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File: 147 KB, 720x509, ChippyMenu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18641612 No.18641612 [Reply] [Original]

Going to the chippy for tea. What you wanting?

>> No.18641628

Lite Bite thanks not too hungry

>> No.18641632

i mean it looks like the jumbo is only a little bit more than the regular or lite so i'll have a jumbo with chips but cone chips because they're a lot cheaper and i have a lot of fish.

i'm an american from texas, and that's what I would order. I would also use the malt vinegar.

I don't want any fucking mushy peas that shit is nasty.

>> No.18641679
File: 1.18 MB, 1932x2898, download (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a chip barm, 2 battered sausage and a scallop(aka a smack). Ya seethe?

>> No.18641695
File: 165 KB, 577x1024, 20220815_175110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do good fish!

>> No.18641711

I'm wanting the UK to sink into the ocean

>> No.18641713

where the FUCK are chicken and mushroom pies

>> No.18641716

Where the fuck is the pey wet

>> No.18641718

What a shit house fish and chip shop.

>> No.18641722

Thats not a variety you generally get in a chippy

>> No.18641724

dont try and lie to me
ive got them from many chippies over the years
bet if i go down the road they have them

>> No.18641728

Not round here they dont. It's meat and potato round these parts as the main go to pie

>> No.18641732

Wtf is steam pudding

>> No.18641733

its like an upside down pie thats steamed, usually steak and kidney

>> No.18641735

Jumbo co, large chips, peas (had better be mushy, large sausage for my dog, beef steak pie to put in fridge for later.

>> No.18641737
File: 81 KB, 392x473, Steakpudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A steamed steak pudding made with suet pastry

>> No.18641745

Always mushy peas. Don't think I've ever seen a chippy offer anything but mushy peas. If it was in a pub youd get an option of mushy peas or garden peas.

>> No.18641753

just found it a bit suspect they didn't specify, granted its pretty much always mushy but still I'd be pissed if they weren't

>> No.18641760

Proper baby's yed

>> No.18641771

That's the nastyist shit I've seen this week and you should feel ashamed

>> No.18641774

>upside down pie

>> No.18641777

It might be Australian stuff

>> No.18641793
File: 104 KB, 1305x979, HollandsSteakKidneyPudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then there's something wrong with you. Steak and kidney pudding is one of all time great foods

>> No.18641821

That's fucking disgusting

>> No.18641835

Yeah but STEAMED bro?

>> No.18641865
File: 121 KB, 1200x900, 1654686793957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>southern prices

For me it's the Norf. Pattie butty and jumbo sausage

>> No.18642552
File: 577 KB, 2092x1416, Fackin' HMMMMMMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumbo cod extra gravy, small curry chip, and a cheese and onion pie luv xx

>> No.18642637
File: 1.33 MB, 3464x2606, 20211006_002438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium haddock, 3 spam fritters, curry chips

>> No.18642654

I dont know what a "chip barm" is but I'll try that out with a side of pud pud.

>> No.18642673

chips on a bun.

>> No.18642732

That seems good with a few beers

>> No.18642737

theyre actually great to eat before a few beers. and after.

>> No.18642820

lad a fish supper will cost you £10+ in the norf these days

>> No.18642829

£8.90 actually, just for the fish and chips.
£9.80 with a large curry sauce
i only know this because i ordered it a few weeks ago and threw it up a few hours later

>> No.18642833


>> No.18642903

Its traditional how it is done with suet puddings for 100s of years . The pastry is soft and light this way. No different to when Japan steam a bun. The technique is using a bain marie. You put it in water and steam it for couple of hours usually.

>> No.18642908

Northern actually, its an established quality chippy so they charge bit extra but prices aren't far from the going rate

>> No.18642911

Chip barm shown here --->>>18641679

>> No.18642915
File: 568 KB, 3000x2000, beef-burgers-with-the-lot-109157-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fish and chip shops in the UK don't even sell burgers
jej and we were supposed to be a prison colony? sounds like we got the better deal

>> No.18642929

>fish and chip shops in the UK don't even sell burgers
do you just make lies up for fun or something ?

>> No.18642955
File: 62 KB, 800x800, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do sell burgers. Just isn't on this menu , but people dont generally go to a chippy for a burger and lot only have an electric griddle like pic related instead of a flame grilled burner kebab shops use. So they aren't as good

>> No.18642967
File: 965 KB, 500x316, gay_bloke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this is legit UK port shanty quality
not some US downtown restaurant

>large chips (i assume it comes with retardar sauce)
>1 small sausage

>> No.18642977

its probably from a working class highstreet with no seating

>> No.18643014
File: 201 KB, 683x1056, chippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually correct

>> No.18643026

the best kind of chippie then

>> No.18643044

why would a US restaurant put its prices in english pounds?

