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18656057 No.18656057 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
Willy edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old or confused, drinking anything cozy lately?

Previous Thread: >>18642943

>> No.18656068

first for depression goffee

>> No.18656073
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>> No.18656171
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K0 1 2 and 3 burr are functionally identical to the zp6. Don't waste your money.

>> No.18656206
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>only local coffee roaster that has a wide variety of origins burns the fuck out of their coffee because they market to mokafags
I hate this

>> No.18656216

>because they market to mokafags
what the fuck are you talking about?
they are marketing to stupid italians who just happen to be using a moka.
i am a proud mokafag and i never go past medium.

>> No.18656227

Traditionally moka is done with darkly roasted coffee, like all italian coffee. Yes you can do it with light roasts, but if someone is specifically targeting moka users they're far more likely to incinerate their beans. These fags are one such case.

>> No.18656242

They don't roast to order?

>> No.18656248

If you mean roasting specifically because I ordered a batch and letting me choose the roast level then lmao fuck no. I don't think anyone in this country does.

>> No.18656250

I like the chinksteel moka pot better than the italoaluminum.

>> No.18656257

So, does anyone else like brewing at low grounds-to-water ratios, or am I just weird?
Like, I've settled on about a ratio of about 1:40 to 1:35.
It's more tea-like in strength, but still with plenty of good flavor and body.

>> No.18656264

I tried 1:18 yesterday and it was too watery for me.

>> No.18656268

aka made by people who objectively have no fucking clue how to make moka coffee.
italians know how to make good espresso
but they still insist on using awful dark roasts.
italians think the right way to moka is to burn the fuck out of it, so they only use dark roasts so they it tastes burnt anyway.

>> No.18656270

Stop being a woman and dose 1:1

>> No.18656272

can you give examples of each?

>> No.18656277

Sometimes I do 1:1.5 for espresso. I'll try 1:1 with this """specialty""" charred decaf shit I spent $20 on.

>> No.18656278

$20 for how much?

>> No.18656285

12 oz, the usual

>> No.18656294

How do you brew?
I guess I should have specified that I use a french press (20g coffee, 800ml 95C water, steep for 4 minutes, plunge slowly).
I don't do pour-over often, but I imagine that may not be as kind with such a low ratio.

>> No.18656301

What's to disguss, you coffee drinking hypocrites are just that. Why is that you coffee drinking types are so used to that but someone that smokes a joint isn't? That's such total hypocrasy that you coffee drinking starbucks lineups just cant deal with it and you're pathetic.

>> No.18656310

That's pretty special, but if you're addicted to coffee that's ok, but if I want to smoke a joint then that's bad in most jurisdictions. You so stupid that you don't see the hypocrisy and lies.

>> No.18656317

The stainless is somewhat easier to clean, makes a bit more coffee, seems easier to control and I dunno. It just *feels* better to me overall even though many people don't seem to like it that much. I know this debatable but there's also the thing about alzheimers and aluminum. This is not exactly proven fact but I don't see why I shouldn't take it into consideration when I use the pot every day.

>> No.18656322

You can always fling shit like a stupid monkey if there's nothing to discuss.

>> No.18656327

Traditionally, all Italian coffee is shitty coffee. All of Italy's coffee preparation methods were invented to make shitty coffee lees shitty or to just get drinking shitty coffee over with. Which only works to a degree–a degree to which they make good coffee shittier. I think it's time we stop pretending to respect or revere anything Italian and coffee-related. It feels really good to say it out loud, too. It feels good to watch the tasteless espresso autists seethe because they do, and they know it's true. They have no taste, but they have to latch onto something more technical than average people do to feel elitist. Espresso sucks, Italian coffee sucks, Italian dark roasts suck, oily espresso sucks, Italian coffee culture sucks. Italian food and desserts are fine, but not coffee. The only truly notable coffee drink from Italy is the affogato, and this may or may not actually be an Italian invention.

>> No.18656333

Fact is, I'm not a spupid monkey or a government suckup. You must know a lot about that to call someone out on that, you fuckin hypocryte.

>> No.18656334

For me its the humble moka pot with Illy.

>> No.18656338
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>Implying you can't do both at the same time

>> No.18656391

I never meant to imply that italian style coffee is somehow better, but if something is marketed towards that style of coffee it's going to be darkly roasted.

>> No.18656431

I feel like you smoke shit pot and drink shit coffee. Do better.

>> No.18656528

Anyone else do Hoffman's measuring spoon experiment?
Apparently I'm actually pretty dang accurate, with each tablespoon I measured coming out to almost exactly 5g.
I wasn't really being that careful either, just doing a quick side-to-side shake to level the scoop.

>> No.18656594

Haven't heard of it. I have a 2-tablespoon coffee scoop that measures out about 10g of beans per level scoop, despite roast level and bean size. Also, the whole beans and the ground coffee take up about the same volume, too. Not a big enough difference for it to matter. You really only need to calibrate your volumetric measurement with a scale once. People get off on trying to be precise and scientific. It doesn't matter very much.

>> No.18656596

i was just insulted you lumped me in with those buffoons

>> No.18656611

If your coffee is bad:
1. you have shitty coffee
2. you have a shitty grinder
3. you are drastically fucking up ratios, temperatures, and timing

Order of likelihood. This is my take from drinking coffee for 30 years.

>> No.18656663

unironically dunkin's medium roast

>> No.18656677

So James Hoffman is obviously a really big proponent of measuring everything in grams, and he did a video on that where he set up an experiment and got a couple hundred people to measure out 3 scoops of beans/grounds and then the average weight and variances were calculated.
I think the average variance was 2-3g per scoop, with a minority of people able to consistently scoop within a gram.
In the end, he states that while he still prefers weight, he begrudgingly admits that 'some people are annoyingly accurate with scoops'

>> No.18656719

Interesting. I'm using a hemispherical steel coffee scoop, not an arbitrary spoon for eating. But I double check on the scale every once in a while. Every level 2-tablespoon scoop still gives me 10g. Once you get your method down and you do the same thing every time you can pretty much fake it with volumetric measurements, count in your head, gauge boiling water temperature visually, etc. Some people are good at things by eye and by hand. Humans are pretty capable.

