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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18664848 No.18664848 [Reply] [Original]

What are your 400–500 calorie meal ideas?

I am obese and trying to lose weight.

>> No.18664850

What you usually eat but less

>> No.18664854

Just fast bro

>> No.18664856

Like you could help yourself from eating more lard ass

>> No.18664873
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3 of these a day and don't deviate

>> No.18664877

3 per meal? So 9 a day? Actually 12 since I need a bedtime snack.

>> No.18664881

no fatfuck, 3 of those a day, so you eat 1 at breakfast, 1 at lunch, and 1 at dinner, no snacking, nothing, drink only water and stop chugging sugary drinks, and get your fat ass to a gym, discipline and consistency is key

>> No.18664884

But what about bedtime and midnight snacks?

>> No.18664889

Half pound of beef liver.

>> No.18664893

stop snacking, do you not have self control? sleep earlier and if you feel hungry, just go back to sleep until it's breakfast

>> No.18664900

>eat 3 pre-packaged, highly processed, frozen LeanSlop™ meals everyday

>> No.18664901

How many cheat days per week do I get? If it's just 1 then can I brake the day up into hours and evenly distribute them through the week? Specifically at mealtime

>> No.18664915

>1/4 lb. of ground beef is 300 kcal
>cheap burger buns are 100-200 kcal
>a slice of cheese is around 50 kcal

>> No.18664916

it works, and if it's not prepackaged, fatasses tend to deviate on portion sizes and add toppings, sauces, etc things that they shouldn't be eating
no cheat days, no deviations, cheat days cause people to relapse, drug addicts in rehab don't get cheat days, so fatasses on diets don't get cheat days either

>> No.18664921

If you haven't patched to 1.12 or later, you can unlock infinite cheat days by exploiting the regurgitation bug.

>> No.18664942

im trying to lose weight as well. no sugar one meal a day. every few days 2. just eat chicken breast and some roasted veggies (no oil). that easym2x02

>> No.18664948
File: 71 KB, 445x458, Popeyes-Big-Box1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little over, so just skip the biscuit

>> No.18664968
File: 70 KB, 947x880, th[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, just have a shot of this with every meal

>> No.18664969

Keto is your friend anon. Dont listen the schizo carboids

>> No.18664976
File: 67 KB, 548x625, party gros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. this >>18664850
2. zero fuckin carbs except oatmeal/potatoes/rice/barley and fruits
3. quality over quantity
and then
4. start counting calories

>> No.18664979

Most bowls of soup that are handmade usually stick under 500 cal unless they are filled with pasta or some shit. Eating soup helped me stay full while losing weight. Stick to higher volume, simpler meals and embrace veggies. A chicken breast or pork chop and some oven roasted broccoli taste really good when made correctly, and are fairly low calorie to volume.

>> No.18665165

1926 USSR. You are a Commisar rounding all of these fatsos up. One by one you bring them back to Cheka headquarters and lock them in a room, red walls just like that photo but it ain't paint. They cry out but its no match for the worn gramaphone playing the internationale over and over again. "We didn't do nothing!" One week, you shout back "Dear comrades, you did a lot of things. Principally, you had too much to eat in your lives whist others have had too little. The only thing you are getting is water." Months and months pass and they suddenly weigh a emaciated 100lb, underweight to compensate for having eaten too much. Then their families are charged with being counter revolutionaries and you know what happens to them. Of the surviving five fat fucks, all are sent by train to Siberia where armed men with Mosin Nagants force them to dig holes all day. And then they die and go to hell after a few years and the world lives happily ever after, amen.

>> No.18665393

I’d rather be fat

>> No.18665396

You forgot the growth hormone

>> No.18665519

eggs have 70 calories each
carton of 12 eggs a day

>> No.18665593

Greek yogurt and honey make for a delicious and nutritious breakfast. I think 100g yogurt and 10g honey come to less than 500 Cal. A slice of good sourdough bread (or can skip if you're celiac or retarded) and a can of fish like tuna, mackerel, sardines, or kippers with fresh sliced tomato, cucumber, and onion is also a delicious lunch. I do this daily and come in under 1,000 Cal after lunch. Ultimately, it's about eating less calories but to do that, to truly track your calories, you must measure everything you consume. It's tough. I'm there bro and I lose motivation all the time. But stick to eating clean foods, make food for yourself, avoid the goyslop, allow yourself to go to bed hungry sometimes, and balance with some weightlifting and cardio. You can do this bro, I believe in you. Most importantly, don't let a slip up ruin your day and don't follow the "in for a penny, in for a pound" logic.

