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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.78 MB, 2823x2117, TB 12 1 22 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18648777 No.18648777 [Reply] [Original]

Picked up some Taco Bell last night. It’s still a nice lazy treat from time to time, but not really worth it if you don’t have any rewards.

>> No.18648787

Taco bell gives me the shlits but I like to get their chili burrito and some fries supreme every once in a while, the fries supreme being some of the best fast food you can get imo.

>> No.18648789

Where's the rare burger?

>> No.18648800

Oh yay youre back! I made a thread about you yesterday.

Ive finally grown up and realized you aren’t actually cringe, but rather comfy and based. Maybe thats because im lonely now.

Where the fuck is the burg? Also drinking pinnacle?! Wtf is wrong with you, hard times? Nice Beatles Revolver album, is that your fav?

Also how about those dunkaroos? Pretty shitty nowadays huh?

Back to the topic of Taco Bell, your nachos remind me how much i miss their 5$ shredded chicken nacho box.

>> No.18648820

This dude wants to give you a bj

>> No.18648827
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>> No.18648831
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 3BD08192-519F-4E1B-9CE4-80922541DAB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn son you got me wanting Taco Bell now

Maybe I’ll get some tomorrow after work

>> No.18648834

Same faggot

>> No.18648844


>> No.18648867
File: 102 KB, 1053x1117, TB 12 1 22 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made a thread about you yesterday
I know. I replied to it and hinted I might pick up some Del Taco. Turns out taco night ends at 11pm, so I just got TB instead.
Yeah, I was arguing with some anon a few months ago about budget vodkas and he kept insisting that Pinnacle was the best, so I've been rotating a few different brands recently and occasionally giving it a shot. It's not as bad as I'd remembered, but is still on the pricier side compared to my usual fare without being significantly higher quality.
It's the super deluxe vinyl. It was completely remixed in stereo by George Martin's son using the sound isolation technology developed by Peter Jackson for Get Back.
I'm honestly not sure if they've gotten worse or I'm just not 7 years old anymore.
>5$ shredded chicken nacho box
Those were probably the last good thing TB ever did.
I left the place I used to work a few months ago, so no more burgers. Not really sure I want to get back into kitchen work.

>> No.18648871

It's alright once in a while. The mobile apps little 5$ box feels like the last real value menu item these days. Great for when you're eating on a razor thin budget but don't got the energy to cook

>> No.18648924
File: 162 KB, 1159x1595, TB 12 1 22 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mobile apps little 5$ box feels like the last real value menu item these days
It's not even $5 for me anymore. I go to 3-4 different locations and they've always had slightly different prices, but over the last few years they've all consistently raised the price on everything to the point where it hardly matters anymore because you just know you're going to get screwed.
I've never understood why people always confuse me with cabin guy. I'm not 300 pounds and would never eat a stack of un-grilled burritos off a paper plate like an animal.
I make the occasional typo, but would never put the dollar sign behind the number or use reddit spacing.

>> No.18648955
File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that happen often? I honestly only post on /ck/ once a month at most so I didn’t think I had much presence here.

>> No.18648972

>derides me for reddit spacing
Ive never used reddit in my life, never plan to. Its called double spacing and its a force of habit. Fuck you, i hate you again.

>> No.18649026


>> No.18649030

>Ive finally grown up and realized you aren’t actually cringe, but rather comfy and based
nah, nigga.
that anon is 100% cringe.

>> No.18649032

Uh oh, blowjob has been cancelled.

>> No.18649034

>watching friends
when you shaving that hair off your arms, girly man?

