the fuck did he think that sweet potato was salmon? How did he not know that was corn? What the fuck is he wearing around his neck? Why does he pronounce it “bee five one?” Why is he so fucking stupid?

>> No.18673193

Seriously playing it on loop and grooving out hard rn

>> No.18673220

>Jack is a redneck from Tennessee
absolute lorelet donkeybrained retard

>> No.18673401

Has anyone tried is FREE way to make money on YouTube?

>> No.18673689

He is though

>> No.18673698

he moved to TN like 2 years ago retard

>> No.18673897

>See OP's pic.
>Think that Jacko is moving his arm again.
>Start daydreaming while I open the link.
>"Why didn't I know? Is he back on therapy? Is the gravy train back on track?"
>Watch vid.
>Still with his right arm floored — even thinner due to muscle atrophy.
I shouldn't have gotten my hopes high up that quickly.

>> No.18673921

>Shit goes down in Peru with their president stirring shit up without having the military honchos in his pocket.
>Immediately Jack goes to a peruvian joint to rant about their food.
Didn't know our guy was so invested into knowing about the current global geopolitical theater.

>> No.18674680

>it's good
>it tastes good
>that tastes good thanks for watching

>> No.18674814

It was almost 10 years ago actually

>> No.18675055


I'm fine with this if I can get updates for more settings. Why the fuck does every crockpot/instant pot have completely different settings and temps

Fuck humanity

>> No.18675141

bros we outlived the Ragusea's thread. it's official, Ja/ck/ is a better chef and youtuber.

>> No.18675263

I love how he went on a high fat 100g a day ketolards diet despite having 2 strokes and severe hypertension from eating that way for years. How long until ja/ck/ does? Or will he start eating rice and lean chicken and lifting?

>> No.18675322
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It's up, ja/ck/bros

>> No.18675328
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>> No.18675344

that's a nice moose

>> No.18675437
File: 1.80 MB, 1660x1080, Screenshot_20221209-204008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with the olive oil drench paper towels he used there?

>> No.18675570

easy fire starter. this is common

>> No.18675581

jesus he can’t even cook sausages

>> No.18675653
File: 151 KB, 848x960, bestyoulleverytaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that can't be

>> No.18675823

Imagine how many blue collar Americans purchased that crap on a whim without the slightest knowledge of Prince Ja/ck/.

>> No.18675838

jesus he's looking rough. I give him 5 years max before he reviews his own heart attack saying "the copper tastes really copper-y"

>> No.18675854

Everyone who reviews it gets physically sick.

>> No.18675888

Anyone buying food at the hardware store deserves a Darwin award.

>> No.18675979
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>> No.18675998

I dont want to get old bros

>> No.18676002

you're here forever

>> No.18676015
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He looks like white Spike Lee.

>> No.18676042
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If only you knew how bad it really is. I've been here since 2004. 18 years.

>> No.18676045

>Feed My Face

>> No.18676055
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based oldfag. I'm a 2006 newfag, and I'm just so fucking tired of all the psyops brother. at least this website can still be funny sometimes.

>> No.18676104

that's an elk

>> No.18676108

Has anyone ever actually tried it?

>> No.18676113

this can't be real

>> No.18676237

Damn. Every time I see Jack he looks 10 years older. How the fuck is he still alive

>> No.18676245

I remember an anon from many years ago bought the barbecue sauce, and he said it was incredibly sweet. He was posting pictures of the sauce and it was extremely chunky. It looked more like a shitty jam than a sauce.

>> No.18676389

Why is every American boomer either aggressively kind or a huge dick

>> No.18676448

All me.

>> No.18677149

Anyone listened to the new JackPod yet? Talking food with his brother https://youtu.be/1Rhkn1C76ZA

>> No.18677180

>over an hour of two boomers rambling about food
no thank you

>> No.18677349

more for me

>> No.18677367

That other guy is gay. I’m gay btw so I can tell. Jack’s definitely a repressed homo. Look at how he interacts with men vs. his interactions with women. He’s so much more comfortable and himself in the company of men. It’s blindingly obvious in his JOTG videos that he doesn’t much care to be around women.

>> No.18677371

he's californian

>> No.18677558

He definitely has an inflated ego, but I don't think he's gay. What he is is a special kind of Gen-Xer. I wonder how often he films himself in public hoping that someone will recognize him.

>> No.18677806

Ja/ck/ singlehandedly had more woman than most people here.

>> No.18677834

That’s what repressed fags do, moron, they fuck women while repressing their lust for hairy man ass musk and a pair of nice jingling low hangers.

>> No.18677842

He is a gen x you faggot zoomer

>> No.18677852

He's 54, dumbass.

>> No.18677855

Yeah and thats gen x you dick queer. The last of the boomers are in their 60's now

>> No.18677939

> having sex with woman is gay
you sound like that gaylord Nick Fuentes

>> No.18677954
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that magnetic knife strip is bothering the shit out of. What a fucking mess.

>> No.18677970

You sound like a zoomie who doesn’t know what a beard is or why beards were necessary before the Obama presidency.

>> No.18678022

I get it. You're young at heart. You're not a boomer at all. Can't be. No, you have to be 60 for that.

>> No.18678303

Boomer-humor under the radar

>> No.18678391

This nigger's been at this shit for almost 20 years at this point, gotta respect the hustle

>> No.18678407
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Post the video where he bragged about putting a child in a sleeper hold and choking him out

>> No.18678414

eh, he's deranged

>> No.18678419

Did he mistake that sandwich for his wife?

>> No.18678435
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>> No.18678438

Typical /ck/ poster's idea of a date

>> No.18678447

I wonder if any one of the recipes has even earned him $25000 clear profit.

>> No.18678457
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>> No.18678459
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>> No.18678475

Why the fuck does he eat his food like he's sucking dick?

>> No.18678483

He's suck a fat fuck that food causes poor impulse control.
See also:
Your mirror

>> No.18678485

December 12 is coming up soon! How should we celebrate?

>> No.18678490

I don’t get it. Is anon going to see ja/ck/ in the mirror?

>> No.18678508

Are you saying my mirror smokes pole?

>> No.18678566

And he somehow still can't cook meat properly

>> No.18678978

honestly if i was busy, hungry, and it was the ONLY beef jerky there i would've bought it without a thought. sometimes u just need a meaty snack

>> No.18678984

nice to see i'm not the only one keeping an archive of blessedly retarded posts

>> No.18678998


Basically this is an interesting *looks down at paper* uh product

>> No.18679146

Is there a single video of Ja/ck/ making food t hat looks good or even slightly appealing?

>> No.18679391
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>> No.18679423

Kurt Cobain would be 54 this year. Which generation did he represent?

>> No.18679428


>> No.18679660

That's not a very high bar.

>> No.18679668
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>> No.18679764


>> No.18679950

>t. jack jr

>> No.18680275
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>> No.18680352

So damn JUICY.

>> No.18680412

Moist. Warm. Beautiful.

>> No.18680428

Is this the dish that destroyed the use of his right arm?