>> No.18665632


Less amount poses a risk of hunger. Fighting hunter takes some non zero willpower. Diet based on willpower always fails.

Eat the same amount, but substitute for less calories.

Mayo -> ketchup
Fries -> plain boiled potato
Deep fried-> grilled
Non zero calorie drink -> water.
List goes on...

Etc. Also, count calories. If you do, you typically find something awfully high that you can easily live without

>> No.18665667

Shakshuka, chicken stirfry, frittata, smash burger with 90/10 beef, pita pizza, chicken & rice & beans, homemade chicken sandwich, large serving of scrambled eggs go easy on the butter. Check out Ethan Chlebowski's videos, skinnytaste, and budget bytes.

>> No.18665681

This is ancient Chinee sekret: if you want lose weight, eat less and exercise

>> No.18665692
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I thought was calgon, am I wrong?

>> No.18665711

>smash burger
So you're a west coast faggot that wears vans and sketchers?

>> No.18665715

Who says 90/10 beef?
People that don't know that 70/30 beef is where the flavor is

>> No.18665722

Them is fightin words it's 80/20

>> No.18665734

>Them is fightin words it's 80/20
Whoever has the best tasting beef at the end of the competition gets his dick sucked by all of the losers. No exceptions.
Still wanna fight?

>> No.18665742

I don't mind losing to a hot chick.
It's all in fun.

>> No.18665750

I'm just gonna think of a plate full of sustaining, satiating things and calculate the calories at the end.
>Fried mushrooms
>Roasted carrots
>Steamed broccoli

Now, we're looking to fill up our plate, right? Fuck it, let's over fill - doing the math now and roughly HALF A KILOGRAM of each item (meaning the meal is 1.5kg of food) would be about 500kcal.

So basically fat people are stupid too. It's ridiculously easy to simply do your grocery shopping at a grocers instead of the bakery.

>> No.18665755

Honestly even nine a day at 180 cals would work.

>> No.18665762

They seriously manage to keep that around 500 cal? Wow.

>> No.18665779
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You fags might as well have a calorie calculator programmed into you. What are you people, government drones?

>> No.18665825

Cabbage soup. Bonus being you can make like a gallon of it for four bucks.

>> No.18665880

First time I ate a smash burger was in Florida. Holy flyover, lmao.

Anything that doesn’t come with great value packaging probably confuses you.

You wear those 30 dollar plastic toed boots to your forklift shop every day?

>> No.18665886

smashburger isn't west coast, retard

>> No.18665895

There is zero chance in hell anyone is going to lose weight if they don't have the willpower to fight hunger. There is no "I want to stuff my face but also lose weight" miracle.

>> No.18665918

Make sure you eat a lot of protein. It’s the best macro in terms of satiety and your body even burns some of the calories because of the thermal effect of protein. It’s very difficult to not lose weight eating lean chicken if you’re obese. Either eat somewhat low carb (no need to become a keto schizo though) or eat carbs with lots of fiber (whole grains, fruit, veggies etc.).

Try to find healthy foods that you actually enjoy and focus on those. I love the taste of avocado, spinach, kale, asparagus and Brussels Sprouts, but if you don’t like those then don’t eat them. Just eat some other veggies you like. Same goes for different types of meat, fish, fruit etc. it’s a lot easier to stick to a healthy diet if you actually enjoy what you’re eating.

if you’re obese then it’s more important to focus on losing weight than eating clean. In other words, don’t worry too much about the types of food you’re eating (processed, artificial sweeteners, not organic, suboptimal omega 3 to omega 6 ratios etc.). You can worry about that stuff once you’ve lost weight. Drinking Diet Coke might not be healthy, but it will help you lose weight which is the most important thing.

>> No.18665929

This is not really true. I lost a lot of weight just by cutting out most processed garbage in my diet, cooking at home most days and going for long walks. Almost never felt hungry.