>> No.18649036

Cabin fuck here, I’ll take the blowjob if it’s still on the table

>> No.18649042
File: 887 KB, 2048x1536, 8CAB83A5-99CD-4C0D-99FA-ACF859D7F386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just what my mom had on when I came in, I’m personally more of a Seinfeld guy

>> No.18649050

i realize this now after he insults one of the few people who actually thought about him. never again.

im trans btw idk if that matters

>> No.18649057
File: 1.74 MB, 2823x2117, TB 12 1 22 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kind of drunk and forgot to modify my nachos. Usually I'd add onions, red sauce, jalapenos, and maybe even some fries if I was feeling frisky. The best I could find in my fridge was a pepperoncini, which made me sad because it reminded me of Papa John's, the worst fast food pizza chain.
>does that happen often
Not really, but /ck/ is still relatively slow and not too many people post their faces here. Give it a few hours and some schizo will post the same old image of the reflection of a couple burritos in a bottle of Aberlour with a drawing of a fat bald buy that looks just like you. It will be titled, "killmepls".
>fuck you, i hate you again
I'm heartbroken. That blowjob is still on the table though, right?

>> No.18649132
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x3024, 921C94CC-44D7-4F83-80EF-865C3F83186D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same old image of the reflection of a couple burritos in a bottle of Aberlour with a drawing of a fat bald buy that looks just like you

I’ve never seen this. Are you saying someone made a photoshopped image of your burritos with a drawn picture of me? Do you have the pic? Also, is your main gimmick posting pics of Taco Bell exclusively? If so what are your thoughts on Diablo sauce? I wish they sold it in bottles

>> No.18649147
File: 1.71 MB, 2930x2195, fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a picture of you; it just kind of looks like you. It probably predates you posting on /ck/ (like 2-3 years ago?). I've always been a Fire sauce guy, but like Diablo if I get anything with black beans. I've never considered buying bottled TB sauce because they almost always give me more sauce than I use and I don't really use it for anything other than TB.

>> No.18649153

they actually have sold it in bottles before. really hard to find, but i saw it once at a local grocer. google it and you’ll probably find a bottle

Diablo is the best

>> No.18649162
File: 631 KB, 2006x1568, 2D2DCA19-B7C2-4C54-84E1-B97D14786C27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah nice the fire kind was my favorite too until they came out with Diablo. We have some of it in a bottle but I swear it taste watered down compared to the packs. It’s good with hot pockets sometimes but mostly used for burritos. I usually stuff my pockets to the brim with Diablo sauce when workers aren’t looking and use it for weeks after eating TB. Nearest Taco Bell for me is 45 minutes away so I don’t go very often. But tomorrow, just maybe.

>> No.18649164
File: 477 KB, 1080x969, Screenshot_20221202-171603_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh, bros.....

>> No.18649166

>trappistes rochefort 10

>> No.18649182
File: 502 KB, 1080x968, 20221202_172250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18649187

I do more farts than anyone I know.

>> No.18649192

Yeah? I think you’re full of shit

>> No.18649196
File: 267 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what the zoomers call "sus"?

>> No.18649294
File: 1.49 MB, 2823x2117, TB 12 1 22 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s weird how much I used to hate TB potatoes and then got Stockholm syndromed into kind of loving them after they got rid of all their other dollar menu items and sides.
Yes, fast food is a treat, as in something that's kind of shitty and unhealthy and a guilty pleasure to have every now and then when you're feeling lazy and possibly intoxicated. In /fit/fag parlance it would be called a "cheat meal".
You should try eating 2000 calories of Taco Bell in a sitting on top of half a handle of vodka.
I haven't actually been inside a Taco Bell in probably a decade. Maybe once, when I ordered online and then the drive through was closed. I usually order enough food that I can put in like 12-15 packets of sauce with my order, and obviously they aren't going to count that out so instead they just throw a couple handfuls in the bag. You should make a thread if you do pick up Taco Bell. People bitch about fast food threads, but if you post actual pictures of what you're actually eating it's going to be better than 90% of the threads on /ck/ no matter what it is.

