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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18670490 No.18670490 [Reply] [Original]

>hmmm undercooked food served on the sidewalk with flies and parasites, delicious

>> No.18670509

He was only involved with travel shows so he could go fuck 10yo boys and girls in other countries.

>> No.18670510

Epstein didn't kill himself.

>> No.18670536

Legitimately why did he claim to hate Guy Fieri so much then give that North Dakota Taco Bell reviewer a career? Did he like "real" cuisine or not?

>> No.18670555

He hated Guy Fieri out of jealousy. Guy is a pleb but is fantastically rich and successful, while Bourdain could barely scrape together enough money to support his addictions.

>> No.18670559

He was legitimately just a pedophile. He was hammered and gave the taco bell guy a job. Simple as

>> No.18670564

>oh no im 40, rich, and successful, but a woman i like doesnt like me - ACK

>> No.18670566

Guy has a nice wife and they have kids - pretty pedestrian and simpleton for a guy with his fame and wealth. Bourdain was a lonely and depressed substance abuser who could only dream of that kind of happiness.

>> No.18670569

Try 61

>> No.18670571

>tweeted about the sexual tension between Applejack and Rainbow Dash
>never lived to see them be canonically lesbian

>> No.18670642

why the fuck would a bowl of boiled noodles in hot broth be undercooked you penis wrinkle

>> No.18670661

This. Street food is more likely to be overcooked, if anything

>> No.18670736
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>had no idea, needed to look this up
>it's true
what the actual

>> No.18670737

>eat undercooked unsanitary food
>get brain worms
>be an hero
what an inspiring story

>> No.18670775

Guy has a fulfilling life doing exactly what Bourdain does. Bourdain was a giant loser.

>> No.18670973
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Based. Guy is a fucking chad and deserves every modicum or respect from world chefs.

>> No.18671052

Fuck this guy

>> No.18671079

Guy fieri is good natured optimist bourdain was a cynical narcissist

>> No.18671085

This what he hung himself with?

>> No.18671110
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truly a tourist of any degeneracy possible

>> No.18671115

Nope, he's eating noo noos at the time of this photo

>> No.18671157

You missed the part where he candidly insults the food to the camera, then it cuts to him complimenting the chef, and then where be uses a payphone to order a 12 year old girl for the night.

>> No.18671180

>welp another boring self-important travel show in the books time for a little celebratory strangle-wank in the clos-ACK!

>> No.18671299
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>surprised that celebrity "suicide victim" with a clean toxicity report had ties to some kiddie shit
I wonder what else was in his browser history. Not there's anything wrong with kid's shows, but autistic creepy LGBT propaganda ponies.

>> No.18671308

I'd neck myself too if Someone told me I was keeping CNN afloat

>> No.18671370

I found Hanoi to pretty clean, actually.

>> No.18671462

I didn't know about this guy until he died, then reddit got their panties in a twist when Netflix was going to remove his show.

>> No.18671552


I miss this mf like you wouldnt believe

>> No.18672194

Guy is an absolute tool joke but he’s pretty set and content with his life. Bourdain convinced himself he was an intellectual, elite humanist explorer with some magic liberal wonder of other; in reality he was a hack who talked hoity and had a TV show. Couple that with his social-political worldview taking over his mind and his addiction crippling his person and finance and you can see what happened.

He hated Guy because Guy merely existing showed Anthony he wasn’t who he thought he was.

Now post Fieri’s response making fun of Bourdain’s crack addiction

>> No.18672213

>Bourdain convinced himself he was an intellectual
whatever makes you think he convinced himself of that?

>> No.18672222

turns out the most dangerous thing was himself tho

>> No.18672230

You can generally tell by the way they carry themselves. A lot of that crowd that travels to various places like to think they’re better than they really are.

>> No.18672248


I could have lived my whole life without knowing Bourdain was a Brony and this thread took that away from me.

>> No.18672263


Always liked Guy, I rooted for him when he was originally competing to get on food network. Never heard a bad word about him besides people hating on him for being corny. The dude is charismatic, optimistic, successful and authentic.

>> No.18672269


Everyone in this thread is saying he was a kiddy diddler. Never heard anything about it, any source?

>> No.18672290

No white person that looks like Bourdain ever went to SEA for anything but sex tourism. The food shit was a cover.

>> No.18672318


So the source is, trust me bro?

>> No.18672682

Bourdain is pretty similar to your average cu/ck/, that's why they hate him. They see his depressed, whiny, angsty, pseudo intellectual kiddie cartoon watching persona, and they can't help but see the inner pedo within themselves.