>> No.18656723

you cant argue with exact weight.

>> No.18656742

>dunk cookies in coffee
>they're pretty hard even if I leave them in for a while
>dunk same cookies in tea
>they're completely soaked and soft in 2 seconds

>> No.18656746
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>Some people are good at things by eye and by hand. Humans are pretty capable.
I use a hand carved wooden scoop onto a scale. I'm very pleased with myself when I need an extra .7g or whatever and snag out the exact amount mindlessly. The v1 of this. Very nice and balanced in the hand.

>> No.18656749

More dissolved solids in coffee, which reduces the osmotic pressure and increases surface tension.

>> No.18656770

friendly reminder that my coffee is better than your coffee and there's not a god damned thing you can do about it

>> No.18656850

Sumatra through a c2 and aeropress huh?

>> No.18656873

nope. just white privilege.

>> No.18657091

sure thing champ

>> No.18657134

Are there any coffees that taste like bread? Asking for my cousin.

>> No.18657152

i just had some instant coffee that tasted kinda like bread... and soy sauce very strange

>> No.18657485
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still no discount on bripe

>> No.18657509

Those are nice scoops. Looks like they don't have the one in that photo.

>> No.18657519

>no stainless steel bribe
ill pass thanks

>> No.18657540

Might be too difficult to manufacture. Also I wonder if it would take too long for stainless steel to heat up with a little butane torch. I'm surprised they aren't tin-lined. Copper is toxic. Using that every day could be dangerous.

>> No.18657552

oops *bripe
yes it looks like stainless steel is 20x less efficient at heat transfer.

>> No.18657590

su-ma-tra <3

>> No.18657626

Still don't know why they aren't tinning these. I wonder if it's too difficult to tin the inside of the pipe stem, so tinning the barrel would be pointless anyway.

>> No.18657632

Body? Bulb? What do you call that part on a pipe?

>> No.18657770
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Yeah I snagged that one back in 2019. Not sure if there were ever any other batches sold or if it was a oneoff. I was already putting in an order and wanted stupid shit to make shipping feel better. I just like handmade shit and Ishii Koji has a good enough story to throw $30 at. He was a construction worker or some shit who got fed up and started carving chopsticks. They finally have the urushi drippers I've been waiting years for back in stock and I don't want to buy size 1 filters kek.

>> No.18657794

If I wanted to make Yuanyang, what type of coffee would you say works best? I've got a bunch of different stuff - Ethiopian, Costa Rican, El Salvador, Honduras, Sumatra, Brazilian Colombian, I'm not sure what'd work best.
I have a ton of black teas too but I have a pretty good idea which one I want to use.

>> No.18658483
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>koff koff
>hey man you wanna hit my bripe?
>whoa man chill out it's only a bripe
>it's derived from hemp so it's legal here
>calm the fuck down narc, you wanna hit this shit or not?
>you some kinda pussy bro? who the fuck hasn't briped at least once before?
>ugh whatever dude you're over extracting my mellow
no discounts on this primo experience amigo

>> No.18658498

I bought some gelato at the shops I thought it was coffee but it ended up being chocolate.
so I added some of it to a mug then added some cold brew & oat milk.
I call it a Cold Brew Chocolate Affogato.
It's not bad.

>> No.18658508
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Also based

>> No.18658585

can you please just clean it
a clean press is a happy press

>> No.18658629

The natural coffee oils keep the aeropress primed and seasoned.

>> No.18658806
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anon i don't think that's true
tell you what, if you clean your press i will join your gang

>> No.18658818
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Do you think this type of stuff counts as coffee?

>> No.18658823

i wouldn't begrudge anyone for enjoying them but they're milkshakes.

>> No.18658826


>> No.18658869

Those drinks don't have coffee in them. Just coffee flavored syrup.

>> No.18658890

How bout this, worry about your own shit. I don't need you in my gang.

>> No.18658900
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feeling's mutual, i'm not gonna join a gang headed by a dirty lil boy like you famigilia

>> No.18658923

I make your whole family tree look like wimps. Enjoy your drip machine.

>> No.18658927

even if it was just black it would only be considered coffee on a technicality

>> No.18659004

you too
sent from my 1zpresso q2 nestled comfortably inside my (clean) aeropress

>> No.18659023

Got a travel aeropress a couple days ago and have been making cups of coffee in it a lot. Got one right now and its 11pm

>> No.18659215

Do you guys bloom your coffee first if you're gonna cold brew'em?

>> No.18659274

No I just dump the water and leave. Effort aspect is key for me, if I wanted to do more I’d make an espresso or pourover

>> No.18659536
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it's coffee flavored at best

>> No.18659722

No. That's a milkshake. People don't call coffee flavored ice cream coffee.

>> No.18659782

I'm retarded. Does Hoffman say to let the coffee brew in the french press for 4 minutes, and then another 5 minutes? Or just 5min ?

>> No.18659785

9 minutes with a swirl in between

>> No.18659793

Imagine drinking warm coffee

>> No.18659848

haha benis :-DD

>> No.18659884


>> No.18659936

>drink some of my coffees
>no real kick
>drink a specific blend
>fucking loaded with caffeine, only down half my cup and already jittery

>> No.18659964

>loaded with caffeine
sure thing champ

>> No.18659987

I mean my tolerance isn't insanely high or anything, I'm used to like 40-50mg of caffeine a day. But this one has way more than my other beans for sure.

>> No.18660060

holidays soon, do good grinders ever go on sale below $50?

>> No.18660066

only the bad ones no one should ever buy

>> No.18660126

Look for Timemore C2 or C3. Kingrinder k0, k1, and maybe k2

>> No.18660154


>> No.18660173

Based and "go" pilled
Keep your clean Aeropress away from me
Toss that in the bin

>> No.18660301

new goff tomorrow :]

>> No.18660334

hello friends. I have had two goffees today. Just made a pour over with frothed egg nog, very festive indeed. :)
Captcha: GG4NN4

>> No.18660356
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Anyone else have the flair 58? I got the version with an improved power supply, no shower screen and only the puck screen.