>> No.18649597

I thought you hated crunchwraps tb anon

>> No.18649609
File: 181 KB, 302x301, Screenshot_20221202-184517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18649653

> some taco bell

that’s 3 people’s worth of food fatass. maybe youll think it’s a better deal if you stop buying enough food to feed a family

>> No.18649658

>reddit spacing
kindly, fuck off

>> No.18649659

The level of autism in Chris Chan's thread here is high, even by this website's standards.

I say this everytime these pics are recycled on here, BTW

OP, I hope truly and deeply, that everything you care about and love, dies horribly

>> No.18649666

Post belly you obese weebnigger

>> No.18649671

Some people are old enough to have been online before Reddit, and double spacing

Is quite common everywhere

>> No.18649679
File: 68 KB, 640x640, 166982702400471995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18649703
File: 1.45 MB, 2117x2823, TB 12 1 22 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, but the only options with the $5 box are a chalupa, cheesy gordita crunch, or a crunchwrap. Usually I get the cheesy gordita crunch, but I thought I’d mix it up this time. It seems like they always kind of skimp out on the crunchwrap; probably scared it’s going to fall apart in the grill. I never really liked chalupas, but when I first started posting Taco Bell threads regularly It was when they were doing the double chalupa box with a chance to win a fancy TB themed Xbox, and for some reason the double chalupa was amazing. They even did a triple chalupa for awhile which I also really liked, but the single always felt like eating a basic bitch taco wrapped in cardboard. The crunchwrap really needs to but cut in half to make it easy to dip, but it’s still a pretty mediocre menu item. I always thought it was crazy that this is considered the “specialty” when the 5 Layer (grilled, add onions and red sauce) is obviously the main reason to order a $5 box.
>hope truly and deeply, that everything you care about and love, dies horribly
I bought a bamboo shoot in a little ceramic pot from the Asian grocery store like 5 years ago and it just recently died. Fortunately the mold in my bathroom is alive and well.
>post belly
Haha, haven't reached the point of requiring a gastrectomy as of yet, but I'll keep you updated.

>> No.18649716

Faked cheeriness to being berated online doesn't change the fact you post old pics, and pretend to be the slow fat kid that posted them originally.
Your life only serves to cheer up others when they realize they're not like you

>> No.18649797
File: 3.53 MB, 2994x3992, reel burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you post old pics, and pretend to be the slow fat kid that posted them originally
I always find it funny when someone renames some of my old pics and pretends to be me. I always post in those threads as anon to play with the OP. Aside from the half dozen things that make it obvious these aren't old images, you can be sure it's me by how irrationally mad some people get by my mere existence. It's not what I'm going for, but no matter what I do people always seem to get pissed off at me for some reason, and nobody imitating me ever has that same je ne sais quoi. I'm honestly just trying to share my culinary journey for the night, because those are my favorite kinds of threads - whether or not I even think the food looks good - but somehow even the anon who thought my threads were comfy got mad at me almost immediately and took back his bj offer. This is what an "old pic" looks like, btw.

>> No.18649967

It may be dumb, just like the idea of "muh sekret 4chin club culture" is kind of dumb, but double spacing is like using greentext wrong. It just screams "I'm new here".

>> No.18649977

Yummy in my tummy tb anon

>> No.18649991
File: 36 KB, 368x341, killmepls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do know lazy I'll give you that fatso

>> No.18649996

This anon is a psychotic

>> No.18650003
File: 464 KB, 1416x868, killmepls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather be psychotic than a gay

>> No.18650008

I'm quitting this website today so I'll break the code. Newfags get tricked into thinking reddit spacing is a thing and reveal themselves when they point it out during arguments.

>> No.18650014

Bye. Kill yourself on the way out. Thanks.

>> No.18650026

Kill me, Pete.

>> No.18650067
File: 1.67 MB, 2117x2823, TB 12 1 22 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give it a few hours and some schizo will post the same old image of the reflection of a couple burritos in a bottle of aberlour with a drawing of a fat bald buy that looks just like you
>it will be titled, "killmepls"
>i'm not crazy
>you're the one who's crazy
For some reason I'm really craving a Pepsi right now, but all I have is this leftover Iced Cinnabon Delights® Premium Roast Coffee I stuck in the fridge. The dude seemed kind of annoyed I was getting a coffee drink after midnight. He dropped the first one and had to remake it. I felt kind of bad since I honestly don’t really care about the drink at all.