>> No.18665945

> Also, count calories. If you do, you typically find something awfully high that you can easily live without
This. I didn’t realize just how high in calorie some of the foods I was eating when I was fat were. Other foods were way lower in calories than I assumed.

High calorie is not always bad, but if it’s highly processed and has almost no fiber then avoid it.

>> No.18665961
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>What are your 400–500 calorie meal ideas?
Four 12 oz cans of Miller LITE

>> No.18666676

Nuts and blueberries are good substitutes for honey, or other berries

Based lexxposter

>> No.18666705

less beef/pork, more chicken/fish
learn to cook without using a fuckton of butter/oil
more fibrous vegetables
make every calorie count for something
drink water
buy a scale, measure everything
t. 5'7" 115lbs

>> No.18666730

my meals for cutting have been:
>1.3-1.8kg (depends on price) of chicken breast, chuck roast (trim fat) or pork tenderloin
>cook sous-vide with what ever spice rub I like then seared in a non-stick with a spray of oil
>3lbs of carrots salter and peppered cooked in the oven at 450 for ~40 minutes
>divide into 6 containers
About 400-500 calories depending on the meat I get that week and between 50-70 grams of protein. I highly, highly recommend that you skip out on the pasta, potatoes, etc. They don't add that much to your calories but they fill you up less than meat.

>> No.18666756

I find shrimp in particular ridiculously filling for the calories. Shrimp saganaki over shirataki noodles... Holy filling, batman.

>> No.18666762

I had 8 plain lobster raviolis for dinner, and it was still over my caloric limit. No sauce, no soda, nothing but 8 lobster raviolis all day. And I still went over for rapid weight loss. Insane how calorie-dense and how lacking in nutrients modern american food is.

>> No.18666767

Potatoes are super filling for their calorie content. A baked potato with salt, pepper, and chives would be a good start and not even half the calorie cap

>> No.18666772

it wont matter. its all genetics. some people can eat 8k calories each meal and still be rail thin. then theres us unlucky folks munching on sprouts for each meal and still cant lose a pound. i dont know what causes this but im sure the j00s are to blame they probably put something in your DNA when we wuz in the womb to try and make us fat and ugly so they'd be the master race or something

>> No.18666778

It's 960 calories without the biscuit. 2pc signature chicken, redbeans n rice, cajun fries. You could eat one of those per day and still lose weight, in theory. But that can't be healthy. No veggies and really high in carbs. Plus popeyes is so fucking good it wouldn't satiate me. I would be craving more junk food a few hours later.

>> No.18666781

Women are such bad posters its insane

>> No.18666790

>What are your 400–500 calorie meal ideas?
Hey, Obese anon--One thing you should be aware of:
CICO is BULLSHIT. True, eating 3000kCal a day while sitting on your ass isn't good for you, but It is hardly the root cause.
If you REALLY want to lose weight, and don't have any food restrictions, I can tell you how...And you'll be stuffing yourself every day-(provided you are willing to do a few things.)
Want to know more??

>> No.18666791

There is probably not enough sodium in 3 of those for you to consistently go to the gym and not suffer severe dehydration

>> No.18666793

I made a post the other day that I started making mirepoix and stopped cooking the rest of the meal because it smelled and tasted so good. What I didn't add was that it only needed maybe 3 tablespoons of olive oil for the nearly 2 lbs of mirepoix I was making (the bottle of oo was nearly done and didn't feel like opening a new one, so that's why I used less than I thought it deserved -- but it was more than enough). Salt+pepper+herbs and you're at maybe 300 calories tops for 2lbs -- and that kept me full all day (1 lb carrot and onion are 180 kcal each).

>> No.18666803

You can get electrolyte powders to add to your water. Anyways you shouldn't go too hard at the gym while under severe caloric restriction or fasting.

>> No.18666813

It's all genetics that causes ascetic monks, distance runners, casual athletes, peasant farmers in MENA and Asia, and hunter-gatherers to still be obese.

>> No.18666827

>if it's not prepackaged, fatasses tend to deviate on portion sizes and add toppings, sauces, etc things that they shouldn't be eating
If they don't learn how to cook for themselves, then the second they "go off" the Lean Cuisine diet they go back to being a lardy mctubbface. It's a decent start, and getting to a manageable weight is an important goal in itself, but having supervision and periodic check-ins for the major steps is going to be key in any case.