>> No.18660367

that looks like a nice setup anon :)
yeh i think there are a few flair anons here(not me tho)

>> No.18660372

what's the mirror for?

>> No.18660389

to witness their own flex or for checking the shot

>> No.18660396

He's got a gram scale and a mirror, I'm sure you can figure it out.

>> No.18660407

ohh for seeing the pre infusion and flow... I shouldn't post here before my morning cup
clean setup bro

>> No.18660445

What these guys said >>18660389 >>18660396
I cheaped out on the scale and mirror. I'm looking for a puck screen that's easier to clean.

>> No.18660485

Lol I was implying that you do drugs, specifically the kind that gets put on a mirror after being carefully weighed out.

>> No.18660554

I see. I should be mindful when I have guests.

>> No.18660668

Flair58 anon here. You'll want to pick up one of the new disc style screens. Way better than the stacked mesh. With a paper filter sandwich my pucks knock out clean and the disc just needs a quick wipe.

>> No.18660991

Where'd you get the disc style from? I've been getting my pucks knocked out pretty clean, but a lighter thinner puck screen would be one less thing to take away heat from my water, also easier to clean.

>> No.18661026

cold brewed the Shock giga nigga extra caffeinated coffee. now it only tastes like grass. just grass. it is however noticably more caffeinated than my regular arabicas and that carries through to the cold brew, which is how I plan to use the rest of the bag. could be useful if I only have the opportunity for one coffee in the morning, but no one should buy it expecting interesting flavors.

>> No.18661031
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>ANPING OuShang Wire& Mesh Factory Store
On aliexpress. There wasn't an option to pick the hole size but I think they sent me 200um. I figured I'd just snag a couple from there before normcore orders 10k of them, etches on their label and charges 5x. If you wanted to spend a bit more and get 316 instead of 304, sworks is putting them out now too but the second batch just sold out.

>> No.18661048

I saw those swork ones earlier last week, but they sold out fast.

>> No.18661054

>just grass
So it's tea?

>> No.18661111

ever so slightly roasted tea, more offputting than tea

>> No.18661126

I didn't think it would be that big of a game changer but it really is. Took like 2 weeks to get to the us. There's no going back. B-58.5mm and put 200 or 300 μm in the order details. Looks like they also sell replacement french press mesh on the same listing if anyone wanted to fuck with that.

>> No.18661132

Oh and it says they're 316 but who knows if they're full of shit. I'd trust sworks more.

>> No.18661141

nice digis

>> No.18661177

they come naturally at these extremely manly levels of overcaffeination

>> No.18661197
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>> No.18661318

preground coffee vs. blade grinding whole beans? grinder prices too steep for me rn

>> No.18661343

pre ground will have better particle grind size consistency which ill help make better brews.
the coffee will still taste like cheap coffee but yeh.

>> No.18661348

Probably depends on what you're making. Preground goes stale much quicker but it's probably going to be ground better than what you'll get from a blade grinder. Some specialty coffee places will grind to different sizes for you so if you buy small batches of those you might come out ok, but if grinder prices are too steep for you I'm guessing you're not buying specialty. Another option is public use grinders, I've seen them in some stores including a whole store chain. Will still go stale (unless you grind every day) but coffee that was ground 3 days ago will be better than coffee that was ground 2 months ago.

>> No.18661358

>Some specialty coffee
if he cant afford a $1-200 grinder he probably doesnt have the money to buy specialty coffee.

>> No.18661361

You could have read to the end of the sentence at least

>> No.18661365

i felt like such a fucking moron as soon as i hit enter.

>> No.18661439
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turbo-noob question here; If I want my coffee to have a more intense taste would I not get the same result grinding fine rather than grinding coarser and using more grams of coffee for the same amount of water?

Example with random numbers:

fine ground - 10g for 200g of water

coarse ground - 20g for 200g of water

Wouldn't the cup with the coarse ground using the same amount of water not taste more or even more intense than the one with the fine ground?

I take it I am extremily retarded and haven't understood anything I've been watching/reading about the topic of grind size and proportions

>> No.18661547

You can grind as finely as your grinder will allow without getting too many fines, which makes the brewed coffee taste bitter (or very astringent for lighter roasts). You won't really know how finely your grinder can go for your brew method until you try. After that limitation is addressed, you just use more coffee to water for stronger coffee. Unless it's a pressurized extraction like espresso, you're not getting more coffee out of the same amount of coffee with finer grounds. It takes more or less time, but there's only so much coffee in coffee. Use more coffee if you want stronger coffee.

>> No.18661590


>> No.18661608

>more intense taste
this depends alot on the beans, the process of the beans and the roast of the beans.
make 2 exact same brews 2 sets of beans from the same plot 1 natural process medium roast and 1 washed process medium roast and the natural process will taste more intense just from that 1 difference.

>> No.18662085
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i already have a zp6 tho

>> No.18662095

it seems my hatred for brazilian coffee was misplaced.
i just hate washed coffee
had a washed brazil and natural brazil blend and it was way better than the washed single i had the other week.
god why does washed even exist, its so boring.
and its more work

>> No.18662186

Which coffee beans should I get given the following profiles? Same price per bag
Light roasted washed Yirgacheffe
>Yellow Plum, Lemon Meringue, Floral
Light roasted natural process Ugandan
>Redcurrant, Vanilla, Apple

>> No.18662223

going to make magic mushroom tea like this

>> No.18662233

>Light roasted natural process Ugandan
what method

>> No.18662240
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Not stated unfortunately
I was already leaning towards the Ugandan so I'll go place my order now

>> No.18662251

no no
i meant how are you brewing it

>> No.18662259

Just an Aeropress. Been waiting for the Hario Switch to get discounted a bit before I pick up one of those

>> No.18662274

bros do i want a 'cappucino' or a 'macchiato'? iced btw, quick

>> No.18662278


>> No.18662291

I'm the guy from the last thread suffering from gastro

I was feeling fine the past few days and decided to have a coffee today. I'm not sure if it's just my mind playing tricks on me but I'm feeling that nauseous feeling again and my stomach rumbled.