>> No.18650075

Fuck off you fat piece of shit.

>> No.18650096 [DELETED] 

how can I get this stupid thread deleted??

>> No.18650100

Checked. These threads do raise concerns about your health, but somehow they recall one of the old /b/ regulars before that board got completely ruined. Any mature homosexuals remember that guy in the round glasses and his comfy drinking threads?

>> No.18650102

>Any mature homosexuals remember that guy in the round glasses and his comfy drinking threads?
you do. die.

>> No.18650118

It's the exact opposite. Anyone who complains about "reddit spacing" is 100% a huge newfag who wasn't here before the 2016 election and probably came from reddit themselves.

>> No.18650127

Or over 18

>> No.18650131

>you do
Indeed, they seemed cringe at the time, but because we didn't know how bad things could really get.
In due time.

>> No.18650136

They're from a while ago, but ck is only place I've ever seen this thread / these pics

>> No.18650137

>in due time
I'm praying sooner than later

>> No.18650139

This is complete bullshit. I'll admit people pointing out "4chan etiquette" or just generally talking about how long they've been here has always been a sign of a newfag trying to fit in, but the amount of gate keeping has massively decreased since 2016. There's literally an anon trying to force some pasta about how "I stopped seeing reddit everywhere once I stopped posting there", and it's like, "no, I've never posted on reddit". I can recognize reddit shit because there was a massive influx of reddit posters after the election who came to /pol/ and thought this entire site was /pol/ and "haha, no rules!" But no, people rarely call out obvious tourist shit anymore, and it's blatantly obvious on a slow board like /ck/.

>> No.18650142

love you too uwu

>> No.18650150
File: 570 KB, 2048x1536, 57815681-6C1A-4D8E-95BD-E85FDF450FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love those cheesy potato bowl things, if I go get Taco Bell tomorrow I’ll be sure to make a thread anon. Cheers and enjoy your future Taco Bell orders.

And F for my Beefy Fritos Burritos, the best thing that used to be on the value menu, never to be forgotten.

>> No.18650160
File: 107 KB, 842x1024, 1651608810791m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18650166

In what world does an OP larp as some retard that took pictures of the hoard of food the social worker who sponge bathed said retard, would go buy for the retard before being fired?
And fired only day from retirement, as the retard who originally took these pictures died of a heart attack

>> No.18650169

My man are so much Taco Bell he went on a hiatus while his store had sufficient funds to remodel. Or was it the liquor store OP....?

>> No.18650187

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.18650258
File: 1.35 MB, 2823x2117, SVTB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And F for my Beefy Fritos Burritos, the best thing that used to be on the value menu, never to be forgotten
You're breaking my heart, cabin guy. The $1 fritos burrito was always my go-to item, and whatever bullshit fotm shit they put on the menu or "brought back" I'll never forgive them for taking away my fritos burrito. Here's an image from like 6 years ago of a couple fritos burritos and a couple 5 layers being reheated sous vide. And here's that image I promised you would be posted eventually >>18649991

>> No.18650281

Who remembers jizzmas? One of my earliest fondest 4chan memories

>> No.18650300

Was that the guy who spent years filling up bottles with his own jizz and just kind of kept them sitting around on the floor next to his desk? I haven't been on /b/ for over a decade and don't really remember anyone in particular. I started posting on /ck/ around the same time Sceak showed up.

>> No.18650335

Consider, there are literal children browsing now who have never even heard of Dubble Yewtysnacks, can't triforce, can't name the queen, can't form the arms, have never been to Malaysia. Most people here don't even remember the original moot, before that ginger weaboo kid started using his handle forty years ago. We may no longer be living in a society.