>> No.18666841

>no sugar one meal a day
Better, and easier, to eat the same amount in your one meal, spaced out over 3 meals. If you're cooking for yourself, then that's why people make 1-2 weeks of meals in batches and have shitloads of tupperware and a microwave.

>> No.18666859

If you're obese, you can eat 2000 calories a day and still lose weight. Protein and a crap ton of vegetables are your best bet.

Chicken and broccoli, beef, skip pork, fish.

>> No.18666871

losing weight is easy just stop eating. I got the best shape of my life when I decided to just eat 4 pieces of pizza a day, two per meal. just drink coffee and drink water lmao.

>> No.18666876

>ruining your ability to poop
Hard pass. I took the laxative abuse route, it was miserable.

>> No.18666919

>your best bet
is to see a doctor, on your health plan, in a mainstream clinic who is not a kook, who can meet with you every 3 months or so to start (and maybe even more frequently if you can show commitment), and work with them on a diet regimen that you will realistically be able to ease into and then realistically stay with -- financially, taste-wise, time-and-skill logistics, etc. -- and also asking questions about physical activity and working that up, such as from now on maybe the following destinations are walk-only instead of driving.

A doctor will go into all the details with you to put together realistic ways to get you into this that won't end up just causing you to fuck yourself over one way or another, like most of these suggestions from people who have never seen nor met you nor know anything about your daily routine will do.

>> No.18666967
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There's nothing good to eat at 400-500 calories, anon. You're just going to have to tough it out and eat healthy and at a significant caloric deficit. One thing I want to mention, that I wish I knew about when I was younger, is something called metabolic syndrome. Avoid that shit at all costs and its big sisters, prediabetes and diabetes.

>> No.18667013
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x966, Pizza ON LOCK!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here.
>Step 1: Throw out ALL Prepackaged Goyslop, sneed oils and everything that has HFCS or Artificial sweeteners.

>Step 2: Go shopping for your new diet-You MUST read labels. This will include good olive oil, butter, Real mayonaise,(olive oil based,) lots of frozen vegetables, fresh carrots, bags of "Coleslaw mix"(just cabbage and carrot-nothing else,) fresh meats of your choice, Canned salmon and chicken are fine*AGAIN, READ LABELS- strangely, the cheaper brands have less garbage added to them usually. get dried beans, rice(not precooked garbage,) and a big bag of loose popcorn,(not micro-bags--that shit is garbage.) The popcorn will be your main go to snack at night. and make certain you have a good collection of spices you like--NOT MIXES, they sneak shit into those as well. Once you have your basic staples, for the first week or two, you will go without bread. If you really want it after that, you will make it from scratch.

Step 3: Make sure you have a CLEAN and COPIOUS source of water. Most grocery stores have those R.O. dispensers for ~.49c a gallon; Don't waste your time and money with individual little bottles, 6-8 dollars for spring water to start, then refilling them at the store is a good start for poorfags, but 3-5 gallon containers and a dispenser is better. you'll be going through about 2+ gallons a day.(you'll be shopping more at first too, so refilling shouldn't be a problem.) If you have the $$ for a home system(R.O., Brita and PŪR pitchers are worthless.)
Step 4: Git gud at cooking-- the point here is to make big portions of the healthiest foods you can, seasoned to your taste and big enough you will have leftovers. Tons of vegetables, Clean starches and vitamins if you need them.(big bottle of 5000IU vit.D., 50 mg.Zinc, and those boxes of Emergen-C are really all you need--The food will provide the rest.)

Step 5: 1 hour walk/day total. Doesn't matter where, or when Sunlight is good, but night works too.
That's it.

>> No.18667033

One last thing--
Here's WHY you need to read labels and eat clean:
You don't need to go full Keto. you just need to eat clean. You can even eat pasta and other "Forbidden Carbs", just make sure they are imported from places that DON'T soak their grains in Round-up, (It's getting harder to though.)
Even if you go through a pound of butter/per week, you'll STILL lose weight--If you try to starve yourself for calories using fake food tricks, your body will REVOLT and just try to store everything. If you give it more than enough, you WILL self regulate your intake.

