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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18665830 No.18665830 [Reply] [Original]

whats the point of extremely spicy food

>> No.18665841

It makes you kinda high.

>> No.18665846
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To dab on yt folk

>> No.18665857

If by "extremely" you mean like million scoville novelty hot sauces then it's for food challenges

>> No.18665865

To filter tastelets like yourself.

>> No.18665868

once you develop a tolerance it's a different sensation and generally very pleasant

>> No.18665870

White people be like

>> No.18665874

To prove your masculinity.

>> No.18665900


>> No.18665904
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>> No.18665974
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>> No.18665979

Very helpful for clearing out the sinuses, if only briefly. Feels fantastic when your head's been clogged up.

>> No.18666008

I like it

>> No.18666160

the pain is ecstasy

>> No.18666293

to cover up bland or rotting food

>> No.18666314

Black people made fun of us once and we're determined to change local cuisine until they can't find food without ghost pepper in it.

>> No.18667180

I dry boiled my sauce pan and now it's discolored. Color aside, is it still safe to use?

>> No.18667260

it makes me feel something

>> No.18667320

To assert dominance over dumb plants.

>> No.18667331

To filter whitoids. Seriously.

>> No.18667363

Extremely spicy is mostly something white people do though, regular "ethnic" food is at most just kind of hot apart from a few outliers like vindaloo, the people who breed peppers for piquancy and make extract sauces and shit like that are mostly white and it's not even really new, "nuclear" hot wings that are hotter than any traditional food were a thing at least as far back at the 90s

it's honestly really gay how the twitter meme has made hot foods into some kind of fucking race war, you used to just get "are you sure you know what it is? ok" if you ordered something hot and now it's a big deal and people almost get offended, I'm honestly worried they'll spit in it

>> No.18667370

Own bantus by bringing up milk

>> No.18667371 [DELETED] 

See? Assmad whitoid filtered.

>> No.18667477
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Spicy food does. X-TREME ASSHOLE RIPPER SAUCE just burns your lips for 30 minutes.

>> No.18667485 [DELETED] 

Cope swarthmutt. The hottest sauces were created by, and are "enjoyed by" whites.

>> No.18668014

what material?

>> No.18668197

extreme spiciness

>> No.18668225
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>tastelet seethe thread

>> No.18668243


Based and non-white pilled

>> No.18668342

Spicy heat was to cover up the taste of rotting meat.

>> No.18668348
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Nobody thinks you're sophisticated for killing yourself with lab-grown hyper-hotsauce

>> No.18668405

It's a meme. There is also literally no point in growing hot peppers when the active ingredient can be synthesized so easily.

>> No.18668436

it makes my mouth hurt, my eyes water, and i love it. especially when nothing helps cool it down, and i'm struggling in the sink, washing my hands thoroughly so i can wipe my face, blow my nose.
god damn i love food that is too spicy. i'm addicted, i find shit to eat just so i can put my hot sauce on it even when i'm not hungry

>> No.18668455

flex on the lames
but if your nose is running and your face is beet red and you're crying and you keep eating it anyway you just look like a tryhard fag

>> No.18668475

Stainless steel

>> No.18669149

I fucking dare you to make a synthesized flavor that tastes exactly like scotch bonnet then sell it to me at a low cost

>> No.18669544

White people don't know about that sweet taste you get from seasoning your chicken with dawn dish soap and bleach

>> No.18669573
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I've noticed a direct 1:1 correlation between the people I've known who like extremely hot spicy shit, and those who are outright drug addicts/alcoholics. I guess when you're that brain fried or just that constantly high, it's the only sensation from your tastebuds that actually reaches your brain.

>> No.18669618

im a fat piece of shit, who cares what people think i look like. every once in a while i like a meal that is close to unbearably hot, sweating and nose running is purifying

>> No.18670079
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So I can feel like a BOSS eating le burny food *ouchie*

>> No.18670091

I like to smear it around the rim of my anus

>> No.18670147

damn i was the guy who originally posted this drawing like 10-12 years ago. my buddy made it. crazy to see anons still using it after all this time

>> No.18671338

classic case of a cracker thinking the mild sauce is extremely spicy, sigh...

>> No.18671340

pain releases feels good chemicals

>> No.18671455

So kids and women don't want to steal your food.

>> No.18671485
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The slow coming pain that form in my gut, that will make me waddle to the toilet with sweat dripping down my face, hours after the meal has concluded.
I enjoy the feeling of jettisoning a warm slurry of diarrhea and loose, fluffy turds from my burning shit pipe. The only breaks in that steady brown stream is noxious gas escaping with it, smelling of sulfur and peppers.
Once my bowels have finally become void of the toxic brew of shit and peppers i'll have a moment of respite, before i begin the laborious task of cleaning my burning, hairy, hemorrhoid ridden asshole.
I truly love spicy food.

>> No.18671495


i like it but i dont like it when it comes out me bum bum

>> No.18671500

It's much better to cum in your bum bum

>> No.18671526

Hard to believe but it becomes addictive and even though it can be uncomfortable, you sitll want more. It's like when you were a kid and you didn't want to eat your fries anymore because you had run out of ketchup. You get that, but with spicy sauces/chillies.

>> No.18671605

Why do whitoids get so offended about spicy food memes?

>> No.18672494

I got another graph where you see that racists have a low iq kek

>> No.18672514
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>> No.18673201

The flavor, I guess. Then people pay for it with heart burn, diarrhea, intestinal issues.

>> No.18673214

it's like the short drop w a bag over your head, it teaches you self-deception and makes you choke

>> No.18673236

the same point for non-whites coming cold countries

to suffer as part of a joke played on them by rich people

>> No.18673321

I ate honey barbecue sauce the other day and started sweating. asides from the whites vs. blacks thing spice is just fun sometimes

>> No.18673590

You're going to get stomach cancer in the future fr

>> No.18673603

How spicy is spicy? Habeneros taste very sweet and fruity until the spice kicks in. They're delicious

>> No.18673605

I eat spicier food than you, Michael, and I know all about your hot sauce collection

>> No.18673607

It's just a pissing contest. Anything spicier than a Jalapeño is just saying "look at me, I can tolerate spicy things". Sacrificing your gut health and the flavor of the dish just so can get a runny nose and painful shits

>> No.18673616

Makes me feel alive for once

>> No.18673627

no point at all, it's for literal retards

>> No.18673796

Can confirm, I used to be into both. I ate a spoonful of mega death and it hurt my guts and made me feel closer to a heart attack than any amount of cocaine I’ve ever done.

>> No.18673887

Capsaicin, what makes food spicy, shrinks tumors and prevents cancer

>> No.18674317

>rent free

>> No.18674634

True. I was an alcohol and two friends of mine who were opioid addicts were some of the only people who ate food as hot as I did.

>> No.18674938

Clears up mucus and snot. I eat hot wings when I'm sick. Perfect food for it. That said it's not something I eat often and it fucking burns, man.