>> No.18650355

It was eventually debunked as being white birch soda.
Years ago

>> No.18650376

And that was eventually reversed-debunked after the public scandal about white birch soda being "contaminated" by disgruntled employees.

>> No.18650379

I never figured out how to triforce and haven't lost any sleep over it.

>> No.18650405

And that's fine. Only terminal newfags ever cared about "belonging" or "fitting in" on the internet's short bus.

>> No.18650433
File: 304 KB, 1620x1080, 1621820164238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the same guy who makes all the Adam Ragusea and Mark Wiens threads? Why does OC make you so mad?

>> No.18650598

Guys, I've never had Taco Bell before? What the best thing to get that's a reasonable value?

>> No.18650603

None of it is reasonable value, but Crunchwrap Supreme is the definitive item. It's good to go.

>> No.18650621

a bullet in your head

>> No.18650624

fuck off you fat piece of shir

>> No.18650646

Man I thought you were making those burgers at home. I've been under this delusion for years, I'm crushed.

>> No.18650692
File: 99 KB, 255x323, 90s_villain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dam dawg

a bripe ?

>> No.18650757
File: 1.48 MB, 2823x2117, OB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought you were making those burgers at home
>been under this delusion for years
I'm not sure what to tell you, dude. I've been pretty up front the entire time. I've posted a walk-through of me literally making my burger on an industrial flattop grill dozens of times, and have posted a handful of cook-alongs making fancy frufru shit at work, or doing stupid catering gigs. People always seemed to get mad at my threads because they saw fast food in the OP and just assumed it was some fat alcoholic eating a bunch of garbage, but my threads were always industry.
Haha, yeah. I'm a sucker for stupid shit like that.

>> No.18650763

i wish you would start a /ck/ YouTube cooking channel.

>> No.18650780

Sup TB-anon. I haven't been on /ck/ since early spring, decided to check up on you guys and this is on top
>feels good man
We eurocucks need an update. How's the prices now with inflation and all, do you still consider it priceworthy and how does the Bell stand compared to other places. Also, what's up with this shortage in workforce I keep hearing about. Are fastfood restuarant cloding down?

>> No.18650788

Taco bell sucks but I see Zettai Hero Project so you're at least a bit based.

>> No.18650845

Every time you post I tell my family about you, they think you’rea friend

>> No.18650862

Your threads are always comfy, what line of work did you move into?

>> No.18651073

This faggot thinks he knows tort law. Stick to flipping burgers lardass.

>> No.18651077

You were spamming threads daily for a couple months at one point don't be coy you faggot

>> No.18652320

Were you that first year law student who was trying to argue that you could sue a restaurant after getting sick from a medium-rare burger you yourself ordered? From what I remember you were the one who had no clue what you were talking about.

>> No.18652524
File: 122 KB, 1000x708, IMG_3194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic kek

>> No.18652616


>> No.18652798
File: 2.86 MB, 3024x3941, 23A455F8-C314-4B08-8018-53ACEAD260BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made it to the Bell niggas

>> No.18652805

When worlds collide

>> No.18652860

It's weird that you went inside. It's weirder that you went into the bathroom.

>> No.18652935
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, 0FCCE62B-84C3-4DA2-A3DF-5C66ADD812B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The workers looked at me like I was lost when I wandered in, guess nobody orders inside anymore.

>> No.18652943

Post the haul senpai

>> No.18652947

If I was a Taco Bell that cabin would the last place I'd want to see when I open my eyes after a 45 minutes car ride.

>> No.18652980

These are the absolute faggots I post here with. Jesus Christ

>> No.18652991

>pochaco figurine and cheap vodka
I know who you are and I just want to say you're a gigantic piece of shit who needs to smoke less weed

>> No.18653014
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, CF2D09F3-331D-45F6-B215-B6BDC517B1B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got 3 beefy melt burritos, 2 chicken chipotle wraps, 2 quesadillas, and a cheesy potato bowl. It will be a few hours until I eat this, I plan to do a bit of drinking first. Looking like a good night.