>> No.18672694

It's funny how /mlp/ was so hostilic towards them being carpet munchers, when the fandom during seasons 1 & 2 was almost exclsuively carpet munching fanfics and lesbian shipping threads.

>> No.18672705

he watches my little pony and travels to south east asia, what more proof do you want?

>> No.18672725

this is demonstrably false

>> No.18672747

I didn't believe it either, but the source makes it clear as day
source: >>18670736

>> No.18672940


>> No.18673098

Nice quads

>> No.18673371

Is it though?

>> No.18673378

I want to hate Guy but I can't. He should be unlikeable, but he isn't. I don't understand

>> No.18673479

>I can just tell
he didn't give that impression to me

>> No.18673533

he looks like an obnoxious douche but actually comes across as a really nice guy and DDD is peak cozykino

>> No.18673625

ron perlman mixed with epstein phenotype

>> No.18673672

He had a pathological hatred for white people. Someone posted an excerpt from his book where he talked about how he tried to end the culinary career of any white guy unlucky enough to work in his kitchen. He thought he was doing something good by crushing the dreams of a chipper 20 year old white fella because of uh... white privilege or some other deflection. A brown guy could serve him pagpag and Anthony would suck his balls about how authentic the dumpster dived fare was because the guy who served it to him wasn't white.

>> No.18673686

Literally cucked to death

>> No.18673863

Why finland??? T. Binlander

>> No.18673902

I don't have anything against Bourdain as a person, because I didn't know him, but his whole marketed image of being some kinda rock n' roll rebel bad boy wild card sassy punk rock fucker was pretty obnoxious.

Like the dude eats fucking truck tacos let's not pretend he's some crazy revolutionary

>> No.18673961

he filmed an episode of no reservations here in 2012

>> No.18674115

I continue to be happy that this faggot literally killed himself.

>> No.18674145

Beautiful family, fun personality, multiple successful tv shows, never got addicted to booze and heroin or cucked so hard that he killed himself, and rich as shit. Yeah. What a pleb.

>> No.18674171

His obsession with Hunter S. Thompson types like every other tryhard "journalist" or artist. And his books are shit

>Guy is an absolute tool
I know who Id rather hang out and grill with or have a beer, and it wouldnt have been that self loathing faggot Bourdain. Watch him chain smoke and cry into his Heineken while his gf and ex wife fuck other men, talking about how his old druggie cooks and him were like pirates

>> No.18674183

Bourdain was born with a silver spoon, and larped as working class because he was a drug addicted loser who only got anywhere in his life because of nepotism. I'm glad he is dead. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.18674185
File: 27 KB, 350x234, bourdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were a CIA asset, hosting a world travel show would be a fantastic cover.
It wouldn't hurt to go to a culinary school called "CIA" to make research more difficult. Both of his parents worked for institutions heavily connected to US intelligence operations.
>At the time of Bourdain's birth, Pierre was a salesman at a New York City camera store, as well as a floor manager at a record store. He later became an executive for Columbia Records,[11][12] and Gladys was a staff editor at The New York Times.[13][14][15][16][17]

Boy Scouts hired ex-CIA director Robert Gates as president
>In his youth, Bourdain was a member of the Boy Scouts of America.[23]
>His father was Catholic and his mother Jewish. Bourdain stated that, though he was considered Jewish by Judaism's definition, "I've never been in a synagogue. I don't believe in a higher power. But that doesn't make me any less Jewish, I don't think."

>He graduated from the Dwight-Englewood School—an independent coeducational college-preparatory day school in Englewood, New Jersey—in 1973,[7]
>Leiter grew up in Englewood, New Jersey, where he attended Dwight-Englewood School
>Michael E. Leiter was the director of the United States National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC),[1] having served in the Bush Administration and been retained in the Obama Administration.
here's bourdain pictured with known glownigger-adjacent actor Sean Penn in glowngiger-infested Haiti

>> No.18674188

Took long enough for this schizo to show up.

>> No.18674199

If OP is going to make verbatim posts on different boards, then I can reply with copypasta, FAGGOT

>> No.18674205

>something something Bourdain jewish something

How, uh, you doing tonight anon?

>> No.18674207

because some of those places put the meat in right before serving it to you. if the meat is too thick or the soup is too cold it wont cook all the way.