Think I've really become sensitive to coffee out of the blue or is it all in my head and anxiety from my past couple of weeks of gastro.

I really don't want to end up on tea lol

>> No.18662302

What kinda coffee are you drinking? I'm pretty sure Kenyan coffee gave me an ulcer last year. That stuff is like battery acid.

>> No.18662324
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Well the pack says 100% arabica.

It's literally just preground supermarket stuff I've been drinking for years. Could I have just gotten a bad batch? It all started with this pack

>> No.18662334

Your body is starting to reject shit coffee. Time to read the pastebin.

>> No.18662341

I like proper coffee but you just cant beat the convenience of instant.

>> No.18662461

fuck I'm jelly, I want battery acid but I keep making these well-rounded perfectly extracted cups that are so fucking BORING

>> No.18662471

ok it's not bad, pretty strong; i had to mix it myself because it was like milk at the bottom and coffee on the top.. spilled some on my keyboard but this is the cost of trying new things

>> No.18662535

>milk at the bottom and coffee on the top
how the fuck does that happen?

>> No.18662548
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that's what they did idk... this is what i got

>> No.18662567

thats iced macchiato, fren

>> No.18662697

drinking a white russian

>> No.18662748

Tell him /ctg/ says hey when you're done.

>> No.18662796


>> No.18662819

interesting how you made that into a gay sex thing, pretty funny. actually I'm horribly lonely and not into gay stuff

someone post top tier green beans for me to buy

>> No.18662841

This was pretty good. Very interesting mix of flavors.
>Now I know what you’re thinking, “Double Washed” must mean this coffee is clean, crisp and super balanced, right? Think again, my friend. In this context, double washed means it has been fermented for 15 hours prior to a second washing, resulting in a heavy hitting cup that’s bold, flavorful and energetic.

>> No.18662879

DF64 ELR single dose with SSP Burrs or niche zero?

>> No.18662926

Well do you want a shitty grinder with great burrs or a great grinder with comparatively shitty burrs? What's the use case? What beans do you drink?

>> No.18662932

espresso mostly, medium roast mostly.
would you go for something else instead? i can up my budget

>> No.18662934
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i wish getting into espresso wasn't so expensive
i don't think i've ever had good espresso.

>> No.18662947

The niche has a better workflow than grinders costing 4-5 times as much. But you're going to have to deal with traditional Italian geometry. High fines, high body, low clarity. The df64 is a shit box clone of a mazzer superjolly from an industrial motor company that doesn't make grinders. Loud, messy, inconvenient, with significant retention before mods. But you've got a world of different geometries to toss in. If you want niche convenience with 64mm flats you're looking at a p64, acacia orbit, or a zerno z1.

>> No.18662963

hmm thanks, that's a lot to think about. Sadly most of those cost like $2000 CAD and look to be sold out everywhere

>> No.18662976

it isnt.
just as long as you dont buy anything with a motor or electrical shit.

>> No.18662987

Orbit just had it's Us only launch a few weeks ago. Supposed to be available everywhere early 2023. Weber design, acaia software and integrated grindbyweight if you have their scale too. No clue about zerno, that could be a preorder blackhole. P64s restock every few weeks on prima but you have to be quick. You could also go deeper in the Chinese market with the jt64. Smaller clone of the Zhang ultra/levercraft.

>> No.18662992
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can you give some examples?
even the lever action machines seemed spendy. i'd love to pick up that flair58 and faff about with it but needing a capable grinder with it is a hard sell

>> No.18662996

Just toss on a $99 k6 and you're set for a while. I used mine with a kinu for a few months.

>> No.18663011

Stomach cancer
Crohn's if you're lucky

>> No.18663036

Depends on your brew method really. Short answer is yes you can increase extraction by grinding finer but depending on how you're doing the extraction the finer grind could cause problems that fuck up your brew. You can't really increase extraction on a pour over by grinding finer past a certain point without running the risk of choking out the brewer and ending up with a really slow brew where your brew temp drops too much and you get channeling through the bed so your extraction is really uneven, just for one example.

Now something like an aeropress you can get away with fucking around with very fine grinds and still end up with something pretty nice because you have a lot more control over things like how long the brew takes. There's a bunch of info out there on people making what they claim is espresso from an aeropress (it's not but I've tried it and it can be very nice).

>> No.18663044

Whole beans bought from a local cafe/roaster fresh and ground there with their grinder, then stored airtight until use. It'll be better than shitty blade grinder distribution or stale-off-the-shelf grocery store shit. Just don't buy more than like a week's worth at a time, 2 at most.

>> No.18663055

Made French press for the first time earlier today, and with my new, bigger mug. There’s a lot more extraction than you get with drip. I was halfway through my first mug full and started getting jittery. I had a mug and a half which is probably equivalent to the two mugs I usually drink with my old mug and felt anxiety and stuff. I’ll do 3 scoops instead of 4 next time.

>> No.18663169

Anybody here use the grinder from the grocery store. My local Winco has bulk coffee from red brick and I gave it a try. Got the beans, then set the grinder to one notch under espresso fine and got my coffee. I think some of the coffee from the last person got in it so I'll like dust it off first next time

>> No.18663182
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>make a knockoff delonghi dedica
>give it a "retro" style
>that'll be $500 + tip

>> No.18663205


>> No.18663228

See a doctor, retard.

>> No.18663237

Looks AND sounds smeggy.

>> No.18663307

okay bros my moka came out *way* too sour
what do i do

>> No.18663357

did you watch the james hoffmann videos.
did you watch moka voodoo?
did you check the puck for channeling
did you grind right?
was the heat too high

>> No.18663419

return it

>> No.18663421

skill issue.

>> No.18663590

Maybe you got bad coffee

>> No.18663698

Greek coffee is number 1 coffee in all Europe!

>> No.18663719

Love Greekbros and no offense intended (fr) but isn't that just what everyone calls Turkish?

