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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 926x618, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18650552 No.18650552 [Reply] [Original]

Call me a cucked faggot all you like, but when I knock up my wife, I'm looking forward to being sent out at all hours of the night to get food to satisfy her dumb-ass cravings.

What's some stupid shit I can expect her to request?

>> No.18650556

how come if you knock up your wife, everybody congratulates you, but if you knock her down, the neighbors call the cops. I don't get stuff like that.

>> No.18650558

Fresh fish that you catch yourself so you're away long enough for her to spend some quality time with the real father.

>> No.18650562

I'm not gonna bring her fishing anon, she's pregnant!

>> No.18650564


>> No.18650584

Same reason if you're a man in a red suit with a beard who comes down the chimney, you're Santa and considered an international treasure, but if you're a man in a blue suit with curly sideburns and you go up the chimney, you're considered a war crime.

>> No.18650595

>if you're a man in a blue suit with curly sideburns and you go up the chimney, you're considered a war crime.
could you elaborate on this anon

>> No.18650602

No, I won't

>> No.18650613
File: 54 KB, 1084x621, FJVr3AlVgAAV9nv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18650614

i had to go get marshmallows and pickles

>> No.18650616

basically it never happened and anon is just talking shit

>> No.18650639


>> No.18650694

Cucked faggot all I like.

>> No.18650700

I don't think it's chucked, it's cute. You're being a good hubby protecting your preggers wifey it's only natural
t. ranny

>> No.18650718
File: 109 KB, 1024x683, 1670028160558781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cucked faggot
>helping his wife who gives birth to his flesh and blood
Stop falling the the memes of the mentally ill, and tell that bitch to make her own food and maybe make something for you too.
>fuck a pregnant bitch a call that shit a threesome

>> No.18650726

Why are white people this pathetic and emasculated?

>> No.18650727


>> No.18650730
File: 62 KB, 220x272, laugh-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that Vash Stampede lookin nigga just right of center

>> No.18650744

you’re right lol I <3 Vash tho

>> No.18651139

This board is completely retarded and faggottish

>> No.18651173

What does this thread mean
Op ask for what his girl may or not ask?
Wtf, people are really like this?

This, people are getting full of crap

>> No.18651925

You will never impregnate your non-existent wife and will never have children. What is this larp? Are you masturbating while you type this?

>> No.18651939

most fashionable niggas on /fa/

>> No.18651980
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laugh so god damn hard at this picture every time I see it.

>> No.18652035


>> No.18652051

audible kek

>> No.18652058
File: 430 KB, 1200x471, 2014-03-10-bedtime-snack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, pickles.
It's a salt imbalance thing IIRC.

>> No.18652064

Knew a chick who ate vanilla ice cream with fried onions when she was pregnant.

>> No.18652067

Not him but my wife preferred fish to most meats early in her pregnancy. More than any cravings, she had aversions. She occasionally gets a hyper specific craving, such as a sandwich with mozzarella, hummus, and bell peppers specifically on a bagel.

>> No.18652598

>Sonnenrad cripple with a hitler 'stache
Good Lord

>> No.18652631

Nothing cucked about making your literal impregnated wife comfortable wtf

>> No.18652636

he works for me irl, he's a homo

>> No.18652639

It's OP. If he has a literal wife who is literally pregnant, he is literally cucked.

>> No.18652642

idk how ANYONE could find pregnant women bearable.
I mean look at her, she's got a gigantic fucking tumor growing inside her abdomen. How can you guys can look at that and not be revolted?

>> No.18652666


Remember the six gorillion

>> No.18653955

Of course I will.

>> No.18653958


>> No.18654417

for me it was chinese food

>> No.18654418

its not that u knocked up ur wife, its how u knocked her up.

>> No.18654789

that's adorable anon

>> No.18654814

That subtle Holmes reference tho.

>> No.18654830

it's adolf crippler

>> No.18654855

when she starts bitching about her cravings
show your cock down her throat
she only deserves cum :^)

>> No.18654968


>> No.18656182

Lol yeah he loves adding random references, well, used to

>> No.18657570

My ex said she craved grass