>> No.18643047

theyre not very good with math so they created their own system
its confusing i know

>> No.18643050


what are cone chips?

>> No.18643062

imagine a half pint polystyrene cone full of chips

>> No.18643065

>so bad at math they made it even harder for themselves by having to convert it back to USD at checkout
genius tactic, i will now eat at this establishment

>> No.18643077
File: 84 KB, 736x1104, coneofchips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much >>18643062 but in a card cone for eating on the go. Some still use polystyrene cones

>> No.18643092

the fry sandwich thing still baffles me to the purpose. does the bread really do anything if you are bitting into fried carb? wouldnt it just detract from the crispyness?

it just seems like oatmeal in a springroll wrapper to me.

>> No.18643098

its cheap and it fills you up
theres nothing more to it, the butter and salt/vinegar probably helps

>> No.18643103

easily confuse americans to think they are paying less.

>> No.18643106

yah, but at that point. why not just have MORE fries.

you are just paying for less plus some breed.

>> No.18643114

nah you get a small portion on a bun so you only really pay 40pence for the bun or so (or at my chippy you do)

>> No.18643132

i guess, but I think id prefer an extra 40 worth of fries. unless is some particularly good bread or something.

>> No.18643137

>no calamari rings
>no crab claws
>no fish cocktails
>no tartare sauce

Disappointing, get me some potato scallops and three battered sausages with some tomato sauce.

>> No.18643144

For starters the barm allows for easier eating on the go. When done right, you got several complimentary textures and flavours. You got the soft bread barm, the hot chips, the salt and vinegar and cold butter on the barm. Its pretty substantial and hearty due to the barm so you tend eat it a bit slower and easily get full. Plus can put some sauce or even a bit of gravy or curry on it for something extra

>> No.18643151

an extra ten chips is gonna be more fulfilling than the bun

>> No.18643163

ok, i think that explains it a little more understandably in terms of experience. still seems weird that its a carb sandwich texture wise.

>> No.18643167

10 kids meals, ta

>> No.18643397

>still seems weird
putting chips on some bread confuses the American, meanwhile they'll happily scoff down a burger and a large side of fries without problem or thinking twice

>> No.18643424

yes. because the burger is at least made of different food groups. its not about health or anything, Its just I dont see the appeal of eating bread with fries. same as I don't see the appeal of eating buttered pasta in a bun. doesn't seem to add anything really.
its a starch on a starch.
like, maybe if you then added a meat or some vegetables, thats another story, I like turkey terrifics (post thanksgiving sandwich where you put the left over stuffing and turkey and cranberry sauce and mayo and some other stuff), but idk if id be into stuffing between two pieces of bread as much (which at least tends to have broth in it)

>> No.18643432

split hairs more

>> No.18643439
File: 363 KB, 2048x1366, 48D87E68-C172-4B90-AF7B-33E9DC1A9378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was I doing that?

bottom line: two carbs as the primary “thing” in a dish seems weird.

>> No.18643443

I'll have a 2 meat pies and and a large chips thanks love

>> No.18644170
File: 212 KB, 1100x760, jaggers fish n chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish, chips and mushy peas simple as

>> No.18644176

You forgot beers

>> No.18644205


>> No.18644492

I got a large sausage for your dog right here m8

>> No.18644782

Large chips and a saveloy, cheers m8.

>> No.18644938

You want a refund m8, looks like they sold you a small

>> No.18644966
File: 72 KB, 600x832, SyXywTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd never call it a chip barm in the souf

>> No.18645117

butty erasure ; __ ;

>> No.18645124

Large fish supper with salt and sauce please ta

>> No.18645331
File: 268 KB, 1200x900, Teacake-02-scaled-1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems odd. Ive heard bap, barm and roll used local to me but "muffin" would be oven bottom muffins. Like a barm but more firm on the bottom and has ring on top. Then itd confuse further with the English muffin or muffin cake. Likewise a "teacake" is already thing. That is like a barm cake but with fruit and spices

>> No.18645341
File: 64 KB, 1200x1200, chip-butty-3sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard butty used when referring specifically to a barm cake. A chip butty would be with standard sliced white bread. A butty is essentially a sandwich

>> No.18645391

chippies are the comfiest food

>> No.18645470

Nah its bullshit I live in Cumbria and everyone says butty or bun

>> No.18645511

I've heard they say "teacake" when referring to rolls in Wigan and some parts of Middlesbrough.

