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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18666662 No.18666662 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18666668

goodbye old faggot

>> No.18666687

his channel is just so sad to watch
I not wasting your time cooking for 2 hours every day
but it's just too little at a too old age

>> No.18666690

I too am a fan of food.

>> No.18666716

Forever I thought this man's name was Future Man

>> No.18666720

What's his power level?

>> No.18666747


>> No.18666784
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>> No.18666798

Least annoying face on cooking youtube.

>> No.18666801
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>> No.18666847

This channel is peak boomer kino.

>aldi macaroni and cheese with fucking peas, raisins, and crushed up cheezits on top.

>He just sits there and slowly eats the entire pot of it, while telling stories of his career as a movie extra in 1970s-80s hollywood.

extremely comfy

>> No.18666858

Based and I agree.

>> No.18666873
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>> No.18666884

Treating Tom like a hustler

>> No.18666887

>he says what he paid for every ingredient he uses and calculates the average cost per serving divided out across the number of meals that it will make.

>well I'm only using 1/4th of an onion here so let's say that cost about 11 cents

>> No.18666890

Why would you separate from top quality retirement kino

>> No.18666892

I agree but also not. There's something about him in particular where you can feel his loneliness. Bless him for doing what he does but I'm lonely enough to recognize that look in his eyes. It's not pleasant.

>> No.18666910

If you live to be 82 years old and all the people you look up to and admire are all dead, you'll have that look on your face too.

He's got more fans than any of us ever will, and they have little youtube meetups. He's doing pretty well all things considered.

>> No.18666912

Hello food fanatics.

>> No.18667333


>> No.18667406
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>> No.18667412

Lol I forgot about him.

>> No.18667435

Hey featureman

>> No.18667911

>in this episode, fellow food fans, we will as always guess if im preparing some nonsense 'troll' or if this time the dementia finally got trough to me

>> No.18667921

unironically favourite youtuber
don't know what you faggots are talking about with him being lonely, he strikes me as a man that prefers solitude, there's lots of men like that and they aren't depressed

>> No.18668994


>> No.18669008

>I Want More Porn

Based coomer

>> No.18669022

That time he broke down crying over BLM two years ago while eating mcdonalds was kino

>> No.18669312
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>one day he will stop uploading

>> No.18669322

I stopped watching his channel when the videos went from less than 10 minute long old man cooking videos to 35+ minute long boomer stories

>> No.18669486

Can't come soon enough.

>> No.18670114

>25min video on how to prepare some slop
>first 6min is the cooking process
>rest of vid is him eating the slop while telling stories
kino channel

>> No.18670115

I don't remember this episode of MST3K

>> No.18671192

holy fuck you wernt kidding he actually put cheez itz on the mac and cheese

>> No.18671264

Millennials and zoomers will be far lonelier if they ever hit that age.

>> No.18671328

Who is this?

>> No.18671336


>> No.18671350

He got out of California before it was trendy. I found his channel from his coverage of the Northridge Earthquake.

>> No.18671418

Which video was that

>> No.18671714
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>> No.18671745

Yeah, It's depressing to think what a childless man ends up as at 80. With all your friends and relatives being dead, all you have left is a bunch of post-ironic comfy-seeking zoomers giving you approval for being so wholesome.

>> No.18671759


>> No.18672069

Well hes gay so no any other options