>> No.18663727

I'm falling in love with fart coffee

>> No.18663748

Not sure if it's because my method of brewing is wrong or what, but I think the relation between Sumatra to other origins of coffee is the same as goat milk to regular milk. It tastes stinkier

>> No.18663844

I tried sumatra because of the guy who spams it and it was the worst coffee I've ever had. Single origin from a regional well regarded roaster too so not some trash from amazon. Even the artificial hazelnut flavor coffee I ordered by accident once and threw away after a cup and needed to throw the trash away the next morning because they fucking stunk up everything was better lmfao

>> No.18663863

Yeah except I don't really mind it. I just think of it as "spiced". It's interesting to drink as espresso.
I just had some as espresso and another cup with a lot of milk. It was fine
But also yeah, you buy this expensive freshly roasted coffee give a freshly opened bag a sniff expecting something amazing only to be disappointed by the bad smells

>> No.18663939

Not worth it. Well, not every day for months.

>> No.18663963

Yeah, Sumatra beans definitely have an earthy funk to them.
The smell of the beans is a bit much for me, but I love the coffee they make.

>> No.18664191

The Greeks and Turks both believe they invented this method of making coffee.
I love the stuff either way, I wish I could get grounds that aren't stale where I live.

>> No.18664229

grinder rec in the $800-$1000 range ? I drink espresso

>> No.18664237

if you're too dumb to read the OP just google whatever reddit would recommend at that price point

>> No.18664447

that coffee producing region has its own coffee cartel website: https://zombo.com/

>> No.18664458

>i wish getting into espresso wasn't so expensive
>i don't think i've ever had good espresso.
flair 58 will get you amazing espresso for $500ish

>> No.18664481

>grinder rec in the $800-$1000 range ? I drink espresso
niche zero if you want traditional italian espresso
df64 / df83 with HU burrs if you want more modern style espresso focused on medium to lighter roasts

>> No.18664490

I prefer medium and lighter roast, but is the DF64 also good with darker roasts?

>> No.18664505 [DELETED] 

I'm probably going to get a flair down the road but let's not act like $500 for espresso isn't chump change
I got into aeropressing coffee for $150 and that was the whole deal -- press, a q2, and an electric kettle.

>> No.18664507

I'm probably going to get a flair down the road but let's not act like $500 for espresso is chump change
I got into aeropressing coffee for $150 and that was the whole deal -- press, a q2, and an electric kettle.

>> No.18664512

Guy asked for a grinder up to $1000 so if anything anon is giving him cheap options.

>> No.18664514
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1638218908241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm posting like a fucking retard this morning and quoted his post by accident

>> No.18664520

For the sake of your toilet and anyone that lives with you I hope your aim with your dick is better than your aim with your mouse

>> No.18664528

I'm already pretty retarded but I'm fighting constant post-surgery hand pain with codeine and neither are doing me any favors on that front. especially when I don't give my morning coffee time to kick in

>> No.18664538

SSP HU's are going to be higher extracting than the conical in the niche, so youll prob need to work around them (shorter ratio, lower temp, etc), but theyre designed to work more across roast profiles

alternatively, SSP multipurpose are supposed to be more geared toward lighter roast, thinner body shots and work best at 1:3+ ratios and/or pourover

>> No.18664539

>alternatively, SSP multipurpose are supposed to be more geared toward lighter roast, thinner body shots and work best at 1:3+ ratios and/or pourover
as in theyll suck for dark roast

>> No.18664551

right now I use a rocky and pretty much everything would be an upgrade. I use a 18g VST basket and usually go 1:2 ratio in about 25-35 seconds.
Most of the grains I get are medium or medium/darkish.
I would like to dabble in lighter roasts too

>> No.18664573

>right now I use a rocky and pretty much everything would be an upgrade. I use a 18g VST basket and usually go 1:2 ratio in about 25-35 seconds.
>Most of the grains I get are medium or medium/darkish.
that sounds like you enjoy a more traditional espresso style. conical would be best for that, but will be at a disadvantage for lighter roasts - not to say you cant do them.

niche zero is a safe bet if you like that style - then there's a pretty big $ gap to larger conical single dosers unless you can find a used HG-1 or something. HG2, weber key, monolith conical 4/5, etc are all going to be well over $1000

>> No.18664607

Does the HG-1 being manual have an advantage over the niche zero?

>> No.18664618

>Does the HG-1 being manual have an advantage over the niche zero?
the only advantage of it being manual is it allows them to sell much better burrs at a more affordable price. still expensive though

>> No.18664623

well you've piqued my curiosity and I might go ahead and get this : https://cafune.ca/products/craig-lyn-design-studio-hg-1-prime

>> No.18664657

completely forgot this existed. the guys on home barista seem to really like it: https://www.home-barista.com/grinders/hg-1-prime-user-experience-t78953.html

>> No.18664668

Thanks for you insight, I appreciate it.

>> No.18664725

Same. It's simple to do and tasty
You sure you properly looked on google? It finds local roasters that are near you pretty well

>> No.18664753

I'm not going to drink coffee today... and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.18664777

I live in bumblefuck USA, getting Greek grounds (name brand like papagalous or bravo) that aren't old is pretty tough. There's a Greek import shop about half an hour from me that sells it, but it doesn't last long if I don't freeze it. And there's something in me that just doesn't want to freeze coffee.
Still, a small bag is maybe $4, so even with the losses, I can get a few good cups for the same cost as a latte or whatever at a coffee shop.
I suppose I could try just grinding other beans very fine and seeing what happens.

>> No.18664887

Just get the niche(or df64 with stock italmills) if you're planning on sticking with dark roasts.

>> No.18664898

Those guys drink dark roast boomer espresso at 1:2 in 35s. Hg1 will be perfect for that.

>> No.18664903

I said I drink medium roast mostly and medium/darkish. Not dark roasts only.

>> No.18664958

I am one of those guys and I'd rather drink a darker roasts instead of a light roasts that tastes like tea.

>> No.18664994

What would be the cheapest but still good electric grinder for filter? Not planning on buying one any time soon, but I'm just curious because when people discuss electric grinders it's usually for espresso and pourover grinder discussion is mostly about hand grinders. I know the hoff likes the wilfa grinders, but I've seen some people in these threads shittalk them.