>> No.18653021
File: 3.71 MB, 4032x3024, 97B6B75F-6A57-451F-83CF-9AA0A559A3F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of sauce too

>> No.18653041

>and people give op shit for spending 30 seconds arranging shit to take a picture

>> No.18653051
File: 2.69 MB, 232x131, 6E924B35-661A-4D8C-980C-CBB667DF1129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a gif as well friend, I documented my trip well as I could

>> No.18653053

ngl feeling a bit of the N.V rn fr

>> No.18653058

No, the hostages arrange the packets, it gives them something to do, a creative outlet, it helps to distract from the sound of the sausage grinder.

>> No.18653059


>> No.18653062

Fucking saved.

>> No.18653262

I hope you got those burritos grilled this time.

>> No.18653292
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, EBC01374-0675-4485-8AAB-352D8A7AF121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only time will tell. They probably undercooked my stuff since I ordered so much.

>> No.18653606

Why put it in the fridge? You can leave Taco Bell out for like 2 days and it wont go bad.

>> No.18653618

>bottle of lube next to the fridge
This nigga crams.

>> No.18653637

Why do you think he always has such a big smile on his face?

>> No.18653647

Even the picture takes long to load

>> No.18653655

Meaning you have an enlarged prostate.
Not a young man's issue...

And you eat like this

>> No.18653668

There are other "traditional" uses too:
>The bark is used in numerous ways - as a wound dressing, a purgative, or an appetite stimulant, and to treat fevers, malaria, arrow poisoning, stomach pain, kidney disease, gonorrhoea, and insanity
Does this sound about right for a Taco Bell weaboo?
>stomach pain

>> No.18653669
File: 3.04 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not sure if I trust that, I had a food safety class recently and got redpilled on how bad it is to eat food that’s been sitting out. Might not hurt me, but I’d rather not take the chance.
It’s just part of the stack. If you know, you know.

>> No.18653671

Not pictured:

>Stuffed pokemon toy he carries in public


>Wizard level virginity
>Pic from phone used by police for a soft ID of soon found alone in apartment after suicide

>> No.18653683
File: 3.52 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I can do

>> No.18653687
File: 76 KB, 956x1082, aoaY3va[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay hydrated, anon.

>> No.18653690

You'd be surprised, if you have to personally ask and then there's one person such as a waitress, just for example and sake of argument, says how do you want your burger and you say the wrong thing accidentally but you really meant to say the other thing and the shift doesn't have to take responsibility you don't have to take responsibility and likely, the waitress doesn't have to take responsibilities so it's kind of an obligation for restaurants to either put it in writing somewhere on the menu that studies might suggest yada yada

>> No.18653692
File: 76 KB, 975x600, gortons-fisherman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, gotta get those big cooms for your Gorton's Fisherman figurine.

>> No.18653695

I'm not young, but no prostate issues.
Maybe they're an issue of accompanying your morbid obesity and / or diabetes?

>> No.18653716

>so it's kind of an obligation for restaurants to either put it in writing somewhere on the menu
But every restaurant has a disclaimer about eating undercooked beef/fish/eggs. That anon was trying to argue that having an "order at your own risk clause" doesn't do anything and anybody who gets sick can sue the restaurant even if they ordered their burger rare.

>> No.18654012
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x2937, B57B0BA0-0874-4223-9E09-8D8064F68EF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The full spread. About to enter flavor town, it’s been a fun time guys.

>> No.18654029

this guy is jizzing right about now.

>> No.18654053

Enjoy. Not everyone likes it, but it's still OC (rare here), and respect for continuing to post without a trip. Cozy full-tummy sleeps be upon ye.

>> No.18654061

>I've posted a walk-through of me literally making my burger on an industrial flattop grill dozens of times
Aw man, I wish I caught those. I've only ever seen you post the spreads.

