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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18668515 No.18668515 [Reply] [Original]

is coffee worth the time it takes to make?

>> No.18668525

coffee is coffee, it take me just over a minute in the microwave

>> No.18668582

The metric for things you enjoy should not be time. If you don't enjoy coffee just take caffeine pills.
Coffee can be a personal ritual, an expression of social distinction or an art to be enjoyed.

>> No.18668584

>blurring the cunt
absolutely based

>> No.18668591

>Coffee can be a personal ritual, an expression of social distinction or an art to be enjoyed.
you sound like a fag, coffee is just fuel to get you going in the morning, no one actually likes the taste of coffee, that's why you dump cream, sugar, and flavorings in it

>> No.18668617

>that's why you dump cream, sugar, and flavorings in it
Uhh, I don't though.

>> No.18668681

>all those absolutely seething replies
lol looks like you touched a nerve op

>> No.18668706

>considers this seething
>replying to your own post
i dont even drink coffee

>> No.18668939

how much time does it take you to make coffee??

>> No.18668950

>no one actually likes the taste of coffee
skill issue

>> No.18669060

>get up
>fill kettle (electric) to minimum level
>boil kettle
>take a piss
>water almost boiled
>scoop instant coffee
>pour water and milk
Takes like 2 minutes, including the first step.

>> No.18669089

Yes, French press for example is infinitely better than let's say, a Keurig

>> No.18669095

no. buy one. making coffee at home never tastes as good as coffee from a proper machine and finance retards who tell you stuff like 'stop buying coffee that's why you can't pay your rent' are morons. not every aspect of life has to be boiled down to pure profit extraction. if i pay 4 or 5 dollars a day to have something that i thoroughly enjoy, makes me feel good, and helps me get my head in order, it's money very well spent.

>> No.18669122
File: 32 KB, 301x310, WADYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. moka pot for example is infinitely better than any meme press while espresso is king

wadya reckon?

>> No.18669223
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>no one actually likes the taste of coffee
kek this cooklet can't brew a good cup of coffee

>> No.18669241

>Hey hey hey everyone everyone!
>I drink my coffee black by the way!

>> No.18669253


>> No.18669263

it's really not that fucking inconvenient to use a french press but if we're gonna argue that then
>oh just use instant because more convenient
>oh just take a fucking caffeine pill instead because more convenient

>> No.18669443
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>takes about a minute to make
>allows me to get through 3 hours of work
yes, its worth it

>> No.18669462


Cold brew is simplest and also tastiest. Throw some coffee in a satchel and throw that in a pitcher of water and throw that pitcher in the fridge.

>> No.18669901
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My coffee takes 12 hours to make.
1 teaspoon pic related
1 tablespoon nestle quick
1 glass of milk
leave in fridge overnight
eat with something salty (like your tears).

>> No.18670191
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Can someone show me something more faggoty than this thing?

>> No.18670212


Anon, there's no microplastics in a ceramic mug.

>> No.18670228

Take a look in the mirror

>> No.18670235

You need to rethink your life choices.

>> No.18670285

I make mine in a moka pot, the taste is a little bolder and its hotter then using a regular coffee machine. Cleaning the thing out everytime is kind of annoying but its worth it for the stronger taste and hotter cup of coffee imo

>> No.18670288

Take a walk and think about your actions.

>> No.18670374

this fag cant drink coffee black, let's all laugh at >>18668591. But seriously as long as the water is decent coffee is coffee and I'll chug it by the pot.

>> No.18670565

>nails you in the face with a plastic baseball bat
>you lie silent on the ground
What's that anon? I can't hear you, you've had too much plastic.

>> No.18670617

eh, then I'd just drink creamer or watered down cream. I like the taste of it just not plain. Like I wouldn't eat anise plain, it's a part of a whole

>> No.18670640

Single pot Moka has its place. Real espresso machines that make good espresso are fucking expensive. I bought my moka pot for $20 and make Cappuccinos 10X better than Starbucks for 1/5 the price.

>> No.18670830


>> No.18670893
File: 17 KB, 391x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i save like 3 dollars a year by not using paper filters

pic related

>> No.18670924

This pic is 100% perfect.

>> No.18671860
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>> No.18671938

I literally just spoon in some Folgers instant coffee in a cup, run it under hot water, stir in a bit of milk and sugar, and call it a day. All I need. Takes me less than a minute.

>> No.18672146

kill yourself psycho retard

>> No.18672150

instant coffee has no caffeine, what gives you the kick is the sugar you need to add to make that shit palatable

>> No.18672186

i've never liked coffee but the best cup i've had was from my brother's convoluted 300£ machine

>> No.18672375

I only drink black coffee...don't mind mixins but I like it as is, I think you're just a tastelet

>> No.18672399

He's not wrong albeit. Most coffeedrinkers enjoy broadcasting how much they enjoy drinking black coffee more than actually drinking coffee