>> No.18665121

Fellow ode is what you want. The wilfa Hoffman actually used was a stepped 58mm flat. Ode is all that plus more.

>> No.18665150
File: 54 KB, 1255x902, ristretto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light roasts that tastes like tea.
i'm over here pulling light roast syrupy fruit bomb ristrettos with my monolith max with shuriken LM burrs

>> No.18665273

Don't you just love when they selfsnitch about not being able to make good coffee? I think I'll wug up a little funky bali, just for you pal. How are you liking that switch to extractamundo?

>> No.18665274

forgot to wash the coffee sock, brewed today and it had a nice fermented taste, why even bother buying naturals

>> No.18665308

lmao fruity tea drinker.

>> No.18665318
File: 30 KB, 400x400, JH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm James Hoffman and today we're going to talk about coffee enemas. Now, I know what you're thinking - coffee enemas? That sounds strange and potentially dangerous. And you're right, coffee enemas are not a recommended procedure and should not be performed without the supervision of a qualified medical professional.

But, despite the risks, coffee enemas have been used for centuries as a way to cleanse the body and promote overall health. Proponents of coffee enemas claim that the caffeine in the coffee stimulates the digestive system and can help to remove toxins from the body.

Now, before you go running to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee and head to the bathroom, I want to stress again that coffee enemas are not recommended and can be dangerous if not performed correctly. They can lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and in rare cases, even death.

If you're still interested in trying a coffee enema, it's important to consult with a qualified medical professional who can provide guidance and supervision. And remember, moderation is key. Too much caffeine can be harmful, so it's important to follow instructions and only perform coffee enemas in moderation.

So, there you have it - a brief look at the controversial topic of coffee enemas. As always, it's important to do your own research and consult with a qualified medical professional before trying any new health regimen. Take care, and I'll see you in the next video.

>> No.18665400
File: 523 KB, 899x751, broaderespressocommunity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brevity is the soul of wit.
>mfw coffee enema

>> No.18665426

I wonder if there are rich freaks out there who use really expensive coffee for their enemas. Seems like a waste to me, but who knows? I am a peon who doesn't understand wasting natural resources like wealthy people do.

>> No.18665427
File: 125 KB, 248x310, 1670354289_librewolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a better one

>> No.18665664

>I think I'll wug up a little funky bali, just for you pal
enjoy, my friend

>> No.18665820

Ran out lel. Went with this instead. Crisp cherrybomb. Prime candidate for fucking with that frozen ball tech.

>> No.18665907

You could buy freshly roasted arabica and grind it yourself

>> No.18665913

Why even respond to the retard?

>> No.18666019

>Hoffman brews the coffee for his coffee enema in, of course, a plastic v60

>> No.18666032

how do i buy? or is it free? send me 5lbs thanks

>> No.18666082

I'm brewing coffee now by doing the Hoffmeme French press recipe. Except it's much cleaner to pour it through a paper filter. Any other tips I should follow?

>> No.18666101

Accept that it's a French press

>> No.18666112
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I don't even have one; this is all you need

>> No.18666132

Might as well just do pourovers if you're willing to involve paper filters for your brew

>> No.18666168

The efficiency seems to be better, steeping 9 minutes instead of 3 minutes. It's also brainless zero skill impossible to screw up and I don't have to stand there topping it off.

>> No.18666171

Take the Hario Switch pill

>> No.18666172
File: 45 KB, 834x802, ripgcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a roaster who buys coffee from Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia. I snagged 5lbs of the fall 2019 crop from a green coffee coop, roasted and drank 2, and kept 3lbs in the stash for when I upgraded my setup a bit. I'm pretty sure it was the most expensive coffee the guy ever sourced for the coop and he explicitly told me not to share any.
Same coffee, different year, different process.

>> No.18666214


>> No.18666232

Here's another. Hopefully a decent roaster, but when I didn't know what the fuck I was doing I was still blown away by the cups so you're probably fine.
>*We roast and ship Monday-Friday each week.However, we don't roast all of our coffee offerings every day. If you would like to have your order fulfilled with coffee roasted the same day, please let us know in the notes section at checkout!*

>> No.18666255

thanks for taking the time to link them! saving for when i get through these other beans!

>> No.18666262
File: 89 KB, 460x460, pepe coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French press time again frens. I only used three scoops this time instead of four, so hopefully no jitters or anxiety.

>> No.18666292

Any recommendation on a kettle that you can set temps on? Preferably, costing not more than a $100.

>> No.18666412

i never get jittery no matter how much i drink

>> No.18666427

>temp control gooseneck kettle
what is google?

>> No.18666463

I'll be honest, I tried the Hoffman method, and I wasn't very impressed.
Despite steeping for 10 minutes, the coffee still tasted underextracted.
I went back to the standard method of just steeping for 4 minutes and then slowly pressing the plunger down.

>> No.18666506

>what is google?
full of shills so that's why I'm asking here, and since there's nothing in the pastebin about kettles

>> No.18666514

By 4 minutes it's so brown I can't see thru it anymore. My motivation for waiting the whole 9 minutes it's to test this hypothesis about astringent chemicals sinking.
Haven't made enough coffee this way to say whether it's legit. So far all I can say is there's still some astringency.

>> No.18666600

>full of shills
go back to /x/ schizo

>> No.18666612

>By 4 minutes it's so brown I can't see thru it anymore
Yes? and?
It's not over extracted or anything. I'm getting a good, smooth cup with no bitter or sour notes.

I'll be honest, that article seems realty poorly written to me, and provides pretty weak evidence for anything beyond the obvious.
The one thing I can tell you that will settle out is all the coffee fines, which will taste astringent if you get a mouth full of them.
Keeping the fines in suspension also allows them to overextract and add bitter tastes like that.

>> No.18666628

Makes me feel less like I'm wasting my life here, when I try to write helpful posts.
Though it's weird. Turkish preground bagged coffee smells a lot different from freshly roasted freshly ground stuff, they probably use flavorings or it's a really dark roasted robusta. It smells very strong and coffee-like. Kinda pleasant and closest I got to that was the boring medium roast Djimmah that took me a while to finish..