>> No.18646433

Never in Wigan. Theyd know a teacake as the thing with fruit and spices listed above. Itd be barm

>> No.18646566

A fucking french fry sandwich. You people are fucking weirdos.

>> No.18646568

wtf is this shit, jumbo cod tea? chips tea? gravy tea? heinz beans tea?

>> No.18647668

I got battered sausages instead for the meat . Maybe next time

>> No.18647942

>bottom line: two carbs as the primary “thing” in a dish seems weird.
Most normal people wouldn't be eating a chip butty on the regular so a dish of carb and carb can be a novel treat now and then. I'm sure there's plenty of food combinations out there that seem weird to you, people are different, cultures are different, get a chip butty in ya asap and you'll be the more cultured, worldly and better person for it.

>> No.18647960

>cornwall and the highlands don't know what a bun is

>> No.18649249

A cob is different texture totally to a bun, it's harder, dark on the outside (slightly bitter flavour), lovely for Cheese and tomato butties or Chopped pork butties.
A barm I thought was larger than a bun and a roll a different shape. Chip barm out the chippy isn't some little burger bun thing.

>> No.18649269


>> No.18649307

It's alright bruv, your mum complains less when I stick it up her bum than when she's with Africans

>> No.18649330

Isn't battered chips a Wolverhampton thing?

>> No.18649393

nah I've seen them in Preston though. You got to asked for fries over marvin.

>> No.18649401

Bullshit you're describing a bilind, not a cob.

>> No.18649417

I'm from Birkenhead and I've never heard of that in my life you larping yank cunt. Over marvin means chips with triple gravy, not battered. What stupid "top 10 funniest Brit slang terms" did you get your bullshit from?

>> No.18649431
File: 425 KB, 1080x1846, Screenshot_20221203_014347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to Wolverhampton and can confirm this, got them pretty cheap as well, only 1.80 quid.

>> No.18649432

>loose leaf tea section
>saffron bitters
>$279 per pound
>chamomile zinger
>$7.49 per pound
>they look the same
Thanks for the tea idiots, for bourgie nonsense it's actually not that bad.

>> No.18649657

You should try making one yourself. I too thought it seemed weird, but the textures and tastes of the fries and bun are different enough that it somehow works. Like the bun is fatty and soft from the butter, while the fries are salty, and sweet or sour depending on if you add ketchup or vinegar.

>> No.18649722

Textural differences, butter/sauce/vinegar, it just kind of works.

>> No.18649812

A chip sandwich is lovely, I don't even get all the outrage from any country. What's so strange? That it hasn't got all sawdust spices on it. I can eat spicy food, this is about appreciation of two lovely things fried potatoes and bread, oh butter, margarine or mayo, tomato/brown sauce too of course, whatever you're in the mood for.
For me a sandwich or butties as I'd call them, almost any meal I'd eat in the home, except roast dinner I'd have slices of bread at the side to make butties. I don't get the whole bread needs to always be toasted for a sandwich either. I'd only do that for English breakfast, fired/boiled eggs certain tuna dishes and that's not even most of the time.
Chippy prices are weird if they're charging 1.30 for some gravy or curry sauce though.
Chippy chips aren't like fries for a start, if you're out and about you're not going to be making sandwiches, but if you buy chips to bring home then = butty fodder. have some ham or whatever with them. Niccccee

>> No.18649830
File: 466 KB, 1000x971, 1669991969664815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18649839

Not even a fair comparison, I would demolish the top one 7 days a week but wouldn't touch the beans and toast. Not because it's British, just because it's shit.

>> No.18649859

I'm not him but beans on toast is one of those things, you mightn't eat it often but when you're in the mood for it you only want that, suppose that's kind of what you're saying, but you'd never try the beans on toast with some cheese and brown sauce, you'd miss out on a simple little dish that there is a reason why it's a thing.
It goes down very well, like sometimes you just want egg and chips that type of craving.
I don't know what the top one is but that seems heavy to have 7 days a week beef and oily looking cheese? Why, Looks heavy that.

>> No.18649884

>t. Never actually eaten beans on toast just seen it spammed on r/food as LE BAD!

>> No.18649923

I do crave scallops from the chippy right now looking through this thread. Once in a blue moon I have them, Mmm

>> No.18649939

Shouldn't this say slop, Jew and anything from Asia?

>> No.18649974

Jumbo cod and large chips, a battered sausage, peas, gravy, both types of curry, a buttered barm cake and a can of dandelion and burdock.

>> No.18650007

Oh er seen as your buying, I'm have Scampi, a cod, chips, curry sauce and special fried rice if they do it. Oh peas as well for with the fish. Thanks anon.

>> No.18651477

Bloody hell, you're a necrophile too?