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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18648942 No.18648942 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna become good at cooking but I'm an 18 year old NEET who can't even use a fucking oven or stove
Where do I begin?

>> No.18648947


>> No.18648956

start with eggs, then rice, then stir fry, then roast in the oven, then a stew, and you should be able to learn everything from there easily.

>> No.18648959

How are 18 year olds even finding out about this site in the current year?

>> No.18648964

I've been on here since I was 12 or 13 and just turned 18 a month ago

>> No.18648976

just start with something basic and easy to make, respect the stove/oven but don't be scared of it. Aside from sears and frying, most of the time you should generally be on medium to low heat

>> No.18649002

>18 year old NEET
>can't cook for self
you're gonna go outside and normal up eventually, based on survival instinct alone.

>> No.18649005

Stir fry isn't easy anon, he's going to eat raw meat
I would replace that with the tomato, garlic and pnions sauce

>> No.18649010

Twitter, reddit, youtube, you name it.

>> No.18649018

I figured that the association with all the bad things going on in the world right now, especially post-covid turned off newcomers to this place. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.18649056

Don't listen to the retards in here.

The #1 easiest thing to do is a soup/stew. Literally boil water and add vegetables and seasoning. A blind retard couldn't fuck it up.


You don't need the wine n shit he adds, you could literally just boil water and veggies, add salt, and it's fine. As you learn and get better you can go beyond but if you're a poor lazy retard, recipes like this are good because you can make them in bulk so you don't have to cook/clean daily.

>> No.18649183


>> No.18649185
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>> No.18649189
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>stir fry isn't easy

>> No.18649198
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shut the fuck up you cooklet trash.

>> No.18649475

>who can't even use a fucking oven or stove
>cannot comprehend the existence of buttons and dials
People with Downes syndrome don't belong in a kitchen, it's too dangerous.

>> No.18649488

what do you mean you cant use an oven? i want you to explain exactly what you mean by that

>> No.18649499

Eggs teach you to manage heat. Eggs first. Just like they should be the first thing you eat in the morning

>> No.18649503

Easybake oven

>> No.18649553


>> No.18651151

By avoiding cooking in general
If you can't figure out something as simple as an oven by yourself, you're mentally challenged and should never be near a kitchen

>> No.18651168

As long as people get banned from everywhere else, they'll eventually end up her.

>> No.18651246

Begin with eggs. Learn to use the stove safely. Make eggies in a basket for style.
Then learn to boil pasta and add canned sauce.
Learn to use oven safely. Buy frozen pizza and customize it by carefully cutting up some veg and other toppings of your own. Onion is objectively good so at least do that one if you can't think of any.
Then make baked potatoes.
Never distract yourself too much while you have stuff in the oven and especially stove. No headphones, vidya, anime, streams, etc while you cook.

Once you know how to use the stove and oven, go to Food wishes on youtube and pick whatever interests you.

>> No.18651255
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this playlist is extremely informative, teaches you the absolute basics without actually cooking many dishes. teaches you skill instead of doing recipes. its very high quality and theres tons of content thoroughly explained.

>> No.18651272

Pirate the old Good Eats show. It's fun and beginner friendly. Whatever you watch, make sure to always attempt making it yourself.

>> No.18651408
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Just start cooking? What an absolutely retarded question. It's like the perfect combination of narcissism and analysis paralysis.
When I moved out for the first time I didn't know shit. Could only boil an egg or make a sandwich, that's it. Necessity forced me to learn to make actual meals fit for human consumption. You learn as you go, it's a skill. So just think of something you want to eat, then look up how to make it on YouTube. You fucking dumbass.

>> No.18651417

>learn how to boil pasta
>Learn to use oven safely. Buy frozen pizza
>baked potatoes
>Never distract yourself too much while you have stuff in the oven and especially stove
Are you seriously explaining this shit? OP said he's 18, not 8.

>> No.18651429

It's not like 4chan is some sort of hidden seeekrit club (NO GIRLS ALLOWED) that only the most esoterically chosen may discover. This place is as famous as pretty much any social media platform.

>> No.18651451

Stews are easily made and hard to really screw up. Irish stew or curried sausages.

>> No.18651452

If what he said about the stove and oven is true, he might as well be 8.

>> No.18651752

It's not that I can't do it, I've just never tried. My parents have never asked me or forced me to help them cook.

>> No.18651755

Only this website could turn someone asking a basic question into them being a narcissist. Consider suicide.