>> No.18666741
File: 147 KB, 1440x1800, IMG_20221204_163112_966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey sweet! Never knew we had a coffee thread somewhere

Cheers from Ontario! Just finished these Arcangel beans from Monogram. Worked fine with milk but the straight shots had a sourness to them I never got dialed out

>> No.18666786

Got a Govee goose neck kettle from Amazon for around $60? it has 4 presets with a DIY option via app. Has worked flawlessly, so far.

>> No.18666796
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>> No.18666816

Depending on how cheap you're talking Eureka's Mignon line isn't half bad and is about the cheapest you'll find without going full normie on an encore

>> No.18666926

my hario cold brew pot just broke ffs, was cleaning it while moving shit on the rack and it tapped the kitchen counter top and broke :<
Trying to get a replacement off amazon.

>> No.18666973
File: 44 KB, 1000x563, snoringMan_610243414%201200x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink coffee
>immediately feel drowsy
Someone explain.

>> No.18666977

You're defective, fuck off about it

>> No.18666981


>> No.18666983

There's no milk in my coffee.

>> No.18667006

got my refund.
do I buy the same one again or get the older model which has 200ml extra volume?

>> No.18667021

My daily standard are Starbucks French Roast beans

>> No.18667024

You fell for the medium roast meme

>> No.18667030


>> No.18667048
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>> No.18667218

honestly this

>> No.18667220

Is Jimmy Hoffman universally liked on /ck/

>> No.18667229


>> No.18667335


>> No.18667336


>> No.18667352

I don’t know

>> No.18667414

can you repeat the question

>> No.18667436


>> No.18667531

You should take into account when videos are 2-3 years old. Consumer offerings can change drastically in that time, which also sort of happened with manual grinders.

>> No.18667537

Every other week I buy one of those big Starbucks black coffee boxes. I love it.

>> No.18667753
File: 14 KB, 559x423, FdHvDTGacAMPxcx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finishing my washed colombian
only 80 grams left...

>> No.18667841

Got a thermometer so I can finally put these dark roasts to use

>> No.18667858

why do you need a thermometer to put dark roasts in the bin?

>> No.18667863

I piss in the sink tho

>> No.18667867

I ordered a monthly subscription from a (relatively) local roaster and didn't know that they roast their stuff pretty darkly. But at the same time it's not so dark that it completely eliminates the unique taste of the beans, it's on the edge of medium. So I feel bad about throwing it away because while not amazing it's not grocery store-tier either. But without a thermometer I didn't have any reference for my water temp other than boiling, which is fine for light roasts but the darker stuff made bitter cups at that temperature. Now I can get water at like 85C or so, which makes it much more pleasant.

>> No.18667909

life is unfair

>> No.18667942

Could go coarser with your grind or lower the amount of water used.

>> No.18667954

Went about as coarse as I could, but you reach the point where water just drains way too fast (for a pourover). Never tried playing around with the amount of water though, should have thought of that. But now that I have a thermometer it's kinda pointless, I prefer making bigger cups and I can do it without making bitter as fuck coffee now.

>> No.18668064

More like COPEee

>> No.18668283

flat burrs vs conical for expresso? light-medium roasts

>> No.18668298

yeah i watched those vids
tried again today grinding two steps finer though i'm almost in espresso range now
exact same result, way too sour
also no channeling in the puck and i don't think the heat was too high either, lowest setting on my gas burner and i start coasting it once the coffee flows to regulate the heat
maybe it really is the coffee i'm literally getting a better result with illy espresso pre-ground lol

>> No.18668376

Whichever one you have available, my dude.

>> No.18668394
File: 205 KB, 607x1000, 15d9bcbd2ca701883d97dc7b0346984f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preground always bad, but supermarket goffee not always.
You ever see this one in stores? It's not bad at all from a mokapot(if you are making milk drinks)

>> No.18668416

>i'm almost in espresso range now
way too fine
for me its
boiling water in base
max heat(smallest gas burner, the max flame is about the same size as the base)
when coffee starts flowing and makes a ring at the bottom i turn it to min and wait for it to reach halfway to the bottom of the spout
turn heat off
when coffee reaches the bottom of the spout(or slightly before) i submerge the base in a bowl of cold water for 10 seconds (or until it stops making a gurgling or hissing noise which is normal for this stage)
and thats it. and i drink the whole thing. depends on the beans but i enjoy making milk drinks(i just think its fun:)) so if its really high quality beans i will drink black otherwise i will make a cortado or latte or flat white if i have guests.

i never buy anything higher than medium roast
light roasts can work but are harder to dial in.
i assume you are using the 6 cup version.
also i am using the E&B Lab competition filter which imo is essential for any moka enthusiast, it requires a slightly finer grind than regular moka grind but still not espresso fine.
so "my" method might work a little different if you use a standard filter.

also just to make sure but there is no tamping of the grounds in the basket, you just fill it and make its level at the top.
having a less than full basket can cause problems from my experience. you have to kind of work backwards when measuring weight of grounds in basket to weight of beans, and also different beans will weigh different amounts so a full basket of medium panama geisha and a full basket of light ethiopian will weigh different amounts even though they take up the same volume. good to keep a notebook of each brew method and result and also of beans you can't go off of a "universal" dose for moka. also helps for buying coffee, if you know x coffee fills a basket with 33g you might need to buy more of it to last the same as a coffee that fills a basket with 24g.
i hope some of this is helpful in any way.

>> No.18668423

bet it is dark roast trash.

>> No.18668444
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>roasting = 6/6

>> No.18668473

just drink tar at that point

>> No.18668478

it's all about the texture.

>> No.18668497

of burnt bad quality beans roasted months ago?

>> No.18668511

you think you're better because you grind your coffee fresh? I save so much time not doing that shit lmao

>> No.18668520

I am better than you.

>> No.18668523


>> No.18668536

>I save so much time
your time is worthless and you are coping about drinking shit coffee.
stop defending trash and care about what you put in your body.

>> No.18668541

>care about what you put in your body.
either way it's only muddied watter.
are you trying to cope with the fact that you have a $5000 setup and can't make good espresso compared to starbuck?

>> No.18668559

sorry champ but it's over.