>> No.18667039

Sorry, that last post should read *2 pounds of butter

>> No.18667047


>sweet potato, chicken breast, cup of broccoli/spinach/edamame, could even sprinkle a tiny bit of cheese for the potato and veggies and be at 500 kcals.

>soups e.g. chicken soup, massive portion for 500 kcals, super filling.

>> No.18667056
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>all that

>> No.18667074

BTW, I left out a ton of food to get--Eggs, other fresh vegetables,fresh meats,cheese, milk, etc.
Again, CLEAN is what you want, an hour of intentional exercise/day, lots of water.
There are a lot of other posts ITT with sound ideas--just add to them with large sides of vegetables, or a baked potato or 2 WITH butter.
I know it sounds weird, considering all the bullshit we've heard over the years-- but it works.

>> No.18667114

What exercise do you do?

>> No.18667120

>beans motherfucker do you eat them

>> No.18667158
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I am active in maintaining my land: a LOT of carrying, walking, bending, sometimes climbing.
Just walking for an hour and maybe lifting a lot of 10+ lb weights daily is enough. for work stuff, I do a lot of building--but stuff you normally do on a daily basis doesn't really count into that after awhile. Another thing about eating like this is that if you've been eating processed garbage up until now, there will be an adjustment period. I generally eat only 1 or 2 meals a day, and when starting out fermented foods will be a GREAT help to help fix your fucked up gut flora. I'm all for fasting occasionally too, but everyone's different. You will also lose the craving for sweets and junk food after the first month. I still have 2 tsp. of cane sugar in each cup of coffee,(usually 3/day,) and that is enough for me.
I also smoke 100% natural tobacco. about 5-7 a day, but since they go out all the time on their own, 1 cigarette can last me 3-4 hours.

>> No.18667227

"I take my health advice from blogshit, reddit, and fads" -- the post. Canonical retardation.

But don't worry, you can cure retardation with CLEAN water and vit.D.

>> No.18667232

Sure fatty...Didn't watch the video, did you?
You've got NOTHING but childish,(and incorrect,) ad hominems.
Got something? Post it.

>> No.18667239

Take your incels.

>> No.18667251

>You've got NOTHING but childish,(and incorrect,) ad hominems.
On the contrary, I have a half-hour video by Joseprdan B. Molvelyaneux Peters Roganson that proves my argument is an argument entirely. I'd give you a timestamp, but you really have to watch the whole thing to understand the complex philosophical logico-analytic underpinning behind it all, so really I'm doing you a favor by not.

>> No.18667267
File: 3.53 MB, 480x360, Oops! I broke it..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUNNY SHIT This Flame80t can't parse what I posted--and it certainly can't watch a video...
It's poor Algo is malfunctioning.
>Ah, this droid has a bad motivator chip...

>> No.18667281

It triggered on K3T0 then didn't know where to go from there.
>Is this the power of the new Ai Flam380T?

>> No.18667292

roasted vegetables
potatoes in any form but not fried
white meat
lean fish

>> No.18667298

>I lost a lot of weight just by doing 3 things that most people don't have the willpower for.
Grats on your weight loss. Now to to gain some brains.

>> No.18667306

Oh-uh...The F1am380t is going after you now...
Just don't give it (U)s and maybe It'll go away...

>> No.18667309

>lewd picture
>irrelevant time wasting question

>> No.18667324
File: 996 KB, 500x255, BRZZZZT!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These tactics are hilarious!!
If there was ever any doubt that there are B ig Ag concerns here gateke eping, this should correct that.

>> No.18667380

>500 calories
Not a good deal. I hate fat people so God damn fucking much. I noticed they have driven calorie reduction at restaurants. If I'm hungry, I want as much nutrition possible. Funny how I eat double quarter pounders and other calorie dense foods yet gain no wait. It's almost as if it's all the other shit fat fucks stuff their faces with snacks all day then they blame reasonable meals which should be 1000 calories minimum at a restaurant as the whipping boy. Literally if it's too much, just skip lunch and eat it for dinner or exercise. I've always noticed with subhuman, the can't be hungry. They will drop whatever it is they're doing and say "I """""""NEEED""""""" to eat". Literally driving with them and have stuff to do and they think taking a detour to eat is acceptable. Conversely, they are very inconsiderate of others, nasty people, I remember I had business to do when I went on vacation 4 years ago with some "friends" , literally would have only been 20 minutes for me, but wanted to get breakfast afterwards. OK ILL GO WITHOUT YOU. OK bitch, go ahead guess you eating alone more than with me. Kek, I didn't eat for like 24 hours before that because I was very busy and was really looking forward to eating. Meanwhile fat fuck had a big dinner. Couldn't wait 20 minutes to get breakfast. Moral of the story is, fat people are worse than animals and they all belong in camps.