>> No.18674210
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>> No.18674703

>hmmmm i dont leave my mom´s basement but i´m sure i can do a decent critique on what i havent done yet

>> No.18674732

men like Bourdan dont care when men fuck his gf or ex, because he himself is also the guy that does those things. Hes the most genuine man possible, no mate guarding, no beta male provider, no simping. dont believe me, ask my ex'es

>> No.18675260
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nowhere near as tasty as a prolapsed warthog anus barbecue

>> No.18675268

Guy fieri is from north Dakota? Based

>> No.18675335

It’s sad for his family his death but I just have never liked the guy he was an asshole just read his books but somehow he caught on big with gentrified city millennials and the whole Obama thing despite having no redeeming qualities as a human but I guess shitting on white chefs and shooting smack make you a rebel

>> No.18675350

Did Jeremy Clarkson get AIDS? Shit sucks, bro.

>> No.18675370
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>> No.18675380

DDD is mostly comfy except every now and then you can tell Guy is just trying to be nice for the camera. Like the food is clearly shit, but Guy's still obliged to say it's a dynamite blast of flavor right in the gold mines of flavor town.

>> No.18675382

That's true, he seems authentic despite the way he dresses, looks, and talks.
How can he wear flame shirts and not be a douche?

>> No.18675392

>How can he wear flame shirts and not be a douche?
12yo with progeria?

>> No.18675557

Wait what the fuck?? I thought Epstein died

>> No.18675922

It's just a costume for TV

>> No.18675935

It's called a persona. Daddy Guy is based, wine aunt Bourdain is dead.

>> No.18676023

You feel bad for guys who kill themselves who have actual hardships and suffer from mental disease/PSTD, and just feel like they’ve lost life. With guys like Bourdain who indulge in their insane rich boy addiction habits it’s a little harder. He kinda reminds me of Kurt Cobain in that way.

>> No.18676511

You dont have to go to Bumfuckistan to know what you're seeing isn't good or safe to eat given the circumstances.

>> No.18676517

Kurt took drugs to deal with physical pain.

>> No.18676537
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He's still a pleb. Plenty of pleb shit is extremely successful because of the tasteless retarded masses.

>> No.18676573

Yeah I'd do the same if I were married to Courtney Love

>> No.18676595

I get that young people don't have perspective but when you're 61? At least take the bitch with you to hell.

>> No.18677083
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>anti zog slop
>pro genuine food

Of course guycels hated bourdain. He refused to eat ze bugs and zogslop while guy happily promoted it

>> No.18677191

To fuck ponies

>> No.18677223

its just the classic le intellectual retard vs happy npc retard

>> No.18677293

That's BS. He just generally thought that the average white culinary-trained chef was not as hard working or willing to work in shit conditions as his favorite workers, the Ecuadorians.

Which is not an unfair characterization. Educated white people have higher standards than Pablo who just wants to stay in the country and will do whatever it takes to keep his job. Bourdain was a leftist prick who hated white people politically, but he didn't subject them in the kitchen to any conditions that his Ecuadorian slaves weren't also subjected to.

>> No.18677400

>this is a good thing

>> No.18677419

Never said that. However, it was not necessarily racially motivated. More motivated by hazing (Bourdain was hazed pretty bad early in his career) and wanting workers to have as low standards as he did (Ecuadorians came this way naturally)

>> No.18677429
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>he thinks Epstein is dead
I bet you think Hitler shot himself

>> No.18677440

so in other words

White Kitchen workers were harder to exploit/more resistant to exploitation and shitty conditions, and Bourdain who had internalized his liberal righteousness as well as the hazing HE suffered early on could not reconcile the idea he was exploiting minorities with no other choices (evidenced by the white workers who DID have choices rejecting his status quo) and so invented a rationalization to justify himself, ie white man spoiled and lazy, ecuadoran based - never mind the Ecuadoran would've probably slit his throat for a chance to get the same priveliges and conditions the white worker took for granted?

When people are abused and internalize it as 'fine' or 'ok' this is often how it gets recycled and perpetuated, complete with justified mental gymnastics by the abuser.

>> No.18677443

OK but why did he really kill himself and how? Was it a David Carradine situation? Was he cucked to death? Or was it black magic by the fucking witches?

His friends seemed to think it was def. his wife fucking his life.

>> No.18677447

basically yeah

>> No.18677453
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Makes sense, the kitchen industry is pretty fucked up for everyone and runs on what is as close to slave labor as you can get without actively being in jail working a chain gang, or worse (and may Allah forgive me for uttering this word), a Front of House Server