>> No.18654067

where's your half eaten raw burger?

>> No.18654079

I saw this thread and I’m glad he’s back!
Happy holidays you angry bastards here

>> No.18654166
File: 3.61 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over

>> No.18654238

fuck im jealous of that beard. how to attain as a beardlet

>> No.18654255

You can't. It's genetic. Less teflon and microplastics during puberty might have helped, but it's all ogre.

>> No.18654261

eating comfy foods, watching comfy shows.

This guy knows what's up.

I just ate some sloppy wendys while watching skate videos and now it's Old School RuneScape time!

>> No.18654272
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Beefy frito burritos were/are better than the doritos tacos.

Better bang for your buck AND they straight up taste better.

I really like this thread. We're all bonding over tacobelly and ignoring the haters.

>> No.18654274
File: 104 KB, 1024x663, 1A2D136B-B858-4B2F-A878-65A0F3A329CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to put rogaine on my face when I was a teenager, I already had some since my hair started thinning out when I was like 14. I don’t know if the rogaine actually did anything for my face.
Cheers friend, I had to lay down myself after eating all that food. Enjoy your game

>> No.18654278

Runescape was always normalfagcore. I bet you've never even been banned from a MUD or MOO for sharing socially unacceptable views.

>> No.18654279

You can start by balding on your head. That's how my genes played out.

>> No.18654287
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, dragon tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not. I know that MUDs were the inspiration towards OG RuneScape but I was probably born shortly before MUDs being a "popular" thing.

1991 baby reporting.

Born and raised on Campbells vegetable alphabet soup, Kraft mac n cheese, bologna sandwiches n shit, etc. Also whatever moms made for dinner cause that shit was fire yo.

I could go for some pic related right now though.

>> No.18655068

Did you eat that cold? Why does it look so much worse than the OP? And how did you manage to grab all those hot sauce packets but forget a fork?

>> No.18655132

i've boycotted taco bell since they put tranny faggots on their ads. it was fucking disgusting. there was a man wearing lipstick. i assume the fags in the ads are pedophiles. really ruined taco bell for me, not that there was much left after they changed the menu so much.

>> No.18655733
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I heated everything up in the microwave, as for the fork you can see one on top of the pizza. I have hundreds of plastic forks on standby.

>> No.18655796
File: 422 KB, 2048x1304, 3D4C6807-9F94-448A-8765-8D7140A64E34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have a hot, sweaty, Taco Bell brap filled threesome with cabinbro and taco bell anon

>> No.18655853

why not just dump the whole container in? Also saved

>> No.18655888

del taco is better.

>> No.18656001
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>> No.18656369

show hands, Jesus

>> No.18656415

how's butcher life cabinbro?

>> No.18656550
File: 882 KB, 1544x2036, BB1E929D-71FB-47A5-AF3E-9119E7C2AE2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s been a bit of a mess the past couple months actually. I don’t feel like getting deep into the details now but things have been tough with the holidays especially.

>> No.18656561


>> No.18657130

God I love the way you handle that meat I’m so fucking sweaty

>> No.18657142
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>> No.18657153
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>> No.18657279

Im going to visit Taco Bell for the first time ever (abroad, my country doesnt have one). What should I order?

>> No.18657325


>> No.18657354

S09E21, the one with the fertility test. damn i'm good

>> No.18658096
File: 467 KB, 1170x759, 1668207539212092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude why..

>> No.18658371

>better than the doritos tacos
I've never liked those. They're way too salty.

>> No.18658615
File: 119 KB, 1920x1200, 28296-3723467921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crunchwrap Supreme and 2 Chicken Chipotle Melts
8 Packets of hot sauce

>> No.18658833

pee and pooping
(sneeds out)

>> No.18658843

Beefy 5 layer burrito, grilled, beefy melt burrito, 7 layer nacho fries or nachos bell grande, spicy potato soft taco, bean burrito.

>> No.18658913
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