>> No.18667381
File: 132 KB, 1000x667, 1000_F_92152993_AeccDKuGeapkmex9M3woPZqwbkjEb9xc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calories are less important than eating frequency
Eat one big meal a day and see how you become more fit
I used to snack all day long and i was a fatass , now i only eat one big brunch and it's enough for the whole day and i weigh like 50kg less

>> No.18667593

This just eat OMAD, simple as.

>> No.18667598

>giant block of text
not reading. kys

>> No.18667632

>rice & beans
>meat & 3 veg
wow so hard
stop snacking between meals, quit soda/alcohol, exercise
congrats you'll shit out 5kg a week

>> No.18667638

>fatty can't read
We know.

>> No.18667691

Arugula/red beans/jalapeno salad. Maybe some kind of low fat mozzarella

>> No.18667694

I like to cram melons up my ass. It really gets the blood pumping nicely!

>> No.18667711

I'd make a meal out of her if you know what I mean

>> No.18667821

this is not how hunger works, you dont get satiety out of volume ingested, you cant eat lower calorie dense foods and expect to be as satiated. you're a moron anon

>> No.18667958

So far I have lost 11kg 91-80kg in 3 months of not really intense dieting.
Basic first I do around 5 days a week I eat 3 pieces of fruit for the whole day until dinner where I eat no carb or low carb.
Then on weekends I normally go out with family so its eat as much as I like till I'm full and don't give a fuck.
But for drinks it just water and milk and maybe a beer with food on the weekend.

The food I'm eating is what I normally eat just with no bread or rice.
Stew burger paddies oven chicken steak smoked salmon curry cheese vegetables
I'm still eating cakes and pancakes but like once a week not every day.
I have done hard diets before and that shit just makes you rebound there's a reason there so many fat fucks.
Eat what you like to eat but eat less and enjoy the food you eat.

>> No.18667960


>> No.18668003

If you're counting calories you aren't going to make it because it's not something you can realistically do longterm.

>> No.18669256

Literally just try a bunch of fruits until you find ones you like. Just this week I discovered I liked oranges. Dont get processed meal trash.

>> No.18669447


I would argue that you are in fact the maximal moron.

Lower calorie dense foods are typically higher in protein, fibre which keeps you satiated longer than pure carbs/fat combo a fatso typically eats.

If your calorie deficit is too high, you get hungry, yes, that's why it shouldn't be high. I think a /fit/ recommended maximum of 500 daily

>> No.18670261
File: 128 KB, 736x1041, mayo clinic diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been floating around forever
pic related

>> No.18670323


>He doesn't sleep eat

take a look at captain skinny here

>> No.18670326


>Cold chicken

??? As in cook it and then fridge it? how does this change the calorie makeup? It's the same damn chicken, if anything wouldn't hot chicken stimulate your insides?

>> No.18670629

eat a lot of almonds and bananas

people need to get almond pillled

>> No.18670654

lol don't follow this OP. if you're fat, then it's because you have bad eating habits probably egged on by emotional issues. following this diet is setting yourself up for failure because you're ass ain't gonna suddenly start being cool with a diet like that overnight. then when you fail, you're going to get all upset and just give up.

start tracking your calories, get enough protein, and over time progressively cut back on small caloric amounts. additionally, maybe keep a small journal and jot down some small thoughts about how you feel before and after a meal. maybe you'll start to recognize a pattern for what might be exacerbating your overeating.

good luck anon

>> No.18670693

Pasta and potatoes are like the opposite to me fillingness-wise lol. Like you might as well have said skip out on the candy, lettuce, etc.

>> No.18670969
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>hey guys i wanna lose weight, what should i eat
>uhhhhh how about one of the most calorie dense foods on earth? lol
you cant be making this mistake now. no one makes the mistake of confusing health foods with weight loss foods anymore. i refuse to believe it.