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18653189 No.18653189 [Reply] [Original]

Which milk alternative is the best?
Almond? Oat? Soy?
Can I use any as milk substitutes in baking recipes?

>> No.18653237

The one that is shipped from the furthest distance in the most plastic container in order to own le capitalism and climate change

>> No.18653284

Nigga who cares about the environment?
I'm lactose intolerant but I still want to be able to bake recipes that use milk which is a lot of them

>> No.18653291

almond milk is pretty nice, i wouldnt add it to coffee or anything though. maybe muesli ?

>> No.18653298

Longtime lactard, baker, and chef here. Lactose free real milk is your best bet.
Oat > hemp > cashew > almond > soy > rice.

>> No.18653324

Almond milk is not milk, it is almond
Oat milk is not milk, it is oat
Soy milk is not milk, it is soy
Milk is milk. Buy lactose-free milk if you are lactose-intolerant. You do not substitute milk with soy and think you're using milk

>> No.18653328

I don't have a lot of experience because I eat/drink a lot of dairy, I have a bottle of kefir at my desk right now lol, but the little I have tried using dairy substitutes in recipes because hasn't really produced good results, baking especially I think you need a set amount of fat for the recipe to work. Maybe you could substitute coconut fat or something? With how not eating dairy is trendy now it's probably well explored

>> No.18653330
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>I'm lactose intolerant
well then

>> No.18653768

Why would you use alternative ""milks"" if you don't have to. Use lactose free actual milk you fucking gigantic retard.
Hell, for baking you can probably use normal milk, the amount of lactose that ends up in most baked goods is very low and should not bother you. But lactose free is a good idea if you also want to drink it or whatever in addition to baking. Both are much better than fake ""milk""

>> No.18654174


>> No.18654740

If you don't acquire a suitable blender and make it yourself you're falling for overmarketed goyslop anyway.

>> No.18654760

For me, it's Chateau Romani.

>> No.18654786


>> No.18654824

soy is best, oat at least has some fiber, most others are essentially oily water with some additives and thickeners

a fully loaded tractor trailer across the country burns less fuel per-unit than anything you buy at the local farmer's market because the vendors all lil pissbabies with cute arms that look like little cigarettes and small trucks

>> No.18654833

For me it's UHT semi skimmed.

>> No.18654837


>> No.18654840

none for me. only whole plant foods :-)

>> No.18655027

Why do people fucking hate soya milk and oat milk and cashew milk etc.
Shit tastes delicious

>> No.18655045


>> No.18655077
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Depends on what you're using it for as there are large taste differences between brands.

You need to go back.

>> No.18655780


Pasteurization exacerbates lactose intolerance. Aquire raw cow's milk from a local farmer and give that a try before you go non-dairy. If that doesn't work, get raw goat's milk. If that doesn't work, use oat milk.


>a fully loaded tractor trailer across the country burns less fuel per-unit than anything you buy at the local farmer's market

You're wrong, and a nigger cattle.

>> No.18656099

>I'm lactose intolerant but I still want to be able to bake recipes that use milk
So just buy lactose-free milk, pretty much every brand has that.

>> No.18656103

that's because it's loaded with sugar and flavoring and additives to make it not tastes and feel like gritty shit

>> No.18656117

>Which milk alternative is the best?
Oat and Cashew for flavor, Almond for low calorie and for drinking with cookies/sweets.
>Can I use any as milk substitutes in baking recipes?
I've only ever substituted almond milk with my rice pudding. would never substitute otherwise

>> No.18656123

Do people actually transfer their milk to these fancy containers

>> No.18656130

Soy is closest for a nutricional profile. Walnut, hazelnut great in coffee and cocoa. Oat for savoury sauces, milky soups. Coconut for desserts because of fat content but tastes too strong. Rise is meh nutritionally but fits most uses. Check what's available local, get a cheese bag, make your own.
t.vegan antichrist

>> No.18657537

Soy has more proteins, needs some cocoa powder or coffee though

>> No.18657558
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>> No.18657584

My mother transfers everything into another container. Some examples
>Imitation vanilla
>packets of hot coco
>laundry softener
>tide pods
>other jars

>> No.18657593
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That’s cute but
>other jars

>> No.18657610

Some she uses as decoration like nesting dolls but they are cookie jars, while others she uses just for storage purposes. Because she needs extras in case she finds something else that needs transferred from its original package into another package.

>> No.18657612


>> No.18658953

my nut milk

>> No.18659982

cum milk

>> No.18660582

Breast milk.