>> No.18668708

I would try that as a dessert

>> No.18668837

Dark roast makes it go really good with milk

>> No.18668858

milk makes dark roasts drinkable
it doesnt make them good or better than other roasts.

>> No.18668912

Maybe so.
I wonder about something different, do people drink moka coffee without milk? I always did mine with milk. If I want black I go for espresso or Turkish

>> No.18668949

depends on the beans
i had a $1000 95 rated panama geisha light roast in my moka and it was the best coffee i have ever had, black it was divine.
if you tried it blindfolded you wouldn't even know it was coffee. no bitterness or sour or acid or tart or astringent or any of that.
it was like i was eating a fruit salad while smelling flowers.
im not rich so i only have stuff of that quality maybe once a year.
also african natural process medium roasts can be had black, if you want to really want to analyze every note.

when i have guests i ask how they want it and they always say black, and they pretty much always ask for seconds.

i enjoy making milk drinks so thats how i usually have my average cup with breakfast or whatever.
but with new coffee i always have it black. just to fully experience what that bean has to offer.

>> No.18668971

Wouldn't it be better to brew those super premium quality beans as espresso?

>> No.18668975

i mean, yeh if you care about espresso
but i dont.

>> No.18668981

What kind of mokapot you have? Do you brew 1000$ beans in just a standard aluminium Bialetti?

>> No.18668995

>you think you're better because you wipe your ass? I save so much time not doing that shit lmao

>> No.18669021

James Hoffman has brewed some of the best beans in the world through a cheap paper filter in a plastic V60.
Highly respected cafes have done the same, but perhaps with a slightly more expensive paper filter and a ceramic V60.

>> No.18669037

If you have the money for that type of expensive coffee, wouldn't you also invent in some good coffee gadgets? It's even fun to shop around.
I just wanted ideas since I also need to buy a mokapot for myself. Are you saying you don't even have a stainless steel or a made-in-Italy one?

>> No.18669040
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, Rot-ca-phe-tu-am-moka-EB-lab-vao-tach-de-thuong-thuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E&B Lab 6 cup moka.
there really isn't much to be improved upon other than material quality and a competition filter.
which the E&B Lab moka comes with.
you can use different materials but that can change how the moka works, like high quality stainless steel would be a great material to use but it is 10x less efficient in terms of thermal transference(which is why it is almost never used in the base if used at all)
copper might be a better material for heating (see the bripe) but im not sure how much it would affect the taste (i know there is the bripe and copper cookware but it just seems strange in my head)

the quality of the E&B Lab moka is much better than even similarly priced moka from other brands including bialetti.
the only problem i have which is mainly with moka pots in general is the handle is a piece of shit, i have very large hands and trying to hold the pot when it is hot is very annoying.
the best handle i found on a moka was on some cheap chink shit that blew up and almost killed me.

>> No.18669069

Oh, I've seen these posted here before. It's a little frustrating to see all those Out of Production texts on products in their website. They do seem nice.
I have a Bialetti Brikka and while the handle is nice to me(dunno I have medium smallish hands or something) I am completely disappointed in the brewing method.
I had bad luck with a shitty Chinese one too, not as bad as yours though, whenever I I grabbed it, somehow it poured above-boiling-temp coffee backwards right on my hand every time. and it also flowed crooked when I poured stuff into cups.. God that one was awful to use.

>> No.18669078

I don't wipe I use a bidet, loser.

>> No.18669085

Opposite, imo.

>> No.18669086

90% of your investment should lie in the grinder. maybe a kettle makes some difference for pourover, but for the actual brewing device there is little to no difference. What are they gonna make it out of? gold? there is not really much technical stuff in there

>> No.18669094
File: 915 KB, 419x558, lady oro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I just found out my go-to roaster sells Mokapots that are both made in Italy and are stainless steel. Well that was simple.

>> No.18669096

>Bialetti Brikka
bin it.
total trash. insult to even call it a moka.

also yeh E&B Lab are not really company that can mass produce these moka.
which may or may not be a good thing.

also i forgot to add in my other post but the E&B Lab moka basket is larger than the standard basket.
which allows for some other recipes so to speak.

>> No.18669099

winner = you

>> No.18669107

>>Bialetti Brikka
>bin it.

>> No.18669111

Yeah I moved on to Flair, but I remember mokapot coffee being tastier with milk. So I want a mokapot.
Almost. I think they wrote it wrong. The lady oro is still aluminium. Ah well, it's not like I'll be using it as frequently as the Flair.

>> No.18669116

i've noticed that the steel ones are round while the aluminium ones have the flat sides.

>> No.18669131

I'm not gonna bin mine, but two youtubers shat on it, One of them was Hoff, who I respect

And the coffee I was making tasted too sour and it stalled too often wasting 20grams of coffee every time

>> No.18669140

reminder that normies think the darker the roast the more coffein it has

>> No.18669143 [DELETED] 

white women love BBC (bold black coffee)

>> No.18669148 [DELETED] 

>bold black coffee
correction: bitter black coffee

>> No.18669152

white women love BBC (bitter black coffee)

>> No.18669156

seems like a machining (or casting?) issue.

>> No.18669157

fuck. I'm so bored. I'm gonna make expresso just to amuse myself even though it's evening. 2 cups even.

>> No.18669160

thats a pretty low dose.
i dont think i have ever made a 20g moka.

>> No.18669172

You have the E&B with the bigger basket, right? I honestly don't remember, but I think I remember a regular 3-4 cup mokapot is about 20grams for a full basket

>> No.18669185

I know it's a funny shitpost but women do not drink black coffee, they drink milk and sugar syrup with a tinge of coffee flavoring

>> No.18669235

My girl drinks americanos. Stop settling.


>> No.18669278

yes, i have had it so long i forgot how small the standard basket is.
i think the max i have put in an E&B basket is 34g.

>> No.18669396

>Worked fine with milk but the straight shots had a sourness to them I never got dialed out
have you tried a high alkaline water recipe? i pull lots of light roast shots and use a water that's 20gh/80kh and it tames the acidity nicely - still quite acidic for some beans, but not sour